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Lafont  Michel  Malard  Florian 《Hydrobiologia》2001,463(1-3):75-81
We examined the composition and distribution of oligochaete communities in the hyporheic zone of the Roseg River, a glacial river in southeastern Switzerland. Ten oligochaete species were collected from 11 sites distributed along an 11-km reach of the river, downstream of the Tschierva Glacier. The most frequently encountered species were Dorydrilus michaelseni, Propappus volki, Cernosvitoviella atrata and Cernosvitoviella carpatica. Six other species were relatively scarce and exhibited a discontinuous distribution pattern only in the downstream sites. At the most downstream site, a population of eyeless Nais communis was discovered with anatomical traits apparently related to a subterranean life-adaptation of this surface-living species. The species richness and abundance of oligochaete communities were relatively constant over time, but increased at sites where groundwater entered the stream. The spatial distribution of several oligochaete species was linked to the longitudinal arrangement of groundwater upwelling areas. This observation suggested that groundwater was an important upstream migration pathway for oligochaetes during the glacial retreat.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of in-stream gravel extraction in a pre-alpine gravel-bed river on hyporheic invertebrate community, together with changes in the hyporheic geomorphology, physico-chemistry and biofilm activity. Hyporheic invertebrates were collected, together with environmental data, on seven sampling occasions from June 2004 to May 2005, at two river reaches—at the site of in-stream gravel extraction and at a site 2.5 km upstream. The hyporheic samples were taken from the river bed and from the gravel bars extending laterally from the stream channel. The invertebrate community was dominated by insect larvae (occasional hyporheos), followed by meiofauna (permanent hyporheos). Stygobionts were present at low species richness and in low densities. Gravel extraction from the stream channel led to changes in the patterns of water exchange between surface and subsurface and changes in the sediment composition at the site. Immediate reductions in density and taxonomic richness of invertebrates were observed, together with changes in their community composition. The hyporheic invertebrate community in the river recovered relatively fast (in 2.5 months) by means of density and taxonomic richness, while by means of community composition invertebrates needed 5–7 months to recover. The impact of fine sediments (<0.1 mm) on biofilm activity measured through ETS activity and hyporheic invertebrate density and taxonomic richness was strongly confirmed in this study.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone and its interactions with coarse surface sediments is increasingly reported by aquatic ecologists because the water exchanges between surface and subsurface are important factors for the understanding of the ecosystem functioning. However, the hyproheic oligochaete assemblages have received less attention than other assemblages such as crustaceans. In addition, studies investigating the incidence of pollution in watercourses have mostly focused on the benthic zone and have neglected the hyporheic zone. Some examples are given from an unpolluted glacial river (Roseg), polluted plains rivers (Moselle, Rhône) and a protected wetland in an urbanized environment. The hyporheic zone kept the memory of past and present incidences of pollution, in particular when downwellings of polluted surface waters to the hyporheic zone predominated. The Active hydrologic Exchange Describers between surface and subsurface (AED oligochaete species) were the same in the glacial river Roseg, the rivers Rhône and Moselle and the urbanized wetland. The predominance of pollution-tolerant species like Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was observed in polluted groundwater as well as in polluted surface coarse sediments. Moreover, the urbanized wetland exhibited a high species richness, suggesting that the hyporheic zone is a reservoir of species. The oligochaete communities enable biologists to simultaneously assess the pollution incidence, the permeability of coarse habitats, the water exchanges between surface and subsurface, and give an approximate measure of the metabolic activities in the sediments. Consequently, the simultaneous study of surface and hyporheic oligochaete assemblages is of great interest when considering the ecological functioning of watercourses and the incidence of pollution inputs.  相似文献   

Hyporheic rehabilitation in rivers: restoring vertical connectivity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The hyporheic zone below the channel and banks of many rivers where surface water and ground water exchanges plays a crucial functional role in the biogeochemical transformation of water, mediated by active microbial biofilms. This zone also harbours assemblages of invertebrates that graze biofilms, contribute to secondary production, and can alter the porosity of the hyporheic zone through their movement or burrowing activities. 2. Many human activities cause interstitial sedimentation or disrupt surface–groundwater hydrological linkages, impacting upon ecological processes in the hyporheic zone. However, strategies for river rehabilitation seldom explicitly consider the hyporheic zone or seek to restore lost vertical linkages with groundwater. Instead, restoration goals target surface, riparian or floodplain features even though current river ecosystem theory emphasises the three dimensions of hydrological connectivity. To guide effective, holistic river restoration, scientists and managers therefore need information on the mechanisms by which energy and material are transferred in the hyporheic zone and which ecosystem services are thus provided. 3. Other gaps in our understanding of hyporheic zone rehabilitation include recruitment processes of the hyporheos and the relative importance of groups of hyporheic invertebrates in rivers differing in substratum size, disturbance frequency and groundwater linkages. Carefully designed experiments that assess responses to hyporheic rehabilitation strategies will provide valuable data at varying scales (e.g. distribution of hyporheic habitat types at the reach scale) for management as well as providing insights into the mechanisms controlling hyporheic invertebrate assemblages and ecological processes. Fully successful river rehabilitation must include restoration of vertical linkages between the river and its shallow groundwater aquifers.  相似文献   

1. The longitudinal distribution of macroinvertebrates was investigated in June, August and September 1996 and 1997 in the Conca glacial stream and its tributary (Italian Alps; 46°N, 10°E). The principal aim was to test the 22 model that predicts the succession of faunal groups downstream of the glacial snout in relation to water temperature and channel stability. The effect of a non‐glacial tributary on the taxonomic richness and density patterns occurring in the glacial stream was also considered. 2. Channel stability showed an atypical longitudinal trend in the Conca glacial stream, being high in the upper part with Pfankuch Index values between 30 and 33. Water temperature exceeded 6 °C at all stations, with average values below 2 °C occurring only within 700 m from the glacial snout. 3. Taxonomic richness and diversity increased downstream. Taxonomic richness in the glacial stream (at about 1.5 km from the glacier) was comparable with the tributary and the reach after the confluence. Abundance also increased downstream in the glacial stream, but not as greatly as the number of taxa. 4. At higher taxonomic levels, the community structure in the tributary stations appeared to be similar to the two stations in the glacial stream just upstream of the confluence. The effect of the tributary was evident mainly at the genus or species level of the Chironomidae community. Some taxa found in the non‐glacial stream (e.g. Cricotopus fuscus, Eukiefferiella coerulescens, Metriocnemus sp., Paratrichocladius rufiventris, P. skirwitensis, Rheocricotopus effusus and Smittia sp.) were found also in the Conca stream but only after the confluence. 5. The upper glacial reach (within 700 m from the glacier snout) was dominated by the chironomid Diamesa spp. Less than 400 m from the glacier other Diamesinae (Pseudokiefferiella parva) and a few Orthocladiinae, especially Orthocladius (Euorthocladius) rivicola gr., colonized the stream. Some Diamesinae maintained relatively dense populations at mean water temperature around 5 °C, while some Orthocladiinae colonized reaches with mean water temperature <3 °C. 6. Contrary to the 22 model, Dipteran families such as Empididae and Limoniidae were more abundant in the upper stations than Simuliidae; non‐insects such as Nematoda and Oligochaeta were also numerous at some sites. Leuctridae, Taeniopterygidae and Nemouridae were the first Plecoptera to appear upstream, while Chloroperlidae were restricted to the lower reaches. Among Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae were more abundant than Baetidae in the glacial sites. 7. In this glacial system channel stability and maximum temperature did not show the expected longitudinal trend and thus a typical kryal community was confined within 700 m from the glacier snout where summer mean water temperature was below 4 °C.  相似文献   

1. The Rotifera assemblage inhabiting the streambed surface and the hyporheic zone of a gravel stream was investigated between October 1991 and October 1992. Forty-two species of Monogononta and 27 of Bdelloidea were identified. Within these two classes, dominant species differed between the surface and the hyporheic zone. At the streambed surface, the abundance of monogonont rotifers showed a seasonal pattern with significantly higher densities in pools, whereas bdelloids showed no clear temporal trend and did not differ significantly among sites. In the hyporheic zone, the depth distribution differed among the two rotifer groups, bdelloids occurred in highest densities between 0 and 30 cm sediment depth, while monogononts were most abundant at greater depths.
2. Species composition differed greatly between successive sampling dates (min. 5 to max. 26 days) at both the streambed surface and the hyporheos. At the streambed surface and in the shallow hyporheos a significantly higher percentage of species was replaced in riffles than in pools.
3. Few measured hydrophysical variables were associated with the Rotifera assemblage structure. At the streambed surface, species richness was negatively correlated with water temperature and substratum heterogeneity, and Monogononta rotifer densities declined with water depth and substratum roughness.
4. Permutation tests carried out on temporal serial correlations showed that, at riffle sites at the streambed surface, bdelloid rotifer densities, rotifer species richness and diversity did not differ significantly from a temporal, near-random pattern. The hyporheic rotifer assemblage followed similar near-random patterns.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the sensitivity, in a field situation, of the hyporheic fauna to pollution by heavy metals and also to test the use of oxidative stress enzymes produced by this fauna as a sensitive indicator of oxidative stress generated by chemical contamination. This was done by surveying the patterns of distribution, structure, and composition of hyporheic invertebrate communities in one of the most polluted rivers in Romania. Twelve permanent sampling stations with differing water qualities were established along a 180 km transect of the Arie? River. Data on hyporheic invertebrate abundance and richness, chemistry of the surface and hyporheic water and interstitial suspended particles were analyzed via multifactorial analyses. In the downstream, more polluted stations, epigean species were less abundant and hyporheic communities, especially macrocrustaceans and oligochetes, became dominant. The higher levels of hyporheic invertebrate biodiversity in the moderately polluted stations compared to highly polluted, and the increase of the number of some hyporheos (especially macrocrustaceans) in the moderately polluted stations, suggested that the hyporheic fauna was more tolerant of heavy metal pollution than the surface water fauna of the area. However, the different richness and abundance of hyporheic fauna in sites of similar water chemistry suggested that additional factors, such as sediment structure are shaping the spatial distribution of hyporheic fauna. Strong correlations between superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in pooled tissues extracts and some chemical parameters suggest that oxidative stress enzymes may prove to be sensitive indicators of chemical pollution in hyporheic zones.  相似文献   

1. Seasonal changes in longitudinal patterns of environmental conditions and macroinvertebrate community distributions were examined in an alpine glacial stream (Roseg River, Switzerland). 2. Physico‐chemical parameters reflected seasonal changes in glacial influence via shifts in water sources and flowpaths (glacial meltwater versus ground water), and were best described by turbidity, particulate phosphorus and specific conductance. High nitrogen concentrations indicated snowmelt was the main water source in June. 3. Macroinvertebrate densities and taxon richness were highest during spring (4526 m–2 and 16 taxa, all sites combined) and late autumn/early winter (8676–13 398 m–2 with 16–18 taxa), indicating these periods may be more favourable for these animals than summer when glacial melting is maximal. Diamesa spp. (Chironomidae) dominated the fauna at the upper three sites (>95% of zoobenthos) and were abundant at all locations. Other common taxa at lower sites (1.2–10.6 km downstream of the glacier terminus) included other chironomids (Orthocladiinae, Tanytarsini), the mayflies Baetis alpinus and Rhithrogena spp., the stoneflies Leuctra spp. and Protonemura spp., blackflies (Simulium spp., Prosimulium spp.), and Oligochaeta. 4. Co‐inertia analysis revealed a strong relationship between environmental conditions and benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Furthermore, it elucidated temporal variability in longitudinal response patterns, as well as a similarity in temporal patterns among individual sites. 5. Our results suggest that zoobenthic gradients are not solely related to temperature and channel stability. Seasonal shifts in sources and pathways of water (i.e. extent of glacial influence), and periods of favourable environmental conditions (in spring and late autumn/early winter) also strongly influenced zoobenthic distributions.  相似文献   

1. A large proportion of the total river length on Earth comprises rivers that are temporary in nature. However, the effects of periodical dry events have received far less attention from ecologists than those of floods and low flows. 2. This study concomitantly examined the effects of flow intermittence on invertebrates from the streambed surface and from a depth of 30 cm in the hyporheic zone. Invertebrates were collected during 3 years in the Albarine River, France, before and after summer dry events from 18 sites (seven were perennial) distributed along a longitudinal flow intermittence gradient. 3. I predicted benthic and hyporheic density and taxonomic richness to decrease, and assemblage composition to shift from desiccation‐sensitive to desiccation‐resistant taxa with increased dry event duration. Second, I predicted benthic and hyporheic assemblages from sites that dried for longer periods to be nested subsets of assemblages from sites that dried for shorter periods. Last, I predicted a convergence in benthic and hyporheic assemblage composition with increasing duration of dry events, resulting from increased vertical migration of benthic taxa into the hyporheic sediments to cope with dry events. 4. Increased dry event duration in the Albarine River led to a decrease in both benthic and hyporheic density and taxonomic richness. Invertebrate assemblage composition shifted along the gradient of increasing flow intermittence, but broad taxonomic overlap between perennial and temporary reaches and nestedness patterns indicated that these shifts were because of the loss of taxa susceptible to drying rather than selection for desiccation‐resistant specialists. 5. Assemblage composition between benthic and hyporheic invertebrates diverged with increasing dry event duration, suggesting that the hyporheic zone did not act as a refuge during dry events in this river. 6. Quantitative studies on the relationships between ecology and intermittence are still rare but are needed to predict the consequences of future changes in flow intermittence. The relationships found in this study should be tested across a wide range of temporary rivers to better evaluate the generality of these findings.  相似文献   

1. A study on glacial stream ecosystems was carried out in six regions across Europe, from Svalbard to the French Pyrenees. The main aim was to test the validity of the conceptual model of 38 with regard to the zonation of chironomids of glacier‐fed rivers along altitudinal and latitudinal gradient. 2. Channel stability varied considerably, both on the latitudinal and altitudinal scale, being lowest in the northern regions (Svalbard, Iceland and Norway) and the Swiss Alps. Water temperature at the upstream sites was always <2 °C. 3. There was a prominent difference in taxonomic richness between the Alpine and the northern European regions, with a higher number of taxa in the south. In all regions, the chironomid community was characterized by the genus Diamesa and the subfamily Orthocladiinae. Of a total of 63 taxa recorded, two (Diamesa bertrami and Orthocladius frigidus) were common in all the regions except Svalbard. 4. On the basis of cluster analysis, seven distinct groups of sites were evident amongst glacial‐fed systems of the five regions (Pyrenees excluded). This classification separated the glacier‐fed streams on geographical, latitudinal and downstream gradients. 5. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) of environmental variables was carried out using 41 taxa at 105 sites. Slope, water depth, distance from source, water temperature and the Pfankuch channel stability index were found to be the major explanatory environmental variables. The analysis separated Diamesinae and typical upstream orthoclads from the other chironomids by low temperature and high channel instability. 6. In all six regions, Diamesa was present closest to the glacier. Within 200 m of the glacier snout, other genera of Diamesinae were found together with Orthocladiinae. Pioneer taxa like Diamesa species coexisted with later colonizers like Eukiefferiella minor/fittkaui in relatively unstable channels. 7. The longitudinal succession of chironomid assemblages across altitudinal and latitudinal gradients in glacial streams followed the same pattern, with similar genera and groups of species. The general aspects of the conceptual model of 38 were supported. However, Diamesa species have wider temperature limits than predicted and other Diamesinae as well as Orthocladiinae colonize metakryal habitats.  相似文献   

Summary 1. We studied the relative contributions of the magnitude and direction of vertical hydrological exchange, subsurface sediment composition and interstitial physicochemistry in determining the distribution of hyporheic invertebrates in the Kye Burn, a fourth order gravel‐bed stream in New Zealand. 2. In winter 2000 and summer 2001, we measured vertical hydrological gradient (VHG), dissolved oxygen, water temperature and water chemistry using mini‐piezometers, each installed in a different upwelling or downwelling zone. Next to every piezometer, a freeze core sample was taken to quantify the sediment, particulate organic matter and invertebrates. 3. Dissolved oxygen concentration at 25 cm was high on both occasions (>9 mg L?1) but was higher in winter than summer. Interstitial water temperature was higher in down than upwellings and was substantially higher in summer than winter. Other features of the subsurface sediments and interstitial nitrate–nitrite concentrations were similar on both occasions and in up and downwellings. Interstitial ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorous concentrations were higher in winter than summer and ammonium was higher in up than downwelling areas. 4. The proportion of fine sediment (63 μm–1 mm), sediment heterogeneity and VHG accounted for the greatest proportion of variance in invertebrate distributions in both summer and winter. 5. The hyporheos was numerically dominated by early instar leptophlebiid mayfly nymphs and asellotan isopods. Water mites were a taxonomically diverse group with 13 genera. Taxonomic diversity (Shannon–Weaver), but not taxon richness, was higher in upwelling areas, reflecting lower numerical dominance by a few taxa in these locations. 6. Sediment composition (particularly the amount of fine sediments) and vertical hydrological exchange determined the composition and distribution of the hyporheos. Patchiness in these factors is important in planning sampling regimes or field manipulations in the hyporheic zone.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions in the interstices beneath streams and rivers with porous beds are unlike those found either on the bed surface or in the true groundwater. For most of the year, in many streams, the bulk of the water in the hyporheic zone is provided by baseflow but, as it passes across the hyporheic/groundwater interface, the physical and chemical nature of this groundwater changes, probably in response to mixing with surface water. Factors promoting the influx of surface water are associated with features of the bed and channel morphology. The upper and lower boundaries of the hyporheic zone are thought to vary in time, but at any instant they can be defined. As a habitat, the hyporheic zone fits the definition of an ecotone, although certain adverse features may result in reduced species diversity. There are limited, correlative, data available on the relationship of the fauna (hyporheos) to interstitial conditions and further study of the general biology of both species and populations is needed. In an attempt to stimulate future research on these systems, some preliminary models of hyporheic dynamics are proposed.  相似文献   

Fowler  R. T.  Death  R. G. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):85-95
Interstitial water samples were collected from two well depths (30 and 60 cm) from 8 rivers in the Cass-Craigieburn region, South Island (New Zealand) during January 1998 to assess the hyporheos in streams of differing stability. Hyporheic water chemistry was more similar to surface water chemistry at unstable sites than at stable sites. The greatest diversity of both epigean and hypogean animals occurred at intermediate levels of disturbance; however, invertebrate density declined with increasing bed movement. Abundance of epigean animals also increased with declining environmental stability (i.e., increasing bed movement). Water chemistry was most like the river channel at unstable sites, probably because less stable substrates had increased interstitial flow facilitating a greater supply of water from the surface channel. In contrast, stable sites were spring fed and groundwater had a greater influence. Thus, substrate stability may influence hyporheic water chemistry and porosity by changing the interaction between ground and surface waters. Epigean taxa may be less abundant at stable sites because the chemical nature of the water is least like the river channel (e.g. low dissolved oxygen, higher temperature and higher conductivity), while the abundance of hypogean animals is greater, as these taxa are more tolerant of this water chemistry, and are thus capable of persisting in the stable substrates.  相似文献   

M. Lafont  J.C. Camus  A. Rosso 《Hydrobiologia》1996,334(1-3):147-155
Benthic oligochaetes were sampled on three occasions (June, August and October 1992) in the upper (0–10 cm) and hyporheic (35–45 cm depths) sediments at five sites of the River Moselle, from upstream of the town of Epinal to Velle-sur-Moselle. The first site (upstream from Epinal) is considered as unpolluted and the four remaining sites are polluted by industrial effluents. The most polluted stations were generally dominated by the pollution tolerant taxon Limnodrilus. Numbers of individuals of this taxon decreased at the less polluted last site in recovery zone, and were also scarce in the first unpolluted site. It is noteworthy that these tendencies were observed in both superficial and hyporheic substrates and to the greatest degree in hyporheic ones. At the unpolluted site, the hyporheic habitat is dominated by the groundwater species Propappus volki, Pristina spp., Pristinella spp. At the less polluted site (last site), the deep sediments are dominated by groundwater species and the Tubificidae without hair setae decrease from June to October. As a result of water exchange between superficial and subterranean waters, superficial substrates of the first and the last stations tend to be colonised by a high proportion of hyporheic species that suggests that flow is primarily from subterranean to superficial waters. The contrary is the case at other polluted stations which are characterised by the invasion of hyporheic substrates by the pollution tolerant superficial taxa Limnodrilus. This suggests that water flows from the river to the deeper groundwater. These two stations are located near drinking water plants which utilise groundwater, thus increasing the vulnerability of groundwater to surface contaminants.  相似文献   

Worldwide, many rivers cease flow and dry either naturally or owing to human activities such as water extraction. However, even when surface water is absent, diverse assemblages of aquatic invertebrates inhabit the saturated sediments below the river bed (hyporheic zone). In the absence of surface water or flow, biota of this zone may be sampled as an alternative to surface water-based ecological assessments. The potential of hyporheic invertebrates as ecological indicators of river health, however, is largely unexplored. We analysed hyporheic taxa lists from the international literature on temporary rivers to assess compositional similarity among broad-scale regions and sampling conditions, including the presence or absence of surface waters and flow, and the regional effect of hydrological phase (dry channel, non-flowing waters, surface flow) on richness. We hypothesised that if consistent patterns were found, then effects of human disturbances in temporary rivers may be assessable using hyporheic bioindicators. Assemblages differed geographically and by climate, but hydrological phase did not have a strong effect at the global scale. However, hyporheic assemblage composition within regions varied along a gradient of higher richness during wetter phases. This indicates that within geographic regions, hyporheic responses to surface drying are predictable and, by extension, hyporheic invertebrates are potentially useful ecological indicators of temporary river health. With many rivers now experiencing, or predicted to experience, lower flows and longer dry phases owing to climate change, the development of ecological assessment methods specific to flow intermittency is a priority. We advocate expanded monitoring of hyporheic zones in temporary rivers and recommend hyporheic invertebrates as potential bioindicators to complement surface water assessments.  相似文献   

Long-term changes in composition, structure and biodiversity (i.e. taxonomic richness, diversity index, species traits and habitat-affinity) of interstitial assemblages were studied in two floodplain systems: a restored backwater and an artificial drainage canal. Before restoration, the backwater, affected by both terrestrialisation and eutrophication, was weakly populated by a low diversified fauna dominated by walkers, macrofauna, detritivores, and stygoxenes (i.e. taxa that occur incidentally in ground waters) that reproduce biparentally and lack parental care. This backwater displayed an upstream–downstream gradient in response to restoration works. Upstream, the dredging of fine organic sediments favoured inputs of nutrient-poor groundwater and exchanges between groundwater and surface water that induced an increase in taxonomic richness (in both herbivores and stygoxenes). Downstream the deposition of fine sediment that was suspended in the water column by restoration work enhanced colmation that induced a decrease in herbivore and swimming taxa, and an increase in mesofaunal taxa, whilst phreatobites (i.e. taxa specialized to interstitial life) remained absent from the system. The drainage canal that was artificially hollowed-out to lower the surrounding water table, harbors mixed assemblages of epigean (i.e. taxa of surface-water habitats) and hypogean (i.e. taxa of groundwater habitats) taxa. The upstream part, which is weakly influenced by surface waters, was colonized by phreatobites as oligotrophic conditions increased. The intermediate part, which is fed by surface water and where mesotrophic conditions occurred as habitats progressively matured and diversified, showed diversification of its fauna. The downstream part of the drainage canal displayed the reverse dynamic – this suggests a reduction in groundwater supply due to the clogging of sediment interstices fine sediments, the deposition of which is linked to the Rossillon backwater restoration works.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. We examined the thermal patterns of the surface waters in the catchment of the Roseg River, which is fed by the meltwaters of two valley glaciers. One of the glaciers has a lake at its terminus. The river corridor comprised a proglacial stream reach below one glacier, the glacier lake outlet stream, a 2.5‐km long complex floodplain and a constrained reach extending to the end of the catchment. 2. Temperatures were continuously measured with temperature loggers at 27 sites between 1997 and 1998. Moreover, from 1997 to 1999, spot measurements were taken at 33–165 floodplain sites (depending on water level) at monthly intervals. 3. The temperature regime of glacial streams, including the glacier lake outlet, was characterised by rapidly increasing temperatures in April and May, a moderate decline from June to September (period of glacial melt) and a subsequent fast decline in autumn. During summer, the lake increased temperatures in the outlet stream by 2–4 °C, compared with the adjacent proglacial stream reach. 4. In the main channel (thalweg) of the Roseg River, annual degree‐days (DD) ranged from 176 DD in the upper proglacial reach to 1227 DD at the end of the catchment. 5. Thermal variation among different channels within the floodplain was higher than the variation along the entire main channel. Floodplain channels lacking surface connection to the main channel accumulated up to 1661 annual DDs. 6. Thermal heterogeneity within the floodplain was linked to the glacial flow pulse. With the onset of ice melt, temperatures in the main channel and in channels surface‐connected to the main channel began to decline, whereas in surface‐disconnected channels temperatures continued to increase; as a consequence, thermal heterogeneity at the floodplain scale rose slightly until September. 7. High thermal heterogeneity was not anticipated in the harsh environment of a largely glacierised alpine catchment. The relatively wide range of thermal environments may contribute to the highly diverse zoobenthic community.  相似文献   

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