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The iron-storage protein, ferritin, is widely found in all Domains of life. A conserved diiron center in ferritin catalyzes oxidation of Fe(II) and regulates storage of the resultant Fe(III) oxidation product. When this center is filled with Fe(III), in bacterial or archaeal ferritin the presence of phosphate accelerates the rate of Fe(II) oxidation. The molecular mechanism underlying this stimulatory effect of phosphate is unknown. Using site directed mutagenesis of the residues in the diiron center of the archaeal ferritin from Pyrococcus furiosus we show that phosphate facilitates displacement of Fe(III) by Fe(II) from this site. Therefore, the rate of Fe(II) oxidation increases only when the ferroxidase center is filled with Fe(III).  相似文献   

Polynuclear iron complexes of Fe(III) and phosphate occur in seawater and soils and in cells where the iron core of ferritin, the iron storage protein, contains up to 4500 Fe atoms in a complex with an average composition of (FeO.OH)8FeO.OPO3H2. Although phosphate influences the size of the ferritin core and thus the availability of stored iron, little is known about the nature of the Fe(III)-phosphate interaction. In the present study, Fe-phosphate interactions were analyzed in stable complexes of Fe(III).ATP which, in the polynuclear iron form, had phosphate at interior sites. Such Fe(III).ATP complexes are important not only as models but also because they may play a role in intracellular iron transport and in iron toxicity; the complexes were studied by extended x-ray absorption fine structure, EPR, NMR spectroscopy, and measurement of proton release. Mononuclear iron complexes exhibiting a g' = 4.3 EPR signal were formed at Fe:ATP ratios less than or equal to 1:3, and polynuclear iron complexes (Fe greater than or equal to 250, EPR silent at g' = 4.3) were formed at an Fe:ATP ratio of 4:1. No NMR signals due to ATP were observed when Fe was in excess (Fe:ATP = 4:1). Extended x-ray absorption fine structure analysis of the polynuclear Fe(III).ATP complex was able to distinguish an Fe-P distance at 3.27 A in addition to the octahedral O at 1.95 A and 4-5 Fe atoms at 3.36 A. The Fe-O and Fe-Fe distances are the same as in ferritin, and the Fe-P distance is analogous to that in another metal-ATP complex. An observable Fe-P environment in such a large polynuclear iron cluster as the Fe(III).ATP (4:1) complex indicates that the phosphate is distributed throughout rather than merely on the surface, in contrast to earlier models of chelate-stabilized iron clusters. Complexes of Fe(III) and ATP similar to those described here may form in vivo either as normal components of intracellular iron metabolism or during iron excess where the consequent alteration of free nucleotide triphosphate pools could contribute to the observed toxicity of iron.  相似文献   

Ferritin is a ubiquitous iron-storage protein that has 24 subunits. Each subunit of ferritins that exhibit high Fe(II) oxidation rates has a diiron binding site, the so-called ferroxidase center (FC). The role of the FC appears to be essential for the iron-oxidation catalysis of ferritins. Studies of the iron oxidation by mammalian, bacterial, and archaeal ferritin have indicated different mechanisms are operative for Fe(II) oxidation, and for inhibition of the Fe(II) oxidation by Zn(II). These differences are presumably related to the variations in the amino acid residues of the FC and/or transport channels. We have used a combination of UV–vis spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and isothermal titration calorimetry to study the inhibiting action of Zn(II) ions on the iron-oxidation process by apoferritin and by ferritin aerobically preloaded with 48 Fe(II) per 24-meric protein, and to study a possible role of phosphate in initial iron mineralization by Pyrococcus furiosus ferritin (PfFtn). Although the empty FC can accommodate two zinc ions, binding of one zinc ion to the FC suffices to essentially abolish iron-oxidation activity. Zn(II) no longer binds to the FC nor does it inhibit iron core formation once the FC is filled with two Fe(III). Phosphate and vanadate facilitate iron oxidation only after formation of a stable FC, whereupon they become an integral part of the core. These results corroborate our previous proposal that the FC in PfFtn is a stable prosthetic group, and they suggest that its formation is essential for iron-oxidation catalysis by the protein.  相似文献   

Ferritins are ubiquitous iron storage proteins. Recently, we identified a novel metal-binding site, transit site, in the crystal structure of phytoferritin. To elucidate the function of the transit site in ferritin from other species, we prepared transit-site-deficient mutants of human H ferritin, E140A and E140Q, and their iron oxidation kinetics was analyzed. The initial velocities of iron oxidization were reduced in the variants, especially in E140Q. The crystal structure of E140Q showed that the side chain of the mutated Gln140 was fixed by a hydrogen bond, whereas that of native Glu140 was flexible. These results suggest that the conserved transit site also has a function to assist with the metal ion sequestration to the ferroxidase site in ferritins from vertebrates.  相似文献   

Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) by Fe(III) chelate reductase is thought to be an obligatory step in iron uptake as well as the primary factor in making iron available for absorption by all plants except grasses. Fe(III) chelate reductase has also been suggested to play a more general role in the regulation of cation absorption. In order to experimentally address the importance of Fe(III) chelate reductase activity in the mineral nutrition of plants, three Arabidopsis thaliana mutants (frd1-1, frd1-2 and frd1-3), that do not show induction of Fe(III) chelate reductase activity under iron-deficient growth conditions, have been isolated and characterized. These mutants are still capable of acidifying the rhizosphere under iron-deficiency and accumulate more Zn and Mn in their shoots relative to wild-type plants regardless of iron status. frd1 mutants do not translocate radiolabeled iron to the shoots when roots are presented with a tightly chelated form of Fe(III). These results: (1) confirm that iron must be reduced before it can be transported, (2) show that Fe(III) reduction can be uncoupled from proton release, the other major iron-deficiency response, and (3) demonstrate that Fe(III) chelate reductase activity per se is not necessarily responsible for accumulation of cations previously observed in pea and tomato mutants with constitutively high levels of Fe(III) chelate reductase activity.  相似文献   

Catechol dioxygenases are mononuclear non-heme iron enzymes that catalyze the oxygenation of catechols to aliphatic acids via the cleavage of aromatic rings. In the last 20 years, a number of (catecholato)iron(III) complexes have been synthesized and characterized as structural and functional models for the catechol-bound iron(III) form of catechol dioxygenases. This review focuses on the structural and spectroscopic characteristics and oxygenation activity of the title complexes.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Minotti, G., and Ikeda-Saito, M. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 20011-20017) we demonstrated the existence of a M(r) 66,000 microsomal iron protein (MIP) which stimulates NADPH oxidation by shunting electrons from NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reducase to its bound Fe(III). In the present study, purified MIP was depleted of iron and the apoMIP was examined for its ability to incorporate Fe(III) upon an incubation with Fe(II). It was found that apoMIP had an oxygen-dependent ferroxidase activity coupled with the incorporation of Fe(III). The reconstituted MIP exhibited a Fe(III) content and an NADPH oxidation activity similar to those of native MIP. However, the reconstitution of MIP from apoMIP and Fe(II) had to be performed in the presence of detergents to prevent the formation of protein aggregates and the oxidative incorporation of an iron which could not react with NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. This redox inactive iron was probably bound nonspecifically to artifactual sites formed by the protein aggregates.  相似文献   

The reactions of dilute solutions of octaethylporphyrin and its iron (II) and iron (III) complexes with methyl, 2-cyanopropyl, t-butoxy, and benzoyloxy radicals are described. The results are summarized: (i) The reactivity of the porphyrin and its high-spin iron (II) and iron (III) complexes toward alkyl and t-butoxy radicals stands in the order: FeII > FeIII ? free porphyrin. For benzoyloxy radicals the order is FeII > Porp > FeIII. (ii) The exclusive path of reaction of high-spin iron (II) porphyrin with radicals is the rapid reduction of the radical and generation of an iron (III) porphyrin. The dominant path of reaction of high-spin iron (III) porphyrin with alkyl and (presumably) t-butoxy radicals is a rapid axial inner sphere reduction of the porphyrin. An axial ligand of iron is transferred to the radical. (iv) The reaction of benzoyloxy radicals with high or low-spin iron (III) porphyrins occurs primarily at the meso position. With the low-spin dipyridyl complex in pyridine the attendant reduction to iron (II) can be observed spectrally. Methyl radicals also reduce this complex by adding to the meso position. (v) The reaction of a radical with either an iron (II) or an iron (III) porphyrin results in the generation of the other valence state of iron and consequently oxidation and reduction products emanating from both iron species are obtained. (vi) No evidence for an iron (IV) is intermediate is apparent. (vii) Iron (II) porphyrins in solvents that impart either spin state are easily oxidized by diacyl peroxides. The occurrence of both axial and peripheral redox reactions with the iron complexes supports an underlying premise of a recent theory of hemeprotein reactivity. The relevance of the work to bioelectron transfer and heme catabolism is noted.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory identified YggX as a protein whose accumulation increased the resistance of Salmonella enterica to superoxide stress, reversed defects attributed to oxidized [Fe-S] clusters, and decreased the spontaneous mutation frequency of the cells. Here we present work aimed at determining why the accumulation of YggX correlates with reduced mutation frequency. Genetic and biochemical data showed that accumulation of YggX reduced the damage to DNA by hydroxyl radicals. The ability of purified YggX to protect DNA from Fenton chemistry mediated damage in vitro and to decrease the concentration of Fe(II) ions in solution available for chelation provided a framework for the interpretation of data obtained from in vivo experiments. The interpretation of in vitro assay results, within the context of the in vivo phenotypes, was validated by a mutant variant of YggX (C7S) that was unable to function in vivo or in vitro. We propose a model, based on data presented here and reported earlier, that suggests YggX is a player in Fe(II) trafficking in bacteria.  相似文献   

Superparamagnetic clusters of iron(III) oxyhydroxide in the form of poorly crystalline ferrihydrite (formally, 5Fe2O3 x 9H2O) have been synthesised in the presence of the polymers polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyacrylic acid (PAA) and alginic acid. The solutions have been characterised by viscosity studies and the resultant arrays isolated from these solutions have been imaged under an electron microscope and their magnetic properties determined by 57Fe-M?ssbauer spectroscopic studies at 293 and 77 K and magnetisation measurements at 293 and 5 K. The magnetic data show that the iron(III) oxyhydroxy particles are superparamagnetic. All preparations show hysteretic behaviour with coercive fields being approximately half or less than half of that of ferrihydrite (3.4 kOe) and values of magnetic moment per iron particle less than that of ferrihydrite. Nanoscale aggregates (2-4 nm) are formed in the presence of PVA and PAA while, with alginic acid, extended branch-like structures are observed, their formation being facilitated by the comparatively rigid polysaccharide chain, a process related to iron biomineralisation in diverse biological systems.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase III alpha (PI4KA) is an essential cofactor of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication. We initiated this study to determine whether HCV directly engages PI4KA to establish its replication. PI4KA kinase activity was found to be absolutely required for HCV replication using a small interfering RNA transcomplementation assay. Moreover, HCV infection or subgenomic HCV replicons produced a dramatic increase in phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) accumulation throughout the cytoplasm, which partially colocalized with the endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, the majority of PI4P accumulated at the Golgi bodies in uninfected cells. The increase in PI4P was not observed after infection with UV-inactivated HCV and did not reflect changes in PI4KA protein or RNA abundance. In an analysis of U2OS cell lines with inducible expression of the HCV polyprotein or individual viral proteins, viral polyprotein expression resulted in enhanced cytoplasmic PI4P production. Increased PI4P accumulation following HCV protein expression was precluded by silencing the expression of PI4KA, but not the related PI4KB. Silencing PI4KA also resulted in aberrant agglomeration of viral replicase proteins, including NS5A, NS5B, and NS3. NS5A alone, but not other viral proteins, stimulated PI4P production in vivo and enhanced PI4KA kinase activity in vitro. Lastly, PI4KA coimmunoprecipitated with NS5A from infected Huh-7.5 cells and from dually transfected 293T cells. In sum, these results suggest that HCV NS5A modulation of PI4KA-dependent PI4P production influences replication complex formation.  相似文献   

Glyoxalase II participates in the cellular detoxification of cytotoxic and mutagenic 2-oxoaldehydes. Because of its role in chemical detoxification, glyoxalase II has been studied as a potential anti-cancer and/or anti-protozoal target; however, very little is known about the active site and reaction mechanism of this important enzyme. To characterize the active site and kinetic mechanism of the enzyme, a detailed mutational study of Arabidopsis glyoxalase II was conducted. Data presented here demonstrate for the first time that the cytoplasmic form of Arabidopsis glyoxalase II contains an iron-zinc binuclear metal center that is essential for activity. Both metals participate in substrate binding, transition state stabilization, and the hydrolysis reaction. Subtle alterations in the geometry and/or electrostatics of the binuclear center have profound effects on the activity of the enzyme. Additional residues important in substrate binding have also been identified. An overall reaction mechanism for glyoxalase II is proposed based on the mutational and kinetic data from this study and crystallographic data on human glyoxalase II. Information presented here provides new insights into the active site and reaction mechanism of glyoxalase II that can be used for the rational design of glyoxalase II inhibitors.  相似文献   

The kinetics and spectroscopic properties of the single polypeptide and proteolytically cleaved form of recombinant Fe(3+)Fe(2+) human purple acid phosphatase (recHPAP) exhibit significant differences, primarily due to a difference in pK(es,1) (the value of an acid dissociation constant of the ES complex). These differences are due to the presence or absence, respectively, of an interaction between an aspartate residue in an exposed loop of the protein and one or more active site residues. To further explore the origin of these differences, the ferrous ion of recHPAP has been replaced by zinc. Analysis of the reconstituted Fe(3+)Zn(2+)recHPAP reveals an unexpected catalytic activity versus pH profile, in that the optimal pH is 6.3, similar to that of the proteolytically cleaved form (6.5). Moreover, replacement of the ferrous ion by zinc increases the turnover number more than 10-fold; the pK(es) values are also shifted as expected for the change in the divalent metal ion. Although the EPR spectra of both single polypeptide and proteolytically cleaved Fe(3+)Zn(2+)-recHPAP are independent of pH over the range 4.5-6.2, the visible spectrum of Fe(3+)Zn(2+)-recHPAP is pH dependent. These results suggest that the properties and environment of the divalent metal are important in determining the catalytic properties of mammalian PAPs, and in particular that a solvent molecule coordinated to the divalent metal ion may play a critical role in the catalytic cycle of these enzymes.  相似文献   

1. The rate of ferric ion transfer from Fe(III)-bleomycin to apotransferrin was increased in the presence of orthophosphate, ATP and ADP, while AMP was without effect. 2. Ortho phosphate activation probably involves formation of a Fe(III)-bleomycin-phosphate complex. The optical absorption of Fe(III)-bleomycin at 450 nm is enhanced in the presence of phosphate. 3. ATP and ADP remove the ferric ion from the iron-drug complex; thus making the ferric ion readily available for uptake by apotransferrin. 4. Low concentrations of ATP, ADP and AMP, also enhance the 450 nm absorption of the iron-drug complex. Higher ATP and ADP concentrations reduce both the 450 and 384 nm absorption of Fe(III)-bleomycin.  相似文献   

The kinetics and mechanisms of the reactions of a pseudo-first order excess of iron(III) with the flavonoids quercetin and morin have been investigated in aqueous solution at 25 degrees C and an ionic strength of 0.5M. Mechanisms have been proposed which account satisfactorily for the kinetic data. The data are consistent with a mechanism in which the metal:ligand complex formed initially on reaction of iron(III) with the ligand subsequently decomposes through an electron transfer step. Morin forms a 1:1 metal:ligand complex while quercetin forms a 2:1 metal:ligand complex. Both ligands showed evidence for the involvement of the iron hydroxo dimer Fe2(OH)2(4+) in the complex formation reaction at the hydroxy-carbonyl moiety. The iron(III) assisted decomposition of the initial iron(III) complex formed was also investigated and the rate constants evaluated. Both the complex formation and subsequent electron transfer reactions of iron(III) with these ligands were monitored using UV-visible spectrophotometry. All of the suggested mechanisms and calculated rate constants are supported by calculations carried out using global analysis of time dependant spectra.  相似文献   

Summary A simple kinetic model of As(III) oxidation by Fe(III) in the presence of pyrite andThiobacillus ferroxidans is described based on the stoichiometry of the reaction and bioproduction of Fe(III). The environmental consequences of this reaction were considered.  相似文献   

M Merkx  M W Pinkse  B A Averill 《Biochemistry》1999,38(31):9914-9925
The pH dependence of the catalytic parameters k(cat) and K(M) has been determined for the Fe(III)Fe(II)- and Fe(III)Zn(II)-forms of bovine spleen purple acid phosphatase (BSPAP). The parameter k(cat) was found to be maximal at pH 6.3, and a pK(a) of 5.4-5.5 was obtained for the acidic limb of the k(cat) vs pH profile. Two different EPR spectra were detected for the phosphate complex of the mixed-valent diiron enzyme; their relative amounts depended on the pH, with an apparent pK(a) of 6. The EPR spectra of Fe(III)Fe(II)-BSPAP.PO(4) and Fe(III)Zn(II)-BSPAP.PO(4) at pH 5.0 are similar to those previously reported for Fe(III)Fe(II)-Uf.PO(4) and Fe(III)Zn(II)-Uf.PO(4) complexes at pH 5.0. At higher pH, a new Fe(III)Fe(II)-BSPAP.PO(4) species is formed, with apparent g-values of 1.94, 1.71, and 1.50. The EPR spectrum of Fe(III)Zn(II)-BSPAP does not show significant changes upon addition of phosphate up to 30 mM at pH 6.5, suggesting that phosphate binds only to the spectroscopically silent Zn(II). To determine whether the phosphate complexes were good structural models for the enzyme substrate complexes, these complexes were studied using rapid-freeze EPR and stopped-flow optical spectroscopy. The stopped-flow studies showed the absence of burst kinetics at pH 7.0, which indicates that substrate hydrolysis is rate limiting, rather than phosphate release. The EPR spectrum of Fe(III)Fe(II)-BSPAP.p-NPP is similar, but not identical, to that of the corresponding phosphate complex, both at pH 5 and pH 6.5. We propose that both phosphate and p-NPP bridge the two metal ions at low pH. At higher pH where the enzyme is optimally active, we propose that hydroxide competes with phosphate and p-NPP for coordination to Fe(III) and that both phosphate and p-NPP coordinate only to the divalent metal ion.  相似文献   

Phosphate and other oxo-anions have been shown to stimulate the rate of iron loading into ferritin (J. Polanams, A.D. Ray, R.K. Watt, Inorg. Chem. 44 (2005) 3203-3209). This study was undertaken to determine if accelerated iron loading was a specific effect for phosphate and closely associated oxo-anions or if it was a general anion effect. Controls were also performed with mono-valent cations to determine the effect of these cations on iron loading into ferritin. Cations were shown to slow the rate of iron loading into ferritin. Fluoride and iodide were shown to slow the iron loading process of ferritin. Sulfate was also shown to slow iron loading into ferritin to a more significant extent than the cations or halides tested. The trigonal planar oxo-anions, carbonate and nitrate, did not inhibit or stimulate iron loading. We conclude that the increased rate of iron loading into ferritin is specific to phosphate and other closely associated tetrahedral oxo-anion analogs, that the effect is driven by the insolubility of the iron and anion complex, and that in general, cations and anions slow the rate of iron loading into ferritin.  相似文献   

In the iron(III) porphyrin catalyzed oxidation reactions, the formation of various reactive intermediates have been observed to depend upon the nature of the catalyst, the oxidant and the solvent used for the study. The various iron(III) porphyrin catalysts such as F20TPPFeCl, F16TPPFeCl, F12TPPFeCl and F8TPPFeCl have been used in the present study to understand the effect of solvent system in the activation of the catalysts. As the terminal oxidant t-BuOOH has been used. It has been observed that acetonitrile contaminated with water activates all the catalysts. It has been noted that ∼9% of water in acetonitrile is the best solvent system for the activation of all the catalysts. The results obtained have been applied to successfully oxidize cyclohexene and cyclohexane by these oxidizing systems. It has also been observed that CH3OH mixed with CH2Cl2 play a very important role in the activation of catalyst in hydroperoxide oxidizing system. The 33 ± 3% ratio of CH3OH in CH2Cl2 acts as the most suitable solvent system to convert organopalladium compound 1a-c to 2a-c.  相似文献   

In this study, the applicability of three modelling approaches was determined in an effort to describe complex relationships between process parameters and to predict the performance of an integrated process, which consisted of a fluidized bed bioreactor for Fe3+ regeneration and a gravity settler for precipitative iron removal. Self-organizing maps were used to visually evaluate the associations between variables prior to the comparison of two different modelling methods, the multiple regression modelling and artificial neural network (ANN) modelling, for predicting Fe(III) precipitation. With the ANN model, an excellent match between the predicted and measured data was obtained (R 2 = 0.97). The best-fitting regression model also gave a good fit (R 2 = 0.87). This study demonstrates that ANNs and regression models are robust tools for predicting iron precipitation in the integrated process and can thus be used in the management of such systems.  相似文献   

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