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动物与红松天然更新关系的研究综述   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
红松球果成熟后,种子自身不能脱落到达适宜的萌发地,因而无法自身完成天然更新而要依赖动物帮助传播种子。捕食红松种子的动物包括啮齿类、鸟类和一些大型兽类。其中,松鼠、星雅和普通币鸟具有分散贮藏的行为,以前两者为重要。这些动物从球果中取出种子,吃掉一部分后,靠颊囊或舌下囊搬运至贮藏地,将种子埋藏在地被物下准备冬、春食物缺乏时再重新捕食。搬运的距离远达数百米至几公里。分散贮藏的贮点数量很大。每个贮点有一至数粒种子。贮点小生境比较适合红松种子的萌发,因此大量的未被重新发现和捕食的贮点的种子在20个月后可能萌发。虽然动物贮藏的生境适合幼苗的萌发,但是不一定适合幼苗的继续生长。由于动物的捕食和贮藏行为,阔叶红松林内红松种子运转途径在4个层次(树上、地面、地被物下和洞穴)进行,最后只有少数种子萌发为幼苗。幼苗的生长过程同样受到动物的捕食和破坏。由于红松结实的丰欠年度变化,动物种群也随之变动。  相似文献   

四种昼行性动物取食和贮藏红松种子的行为比较   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
于2005年10月1~7日,采用全时焦点观察法研究了黑龙江凉水国家级自然保护区19林班原始红松林内松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)、星鸦(Nucifraga caryocatactes)、花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)和普通(Sitta europaea)4种昼行性动物取食和贮藏红松种子的行为。结果表明①4种动物的取食和贮藏过程包括找寻、松塔的处理与种子剥食、松塔和种子的搬运、确定贮藏点、掩藏和警戒等6个环节,但它们在6个环节所耗费的时间均存在较大差异;②4种动物的种子消耗量亦存在较大差异(χ2=144.67,df=3,P<0.05),松鼠、星鸦、花鼠和普通每次平均取食红松种子的数量分别为40.0粒、20.9粒、16.7粒和1.3粒。松鼠与星鸦能够在地面和树冠层取食或收获红松松塔及种子,而花鼠与普通则主要在地面取食;③4种动物贮藏种子的能力亦有较大差异(χ2=68.76,df=3,P<0.05Kruskal-Wallis),松鼠、星鸦和普通主要分散贮藏红松种子,松鼠和星鸦的贮藏量最多,而花鼠很少分散贮藏种子,但能将许多红松种子集中贮藏在少数的贮藏点;④取食松籽的种间竞争强烈,在红松林的垂直高度上,松鼠和星鸦具有高度重叠的取食生态位,花鼠和普通因为种群数量大,对地面种子库的消耗量较大。分析结果显示,松鼠与星鸦是红松种子扩散的传播者,普通是种子消耗者兼传播者,而花鼠则近乎是完全的捕食者。  相似文献   

凉水保护区松鼠冬季重取食物的贮藏点与越冬生存策略   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了解松鼠贮食行为中的重取食物行为特征,以及在冬季不同生存环境条件下,重取贮藏的红松种子的状况,于2004年初冬(11月中旬),仲冬(2005年1月下旬)和晚冬(3月下旬)采用随机抽样法对凉水自然保护区内雪地上的松鼠重取食物后遗留的贮藏点(称为重取贮点)进行了调查和分析。结果表明:1)冬季不同时期松鼠的重取贮点强度存在明显差异,初冬最大,晚冬次之,仲冬最小,3 个时期的样本数据频率分布检验表明其总体皆服从指数分布;2)当场取食的贮藏点占到83%,17% 的贮藏点未发现籽壳遗留。受松籽低产量及人为过量收获的影响,单个贮藏点贮藏1 粒和2 粒种子的占92.9% ;3)受气温和雪被厚度因素的影响,3 个时期重取贮藏点的口径与深度存在显著差异,一定深度的雪被可能有助于松鼠的重取,但过深的雪被也许会使松鼠无法重取。本研究表明,本地区松鼠在冬季不同时期重取红松种子的强度分配符合将饥饿风险降至最小的觅食经济学原则;松鼠重取行为的优化在贮藏点的被取食状况、口径与深度等特征上得到体现。  相似文献   

路纪琪  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(3):209-214
许多动物都能够贮藏食物以应对一定时期的食物短缺。岩松鼠是中国特有的一种啮齿动物,主要分布于华北山地和丘陵地区,对于其食物贮藏行为还了解不多。我们在北京东灵山地区建立了半自然围栏,在围栏一角设置一木质巢箱供其休息,在围栏中心设一食盘(给食处),就岩松鼠对核桃(已预先标记)的贮藏特征进行了观察。每只受试动物在实验开始前6 h断食,于13∶ 00 左右,随机选择1 只岩松鼠,将其放入围栏中适应2 ~ 3 h。随后,在给食处放置20 枚已标记的核桃。于第二天同一时间进入围栏,检查并记录岩松鼠对核桃的处理情况,将埋藏、取食和剩余的核桃全部移出,另置20 枚新的核桃,继续实验。第三天,重复上述检查和记录,将岩松鼠及被其处理的核桃全部移出,清理巢箱、整理围栏。随后放入第二只岩松鼠,重复上述实验过程,如遇恶劣气候,则实验顺延,直至实验结束。结果表明:岩松鼠兼具集中贮藏和分散贮藏两种食物贮藏方式,并且分散方式是其主要的食物贮藏方式;岩松鼠在围栏中选择一定的位置贮藏食物;文中还讨论了可能影响岩松鼠食物贮藏的因素。  相似文献   

为了阐明不同种子投放方式和覆盖处理对啮齿动物取食和搬运/贮藏种子行为的影响,2010年春季,我们在宁夏六盘山区的辽东栎幼林,用塑料标签标记法研究了不同种子投放方式(单独投放、两两组合投放和混合投放)和覆盖处理(对照、凋落物覆盖和土壤覆盖)下啮齿动物对辽东栎、野李和华山松种子的取食和搬运特点。结果表明:(1)不同物种、不同种子投放方式和覆盖处理对种子的就地取食率、搬运后的取食率和贮藏率均具有显著影响,种子较大或具有厚而坚硬的种皮(内果皮)、组合和混合投放及覆盖处理均不同程度地促进啮齿动物对种子的搬运;(2)3种植物的种子被搬运后取食和贮藏的平均距离范围均在5.5m以内,而且种子被搬运后贮藏的距离均大于搬运后取食的距离,其中华山松种子被搬运后取食的距离显著大于辽东栎和野李种子,但搬运后的贮藏距离显著小于后两者。(3)种子被搬运后单个种子的取食点和贮藏点占多数,其他大小的取食点和贮藏点较少,种子被搬运后以土壤埋藏为主要的贮藏方式。结果表明,种子的种皮特征以及种子在群落中的分布方式和存在状态,可能通过延长啮齿动物处理的时间而增大啮齿动物的被捕食风险,使动物改变对种子的取食和搬运行为,进而决定了种子的命运。  相似文献   

植物通过每隔几年产生大量种子的丰年策略提高贮食动物传播种子效率,但人为采摘活动降低了种子的可利用量,从而影响贮食动物行为及种群动态。为研究红松球果采摘如何通过降低松果可利用量而影响贮食动物行为,我们基于黑龙江凉水自然保护区2003-2012年红松结实量和采摘量的变化,比较分析了结实大小年间松鼠贮点大小、贮点深度、贮食密度和贮藏量、松鼠花鼠种群以及2010年和2011年花鼠洞穴贮藏量的差异。结果显示:结实大年松鼠的平均贮点大小显著高于小年,大贮点比例增加,贮食密度和贮藏量也明显高于结实小年,但随着结实量的增大,球果采摘量增加,使松果可利用量减少,由此结实大年2011年松鼠贮食密度并未随结实量增加而增加,反而低于2003年和2008年,松鼠遇见率也没有在该结实大年有所增长。而花鼠种群和洞穴松籽贮藏量在结实大年和小年间没有显著差异。研究表明红松球果采摘对松果可利用量和松鼠贮食行为有较大影响,应合理确定大年的采摘量以保证贮食动物的食物丰度,维系红松生态系统健康。  相似文献   

2005年9月30日~10月8日在凉水保护区,通过野外分层抽样和系统抽样调查松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)和星鸦(Nucifraga caryocatactes)的贮点特征,初步估算了主要生境内的贮食密度和贮藏量。松鼠贮点的平均大小为(3·02±0·11)粒,平均深度为(2·67±0·08)cm;星鸦贮点的平均大小为(3·21±0·22)粒,平均深度为(2·73±0·15)cm。松鼠、星鸦的贮点大小和深度均无显著差异。原始红松林内的贮食密度和贮食量最大,这和松鼠的贮食行为密切相关。保护区内贮食动物的贮食总量为(11876757±812304)粒,其中松鼠的贮食量为(8686312±683360)粒,星鸦的贮食量为(3190444±410377)粒。动物的贮食行为是影响红松天然更新的重要因子之一,对红松的天然更新有重要意义。  相似文献   

鼠类对山杏和辽东栎种子的贮藏   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
路纪琪  张知彬 《兽类学报》2004,24(2):132-138
在北京市东灵山地区,选择灌丛生境,人工释放山杏和辽东栎种子,对两种种子在释放处被鼠类就地取食、存留动态、种子被搬运和贮藏的距离、位置、状态、微生境等进行了分析比较。采用活捕饲喂和咬痕比较的方法,对野外取食山杏和辽东栎种子的鼠类进行了鉴定。结果表明:1)取食山杏和辽东栎种子的鼠类主要是大林姬鼠和岩松鼠;2)山杏种子被鼠类搬运的平均距离大于辽东栎种子,两种种子大多数被搬运至21m之内,在9m之内最为集中;3)山杏种子的中位存留时间较辽东栎种子长;4)在释放处,鼠类对辽东栎种子的就地取食强度(54.83%)大于对山杏种子的取食(0.17%);5)在搬运之后,大部分山杏种子被埋藏起来,仅有3粒被取食;而辽东栎种子大部分被取食;6)鼠类趋向于把种子搬运到灌丛下方或灌丛边缘进行贮藏或取食。山杏种子在贮藏点的数量为1—3粒,而辽东栎种子在贮藏点的数量均为1粒。  相似文献   

星鸦的贮食行为及其对红松种子的传播作用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
鲁长虎 《动物学报》2002,48(3):317-321
1994-1998年秋在小兴安岭凉水自然保护区对星鸦(Nucifraga caryocatact)的贮食行为及具对红松(Pinus koraiensis)种子的传播作用进行了研究,星鸦在秋季至翌年早春主要以红松种子为食,偶食浆果。秋季种子成熟时,星鸦在取食的同时储藏大量种子作为冬季和早春的食物,这些种子中未被完全吃掉的遗留部分在第三年春天即可发芽,在地上取食部分种子后,星鸦通常储存30-50粒于舌下囊中,飞行2-5km后,将种子埋藏在土层下2.5-3.5cm深处,每个贮点从为2-4粒,贮点生境主要有8种:林缘(路边)、保护区周围空阔地、人工落叶松林、人工自冷杉林、人工红松林、人工红皮云杉林、天然更新的杨桦林和天然原始红松阔叶林(母树林)。星鸦每天至少搬运种子10次,达400粒。一个贮藏季节一只星鸦可贮藏至少16000粒种子,对红松1年生和2年生幼苗调查表明,幼苗在上述8种生境中均有分布,并且在人工落叶林、天然更新杨桦林和母树林下有幼树分布,因此星雅能有效地扩散红松种子,有利于红松的天然更新。  相似文献   

动物在大别山五针松种群天然更新中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏昌祥  钟稚昉  鲁长虎 《生态学报》2018,38(17):6194-6203
大别山五针松(Pinus dabeshanensis)为我国特有树种,其天然植株较少且分布范围狭窄,种群更新困难,已被列为国家二级重点保护野生植物。分别于2015年和2016年的10—12月,在目前已知最大天然种群所在地安徽岳西县河图镇大王沟,研究了大别山五针松球果与种子特征、种子雨与土壤种子库、动物对种子的取食和搬运,幼苗分布格局及其与鼠穴分布的关系,以期探明动物在其天然更新中的作用,分析其天然更新不力的原因。结果显示:大别山五针松种子败育率较高,阳坡个体球果发育情况好于阴坡;种子成熟期间没有明显的种子雨,土壤种子库也未调查到完整种子。共记录到母树与球果的访问动物6目11科16种,其中7种动物确定取食种子;地面种子摆放实验显示超过95%以上的种子被啮齿动物捕食或搬运至他处取食或贮藏,不同的摆放处理对啮齿动物的捕食、搬运没有显著影响;小林姬鼠(Apodemus sylvaticus)盗食现象严重,埋藏实验中人工贮点当夜被发现的概率在90%左右,岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)和小林姬鼠是其种子主要捕食者。研究地的大别山五针松种群于2015年和2016年分别新增一年生幼苗5株和7株,这表明大别山五针松在当地存在天然更新。幼苗多单独生长在母树周围,点格局分析显示在0—0.6 m的尺度范围内呈随机分布;在0.6 m尺度呈聚集分布。大别山五针松幼苗在小林姬鼠巢穴周边分布,其更新格局受到小林姬鼠贮点位置分布情况影响,小林姬鼠极有很可能为大别山五针松的传播者,啮齿动物对大别山五针松种子的捕食与搬运影响了大别山五针松的天然种群更新。  相似文献   

An important behavioural adaptation for animal species with variable or unpredictable food availability is storing food. Food availability for large field mouseApodemus peninsulae (Thomas, 1907) is not reliable. We conducted a series of tests with the large field mouse to determine food hoarding behaviour, response when their hoarded food was removed, and whether perishable foods were treated different than non perishable foods. The study was conducted in four semi-natural enclosures (4 × 3 × 1 m), established on the Donglingshan Mountain near Beijing, China. Thirteen large field mice were placed in enclosures and offered wild apricotPrunus armeniaca seeds and Liaodong oakQuercus liaotungensis acorns. Our results indicated that although large field mice hoarded seeds in larder and scatter patterns, they more frequently exhibited larder hoarding. Liadong oak acorns were generally consumed near the feeder, whereas apricot seeds were more frequently transported to the nest box. Only apricot seeds were scattered among hoard sites. When seeds were removed from hoarding sites the mice responded by taking increased amounts of seeds to their nest for larder and scatter hoarding. Hoarding sites were not randomly distributed throughout the enclosure.  相似文献   

This is the first study to investigate whether scatter-hoarding behavior, a conditional mutualism, can be disrupted by forest fragmentation. We examined whether acouchies (Myoprocta acouchy, Rodentia) and agoutis (Dasyprocta leporina, Rodentia) changed scatter-hoarding behavior toward seeds of Astrocaryum aculeatum (Arecaceae) as a consequence of a decrease in forest-patch area. Our study was conducted at the 30-year-old Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, in central Amazon, Brazil. We tested whether forest size affected the number of Astrocaryum seeds removed and scatter-hoarded (and likely dispersed) by acouchies and agoutis, as well as the distance that the seeds were hoarded. The study extended over three seasons: the peak of the rainy season (March–April), the transition between the rainy and the dry season (May–June), and the peak of the dry season (August–September). Our results revealed that the number of seeds removed was larger in smaller fragments, but that the percentage of seeds hoarded was much lower, and seeds eaten much higher, in 1-ha fragments. Moreover, fewer seeds were taken longer distances in fragments than in the continuous forest. Site affected the number of seeds removed and season affected the percentage of seeds hoarded: more seeds were removed from stations in one site than in two others, and hoarding was more important in April and September than in June. Our study reveals that scatter-hoarding behavior is affected by forest fragmentation, with the most important disruption in very small fragments. Fragmentation converts a largely mutualistic relationship between the rodents and this palm in large forest patches into seed predation in small fragments.  相似文献   

王威  张洪茂  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(4):358-364
面对捕食风险,贮藏植物种子的啮齿动物如何通过调整其贮藏行为,权衡捕食风险和贮食效益,需要深入研究。2006 年9 月,在北京东灵山地区,以黄鼬作为捕食风险源,在半自然围栏内比较了有无捕食风险源时,岩松鼠贮藏的核桃种子的状态,以及埋藏种子在实验围栏内的分布、微生境和搬运距离,以探讨捕食风险对岩松鼠贮藏种子行为的影响。结果表明,捕食风险源存在时,搬运和埋藏种子的比例都显著减少,弃置地表种子的比例无显著差异;埋藏于高风险区的种子比例减少,中风险区和低风险区的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;位于裸地和草下的埋藏种子比例减少,位于墙基的埋藏种子比例增加,但差异都不显著;此外,埋藏种子的搬运距离也没有显著差异。可见,捕食风险源存在时,岩松鼠显著减少了搬运和埋藏种子的比例,但对埋藏种子时的埋藏区域和微生境选择,以及搬运距离无显著影响。差异不显著可能与围栏效应有关。  相似文献   

In general, it is accepted that gap formation significantly affects the placement of scatter‐hoarded seeds by small rodents, but the effects of different forest gap sizes on the seed‐eating and scatter‐hoarding behaviors of small rodents remain unclear. Thus, we examined the effects of a closed‐canopy forest, forest edge, and gaps with different sizes on the spatial dispersal of Quercus variabilis acorns and cache placement by small rodents using coded plastic tags in the Taihang Mountains, China. The seeds were removed rapidly, and there were significant differences in the seed‐eating and caching strategies between the stand types. We found that Q. variabilis acorns were usually eaten after being removed from the closed‐canopy forest and forest edges. By contrast, the Q. variabilis acorns in the forest gap stands were more likely to be scatter‐hoarded. The dispersal distances of Q. variabilis acorns were significantly longer in the forest gap plots compared with the closed canopy and forest edge plots. However, the proportion of scatter‐hoarded seeds did not increase significantly as the gap size increased. In small‐scale oak reforestation projects or research, creating small gaps to promote rodent‐mediated seed dispersal may effectively accelerate forest recovery and successional processes.  相似文献   

The fungal succession on pine cones on the floor ofPinus densiflora forest was investigated in the early decomposition process (within ca. 30% decrease in dry weight). The fungal flora was examined by both washing and surface-sterilization methods on artificially placed cones and naturally fallen cones. The decomposition rates of artificially placed cones were 0.081–0.082 yr–1. On withered cones still attached to the tree,Pestalotiopsis spp. were dominant. These fungi also occurred with higher frequencies after cones had lain on the floor and on cones in the L and FH horizons.Xylaria sp. andPhomopsis sp., which seem to colonize the interior of the tissue, occurred with higher frequencies on the cones on the tree, but their occurrence frequencies decreased after cones had lain on the forest floor. Conversely,Mortierella spp. andTrichoderma spp. newly occurred or their occurrence frequencies increased on lying cones. Of these,Trichoderma koningii increased rapidly and showed high occurrence frequencies.Thysanophora penicillioides, which prefers coniferous substrates, showed higher occurrence frequencies in the early stages of lying on the forest floor. On cones lying on the floor, the fungal flora did not significantly change during the investigation period.  相似文献   

Narita  Kenji  Wada  Naoya 《Plant Ecology》1998,135(2):177-184
Reproductive traits of a lignified annual plant, Blepharis sindica were studied in relation to the formation of an 'aerial seed pool' on dead plants in an arid grassland in the Thar Desert of northwestern India. The dead plants remained standing on the soil surface and retained fruits for more than one year. Aerial seed pools developed about 6 cm above the ground. There were no seed pools on or below the ground surface. Only 5.7% of seeds died on dead plants because of insect predation or fungi infection during one year. Seed release was cued by rainfall, and a fraction of seeds on the aerial seed pools was released in each rainfall event. After 13 rainfall events during the monsoon season, 25% of seeds was still retained on the plants. Seed predation on the ground surface was intensive; all cones placed on the soil surface were removed within four days, and 97% of fruits were removed within 10 days. Fifty percent of seeds germinated within 3.5 h, and there were no differences in viability and time required for germination between first year seeds and older seeds. The results indicate that the aerial seed-holding on dead plants is an available way to avoid seed predation in harsh desert environments where seed predation is intense and favorable periods for growth are temporally limited and unpredictable.  相似文献   

路纪琪  张知彬 《动物学报》2005,51(3):376-382
食物贮藏是许多动物对不可预见的食物供应变化的一种重要适应.岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)为中国特有物种,广泛分布于华北地区的山地和丘陵地带.作者在北京市东灵山地区建造半自然围栏(4 m×3 m× 1 m),以核桃(Juglans regia)和山杏(Prunus armeniaca)种子为备选食物,对岩松鼠(12只)的食物贮藏行为进行了研究.数据的统计分析采用SPSS for Windows进行.研究结果表明1)岩松鼠表现出集中和分散两种食物贮藏方式,而分散贮藏是其偏好的贮藏方式;2) 当遇到贮藏食物被盗窃时,岩松鼠倾向于搬运更多的食物进行集中和分散贮藏;3)岩松鼠没有在食盘就地取食任何一种食物;把食物搬离后,岩松鼠所取食的山杏种子数量明显多于所取食的核桃数量;4)岩松鼠只选择核桃进行分散贮藏;5)岩松鼠对核桃的搬运距离大于山杏种子.本研究结果提示,在自然条件下,岩松鼠对核桃和山杏的天然更新起着不同的作用[动物学报 51(3)376-382,2005].  相似文献   

We presented monogamous pairs of New Zealand robins Petroica australis with a superabundant supply of artificial prey and then observed birds re-cache previously hoarded prey. Males and females frequently relocated and redistributed previously hoarded prey. Both sexes also re-cached prey that was originally hoarded by their mate. However, re-caching rates of retrieved and pilfered prey differed between sexes. Female-made caches were re-cached at the same rate by both females and pilfering males, while male-made caches were re-cached more frequently by pilfering females. The re-caching of previously hoarded prey is consistent with the hypothesis that re-caching reduces theft. However, re-caching pilfered prey suggests that it might also play a role in cache theft strategies. Higher rates of re-caching by pilfering females cannot be explained by current hypotheses used to account avian re-caching behaviours. We suggest two new hypotheses, sexual dimorphism in spatial memory and indirect mate provisioning, which may help to explain the evolution of re-caching in New Zealand robins.  相似文献   

The feeding habits and hoarding behaviour of the Eurasian red squirrelSciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 were examined during autumn in Nopporo Forest Park (43°20’N, 141°30’E), in western Hokkaido, Japan. The diet consisted of 32 plant species. Twelve species were both eaten and hoarded (the two most common of which wereAbies sachalinensis andPinus koraiensis), and 20 species were eaten but not hoarded. The distance from where a food item was found to the hoarding spot averaged 50 m and differed significantly according to food type. WalnutsJuglans regia were transported farthest, and chestnutsCastanea crenata to the second farthest from the site of origin. Most food was hoarded beneath the ground surface (95%), but some were hoarded in forks of trees and in small tree holes. Squirrels selected food items of high energy content for hoarding, in preparation for winter and the breeding season.  相似文献   

To assess the role of cdc42 during neurite development, cmyc-tagged constitutively active (CA) and dominant negative (DN) cdc42 were expressed in dissociated primary chick spinal cord neurons using adenoviral-mediated gene transfer. Three days after infection, >85% of the neurons in infected cultures expressed cdc42 proteins, as detected by indirect immunofluorescence against cmyc. Growth cones of infected neurons displayed 1.83- (CAcdc42) and 1.93-fold (DNcdc42) higher cmyc immunofluorescence per square micrometer than uninfected controls. CAcdc42 expression stimulated growth cones, almost doubling growth cone size and number of filopodia, and increased neurite growth rates by 65-89%. In neurons plated onto fibronectin, the percent of growth cones with both filopodia and lamellipodia increased from 71 to 92%. Total Texas Red-phalloidin staining in these growth cones doubled, and the percent of growth cones with F-actin localized to peripheral regions increased from 52% in controls to 78% after CAcdc42 expression. Expression of DNcdc42 did not significantly alter growth cone morphology or neurite growth rates. Addition of soluble laminin to spinal cord neurons resulted in the identical phenotype as CAcdc42 expression, including changes in growth cone morphology, F-actin localization, and neurite growth rates. Significantly, expression of DNcdc42 blocked the effects of laminin on growth cones. These results show that cdc42 promotes neurite outgrowth and filopodial and lamellipodial formation in growth cones and suggests that cdc42 and laminin share a common signaling pathway during neurite development. Addition of laminin to CAcdc42-expressing neurons is inhibitory to growth cones, indicating that laminin also may activate some other pathways.  相似文献   

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