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Histone acetylation is a vital mechanism for the activation of chromatin and the corresponding expression of genes competing the action of histone deacetylation and leading to chromatin inactivation. Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) comprise a superfamily including the GNAT/MYST, CBP and TFII250 families. Histone acetyltransferases have been well studied in Arabidopsis but information from agronomically important crops is limited. In the present work three full-length sequences encoding members of the GNAT/MYST family, namely HvMYST, HvELP3 and HvGCN5, respectively, were isolated and characterized from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), a crop of high economic value. Expression analysis of the barley GNAT/MYST genes revealed significant quantitative differences in different seed developmental stages and between cultivars with varying seed size and weight, suggesting an association of these genes with barley seed development. Furthermore, all three HvGNAT/MYST genes were inducible by the stress-related phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) involved in seed maturation, dormancy and germination, implying a possible regulation of these genes by ABA, during barley seed development, germination and stress response.  相似文献   

Epigenetic phenomena have been associated with modifications of chromatin structure. These are achieved, in part, by histone post-translational modifications including acetylations and deacetylations, the later being catalyzed by histone deacetylaces (HDACs). Eukaryotic HDACs are grouped into three major families, RPD3/HDA1, SIR2 and the plant-specific HD2. HDAC genes have been analyzed from model plants such as Arabidopsis , rice and maize and have been shown to be involved in various cellular processes including seed development, vegetative and reproductive growth and responses to abiotic and biotic stress, but reports on HDACs from other crops are limited. In this work two full-length cDNAs ( HvHDAC2-1 and HvHDAC2-2 ) encoding two members of the plant-specific HD2 family, respectively, were isolated and characterized from barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), an agronomically important cereal crop. HvHDAC2-1 and HvHDAC2-2 were mapped on barley chromosomes 1H and 3H, respectively, which could prove useful in developing markers for marker-assisted selection in breeding programs. Expression analysis of the barley HD2 genes demonstrated that they are expressed in all tissues and seed developmental stages examined. Significant differences were observed among tissues and seed stages, and between cultivars with varying seed size, suggesting an association of these genes with seed development. Furthermore, the HD2 genes from barley were found to respond to treatments with plant stress-related hormones such as jasmonic acid (JA), abscisic acid (ABA) and salicylic acid (SA) implying an association of these genes with plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stress. The expression pattern of HD2 genes suggests a possible role for these genes in the epigenetic regulation of seed development and stress response.  相似文献   

Assessment of dormancy inception, maintenance and release was studied for artificially dried immature seeds harvested throughout seed development in the barley cv. Triumph and its mutant line TL43. Each was grown in Spain and Scotland under low and high dormancy inducing conditions, respectively. Both TL43 and Triumph followed a similar pattern of release from dormancy across the seasons, although seeds of TL43 were able to germinate at an earlier seed development stage. Abscisic acid (ABA) content was also studied in immature grains throughout the seed development period. Total amount of ABA in seeds of Triumph and TL43 was higher in plants grown in Scotland than in Spain. However, no clear genotypic differences in ABA pattern in the course of grain development could be detected whilst significant genotypic differences were observed for germination percentage (GP). Endogenous ABA content alone throughout grain development did not explain genetic differences in GP within environments. Environmental and genetic differences in dormancy were also observed on mature seeds throughout the after-ripening period. The initial germination (GP(0)) played a key role in the sensitivity to ABA of post-harvest mature seeds. For the same after-ripening stage, TL43 was more insensitive to exogenous ABA than Triumph. However, ABA responses in seeds of the two genotypes with similar GP(0) at different after-ripening stages were comparable. Therefore, differences in exogenous ABA sensitivity of post-harvest mature grain of these two genotypes seemed to be determined by, or coincident with, the initial germination percentage.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins maintain a repressed state of gene expression over many cell divisions. The recent characterisation of several PcG proteins from plants revealed a remarkable structural and functional conservation of PcG proteins between different kingdoms. In both plants and animals, homeotic genes are among the target genes of PcG complexes, although the structure of these genes is not conserved. However, not all PcG proteins identified in animals are present in plants. Furthermore it becomes clear that PcG-mediated repression in plants is more transient compared with the long-lasting effects in animals. This may be related to the absence of PcG proteins thought to be involved in long-term maintenance of PcG repression, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying PcG-mediated repression differ between plants and animals.  相似文献   

Xiao  Shuya  Liu  Yu  Wang  Anhu  Liu  Yaodong  Li  Xiaoyi  Liu  Zhibin  Li  Xufeng  Yang  Yi  Wang  Jianmei 《Molecular biology reports》2021,48(5):4341-4350
Molecular Biology Reports - Tartary buckwheat is a kind of plant which can be used as medicine as well as edible. Abscisic acid (ABA) signaling plays an important role in the response of plants...  相似文献   

A number of genes are involved in the vernalization pathway, such as VRN1, VRN2 and VRN3/FT1, whose function has been studied in barley and wheat. However, the function of the flowering and vernalization integrator SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1) has not been well studied in Triticeae, and particularly in barley. Herein, we cloned and characterized two barley SOC1-like homologs, HvSOC1-like1 and HvSOC1-like2. Primary sequence analysis of the predicted HvSOC1-like1 and HvSOC1-like2 proteins showed that they are members of the type II MADS-box protein family. Phylogenetic analysis placed the predicted proteins with other SOC1 and SOC1-like proteins from different species neighboring those from other cereal plant species. Primary and secondary structures of the predicted proteins are conserved to each other and more distant to the recently identified barley ODDSOC1 proteins. Genomic organization of HvSOC1-like1 is very similar to the Arabidopsis and Brachypodium SOC1 genes and localized in highly syntenic chromosomal regions. Regulatory cis-acting elements detected in the HvSOC1-like1 promoter include the CArG-box, implicated in the regulation of SOC1 expression in Arabidopsis. Both HvSOC1-like1 and HvSOCI-like2 are expressed in vegetative and reproductive tissues and at different stages of seed development. Both are upregulated in a particular seed developmental stage suggesting their possible implication in seed development. Furthermore, HvSOC1-like1 was induced in two winter barley cultivars after vernalization treatment pointing to its probable involvement in the vernalization process. The study of the SOC1 genes reported here opens the way for a better understanding of both the vernalization process and seed development and germination in this important cereal crop.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic origin recognition complex (ORC) is made up of six subunits and functions in nuclear DNA replication, chromatin structure, and gene silencing in both fungi and metazoans. We demonstrate that disruption of a plant ORC subunit homolog, AtORC2 of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), causes a zygotic lethal mutant phenotype (orc2). Seeds of orc2 abort early, typically producing embryos with up to eight cells. Nuclear division in the endosperm is arrested at an earlier developmental stage: only approximately four nuclei are detected in orc2 endosperm. The endosperm nuclei in orc2 are dramatically enlarged, a phenotype that is most similar to class B titan mutants, which include mutants in structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) cohesins. The highest levels of ORC2 gene expression were found in preglobular embryos, coinciding with the stage at which homozygous orc2 mutant seeds arrest. The homologs of the other five Arabidopsis ORC subunits are also expressed at this developmental stage. The orc2 mutant phenotype is partly suppressed by a mutation in the Polycomb group gene MEDEA. In double mutants between orc2 and medea (mea), orc2 homozygotes arrest later with a phenotype intermediate between those of mea and orc2 single mutants. Either alterations in chromatin structure or the release of cell cycle checkpoints by the mea mutation may allow more cell and nuclear divisions to occur in orc2 homozygous seeds.  相似文献   

Certain Polycomb group (PcG) genes are themselves targets of PcG complexes. Two of these constitute the Drosophila Psc-Su(z)2 locus, a region whose chromatin is enriched for H3K27me3 and contains several putative Polycomb response elements (PREs) that bind PcG proteins. To understand how PcG mechanisms regulate this region, the repressive function of the PcG protein binding sites was analyzed using reporter gene constructs. We find that at least two of these are functional PREs that can silence a reporter gene in a PcG-dependent manner. One of these two can also display anti-silencing activity, dependent on the context. A PcG protein binding site near the Psc promoter behaves not as a silencer but as a down-regulation module that is actually stimulated by the Pc gene product but not by other PcG products. Deletion of one of the PREs increases the expression level of Psc and Su(z)2 by twofold at late embryonic stages. We present evidence suggesting that the Psc-Su(z)2 locus is flanked by insulator elements that may protect neighboring genes from inappropriate silencing. Deletion of one of these regions results in extension of the domain of H3K27me3 into a region containing other genes, whose expression becomes silenced in the early embryo.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genome is organized in form of chromatin within the nucleus. This organization is important for compaction of DNA as well as for the proper expression of the genes. During early embryonic development, genomic packaging receives variety of signals to eventually set up cell type specific expression patterns of genes. This process of regulated chromatinization leads to "cell type specific epigenomes". The expression states attained during differentiation process need to be maintained subsequently throughout the life of the organism. Epigenetie modifications are responsible for chromatin dependent regulatory mechanism and play a key role in maintenance of the expression state-a process referred to as cellular memory. Another key feature in the packaging of the genome is formation of chro- matin domains that are thought to be structural as well as functional units of the higher order chromatin organization. Boundary elements that function to define such domains set the limits of regulatory elements and that of epigenetie modifications. This connection of epige- netic modification, chromatin structure and genome organization has emerged from several studies. Hox genes are among the best studied in this context and have led to the significant understanding of the epigenetic regulation during development. Here we discuss the evolu- tionarily conserved features of epigenetic mechanisms emerged from studies on homeotic gene clusters.  相似文献   

A number of different cDNA clones corresponding to the most abundant mRNAs present in immature seeds have been isolated from an almond (Prunus amygdalus cv. Texas) immature seed cDNA library. Those corresponding to proteins involved in storage processes have been further characterized. Two of these cDNAs (PA3BF1 and PA3BE12) code for the almond globulins (prunins), the main family of storage proteins synthesized in seeds during embryogenesis, and another cDNA (PA3BA1) codes for the 15.7 kDa almond oleosin, a protein located on the surface of oil bodies in plant seeds. These cDNAs have been sequenced and their expression during almond fruit development has been studied. Their expression is seed-specific and localized in cotyledons around 100 days after flowering. Both prunin and oleosin genes are present in one or two copies in the almond genome.  相似文献   

C Wu  Y C Wong  S C Elgin 《Cell》1979,16(4):807-814
We have compared the chromatin structure in the active and inactive states at loci encoding the major heat shock protein in Drosophila. DNAase I and micrococcal nuclease were used as probes of higher order organization and nucleosomal integrity. Such integrity is gauged here by the characteristic pattern of discrete DNA fragments produced at specific chromosomal loci by nucleolytic cleavage. The specific fragment patterns are visualized by gel electrophoresis, Southern blotting onto nitrocellulose sheets, hybridization with 32P-labeled cloned DNA containing the heat shock genes and autoradiography. Using this criterion, a disruption in nucleosomal and possibly in higher order organization are observed as indicated by a relative loss or smearing of the characteristic discrete DNA fragment patterns from the heat shock loci in the active state. The fragment patterns are restored when cells are allowed to recover from heat shock and these loci return to the inactive state.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) treatments on grain H2O2, ABA and β-amylase activity were studied during grain development in the spike culture experiments with variety Triumph and its ABA-insensitive mutant TL43 as the plant materials. The results showed that during grain development the two genotypes were similar in the pattern of ABA concentration change, but differed greatly in the pattern of H2O2 concentration and β-amylase activity changes. The β-amylase activity was positively correlated with H2O2 concentration, negatively correlated with ABA concentration, and it is mainly closely associated with continued high levels of ABA with respect to H2O2. Water stress (PEG treatment) induced β-amylase was associated with H2O2 concentration but not with ABA concentration. Exogenous application of H2O2 and Ascorbic acid (AsA) increased β-amylase activity in Triumph but reduced that of TL43. However, the endogenous H2O2 concentration in grains was always consistent with β-amylase activity. A novel model was hypothesized from the current results to illustrate the relationship between H2O2, ABA and β-amylase synthesis for the barley exposed to abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

A previous study [Rahman, Shewry & Miflin (1982) J. Exp. Bot. 33, 717-728] showed differential accumulation of the major storage proteins (called B and C hordeins) in developing endosperms of barley (Hordeum vulgare). To determine how this accumulation is regulated, we have studied mRNA fractions prepared from similar endosperms. Hordein-related mRNA species were detected some days before the deposition of hordeins in vivo. The translation products in vivo directed by polyribosomes, polysomal RNA and total cellular RNA showed similar changes in the proportions of the hordein products to those observed in the accumulations of the proteins in vivo. There was a relative increase in one of the subfamilies of B hordeins (called B1 hordein) and a decrease in the second subfamily of B hordeins (B3 hordein) and in C hordeins. The populations of RNA species related to these three groups of hordeins were studied by 'dot hybridization', with specific complementary-DNA probes for B1-, B3- and C-hordein-related sequences. This showed a 10-15-fold increase in sequences related to the B1 hordein during endosperm development, but only a 4-fold increase in sequences related to B3 and C hordeins. These results indicate that the rates of synthesis of hordeins are related to the abundance of their respective mRNA species. The different results observed for the two subfamilies of B hordeins are of interest, since they indicate differential expression of two subfamilies of genes present at a single multigenic locus.  相似文献   

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