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Numerous precursors of antibacterial peptides with unrelated sequences share a similar prosequence of 96-101 residues, referred to as the cathelicidin motif. The structure of this widespread motif has not yet been reported. The cathelicidin motif of protegrin-3 (ProS) was overexpressed in Escherichia coli as a His-tagged protein to facilitate its purification. The His tag was then removed by thrombin cleavage. In addition, the complete proprotegrin-3 (ProS-PG-3) (120 residues) was overexpressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells. As it contained the antibacterial peptide protegrin-3 in its C-terminal part, ProS-PG-3 contained four disulfide bonds. At neutral pH, ProS and ProS-PG-3 adopted two slowly exchanging conformations that existed in a ratio of 55/45. This ratio was progressively modified at acidic pH to reach a 90/10 value at pH 3.0, suggesting that electrostatic interactions are involved in such a conformational change. Therefore, the structural study of the main conformer was undertaken at pH 3.0 by circular dichroism, mass spectrometry, and homo- and heteronuclear NMR. In parallel, a model for the ProS structure was built from the X-ray structure of the chicken cystatin. ProS and the chicken cystatin share two conserved disulfide bonds as well as a high conservation of hydrophobic residues. The ProS model features the conservation of a hydrophobic core made of the interface between the N-terminal helix and the wrapping beta-sheet. Although the full assignment of the main conformer of ProS could not be obtained, available NMR data validated the presence of the N-terminal helix and of a four-stranded beta-sheet, in agreement with the cystatin fold. Moreover, we clearly demonstrated that ProS and ProS-PG-3 share the same global structure, suggesting that the presence of the highly constrained beta-hairpin of protegrin does not significantly modify the structure of the cathelicidin motif of the protegrin precursor.  相似文献   

The formation of fibril aggregates by long polyglutamine sequences is assumed to play a major role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington. Here, we model peptides rich in glutamine, through a series of molecular dynamics simulations. Starting from a rigid nanotube-like conformation, we have obtained a new conformational template that shares structural features of a tubular helix and of a beta-helix conformational organization. Our new model can be described as a super-helical arrangement of flat beta-sheet segments linked by planar turns or bends. Interestingly, our comprehensive analysis of the Protein Data Bank reveals that this is a common motif in beta-helices (termed beta-bend), although it has not been identified so far. The motif is based on the alternation of beta-sheet and helical conformation as the protein sequence is followed from the N to the C termini (beta-alpha(R)-beta-polyPro-beta). We further identify this motif in the ssNMR structure of the protofibril of the amyloidogenic peptide Abeta(1-40). The recurrence of the beta-bend suggests a general mode of connecting long parallel beta-sheet segments that would allow the growth of partially ordered fibril structures. The design allows the peptide backbone to change direction with a minimal loss of main chain hydrogen bonds. The identification of a coherent organization beyond that of the beta-sheet segments in different folds rich in parallel beta-sheets suggests a higher degree of ordered structure in protein fibrils, in agreement with their low solubility and dense molecular packing.  相似文献   

The kink turn (K-turn) is an RNA structural motif found in many biologically significant RNAs. While most examples of the K-turn have a similar fold, the crystal structure of the Azoarcus group I intron revealed a novel RNA conformation, a reverse kink turn bent in the direction opposite that of a consensus K-turn. The reverse K-turn is bent toward the major grooves rather than the minor grooves of the flanking helices, yet the sequence differs from the K-turn consensus by only a single nucleotide. Here we demonstrate that the reverse bend direction is not solely defined by internal sequence elements, but is instead affected by structural elements external to the K-turn. It bends toward the major groove under the direction of a tetraloop–tetraloop receptor. The ability of one sequence to form two distinct structures demonstrates the inherent plasticity of the K-turn sequence. Such plasticity suggests that the K-turn is not a primary element in RNA folding, but instead is shaped by other structural elements within the RNA or ribonucleoprotein assembly.  相似文献   



The N-Myc Downstream-Regulated Gene (NDRG) family comprises four members that function in cellular processes like proliferation and differentiation. While NDRG1 and NDRG2 are extensively studied, knowledge regarding NDRG3 and NDRG4, despite its recognition as a well-established early-detection marker for colorectal cancer (Cologuard®), is sparse.

Scope of review

To summarize expression, biomarker potential and functional mechanisms of the NDRGs in the developing, mature and cancerous gut, we combine current literature and in silico analyses from the TCGA-database, GTEX Project, E14.5 mouse intestine and enteric neural crest cells, and an RNA-sequencing time-series of human embryonic colonic samples.

Major conclusions

This study reveals that all members display a differential expression pattern in the gut and that NDRG1, NDRG2 and NDRG4 (1) can serve as biomarker for colorectal cancer and (2) have tumor suppressive properties mainly affecting cell proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

General significance

Similar effects of the NDRGs on the key-hallmarks of cancer, could implicate analogous functions in other tissue/cancer types.  相似文献   

The HNH motif is a small nucleic acid binding and cleavage module, widespread in metal finger endonucleases in all life kingdoms. Here we studied a non-specific endonuclease, the nuclease domain of ColE7 (N-ColE7), to decipher the role of the conserved asparagine and histidine residues in the HNH motif. We found, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays, that the DNA hydrolysis activity of H545 N-ColE7 mutants was completely abolished while activities of N560 and H573 mutants varied from 6.9% to 83.2% of the wild-type activity. The crystal structures of three N-ColE7 mutants in complex with the inhibitor Im7, N560A-Im7, N560D-Im7 and H573A-Im7, were determined at a resolution of 1.9 A to 2.2 A. H573 is responsible for metal ion binding in the wild-type protein, as the zinc ion is still partially associated in the structure of H573A, suggesting that H573 plays a supportive role in metal binding. Both N560A and N560D contain a disordered loop in the HNH motif due to the disruption of the hydrogen bond network surrounding the side-chain of residue 560, and as a result, the imidazole ring of the general base residue H545 is tilted slightly and the scissile phosphate is shifted, leading to the large reductions in hydrolysis activities. These results suggest that the highly conserved asparagine in the HNH motif, in general, plays a structural role in constraining the loop in the metal finger structure and keeping the general base histidine and scissile phosphate in the correct position for DNA hydrolysis.  相似文献   

酰基转移酶研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酰基转移酶(acyltransferase)是一个多功能蛋白质大家族,在机体内组蛋白酰基转移酶、N-乙酰转移酶、胆固醇酰基转移酶等对维持机体正常功能与疾病发生都密切相关,研究其功能与机制对于疾病的发病机理与临床治疗具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The catalytic domain of the peptidyl-prolyl cis/ trans isomerase Pin1 is a member of the FKBP superfold family. Within its active site are two highly conserved histidine residues, H59 and H157. Despite their sequence conservation in parvulin PPIase domains, the role of these histidine residues remains unclear. Our previous work (Behrsin et al. (2007) J. Mol. Biol. 365, 1143- 1162.) was consistent with a model where one or both histidines had critical roles in a hydrogen bonding network in the active site. Here, we test this model by looking at the effect of mutations to H59 and H157 on Pin1 function, activity, and protein stability. Using a yeast complementation assay, we show that both H59 and H157 can be mutated to non-hydrogen bonding residues and still support viability. Surprisingly, a nonfunctional H59L mutation can be rescued by a mutation of H157, to leucine. This double mutation (H59L/H157L) also had about 5-fold greater isomerase activity than the H59L mutation with a phosphorylated substrate. Structural analyses suggest that rescue of function and activity results from partial rescue of protein stability. Our findings indicate that H59 and H157 are not required for hydrogen bonding within the active site, and in contrast to the active site C113, they do not participate directly in catalysis. Instead, we suggest these histidines play a key role in domain structure or stability.  相似文献   

We examined cellular protein processing and functional expression of photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels. In a mammalian cell line, wild type bovine cone photoreceptor channel alpha subunits (bCNGA3) convert from an unglycosylated state, at 90 kDa, to two glycosylated states at 93 and 102 kDa as they transit within the cell to their final location at the plasma membrane. Glycosylation per se is not required to yield functional channels, yet it is a milestone that distinguishes sequential steps in channel protein maturation. CNG ion channels are not gated by membrane voltage although their structure includes the transmembrane S4 motif known to function as the membrane voltage sensor in all voltage-gated ion channels. S4 must be functionally important because its natural mutation in cone photoreceptor CNG channels is associated with achromatopsia, a human autosomal inherited loss of cone function. Point mutation of specific, not all, charged and neutral residues within S4 cause failure of functional channel expression. Cellular channel protein processing fails in every one of the non-functional S4 mutations we studied. Mutant proteins do not reach the 102-kDa glycosylated state and do not arrive at the plasma membrane. They remain trapped within the endoplasmic reticulum and fail to transit out to the Golgi apparatus. Coexpression of cone CNG beta subunit (CNGB3) does not rescue the consequence of S4 mutations in CNGA3. It is likely that an intact S4 is required for proper protein folding and/or assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

BLAT (BLAST-Like Alignment Tool) analyses of the opossum (Monodelphis domestica) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) genomes were undertaken using amino acid sequences of the acylglycerol acyltransferase (AGAT) superfamily. Evidence is reported for 8 opossum monoacylglycerol acyltransferase-like (MGAT) (E.C. and diacylglycerol acyltransferase-like (DGAT) (E.C. genes and proteins, including DGAT1, DGAT2, DGAT2L6 (DGAT2-like protein 6), AWAT1 (acyl CoA wax alcohol acyltransferase 1), AWAT2, MGAT1, MGAT2 and MGAT3. Three of these genes (AWAT1, AWAT2 and DGAT2L6) are closely localized on the opossum X chromosome. Evidence is also reported for six zebrafish MGAT- and DGAT-like genes, including two DGAT1-like genes, as well as DGAT2-, MGAT1-, MGAT2- and MGAT3-like genes and proteins. Predicted primary, secondary and transmembrane structures for the opossum and zebrafish MGAT-, AWAT- and DGAT-like subunits and the intron–exon boundaries for genes encoding these enzymes showed a high degree of similarity with other members of the AGAT superfamily, which play major roles in triacylglyceride (DGAT), diacylglyceride (MGAT) and wax ester (AWAT) biosynthesis. Alignments of predicted opossum, zebrafish and other vertebrate DGAT1, DGAT2, other DGAT2-like and MGAT-like amino acid sequences with known human and mouse enzymes demonstrated conservation of residues which are likely to play key roles in catalysis, lipid binding or in maintaining structure. Phylogeny studies of the human, mouse, opossum, zebrafish and pufferfish MGAT- and DGAT-like enzymes indicated that the common ancestors for these genes predated the appearance of bony fish during vertebrate evolution whereas the AWAT- and DGAT2L6-like genes may have appeared more recently prior to the appearance of marsupial and eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Herbicides targeting grass plastidic acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase, EC are selectively effective against graminicides. The intensive worldwide use of this herbicide family has selected for resistance genes in a number of grass weed species. Recently, the active-site W374C mutation was found to confer multi-drug resistance toward haloxyfop (HF), fenoxaprop (FR), Diclofop (DF), and clodinafop (CF) in A. myosuroides. In order to uncover the resistance mechanism due to W374C mutation, the binding of above-mentioned four herbicides to both wild-type and the mutant-type ACCase was investigated in the current work by molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The binding free energies were calculated by molecular mechanics-Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM/PBSA) method. The calculated binding free energy values for four herbicides were qualitatively consistent with the experimental order of IC50 values. All the computational model and energetic results indicated that the W374C mutation has great effects on the conformational change of the binding pocket and the ligand-protein interactions. The most significant conformational change was found to be associated with the aromatic amino acid residues, such as Phe377, Tyr161′ and Trp346. As a result, the π-π interaction between the ligand and the residue of Phe377 and Tyr161′, which make important contributions to the binding affinity, was decreased after mutation and the binding affinity for the inhibitors to the mutant-type ACCase was less than that to the wild-type enzyme, which accounts for the molecular basis of herbicidal resistance. The structural role and mechanistic insights obtained from computational simulations will provide a new starting point for the rational design of novel inhibitors to overcome drug resistance associated with W374C mutation.  相似文献   

We present a molecular-scale model of Bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) binding to the chlorosome protein A (CsmA) of Chlorobaculum tepidum, and the aggregated pigment–protein dimer, as determined from protein–ligand docking and quantum chemistry calculations. Our calculations provide strong evidence that the BChl a molecule is coordinated to the His25 residue of CsmA, with the magnesium center of the bacteriochlorin ring situated <3 Å from the imidazole nitrogen atom of the histidine sidechain, and the phytyl tail aligned along the nonpolar residues of the α-helix of CsmA. We also confirm that the Q y band in the absorption spectra of BChl a experiences a large (+16 to +43 nm) redshift when aggregated with another BChl a molecule in the CsmA dimer, compared to the BChl a in solvent; this redshift has been previously established by experimental researchers. We propose that our model of the BChl a–CsmA binding motif, where the dimer contains parallel aligned N-terminal regions, serves as the smallest repeating unit in a larger model of the para-crystalline chlorosome baseplate protein.  相似文献   

A prominent characteristic of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is its high genetic variability, which generates diversity of the virus and often causes a serious problem of the emergence of drug-resistant mutants. Subtype B HIV-1 is dominant in advanced countries, and the mortality rate due to subtype B HIV-1 has been decreased during the past decade. In contrast, the number of patients with non-subtype B viruses is still increasing in developing countries. One of the reasons for the prevalence of non-subtype B viruses is lack of information about the biological and therapeutic differences between subtype B and non-subtype B viruses. M36I is the most frequently observed polymorphism in non-subtype B HIV-1 proteases. However, since the 36th residue is located at a non-active site of the protease and has no direct interaction with any ligands, the structural role of M36I remains unclear. Here, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of M36I protease in complex with nelfinavir and revealed the influence of the M36I mutation. The results show that M36I regulates the size of the binding cavity of the protease. The reason for the rare emergence of D30N variants in non-subtype B HIV-1 proteases was also clarified from our computational analysis.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of human lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase has been determined by degradation and alignment of peptides obtained from tryptic and staphylococcal digestions and the cleavage with cyanogen bromide and consisted of 416 amino acid residues. All of the tryptic peptides of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase were isolated and sequenced. Peptides resulting from digestion by staphylococcal protease, cyanogen bromide cleavage, or the combination of the two methods were employed to find overlapping segments. The N terminus of human lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase was determined to be phenylalanine by sequencing the whole protein up to 40 residues while the C terminus was identified as glutamic acid through carboxypeptidase Y cleavage. Cys50 and Cys74 and Cys313 and Cys356 were identified as the two disulfide bridges while the free sulfhydryl groups were located at positions 31 and 184. The N-glycosylated sites of the protein were assigned to asparagines at positions 20, 84, 272, and 384. The active site of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase was identified as serine on position 181 according to its homology with other serine-type esterases which have a common structure of glycine-variable amino acid-active serine-variable amino acid-glycine (Gly-X-Ser-X-Gly) with the variable amino acids disrupting the homology. No long internal repeats or homologies with apolipoproteins were found. The secondary structure is consistent with the results of predictive algorithms. A simple model of the enzyme is proposed on the basis of available chemical data and predictive methods.  相似文献   

Hooda Y  Kim PM 《Proteomics》2012,12(10):1697-1705
Protein interactions have been at the focus of computational biology in recent years. In particular, interest has come from two different communities--structural and systems biology. Here, we will discuss key systems and structural biology methods that have been used for analysis and prediction of protein-protein interactions and the insight these approaches have provided on the nature and organization of protein-protein interactions inside cells.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the CuZn superoxide dismutase (SOD) structure provides new results concerning the significance and molecular basis for sequence conservation, intron-exon boundary locations, gene duplication, and Greek key beta-barrel evolution. Using 15 aligned sequences, including a new mouse sequence, specific roles have been assigned to all 23 invariant residues and additional residues exhibiting functional equivalence. Sequence invariance is dominated by 15 residues that form the active site stereochemistry, supporting a primary biological function of superoxide dismutation. The beta-strands have no sequence insertions and deletions, whereas insertions occur within the loops connecting the beta-strands and at both termini. Thus, the beta-barrel with only four invariant residues is apparently over-determined, but dependent on multiple cooperative side chain interactions. The regions encoded by exon I, a proposed nucleation site for protein folding, and exon III, the Zn loop involved in stability and catalysis, are the major structural subdomains not included in the internal twofold axis of symmetry passing near the catalytic Cu ion. This provides strong confirmatory evidence for gene evolution by duplication and fusion followed by the addition of these two exons. The proposed evolutionary pathway explains the structural versatility of the Greek key beta-barrel through functional specialization and subdomain insertions in new loop connections, and provides a rationale for the size of the present day enzyme.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron tomography aims to act as an interface between in vivo cell imaging and techniques achieving atomic resolution. This attempt to bridge the resolution gap is facilitated by recent software and hardware advances. Information provided by atomically resolved macromolecules and molecular interaction data need to be put into a common framework in order to create a hybrid multidimensional cellular image. A major partner in this enterprise is the development of regularization and pattern recognition techniques, which try to identify macromolecular complexes as a function of their structural signature in cryo-electron tomograms of living cells.  相似文献   

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