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The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) isoform 1 is a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein which regulates intracellular pH in mammalian cells. Nine isoforms of the Na+/H+ exchanger have been identified. The isoform first discovered has two domains: an N-terminal membrane domain containing approximately 500 amino acids and a C-terminal regulatory domain containing approximately 315 amino acids. The exchanger, which resides in the plasma membrane, exchanges an intracellular proton for an extracellular sodium, thereby regulating intracellular pH. It is involved in cell growth and differentiation, cell migration, and regulation of sodium fluxes. The Na+/H+ exchanger plays an important role in myocardial damage during ischemia and reperfusion and has recently been implicated as a mediator of cardiac hypertrophy. Inhibitors of the Na+/H+ exchanger, which may prove useful in the clinical treatment of these conditions, are currently being developed and clinical trials are underway.  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase B-Raf is the second most frequently occurring human oncogene after Ras. Mutations of B-Raf occur with the highest incidences in melanoma, and the most common mutant, V600E, renders B-Raf constitutively active. The sodium proton exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is a ubiquitously expressed plasma membrane protein responsible for regulating intracellular pH, cell volume, cell migration, and proliferation. A screen of protein kinases that bind to NHE1 revealed that B-Raf bound to the cytosolic regulatory tail of NHE1. Immunoprecipitation of NHE1 from HeLa and HEK cells confirmed the association of B-Raf with NHE1 in vivo. The expressed and purified C-terminal 182 amino acids of the NHE1 protein were also shown to associate with B-Raf protein in vitro. Because treatment with the kinase inhibitor sorafenib decreased NHE1 activity in HeLa and HEK cells, we examined the role of B-Raf in regulating NHE1 in malignant melanoma cells. Melanoma cells with the B-Raf(V600E) mutation demonstrated increased resting intracellular pH that was dependent on elevated NHE1 activity. NHE1 activity after an acute acid load was also elevated in these cell lines. Moreover, inhibition of B-Raf activity by either sorafenib, PLX4720, or siRNA reduction of B-Raf levels abolished ERK phosphorylation and decreased NHE1 activity. These results demonstrate that B-Raf associates with and stimulates NHE1 activity and that B-Raf(V600E) also increases NHE1 activity that raises intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the NHE1 isoform of the Na+/H+ exchanger.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Na+/H+ exchanger is a ubiquitous, integral membrane protein involved in pH regulation. It removes intracellular acid, exchanging a proton for an extracellular sodium ion. There are seven known isoforms of this protein that are the products of distinct genes. The first isoform discovered (NHE1) is ubiquitously distributed throughout the plasma membrane of virtually all tissues. It plays many different physiological roles in mammals, including important functions in regulation of intracellular pH, in heart disease, and in cytoskeletal organization. The first 500 amino acids of the protein are believed to consist of 12 transmembrane helices, a membrane-associated segment, and two reentrant loops. A C-terminal regulatory domain of approximately 315 amino acids regulates the protein and mediates cytoskeletal interactions. Studies are underway to determine the amino acid residues important in NHE1 function. At present, it is clear that transmembrane segment IV is important in NHE1 function and that transmembrane segments VII and IX are also involved in transport. Further experiments are required to elucidate the mechanism of transport and regulation of this multifunctional protein.  相似文献   

We investigated whether the renal brush border Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3 exists in assemblies with other proteins in native kidney membranes. To this end we generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against affinity purified NHE3 protein complexes. Hybridomas were selected based on ability to immunoprecipitate NHE3. One of the resulting mAbs (10A3) labeled a high molecular mass (>200 kDa) protein and stained primarily the coated pit region of the proximal tubule in a manner similar to that described for megalin (gp330). We then confirmed that both mAb 10A3 and a known anti-megalin mAb immunoprecipitated and immunoblotted the same protein, namely megalin. mAb 10A3 specifically co-precipitated NHE3 but not villin or NaPi-2 from solubilized renal membranes, indicating specificity of the NHE3-megalin interaction. When immunoprecipitations were performed using either 10A3 or anti-NHE3 mAb 2B9 after separation of solubilized renal proteins by sucrose velocity gradient centrifugation, we found that NHE3 exists in two states with distinct sedimentation coefficients, a 9.6 S megalin-free form and a 21 S megalin-bound form, and that when NHE3 assembles with megalin, epitopes within the carboxyl-terminal 131 amino acids of NHE3 are blocked. Taken together, these findings indicate that a significant pool of NHE3 exists as a multimeric complex with megalin in the brush border of the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

A previous study showed that approximately 25-50% of rabbit ileal brush border (BB) Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is in lipid rafts (LR) (Li, X., Galli, T., Leu, S., Wade, J. B., Weinman E. J., Leung, G., Cheong, A., Louvard, D., and Donowitz, M. (2001) J. Physiol. (Lond.) 537, 537-552). Here, we examined the role of LR in NHE3 transport activity using a simpler system: opossum kidney (OK) cells (a renal proximal tubule epithelial cell line) containing NHE3. approximately 50% of surface (biotinylated) NHE3 in OK cells distributed in LR by density gradient centrifugation. Disruption of LR with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MbetaCD) decreased NHE3 activity and increased K'(H+)(i), but K(m)((Na+)) was not affected. The MbetaCD effect was completely reversed by repletion of cholesterol, but not by an inactive analog of cholesterol (cholestane-3beta,5alpha,6beta-triol). The MbetaCD effect was specific for NHE3 activity because it did not alter Na(+)-dependent l-Ala uptake. MbetaCD did not alter OK cell BB topology and did not change the surface amount of NHE3, but greatly reduced the rate of NHE3 endocytosis. The effects of inhibiting phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and of MbetaCD on NHE3 activity were not additive, indicating a common inhibitory mechanism. In contrast, 8-bromo-cAMP and MbetaCD inhibition of NHE3 was additive, indicating different mechanisms for inhibition of NHE3 activity. Approximately 50% of BB NHE3 and only approximately 11% of intracellular NHE3 in polarized OK cells were in LR. In summary, the BB pool of NHE3 in LR is functionally active because MbetaCD treatment decreased NHE3 basal activity. The LR pool is necessary for multiple kinetic aspects of normal NHE3 activity, including V(max) and K'(H+)(i), and also for multiple aspects of NHE3 trafficking, including at least basal endocytosis and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent basal exocytosis. Because the C-terminal domain of NHE3 is necessary for its regulation and because the changes in NHE3 kinetics with MbetaCD resemble those with second messenger regulation of NHE3, these results suggest that the NHE3 C terminus may be involved in the MbetaCD sensitivity of NHE3.  相似文献   

Squalamine, anendogenous molecule found in the liver and other tissues ofSqualus acanthias, hasantibiotic properties and causes changes in endothelial cell shape. Thelatter suggested that its potential targets might include transportproteins that control cell volume or cell shape. The effect of purifiedsqualamine was examined on clonedNa+/H+exchanger isoforms NHE1, NHE2, and NHE3 stably transfected in PS120fibroblasts. Squalamine (1-h pretreatment) decreased the maximalvelocity of rabbit NHE3 in a concentration-dependent manner (13, 47, and 57% inhibition with 3, 5, and 7 µg/ml, respectively) and alsoincreasedK'[H+]i.Squalamine did not affect rabbit NHE1 or NHE2 function. The inhibitoryeffect of squalamine was 1) timedependent, with no effect of immediate addition and maximum effect with1 h of exposure, and 2) fullyreversible. Squalamine pretreatment of the ileum for 60 min inhibitedbrush-border membrane vesicleNa+/H+activity by 51%. Further investigation into the mechanism of squalamine's effects showed that squalamine required the COOH-terminal 76 amino acids of NHE3. Squalamine had no cytotoxic effect at theconcentrations studied, as indicated by monitoring lactate dehydrogenase release. These results indicate that squalamine 1) is a specific inhibitor of thebrush-border NHE isoform NHE3 and not NHE1 or NHE2,2) acts in a nontoxic and fullyreversible manner, and 3) has adelayed effect, indicating that it may influence brush-borderNa+/H+exchanger function indirectly, through an intracellular signaling pathway or by acting as an intracellular modulator.


The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 1 (NHE1) exists as a homo-dimer in the plasma membranes. In the present study, we have investigated the functional significance of the dimerization, using two nonfunctional NHE1 mutants, surface-expression-deficient G309V and transport-deficient E262I. Biochemical and immunocytochemical experiments revealed that these NHE1 mutants are capable of interacting with the wild-type NHE1 and, thus, forming a heterodimer. Expression of G309V retained the wild-type NHE1 to the ER membranes, suggesting that NHE1 would first form a dimer in the ER. On the other hand, expression of E262I markedly reduced the exchange activity of the wild-type NHE1 through an acidic shift in the intracellular pH (pH(i)) dependence, suggesting that dimerization is required for exchange activity in the physiological pH(i) range. However, a dominant-negative effect of E262I was not detected when exchange activity was measured at acidic pH(i), implying that one active subunit is sufficient to catalyze ion transport when the intracellular H(+) concentration is sufficiently high. Furthermore, intermolecular cysteine cross-linking at extracellular position Ser(375) with a bifunctional sulfhydryl reagent dramatically inhibited exchange activity mainly by inducing the acidic shift of pH(i) dependence and abolished extracellular stimuli-induced activation of NHE1 without causing a large change in the affinities for extracellular Na(+) or an inhibitor EIPA. Because monofunctional sulfhydryl regents had no effect, it is likely that cross-linking inhibited the activity of NHE1 by restricting a coupled motion between the two subunits during transport. Taken together, these data support the view that dimerization of two active subunits are required for NHE1 to possess the exchange activity in the neutral pH(i) range, although each subunit is capable of catalyzing transport in the acidic pH(i) range.  相似文献   

The mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is a ubiquitously expressed membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH in the myocardium and other tissues. NHE1 is an important mediator of myocardial damage that occurs after ischemia–reperfusion injury. It has also been implicated in apoptotic damage in many tissues and its expression and activity are elevated in disease states in the myocardium. In this study, we examined the effect of additional exogenous NHE1 expression on isolated cardiomyocytes susceptibility to ischemia/reperfusion damage. Exogenous NHE1 elevated Na+/H+ exchanger expression and activity when introduced into isolated cardiomyocytes through an adenoviral system. Isolated cardiomyocytes were subjected to simulated ischemia and reperfusion after infection with either control or NHE1-containing adenovirus. Cells were placed into an anaerobic chamber and effects of NHE1 expression after hypoxia/reoxygenation were examined. Hypoxia/reoxygenation increased caspase-3-like activity in controls, and the effect was greatly magnified in cells expressing NHE1 protein. It also elevated the percentage of apoptotic cardiomyocytes, which was also aggravated by expression of NHE1 protein. Hypoxia/reoxygenation also increased phospho-ERK levels. Elevated NHE1 expression was coincidental with increased expression of the ER stress protein, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and calreticulin (CRT). Our results demonstrate that increased NHE1 protein expression makes cells more susceptible to damage induced by hypoxia/reoxygenation in isolated cardiomyocytes. They suggest that elevated NHE1 in cardiovascular disease could predispose the human myocardium to enhanced apoptotic damage.  相似文献   

We recently reported that NHE3 exists in multimeric complexes with dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) in renal brush-border membranes. To examine the possible role of DPPIV in modulating NHE3 activity, we evaluated whether specific competitive inhibitors that bind to the active site of DPPIV affect NHE3 activity in the OKP line of opossum kidney proximal tubule cells. The DPPIV inhibitors diprotin A and P32/98 significantly reduced NHE3 activity, whereas the inactive isomer P34/98 had no effect. DPPIV inhibitors did not reduce the activity of another brush-border transport process, Na-phosphate cotransport. Effects of DPPIV inhibitors on NHE3 activity were not associated with detectable changes in amount or apparent molecular weight of NHE3 or in NHE3 surface expression. To investigate the signaling mechanisms involved in modulation of NHE3 activity by DPPIV, we used inhibitors of protein kinase pathways known to regulate NHE3. Whereas the PKA inhibitor H-89 failed to block the effect of DPPIV inhibitors, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein alone caused a decrement in NHE3 activity very similar in magnitude to that caused by P32/98. We also found that the effects of genistein and P32/98 on NHE3 activity were not additive. In contrast, forskolin/IBMX and P32/98 had additive inhibitory effects on NHE3 activity. These findings suggested that the effect of DPPIV inhibitors to reduce NHE3 activity results from inhibition of a tyrosine kinase signaling pathway rather than by activation of PKA. We conclude that DPPIV plays an unexpected role in modulating Na+/H+ exchange mediated by NHE3 in proximal tubule cells. sodium/hydrogen exchange; diprotin A; P32/98; tyrosine kinase  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH. It extrudes 1 intracellular H+ in exchange for 1 extracellular Na+. It has 2 large domains, an N-terminal membrane domain of 12 transmembrane segments and an intracellular C-terminal regulatory domain. We characterized the cysteine accessibility of amino acids of the critical transmembrane segment TM VII. Residues Leu 255, Leu 258, Glu 262, Leu 265, Asn 266, Asp 267, Val 269, Val 272, and Leu 273 were all mutated to cysteine residues in the cysteineless NHE1 isoform. Mutation of amino acids E262, N266, and D267 caused severe defects in activity and targeting of the intact full length protein. The balance of the active mutants were examined for sensitivity to the sulfhydryl reactive reagents, positively charged MTSET ((2- (trimethylammonium)ethyl)methanethiosulfonate) and negatively charged MTSES ((2-sulfonatoethyl)methanethiosulfonate). Leu 255 and Leu 258 were sensitive to MTSET but not to MTSES. The results suggest that these amino acids are pore-lining residues. We present a model of TM VII that shows that residues Leu 255, Leu 258, Glu 262, Asn 266, and Asp 267 lie near the same face of TM VII, lining the ion transduction pore.  相似文献   

We present evidence that tissue distribution of two highlyconservedNa+/H+exchanger isoforms, NHE2 and NHE4, differs significantly from previously published reports. Riboprobes unique to each of these antiporters, from 5' (noncoding and coding) and 3' codingregions, were used to analyze mRNA from adult rat kidney and intestine by ribonuclease protection assay and in situ hybridization. In contrastto earlier work that concluded that both NHE2 and NHE4 were expressedthroughout the intestine and in the kidney, our data show that there isno NHE2 message in the kidney and NHE4 is not expressed in small orlarge intestine. Analyses of intestinal epithelial and kidney membraneproteins by an NHE2-specific antibody identified a doublet at <90 kDain intestine but not in kidney. NHE2 is highly expressed in theNa+-absorptive epithelium ofjejunum, ileum, and ascending and descending colon. NHE4 mRNA messageis found in the inner medulla of the kidney as previously reported (C. Bookstein, M. W. Musch, A. DePaoli, Y. Xie, M. Villereal, M. C. Rao,and E. B. Chang. J. Biol. Chem. 269:29704-29709, 1994) and not in the intestine. From these data, wespeculate that neither NHE2 nor NHE4 has a role in renalNa+ absorption. NHE2 is likelyinvolved in gut Na+ absorption,whereas NHE4 may have a specialized role in cell volume rectificationof inner medullary collecting duct cells. Knowledge of the correcttissue and cell-specific distribution of these two antiporters shouldhelp significantly in understanding their physiological roles.


The epithelial isoform of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger, NHE3, associates with at least two related regulatory factors called NHERF1/EBP50 and NHERF2/TKA-1/E3KARP. These factors in addition interact with the cytoskeletal protein ezrin, which in turn binds to actin. The possible linkage of NHE3 with the cytoskeleton prompted us to test the effect of actin-modifying agents on NHE3 activity. Cytochalasins B and D and latrunculin B, which interfere with actin polymerization, induced a profound inhibition of NHE3 activity. The effect was isoform-specific inasmuch as the "housekeeping" exchanger NHE1 was virtually unaffected. Cytoskeletal disorganization was associated with a subcellular redistribution of NHE3, which accumulated at sites where actin aggregated, suggesting a physical interaction of exchangers with the cytoskeleton. An interaction was further suggested by the co-sedimentation of a detergent-insoluble fraction of NHE3 with the actin cytoskeleton. Inhibition of transport was not due to diminution in the number of transporters at the plasmalemma. Functional analyses of NHE1/NHE3 chimeras revealed that the cytoplasmic domain of NHE3 conferred sensitivity to cytochalasin B. Progressive carboxyl-terminal and internal deletions of the cytoplasmic region of NHE3 indicated that the region between residues 650 and 684 is critical for this response. This region overlaps with the domain reported to interact with NHERF and also contains a putative ezrin-binding site; hence, it likely plays a role in interactions with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is an integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH by removing one intracellular H(+) in exchange for one extracellular Na(+). It has a large N-terminal membrane domain of 12 transmembrane segments and an intracellular C-terminal regulatory domain. We characterized the cysteine accessibility of amino acids of the putative transmembrane segment IX (residues 339-363). Each residue was mutated to cysteine in a functional cysteineless NHE1 protein. Of 25 amino acids mutated, 5 were inactive or nearly so after mutation to cysteine. Several of these showed aberrant targeting to the plasma membrane and reduced expression of the intact protein, whereas others were expressed and targeted correctly but had defective NHE1 function. Of the active mutants, Glu(346) and Ser(351) were inhibited >70% by positively charged [2-(trimethylammonium)-ethyl]methanethiosulfonate but not by anionic [2-sulfonatoethyl]methanethiosulfonate, suggesting that they are pore lining and make up part of the cation conduction pathway. Both mutants also had decreased affinity for Na(+) and decreased activation by intracellular protons. The structure of a peptide representing amino acids 338-365 was determined by using high resolution NMR in dodecylphosphocholine micelles. The structure contained two helical regions (amino acids Met(340)-Ser(344) and Ile(353)-Ser(359)) kinked with a large bend angle around a pivot point at amino acid Ser(351). The results suggest that transmembrane IX is critical with pore-lining residues and a kink at the functionally important residue Ser(351).  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 is a ubiquitously expressed integral membrane protein that regulates intracellular pH in mammals. We characterized the structural and functional aspects of the critical transmembrane (TM) segment IV. Each residue was mutated to cysteine in cysteine-less NHE1. TM IV was exquisitely sensitive to mutation with 10 of 23 mutations causing greatly reduced expression and/or activity. The Phe(161) --> Cys mutant was inhibited by treatment with the water-soluble sulfhydryl-reactive compounds [2-(trimethylammonium)ethyl]methanethiosulfonate and [2-sulfonatoethyl]methanethiosulfonate, suggesting it is a pore-lining residue. The structure of purified TM IV peptide was determined using high resolution NMR in a CD(3)OH:CDCl(3):H(2)O mixture and in Me(2)SO. In CD(3)OH: CDCl(3):H(2)O, TM IV was structured but not as a canonical alpha-helix. Residues Asp(159)-Leu(162) were a series of beta-turns; residues Leu(165)-Pro(168) showed an extended structure, and residues Ile(169)-Phe(176) were helical in character. These three structured regions rotated quite freely with respect to the others. In Me(2)SO, the structure was much less defined. Our results demonstrate that TM IV is an unusually structured transmembrane segment that is exquisitely sensitive to mutagenesis and that Phe(161) is a pore-lining residue.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a potent inhibitor of mammalian renal proximal tubule Na(+) transport via its action on the apical membrane Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3. In the opossum kidney cell line, inhibition of NHE3 activity was detected from 5 to 45 min after PTH addition. Increase in NHE3 phosphorylation on multiple serines was evident after 5 min of PTH, but decrease in surface NHE3 antigen was not detectable until after 30 min of PTH. The decrease in surface NHE3 antigen was due to increased NHE3 endocytosis. When endocytic trafficking was arrested with a dominant negative dynamin mutant (K44A), the early inhibition (5 min) of NHE3 activity by PTH was not affected, whereas the late inhibition (30 min) and decreased surface NHE3 antigen induced by PTH were abrogated. We conclude that PTH acutely inhibits NHE3 activity in a biphasic fashion by NHE3 phosphorylation followed by dynamin-dependent endocytosis.  相似文献   

Colonic crypts can absorb fluid, but the identity of the absorptive transporters remains speculative. Near the crypt base, the epithelial cells responsible for vectorial transport are relatively undifferentiated and often presumed to mediate only Cl- secretion. We have applied confocal microscopy in combination with an extracellular fluid marker [Lucifer yellow (LY)] or a pH-sensitive dye (2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein) to study mouse colonic crypt epithelial cells directly adjacent to the crypt base within an intact mucosal sheet. Measurements of intracellular pH report activation of colonocyte Na+/H+ exchange in response to luminal or serosal Na+. Studies with LY demonstrate the presence of a paracellular fluid flux, but luminal Na+ does not activate Na+/H+ exchange in the nonepithelial cells of the lamina propria, and studies with LY suggest that the fluid bathing colonocyte basolateral membranes is rapidly refreshed by serosal perfusates. The apical Na+/H+ exchange in crypt colonocytes is inhibited equivalently by luminal 20 microM ethylisopropylamiloride and 20 microM HOE-694 but is not inhibited by luminal 20 microM S-1611. Immunostaining reveals the presence of epitopes from NHE1 and NHE2, but not NHE3, in epithelial cells near the base of colonic crypts. Comparison of apical Na+/H+ exchange activity in the presence of Cl- with that in the absence of Cl- (substitution by gluconate or nitrate) revealed no evidence of the Cl--dependent Na+/H+ exchange that had been previously reported as the sole apical Na+/H+ exchange activity in the colonic crypt. Results suggest the presence of an apical Na+/H+ exchanger near the base of crypts with functional attributes similar to those of the cloned NHE2 isoform.  相似文献   

We investigated regulation of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) by dephosphorylation. Treatment of primary cultures of cardiomyocytes with the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid increased the rate of recovery from an acid load, suggesting that the okadaic acid sensitive PP1 may be involved in NHE1 regulation in vivo. We examined the ability of purified protein phosphatases PP1, PP2A, and PP2B to dephosphorylate the regulatory cytoplasmic tail. NHE1 was completely dephosphorylated by PP1, poorly dephosphorylated by PP2A, and not dephosphorylated by PP2B. Examination of NHE1 binding to PP1 or PP2B revealed that an association occurs between NHE1 and PP1 both in vitro and in vivo, but NHE1 did not associate with full-length PP2B. We expressed PP1 or inhibitor 2, a specific PP1 inhibitor, in cell lines to examine the effect of PP1 on NHE1 activity in vivo. Overexpression of PP1 causes a decrease in NHE1 activity but does not affect stimulation by thrombin. Cell lines expressing the specific PP1 inhibitor, inhibitor 2, had elevated proton efflux rates and could not be further stimulated by the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger agonist thrombin. The results suggest that PP1 is an important regulatory phosphatase of NHE1, that it can bind to and dephosphorylate the protein, and that it regulates NHE1 activity in vivo.  相似文献   

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