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Protein interaction networks are an important part of the post-genomic effort to integrate a part-list view of the cell into system-level understanding. Using a set of 11 yeast genomes we show that combining comparative genomics and secondary structure information greatly increases consensus-based prediction of SH3 targets. Benchmarking of our method against positive and negative standards gave 83% accuracy with 26% coverage. The concept of an optimal divergence time for effective comparative genomics studies was analyzed, demonstrating that genomes of species that diverged very recently from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. mikatae, S. bayanus, and S. paradoxus), or a long time ago (Neurospora crassa and Schizosaccharomyces pombe), contain less information for accurate prediction of SH3 targets than species within the optimal divergence time proposed. We also show here that intrinsically disordered SH3 domain targets are more probable sites of interaction than equivalent sites within ordered regions. Our findings highlight several novel S. cerevisiae SH3 protein interactions, the value of selection of optimal divergence times in comparative genomics studies, and the importance of intrinsic disorder for protein interactions. Based on our results we propose novel roles for the S. cerevisiae proteins Abp1p in endocytosis and Hse1p in endosome protein sorting.  相似文献   

Polyphosphazene polyacids show potential as immunostimulating compounds and materials for microencapsulation. Their synthesis requires multistep chemical transition from a hydrolytically unstable macromolecular precursor, poly(dichlorophosphazene), to a water-soluble polyelectrolyte. Insufficient synthetic control in these reactions can lead to molecular weight variations and formation of macromolecules with "structural defects" resulting in significant variations in polymer performance. Simple and reproducible "one pot-one solvent" method is reported for the preparation of polyphosphazene polyacids-poly[di(carboxylatophenoxy)phosphazene] and its copolymers. Molecular weight characteristics and polymer compositions were studied as a function of reaction parameters. Macromolecular byproducts, incompletely substituted polymers containing hydroxyl groups and partially deprotected polymers containing propyl ester functionalities, were synthesized and characterized. It was demonstrated, that the presence of such groups can affect polymer characteristics, such as hydrolytic degradation profiles, immunostimulating activity, and microsphere forming properties. In vivo studies showed that the immunostimulating activity of polyphosphazene polyacids correlates with the content of acid functionalities in the polymer.  相似文献   

Proteins evolved through the shuffling of functional domains, and therefore, the same domain can be found in different proteins and species. Interactions between such conserved domains often involve specific, well-determined binding surfaces reflecting their important biological role in a cell. To find biologically relevant interactions we developed a method of systematically comparing and classifying protein domain interactions from the structural data. As a result, a set of conserved binding modes (CBMs) was created using the atomic detail of structure alignment data and the protein domain classification of the Conserved Domain Database. A conserved binding mode is inferred when different members of interacting domain families dock in the same way, such that their structural complexes superimpose well. Such domain interactions with recurring structural themes have greater significance to be biologically relevant, unlike spurious crystal packing interactions. Consequently, this study gives lower and upper bounds on the number of different types of interacting domain pairs in the structure database on the order of 1000-2000. We use CBMs to create domain interaction networks, which highlight functionally significant connections by avoiding many infrequent links between highly connected nodes. The CBMs also constitute a library of docking templates that may be used in molecular modeling to infer the characteristics of an unknown binding surface, just as conserved domains may be used to infer the structure of an unknown protein. The method's ability to sort through and classify large numbers of putative interacting domain pairs is demonstrated on the oligomeric interactions of globins.  相似文献   

Sphingomyelins (SMs) and sterols are important constituents of the plasma membrane and have also been identified as major lipid components in membrane rafts. Using SM analogs with decreasing headgroup methylation, we systemically analyzed the effect of headgroup size on membrane properties and interactions with cholesterol. An increase in headgroup size resulted in a decrease in the main phase transition. Atom-scale molecular-dynamics simulations were in agreement with the fluorescence anisotropy experiments, showing that molecular areas increased and acyl chain order decreased with increasing headgroup size. Furthermore, the transition temperatures were constantly higher for SM headgroup analogs compared to corresponding phosphatidylcholine headgroup analogs. The sterol affinity for phospholipid bilayers was assessed using a sterol-partitioning assay and an increased headgroup size increased sterol affinity for the bilayer, with a higher sterol affinity for SM analogs as compared to phosphatidylcholine analogs. Moreover, the size of the headgroup affected the formation and composition of cholesterol-containing ordered domains. Palmitoyl-SM (the largest headgroup) seemed to attract more cholesterol into ordered domains than the other SM analogs with smaller headgroups. The ordering and condensing effect of cholesterol on membrane lipids was also largest for palmitoyl-SM as compared to the smaller SM analogs. The results show that the size of the SM headgroup is crucially important for SM-SM and SM-sterol interactions. Our results further emphasize that interfacial electrostatic interactions are important for stabilizing cholesterol interactions with SMs.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide and related/derived persulfides (RSnH, RSSnR, n > 1) have been the subject of recent research interest because of their reported physiological signaling roles. In spite of their described actions, the chemical/biochemical mechanisms of activity have not been established. From a chemical perspective, it is likely that metals and metalloproteins are possible biological targets for the actions of these species. Thus, the chemical biology of hydrogen sulfide and persulfides with metals and metalloproteins will be discussed as a prelude to future speculation regarding their physiological function and utility.  相似文献   

We have prepared palmitoyl sphingomyelin (PSM) analogs in which either the 2-NH was methylated to NMe, the 3-OH was methylated to OMe, or both were methylated simultaneously. The aim of the study was to determine how such modifications in the membrane interfacial region of the molecules affected interlipid interactions in bilayer membranes. Measuring DPH anisotropy in vesicle membranes prepared from the SM analogs, we observed that methylation decreased gel-phase stability and increased fluid phase disorder, when compared to PSM. Methylation of the 2-NH had the largest effect on gel-phase instability (T(m) was lowered by ~7°C). Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations showed that fluid phase bilayers with methylated SM analogs were more expanded but thinner compared to PSM bilayers. It was further revealed that 3-OH methylation dramatically attenuated hydrogen bonding also via the amide nitrogen, whereas 2-NH methylation did not similarly affect hydrogen bonding via the 3-OH. The interactions of sterols with the methylated SM analogs were markedly affected. 3-OH methylation almost completely eliminated the capacity of the SM analog to form sterol-enriched ordered domains, whereas the 2-NH methylated SM analog formed sterol-enriched domains but these were less thermostable (and thus less ordered) than the domains formed by PSM. Cholestatrienol affinity to bilayers containing methylated SM analogs was also markedly reduced as compared to its affinity for bilayers containing PSM. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed further that cholesterol's bilayer location was deeper in PSM bilayers as compared to the location in bilayers made from methylated SM analogs. This study shows that the interfacial properties of SMs are very important for interlipid interactions and the formation of laterally ordered domains in complex bilayers.  相似文献   

The reactions of Pt(II) complexes, cis-[Pt(NH3)2Cl2], [Pt(terpy)Cl]+, [Pt(terpy)(S-cys)]2+, and [Pt(terpy)(N7-guo)]2+, where terpy=2,2':6',2'-terpyridine, S-cys=L-cysteine, and N7-guo=guanosine, with some biologically relevant ligands such as guanosine-5'-monophosphate (5'-GMP), L-cysteine, glutathione (GSH) and some strong sulfur-containing nucleophiles such as diethyldithiocarbamate (dedtc), thiosulfate (sts), and thiourea (tu), were studied in aqueous 0.1 M Hepes at pH of 7.4 using UV-vis, stopped-flow spectrophotometry, and 1H NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Pressure versus fluid spacing relations have been obtained for sphingomyelin bilayers in the gel phase and equimolar sphingomyelin/cholesterol in the liquid-crystalline phase by the use of X-ray diffraction analysis of osmotically stressed aqueous dispersions and oriented multilayers. For interbilayer separations in the range of 5-20 A, the repulsive hydration pressure decays exponentially with increasing fluid spacing. The decay length (lambda) of this repulsive pressure is about 2 A for both bovine brain and N-tetracosanoylsphingomyelin, similar to that previously found for phosphatidylcholine bilayers. However, both the magnitude of the hydration pressure and the magnitude of the dipole potential (V) measured for monolayers in equilibrium with liposomes are considerably smaller for sphingomyelin than for either gel or liquid-crystalline phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Addition of equimolar cholesterol increases both the magnitude of the hydration pressure and the dipole potential. These data suggest that the magnitude of the hydration pressure depends on the electric field at the interface as given by (V/lambda)2. For sphingomyelin bilayers, there is a sharp upward break in the pressure-fluid spacing relation at an interbilayer spacing of about 5 A, indicating the onset of steric hindrance between the head groups of apposing bilayers.  相似文献   

Childhood neuroblastic tumors are characterized by heterogeneous clinical courses, ranging from benign ganglioneuroma (GN) to highly lethal neuroblastoma (NB). Although a refined prognostic evaluation and risk stratification of each tumor patient is becoming increasingly essential to personalize treatment options, currently only few biomolecular markers (essentially MYCN amplification, chromosome 11q status and DNA ploidy) are validated for this purpose in neuroblastic tumors. Here we report that Galectin-3 (Gal-3), a β-galactoside-binding lectin involved in multiple biological functions that has already acquired diagnostic relevance in specific clinical settings, is variably expressed in most differentiated and less aggressive neuroblastic tumors, such as GN and ganglioneuroblastoma, as well as in a subset of NB cases. Gal-3 expression is associated with the INPC histopathological categorization (P<0.001) and Shimada favorable phenotype (P=0.001), but not with other prognostically relevant features. Importantly, Gal-3 expression was associated with a better 5-year overall survival (P=0.003), and with improved cumulative survival in patient subsets at worse prognosis, such as older age at diagnosis, advanced stages or NB histopathological classification. In vitro, Gal-3 expression and nuclear accumulation accompanied retinoic acid-induced cell differentiation in NB cell lines. Forced Gal-3 overexpression increased phenotypic differentiation and substrate adherence, while inhibiting proliferation. Altogether, these findings suggest that Gal-3 is a biologically relevant player for neuroblastic tumors, whose determination by conventional immunohistochemistry might be used for outcome assessment and patient''s risk stratification in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

We have characterized the molecular properties and membrane behavior of synthetically modified sphingomyelin analogues, modified on the oxygen connecting the phosphocholine group to the ceramide backbone. The oxygen was replaced with an S-atom (S-PSM), an NH-group (NH-PSM) or a CH2-group (CH2-PSM). Diphenylhexatriene and Laurdan anisotropy experiments showed that an S-linkage increased and NH- and CH2-linkages decreased the stability of PSM-analogue bilayer membranes as compared to PSM. When the polarity of the interface was probed using Laurdan, S-PSM appeared to have a lower polarity as compared to PSM whereas NH-PSM and CH2-PSM had higher polarities of their respective interfaces. Fluorescence quenching-studies with cholestatrienol showed that all compounds formed SM/cholesterol-rich domains. The S-PSM/cholesterol and PSM/cholesterol domains displayed a similar thermostability, whereas NH-PSM/cholesterol and CH2-PSM/cholesterol domains were less thermostable. DSC on vesicles containing the PSM-analogues showed a more complex melting behavior as compared to PSM, whereas equimolar mixtures of the PSM-analogues and PSM showed almost ideal mixing with PSM for NH- and S-PSM. Our data show that the properties of the bond linking the phosphocholine head group to the 1-hydroxyl on the ceramide molecule is important for the stability of SM/SM and SM/cholesterol interactions.  相似文献   

We have characterized the molecular properties and membrane behavior of synthetically modified sphingomyelin analogues, modified on the oxygen connecting the phosphocholine group to the ceramide backbone. The oxygen was replaced with an S-atom (S-PSM), an NH-group (NH-PSM) or a CH(2)-group (CH(2)-PSM). Diphenylhexatriene and Laurdan anisotropy experiments showed that an S-linkage increased and NH- and CH(2)-linkages decreased the stability of PSM-analogue bilayer membranes as compared to PSM. When the polarity of the interface was probed using Laurdan, S-PSM appeared to have a lower polarity as compared to PSM whereas NH-PSM and CH(2)-PSM had higher polarities of their respective interfaces. Fluorescence quenching-studies with cholestatrienol showed that all compounds formed SM/cholesterol-rich domains. The S-PSM/cholesterol and PSM/cholesterol domains displayed a similar thermostability, whereas NH-PSM/cholesterol and CH(2)-PSM/cholesterol domains were less thermostable. DSC on vesicles containing the PSM-analogues showed a more complex melting behavior as compared to PSM, whereas equimolar mixtures of the PSM-analogues and PSM showed almost ideal mixing with PSM for NH- and S-PSM. Our data show that the properties of the bond linking the phosphocholine head group to the 1-hydroxyl on the ceramide molecule is important for the stability of SM/SM and SM/cholesterol interactions.  相似文献   

Recent investigations show that naturally occurring biflavanoids possess anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial, vasorelaxant, and anticlotting activities. These activities have been discovered from the small number of biflavanoid structures that have been investigated, although the natural biflavanoid library is likely to be large. Structurally, biflavanoids are polyphenolic molecules comprised of two identical or non-identical flavanoid units conjoined in a symmetrical or unsymmetrical manner through an alkyl or an alkoxy-based linker of varying length. These possibilities introduce significant structural variation in biflavanoids, which is further amplified by the positions of functional groups--hydroxy, methoxy, keto, or double bond--and stereogenic centers on the flavanoid scaffold. In combination, the class of biflavanoids represents a library of structurally diverse molecules, which remains to be fully exploited. Since the time of their discovery, several chemical approaches utilizing coupling and rearrangement strategies have been developed to synthesize biflavanoids. This review compiles these synthetic approaches into nine different methods including Ullmann coupling of halogenated flavones, biphenyl-based construction of biflavanoids, metal-catalyzed cross-coupling of flavones, Wessely-Moser rearrangements, oxidative coupling of flavones, Ullmann condensation with nucleophiles, nucleophilic substitutions for alkoxy biflavanoids, and dehydrogenation-based or hydrogenation-based synthesis. Newer, more robust synthetic approaches are necessary to realize the full potential of the structurally diverse class of biflavanoids.  相似文献   

To examine physical-chemical aspects of bile salt-phospholipid interactions that could contribute to preferential phosphatidylcholine (PC) secretion into bile, we have compared transitions between vesicles and micelles in model systems containing taurocholate (TC) and either egg-yolk PC (EYPC), egg-yolk sphingomyelin (EYSM), buttermilk SM (BMSM) or dipalmitoyl PC (DPPC). Phase transitions from micelles to vesicles were observed at 4-fold dilution of serially diluted EYPC/TC systems, but not earlier than at 16-fold dilution of SM/TC or DPPC/TC systems, indicating lower concentrations of the detergent required for micellization in the case of SM or DPPC. Cryo-transmission electron microscopy of phase transitions initiated by addition of TC to phospholipid vesicles revealed extremely long SM-containing intermediate structures, but shorter EYPC-containing intermediate structures. Again, larger amounts of bile salt were required to induce phase transitions in the case of EYPC compared to SM. Sizes of TC-phospholipid micelles increased progressively upon increasing phospholipid contents in the rank order: DPPC-TC相似文献   

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