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Interactions between above‐ and belowground invertebrate herbivores alter plant diversity, however, little is known on how these effects may influence higher trophic level organisms belowground. Here we explore whether above‐ and belowground invertebrate herbivores which alter plant community diversity and biomass, in turn affect soil nematode communities. We test the hypotheses that insect herbivores 1) alter soil nematode diversity, 2) stimulate bacterial‐feeding and 3) reduce plant‐feeding nematode abundances. In a full factorial outdoor mesocosm experiment we introduced grasshoppers (aboveground herbivores), wireworms (belowground herbivores) and a diverse soil nematode community to species‐rich model plant communities. After two years, insect herbivore effects on nematode diversity and on abundance of herbivorous, bacterivorous, fungivorous and omni‐carnivorous nematodes were evaluated in relation to plant community composition. Wireworms did not affect nematode diversity despite enhanced plant diversity, while grasshoppers, which did not affect plant diversity, reduced nematode diversity. Although grasshoppers and wireworms caused contrasting shifts in plant species dominance, they did not affect abundances of decomposer nematodes at any trophic level. Primary consumer nematodes were, however, strongly promoted by wireworms, while community root biomass was not altered by the insect herbivores. Overall, interaction effects of wireworms and grasshoppers on the soil nematodes were not observed, and we found no support for bottom‐up control of the nematodes. However, our results show that above‐ and belowground insect herbivores may facilitate root‐feeding rather than decomposer nematodes and that this facilitation appears to be driven by shifts in plant species composition. Moreover, the addition of nematodes strongly suppressed shoot biomass of several forb species and reduced grasshopper abundance. Thus, our results suggest that nematode feedback effects on plant community composition, due to plant and herbivore parasitism, may strongly depend on the presence of insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Mating positions and the evolution of asymmetric insect genitalia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genital asymmetry is a recurring phenomenon in insect morphology and current data suggest that it has arisen multiple times independently in several neopteran orders. Various explanations have been proposed, including space constraints, ecological constraints, sexual selection via antagonistic coevolution, and sexual selection via changed mating positions. Each of these hypotheses may best explain individual cases, but only the last seems to account for the large majority of insect genital asymmetries. Here I summarize the basic assumptions and evolutionary steps implied in this model and review the evidence for each of them. Several components of this scenario can be easily tested, for example by including genital asymmetries and mating positions in phylogenetic analyses. Others require in-depth analyses of the function of asymmetric genital structures, targeted comparative analyses (e.g., of taxa with sex-role reversal, taxa with reversal to symmetry, etc.), and of female genital neuroanatomy.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the winged insect lineages – mayflies (Ephemeroptera), damselflies and dragonflies (Odonata), and all other winged insects (Neoptera) – are still controversial with three hypotheses supported by different datasets: Palaeoptera, Metapterygota and Chiastomyaria. Here, we reanalyze available phylogenomic data with a focus on detecting confounding and alternative signal. In this context, we provide a framework to quantitatively evaluate and assess incongruent molecular phylogenetic signal inherent in phylogenomic datasets. Despite overall support for the Palaeoptera hypothesis, we also found considerable signal for Chiastomyaria, which is not easily detectable by standardized tree inference approaches. Analyses of the accumulation of signal across gene partitions showed that signal accumulates gradually. However, even in case signal only slightly supported one over the other hypothesis, topologies inferred from large datasets switch from statistically strongly supported Palaeoptera to strongly supported Chiastomyaria. From a morphological point of view, Palaeoptera currently appears to be the best-supported hypothesis; however, recent analyses were restricted to head characters. Phylogenetic approaches covering all organ systems including analyses of potential functional or developmental convergence are still pending so that the Palaeoptera problem has to be considered an open question in insect systematics.  相似文献   

Tetraodontiform fishes (e.g., triggerfishes, boxfishes, pufferfishes, and giant ocean sunfishes) have long been recognized as a monophyletic group. Morphological analyses have resulted in conflicting hypotheses of relationships among the tetraodontiform families. Molecular data from the single-copy nuclear gene RAG1 and from two mitochondrial ribosomal genes, 12S and 16S, were used to test these morphology-based hypotheses. Total evidence (RAG1+12S+16S), RAG1-only, and mitochondrial-only analyses were performed using both maximum parsimony and Bayesian criteria. Total evidence and RAG1-only analyses recover a monophyletic Tetraodontiformes. However, the relationships recovered within the order differ, and none completely conform to previous hypotheses. Analysis of mitochondrial data alone fails to recover a monophyletic Tetraodontiformes and therefore does not support any of the morphology-based topologies. The RAG1 data appear to give the best estimate of tetraodontiform phylogeny, resulting in many strongly supported nodes and showing a high degree of congruence between both parsimony and Bayesian analyses. All analyses recover every tetraodontiform family for which more than one representative is included as a strongly supported monophyletic group. Balistidae and Monacanthidae are recovered as sister groups with robust support in every analysis, and all analyses except the Bayesian analyses of the mitochondrial data alone recover a strongly supported sister-group relationship between Tetraodontidae and Diodontidae. Many of the intrafamilial relationships recovered from the molecular data presented here corroborate previous morphological hypotheses.  相似文献   

Compared to the number of genes available for study of both younger and older divergences, few genes have yet been identified that can strongly resolve phylogenetic splits of Mesozoic age ( approximately 65-250 mya). Thus, reconstruction of Mesozoic-age phylogenies, exemplified by basal divergences within the major orders of holometabolous insects, is likely to be especially dependent on combining multiple lines of evidence. This study tests the potential of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene for reconstructing Mesozoic-aged divergences within the insect order Lepidoptera and its ability when combined with a second, previously analyzed nuclear gene (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, PEPCK) to strongly resolve these relationships. 18S sequences were obtained for 21 taxa, representing major clades of Lepidoptera plus outgroups from the other "panorpoid orders. A well-corroborated morphology-based "test phylogeny was used to evaluate the effects of partitioning the 18S gene according to variable versus conserved domains, paired versus unpaired sites in the secondary structure, and transition versus transversion substitutions. Likelihood and unweighted parsimony analyses of the 18S data recover the "test phylogeny" almost completely, with no improvement of agreement or support provided by any form of weighting or partitioning. No conflict in signal between 18S and PEPCK was detected by the partition homogeneity test. Combined parsimony analysis yielded strong bootstrap support for nearly all relationships, much higher than for either gene alone, thereby also providing strong evidence on several hypotheses about the early evolution of lepidopteran-plant interactions. These genes in combination may be widely useful for resolving insect divergences of comparable age.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and conditions affecting expression of systemic induced resistance (SIR) in pine are not clearly understood. Two hypotheses were tested here: that SIR against a pathogen induced by either a pathogen or an insect involves coordinated shifts in phloem secondary metabolism; and that fertility affects the production of these compounds. To test these hypotheses, a tripartite system was used comprising Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) grown under three different fertility regimes, the fungal pathogen Diplodia pinea, and the defoliator Neodiprion sertifer. Fungal induction led to systemic accumulation of lignin, phenolic glycosides and stilbenes, whereas insect defoliation led to an increase in germacrene D concentration in branch phloem. Fertility affected the concentrations of only the phenolic glycosides. Multivariate analyses showed coregulation of compounds within at least three consistent groupings: phenolic glycosides, stilbenes and monoterpenes. As groups and as individual compounds, accumulation of phenolic glycosides and stilbenes was negatively correlated with disease susceptibility. The experimental manipulation of the phenolics and terpenoids metabolic networks achieved in this study by biotic induction and changes in nutrient availability suggests that lignin, phenolic glycosides and stilbenes are important biochemical factors in the expression of SIR against the pathogen in this system.  相似文献   

The notion that shifts to new hosts can initiate insect speciation is more than 150 years old, yet widespread conflation with paradigms of sympatric speciation has led to confusion about how much support exists for this hypothesis. Here, we review 85 insect systems and evaluate the relationship between host shifting, reproductive isolation, and speciation. We sort insects into five categories: (1) systems in which a host shift has initiated speciation; (2) systems in which a host shift has made a contribution to speciation; (3) systems in which a host shift has caused the evolution of new reproductive isolating barriers; (4) systems with host‐associated genetic differences; and (5) systems with no evidence of host‐associated genetic differences. We find host‐associated genetic structure in 65 systems, 43 of which show that host shifts have resulted in the evolution of new reproductive barriers. Twenty‐six of the latter also support a role for host shifts in speciation, including eight studies that definitively support the hypothesis that a host shift has initiated speciation. While this review is agnostic as to the fraction of all insect speciation events to which host shifts have contributed, it clarifies that host shifts absolutely can and do initiate speciation.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses of the dynamics of exploited marine ecosystems have led to differing hypotheses regarding the primary causes of observed regime shifts, while many ecosystems have apparently not undergone regime shifts. These varied responses may be partly explained by the decade-old recognition that within-system spatial heterogeneity in key climate and anthropogenic drivers may be important, as recent theoretical examinations have concluded that spatial heterogeneity in environmental characteristics may diminish the tendency for regime shifts. Here, we synthesize recent, empirical within-system spatio-temporal analyses of some temperate and subarctic large marine ecosystems in which regime shifts have (and have not) occurred. Examples from the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Bengula Current, North Sea, Barents Sea and Eastern Scotian Shelf reveal the largely neglected importance of considering spatial variability in key biotic and abiotic influences and species movements in the context of evaluating and predicting regime shifts. We highlight both the importance of understanding the scale-dependent spatial dynamics of climate influences and key predator–prey interactions to unravel the dynamics of regime shifts, and the utility of spatial downscaling of proposed mechanisms (as evident in the North Sea and Barents Sea) as a means of evaluating hypotheses originally derived from among-system comparisons.  相似文献   

As in mammals, insect health is strongly influenced by the composition and activities of resident microorganisms. However, the microbiota of insects is generally less diverse than that of mammals, allowing microbial function in insects to be coupled to individual, identified microbial species. This trait of insect symbioses facilitates our understanding of the mechanisms that promote insect-microbial coexistence and the processes by which the microbiota affect insect well-being. As a result, insects are potentially ideal models to study various aspects of interactions between the host and its resident microorganisms that would be impractical or unfeasible in mammals and to generate hypotheses for subsequent testing in mammalian models.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation appears to contribute to the diversification of insect herbivores and other parasites, which together comprise a major component of Earth's biodiversity. Host shifts are likely an important step in ecological speciation, and understanding how such shifts occur is critical to forming and testing hypotheses explaining parasite diversity. In this article, I argue that phenotypic variation in hosts arising from environmental variation (phenotypic plasticity) can promote shifts in parasites by bridging both spatiotemporal and phenotypic gaps between ancestral and novel hosts. This hypothesis, which I call the ‘plastic‐bridge hypothesis’, is conceptually distinct from those invoking genetic variation in bridging these gaps. I describe the mechanistic basis of plastic bridges, review circumstantial evidence in support of the hypothesis and suggest strategies for testing it. I use herbivorous insects and their host plants as a model, but the proposed ideas apply to any system fitting a broad definition of a host‐parasite relationship. The plastic‐bridge perspective suggests that parasite diversity is not only due to divergent selection provided by hosts, but also to the intraspecific variation that facilitates shifts between them. This view is timely, as biological invasion and range shifts associated with climate change foster novel interactions between parasites and hosts.  相似文献   

While lures of plant origin are vital tools in dacine (Diptera: Tephritidae) pest management, the ecological and evolutionary significance of this lure response remains enigmatic. Two hypotheses (the ancestral host hypothesis and sexual selection by female choice) have been invoked to explain the functional significance of these chemicals to dacine fruit flies. These hypotheses are often treated as alternatives to one another and evidence favouring one is used to reject the other. This review highlights that these two hypotheses are not logical alternatives to each other as the ancestral host hypothesis attempts to explain the ultimate function of the response of Dacinae to these plant-derived parapheromones while the sexual selection hypothesis provides a proximate explanation for lure response. Research on lure response, dacine mating behaviour, functional significance of lures, plant phylogeny and biochemistry and dacine pheromone chemistry are used to evaluate the evidence in relation to both these hypotheses. Some of the key findings are that there is evidence both in support of and against these two hypotheses. Response of fruit flies to related phenyl propanoids to those commonly used as lures in pest management and distribution of phenyl propanoids attractive to dacines among plant orders strongly support the ancestral host hypothesis. Evidence from pheromone chemistry, dacine mating behaviour and the functional significance of lures both support and contradict the sexual selection hypothesis. Lures appear to have different proximate functions in different dacine species. Considerably greater research is needed to clarify the functional role of phytochemical lures to dacine fruit flies. The two prevalent hypotheses should be investigated independently. Specific research on dacine phylogeny and distribution of lures in plants in relation to ecological roles played by adult dacines is required to elucidate the ultimate roles of the chemicals. Exploration of female response to lures and the behavioural consequences of dacine response to these chemicals to both the insect and plant may shed light on the proximate functions of these chemicals.  相似文献   

The inflorescences of fig trees (Ficus, Moraceae) host well-defined, host plant specific wasp communities that lend themselves to tests of hypotheses on insect diversification. We provide the first estimate of the global molecular phylogeny for the Sycoryctinae - a large subfamily of fig wasps consisting mainly of parasitoids of fig-pollinating wasps. We find strong support for a large Old World clade that contains eight of the eleven genera, in the tribes Sycoryctini and Philotrypesini. The sister taxon is tribe Apocryptini, comprising the genera Apocrypta and Bouceka. Finally, a new tribe, Critogastrini, is raised for the genus Critogaster, sister to all other sycoryctines. At the genus level, we found a general pattern of strong host conservatism, in which closely related wasps associate with closely related figs. Despite this, there is also evidence for multiple host shifts between more distantly related figs in some wasp genera (especially Philotrypesis). We estimate Sycoryctinae to have originated 49-64Ma, after the initial co-radiation of the host figs and pollinators. Further, conservative assumptions in our analyses probably overestimate the age of the sycoryctines. Together, patterns of host association, evidence for a mix of host constraints and host shifting, and molecular dating suggest that sycoryctine parasites radiated through delayed phylogenetic tracking of their hosts. This contributes to the growing body of literature suggesting that coevolving parasites often radiate after their hosts.  相似文献   

The co-evolution theory for red leaf colors considers redness as a handicap signal against herbivory. We have examined whether the assumed signal is honest and, accordingly, costly, by seeking a correlation between anthocyanin and total phenolic levels in 11 plants exhibiting variation in the expression of the red character either between individuals or between modules on the same individual. Selection of total phenolics as a variable was based on their assumed anti-herbivore function and on their common biosynthetic origin with anthocyanins. Plants with young or senescing red leaves were tested. Confirming evidence was found in senescing leaves, where in three out of the four studied species a significant and strongly positive correlation between signal strength (redness) and actual defensive potential (total phenolics) was found, rendering the signal both honest and costly. In young, developing leaves a significant, yet weakly positive correlation was found only in three out the seven examined species. Accordingly, the handicap signal hypothesis may be questioned in the case of young leaves. Hence, young leaf redness fits more to the alternative hypotheses that red leaf color is less easily perceived by folivorous insect photoreceptors or that red leaf color undermines insect camouflage. These hypotheses do not demand an increased chemical defensive potential.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of multiple mating by females (polyandry) is an important question in behavioural ecology. Most leading explanations for polyandry by social insect queens are based upon a postulated fitness benefit from increased intracolonial genetic diversity, which also arises when colonies are headed by multiple queens (polygyny). An indirect test of the genetic diversity hypotheses is therefore provided by the relationship between polyandry and polygyny across species, which should be negative if the genetic diversity hypotheses are correct. Here, we conduct a powerful comparative investigation of the relationship between polyandry and polygyny for 241 species of eusocial Hymenoptera (ants, bees and wasps). We find a clear and significant negative relationship between polyandry and polygyny after controlling for phylogeny. These results strongly suggest that fitness benefits resulting from increased intracolonial genetic diversity have played an important role in the evolution of polyandry, and possibly polygyny, in social insects.  相似文献   

The Quaternary climate cycles forced species to repeatedly migrate across a continually changing landscape. How these shifts in distribution impacted the evolution of unrelated but ecologically associated taxa has remained elusive due to the stochastic nature of the evolutionary process and variation in species-specific biological characteristics and environmental constraints. To account for the uncertainty in genealogical estimates, we adopted a coalescent approach for testing hypotheses of population divergence in coevolving taxa. We compared genealogies of a specialized herbivorous insect, Parnassius smintheus (Papilionidae), and its host plant, Sedum lanceolatum (Crassulaceae), from the alpine tundra of the Rocky Mountains to null distributions from coalescent simulations to test whether tightly associated taxa shared a common response to the paleoclimatic cycles. Explicit phylogeographic models were generated from geologic and biogeographic data and evaluated over a wide range of divergence times given calibrated mutation rates for both species. Our analyses suggest that the insect and its host plant responded similarly but independently to the climate cycles. By promoting habitat expansion and mixing among alpine populations, glacial periods repeatedly reset the distributions of genetic variation in each species and inhibited continual codivergence among pairs of interacting species.  相似文献   

Fragment islands, viewed from the paradigm of island biogeographic theory, depend on continual immigration from continental sources to maintain levels of species diversity, or otherwise undergo a period of relaxation where species diversity declines to a lower equilibrium. Japan is a recently derived fragment island with a rich endemic flora and fauna. These endemic species have been described as paleoendemics, and conversely as recently derived Pleistocene colonists. Geological events in the Miocene period, notably the fragmentation and collision of islands, and the subsequent uplift of mountains in central Japan, provided opportunities for genetic isolation. More recently, cyclical climatic change during the Pliocene and Pleistocene periods led to intermittent land bridge connections to continental Asia. Here we investigate the pattern and timing of diversification in a diverse endemic lineage in order to test whether ongoing migration has sustained species diversity, whether there is evidence of relaxation, and how geological and climatic events are associated with lineage diversification. Using multi-locus genetic data, we test these hypotheses in a poorly dispersing, cold-adapted terrestrial insect lineage (Grylloblattodea: Grylloblattidae) sampled from Japan, Korea, and Russia. In phylogenetic analyses of concatenated data and a species tree approach, we find evidence of three deeply divergent lineages of rock-crawlers in Japan consistent with the pattern of island fragmentation from continental Asia. Tests of lineage diversification rates suggest that relaxation has not occurred and instead endemism has increased in the Japanese Grylloblattidae following mountain-building events in the Miocene. Although the importance of climate change in generating species diversity is a commonly held paradigm in Japanese biogeography, our analyses, including analyses of demographic change and phylogeographic range shifts in putative species, suggests that Pleistocene climatic change has had a limited effect on the diversification of rock-crawlers.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the growth allometry of external body proportions in Efe pygmies from Zaire and combined these data with values from the literature for comparable dimensions in adult pygmies and nonpygmies. We sequentially tested the hypotheses that adult proportion differences between 1) male vs. female Efe, and 2) pygmies vs. nonpygmies result from ontogenetic scaling, or the differential extension of common patterns of growth allometry. Results indicate an almost complete concordance of allometric trajectories for male and female Efe. These preliminary analyses also strongly suggest that adult nonpygmy Africans generally differ from pygmies in their terminal size and correlated allometric consequences, rather than in more fundamental alterations of underlying patterns of growth. Biacromial diameter emerges as the measurement most likely to depart from this general pattern. These results provide further evidence that shifts in systemic growth hormones yielding differences in terminal overall body size may be accompanied by global and coordinated allometric transformations. Certain proportion differences previously interpreted by some as specific evidence of primitive retention in pygmies in fact reflect simple growth allometric correlates of the derived rapid size decrease in these groups. Selected divergent body proportions characterizing adult pygmies, previously interpreted by some as independent evidence of climatic adaptation, also reflect such allometric correlates of ontogenetic scaling. We critically assess arguments that the small overall body size of pygmies was specifically selected for reasons of thermoregulatory efficiency, and consider an alternative or complementary scenario, based on selection for small size in order to reduce caloric requirements. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Over half of all described species are insects, but until recently our understanding of the reasons for this diversity was based on very little macroevolutionary evidence. Here I summarize the hypotheses that have been posed, tests of these hypotheses and their results, and hence identify gaps in knowledge for future researchers to pursue. I focus on inferences from the following sources: (i) the fossil record, normally at family level, and (ii) insect phylogenies, sometimes combined with: (iii) the species richness of insect higher taxa, and (iv) current extinction risks. There is evidence that the species richness of insects has been enhanced by: (i) their relative age, giving time for diversification to take place; (ii) low extinction rates. There is little evidence that rates of origination have generally been high or that there are limits on numbers of species. However, the evidence on macroevolutionary rates is not yet so extensive or coherent as to present unequivocal messages. As regards morphological, ecological, or behavioural hypotheses, there is evidence that diversity has been enhanced by (iii) flight or properties resulting from it like enhanced dispersal, (iv) wing folding, and (v) complete metamorphosis. However, in all these cases the evidence is somewhat equivocal, either because of statistical issues or because evidence from different sources is conflicting. There is extensive evidence that diversity is affected by (vi) the ecological niche. Comparative studies indicate that phytophagy generally increases net diversification rates, and reduces extinction risk. However, niche specialization is also associated with an increase in extinction risk. Small body size (vii) is often associated with low extinction risk in comparative studies, but as yet there is no solid evidence that it consistently enhances net rates of diversification. Mouthpart diversity (viii) has generally increased over time in the insects, but cannot explain the apparent great increase in diversity seen in the Cretaceous and Tertiary. Sexual selection and sexual conflict (ix) are two processes that are widespread in insects, and there is comparative evidence linking both to increased diversification. Although some comparative evidence links tropical distributions (x) to increased rates of diversification, the extent to which latitudinal richness gradients are unusual in insects is equivocal. There is little to no direct evidence from fossils and phylogenies that insect diversity has generally been affected by (i) sensory- or neuro-sophistication, (ii) population size or density, (iii) generation time or fecundity, (iv) the presence of an exoskeleton or cuticle, (v) segmentation or appendage diversity, (vi) adaptability or genetic versatility, though all of these remain plausible hypotheses awaiting further tests. The data suggest that the insect body ground plan itself had no direct effect on insect diversity. Thus, whilst studies to date have given substantial understanding, substantial gaps still remain. Future challenges include: (i) interpreting conflicting messages from different sources of data; (ii) rating the importance of different hypotheses that are statistically supported; (iii) linking specific proximate to specific ultimate explanations and vice versa; and (iv) understanding how different ultimate hypotheses might be dependent on each other.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary studies on plants and plant‐feeding insects have significantly improved our understanding of the role of niche shifts in the generation of new species. Evolving plant lineages essentially constitute moving islands and archipelagoes in resource space, and host shifts by insects are usually preceded by colonizations of novel resources. Critical to hypotheses concerning ecological speciation is what happens immediately before and after colonization attempts: if an available plant is too similar to the current host(s), it simply will be incorporated into the existing diet, but if it is too different, it will not be colonized in the first place. It thus seems that the probability of speciation is maximized when alternative hosts are at an ‘intermediate’ distance in resource space. In this review, I wish to highlight the possibility that resource similarity and, thus, the definition of ‘intermediate’, are subjective concepts that depend on the herbivore lineage's tolerance to dietary variation. This subjectivity of similarity means that changes in tolerance can either decrease or increase speciation probabilities depending on the distribution of plants in resource space: insect lineages with narrow tolerances are likely to speciate by ‘island‐hopping’ on young, species‐rich plant groups, whereas more generalized lineages could speciate by shifting among resource archipelagoes formed by higher plant taxa. Repeated and convergent origins of traits known to broaden or to restrict host‐plant use in multiple different insect groups provide opportunities for studying how tolerance and resource heterogeneity may interact to determine speciation rates.  相似文献   

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