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Shen, X., S. J. Gunst, and R. S. Tepper. Effect oftidal volume and frequency on airway responsiveness in mechanically ventilated rabbits. J. Appl. Physiol.83(4): 1202-1208, 1997.We evaluated the effects of the rate andvolume of tidal ventilation on airway resistance (Raw) duringintravenous methacholine (MCh) challenge in mechanically ventilatedrabbits. Five rabbits were challenged at tidal volumes of 5, 10, and 20 ml/kg at a frequency of 15 breaths/min and also under static conditions(0 ml/kg tidal volume). Four rabbits were subjected to MCh challenge atfrequencies of 6 and 30 breaths/min with a tidal volume of 10 ml/kg andalso under static conditions. In both groups, the increase in Raw with MCh challenge was significantly greater under static conditions thanduring tidal ventilation at any frequency or volume. Increases in thevolume or frequency of tidal ventilation resulted in significant decreases in Raw in response to MCh. We conclude that tidal breathing suppresses airway responsiveness in rabbits in vivo. The suppression ofnarrowing in response to MCh increases as the magnitude of the volumeor the frequency of the tidal oscillations is increased. Our findingssuggest that the effect of lung volume changes on airway responsivenessin vivo is primarily related to the stretch of airway smooth muscle.


Effects of edema on small airway narrowing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wagner, Elizabeth M. Effects of edema on small airwaynarrowing. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3):784-791, 1997.Numerous mediators of inflammation have beendemonstrated to cause airway microvascular fluid and proteinextravasation. That fluid extravasation results in airway wall edemaleading to airway narrowing and enhanced reactivity has not beenconfirmed. In anesthetized, ventilated sheep(n = 30), airway vascularfluid extravasation was induced by infusing bradykinin(106 M) through acannulated, blood-perfused bronchial artery. Airway wall edema andluminal narrowing were determined morphometrically. Airway reactivityto methacholine (MCh; 10 µg/ml, intrabronchial artery) was determinedby measuring conducting airway resistance (Raw) by forced oscillation.Raw measurements were made and lung lobes were excised and quick frozenbefore or after a 1-h bradykinin infusion. In 10 airways per lobe(range 0.2- to 2.0-mm relaxed diameter), wall area occupied 32 ± 2% (SE) of the total normalized airway area(n = 9). Bradykinin infusion increasedwall area to 42 ± 5% (P = 0.02);luminal area decreased by <5%; and smooth muscle perimeter, ameasure of smooth muscle constriction, was not altered(n = 5). Raw showed nochange from baseline (1.4 ± 0.4 cmH2O · l1 · s)after bradykinin infusion (n = 10).During MCh challenge, Raw increased by 3.2 ± 04 cmH2O · l1 · s,and this change did not differ after administration of bradykinin. MChchallenge caused similar decreases in smooth muscle perimeter (10%)and luminal area (72 vs. 68%) before and after bradykinin infusion.However, the time constant of recovery of Raw from MCh constriction wasincreased from control (40 ± 3 s) to 57 ± 10 s after bradykinininfusion (P = 0.03). When lung lobeswere excised at the same time after MCh challenge was terminated(n = 5), luminal area was greaterbefore bradykinin infusion than after (86 vs. 78%;P = 0.007), as was smooth muscleperimeter. The results of this study demonstrate that airway wall edemalimits relaxation after induced constriction rather than enhancingconstriction.


Kaczka, David W., Edward P. Ingenito, Bela Suki, and KennethR. Lutchen. Partitioning airway and lung tissue resistances inhumans: effects of bronchoconstriction. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(5): 1531-1541, 1997.The contributionof airway resistance(Raw) and tissue resistance(Rti) to totallung resistance(RL)during breathing in humans is poorly understood. We have recentlydeveloped a method for separating Rawand Rti from measurements ofRLand lung elastance (EL)alone. In nine healthy, awake subjects, we applied a broad-band optimalventilator waveform (OVW) with energy between 0.156 and 8.1 Hz thatsimultaneously provides tidal ventilation. In four of the subjects,data were acquired before and during a methacholine (MCh)-bronchoconstricted challenge. TheRLandELdata were first analyzed by using a model with a homogeneous airwaycompartment leading to a viscoelastic tissue compartment consisting oftissue damping and elastance parameters. Our OVW-based estimates ofRaw correlated well with estimatesobtained by using standard plethysmography and were responsive toMCh-induced bronchoconstriction. Our data suggest thatRti comprises ~40% of totalRLat typical breathing frequencies, which corresponds to ~60% ofintrathoracic RL. During mildMCh-induced bronchoconstriction, Rawaccounts for most of the increase inRL. At high doses of MCh, therewas a substantial increase in RLat all frequencies and inEL athigher frequencies. Our analysis showed that bothRaw andRti increase, but most of the increaseis due to Raw. The data also suggestthat widespread peripheral constriction causes airway wall shunting toproduce additional frequency dependence inEL.


Shen, X., M. F. Wu, R. S. Tepper, and S. J. Gunst. Pharmacological modulation of the mechanicalresponse of airway smooth muscle to length oscillation.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3): 739-745, 1997.Stretch and retraction of the airways caused by changes in lungvolume may play an important role in regulating airway reactivity. Westudied the effects of different pharmacological stimuli on airwaysmooth muscle to determine whether the muscle behavior during lengthoscillation can be modulated pharmacologically and to evaluate the roleof different activation mechanisms in determining its behavior duringthe oscillation. Active force decreased below the static isometricforce during the shortening phase of length oscillation, resulting inan overall depression of force during the length oscillation cycle.This pattern of response was unaffected by the contractile stimulus orlevel of activation, suggesting that it was caused by a mechanism that is independent of the level of activation of cross bridges. The normalized area of the length-force hysteresis loop (hysteresivity) differed depending on the stimulus used for contraction. Effects ofdifferent stimuli on hysteresivity were not correlated with theireffects on isotonic shortening velocity or isometric force, suggestingthat the pharmacological modulation of the behavior of airway smoothmuscle during length oscillation at these amplitudes cannot beaccounted for by the effects on the cross-bridge cycling rate.


Brown, Robert H., Wayne Mitzner, and Elizabeth M. Wagner.Interaction between airway edema and lung inflation onresponsiveness of individual airways in vivo. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(2): 366-370, 1997.Inflammatorychanges and airway wall thickening are suggested to cause increasedairway responsiveness in patients with asthma. In fivesheep, the dose-response relationships of individual airways weremeasured at different lung volumes to methacholine (MCh) before andafter wall thickening caused by the inflammatory mediator bradykininvia the bronchial artery. At 4 cmH2O transpulmonary pressure(Ptp), 5 µg/ml MCh constricted the airways to a maximum of 18 ± 3%. At 30 cmH2O Ptp, MCh resultedin less constriction (to 31 ± 5%). Bradykinin increased airwaywall area at 4 and 30 cmH2O Ptp(159 ± 6 and 152 ± 4%, respectively;P < 0.0001). At 4 cmH2O Ptp, bradykinin decreasedairway luminal area (13 ± 2%; P < 0.01), and the dose-response curve was significantly lower (P = 0.02). At 30 cmH2O, postbradykinin, the maximalairway narrowing was not significantly different (26 ± 5%;P = 0.76). Bradykinin produced substantial airway wall thickening and slight potentiation ofthe MCh-induced airway constriction at low lung volume. At high lung volume, bradykinin increased wall thickness but had no effecton the MCh-induced airway constriction. We conclude that inflammatoryfluid leakage in the airways cannot be a primary cause of airwayhyperresponsiveness.


Airway responsiveness is exaggerated in infancy and declines with maturation. These age-related differences (R.S. Tepper, T. Du, A. Styhler, M. Ludwig, and J.G. Martin. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 151: 836-840, 1995; R.S. Tepper, S.J. Gunst, C.M. Doerschuk, Y. Shen, and W. Bray. J. Appl. Physiol. 78: 505-512, 1995; R.S. Tepper, J. Stevens, and H. Eigen. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 149: 678-681, 1994) could be due to changes in the smooth muscle, the lung, and/or the airway wall. Folding of the mucosal membrane can provide an elastic load (R.K. Lambert, J. Appl. Physiol. 71: 666-673, 1991), which impedes smooth muscle shortening. We hypothesized that increased stiffness of the mucosal membrane occurs during aging, causing an increased mechanical load on airway smooth muscle and a decrease in airway responsiveness. Forty female New Zealand White rabbits between 0.75 and 35 mo of age were studied. Rectangular mucosal membrane strips oriented both longitudinally and circumferentially to the long axis of the trachea were dissected, and the stress-strain relationships of each strip were tested. The results showed that the membrane was stiffer in the longitudinal than in the circumferential direction of the airway. However, there was no significant change with age in either orientation. We conclude that the mechanical properties of the airway mucosal membrane did not change during maturation and were not likely to influence age-related changes in airway responsiveness.  相似文献   

Nagase, Takahide, Hirotoshi Matsui, Tomoko Aoki, YasuyoshiOuchi, and Yoshinosuke Fukuchi. Lung tissue behavior in the mouseduring constriction induced by methacholine and endothelin-1. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6):2373-2378, 1996.Recently, mice have been extensively used toinvestigate the pathogenesis of pulmonary disease because appropriatemurine models, including transgenic mice, are being increasinglydeveloped. However, little information about the lung mechanics of miceis currently available. We questioned whether lung tissue behavior andthe coupling between dissipative and elastic processes, hysteresivity(), in mice would be different from those in the other species. Toaddress this question, we investigated whether tissue resistance (Rti)and  in mice would be affected by varying lung volume, constrictioninduced by methacholine (MCh) and endothelin-1 (ET-1), andhigh-lung-volume challenge during induced constriction. From measuredtracheal flow and tracheal and alveolar pressures in open-chest ICRmice during mechanical ventilation [tidal volume = 8 ml/kg,frequency (f) = 2.5 Hz], we calculated lung resistance(RL), Rti, airway resistance(Raw), lung elastance (EL),and  (=2fRti/EL). Underbaseline conditions, increasing levels of end-expiratory transpulmonarypressure decreased Raw and increased Rti. The administration ofaerosolized MCh and intravenous ET-1 increasedRL, Rti, Raw, andEL in a dose-dependent manner.Rti increased from 0.207 ± 0.010 to 0.570 ± 0.058 cmH2O · ml1 · safter 107 mol/kg ET-1(P < 0.01). After inducedconstriction, increasing end-expiratory transpulmonary pressuredecreased Raw. However,  was not affected by changing lung volume,constriction induced by MCh and ET-1, or high-lung-volume challengeduring induced constriction. These observations suggest that1)  is stable in mice regardlessof various conditions, 2) Rti is animportant fraction of RL andincreases after induced constriction, and3) mechanical interdependence mayaffect airway smooth muscle shortening in this species. In mammalianspecies, including mice, analysis of  may indicate that both Rti andEL essentially respond to asimilar degree.


Shen, X., M. F. Wu, R. S. Tepper, and S. J. Gunst. Mechanisms for the mechanical response ofairway smooth muscle to length oscillation. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 731-738, 1997.Airway smoothmuscle tone in vitro is profoundly affected by oscillations in musclelength, suggesting that the effects of lung volume changes on airwaytone result from direct effects of stretch on the airway smooth muscle.We analyzed the effect of length oscillation on active force andlength-force hysteresis in canine tracheal smooth muscle at differentoscillation rates and amplitudes during contraction with acetylcholine.During the shortening phase of the length oscillation cycle, the activeforce generated by the smooth muscle decreased markedly below theisometric force but returned to isometric force as the muscle waslengthened. Results indicate that at rates comparable to those duringtidal breathing, active shortening and yielding of contractile elementscontributes to the modulation of force during length oscillation;however, the depression of force during shortening cannot be accountedfor by cross-bridge properties, shortening-induced cross-bridgedeactivation, or active relaxation. We conclude that the depression ofcontractility may be a function of the plasticity of the cellularorganization of contractile filaments, which enables contractileelement length to be reset in relation to smooth muscle cell length asa result of smooth muscle stretch.


Madwed, Jeffrey B., and Andrew C. Jackson.Determination of airway and tissue resistances after antigen andmethacholine in nonhuman primates. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(5): 1690-1696, 1997.Antigen challenge of Ascaris suum-sensitiveanimals has been used as a model of asthma in humans. However, noreports have separated total respiratory resistance into airway (Raw)and tissue (Rti) components. We compared input impedance (Zin) andtransfer impedance (Ztr) to determine Raw and Rti in anesthetizedcynomolgus monkeys under control and bronchoconstricted conditions. Zindata between 1 and 64 Hz are frequency dependent during baselineconditions, and this frequency dependence shifts in response toA. suum or methacholine. Thus itcannot be modeled with the DuBois model, and estimates of Raw and Rticannot be determined. With Ztr, baseline data were much less variablethan Zin in all monkeys. After bronchial challenge withA. suum or methacholine, the absoluteamplitude of the resistive component of Ztr increased and its zerocrossing shifted to higher frequencies. These data can estimate Raw and Rti with the six-element DuBois model. Therefore, in monkeys, Ztr hasadvantages over other measures of lung function, since it provides amethodology to separate estimates of Raw and Rti. In conclusion, Ztrshows spectral features similar to those reported in healthy andasthmatic humans.


Dreshaj, Ismail A., Musa A. Haxhiu, Charles F. Potter, FatonH. Agani, and Richard J. Martin. Maturational changes in responsesof tissue and airway resistance to histamine. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1785-1791, 1996.We determinedhow postnatal maturation affects the relative contributions of airwaysand lung parenchyma to pulmonary resistance(RL) and whether there are developmental differences in their respective responses to constrictive agents. We studied open-chest ventilated anesthetized piglets of threeages: 2-4 days, 2-3 wk, and 10 wk.RL was partitioned into tissue(Rti) and airway (Raw) resistance by means of alveolar capsules underbaseline conditions and after intravenous histamine. Postnatalmaturation was associated with a progressive decline inRL, Rti, and Raw and with anincrease in the contribution of Rti toRL from 38 ± 8% at 2-4days to 72 ± 2% at both 2-3 and 10 wk. Histamine causedRL to increase at all ages. Whenpartitioned into Rti and Raw, the percent increase in Rti significantlyexceeded that of Raw at both 2-4 days and 2-3 wk. Incontrast, the percent increase in Raw significantly exceeded that ofRti at 10 wk. Administration of atropine before histamine in pigletsaged 10 wk reduced the response of Rti and Raw to histamine.Histamine-induced responses ofRL were blocked by priorH1-receptor blockade withpyrilamine (2 mg/kg). These results indicate that1) the contribution of Rti and Rawto RL changes during maturationand that 2) contractile responses toexogenous histamine are manifest predominantly in most distal airwaysand lung parenchyma during early postnatal life; with advancingmaturation there is greater contribution of airways to the increase inRL induced by histamine.


We previously demonstrated that airway responsiveness is greater in immature than in mature rabbits; however, it is not known whether there are maturational differences in the effect of transpulmonary pressure (Ptp) on airway size and airway responsiveness. The relationship between Ptp and airway diameter was assessed in excised lungs insufflated with tantalum powder. Diameters of comparable intraparenchymal airway segments were measured from radiographs obtained at Ptp between 0 and 20 cmH(2)O. At Ptp > 8 cmH(2)O, the diameters were near maximal in both groups. With diameter normalized to its maximal value, changing Ptp between 8 and 0 cmH(2)O resulted in a greater decline of airway caliber in immature than mature airways. The increases in lung resistance (RL) in vivo at Ptp of 8, 5, and 2 cmH(2)O were measured during challenge with intravenous methacholine (MCh: 0.001-0.5 mg/kg). At Ptp of 8 cmH(2)O, both groups had very small responses to MCh and the maximal fold increases in RL did not differ (1.93 +/- 0.29 vs. 2.23 +/- 0.19). At Ptp of 5 and 2 cmH(2)O, the fold increases in RL were greater for immature than mature animals (13.19 +/- 1.81 vs. 3.89 +/- 0.37) and (17.74 +/- 2.15 vs. 4.6 +/- 0.52), respectively. We conclude that immature rabbits have greater airway distensibility and this difference may contribute to greater airway narrowing in immature compared with mature rabbits.  相似文献   

Wang, C. G., J. J. Almirall, C. S. Dolman, R. J. Dandurand,and D. H. Eidelman. In vitro bronchial responsiveness in twohighly inbred rat strains. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(5): 1445-1452, 1997.We investigatedmethacholine (MCh)-induced bronchoconstriction in explanted airwaysfrom Fischer and Lewis rats. Lung explants, 0.5- to 1.0-mm thick, wereprepared from agarose-inflated lungs of anesthetized 8- to 12-wk-oldmale rats. After overnight culture, videomicroscopy was used to recordbaseline images of the individual airways. Dose-response curves to MChwere then constructed by repeated administration of MCh; airways werereimaged 10 min after each MCh administration. Airway internal luminalarea(Ai)was measured at successive MCh concentrations from109 to101 M. Inaddition to the effective concentration leading to 50% of the achievedmaximal response, we also determined the effective concentrationleading to a 40% reduction inAi.Both the effective concentration leading to 50% of the achievedmaximal response and the concentration leading to a 40% reduction inAiwere significantly lower among Fischer rat airways(P < 0.05). Airway closure was morecommon among Fischer rat airways (17%) than among those of Lewis rats(7.5%). Responsiveness of Fischer rat airways was more heterogeneousthan among Lewis airways; a larger number of Fischer rat airwaysexhibited high sensitivity to MCh. There was no relationship betweenresponsiveness and baselineAiin either strain. In a second experiment, we measured the rate ofcontraction of explanted airways from lungs inflated to 50, 75, and100% of total lung capacity. The average rate of contraction in thefirst 15 s was higher in Fischer rat airways at each inflation volume.These data indicate that the hyperresponsiveness of the Fischer rat reflects the responsiveness of individual airways throughout the airwaytree and are consistent with the notion that in this model hyperresponsiveness is an intrinsic property of airway smooth muscle.


Peták, Ferenc, Zoltán Hantos, ÁgnesAdamicza, Tibor Asztalos, and Peter D. Sly. Methacholine-inducedbronchoconstriction in rats: effects of intravenous vs. aerosoldelivery. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1479-1487, 1997.To determine the predominant site of action ofmethacholine (MCh) on lung mechanics, two groups of open-chestSprague-Dawley rats were studied. Five rats were measured duringintravenous infusion of MCh (iv group), with doubling of concentrationsfrom 1 to 16 µg · kg1 · min1.Seven rats were measured after aerosol administration of MCh with dosesdoubled from 1 to 16 mg/ml (ae group). Pulmonary input impedance(ZL) between 0.5 and 21 Hz wasdetermined by using a wave-tube technique. A model containing airwayresistance (Raw) and inertance (Iaw) and parenchymal damping (G) andelastance (H) was fitted to theZL spectra. In the iv group, MChinduced dose-dependent increases in Raw [peak response 270 ± 9 (SE) % of the control level; P < 0.05] and in G (340 ± 150%;P < 0.05), with no increase inIaw (30 ± 59%) orH (111 ± 9%). In the ae group, thedose-dependent increases in Raw (191 ± 14%;P < 0.05) andG (385 ± 35%; P < 0.05) were associated with a significant increase in H (202 ± 8%; P < 0.05).Measurements with different resident gases [air vs. neon-oxygenmixture, as suggested (K. R. Lutchen, Z. Hantos, F. Peták,Á. Adamicza, and B. Suki. J. Appl.Physiol. 80: 1841-1849, 1996)] in thecontrol and constricted states in another group of rats suggested thatthe entire increase seen in G during the ivchallenge was due to ventilation inhomogeneity, whereas the aechallenge might also have involved real tissue contractions viaselective stimulation of the muscarinic receptors.


The effect of deep inspiration (DI) on airway responsiveness differs in asthmatic and normal human subjects. The mechanism for the effects of DI on airway responsiveness in vivo has not been identified. To elucidate potential mechanisms, we compared the effects of DI imposed before or during induced bronchoconstriction on the airway response to methacholine (MCh) in rabbits. The changes in airway resistance in response to intravenous MCh were continuously monitored. DI depressed the maximum response to MCh when imposed before or during the MCh challenge; however, the inhibitory effect of DI was greater when imposed during bronchoconstriction. Because immature rabbits have greater airway reactivity than mature rabbits, we compared the effects of DI on their airway responses. No differences were observed. Our results suggest that the mechanisms by which DI inhibits airway responsiveness do not depend on prior activation of airway smooth muscle (ASM). These results are consistent with the possibility that reorganization of the contractile apparatus caused by stretch of ASM during DI contributes to depression of the airway response.  相似文献   

Matheson, Melissa, Ann-Christine Rynell, Melissa McClean,and Norbert Berend. Relationship between airway microvascular leakage, edema, and baseline airway functions. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 77-81, 1998.This study wasdesigned to examine the relationship among microvascular leakage,edema, and baseline airway function. Microvascular leakage was inducedin the airways of anesthetized, tracheostomized New Zealand Whiterabbits (n = 22) by using nebulized N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine(10 mg) and was measured in the trachea by using the Evans blue dyetechnique. Airway wall thickness was assessed morphometrically in theright main bronchus after Formalin fixation at a pressure of 25 cmH2O. Areas calculated includedthe mucosal wall area, the adventitial wall area, the total wall area,and the percentage of total wall area consisting of blood vessels. Aneutrophil count was also performed by analyzing numbers of cells inboth the mucosal wall area and the adventitial wall area. Airwayfunction was assessed before and 30 min after challenge withN-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanineby determining airway resistance, functional residual capacity,specific airway resistance, and flow-volume and pressure-volume curves(after paralysis of the animals with suxamethonium). The concentration of Evans blue dye in tracheal tissue ranged from 31.3 to 131.2 µg.There was a significant correlation between this concentration and boththe adventitial wall area (P < 0.01)and mucosal neutrophil numbers (P < 0.005). There was no correlation between Evans blue concentration andeither blood vessel area or changes in respiratory physiologyparameters before and after challenge. There was no significantdifference between any respiratory physiology measurements before andafter challenge. We conclude that an increase in microvascular leakagecorrelates with airway edema in the adventitia; however, these airwaychanges have no significant effect on airway elastic or resistiveproperties.


Altered perfusion of the bronchial mucosal plexus relative to the adventitial plexus may contribute to geometric changes in the airway wall and lumen. We studied bronchial perfusion distribution in sheep by using fluorescent microspheres at baseline and during intrabronchial artery challenge with methacholine chloride (MCh; n = 7). Additionally, we measured airway resistance (Raw) during MCh with control or increased perfusion (n = 9). Raw with MCh was significantly greater for high than control flow. Microspheres in histological sections lodged predominantly in the mucosa (60%), and this was not altered by MCh. However, more microspheres lodged in airways >1-mm in diameter during MCh and increased perfusion than MCh and control flow. In airways < or =1 mm in diameter, fewer microspheres lodged during control than increased flow. If the number of microspheres represents regional agonist access to airway smooth muscle, then the differences observed in Raw can be explained by the distribution of agonist. During challenge, there was greater MCh delivery to larger airways during increased flow and less delivery to smaller airways during control flow. The results demonstrate the effects of axial perfusion distribution on Raw.  相似文献   

Duneclift, S., U. Wells, and J. Widdicombe. Estimationof thickness of airway surface liquid in ferret trachea in vitro. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(3): 761-767, 1997.The tracheae of ferrets and rabbits were mounted in vitro inorgan baths. While the tracheae were liquid filled, the permeabilitycoefficient ( P) was determined, and then while thetracheae were air filled, the percent clearance for99mTc-labeleddiethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) was determined. The thicknessof airway surface liquid (ASL) was estimated by three methods.1) The initial concentration of99mTc-DTPA and the total amount of99mTc-DTPA (the sum of thatentering the outside medium, that draining from the trachea, and thatwashed out at the end of 40 min) gave the initial volume of ASL andthus its thickness. Mean values were 45.7 µm for the ferret and 41.9 µm for the rabbit. 2) Estimates ofASL thickness at the end of the 40-min period, based on the final99mTc-DTPA concentration and theamount in the washout, were 42.9 µm for ferret and 45.4 µm forrabbit. 3) The ratio of Pto percent clearance gave mean ASL thickness values of 49.2 µm forthe ferret and 40.3 µm for the rabbit. Thus three separate methodsfor determining ASL thickness give very similar results, with means inthe range 40-49 µm. Administration of methacholine or atropineto ferret tracheae did not significantly change ASL thickness.


Sobh, Jamil F., Craig M. Lilly, Jeffrey M. Drazen, andAndrew C. Jackson. Respiratory transfer impedance between 8 and384 Hz in guinea pigs before and after bronchial challenge. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1): 172-181, 1997.We report a forced oscillatory technique for noninvasivelymeasuring respiratory transfer impedance (Ztr) between 8 and 384 Hz inguinea pigs. This technique uses a device consisting of two chambers:one surrounding the animal's head that is used as a plethysmograph tomeasured flow through the airway opening and the other that surroundsthe animal's body and is used to apply pressure oscillations to thebody surface. Ztr was measured in spontaneously breathing awake guineapigs and while the animals were anesthetized in normal andmethacholine-challenged conditions. An eight-element model consistingof an airway compartment separated from a tissue compartment by a shuntgas compression compartment was fit to the data. Anesthesia increasedcentral and peripheral airway resistance and bronchial airway wallcompliance by 13, 31, and 44%, respectively, whereas it decreasedtissue compliance by 37%. Compared with the unanesthetized condition, the methacholine challenge (20 µg/kg) resulted in an increase incentral and peripheral airway resistance (69 and 319%, respectively) and a decrease in bronchial airway wall and tissue compliance (37 and79%, respectively). This technique is capable of measuring Ztr inanesthetized and awake guinea pigs. Analysis of these data with thiseight-element model provides reasonable estimates of airway and tissueparameters.


Toinvestigate whether changes of tissue resistance (Rti) duringmethacholine (MCh)-induced constriction correspond to an intrinsicmechanism or are an artifact of increased airways inhomogeneity, rabbits were studied after exposure to air(n = 7) or 1.5 parts/million O3(n = 6). Animals were anesthetized andmechanically ventilated. Tracheal flow and pressure (Ptr) and fouralveolar capsule pressures (Pcap) were measured during 3 min afteradministration of an intrajugular bolus of 0.8 mg/ml MCh. By adjustmentof the equation of motion [P(t) = E · V(t) + R · dV(t)/dt + P0] [whereP(t), V(t), and dV(t)/dt are pressure, volume, and flow as a function of time, respectively, Eis elastance, R is resistance, and P0 is end-expiratorypressure] to Ptr, lung resistance(RL) and dynamic elastance(EL) were determined breath bybreath. Rti and airways resistance (Raw) were determined from Pcap in phase with rate of change of pulmonary expansion. Hysteresivity () was calculated. Parallel inhomogeneity wasestimated from the coefficients of variation (CV) of every Pcap at endinspiration and end expiration. Increase in CV significantly laggedRti, RL, and . A linearrelationship between EL and Rawwas observed. Our results suggest that changes in tissue mechanicsduring the transition to the constricted state are not artifactual.


A single-projection X-ray technique showed an increase in functional residual capacity (FRC) in conscious mice in response to aerosolized methacholine (MCh) with little change in airway resistance (Raw) measured using barometric plethysmography (Lai-Fook SJ, Houtz PK, Lai Y-L. J Appl Physiol 104: 521-533, 2008). The increase in FRC presumably prevented airway constriction by offsetting airway contractility. We sought a more direct measure of airway constriction. Anesthetized Balb/c mice were intubated with a 22-G catheter, and tantalum dust was insufflated into the lungs to produce a well-defined bronchogram. After overnight recovery, the conscious mouse was placed in a sealed box, and bronchograms were taken at maximum and minimum points of the box pressure cycle before (control) and after 1-min exposures to 25, 50, and 100 mg/ml MCh aerosol. After overnight recovery, each mouse was studied under both room and body temperature box air conditions to correct for gas compression effects on the control tidal volume (Vt) and to determine Vt and Raw with MCh. Airway diameter (D), FRC, and Vt were measured from the X-ray images. Compared with control, D decreased by 24%, frequency decreased by 35%, FRC increased by 120%, and Raw doubled, to reach limiting values with 100 mg/ml MCh. Vt was unchanged with MCh. The limiting D occurred near zero airway elastic recoil, where the maximal contractility was relatively small. The conscious mouse adapted to MCh by breathing at a higher lung volume and reduced frequency to reach a limit in constriction.  相似文献   

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