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In spite of a resurgence of interest in the interpretation of the sequences of dental development and eruption in various Plio-Pleistocene hominoids as being either “modern human” or “ape-like,” the body of comparative material on the extant hominoids remains deficient in critical areas. In concert with recent attempts to rectify this situation, we present the results of our studies on dental morphogenesis in the orangutan. We have focused on the growth and eruption of the deciduous dentition as well as early stages of permanent tooth formation and have found that 1) many permanent teeth develop earlier than was thought, 2) differences exist between development in the upper and in the lower jaw, and 3) states of tooth formation can vary significantly among individuals of similar chronological age or tooth eruption status.  相似文献   

Orangutans display remarkable developmental changes and sexual differences in facial morphology, such as the flanges or cheek-pads that develop only on the face of dominant adult males. These changes suggest that facial morphology is an important factor in visual communication. However, developmental changes in facial morphology have not been examined in detail. We studied developmental changes in the facial morphology of the Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) by observing 79 individuals of various ages living in the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre (SORC) in Malaysia and in Japanese zoos. We also analyzed photographs of one captive male that were taken over a period of more than 16 years. There were clear morphological changes that occurred with growth, and we identified previously unreported sexual and developmental differences in facial morphology. Light-colored skin around the eyes and mouth is most prominent in animals younger than 3 years, and rapidly decreases in area through the age of approximately 7 years. At the same time, the scattered, erect hairs on the head (infant hair) become thick, dense hairs lying on the head (adult hair) in both sexes. The results suggest that these features are infant signals, and that adult signals may include darkened face color, adult hair, whiskers, and a beard, which begin to develop after the age of approximately 7 years in both sexes. In females, the eyelids remain white even after 10 years, and turn black at around the age of 20; in males, the eyelids turn black before the age of 10. The whiskers and beards of adults are thicker in males than in females, and are fully developed before the age of 10 in males, while they begin to develop in females only after approximately 20 years. White eyelids and undeveloped whiskers and beards may be visual signals that are indicative of young adult females. Our results also show that the facial morphology of the unflanged male is similar to that of the adult female, although it has also been pointed out that unflanged males resemble younger individuals.  相似文献   

An adult male orangutan, housed with two adult females, intervened in female-female aggressive interactions at least seven times over a 4.5-year period. Five of these seven episodes involved multiple interventions rather than a single act. One series of interventions was directly observed during an ongoing study of spatial relationships, and six other episodes were described in the zoo records. The intervention that was observed directly began with one female displacing the other, after which the male located himself between the two females. He remained nearer the displaced female than he did to the other female. These seven episodes demonstrate the male's mediation and regulation of intragroup aggression. Whereas the opportunities for the control of aggression are limited in the wild, the conditions of captivity likely allowed for the expression of this behavior pattern.  相似文献   

Background Natural infection of hantavirus in orangutans has never been reported. Methods Enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), Indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), and RT‐PCR were used to diagnosis a suspected case in a pet orangutan in southern Taiwan. Results Although the RT‐PCR result was negative, the high IgG titer in the beginning and its dramatic drop after treatments suggested a recent Seoul‐type hantavirus infection. Conclusions Hantavirus transmission and its potential damage to wild orangutans should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Mirror image reactions of two infant apes, a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and a male orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), born at the Zoo de Vincennes and the Jardin des Plantes of Paris, France, respectively, were studied and compared with those of children. Self-recognition was also tested following 46.5 hours of mirror exposure by application of red marks on parts of the body invisible to the animal without the aid of the mirror. Results indicated that the behavior of the two young apes followed a developmental trend similar to that of human babies. At the end of the study, the female chimpanzee (11 months of age) expressed social behavior, searched for the image behind the mirror, and showed interest in imaged movement. The orangutan (2 years and 5 months old) had begun to test movement synchronism and to display self-directed behaviors. The tests of self-recognition yielded negative results in both animals.  相似文献   

The medical problems of great apes including gorillas (Gorilla gorilla), orangutans (Pongo pymaeus), and chimpanzees (Pan sp.) published during the last decade are reviewed. Anesthetic techniques, diseases or organ systems, neoplasia, infectious diseases, and reproductive problems are reviewed. Gonadal tumors and atherosclerosis in great apes appear frequently in the literature. Diseases with suspected viral etiology include papillomas in chimpanzees, retrovirus-associated lymphomas in gorillas, and various herpesvirus disease. Technology developed for human medicine has expanded the diagnostic opportunities for clinicians working with great apes.  相似文献   

We dissected the left upper limb of a female orangutan and systematically recorded muscle mass, fascicle length, and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), in order to quantitatively clarify the unique muscle architecture of the upper limb of the orangutan. Comparisons of the musculature of the dissected orangutan with corresponding published chimpanzee data demonstrated that in the orangutan, the elbow flexors, notably M. brachioradialis, tend to exhibit greater PCSAs. Moreover, the digital II-V flexors in the forearm, such as M. flexor digitorum superficialis and M. flexor digitorum profundus, tend to have smaller PCSA as a result of their relatively longer fascicles. Thus, in the orangutan, the elbow flexors demonstrate a higher potential for force production, whereas the forearm muscles allow a greater range of wrist joint mobility. The differences in the force-generating capacity in the upper limb muscles of the two species might reflect functional specialization of muscle architecture in the upper limb of the orangutan for living in arboreal environments.  相似文献   

This study examines dental formation and alveolar emergence in a large cross-sectional sample composed primarily of wild-reared orangutans (N = 89) in order to provide information on the development of the permanent dentition in this hominoid and to address questions of variation in individual tooth formation, between teeth and between individuals. All specimens have been radiographed in lateral aspect and stages of crown and root formation recorded for all teeth. The ranges of crown and root formation of I11, C11, P44, and M33 have been calculated relative to the stage of M11 development within a specific tooth quadrant. Then, for each specimen, BMDP scatterplot and nonparametric statistics have been used to graph changes in stages of these teeth relative to M11 stages and to examine relationships between pairs of upper and lower dental counterparts and between teeth of each jaw. Results indicate 1) high correlations between upper and lower tooth pairs and between many of the permanent teeth within individuals, 2) a relatively large range of variability in individual tooth development (multistage ranges relative to M11), 3) greater variation in root development at emergence than earlier reports, and 4) evidence of variability within the sequence emergence pattern of the orangutan. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examines the appearance of the secondary ossification centers in the lower arms, wrists, lower legs, and ankles of a cross-sectional sample of 20 infant orangutans and chimpanzees (15 of known age). The number of tarsal and carpal centers is analyzed relative to the degree of M1 development and the weight of individual animals. Variation in the appearance of these ossification centers is discussed relative to these variables and others. In addition, a sequence of appearance is established for the carpal and tarsal ossification centers in the orangutan and data is presented on the status of these centers in a fetal and newborn gorilla. Study results indicate that 1) there is variation in the number of secondary epiphyses present in animals of similar ages; 2) tarsal ossification is completed prior to carpal ossification in the orangutan; 3) there are indications of a relationship between weight and the number of ossification centers present in animals of similar age; and 4) there appears to be no evidence of specific relationships between carpal and tarsal development and M1 development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

For managers of captive populations it is important to know whether their management provides a species with the physical and social environment that maximizes its survivorship. To determine this, survivorship comparisons with wild populations and long‐term evaluations of captive populations are important. Here we provide both for orangutans. We show that survivorship has increased during the past 60 years for captive orangutan populations in zoos. In addition, we show that survivorship of captive orangutans in the past used to be lower than for wild orangutans, but that for recently born (1986–2005) orangutans survivorship is not significantly different from the wild. This indicates that captive management in the past was suboptimal for orangutan survivorship, but that modern management of captive orangutans has increased their survivorship. We discuss the possible factors of modern management that could have influenced this. Am. J. Primatol. 71:680–686, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A Delorme's procedure perineal surgical repair was performed in a wild adult male Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) with a chronic persistent rectal prolapse that had been unsuccessfully treated by 6 previous surgeries. The rectal prolapse did not recur, and the orangutan was successfully released to the wild, 6 weeks later.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of cranial sexual dimorphism in the Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus) is examined by means of principal-components analysis (PCA). Normalized first components are called allometry vectors or vectors of relative growth and show that sexual dimorphism is present at all stages of growth. Two patterns of sexual dimorphism are present: (1) sexual differences at age groups 2 and 3 are the result primarily of differences in principal component II scores, reflecting mainly shape-related differences, and (2) age groups 5, 6, and 7 show a trend of stronger size-related shape differences with increasing age in the allometry vector along with decreasing differences in principal component II scores, reflecting an increase in size-related shape differences between the sexes. Age group 4 shows a combination of both patterns. Our results support Shea's hypothesis (1985a) that when using multigroup PCAs in closely related taxa, the allometry vector will generally estimate the shape variation resulting from the extension of common growth allometry patterns (ontogenetic scaling). The second and subsequent components summarize shape variation from slope and intercept differences between the groups, provided that ontogenetic scaling is not solely responsible for all the shape differences present. Subanalyses of those dimensions previously found to show ontogenetic scaling and acceleration follow this pattern well. The total sample provides a pattern whereby ontogenetically scaled dimensions possess a stronger influence over accelerated dimensions but still generally follow Shea's hypothesis. Finally, variously derived coefficients provided several interesting findings: (1) strong evidence was found against multivariate isometry for both the pooled and the separate samples, (2) multivariate allometric coefficients for both sexes follow the general growth pattern of negative scaling in neurocranial dimensions and positive scaling in the viscerocranium, and (3) multivariate slopes have a very high correlation with bivariate slopes relative to the same independent X variable, thereby lending further support to Jolicoeur's (1963a, b) allometry generalization.  相似文献   

Investment in reproduction ranges from gamete production to active parental care, and marine invertebrates span this range. However, the cost of parental care has not yet been systematically quantified, nor incorporated into life history studies of marine invertebrates, in contrast to most other animal taxa. Since oxygen is a limiting factor in egg masses of marine invertebrates, we studied patterns of oxygen partial pressure over time in embryo masses of Brachyuran crabs, and correlated these results with the cost of providing oxygen to the embryos. We found that: (1) oxygen is limiting in the embryo masses, (2) female crabs show an active brooding behaviour that we think helps to provide oxygen to the embryo mass, and (3) there is a substantial parental investment associated with brooding behaviours. Oxygen limitation and parental investment seem to be associated in many taxa of marine invertebrates, and we suggest that oxygen provision to the embryos may be a critical factor determining parental investment in this group.  相似文献   

We observed the foraging behavior of orangutans in Central Indonesian Borneo during October, November, and December 1980, and analyzed food and nonfood items for water content, neutral detergent fiber, crude protein, available crude protein, and protein:fiber ratio and the presence of alkaloids and tannins. The diet of the orangutan during this season was unusual because it consisted predominantly of seeds and unripe, rather than ripe, fruits. Also, the major diet item, the seeds ofIrvingia malayana, had been ignored in previous years when it had fruited. In leaves, protein content was more closely associated with food choice than either neutral detergent fiber or the protein:fiber ratio. Flowers had the highest protein content and protein:fiber ratio of any food item. Tannins were found in most food items, but the presence of alkaloids was found in only one.  相似文献   

The impact of visitors on the well-being of captive animals presents both positive and potentially negative consequences. While some amount of novelty through visitor stimulation offers the opportunity for a more complex captive environment, anecdotal evidence from primate staff observations at the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute suggested that gorillas exhibited increased restlessness during the annual month-long late night ZooLights (ZL) event than before it. The current study compared activity budgets, aggression (interactions involving contact between conspecifics and displays toward visitors), and abnormal behaviors in two groups of socially housed gorillas for 1-month periods before, during, and after the 2015 ZL event. We also compared the fecal glucocorticoid metabolite profiles of all six gorillas across these same observation periods. Physiologically, most individuals appeared to cope appropriately with the increased visitor presence during the event. We saw little difference in contact aggression; however, abnormal behavior was observed in some gorillas during and after the event, which highlights the importance of individual analysis and data interpretation. As predicted, we found that the majority of gorillas rested less during ZL than during other observation periods, particularly adult females in the mixed sex troop. Preliminary results of this study aided the decision of zoo management to close initially the Great Ape House and subsequently most animal buildings during future ZL events to avoid the potential disruption of normal activity patterns. While the findings of this study were mixed as to the impact of the event on these gorillas, the results suggest that zoos should carefully consider the possible ramifications of keeping great ape buildings open for lengthy multi-night events.  相似文献   

Primates, especially apes, are popular with the public, often attracting large crowds. These crowds could cause behavioral change in captive primates, whether positive, neutral, or negative. We examined the impact of visitors on the behavior of six western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), observing the troop over 6 weeks during high season (4.5 hr/day, 35 days, May–July 2016). We used focal scan sampling to determine activity budget and enclosure usage, and focal continuous sampling to identify bouts of anxiety-related behavior (visitor-directed vigilance, self-scratching, and aggression). Both daily zoo-entry numbers (VGATE) and instantaneous crowds at the exhibit (VDENSITY) were measured. Overall, VGATE had little effect across behaviors. However, consistent with the more acute time frame of measurement, VDENSITY was a better predictor of behavior; at high crowd volumes, we observed significant group-level changes in activity budget (increased inactivity, increased locomotion, and decreased environment-related behaviors), increase in some anxiety-related behaviors, and decreased enclosure usage. Although contributing similar effects, it could not be determined if crowd numbers, composition, or noise most affected the troop, nor any chronic effects of exposure to large crowds. Nevertheless, our findings suggest that measures to minimize the impacts of large crowds at the exhibit would be beneficial. Furthermore, we highlight potential discrepancies between common methods for measuring visitor numbers: VGATE is less sensitive to detecting visitor effects on behavioral indices than VDENSITY. Future studies should appropriately match the biological time frame of welfare indicators and visitor measures used to ensure the reliability of findings.  相似文献   

The prevailing research design for studying infant sleep erroneously assumes the species-wide normalcy of solitary nocturnal sleep rather than a social sleeping environment. In fact, current clinical perspectives on infant sleep, which are based exclusively on studies of solitary sleeping infants, may partly reflect culturally induced rather than species-typical infant sleep patterns which can only be gleaned, we contend here, from infants sleeping with their parents--the context within which, and for well over 4 million years, the hominid infant's sleep, breathing, and arousal patterns evolved. Our physiological study of five co-sleeping mother-infant pairs in a sleep lab is the first study of its kind to document the unfolding sleep patterns of mothers and infants sleeping in physical contact. Our data show that co-sleeping mothers and infants exhibit synchronous arousals, which, because of the suspected relationship between arousal and breathing stability in infants, have important implications for how we study environmental factors possibly related to some forms of the sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). While our data show that co-sleeping mothers and infants also experience many moments of physiological independence from each other, it is clear that the temporal unfolding of particular sleep stages and awake periods of the mother and infant become entwined and that on a minute-to-minute basis, throughout the night, much sensory communication is occurring between them. Our research acknowledges the human infant's evolutionary past and considers the implications that nocturnal separation (a historically novel and alien experience for them) has for maternal and infant well-being in general and SIDS research strategies in particular.  相似文献   

The behavioral interactions of 22 infant and mother Japanese macaques with other group members were studied. Focal-animal observations were made from the time of each infant’s birth until 1 year of age. Infants and mothers both displayed exceedingly strong preferences for associating with matrilineal kin and, specifically, for female kin. The degree of genetic relatedness was positively correlated with levels of spatial proximity, contact, grooming, aggression, and play. Overall frequencies of interactions with nonkin were very low, and partner sex was not an important factor in interactions with nonkin. There were no significant differences between male and female infants in interactions with kin versus nonkin. There was only one significant difference between male and female infants in interactions with males versus females: female infants showed stronger preferences for initiating proximity with females over males than did male infants. Because mothers provide the focal point for infant interactions during the first year of life, we compared the behavior of infants and mothers. Mothers were the recipients of more social interactions than were infants, mothers engaged in more grooming than did infants, and infants engaged in more social play than did mothers. These findings are only partially consistent with kin-selection theory, and the inadequacies of studying matrilineal kin discrimination to test kin selection are reviewed. The near-absence of infant sex differences in associations with social partners suggests that although maternal kin other than the mother are important to infant socialization, they probably do not contribute to the development of behavioral sex differences until after the first year of life.  相似文献   

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