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The input of terrestrial silt and clay (hereafter mud) into coastal environments can alter sediment grain size distribution affecting the structure and functioning of benthic communities. The relationship between sediment mud content and macrofaunal community structure has been well documented, but not the effects on ecosystem function. In 143 plots from the mid-intertidal sites in 9 estuaries, we measured sediment properties, macrofaunal community composition and fluxes of O2 and NH4 + across the sediment–water interface to derive process-based measures of ecosystem function across the sand–mud gradient. We observed reductions in measures of macrofaunal diversity and decreases in the maximum density of key bioturbating bivalves (Austrovenus stutchburyi and Macomona liliana) with increased mud content. Concurrently, the maximum rates of sediment oxygen consumption (SOC), NH4 + efflux (NH4 +) and biomass standardized gross primary production (GPPChl-a ) also decreased with increasing mud content. Environmental predictors explained 34–39% (P = 0.005–0.01) of the total variation in ecosystem function in distance-based linear models. After partitioning out the effect of mud, A. stutchburyi abundance was positively correlated and explained 25 and 23% (P = 0.0001) of the variation of SOC and NH4 +, respectively. Also, mud content (negatively correlated) and temperature (positively correlated) explained 26% of variability in GPPChl-a (P = 0.0001). Our results highlight the importance of increased mud content and the associated reduction in the abundance of strongly interacting key species on the loss of ecosystem function in intertidal sand flats.  相似文献   

Disturbance-mediated species loss has prompted research considering how ecosystem functions are changed when biota is impaired. However, there is still limited empirical evidence from natural environments evaluating the direct and indirect (i.e. via biota) effects of disturbance on ecosystem functioning. Oxygen deficiency is a widespread threat to coastal and estuarine communities. While the negative impacts of hypoxia on benthic communities are well known, few studies have assessed in situ how benthic communities subjected to different degrees of hypoxic stress alter their contribution to ecosystem functioning. We studied changes in sediment ecosystem function (i.e. oxygen and nutrient fluxes across the sediment water-interface) by artificially inducing hypoxia of different durations (0, 3, 7 and 48 days) in a subtidal sandy habitat. Benthic chamber incubations were used for measuring responses in sediment oxygen and nutrient fluxes. Changes in benthic species richness, structure and traits were quantified, while stress-induced behavioral changes were documented by observing bivalve reburial rates. The initial change in faunal behavior was followed by non-linear degradation in benthic parameters (abundance, biomass, bioturbation potential), gradually impairing the structural and functional composition of the benthic community. In terms of ecosystem function, the increasing duration of hypoxia altered sediment oxygen consumption and enhanced sediment effluxes of NH4 + and dissolved Si. Although effluxes of PO4 3− were not altered significantly, changes were observed in sediment PO4 3− sorption capability. The duration of hypoxia (i.e. number of days of stress) explained a minor part of the changes in ecosystem function. Instead, the benthic community and disturbance-driven changes within the benthos explained a larger proportion of the variability in sediment oxygen- and nutrient fluxes. Our results emphasize that the level of stress to the benthic habitat matters, and that the link between biodiversity and ecosystem function is likely to be affected by a range of factors in complex, natural environments.  相似文献   

Water redistribution from bare soil to vegetation patches is a key feature of semi-arid ecosystems, and is responsible for their patchy vegetation patterns. The magnitude of water redistribution depends on the properties of the bare soil (which determine the amount of water run-off) and the capacity of vegetation patches to trap water run-on. We examined the relationships between plant spatial patterns, water infiltration into bare soil, and plant community composition in semi-arid sites with different hydro-physical properties (silty and gypseous soils) in NE Spain. We also studied the effect of two stressors, aridity and grazing, on water infiltration and plant spatial patterns. Our results indicate a negative correlation of bare soil sorptivity (the capacity to absorb water by capillarity) and vegetation aggregation. There was a strong positive correlation between perennial grass cover and the spatial aggregation of vegetation, but aggregation was not associated with positive associations of different plant types. The aggregation of vegetation was positively correlated with species richness and the overall extent of vegetation cover. Grazing reduced water infiltration into silty soils, which are prone to compaction. In contrast, soil crust affected the hydrology of gypseous soils, especially in the most arid sites, where grazing increased infiltration, reducing surface sealing due to breaking of the soil crust. Together, our results suggest that biotic and abiotic factors affect the hydro-physical properties of soils in the semi-arid ecosystems of NE Spain, which is linked to the plant communities through the spatial distribution of plants.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities are causing widespread degradation of ecosystems worldwide, threatening the ecosystem services upon which all human life depends. Improved understanding of this degradation is urgently needed to improve avoidance and mitigation measures. One tool to assist these efforts is predictive models of ecosystem structure and function that are mechanistic: based on fundamental ecological principles. Here we present the first mechanistic General Ecosystem Model (GEM) of ecosystem structure and function that is both global and applies in all terrestrial and marine environments. Functional forms and parameter values were derived from the theoretical and empirical literature where possible. Simulations of the fate of all organisms with body masses between 10 µg and 150,000 kg (a range of 14 orders of magnitude) across the globe led to emergent properties at individual (e.g., growth rate), community (e.g., biomass turnover rates), ecosystem (e.g., trophic pyramids), and macroecological scales (e.g., global patterns of trophic structure) that are in general agreement with current data and theory. These properties emerged from our encoding of the biology of, and interactions among, individual organisms without any direct constraints on the properties themselves. Our results indicate that ecologists have gathered sufficient information to begin to build realistic, global, and mechanistic models of ecosystems, capable of predicting a diverse range of ecosystem properties and their response to human pressures.  相似文献   

The ability to understand and ultimately predict ecosystem response to multiple pressures is paramount to successfully implement ecosystem-based management. Thresholds shifts and nonlinear patterns in ecosystem responses can be used to determine reference points that identify levels of a pressure that may drastically alter ecosystem status, which can inform management action. However, quantifying ecosystem reference points has proven elusive due in large part to the multi-dimensional nature of both ecosystem pressures and ecosystem responses. We used ecological indicators, synthetic measures of ecosystem status and functioning, to enumerate important ecosystem attributes and to reduce the complexity of the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (NES LME). Random forests were used to quantify the importance of four environmental and four anthropogenic pressure variables to the value of ecological indicators, and to quantify shifts in aggregate ecological indicator response along pressure gradients. Anthropogenic pressure variables were critical defining features and were able to predict an average of 8-13% (up to 25-66% for individual ecological indicators) of the variation in ecological indicator values, whereas environmental pressures were able to predict an average of 1-5 % (up to 9-26% for individual ecological indicators) of ecological indicator variation. Each pressure variable predicted a different suite of ecological indicator’s variation and the shapes of ecological indicator responses along pressure gradients were generally nonlinear. Threshold shifts in ecosystem response to exploitation, the most important pressure variable, occurred when commercial landings were 20 and 60% of total surveyed biomass. Although present, threshold shifts in ecosystem response to environmental pressures were much less important, which suggests that anthropogenic pressures have significantly altered the ecosystem structure and functioning of the NES LME. Gradient response curves provide ecologically informed transformations of pressure variables to explain patterns of ecosystem structure and functioning. By concurrently identifying thresholds for a suite of ecological indicator responses to multiple pressures, we demonstrate that ecosystem reference points can be evaluated and used to support ecosystem-based management.  相似文献   

Methods to detect and quantify shifts in the state of ecosystems are increasingly important as global change drivers push more systems toward thresholds of change. Temporal relationships between precipitation and aboveground net primary production (ANPP) have been studied extensively in arid and semiarid ecosystems, but rarely has spatial variation in these relationships been investigated at a landscape scale, and rarely has such information been viewed as a resource for mapping the distribution of different ecological states. We examined the broad-scale effects of a shift from grassland to shrubland states on spatiotemporal patterns of remotely sensed ANPP proxies in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. We found that the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), when averaged across an eight-year period, did not vary significantly between these states, despite changes in ecosystem attributes likely to influence water availability to plants. In contrast, temporal relationships between precipitation and time-integrated NDVI (NDVI-I) modeled on a per-pixel basis were sensitive to spatial variation in shrub canopy cover, a key attribute differentiating ecological states in the region. The slope of the relationship between annual NDVI-I and 2-year cumulative precipitation was negatively related to, and accounted for 71% of variation in, shrub canopy cover estimated at validation sites using high spatial resolution satellite imagery. These results suggest that remote sensing studies of temporal precipitation–NDVI relationships may be useful for deriving shrub canopy cover estimates in the region, as well as for mapping other ecological state changes characterized by shifts in long-term ANPP, plant functional type dominance, or both.  相似文献   

The capture and efficient use of limiting resources influence the competitive success of individual plant species as well as species diversity across resource gradients. In simulations, efficient nutrient acquisition or nutrient retention by species were key predictors of success when nutrients were limiting. Increased nutrient supply favored species with characteristics that improved light interception or light use. Ecological theory suggests that low diversity on fertile sites may be a consequence of competitive exclusion by one or a few species with superior light-interception characteristics. On infertile sites, competitive exclusion may be a function of superior nutrient-acquisition characteristics in species. At intermediate fertility, a shift from single-resource specialization to a balanced effort in the acquisition of multiple resources should allow for greater species diversity. Thus, a unimodal relationship between diversity and nutrient supply, vegetation biomass, or productivity is predicted. However, simulations demonstrated alternate relationships depending on the ecosystem characteristic to which diversity was compared. Diversity was greatest at intermediate total biomass but increased monotonically with net primary production and nitrogen (N) supply. The highest diversity occurred midrange on a scale of community-level leaf area to fine-root length ratios, which in the context of the model indicates that the vegetation as a whole was simultaneously limited by both N and light and that effort toward the acquisition of both resources is distributed in such a way that both resources are equally exploited. Diversity was lowered by the presence of species with a superior ability to sequester resources.  相似文献   

Transport of 3H-labelled thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) across the blood-brain barrier was studied in the ipsilateral perfused in situ guinea pig forebrain. The unidirectional transfer constant (Kin) calculated from the multiple time brain uptake analysis ranged from 1.14 X 10(-3) to 1.22 X 10(-3) ml min-1 g-1, in the parietal cortex, caudate nucleus, and hippocampus. Regional Kin values for [3H]TRH were significantly reduced by 43-48% in the presence of an aminopeptidase and amidase inhibitor, 2 mM bacitracin, suggesting an enzymatic degradation of tripeptide during interaction with the blood-brain barrier. In the presence of unlabelled 1 mM TRH and 2 mM bacitracin together, a reduction of [3H]TRH regional Kin values similar to that obtained with 2 mM bacitracin alone was obtained . L-Prolinamide, the N-terminal residue of tripeptide, at a 10 mM level had no effect on the kinetics of entry of [3H]TRH into the brain. The data indicate an absence of a specific saturable transport mechanism for TRH presented to the luminal side of the blood-brain barrier. It is concluded that intact TRH molecule may slowly penetrate the blood-brain barrier, the rate of transfer being some three times higher than that of D-mannitol.  相似文献   

Our understanding of geographic patterns of species diversity and the underlying mechanisms is increasing rapidly, whereas the temporal variation in these patterns remains poorly understood. We examined the seasonal species richness and species turnover patterns of non‐volant small mammals along three subtropical elevational gradients in southwest China. Small mammal diversity was surveyed in two seasons (early wet season and late wet season) using a standardized sampling protocol. The comparison of species richness patterns between two seasons indicated a temporal component in magnitude and shape, with species richness at high elevations clearly increased during the late wet season. Species richness demonstrated weak correlations with modelled temperature and precipitation. The elevational pattern of species turnover measured by Chao‐Sørenson similarity index also changed seasonally, even though the temporal pattern varied with scale. Species turnover between neighboring elevations at high elevations was slower in the late wet season. Meanwhile, there was an acceleration of species turnover along the whole range of the gradient. The seasonal change in species diversity patterns may be due to population‐level increases in abundance and elevational migration, whereas seasonal variation in factors other than temperature and precipitation may play a greater role in driving seasonal diversity patterns. Our study strongly supports the seasonality in elevational patterns of small mammal diversity in subtropical montane forests. Thus it is recommended that subsequent field surveys consider temporal sampling replicate for elevational diversity studies.  相似文献   

静态箱法原位观测草原CO2通量的探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
杜睿  王庚辰  吕达仁  万晓伟  孔琴心 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2167-2174
根据IMGRASS研究计划,分析草原土壤-植被系统CO2排放与吸收的生物机理和静态箱法在草地CO2通量原位观测实验中所遇到的难点问题,研究设计一套简单易行的静态箱实验方法,通过1999,2000年连续两年在内蒙古半干旱草原的原位观测实验尝试,解决了利用静态箱法原位观测草原土壤-植被系统与大气间CO2交换通量偏离实际的难题,校正了观测值的偏离,并实例分析校正了1998年内蒙古半干旱典型草原羊草草原土壤-植被系统CO2通量。揭示了羊草草原CO2通量的变化规律特征。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi(m)) was determined in intact isolated nerve terminals using the membrane potential-sensitive probe JC-1. Oxidative stress induced by H2O2 (0.1-1 mM) caused only a minor decrease in delta psi(m). When complex I of the respiratory chain was inhibited by rotenone (2 microM), delta psi(m) was unaltered, but on subsequent addition of H2O2, delta psi(m) started to decrease and collapsed during incubation with 0.5 mM H2O2 for 12 min. The ATP level and [ATP]/[ADP] ratio were greatly reduced in the simultaneous presence of rotenone and H2O2. H2O2 also induced a marked reduction in delta psi(m) when added after oligomycin (10 microM), an inhibitor of F0F1-ATPase. H2O2 (0.1 or 0.5 mM) inhibited alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and decreased the steady-state NAD(P)H level in nerve terminals. It is concluded that there are at least two factors that determine delta psi(m) in the presence of H2O2: (a) The NADH level reduced owing to inhibition of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase is insufficient to ensure an optimal rate of respiration, which is reflected in a fall of delta psi(m) when the F0F1-ATPase is not functional. (b) The greatly reduced ATP level in the presence of rotenone and H2O2 prevents maintenance of delta psi(m) by F0F1-ATPase. The results indicate that to maintain delta psi(m) in the nerve terminal during H2O2-induced oxidative stress, both complex I and F0F1-ATPase must be functional. Collapse of delta psi(m) could be a critical event in neuronal injury in ischemia or Parkinson's disease when H2O2 is generated in excess and complex I of the respiratory chain is simultaneously impaired.  相似文献   

Patterns of Change: Forces and Motion is an integrated science lesson that uses the 5E lesson cycle to tie together science with language arts, mathematics, literature, technology, engineering and social studies in an engaging format applicable for young learners. This lesson has been uniquely designed for the purpose of providing elementary teachers with ideas for using hands-on minds-on activities to foster inquiry and discussion, while engaging their students to use technology as a learning tool. This lesson has been used on the elementary level to teach students about the forces that have an effect on motion.  相似文献   

We describe a habitat selection model that predicts the distribution of size-structured groups of fish in a habitat where food availability and water temperature vary spatially. This model is formed by combining a physiological model of fish growth with the logic of ideal free distribution (IFD) theory. In this model we assume that individuals scramble compete for resources, that relative competitive abilities of fish vary with body size, and that individuals select patches that maximize their growth rate. This model overcomes limitations in currently existing physiological and IFD-based models of habitat selection. This is because existing physiological models do not take into account the fact that the amount of food consumed by a fish in a patch will depend on the number of competitors there (something that IFD theory addresses), while traditional IFD models do not take into account the fact that fish are likely to choose patches based on potential growth rate rather than gross food intake (something that physiological models address). Our model takes advantage of the complementary strengths of these two approaches to overcome these weaknesses. Reassuringly, our model reproduces the predictions of its two constituent models under the simple conditions where they apply. When there is no competition for resources it mimics the physiological model of habitat selection, and when there is competition but no temperature variation between patches it mimics either the simple IFD model or the IFD model for unequal competitors. However, when there are both competition and temperature differences between patches our model makes different predictions. It predicts that input-matching between the resource renewal rate and the number of fish (or competitive units) in a patch, the hallmark of IFD models, will be the exception rather than the rule. It also makes the novel prediction that temperature based size-segregation will be common, and that the strength and direction of this segregation will depend on per capita resource renewal rates and the manner in which competitive weight scales with body size. Size-segregation should become more pronounced as per capita resource abundance falls. A larger fish/cooler water pattern is predicted when competitive ability increases more slowly than maximum ration with body size, and a smaller fish/cooler water pattern is predicted when competitive ability increases more rapidly than maximum ration with body size.  相似文献   

Climate change is anticipated to affect freshwater resources, but baseline data on the functioning of tropical watersheds is lacking, limiting efforts that seek to predict how watershed processes, water supply, and streamflow respond to anticipated changes in climate and vegetation change, and to management. To address this data gap, we applied the distributed hydrology soil vegetation model (DHSVM) across 88 watersheds spanning a highly constrained, 4500 mm mean annual rainfall (MAR) gradient on Hawai‘i Island to quantify stream flow at 3-h time-steps for eight years in response to the independent and interactive effects of (1) large observed decrease in MAR; (2) projected warming and altered precipitation; and (3) four scenarios of forest invasion by the high water-demanding non-native tree species Psidium cattleianum. The model captured 62% of variability in measured flow at daily time scales, 95% at monthly time scales, and 98% at annual time scales. We found that low DHSVM modeled flow (Q 90) and storm flow (Q 10) responses to observed declines in rainfall dwarfed those of projected temperature increase or invasion, with flow decline positively correlated with MAR. As a percentage of streamflow, temperature and invasion reductions were negatively correlated with MAR. By comparison, warming alone had little effect on Q 90 or Q 10, but both decreased with increasing P. cattleianum cover, and projected effects of declining MAR were accentuated when combined with P. cattleianum and warming. Restoration mitigated some effects of climate warming by increasing stream base flows, with the relative effects of restoration being larger in drier versus wetter watersheds. We conclude that potential changes in climate in tropical environments are likely to exert significant effects on streamflow, but managing vegetation can provide mitigating benefits.  相似文献   

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