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《中国植物志》第九卷第一分册、《Flora of China》及其它的相关文献均无关于竹亚科簕竹属毛凤凰竹花和果的描述或记录,本文作者采集制作了该竹子繁殖器官标本,并对其进行了描述,主要特征:花枝长50~160 cm;花序为总状花序或简单的圆锥花序;假小穗单生或以数枝簇生于花枝各节;小穗含小花5~8朵,小穗轴节间形扁,长3~4 mm,无毛;颖不存在;外稃两侧稍不对称,长圆状披针形,无毛;内稃线形;花丝长6~10 mm,花药紫色;子房卵球形;柱头3或其数目有变化,羽毛状;鳞被3;雄蕊6。花期3~4月。成熟颖果为细狭的长圆形,长0.8~1.0 cm,直径2.0~2.5 mm,棕褐色,果皮较厚。花标本采自厦门市园林植物园竹类植物区。  相似文献   

张雨曲  杨新杰  程虎印  高静  彭亮  张明英  张岗 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1641-1644
繁殖器官在竹类植物的分类学研究中具有重要意义,研究组在广西马山县观察到竹亚科单枝竹属芸香竹正在开花,该文根据观察到的开花状况和采集到的标本解剖观察结果,对其花枝和繁殖器官特征做了详细的中文及拉丁文补充描述。经对比芸香竹与属内已知繁殖器官结构的单枝竹和小花单枝竹的繁殖器官,3个竹种有相同的繁殖器官结构特征,但在小花数目和大小等方面具有差异。繁殖器官比较表明该属竹种的繁殖器官对喀斯特地貌环境有特殊的适应性,也支持依据营养器官差异划分为3个独立竹种。  相似文献   

竹亚科箭竹属两种植物花序的补充描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据所看到和采集到的标本对竹亚科箭竹属两种植物云龙箭竹和元江箭竹的花序特征做了较为详细的中文以及拉丁文补充描述。该文对箭竹属的分类提供了更丰富的参考凭证,对今后该属的修订工作有较大的意义。  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科牡竹属一新种——长耳吊丝竹(Dendrocalamus Iongiauritus S.H.Chen,K.F.HuangetR.S.Chen)。该种与吊丝竹(D.minor(McClure)ChiaetH.L.Fung)相近似,但该竹种部分节有明显发达的一条主枝,箨耳较大,明显并与箨片基部相连,窄长,横卧于箨鞘两肩,且呈有规则皱褶状,并着生有6~8mm长的波曲燧毛,箨舌高达0.7~0.9cm,呈不整齐撕裂状,上部有灰黄色扁形长毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

竹亚科一新属——单枝竹属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

马来甜龙竹和小叶龙竹花序和果实的补充描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据在云南采集到的标本,对竹亚科牡竹属马来甜龙竹的花序特征做了较为详细的中文以及拉丁文补充描述,对马来甜龙竹和小叶龙竹的果实特征进行了描述。  相似文献   

半耳箬竹[Indocalamus semifalcatus(H. R. Zhao et Y. L. Yang) T. P. Yi]在原始文献中仅有部分营养器官的描述。该文通过野外居群调查、室内体视解剖和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察,新增了半耳箬竹的花器官描述和叶下表皮微形态特征,完善了其营养器官的性状描述,更新了其地理分布。结果表明:(1)繁殖器官性状:花序为圆锥状,小穗及小穗轴密被白色短柔毛,颖片、外稃及内稃光滑无毛,雄蕊3枚,花药紫红色,柱头2,白色,羽毛状。(2)营养体性状:秆高达4.5 m,径达2 cm,箨耳半镰形或微弱,箨片直立紧贴秆,叶耳微弱或无,叶舌上具较发达的纤毛;叶片两面同色且无毛。(3)叶下表皮微形态特征:气孔器凹陷不可见,8~10个长乳突平铺覆盖气孔,硅质体马鞍形,未见有大毛和刺毛。(4)新分布区域1个,即贵州省贵阳市观音山。该种与箬叶竹(I.longiauritus Hand.-Mazz.)最为相似,主要区别在于该种的箨鞘和叶鞘上具有半镰形的箨耳或箨耳缺失,秆高达4.5 m,径达2 cm。  相似文献   

本文作者查阅了大节竹属Indososa McClure的标本, 发现灵川大节竹I.lingchuanensis C.D.Chu et C.S.Chao和橄榄竹I.gegantea(Wen)Wen 均属一次发生的总状花序, 应重新组合到酸竹属Acidosasa中。  相似文献   

本文记载了中国西南牡竹属二新种,席竹DendrocalamusexilisXiaetChia,钓鱼竹DendrocalamusguiyangensisXiaetCia,并对妈竹BambusaboniopsisMcCl.、大眼竹B.eutuldoidesMcCl.、撑篙竹B.pervariabilisMcCl.、紫秆竹B.textilisMcCl.cv.Purpurascens和佛肚竹B.ventricosaMcCl.的花作了补充描述.  相似文献   

10种刚竹属植物花部形态的补充描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次补充和描述了黄古竹Phyllostachys angusta,乌芽竹P.atrovaginata,角竹P.fimbriligula,美竹P.mannii,早园竹P.propinqua,芽竹P.robustirames,水胖竹P.rubicunda,衢县红壳竹P.rutila,天目早竹P.tianmuensis,9种竹子的花部形态特征,并根据采得了可靠花枝标本对台湾桂 竹P.makinoi的花部形态特征作了增补和修订。  相似文献   

狭叶桂〔Cinnamomumheyeanum(Nees)H.W.LietB.Q.Cheng〕是一种新的资源植物,全株可提取芳香油,含黄樟油素63%~99%;鲜枝叶出油率为0.51%~0.96%,黄樟油素含量为97%~99%。用种子繁殖可保持母本优良性状,是一种具有发展价值的新香料植物  相似文献   

杨喜林 《植物研究》2018,38(3):321-322
在文献考证的基础上,作者再次论述了河西菊属的分类特征和Zollikoferia Nees名称的来源,认为Zollikoferia Nees和Z. polydichotoma(Ostenf.) Iljin为不合法名。  相似文献   

The ovuliferous structure of Ginkgo biloba L. has been variously interpreted morphologically. As a result the systematic position and the relationship with other gymnosperms of this ancestral gymnosperm have long been under dispute. In the present paper, a brief survey of the main views as to the nature of the ovuliferous structure is givcn. Based on morphological and teratological data previously reported, a new interpretation is proposed. The essential points are summarized as follows: 1. In morphological essence, a fertile dwarf shoot with some ovuliferous structures in Ginkgo biloba L. might as a whole be nothing but a megasporophyll strobilus (female cone), which is shared actually by all the conifers in the gymnosperms. The fertile dwarf shoot has appearance extremely similar to that of the vegetative dwarf shoot, suggesting that in Ginkgo biloba L. the vegetative organs and the reproductive organs have not been yet well differentiated, and thus its megasporophyll strobilus might represent one of the most primitive compound strobilus types. 2. In Ginkgo biloba, the ovuliferous structure borne in the axil of a scale leaf (sometimes a normal leaf) on the dwarf shoot, together with the scale leaf itself, might be the homogenous organ corresponding to the bract-scale and seed-scale complex of the compound female strobilus of the typical conifers. The complex is a relatively isolated reproductive unit on the strobilus. The normal leaves and the scale leaves on the dwarf shoot might be equivalent to the bract-scales in the typical cones, though the normal leaves still retain the vegetative nature as the foliage leaves on the vegetative shoot. The stalk hearing ovules at its top might be equivalent to a seed-scale of the typical cones. 3. The megasporophyll strobilus in Ginkgo biloba, namely a whole fertile dwarf shoot as mentioned above, seems to show much more primitive characteristics than those of typical conifers. In this plant it is very difficult to distinguish the fertile dwarf shoot from the common vegetative dwarf shoot before reproduction time. Moreover, its megasporophyll strobilus often exhibits more atavistic abnormalities than those of other conifers. All the evidence indicates that the primitive ancestor of conifers might have had the fertile organs which might be of basically identical morphology as vegetative shoots, except that in the fertile organs there might exist numerous fertile leaves bearing one or many ovules. 4. The longer stalk of the ovuliferous structure in Ginkgo biloba might have come from mainly a secondary elongation growth of the seed scale, and only a little part of it might be the remains of the original shoot. The fork structure bearing ovules at the top of the stalk might be the rudementary part of the petioles of the only two extremely reduced megasporophylls. The collar around the base of the ovule might be a secondary protective structure. 5. A correct morphological interpretation of the female strobilus in Ginkgo biloba is doubtless of important significance for our better understanding of the evolution of the female reproductive organs in conifers. According to our interpretation mentioned above, together with the concept of the bractscale and seed-scale complex proposed in the present paper, which is mainly based on the concept of the seed-scale complex propose by Florin, here we put forward an evolutionary theory of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex. According to this theory, the female reproductive organs of the ancestral conifers should be very similar, as mentioned above, to the sterile foliage shoot except that the former might have some fertile leaves which could produce ovules at reproduction time. This ancestral female reproductive organ type might have had evolved towards two directions and thus formed two main evolutionary lines. One is represented by the genus Cycas and we may call it the Cycas Evolutionary Line (C-line), in which the megasporophyll strobilus is monopodial, with the fertile leaves and sterile bracts occurring directly on the main axis. The Cycadaceae is the only living gymnosperm member along this evolutionary line. The second line is represented by all the conifers including Ginkgo, which all have the structure of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex, and thus we called it the "Bract-scale and Seed-scale Complex Evolutionary Line" (BS-line). The members along this line have multipodial female strobilus, i.e. compound strobilus. On the main axis occur some sterile vegetative bracts. In the axils of some or most of the bracts occur the seed-scales. The seed-scales are actually the remains of the extremely, or smetimes completely reduced fertile shoots. Each part of the bractt-scale and seed-scale complex and the main axis of the strobilus could have undergone independent or correlated changes, and thus have had formed various types of strobilus which are found in the living conifers. 6. Our theory on the evolution of the bract-scale and seed-scale complex seems to support the division of all the gymnosperms into two major groups as proposed by Chamberlain, and is also in favour of the placement of Ginkgo biloba into the conifers as the most primitive member along BS-line. 7. Based on their similar morphological characters, it can be considered that Ginkgo biloba might have close relationships with the Nageiaceae, Ephedraceae, Welwitschiaceae and Araucariaceae. All these groups have multinerved leaves without costa. These living gymnosperms might have a more direct relationship withthe ancestral cordaites.  相似文献   

芸香草和西昌香茅挥发油的化学成分张荣,苏中武,李承祜(第二军医大学药学院,上海200433)关键词芸香草,西昌香茅,挥发油ChemicalconstituentsofessentialoilsfromCymbopogondistons(NeesexS...  相似文献   

红花玉兰等5个玉兰种花粉形态观察及分类学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对红花玉兰(Magnolia wufengensis L. Y. Ma et L. R. Wang)等5个玉兰种的花粉的光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察拍照,测量光学显微镜下的花粉大小并对其进行统计学分析。结果表明:光学显微镜下,木兰属5个种的花粉均呈现椭圆形或近圆形,各种之间大小、形状方面有较大差异,种内部也存在不同程度的差异;扫描电子显微镜下,各种花粉均为舟形,且具有闭合、长及两端的远极萌发单沟等一致特征,花粉表面纹饰、突起等特征在种内部比较稳定,不同种之间差异明显,可以为木兰属植物种的划分提供比较准确的依据。  相似文献   

银缕梅茎皮的化学成分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
银缕梅(Shaniodendronsubaequale(H.T.Chang)M.B.Deng,H.T.WeietX.Q.Wang)的学名最初是由张宏达定为小叶金缕梅(HamamelissubaequalisH.T.Chang),并收入《中国植物志》中...  相似文献   

在野外考察和室内标本研究的基础上,对薄鳞蕨属(中国蕨科)的分类进行了研究。 将2种 (华西薄鳞蕨和察隅薄鳞蕨) 和2变种(大叶薄鳞蕨和宽叶薄鳞蕨)进行了归并处理, 承认该属有4种1变种。  相似文献   

金鱼藻营养器官的形态解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对金鱼藻最常见的营养器官茎和叶的形态解剖观察发现:整个植株脆性较大;茎中通气组织不发达,木质部和机械组织不发达,凯氏带不明显;叶片薄而透明,二歧状分枝,表皮含大量的叶绿体,通气组织特别发达,气腔有端壁且有通道相连,木质部退化.  相似文献   

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