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Summary Chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) from the tuberbearing Solanum species tuberosum, vernei, phureja, and chacoense has been compared by restriction endonuclease analysis. Digestion by Hind III or Xba I reveal no differences, but digestion with Bam HI and Eco RI reveals minor differences in the ctDNA among these species. The ctDNA restriction patterns of the tetraploid common cultivated potato of North America and Europe, S. tuberosum ssp. tuberosum and the South American tetraploid, S. tuberosum ssp. andigena are identical for all four restriction endonucleases. These data suggest that ssp. tuberosum and ssp. andigena contain similar ctDNA and therefore may share a common ancestor, or direct lineage. The ctDNA restriction patterns of S. vernei and S. chacoense are identical for all four restriction endonucleases, and S. phureja ctDNA, can be distinguished from the other diploid ctDNAs by digestion with Bam HI. None of the diploids analyzed contain ctDNA identical to the tetraploids and therefore either did not contribute their chloroplast genomes to the evolution of the tetraploids, or the ctDNA has diverged since this evolutionary event. The ctDNAs studied did not contain restriction polymorphisms which could be correlated to cytoplasmic male sterility in Solanum. This is the first demonstration of ctDNA diversity in the tuber-bearing Solanum species.  相似文献   

We analyzed 110 asymmetric fusion products, obtained by fusion of hygromycin-resistant tomato protoplasts and gamma-irradiated kanamycin-resistant potato protoplasts that expressed -glucuronidase (GUS). The fusion products were selected for resistance to both antibiotics, and were subsequently analyzed for their shoot regeneration potential, GUS activity, expression of two potato isoenzymes, chloroplast type, total genomic DNA content, and relative genomic composition. No viable plants could be obtained and the calli were highly polypoid. All hybrids expressed GUS activity, whereas they displayed a large variation with respect to the other traits.  相似文献   

Gene frequencies at 13 isozyme loci were determined in three South American taxa of cultivated potatoes [the diploid group (gp.) Stenotomum, the diploid subgroups (subgp.) Goniocalyx, and the tetraploid gp. Andigena ofS. tuberosum], in the diploid weed speciesS. sparsipilum, and in most of the main cultivars now raised in the Northern Hemisphere (the tetraploid gp. Tuberosum ofS. tuberosum). High levels of genetic variability (mean number of alleles per locus, percentage of polymorphic loci, and mean heterozygosity) were detected, being higher in tetraploid potatoes. An equilibrium among the evolutionary factors which increase genetic variability and artificial selection for maximum yield would explain the high uniformity of heterozygosity values we observed in both Andigena (0.36 ± 0.02) and Tuberosum (0.38 ± 0.01) cultivars.—The low value of genetic distance (D = 0.044) between Stenotomum and Goniocalyx does not support the status of species forS. goniocalyx.—In most isozyme loci, the electromorphs of gp. Andigena were a combination of those found in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggesting an amphidiploid origin of gp. Andigena from that two diploid taxa. The presence in Andigena of unique electromorphs, which were lacking in both gp. Stenotomum andS. sparsipilum, suggests that other diploid species could be also implied in the origin of tetraploid Andean potatoes. Furthermore, since Andigena were more related to Stenotomum (D = 0.052) than toS. sparsipilum (D = 0.241), the autopolyploidization of Stenotomum individuals and the subsequent hybridization with gp. Andigena may also have occurred. Thus, our study suggests a multiple origin (amphidiploidy, autoploidy, and hybridization at tetraploid level) of gp. Andigena.—Most of the electromorphs of gp. Tuberosum were also found in gp. Andigena; both the direct derivation of that group from the Andean tetraploid potatoes and the repeated introgression provided by breeding programmes could explain this result. However, the allele c of Pgm-B, present in 30 out of 76 Tuberosum cultivars from Northern Hemisphere as well as in 3 Chilean Tuberosum cultivars, lacks in the 258 Andigena genotypes sampled, suggesting that Chilean germplasm could have taken part in the origin of at least the 39% of the potato cultivars from Europe and North America analyzed here.—The distanceWagner procedure provides an estimate of a 30% of heterogeneity in the evolutionary divergence shown by different groups of cultivated potatoes. Diploid groups show a higher (22.5%) evolutionary rate than tetraploids, which can be attributed to both tetrasomic inheritance and facultative autofecundation that exists in Andigena and Tuberosum groups. Thus, artificial selection acting since 10000 years has not resulted in a higher rate of molecular evolution at the isozyme level in the tetraploids.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative compositions of leaf cuticular waxes from potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties were studied. The principal components of the waxes were very long chain n-alkanes, 2-methylalkanes and 3-methylalkanes (3.1-4.6 microg cm(-2)), primary alcohols (0.3-0.7 microg cm(-2)), fatty acids (0.3-0.6 microg cm(-2)), and wax esters (0.1-0.4 microg cm(-2)). Methyl ketones, sterols, beta-amyrin, benzoic acid esters and fatty acid methyl, ethyl, isopropyl and phenylethyl esters were found for the first time in potato waxes. The qualitative composition of the waxes was quite similar but there were quantitative differences between the varieties studied. A new group of cuticular wax constituents consisting of free 2-alkanols with odd and even numbers of carbon atoms ranging from C25 to C30 was identified.  相似文献   

 In 1992, 72 seedlings from each of 198 pair crosses were grown in a glasshouse, and the tubers produced by each plant were visually assessed on a 1–9 scale of increasing preference. Three groups of four progenies with high, medium and low mean scores were chosen to progress, without selection via tuber progenies and four-plant plots at a high-grade seed site, to replicated yield trials in the third clonal generation. The three groups maintained their high, medium and low scores for visual preference over the three clonal generations and also had high, medium and low scores in the second and third clonal generations for yield, size and appearance of tubers, all of which were components of visual preference. The three groups were predicted to have 13.6%, 1.8% and 0.2% of their clones exceeding the mean of 13 control cultivars for visual preference in the replicated trials, and 12.1%, 4.9% and 1.4% for yield, and 56.8%, 37.1% and 14.8% for appearance. The experiment confirmed that selection for visual preference within crosses in the seedling and first clonal generations is very ineffective, but that worthwhile progress can be made from selection in the second clonal generation, with correlated responses for faster emergence, earlier maturity, higher yield and greater regularity of shape (appearance). Combining selection of the high group of progenies with selection in the second clonal generation of the best 34 out of the 120 clones in this group, produced a response in visual preference in the third clonal generation of 1.00 compared with a maximum possible of 1.74. Ways of achieving further improvements in early-generation selection are discussed. Received: 26 May 1998 / Accepted: 9 June 1998  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA evolution in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary A deletion specific to chloroplast (ct) DNA of potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) was determined by comparative sequence analysis. The deletion was 241 bp in size, and was not flanked by direct repeats. Five small, open reading frames were found in the corresponding regions of ctDNAs from wild potato (S. tuberosum ssp. andigena) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Comparison of the sequences of 1.35-kbp HaeIII ctDNA fragments from potato, tomato, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) revealed the following: the locations of the 5 ends of both rubisco large subunit (rbcL) and ATPase beta subunit (atp) mRNAs were probably the same as those of spinach (Spinacia oleracea); the promoter regions of the two genes were highly conserved among the four species; and the 5 untranslated regions diverged at high rates. A phylogenetic tree for the three potato cultivars, one tomato cultivar, and one tobacco cultivar has been constructed by the maximum parsimony method from DNA sequence data, demonstrating that the rate of nucleotide substitution in potato ctDNA is much slower than that in tomato ctDNA. This fact might be due to the differences in the method of propagation between the two crops.  相似文献   

PPi has previously been implicated specifically in the co-ordination of the sucrose–starch transition and in the broader context of its role as co-factor in heterotrophic plant metabolism. In order to assess the compartmentation of pyrophosphate (PPi) metabolism in the potato tuber we analysed the effect of expressing a bacterial pyrophosphatase in the amyloplast of wild type tubers or in the cytosol or amyloplast of invertase-expressing tubers. The second and third approaches were adopted since we have previously characterized the invertase expressing lines to both exhibit highly altered sucrose metabolism and to contain elevated levels of PPi (Farré et al. (2000a) Plant Physiol 123:681) and therefore this background rendered questions concerning the level of communication between the plastidic and cytosolic pyrophosphate pools relatively facile. In this study we observed that the increase in PPi in the invertase expressing lines was mainly confined to the cytosol. Accordingly, the expression of a bacterial pyrophosphatase in the plastid of either wild type or invertase-expressing tubers did not lead to a decrease in total PPi content. However, the expression of the heterologous pyrophosphatase in␣the cytosol of cytosolic invertase-expressing tubers led to strong metabolic changes. These results are discussed both with respect to our previous hypotheses and to current models of the compartmentation of potato tuber metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the analysis of the elimination of potato DNA from potato-tomato somatic cell hybrids. The hybrids were obtained by fusion of protoplasts of a cytoplasmic albino tomato genotype with leaf mesophyll protoplasts of a potato genotype carrying the -glucuronidase (GUS) gene of Escherichia coli. The potato protoplasts were either isolated from unirradiated plants or from plants irradiated with 50 or 500 Gy of -rays. Green calli were selected as putative fusion products. The hybridity of these calli was confirmed by isoenzyme analysis. All of the green calli tested contained a potato-specific chloroplast DNA restriction fragment, and most of the calli analysed were positive for -glucuronidase activity. In 72 of the hybrid calli we determined the percentage of potato nuclear DNA using species-specific probes. All of the tested green calli contained a considerable amount of potato genomic DNA, irrespective of the dose of irradiation of the potato parent. The limited degree of potato DNA elimination and the absence of true cybrids are discussed.  相似文献   

A different expression pattern of polyphenol oxidases has been observed during storage in cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) featuring different length of dormancy: a short-dormant cultivar showed, at the end of the dormancy, both the highest polyphenol oxidase activity and the largest number of enzyme isoforms. An isoform of polyphenol oxidase isolated at the end of the physiological dormancy from a short-dormant cultivar has been purified to homogeneity by means of column chromatography on phenyl Sepharose and on Superdex 200. The purification factor has been determined equal to 88, and the molecular mass of the purified isoform has been estimated to be 69 and 340 kDa by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel filtration on Superdex 200, respectively, indicating this PPO isoform as a multimer. The corresponding zymogram features a diffused single band at the cathodic region of the gel and the pI of this polyphenol oxidase has been calculated equal to 6.5.  相似文献   

Summary The possibility of genotype identification with RFLP fingerprints was examined with 20 tetraploid potato varieties and 38 diploid potato lines. By using a sensitive detection system for small restriction fragment length differences and highly variable potato sequences as probes, all genotypes (diploids and tetraploids) were distinguished by a minimum of two probe/enzyme combinations. The best single probe/enzyme combination distinguished 19 out of 20 4n varieties and 33 out of 38 2n lines. Intravarietal variability was very small compared to the intervarietal variability, and patterns obtained with different DNA sources of the same genotype were identical.  相似文献   

Summary The establishment and development of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi were studied in three cultivars of potato, which differed in susceptibility to Late blight, in a field experiment on a lateritic sandy-loam during two growing seasons (1980 and 1981). The cultivars SSC 1174 (highly resistant) and Kufri Jyoti (resistant) showed an earlier establishment and more rapid development of VAM fungi than up-to-date (highly susceptible). The first mycorrhizal infection in both SSC 1174 and Kufri Jyoti was observed after 12 days in 1980 and 8 days in 1981, whereas in up-to-date it was observed after 19 and 12 days respectively. The mycorrhizal infection increased with the age of the plants in all the three cultivars.  相似文献   

The biological containment of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) was assessed by establishing the crossability of this tuberous crop with the related wild non-tuberous species in The Netherlands, black nightshade (S. nigrum) and bittersweet (S. dulcamara). To circumvent crossability barriers, genotypes with different ploidy number were employed and crosses were performed under different environmental conditions. S. dulcamara was shown to be incongruent with potato at all ploidy levels, while S. nigrum displayed unilateral incompatibility. If S. nigrum was emasculated and used as female, fertilization by potato pollen resulted in berry set and seed development. Emasculation of S. nigrum was essential in this cross, because analysis of the fertilization process demonstrated that this species is highly self-compatible and potato pollen was outcompeted by pollen of S. nigrum. The hybrid seeds derived from this cross did not mature and appeared not to be viable. By application of the technique of embryo rescue of immature embryos, hybrid plants could be obtained. However, these hybrid plants proved to be sterile. These data demonstrate that gene flow by pollen dispersal from potato to its most common wild relatives in Western Europe is highly unlikely. The potato is thus a naturally contained species in this part of the world.  相似文献   

Among the multiple environmental signals and hormonal factors regulatingpotato plant morphogenesis and controlling tuber induction, jasmonates (JAs)andgibberellins (GAs) are important components of the signalling pathways in theseprocesses. In the present study, with Solanum tuberosum L.cv. Spunta, we followed the endogenous changes of JAs and GAs during thedevelopmental stages of soil-grown potato plants. Foliage at initial growthshowed the highest jasmonic acid (JA) concentration, while in roots the highestcontent was observed in the stage of tuber set. In stolons at the developmentalstage of tuber set an important increase of JA was found; however, in tubersthere was no change in this compound during tuber set and subsequent growth.Methyl jasmonate (Me-JA) in foliage did not show the same pattern as JA; Me-JAdecreased during the developmental stages in which it was monitored, meanwhileJA increased during those stages. The highest total amount of JAs expressed asJA+Me-JA was found at tuber set. A very important peak ofJA in roots was coincident with that observed in stolons at tuber set. Also, aprogressive increase of this compound in roots was shown during the transitionof stolons to tubers. Of the two GAs monitored, gibberellic acid(GA3) was the most abundant in all the organs. While GA1and GA3 were also found in stolons at the time of tuber set, noothermeasurements of GAs were obtained for stolons at previous stages of plantdevelopment. Our results indicate that high levels of JA and GAs are found indifferent tissues, especially during stolon growth and tuber set.  相似文献   

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) were grown in aerated water culture in a controlled environment. When the tubers had reached a diameter of 1–3 cm. 14C-labelled or unlabelled gibberellic acid (GA3) was applied to the surface of the stolons at points approximately 1 crn from the developing tubers, and treatment continued for 10 days. - Significant quantities of GA3 moved into tuber tissue within 2–4 days of hormone application. This influx of GA3 was accompanied by a marked reduction in both the activity of ADPG-pyrophospharylase and the ratio ADPG-pyrophosphorylase/starch phosphorylase and an increase in the activity of UDPG-pyrophosphorylase. Starch phosphorylase activity initially increased slightly but then fell, whereas the activity of starch synthase remained constant throughout the experiment. The soluble sugar composition of the tubers changed qualitatively towards a pattern characteristic of growing stolon tips prior to tuber initiation, but there was no clear evidence of net starch degradation. Changes in the activities of the enzymes were observed prior to noticeable effects of the hormone on tuber growth rate or the development of new stolons at the tuber eyes. - GA3- treated tubers imported more 14C from labelled photosynthate than expected on the basis of growth rate. However, the capacity to convert solub#e-14C to ethaTiol-insoluble-14C (predominantly starch) was reduced in comparison with non-treated tubers. - The observed changes in carbohydrate composition and enzyme activities indicate that GA3 induces a drastic change in potato tuber metabolism towards a pattern characteristic for the termination of the storage process.  相似文献   

A diallel set of crosses, including selfs and some reciprocal crosses, was made between 15 parents chosen for their male fertility from those included in a tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) breeding programme at the Scottish Crop Research Institute. Seedling progeny tests were used to evaluate the progenies for non-race-specific resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in both foliage and tubers, quantitative resistance to the white potato cystnematode (PCN) (Globodera pallida) and the commercial worth of their tubers as judged by breeders' visual preference. No reciprocal differences were found. Comparisons of the selfs and crosses revealed inbreeding depression for breeders' preference, which varied among the parents from negligible to severe, whilst there were also statistically significant differences for foliage and tuber blight, but not for PCN. When the selfs were omitted from the combining ability analyses, large differences in general combining ability (GCA) were found for all four traits, and smaller differences in specific combining ability for tuber blight and breeders' preference. The only statistically significant correlation between GCAs for different traits was a favourable one of r = 0.56 between foliage and tuber resistance to late blight. It was concluded that prospects were good for simultaneously improving all four traits by multitrait genotypic recurrent selection.  相似文献   

Internodes, leaves and tuber slices from potato (Solanum tuberosum), genotype 1024-2, were subjected to particle bombardment. Transient expression was optimized using the uidA and the luc reporter genes that encode #-glucuronidase (GUS) and luciferase, respectively. Stable transformation was achieved using the neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) gene, which confers resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin. The influence of biological parameters (tissue type, growth period before bombardment, pre- and post-bombardment osmoticum treatment) and physical parameters (helium pressure, tissue distance) that are known to possibly affect stable transformation were investigated. Putative transgenic plants, which rooted in media containing kanamycin, were obtained from all of the tissues tested although there were large differences in the efficiency: internodes (0.77 plants per bombarded explant), microtuber slices (0.10 plants per bombarded explant) and leaves (0.02 plants per bombarded explant). Southern blot analysis of putative transgenic plants confirmed the integration of the transgenes into plant DNA. The results indicate that an efficient particle bombardment protocol is now available for both transient and stable transformation of potato internodal segments, thus contributing to an enhanced flexibility in the delivery of transgenes to this important food crop.  相似文献   

A diallel set of crosses, including selfs and some reciprocal crosses, was made between 15 parents, chosen for their fertility, from those included in a tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum) breeding programme at the Scottish Crop Research Institute. The progenies were grown in randomised complete block trials with two replicates at a high-grade seed site from 1994 to 1996 inclusive and at a ware site in 1995 and 1996. The parents were included in the ware trials. Tubers were assessed for visual preference in all trials and for fry colour at both sites in 1996. Emergence and maturity were recorded in the ware trials and the tubers were assessed for yield, dry matter, size, appearance (regularity of shape), scab, uniformity, sprouting in store and keeping quality. There were very few growth cracks and very few internal defects. No reciprocal differences were found. Inbreeding depression was marked for emergence, yield, tuber size and appearance, and visual preference. In contrast, the selfs had a lighter fry colour than the parents and F1s. Combining-ability analysis (selfs omitted) identified fry colour, emergence, maturity, yield, dry matter and sprouting resistance as traits for which the GCA (general combining ability) variance and narrow-sense heritability were high enough for good progress from full-sib family selection. Correlations between GCAs for pairs of traits were examined, including those from previously published seedling progeny tests. For fry colour, an unfavourable correlation with low yield (r = 0.596) was compensated by a favourable one with high dry matter content (r = 0.652), whereas unfavourable ones between foliage and tuber blight resistance and sprouting susceptibility (r = 0.578 and 0.596) were identified for monitoring. Clones with high GCAs were identified for use as parents in future breeding and the extent to which GCAs could be predicted from the parents, and the offspring means from the midparent means, was determined by regression and correlation analysis. The offspring-midparent regression was highest for fry colour, followed by dry matter, emergence and sprouting. Values were lower for scab due to environmental variation; for maturity, yield and tuber size due to SCA (specific combining ability); and for visual preference due to both factors. The implications for a breeding strategy are discussed. Received: 28 November 1998 / Accepted: 19 December 1998  相似文献   

The conservation and characterization of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) genetic resources in germplasm banks has been the basis of their use in breeding projects, which has resulted in the development of new cultivars. High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis, combined with eight microsatellite markers, has been integrated in order to facilitate the molecular identification and characterization of the eggplant germplasm, collected from the National Genebank Collection of Greece. The eight microsatellite loci used were highly informative and generated sixty three HRM profiles, which were sufficient to discriminate all eggplant landraces and cultivars studied, highlighting its potential use for cultivar genotyping. The thirty six eggplant genotypes were classified into four clusters. Hence, this assay provided a fast, cost-effective and closed-tube microsatellite genotyping method, well suited for molecular characterization of eggplant cultivars.  相似文献   

M. Akita  Y. Ohta 《Plant cell reports》1998,18(3-4):284-287
We have developed a simple system for mass propagation of plant organs using a bioreactor without forced aeration. In this system, explants were cultured in bottles equipped with an air-permeable membrane on the cap and these bottles were slowly rotated on a bottle roller. Microtubers of potato were induced using a two-step culture method. In the first step, potato plantlets were cultured under static conditions. After shoot proliferation, the culture medium was replaced with a medium containing a higher concentration of sucrose and the bottles were rotated at 1 rpm. The number of tubers was clearly increased in this system compared to the culture without rotation. The results indicated that our system can be applied for mass propagation of potato tubers at low cost. Received: 3 April 1998 / Revision received: 22 July 1998 / Accepted: 21 August 1998  相似文献   

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