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The current Chilean population originated from admixture between aboriginal populations (Amerindians) and Spanish conquerors of European origin. Consequently, the unions that gave rise to the Chilean population were chiefly between Spanish males and aboriginal females, and not the converse. To test the hypothesis that the Y chromosome of the Chilean population is mainly of Spanish origin, while the other chromosomes are from mixed (European and aboriginal) origin, we studied the DYS19 and DYS199 loci in two samples. One sample was obtained from a high socioeconomic stratum, while a second sample was from a low stratum. We studied male blood donors (N = 187) from Santiago, the capital of the country. Subjects were typed for the autosomal ABO and Rh (locus D) blood groups, and for the Y-linked DYS19 and the DYS199 loci, reported as Y-chromosome haplotypes. The aboriginal admixture was estimated for each genetic marker. The percentage of aboriginal admixture was 38.17% for the ABO system and 31.28% for the Rh system in the low socioeconomic stratum and 19.22% and 22.5%, respectively, in the high stratum. Y-chromosome haplotype frequencies constructed from the DYS19 and DYS199 loci demonstrated that the main haplotypes were DYS19*14/DYS199 C, as is often the case with many European populations, and DYS19*13/DYS199 C. The aboriginal admixture from Y-haplotype frequencies was estimated to be 15.83% in the low socioeconomic stratum and 6.91% in the high stratum. These values are lower than the values found using autosomal genetic markers, and are consistent with the historical background of the population studied. This study highlights the population genetic consequences of the asymmetric pattern of genome admixture between two ancestral populations (European and Amerindian).  相似文献   

The present study reports the genetic variation observed among five anthropologically distinct population groups of India, using four highly polymorphic minisatellite loci (D1S80, D17S5, D19S20, and APOB 3' VNTR) in order to examine the effect of geographical and linguistic affiliations on the genetic affinities among these groups. Random individuals from five ethnic groups were studied; the sample size ranged from 235 to 364. The population groups belong to two geographically separated regions of India, the state of Maharashtra (western India) and the state of Kerala (southern India). The two Maharashtrian groups (Konkanastha Brahmins and Marathas) speak "Marathi," an Indo-European language, whereas the three Kerala population groups (Nairs, Ezhavas, and Muslims) speak "Malayalam," an Indo-Dravidian language. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples and analyzed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (Amp-FLP) technique. All four loci displayed high heterozygosity with average heterozygosity in the range of 0.82 to 0.84. The Polymorphic Information Content and Power of Discrimination were > or = 0.75 and > or = 0.80, respectively. The coefficient of gene differentiation was found to be low (average G(ST) = 1.2%; range between 0.6% at D1S80 locus to 1.6% at APOB 3' VNTR locus) across the loci, indicating close affinity among the population groups. The neighbor-joining tree revealed two clear clusters, one for the two Maharashtrian population groups and the other for the three Kerala population groups. The results obtained are in conformity with the geographical and linguistic backgrounds of the studied populations.  相似文献   

白雪  丛斌  李淑瑾  郭霞  李霞 《遗传》2009,31(4):381-386
为了调查D10S1248、D2S441、D1S1677、D9S1122、D10S1435等5个miniSTR(mini short tandem repeats)基因座在西北汉族人群中的遗传多态性、遗传稳定性及其在陈旧降解检材中的法医学应用价值, 文章采用荧光PCR和基因分型技术对西北汉族154份无关个体血样、10个家系血液样本及10份陈旧降解检材进行片段长度分析。在西北汉族人群中, 5个miniSTR基因座分别检测出了8、7、7、6、7个等位基因, 等位基因频率分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律, 杂合度(Heterozygosity, H)为0.662~0.792, 个人识别率(Power of discrimination, PD)为0.869~0.915, 非父排除率(Power of exclusion, PE)为0.382~0.585, 多态信息含量(Polymorphism informa-tion content, PIC)为0.650~0.750。家系和陈旧降解检材的研究表明, 5个miniSTR基因座具有高度的遗传稳定性, 可对陈旧降解检材DNA进行有效的分型。5个miniSTR基因座适合作为西北汉族人群的遗传标记, 用于陈旧降解检材的法医学个人识别和亲权鉴定案件中。  相似文献   

We typed the Sardinian population at the D1S80 VNTR locus. Nineteen alleles were detected in a sample of 92 unrelated individuals, allele frequency distribution showing a modal pattern mostly in agreement with other Caucasoid populations. A high degree of heterozygosity (observed value=80.4%) was present. Goodness-of-fit tests demonstrated no departure from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Data regarding heterozygosity, number of alleles and singletons appeared in accordance with the IAM mutation-drift equilibrium model and showed no evidence of hidden substructuring. Allele 34 exhibited in Sardinians the highest frequency never observed in Caucasians. Nonetheless, the comparison with other European populations did not disclose Sardinian genetic peculiarity. Indeed, measures of genetic divergence among Europeans demonstrated definitely smaller values at the D1S80 locus in comparison with those calculated over a high number of (pre-DNA) polymorphic loci. High mutation rate and selective neutrality typical of VNTRs could account for the observed moderate genetic divergence. Isolation and genetic drift, on the other hand, may have determined certain deviations in allele frequency distribution, as occurred to allele 34 in the Sardinian population.  相似文献   

At present, DNA fingerprinting for human identification and paternity testing is a necessary and usual procedure. D1S80 is one of the best known polymorphic loci showing a VNTR, and exhibiting a high heterozygosity. This genetic locus, with a Tsp 509 I polymorphism of its 5' flanking sequence (1, 9), have been successfully amplified from human genomic DNA isolated from blood. The Tsp 509 I polymorphism was detected by restriction after PCR amplification. We tested the relevance of paternity analysis using the D1S80 locus considering the allele frequency distribution characteristic for our country. Paternal and maternal bands were compared with the children's DNA patterns. Our data include a comparison between D1S80 alleles amplified from mother, child and the supposed father for three tested families. This study was the first of this type made in Romania. We concluded a good power of discrimination and exclusion for this locus. It can be used successfully in the case of subtypes with low frequencies, and this is frequent for our population because of the high heterozygosity of D1S80 subtypes in Romanian population. We recommend the D1S80 use for exclusion paternity tests in Romanian population, as a very useful molecular tool, but we also recommend a complete set of molecular markers for confirmation paternity test in the same population.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at four minisatellite loci D1S7, D4S139, D5S110 and D17S79 in three predominant population groups of eastern India, namely Brahmin, Kayastha and Garo, are reported in this study. The Brahmin and Kayastha are of Indo-Caucasoid origin while the Garo community represents the Indo-Mongoloid ethnic group. The methodology employed comprised generation of HaeIII-restricted fragments of isolated DNA, Southern blotting, and hybridization using chemiluminescent probes MS1, pH30, LH1 and V1 for the four loci. All four loci were highly polymorphic in the population groups. Heterozygosity values for the four loci ranged between 0.68 and 0.95. Neither departure from Hardy-Weinberg expectations nor evidence of any association across alleles among the selected loci was observed. The gene differentiation value among the loci is moderate (GST = 0.027). A neighbour-joining tree constructed on the basis of the generated data shows very low genetic distance between the Brahmin and Kayastha communities in relation to the Garo. Our results based on genetic distance analysis are consistent with results of earlier studies based on serological markers and linguistic as well as morphological affiliations of these populations and their Indo-Caucasoid and Indo-Mongoloid origin. The minisatellite loci studied here were found to be not only useful in showing significant genetic variation between the populations but also to be suitable for human identity testing among eastern Indian populations.  相似文献   

The variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTR) locus D1S80, located on chromosome 1 (1p35-36), has a repeat unit 16 bp in length, and different numbers of these repeat units have been observed for populations of different origins and ethnicity. We used a molecular identification method based on capillary electrophoresis separation to analyze D1S80 locus polymorphism among 74 subjects from Denizli province, Turkey, finding an amplified fragment length size of 379–635 bp. Allele repeat numbers were deduced from these sizes and sequence comparison. The most common alleles were repeat units 24 (34.3%) and 18 (22.4%), with frequencies of 0.414 and 0.207, respectively. Other alleles were 25 (7.86%), 28 (5.71%), 22 (4.25%), and 29 (2.86%). The allele with 23 repeat units was not observed. Results were in Hardy–Weinberg linkage disequilibrium. Observed heterozygosity was 0.614, and expected heterozygosity was 0.787. Theta(k) value was 4.86 (95% confidence interval limits). Capillary electrophoresis is a powerful approach for accurate identification of VNTR loci, especially for low base pair units like D1S80, for prenatal diagnosis, linkage analysis, forensic identification, paternity testing, anthropological research, and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA analogues (42-mers) containing a GAC codon (aspartic acid) in the middle of their sequence followed by a s(4)UGA stop codon were used to identify the components of the human ribosomal A site in direct contact with the photoactivatable 4-thiouridine (s(4)U) residue. We compared the behavior of the nonphased ribosome-mRNA complex, (-)tRNA(Asp), to the one of the phased complex, (+)tRNA(Asp), in the absence and in the presence of eRF1, the eukaryotic class 1 translation termination factor of human origin. The patterns of cross-links obtained for the three complexes were similar to those previously reported for rabbit ribosomes [Chavatte, L., et al. (2001) Eur. J. Biochem. 268, 2896-2904]. Cross-links involving proteins S2, S3, S3a, and S30 were poorly dependent on the presence of tRNA(Asp) and eRF1. Cross-linking to nucleotide C1696 of 18S rRNA occurred in all complexes, but its yield was at least two times higher in the phased complex with an empty A site than in the nonphased complex or when the A site was occupied by eRF1. In contrast, protein S15 cross-linked only in the phased complex in the absence of eRF1. The data obtained point to notable differences in organization of the decoding site between mammalian and prokaryotic ribosomes and to large internal mobility of the components of the tRNA (eRF1)-free A site.  相似文献   

A sample of the Ewondo population (a Bantu-speaking group of Southern Cameroon) was analyzed for the polymorphism at three tandem repeated DNA loci (ApoB 3' HVR, D2S44, and D7S21). We observed a greater number of ApoB 3' HVR alleles (17) and a significantly higher estimated heterozygosity (.879 +/- .011) than in previously surveyed populations, with the exception of U.S. Blacks. The higher genetic variability of Ewondo and U.S. Blacks was also shown by the ApoB 3' HVR allele-frequency spectra. A method for measuring population distances, based on cumulative fragment-size distribution, is described. Interpopulation comparisons for ApoB 3' HVR were carried out by this method and were compared with those obtained by a genetic distance measurement. The two sets of results showed a consistent pattern of population differentiation: the Ewondos and the U.S. Blacks clustered together and were well apart from both a Caucasian cluster (Swedes, U.S. Whites, Italians, and Germans) and other well-defined populations (Sikhs of India and Pehuence Indians of Chile). Profile distances were then computed from D2S44 and D7S21 bined data. This analysis indicated a genetic affinity between Ewondos, U.S. Blacks, and Afro-Caribbean Blacks and outlined the genetic diversity between Ewondos, Caucasians, and Asian Indians.  相似文献   

Maternal diet affects offspring DNA methylation in animal models, but evidence from humans is limited. We investigated the extent to which gestational intake of methyl donor nutrients affects global DNA methylation in maternal and umbilical cord blood. Among mother-infant pairs in Project Viva, a folate-replete US population, we estimated maternal intakes of vitamin B12, betaine, choline, folate, cadmium, zinc and iron periconceptionally and during the second trimester. We examined associations of these nutrients with DNA methylation, measured as %5-methyl cytosines (%5mC) in Long Interspersed Nuclear Element-1 (LINE-1), in first trimester (n = 830) and second trimester (n = 671) maternal blood and in cord blood at delivery (n = 516). Cord blood methylation was higher for male than female infants {mean [standard deviation (SD)] 84.8 [0.6] vs. 84.4 [0.7]%}. In the multivariable-adjusted model, maternal intake of methyl donor nutrients periconceptionally and during the second trimester of pregnancy was not positively associated with first trimester, second trimester or cord blood LINE-1 methylation. Periconceptional betaine intake was inversely associated with cord blood methylation [regression coefficient = −0.08% (95% confidence interval (CI): −0.14, −0.01)] but this association was attenuated after adjustment for dietary cadmium, which itself was directly associated with first trimester methylation and inversely associated with cord blood methylation. We also found an inverse association between periconceptional choline [−0.10%, 95% CI: −0.17, −0.03 for each SD (∼63 mg/day)] and cord blood methylation in males only. In this folate-replete population, we did not find positive associations between intake of methyl donor nutrients during pregnancy and DNA methylation overall, but among males, higher early pregnancy intakes of choline were associated with lower cord blood methylation.Key words: DNA methylation, pregnancy, cord blood, maternal diet, cadmium  相似文献   

Maternal diet affects offspring DNA methylation in animal models, but evidence from humans is limited. We investigated the extent to which gestational intake of methyl donor nutrients affects global DNA methylation in maternal and umbilical cord blood. Among mother-infant pairs in Project Viva, a folate-replete US population, we estimated maternal intakes of vitamin B12, betaine, choline, folate, cadmium, zinc and iron periconceptionally and during the second trimester. We examined associations of these nutrients with DNA methylation, measured as %5-methyl cytosines (%5mC) in Long Interspersed Nuclear Element-1 (LINE-1), in first trimester (n = 830) and second trimester (n = 671) maternal blood and in cord blood at delivery (n = 516). Cord blood methylation was higher for male than female infants {mean [standard deviation (SD)] 84.8 [0.6] vs. 84.4 [0.7]%}. In the multivariable-adjusted model, maternal intake of methyl donor nutrients periconceptionally and during the second trimester of pregnancy was not positively associated with first trimester, second trimester or cord blood LINE-1 methylation. Periconceptional betaine intake was inversely associated with cord blood methylation [regression coefficient = -0.08% (95% confidence interval (CI): -0.14,-0.01)] but this association was attenuated after adjustment for dietary cadmium, which itself was directly associated with first trimester methylation and inversely associated with cord blood methylation. We also found an inverse association between periconceptional choline [-0.10%, 95% CI: -0.17,-0.03 for each SD (~63 mg/d)] and cord blood methylation in males only. In this folate-replete population, we did not find positive associations between intake of methyl donor nutrients during pregnancy and DNA methylation overall, but among males, higher early pregnancy intakes of choline were associated with lower cord blood methylation.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the allele frequency distribution at the highly polymorphic variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) locus D1S80 (pMCT118) in seven ethnic populations (namely, New Guinea Highlanders of Papua New Guinea, Dogrib Indians of Canada, Pehuenche Indians of Chile, American and Western Samoans, Kacharis of Northeast India, and German Caucasians) using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. In the pooled sample of 443 unrelated individuals 20 segregating alleles were detected. A trimodal pattern of allelic distribution is present in the majority of populations and is indicative of the evolutionary antiquity of the polymorphism at this locus. In spite of the observed high degree of polymorphism (expected heterozygosity 56%–86%), with a single exception — the marginally significant P value (0.04) of the exact test in American Samoans — the genotype distributions in all populations conform to their respective Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Summary statistics indicate that, in general, the allele frequency distribution at this locus may be approximated by the infinite allele model. The data also demonstrate that alleles that are shared by all populations have the highest average frequency within populations. Furthermore, the kinship bioassay analysis demonstrates that the extensive variation observed at the D1S80 locus is at the interindividual within population level, which dwarfs any interpopulation allele frequency variation, consistent with the population dynamics of hypervariable polymorphisms. These characteristics of the D1S80 locus make it a very useful marker for population genetic research, genetic linkage studies, forensic identification of individuals, and for determination of biological relatedness of individuals.  相似文献   

In the present work we performed a cytogenetic analysis of the ribosomal (18S + 28S and 5S) loci in amphibian species belonging to the advanced family Salamandridae (genera Triturus, Salamandra, and Salamandrina) and in the primitive hynobiid Salamandrella keyserlingii (family Hynobiidae). In each analyzed karyotype the 5S rDNA sites appear to be stable, and definite in number, while an intraspecific variability both in number and chromosomal location of the 18S + 28S rDNA loci has been found in some Triturus species. In particular, an evolutionary trend toward a large intraspecific variability of the 18S + 28S rDNA loci has been found in the T. vulgaris species group. A structural analysis of the ribosomal repetition units demonstrates the occurrence of a length polymorphism within the 18S + 28S rDNA repeats in the examined species of the family Salamandridae; however, this polymorphism is rather limited, even in those Triturus species characterized by high intragenomic variability of the ribosomal sites. We show that in T. vulgaris meridionalis the variant repetition units actually segregate with individual chromosomes. This implies that they are not intermingled in the ribosomal clusters.  相似文献   

The hypervariable human minisatellite locus D7S22 (g3) is highly polymorphic. The allelic distribution in D7S22 features a size clustering of the alleles and a comparably low allelic diversity among small alleles. This reduced diversity could reflect a situation where some alleles are less likely to mutate than others. Several factors could explain such an effect, including allele size, variation in repeat composition, and allelic differences in nearby cis-acting elements affecting the mutation rate. We have characterized 40 de novo mutations found on Southern blots in a large amount of paternity-testing material. There is a significant excess of paternal mutations, and small size changes are most frequent. Mutation rate is affected by allele length, with highest rates in larger alleles. Alleles of the family groups with D7S22 mutations and 50 small alleles were analyzed by nucleotide sequencing. Two hundred thirty-six base pairs of the immediate flanking region upstream of the repeat array were PCR amplified and screened for point mutations by DNA sequencing of the PCR products. Two base substitution polymorphisms were identified: one C/G transversion and one A/G transition, 54 bp and 173 bp upstream of the repeat array, respectively. There is a significant association between mutation and occurrence of 54C, while association is not obvious between mutation rate and the 173A/G variants. There is a marked association between different flanking haplotypes and allele size, and within the smallest allele-size group, all alleles had the 54G/173A haplotype. Both allele size and allelic state at site 54 remain associated with mutation rate when the other factor is controlled. Possible mechanisms behind the variation in mutation rate in D7S22 are discussed.  相似文献   

A human neuroreceptor clone (G21), which was isolated by cross-hybridization with the human clone for the beta 2-adrenergic receptor, has recently been shown to encode the gene for the 5HT1A receptor (HTR1A) subtype. In situ hybridization to human metaphase chromosomes mapped the G21 sequence to chromosome 5 at bands 5q11.2-q13. The clone G21 recognizes a SacI RFLP with low heterozygosity (0.13). To increase the informativeness of the HTR1A locus we have isolated two new cosmid clones containing the receptor gene. No polymorphic microsatellites were present in the cosmids. However, one cosmid revealed a new TaqI RFLP that showed tight linkage to new highly polymorphic microsatellites for the loci D5S76, D5S39, and D5S6 in seven British and Icelandic reference pedigrees (maximum LOD of 13.2 with D5S76).  相似文献   

RELP analysis of DNA loci MET, D7S8 and D7S23 was carried out in Leningrad population and partially in populations of Moscow, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Buryatia as well as in individuals from high risk families and in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients by means of blot hybridization and polymerase chain reaction. Allelic polymorphism of all loci studied in these three groups was found to be quite similar to that in the North-Western Europe and in whites of the North America. Linkage disequilibrium of the alleles studied with the CF gene was especially pronounced for alleles of the D7S23 locus and gradually decreases from KM-19 through CS-7 to XV-2c DNA probes. The data witness genetic homogeneity of the CF mutation in European populations of the USSR and its similarity to this mutation in Western Europe. The significance of these data for potential diagnosis of CF and for heterozygous carrier detection is discussed.  相似文献   

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