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The work presents the findings of the laboratory and in situ studies of ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus O.F. Müller, 1776 which have shown that this species has bioluminescent properties. These organisms were considered non-luminous before. P. pileus bioluminescence was studied on board RV Professor Vodyanitsky during its 116th voyage. Sampling live organisms was preceded by probing with the Salpa MA+ probe to register the daily maximum glow in redoxcline, which in this zone was recorded, as a rule, in the depth range of 60–70 m, where dense clusters of P. pileus were formed at that time. The samples of ctenophores were taken by a Bogorov–Rass plankton net. After the net was closed, it was lifted to the surface at a speed of 0.4–0.5 m s−1. It was shown that only at a temperature not exceeding 14°C, the P. pileus remained alive for 2–3 days. The data provided indicate that the temperature above 14°C is close to the maximum permissible for P. pileus; therefore, chemical and mechanical stimulation experiments were carried out at this temperature (14°C) to agitate ctenophores luminescence. Though, the nature of their signal was significantly different. The total percentage of luminous organisms from the entire catch was 32.43%, which unequivocally proves that P. pileus glows and makes a significant contribution to the intensity of the glow at great depths in redoxcline.  相似文献   

Analysis of Giemsa-stained metaphase plates of plerocercoids ofSchistocephalus solidus revealed the mode diploid number of chromosomes for this species as 2n=18. Chromosome pairs 1, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are metacentric, pairs 2, 4 and 7 are subtelocentric, and pair 3 is subtelocentric to acrocentric. The karyotype is characterised by mean absolute chromosome length between 1.9 and 5.9 m and a total chromosome length of the haploid complement of 32 m. A comparison with other known karyotypes of related species of pseudophyllidean cestodes was made.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnellae: Hydrodromidae) are largely unknown. The present investigation is the first report of a study designed to characterize the chromosomes of water mites. The study was carried out with specimens of Hydrodroma despiciens collected from Eber Lake in Afyon, Turkey. Several different methods were tried to obtain chromosomes of this species. However, somatic cell culture proved to be the most effective for the preparation of chromosomes. In the present study, we determined the diploid chromosome number of Hydrodroma despiciens to be 2n = 16. However, a large metacentric chromosome was found in each metaphase, which we believed to be the X chromosome. We could not determine the sex chromosomes of this species. This study is the first approach to the cytogenetic characterization of this water mite group. Furthermore, these cytogenetic data will contribute to the understanding of the phylogenetic relationship among water mites. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the cytogenetics of water mites.  相似文献   

Spermiogenesis of Bothriocephalus scorpii (Cestoda, Pseudophyllidea) includes an orthogonal development of two flagella, followed by a flagellar rotation and a proximo-distal fusion with the median cytoplasmic process. The fusion occurs at the level of four attachment zones. The presence of dense material in the apical region of the differentiation zone in the early stage of spermiogenesis appears to be a characteristic feature for the Pseudophyllidea. The mature spermatozoon possesses two axonemes of 9+"1" pattern of the Trepaxonemata, nucleus, cortical microtubules, electron-dense granules and crested body. The anterior part of the gamete exhibits a centriole surrounded by electron-dense tubular structures arranged as incomplete spiral. When the crested body disappears, the electron-dense tubular structures are arranged into a ring encircling the axoneme. The electron-dense tubular structures and their arrangement appear to be a specific feature for the clade "Bothriocephalidea". The organization of the posterior extremity of the gamete with the nucleus is described for the first time in the Pseudophyllidea.  相似文献   

Wild Iceland scallops Chlamys islandica from an Icelandic bay were examined for parasites. Queen scallops Aequipecten opercularis from the Faroe Islands and king scallops Pecten maximus and queen scallops from Scottish waters were also examined. Observations revealed heavy infections of eimeriorine parasites in 95–100% of C. islandica but not the other scallop species. All life stages in the apicomplexan reproduction phases, i.e. merogony, gametogony and sporogony, were present. Trophozoites and meronts were common within endothelial cells of the heart’s auricle and two generations of free merozoites were frequently seen in great numbers in the haemolymph. Gamonts at various developmental stages were also abundant, most frequently free in the haemolymph. Macrogamonts were much more numerous than microgamonts. Oocysts were exclusively in the haemolymph; live mature oocysts contained numerous (>500) densely packed pairs of sporozoites forming sporocysts.Analysis of the 18S ribosomal DNA revealed that the parasite from C. islandica is most similar (97.7% identity) to an unidentified apicomplexan isolated from the haemolymph of the giant clam, Tridacna crocea, from Japan. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the novel sequence consistently grouped with the Tridacna sequence which formed a robust sister clade to the rhytidocystid group.We propose the name Margolisiella islandica sp. nov., referring to both type host and type locality.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown considerable variability in morphological features and the existence of genetically distinct sibling species in the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in Müller, 1776. The aim of the present study was to follow up and extend those earlier studies by using a combination of DNA analysis and morphometrics to investigate differences between samples of E. gadi from Atlantic cod Gadus morhua L. caught at five fishing grounds in the Baltic Sea and three in different parts of the North Atlantic. Twelve morphological features were measured in 431 specimens of E. gadi, 99 individuals were studied by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphosm (PCR-RFLP), and selected PCR products were sequenced. The molecular analyses showed the nucleotide sequences of E. gadi rDNA from cod caught at all the sampling sites to be identical. The comparative morphological study, in contrast, revealed significant differences between samples of E. gadi from different sampling sites and showed the separation of E. gadi into two groups corresponding approximately to the systematic classification of cod into the two subspecies, Atlantic G. morhua morhua and Baltic G. morhua callarias. The E. gadi infrapopulation size had a significant effect on some of the morphological features. The results are discussed in relation to cod population biology, the hydrography of the study area and the history of the Baltic Sea formation.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus laevis is believed on ecological evidence to exist as three strains in the British Isles. However, the strains have never been shown to be capable of being distinguished using morphological characters. A morphological comparison was made between a sample of P. laevis from Salmo trutta in L. Feeagh in the west of Ireland and a sample from Leuciscus cephalus in R. Culm in the south of England. The length and width of the trunk, neck, bulb, proboscis and hooks were measured. The number of hooks per row, the number of rows and the positions of the stoutest and longest hooks were also recorded. A Principal Components Analysis based on the morphological measurements confirmed the separation of the two populations and showed that two characters successfully identified the populations: the position of the stoutest hook and the ratio of numbers of anterior to posterior hooks.  相似文献   

The harbour ragworm, Nereis (Hediste) diversicolor is a common intertidal marine polychaete that lives in burrows from which it has to partially emerge in order to forage. In doing so, it is exposed to a variety of predators. One way in which predation risk can be minimised is through chemical detection from within the relative safety of the burrows. Using CCTV and motion capture software, we show that H. diversicolor is able to detect chemical cues associated with the presence of juvenile flounder (Platichthys flesus). Number of emergences, emergence duration and distance from burrow entrance are all significantly reduced during exposure to flounder conditioned seawater and flounder mucous spiked seawater above a threshold with no evidence of behavioural habituation. Mucous from bottom-dwelling juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) and pelagic adult herring (Clupea harengus) elicit similar responses, suggesting that the behavioural reactions are species independent. The data implies that H. diversicolor must have well developed chemosensory mechanisms for predator detection and is consequently able to effectively minimize risk.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of the ribosomal RNA gene of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Zoega in Müller, 1776) (Acanthocephala) isolated from various fish species across Central and Southern Europe were compared with those of P. lucyi Williams & Rogers, 1984 collected from the largemouth bass Micropterus salmonoides Boulenger from the USA. The nucleotide sequences of ITS regions of P. laevis from minnows Phoxinus phoxinus (L.) and chub Leuciscus cephalus (L.) from two distant localities in the Slovak Republic were found to be 100% identical. The ITS-1 and ITS-2 of P. laevis from chub from the Czech Republic and Italy were also mutually identical, but significantly different from Slovak worms (88.7% identity for ITS-1, 91.3% identity for ITS-2). A fifth sample collected from Barbus tyberinus Bonaparte from Italy was very similar to the sympatric Italian isolate from chub, possessing four nucleotide substitutions in ITS-1 (98.4% identity). The ITS rDNA sequences of P. lucyi differed significantly from those of P. laevis; the values of identity were 51.8–56.1% for ITS-1 and 63.1–65.3% for ITS-2, and were significantly higher than the range of P. laevis within-species variability. The results based on the ITS sequences confirmed the occurrence of strains in P. laevis from Continental Europe which are well defined by molecules but reveal only slight differences in their morphology.  相似文献   

Almost all ascidian larvae bear three mucus secreting and sensory organs, the adhesive papillae, at the anterior end of the trunk, which play an important role during the settlement phase. The morphology and the cellular composition of these organs varies greatly in the different species. The larvae of the Clavelina genus bear simple bulbous papillae, which are considered to have only a secretory function. We analysed the adhesive papillae of two species belonging to this genus, C. lepadiformis and C. phlegraea, by histological sections and by immunolocalisation of β-tubulin and serotonin, in order to better clarify the cellular composition of these organs. We demonstrated that they contain at least two types of neurons: central neurons, bearing microvilli, and peripheral ciliated neurons. Peripheral neurons of C. lepadiformis contain serotonin. We suggest that these two neurons play different roles during settlement: the central ones may be chemo- or mechanoreceptors that sense the substratum, and the peripheral ones may be involved in the mechanism that triggers metamorphosis.Key words: Settlement, neurotransmitter, serotonin, β-tubulin, papillary nerves, metamorphosis.Ascidians (phylum Chordata; subphylum Tunicata) are sessile filter-feeding organisms that can be found in all benthic marine environments and develop through a swimming tadpole larva. Larvae of colonial ascidians have a short planktonic life that can vary from minutes to hours (Burighel and Cloney, 1997). Prior to metamorphosis, the larva attaches to the substratum by means of peculiar organs of ectodermic origin, located in the anterior region of the trunk. These organs, known as adhesive papillae, secrete sticky substances and effect primary adhesion of the larva to the substrate (Cloney, 1977). They have an important role in the initiation of settlement and metamorphosis and there is evidence that, at least in some species, they participate in substrate selection (Torrence and Cloney, 1983; Svane and Young, 1989; Groppelli et al., 2003). In many species, they are organised in a triangular field, whereas in others they are aligned along the mid-sagittal plane of the trunk. Adhesive papillae have been classified into two types: eversible papillae, typical of some colonial species, composed by several cell types and rapidly changing shape as they touch the substrate, and non-eversible papillae, typical of solitary species, which do not change shape after settlement (Burighel and Cloney, 1997).With few exceptions, all adhesive papillae are formed by elongated secretory and sensory cells, which are recognised as primary neurons (Cloney, 1977, 1979). It has been proposed that sensory cells may detect the chemical and physical characteristics of the substratum at potential sites for settlement and metamorphosis (Young and Braithwaite, 1980; Groppelli et al., 2003).The presence of primary neurons in the papillae has been reported in the larvae of several species such as Distaplia occidentalis, Diplosoma macdonaldi, Phallusia mammillata, Ciona intestinalis and Ascidia malaca (Cloney, 1977;Torrence and Cloney, 1983; Sotgia et al., 1998; Takamura, 1998; Gianguzza et al., 1999).These neurons have axons that join together to form the papillary nerves that enter the central nervous system at the level of the sensory vesicle (Imai and Meinertzhagen, 2007).Recently, different neurotransmitters have been localised in the sensory neurons of the papillae of different species. The presence of GABAergic neurons has been reported in the papillae of Ciona savygni (Brown et al., 2005) and of Ciona intestinalis (Zega et al., 2008), while serotonergic neurons have been localised in the papillae of Phallusia mammillata (Pennati et al., 2001) and Botrylloides leachi (Pennati et al., 2007). Moreover, it has been demonstrated that serotonin plays a role in the mechanism triggering metamorphosis in ascidians (Zega et al., 2005).After attachment, all papillae retract to draw the larva closer to the substratum. In the colonial ascidian Distaplia occidentalis, the process of retraction is reversibly inhibited by cytochalasin B, suggesting that microfilaments are involved in this process (Cloney, 1979).Clavelina lepadiformis is a colonial species, whose larvae bear non-eversible simple bulbous papillae.They have been described as being formed only by columnar glandular cells, whose secreted material is responsible for the sticky properties of the organ. These papillae do not contain sensory cells and were considered the simplest among those studied (Turon, 1991).In this work, the morphology of the adhesive papillae of C. lepadiformis and C. phlegraea was further investigated by histological analysis and immunolabelling techniques in order to clarify the actual cellular composition and function of these organs.  相似文献   

In scallops, gametogenesis leads to mobilization of glycogen and proteins from the adductor muscle towards the gonad. This mobilization is likely to diminish the metabolic capacities of the adductor muscle and thereby the scallops' escape response. We examined the escape response in terms of number of valve claps until exhaustion, rate of clapping and the recovery during and after valve closure in adult scallops, Chlamys islandica, sampled at different stages in the reproductive cycle (immature, mature, before and after spawning). In parallel, we measured muscle glycogen, protein and phosphoarginine contents, the oxidative capacity of mitochondria isolated from the adductor muscle and levels of muscle enzymes which are active during exercise and recovery. The number of claps (24-26), rate of clapping ( approximately 13 clapsmin(-1)) and phosphoarginine and arginine kinase levels were similar during the different reproductive stages. All immature scallops responded to restimulation immediately after opening their valves, while only 62% of mature, 82% of prespawned and 38% of spawned scallops responded. Immature animals completely recovered their initial swimming capacity within 4 h of opening their valves, but mature, prespawned and spawned scallops needed 18, 12 and 18 h, respectively. Overall phasic adductor muscle from mature, prespawned and spawned animals showed decreased glycogen phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase (except for prespawned), octopine dehydrogenase and citrate synthase levels, a deterioration of the oxidative capacity of mitochondria and a marked decrease in glycogen content compared to immature scallops. Therefore, during gonadal maturation and spawning, C. islandica did not change its clapping capacity, but slowed its recuperation from exhausting burst exercise, both during and after valve closure, likely due to the decreased metabolic capacity of the adductor muscle.  相似文献   

Summary The endothelia of Tubifex tubifex Müller consist of myoendothelial cells, chloragocytes, or podocytes. The latter seem to occur only as windows on the ventral vessel which has an endothelium of myoendothelial cells elsewhere. The podocytes are large cells, with several processes on the inner side which ramify into several pedicels. These are aligned upon the outside of the basement membrane which lines the inside of the endothelium. The gaps between adjacent pedicels are about 40 nm wide. In capillaries fenestrated endothelia occur with irregular spacings measuring up to 0.4–1 m. A diaphragm in podocytes or capillary fenestrations do not seem to exist. The basement membrane is the only continuous layer lining the blood vessels and capillaries of Tubifex with a rather uniform diameter in the range of 50 nm. It is the only permeability barrier between blood and coelomic fluid.  相似文献   

The radular morphology of the patellid species Testudinalia testudinalis (O. F. Müller, 1776) from the White Sea was studied using light, electron, and confocal microscopy. The radula is of the docoglossan type with four teeth per row and consisting of six zones. We characterize teeth formation in T. testidinalis as follows: one tooth is formed by numerous and extremely narrow odontoblasts through apocrine secretion; this initially formed tooth consists of numerous vesicles; the synthetic apparatus of the odontoblasts is localized in the apical and central parts of the cells throughout the cytoplasm and is penetrated by microtubules which are involved in the transport of the synthesized products to the apical part of the odontoblast; the newly formed teeth consist of unpolymerized chitin. Mitotic activity is located in the lateral parts of the formation zone. The first four rows contain an irregular arrangement of teeth, but the radular teeth are regularly arranged after the fifth row. The irregularly arranged teeth early on could be a consequence of the asynchronous formation of teeth and the distance between the odontoblasts and the membranoblasts. The morphological data obtained significantly expands our knowledge of the morphological diversity of the radula formation in Gastropoda.  相似文献   

Six species of copepods of the genus Caligus (Caligidae, Siphonostomatoida) parasitic on marine fishes of Taiwan are reported. They are: C. absens n. sp. from Priacanthus blochii and P. macracanthus; C. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1936 from Scolopsis vosmeri; C. kanagurta Pillai, 1961 from Decapterus kurroides; C. laticaudus Shiino, 1960 from Lutjanus vitta and Parapristiopoma trilineatum; C. nengai Rangnekar, Rangnekar & Murti, 1953 from Triacanthus biaculeatus; and C. rotundigenitalis Yü, 1933 from Drepane punctata, Liza macrolepis and Terapon jarbua. C. distortus Pillai & Natarajan, 1977 is relegated to a synonym of C. nengai and C. multispinosus Shen, 1957 reported by Lin et al. (1994) from the cultured sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli is a misidentification for C. rotundigenitalis Yü, 1933.  相似文献   

Summary 1. A quantitative study of the population biology ofPlanaria torva (Müller) living in a productive lake, based on monthly samples over a period of 20 months, is presented. 2. Samples of triclads, their cocoons and other organisms were taken from bricks placed at a shallow depth in the lake. They provided relative information on changes in population size structure and demonstrated the temporal breeding of this triclad. 3. Cocoon production byP. torva began in January and reached a peak in March–April. This was followed by a peak in recently-hatched young during May–June. Adults reached a maximal proportion of the total population in January and most had died by July. 4. Changes in size structure suggest that intra-specific competition occurred during June–July following the recruitment of young. This hypothesis is supported by other independent evidence. 5. Attempts to measure fecundity based on cocoons and young gave very different results attributed to the sampling technique.  相似文献   

Summary The follicle cells, nurse cells and germinal epithelia, which are closely associated with the oocyte of Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller) during its development in the ovotestis, have been studied using light and electron microscopy. The various secretory, digestive and phagocytic activities of these cells have also been investigated using electron cytochemical tests for oxidisable polysaccharide, acid phosphatase and electron-opaque tracer molecules. The oocyte lies initially between the germinal epithelia and a layer of nurse cells but, as oocyte vitellogenesis proceeds, it becomes encapsulated by a layer of follicle cells. Both the follicle and the nurse cells are active in secretion and digestion and contain Golgi apparatus, granular endoplasmic reticulum and acid phosphatase-rich digestive vacuoles. The significance of these activities is discussed in relation to oocyte vitellogenesis, secondary envelope formation and the digestion and recycling of cellular material.  相似文献   

Summary The ovarian oocytes of Agriolimax reticulatus (Müller) have been studied by light and electron microscopy and electron cytochemistry. The development of the oocyte in the ovotestis may be divided into three stages.During Stage I the oocyte cytoplasm contains mainly ribosomes and also strands of endoplasmic reticulum, scattered mitochondria and Golgi systems. The nucleus contains both a paranucleolus and an eunucleolus. By Stage II the oocyte has enlarged, especially in a plane parallel to the basement membrane. In addition to the above mentioned organelles, the cytoplasm contains lipid, glycogen and early yolk platelets. During Stage III, the oocyte continues to enlarge, but mainly in a plane perpendicular to the basement membrane. A considerable degree of cytoplasmic differentiation has also taken place. The plasma membrane of the oocyte has become specialized with the appearance of a polysaccharide-rich glycocalyx, microvilli and pinocytotic tubules. Elsewhere, much of the background cytoplasm, containing Golgi-derived, polysaccharide and acid phosphatase-rich multivesiculate bodies, lipid and glycogen, is sequestered by smooth membranes and ultimately fuses with the growing yolk platelets. The nucleus contains an amphinucleolus, characteristic of many gastropods.The findings of this study are discussed in relation to results from other studies on oogenesis.  相似文献   

Lineus viridis is a common nemertean species of North-Atlantic intertidal sand flats. Its mating behaviour is peculiar insofar as this species is reported to be polyandric. However, detailed information on this topic is lacking. In order to get more data on the reproduction, oogenesis and life history of this species, a population in the Wadden Sea on the Isle of Sylt (North Sea) was studied between 2005 and 2011. We conducted regular surveys, during which we sampled, measured and recorded the sex status of 25–100 individuals at each sampling event; at least three individuals were fixed for histological studies at each sampling date. In addition, animals were kept in the laboratory for 3?years to complement field data on sexual identity. Lineus viridis was found to reproduce annually in several successive year; the females are significantly larger than the males. Oogenesis starts in spring, shortly after the preceding reproductive period, and continues until the end of December. Spermiogenesis starts in late autumn and also ends late in December. During mating, several males are generally found crawling on a single female, which forms a cocoon that encloses both the female and the associated males. Fertilization is internal. While females discharge all of their eggs during a single mating event and lose more than 40% of their wet weight, males only empty a few of their gonads, and are thus able to fertilize more than one female. Our study clearly shows that Lineus viridis is a perennial, iteroparous species with a pronounced sexual size dimorphism. During this long-term study, no evidence for sequential hermaphroditism has been found. The observed polyandric mating system in this species raises further questions regarding mate and sperm competition that deserve additional research.  相似文献   

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