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The kinetics of inactivation and reactivation of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphofructokinase have been studied as a function of pH and enzyme concentration at constant temperature in phosphate buffer. From the enzyme concentration dependence, we conclude that the minimal mechanism for inactivation involves a protonation step followed by isomerization to an inactive form and then dissociation to a species of one-half the molecular weight. Other data indicate a subsequent isomerization of the dissociated form. The pH and temperature dependence of the inactivation process shows that it is controlled by ionizable groups, and that the apparent pK for these groups is temperature-dependent in such a way as to make the enzyme show the characteristic of cold lability below pH 7. Reactivation of the inactive enzyme occurs by a kinetically different pathway involving deprotonation of an inactive, dissociated form to a form which may either isomerize to another inactive form, or dimerize to the active enzyme. A general mechanism is postulated in which the inactivation and reactivation processes are different aspects of the same mechanism. This mechanism assumes four species (two containing four subunits and two containing two subunits) each of which can exist in a protonated and unprotonated form. Inactivation or reactivation induced by changes in pH or temperature reflect the kinetic establishment of a new steady state between these forms. How the apparent pK values which control the distribution of the enzyme between protonated and unprotonated forms describe the pH-dependent characteristics of the enzyme is discussed in terms of the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

The effect of ligands, including substrates and allosteric effectors, on the pH-dependent inactivation and reactivation of rabbit muscle phosphofructokinase has been examined in terms of the mechanism proposed previously (Bock, P.E. and Fireden, C. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 5630-5636). It is concluded thatt many ligands exert their effect by binding preferentially to either protonated or unprotonated forms of the enzyme and thus shifting an apparent pK for the inactivation or reactivation process. ATP and fructose 6-phosphate influence the apparent pK to different extents and in different directions, with ATP binding preferentially to the protonated forms and fructose 6-phosphate to the unprotonated forms. Enzyme inactivated by ATP can be reactivated by the addition of fructose 6-phosphate. The experiments indicate that inactivation and reactivation in the presence of these ligands can occur by kinetically different pathways as has been found for these processes in the absence of ligands. The results are discussed in relation to what might be expected for ligand binding properties of the enzyme as a function of pH, temperature, and enzyme concentration. The effect of ATP and MgATP is complex, perhaps representing more than one site of binding. Citrate appears to bind preferentially to protonated forms of the enzyme while fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and AMP bind preferentially to the unprotonated forms. ADP, K+, and NH4+ appear to have little or no preference in binding to different enzyme forms.  相似文献   

The kinetic and molecular properties of rat thyroid phosphofructokinase (specific activity 134 units/mg) were compared with those of rat muscle phosphofructokinase (specific activity 135 units/mg). Thyroid and muscle phosphofructokinase showed similar sedimentation patterns in sucrose density gradients; their affinity for DEAE-cellulose was similar but not identical. A comparison of the kinetic properties revealed differences in the pH optima. Striking differences in the kinetic properties were shown below pH 7.4; the thyroid enzyme was less inhibited by ATP or citrate and more sensitive to activation by cyclic 3':5'-AMP than the muscle enzyme. A study of the effects of some cyclic as well as linear mononucleotides, such as cyclic AMP, cyclic IMP, cyclic GMP, cyclic CMP, cyclic UMP, 5'-AMP, and 3'-AMP on thyroid phosphofructokinase showed that at concentrations as low as 1 micrometer only cyclic AMP and cyclic IMP were able to activate thyroid enzyme in the presence of low fructose-6-P and high ATP concentrations.  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, was phosphorylated by the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase isolated from this organism. Phosphorylated fluke phosphofructokinase had a sevenfold lower apparent Km for its substrate, Fru-6-P, and an eightfold higher 0.5 Vopt for ATP, the enzyme's primary inhibitor, than native phosphofructokinase. Activation of fluke phosphofructokinase following phorphorylation by a mammalian protein kinase catalytic subunit was previously reported (E. S. Kamemoto and T. E. Mansour (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 4346-4351). The catalytic subunit of protein kinase isolated from the liver fluke phosphorylated sites on fluke phosphofructokinase similar to those phosphorylated by the mammalian enzyme. Maximal phosphate incorporation was 0.3 mol P/mol of protomer. The native enzyme was found to contain 1.3 mol P/mol of protomer. In contrast to fluke phosphofructokinase, activity of the mammalian heart enzyme was slightly decreased following phosphorylation. The dependence of allosteric interaction on an acidic pH observed with the mammalian phosphofructokinase was not observed with the fluke enzyme. Unlike mammalian phosphofructokinase, allosteric kinetics of the fluke enzyme was observed at alkaline pH (8.0). Fluke phosphofructokinase was found to be relatively insensitive to inhibition by citrate, a known potent inhibitor of the mammalian enzyme. Fru-2,6-P2, a potent modifier of phosphofructokinase from a variety of sources, was found to activate both native and phosphorylated fluke phosphofructokinase. The most potent activators of fluke phosphofructokinase were found to be Fru-2,6-P2, AMP, and phosphorylation. The endogenous level of Fru-2,6-P2 in the flukes was determined to be 29 +/- 1.3 nmol/g wet wt, a level that may well modulate enzyme activity. Fru-6-P,2-kinase, the enzyme responsible for synthesis of Fru-2,6-P2, was found to be present in the flukes. Our results suggest physiological roles for phosphorylation and Fru-2,6-P2 in regulation of fluke phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

AMP deaminase isoforms from human skeletal muscle can be separated chromatographically [Kaletha, Spychała & Nowak (1987) Experientia 43, 440-443]. In adult tissue nearly all the AMP deaminase activity was eluted from phosphocellulose with 0.75 M-KCl (''adult'' isoform), and the remaining activity could be eluted with 2.0 M-KCl. Conversely, most of the AMP deaminase activity from 11-week-old fetal tissue was eluted from phosphocellulose with 2.0 M-KCl (''fetal'' isoform). In the present paper the kinetic and regulatory properties of AMP deaminase extracted from 11- and 16-week-old fetal skeletal muscle are reported. The two isoforms from 11-week-old human fetus differed distinctly in these properties. The ''fetal'' isoform had about 5-fold higher half-saturation constant (S0.5) value than the ''adult'' form. It was also more sensitive to the influence of some important regulatory ligands (ADP, ATP and Pi), and exhibited a different pH/activity profile. The ''adult'' isoform of AMP deaminase from fetal muscle and the enzyme from mature muscle possessed similar kinetic and regulatory properties. This isoform seems not to be subject to any major modifications during further ontogenesis. This is not true, however, for the ''fetal'' isoform. In the muscle of 16-week-old human fetus, the ''fetal'' isoform showed a peculiar, biphasic, type of substrate-saturation kinetics. This phenomenon may reflect appearance of the next, developmentally programmed, isoform of human skeletal-muscle AMP deaminase.  相似文献   

The affinity label 5'-p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl adenosine modifies rabbit muscle phosphofructokinase to the extent of one group/subunit. Modification appears to occur at a binding site specific for AMP, cyclic AMP, and ADP, i.e. those adenine nucleotides which are activators under conditions where regulatory kinetic behavior is obtained. The consequences of the modification are consistent with the model proposed previously for correlation between the pK of specific ionizable groups, regulatory kinetic behavior, ligand binding, and the reversible cold inactivation of the enzyme (Frieden, C., Gilbert. H. R., and Bock, P. E. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 5644-5647). Thus, the modification shifts the apparent pK of the essential ionizable groups from 6.9 to 6.4 at 25 degrees C, with the result that regulatory kinetic behavior at pH 6.9 and 25 degrees C is lost. Furthermore, the apparent affinity of a site (other than the active site) for ATP, as measured by ATP-dependent quenching of intrinsic protein fluorescence at pH 6.9 and 25 degrees C, is decreased by the modification. Regulatory kinetic behavior for both substrates is obtained with the modified enzyme at a lower pH, consistent with the downward shift in the pK of the ionizable groups, but sensitivity to cAMP activation is abolished by the modification. The loss of regulatory kinetic behavior upon modification of sulfhydryl groups does not appear to be the same as that due to modification by the affinity label.  相似文献   

The regulatory properties of PFK. from the tomato are discussed in relation to the dissociation of the oligomeric form of the enzyme. Both the oligomeric and monomeric forms of PFK were inhibited by citrate, malate, PEP, 2-phosphoglycerate, phosphoglycolate and ammonium sulphate. PEP was the most potent inhibitor of PFK activity with 9 and 10 μn PEP causing 50%, inhibition of the oligomeric and monomeric forms of PFK respectively. The inhibition by all these metabolites of the oligomeric form of PFK was sigmoidal while their inhibition of the monomeric form was hyperbolic. The magnitude of inhibition by these metabolites is affected by the levels of Mg2+. The oligomeric form of the enzyme is more resistant to citrate inhibition than the monomeric form. In the presence of citrate or ammonium sulphate, the kinetics of the oligomeric form of PFK with F6P yielded positive cooperativity while in their absence, the kinetics revealed negative cooperative interactions. Phosphoenolpyruvate had no effect on the nature of the kinetics with F6P. ADP is stimulatory to the oligomeric form while it is slightly inhibitory to the monomeric form. The significance of these properties and their relation with the regulation of PFK activity in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   

The regulatory behavior of rabbit pyruvate kinase has been studied as a function of pH. The initial velocity of the enzyme-catalysed reaction as a function of ADP concentration was analysed with the exponential model for a regulatory enzyme. The analysis of the exponential model parameters as functions of pH provided pK values of 6.6 and 8.08 for the free enzyme in its fully ADP-bound conformation. By contrast, the binding of ADP to the ADP-free conformation of the free enzyme did not involve groups that ionize within the pH range (6.2-8.5) of these experiments. The results suggest that homotropic allosteric interactions actually alter the mode of ADP binding. The pK values of 6.63 and 9.00 determined from the analysis of V as a function of pH are readily interpreted in terms of a direct phosphoryl-transfer mechanism in which the beta-phosphoryl group of ADP (pK 6.63) acts as the nucleophile and a lysine epsilon-amino group (pK 9.0) acts as the proton donor in the pyruvate kinase reaction.  相似文献   

An angiotensin-converting enzyme was isolated from human heart using N[-1(S)-carboxy-5-aminopentyl]glycyl-glycine as an affinity adsorbent. The isolation procedure resulted in an enzyme purified 1650-fold. The enzyme specific activity was 38.0 u./mg protein, Mr = 150 kD. The pH optimum for the angiotensin-converting enzyme towards Hip-His-Leu lies at 7.8, Km = 1.2 mM. The enzyme was inhibited by the substrate (Ks' = 14 mM). The enzyme effectively catalyzed the hydrolysis of angiotensin I (Km = 10 microM; kcat = 250 s-1). NaCl, CaCl2 as well as Na2SO4 in the absence of Cl- activated the enzyme, whereas CH3COONa and NaNO3 did not influence the enzyme activity. It was found that the bradykinin-potentiating factor inhibited the cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme with IC50 = 4.0 X 10(-8) M.  相似文献   

Structural and functional changes in myosin of fast muscles during early post-natal development were studied to seek correlations with well-known physiological changes in the contraction rate. The findings were as follows: 1. It is known that fetal fast muscle myosin contains three kinds of light chains. It was confirmed that their molecular weights were the same as those of adult fast muscle myosin, but different from those of adult slow muscle myosin. The amount of the smallest light chain, g3, was confirmed to increase markedly during the postnatal period. 2.The ATPase [EC3.6.1.3] activity of fetal fast muscle myosin (-1 day) was found to be about 50% of that of adult myosin. The pH-activity curve of fetal myosin ATPase was confirmed to be similar to that of adult myosin. 3. The rate of formation of the reactive myosin-phosphate-ADP complex, MADPP, was found not to change during post-natal development. 4. It was found that the rate of decomposition of MADPP in the presence of F-actin increased markedly during the post-natal period, and that the rate of decomposition of the complex of fetal mysoin was only 1/6 to 1/4 of that of adult myosin. The change in the actomyosin ATPase activity was found to be closely correlated with the increase in the g3 content during development.  相似文献   

The kinetics of rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase were studied in assays at pH 7.4, where the relationships between the initial velocities of the catalysed reaction and the concentrations of substrates ADP, phosphoenolpyruvate and Mg2+ are non-hyperbolic. The data were used to test the applicability of the exponential model for a regulatory enzyme, which has been here extended to describe the behaviour of a three-substrate enzyme. It appears that the data can be represented by the model and as a result permit the conclusion that the substrates influence one another's binding by the same type of charge interactions that are evident in the Michaelis-Menten kinetics of the enzyme observed at pH 6.2. Evidence is also presented indicating that MgADP acts as a dead-end inhibitor of the enzyme at pH 7.4.  相似文献   

The initial velocity of the reaction catalysed by rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase was studied as a function of the concentrations of the modifiers phenylalanine and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate under conditions where the relationships between the initial velocities and the concentrations of substrates are non-hyperbolic. It is shown that these data can be represented by the exponential model for a regulatory enzyme.  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein phosphatase [phosphoprotein phosphohydrolase EC] in the soluble fraction of rabbit skeletal muscle, when assayed with phosphorylase a[EC] from rabbit skeletal muscle and phosphohistone as substrates, was resolved into three active fractions (Fractions I, II, and III in order of elution) by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that these fractions were composed of subfractions of different molecular size (I: 7.3S and 4S; II: 8S and 4S; III; 6.7S). Components with larger molecular size in the major fractions, II and III, were dissociated to a molecular size similar to that of the smallest component on freezing in the presence of mercaptoethanol. These results indicate that phosphoprotein phosphatase from skeletal muscle occurs in multiple forms very similar to those of the liver enzyme reported previously (Kobayashi, Kato and Sato (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 373, 343-355).  相似文献   

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