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Modern ideas about the motor cortex neuronal mechanisms ensuring the initiation and correction of the instrumental manipulational movements in mammals have been analysed. A close correlation has been established to exist between the neuronal activity and various characteristics of movement including those that are not induced by muscle force. The role of somatic afferentation in the formation and realization of the movement programme is analysed as well as in motor output modulation by means of fast feedback.  相似文献   

This study compared AR proteins in four cranial nerve motor nuclei among male and female rats that were intact, gonadectomized, or gonadectomized and given TP by immunohistochemistry. AR-immunoreactive (ir) neurons were found, in descending order of abundance, in the nucleus ambiguus, hypoglossal nucleus, and the facial and trigeminal motor nuclei of both males and females of intact and gonadectomized plus TP rats. Virtually every neuron of the nucleus ambiguus was AR-ir. In contrast, AR-ir neurons were either restricted to a specific area of the hypoglossal nucleus, or randomly distributed in the facial and trigeminal motor nuclei. The predominant AR-ir site shifted from cell nuclei to the cytoplasm, depending upon the presence or absence of ligand. Sex differences in the amount and staining intensity of AR-ir neurons were discernable in all four motor nuclei of intact rats, and these differences were maintained in gonadectomized plus TP rats, with the exception of the nucleus ambiguus. The immunostaining results were complemented by results from AR binding studies. Cytosolic AR binding values for the hypoglossal and facial motor nuclei of females were only approximately 50% of those of males despite the absence of a sex difference in neuron number. These results indicate that intrinsic sex differences in AR levels and androgenic regulation of AR exist in cranial nerve motor nuclei, and that there are differences in the abundance and distribution pattern of AR responsive neurons in cranial nerve motor nuclei. These results are consistent with the idea that sex differences in AR could account for sex differences observed in nerve regeneration and neuron loss following cranial nerve injury.  相似文献   

The presence of a cholinergic vasodilator innervation to cerebral circulation is well established. Despite its high endogenous concentration in cerebral blood vessels, acetylcholine (ACh) is not the transmitter for vasodilation. This finding has led to the discovery that nitric oxide (NO), which is coreleased with ACh and neural peptides such as vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) from the respective cholinergic-nitrergic (nitric oxidergic) nerves and the VIPergic-nitrergic nerves, is the primary transmitter in relaxing smooth muscle. ACh and VIP act presynaptically to inhibit and facilitate, respectively, the release of NO. Release of NO from cerebral vascular endothelial cells is also well established. A similar system for recycling L-citrulline to L-arginine for synthesizing more NO has been demonstrated in both cerebral perivascular nerves and endothelial cells. Neuronal and endothelial NO appears to play an important role in controlling cerebral vascular tone and circulation in health and disease.  相似文献   

Proliferative response of vimentin expressing astrocytes to injury of the cerebral hemisphere was examined in mouse using 3H-thymidine autoradiography. Within the injury region the vimentin-positive astrocytes proliferation began on the 2nd day after injury, reached its maximal intensity on day 4 and its last evidence was recorded on the 8th postoperative day. The pattern of changes in the distribution of reactive proliferation of the astrocytes was also presented.  相似文献   

51 children with localized cerebral lesions were investigated with the British Ability Scales, Wechsler test, Porteus Mazes, Conners Teacher Rating Scale, and computerized tomography. The extent of the lesions was quantitatively determined. The IQ was 10 points lower in the left hemispheric lesions, although the right hemispheric lesions were larger. When corrected for size of lesions, the IQ is 17 points higher (p less than 0.05) in children with right than with left hemispheric early lesions. The children with left hemispheric lesions had also significantly more behavioural problems (Conners Scale). Children with bilateral lesions had 15 points lower IQ than those with unilateral lesions, although from the slightly larger extent one could expect only 3 points difference. There was no influence of hemiparesis or of epilepsy of the IQ independent of the extent of lesion. There was more plasticity of the hemisphere than of the lobes as shown by Wisconsin Card Sorting data. The higher density of mental capacities in the left cerebral hemisphere of man is explained by more efficient programs, and more dense packing of functions due to more training of the left cerebral hemisphere.  相似文献   

Functional interrelations between cerebral hemispheres, and particularly, between their symmetrical areas, were studied during compensatory processes in patients with tumours localized in one of the hemispheres. Analysis of spontaneous electrical activity before the operation on the tumour revealed several types of interhemispheric relations. The existence of a sharply pronounced pathological activity in one hemisphere, testifying to inactivation of cortical cells, is, as a rule, accompanied by activation in the intact hemisphere, especially in the areas symmetrical with those injured. In cases of less pronounced pathology, with partial retention of activity of the cortical cells in the injured areas of the affected hemisphere, a lesser degree of activation is observed in the intact hemisphere. The data point to a development of substituting-compensatory processes in the areas of the intact hemisphere symmetrical with the injured ones and to the possibility of testing the processes electrophysiologically.  相似文献   

In the clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), motor neurons in cranial nerve nucleus IX-X control contraction of laryngeal muscles responsible for sexually dimorphic vocal behaviors. We examined sex differences in dendritic arbors of n.IX-X cells using the Golgi-Cox method. Three morphological classes of somal types (ovoid, triangular, and elongate) are present in similar frequencies in n.IX-X of both males and females. The male n.IX-X neuron is a more complex and hypertrophied version of the female n.IX-X cell. The number of primary dendrites is the same for both sexes, but males have more total dendritic segments. The overall dendritic length of male n.IX-X neurons is two to three times that of the female. Males have longer dendritic segments between all branch points. Male and female frogs differ in levels of circulating androgens; neurons of n.IX-X are targets for androgenic steroids. To determine if androgen can affect dendritic morphology in adult females, we examined Golgi-impregnated cells in n.IX-X from ovariectomized females treated with testosterone for 1 month. The total number of dendritic segments was reduced by androgen treatment due to reduction in the number of higher order dendritic segments; the number of primary dendritic segments was unchanged. Androgen treatment may induce resorption of higher order dendritic branches. The overall dendritic length of androgen-treated female n.IX-X neurons was unchanged, and dendritic segments were longer. Thus, although androgen can alter dendrites of n.IX-X cells in adult females, this short-term treatment does not produce a masculine dendritic architecture.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The parietal region of the telencephalic vesicle of mice embryos and newborn mice has been studied electronmicroscopically. Special attention has been paid to developing glia cells. 2. In early stages it is impossible to differentiate neuroblasts from glioblasts. 3. Late pre-natal stages allow a recognition of glioblasts on account of their ultrastructure, as the overall structure of the nucleus and the cytoplasm of a glioblast has a greater electron-density than that of a neuroblast. 4. Glioblasts have a lobulated nucleus at this stage (20th day i.u.) while neuroblasts possess an ovoid nucleus. The quantity of endoplasmic reticulum and of the number of ribosomes is relatively greater in neuroblasts than in glioblasts.We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Gl. 28/4) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.  相似文献   

The influence of the autonomic nerves on sublingual glands of rats was studied. Stimulation of the chorda-lingual nerve evoked a lively flow of saliva and was also thought to contract the myoepithelial cells in the gland. Sympathetic nerve stimulation, on the other hand, usually evoked no secretion and did not cause any motor responses in the sublingual gland. The glandular blood flow was increased by chorda-lingual nerve stimulation, and this vasodilatation persisted also when atropine had been administered. Sympathetic nerve stimulation decreased the sublingual blood flow; this vasoconstrictor effect was mediated via activation of alpha-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Activation of Ras into the GTP-binding, 'ON' state is a key switch in the neurotrophin-mediated neuronal survival and neurite outgrowth, in vitro as well as in vivo . In the current study we explored changes in GTP-Ras levels following facial nerve injury and the ensuing regeneration and the effects of perturbing these changes in vivo using synapsin-promoter mediated neuronal expression of constitutively active Val12H-Ras (synRas). Quantification of GTP-Ras and total Ras revealed a precipitous drop in the relative GTP-Ras levels in the axotomized facial motor nucleus, to 40% of normal levels at 2 days after cut, followed by a partial recovery to 50–65% at 4–28 days. On western blots, control and axotomized nuclei from synRas mutants showed a 2.2- and 2.5-fold elevation in GTP-Ras, respectively, compared with their wild type littermate controls ( p  < 5%, anova , TUKEY post-hoc ), with the levels in the axotomized synRas nucleus slightly but not significantly above that in the uninjured littermate control ( p  = 9.9%). Similar increase was also observed in the pERK but not pAKT targets of the Ras cascade. This moderate elevation of GTP-Ras strongly curtailed post-traumatic neuronal cell death (−65%), the influx of T-cells (−48%) as well as other parameters of neuroinflammatory response. Although synRas did not affect the speed of axonal regeneration or functional recovery it caused a very pronounced increase in central axonal sprouting. These current data emphasize the role of reduced active Ras, and by extension, the reduced overall level of retrograde neurotrophin signalling after axotomy, in mediating post-traumatic cell death and inflammation and in restricting the sprouting response. Moreover, the neuroprotective and central sprouting-enhancing effects of neuronal Val12H-Ras could help promote recovery in CNS injury.  相似文献   

A theoretical synthesis of electrical parameters of interaction between gamma radiation and excited membranes of nervous and muscular tissues suggests a correlation between power (dose-rate, R) and duration of exposure (T), of the liminal stimulation of a neuron by gamma radiation: R = 6 + 8/T. In studying early transient neurologic disorders (ETND) the threshold charges of ionizing radiation have been defined for various probabilities of occurrence of one of the ETND symptoms.  相似文献   

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) induces the dilatation of cerebral blood vessels and increases cerebral blood flow (CBF). CRF receptor antagonists reduce ischaemic damage in the rat. In the present study, the expression of CRF around cerebral vessels has been investigated in the rat. No CRF immunoreactivity was identified around pial or intracerebral vessels in the absence of cerebral ischaemia. Four hours after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo), intensely CRF-positive blood vessels were evident on the ischaemic cortical surface and in the peri-infarct and infarct zone. Increased CRF immunoreactivity was also detected in swollen axons in subcortical white matter, caudate nucleus and lateral olfactory tract of the ipsilateral hemisphere, consistent with the failure of axonal transport. These data provide morphologic support for a role of CRF in the pathophysiology of cerebral ischaemia.  相似文献   




成年雄性SPF级7~8周龄Wistar大鼠,体重200~250 g,共35只。25只大鼠颅内注射内皮素制作脑缺血模型,模型制作后5只大鼠死亡,剩余20只大鼠按照随机数表法分为缺血组(ISC组)和缺血+益生菌组(ISC+PB组),每组10只。另外10只大鼠作为假手术组(SHAM组)。SHAM组大鼠仅使用生理盐水按照上述造模流程进行。各组均喂食普通大鼠饲料。ISC+PB组大鼠第7天开始使用益生菌VSL#3溶液进行灌胃,0.25 mL/(只•d)。采用原位末端转移酶标记(TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling,TUNEL)凋亡试剂盒检测凋亡细胞。采用蛋白质免疫印迹法检测各组大鼠海马与梗死周边皮层脑源性神经营养因子(brain derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)的蛋白水平变化。使用梯形平衡木测试大鼠的肢体运动功能。






The effect of local heat treatment of the sciatic nerve was assessed using the toe-spreading test, which mainly assesses the motor function of the sciatic nerve. A 5 mm long segment of the nerve was heated at temperatures from 42.0 to 45.0 degrees C in vivo using a brass thermode. Hyperthermia led to a decrease in spreading of the toes. Recovery from functional loss took place in all cases, and this recovery was completed in 4 weeks. A 50 per cent functional loss in 50 per cent of the treated animals was observed after 58, 32 and 12 min of heating at 43.0, 44.0 and 45.0 degrees C respectively.  相似文献   

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