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Over 16 months 148 children were referred by health visitors and general practitioners to a specially trained nurse for failing to complete courses of immunisation. A further 91 children of travellers'' families were identified as needing immunisation. The nurse carried out 810 immunisations on 237 of these children in their homes without a doctor being present. There were only two refusals, and one child suffered a mild anaphylactic shock. The cost per immunisation, in nurse''s salary and travel expenses, was pounds 8. This is an effective and fairly inexpensive way of achieving uptake of immunisation in such groups of children, and there seems no reason why trained nurses should not give immunisations either in a child health clinic or at home, without a doctor present.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To study factors affecting uptake of measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation. DESIGN--Cohort study using data from computerised child health systems. SETTING--10 health districts in North East Thames and North West Thames regions. SUBJECTS--7841 children born in January to March 1990 and resident in the districts up till the end of October 1991. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Overall uptake of measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation, variation of uptake among groups of children, and odds ratio of being vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella. RESULTS--The overall uptake rate of measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation for the study cohort in the 10 districts was 82%. Wide variation was identified among children with different demographic characteristics. Lower uptake was associated with absent or incomplete primary immunisation, including omission of pertussis vaccine. Other factors affecting uptake included the type of resident district, birth order, where registered for immunisation (general practitioner or clinic), and one parent family status. CONCLUSIONS--Many districts have difficulties in meeting the 90% target for measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation, mainly because of the characteristics of their local population. To increase overall coverage, the health service should target families with adverse factors, especially those whose children have missed previous immunisations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the feasibility and acceptability of screening young children for iron deficiency in a deprived inner city practice and to assess the effects of a programme of dietary education. DESIGN--Prospective study of children in general practice, comparison with historical controls. SETTING--A deprived inner city practice. PATIENTS--127 Children aged 13-24 months. Findings were compared with those in 110 children of the same age studied previously. INTERVENTIONS--All mothers received dietary education antenatally and in the first year after giving birth. Screening for iron deficiency (defined as mean cell volume less than 75 fl and haemoglobin concentration less than 105 g/l) and haemoglobinopathy (when appropriate) was offered for all children attending for immunisation against measles, mumps, and rubella over 12 months; capillary blood samples were taken after immunisation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Uptake of the screening programme expressed as the percentage of all children eligible for immunisation who were screened, and the effectiveness of the dietary education as shown by the prevalence of iron deficiency in the two groups. RESULTS--Altogether, 122 of the 127 (96%) children who attended for immunisation had their haemoglobin concentration and mean cell volume measured; 90% of all children aged 13-24 months in the practice were screened. Dietary education, clinical procedures, and counselling were incorporated successfully into the clinic''s work. Ten children (8%) were iron deficient, all of whom responded to iron supplements, and eight had a haemoglobinopathy trait. In the previous study 110 children (70%) had been screened and 28 children (25%) had been iron deficient. The two groups were similar in terms of sex, social class, and ethnic group. CONCLUSIONS--Screening young children for iron deficiency, sickle cell disease, and thalassaemia when they attended for immunisation was acceptable and successful in a socially deprived inner city practice. Dietary education may have accounted for some of the reduction in the prevalence of iron deficiency that occurred over the two years.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate factors associated with non-compliance with having second vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis in a treatment centre in Dhaka to determine which children were most at risk of not completing immunisation. DESIGN--Cohort study of infants given first dose of the vaccine and followed up six weeks later to ascertain compliance with having second dose. Factors associated with non-compliance were evaluated. SETTING--Dhaka treatment centre of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. SUBJECTS--136 unimmunised children aged 6 weeks to 23 months who lived within reach of the treatment centre. At time of the six week follow up 16 of the children could not be traced and seven had died. INTERVENTIONS--All children received their first dose of the vaccine. In each case health education workers had informed the mother about the value of immunisation, and she was given clear instructions to bring the child back after four weeks for the second dose. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Rate of non-compliance with advice to return child for second vaccination. RESULTS--46 of 113 children (41%) received the second dose of the vaccine. Factors most closely associated with mothers'' failure to comply with the second dose were lack of education and low income. Children whose mothers knew most about immunisation at first interview were more likely to have their second dose. CONCLUSIONS--Preventive health care services such as immunisation are appropriately offered in treatment centres, but compliance among children varies with socioeconomic status and mother''s education. Further research should be aimed at ways to make health education more effective among uneducated parents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine long term outcome in children who had a severe acute neurological illness in early childhood associated with pertussis immunisation. DESIGN--Follow up study of cases and matched controls. SETTING--Assessment of children at home and at school throughout Britain. SUBJECTS--Children recruited into the national childhood encephalopathy study in 1976-9 were followed up, with one of their two original matched controls, in 1986-9. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Performance in educational attainment tests; behaviour problems reported by teachers and parents; continuing convulsions; evidence of other neurological or physical dysfunction. RESULTS--Over 80% of cases and controls were traced. Case children were significantly more likely than controls to have died or to have some form of educational, behavioural, neurological, or physical dysfunction a decade after their illness. The prevalence of one or more of these adverse outcomes in case children who had been immunised with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine within seven days before onset of their original illness was similar to that in case children who had not been immunised recently. The relative risk for recent diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis immunisation in children who had died or had any dysfunction in comparison with controls was 5.5 (95% confidence interval 1.6 to 23.7). However, the number of cases associated with vaccine (12) was extremely small and statistically vulnerable, and other possible agents or predisposing factors could not be excluded. CONCLUSIONS--Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine may on rare occasions be associated with the development of severe acute neurological illnesses that can have serious sequelae. Some cases may occur by chance or have other causes. The role of pertussis vaccine as a prime or concomitant factor in the aetiology of these illnesses cannot be determined in any individual case. The balance of possible risk against known benefits from pertussis immunisation supports continued use of the vaccine.  相似文献   

The uptakes of immunisation in the district health authorities in England were studied for the years 1983-5. Multiple regression analysis showed that the factors significantly associated with a low uptake of immunisation were mainly related to social conditions, particularly overcrowding of households and population density. Of the service factors, high proportions of elderly and singlehanded general practitioners and high average list sizes were also associated with a low uptake of immunisation in some of the analyses.The results suggest that the measures outlined in the government''s white paper on improving primary health care services are likely to lead to improved uptakes of immunisation. If, however, the uptakes of immunisation are used as a measure of standards of the services provided they should first be adjusted to control for variations in social conditions, and the quality of vaccination data would have to be improved.  相似文献   

Review of all 126 children admitted to the communicable diseases unit with whooping cough during the epidemic in 1978 showed that two had received two doses of triple vaccine and only one had had full primary immunisation against the disease. None of these three children suffered complications of the disease. Of the 123 children who had not been immunised against pertussis, however, 66 had had one or more complications. In Birmingham the dramatic decline in immunisation against pertussis has been accompanied by a fall in acceptance rates for diphtheria and tetanus immunization. Nevertheless, of the 62 children aged over 1 year in this series, 41 had been so immunised. These findings suggest that the apparently positive decision by parents to omit pertussis immunisation was misplaced, since immunisation does protect against the more serious complications of the disease. Furthermore, there is no firm evidence that pertussis immunisation of children without specific contraindications is associated with serious adverse reactions.  相似文献   

Pertussis vaccines vary in quality, safety, and efficacy according to the production strains of Bordetella pertussis, the method of manufacture, and quality control procedures. It is therefore not justifiable to combine information on the incidence, nature, and severity of reactions after all manufacturers'' pertussis vaccines as if they were a single product. Attempts were made to collect information on all suspected cases of severe reactions that occurred after administration of about 15 million doses of Wellcome pertussis vaccines in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland from 1964 to mid-1977. Altogether six deaths, six neurological reactions with sequelae, and 17 convulsions without sequelae were reported, but some were clearly not attributable to the vaccine, while, in other cases, the available information was inadequate for assessing the role of vaccination. Neurological disorders, similar to those reported in a few children after pertussis vaccination, occur unexpectedly in apparently healthy infants at the recommended age for immunisation, so chance association between vaccination and these events can be expected in some children. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has made several recommendations aimed at reducing severe reactions after pertussis vaccination. These include replacing plain vaccine with aluminium-adsorbed vaccine, but there is no clear evidence that the aluminium-adsorbed vaccine produces fewer reactions than the plain.There are difficulties enough in deciding the cause of events that occur after vaccination, since these reactions often occur naturally in children of vaccination age. The task is made even harder by the assumption that various manufacturers'' vaccines are the same and the lack of information available to manufacturers about cases in which their vaccine has been implicated. Information on vaccines administered is entered on immunisation records cards; it should be used and referred to if reactions occur.  相似文献   

A simple cost effective survey to assess the need for a rehabilitation service for individuals disabled by poliomyelitis was carried out making the maximum use of the existing government administration. The field team consisted solely of a medical officer and a health officer. The prevalence rate for paralytic poliomyelitis in the Mbeya region of Tanzania was 2.95/1000 persons. The rate for children under 10 years was 1.15/1000, suggesting that the expanded immunisation programme started in 1977 was being successful. With approximately 4000 cases of paralytic poliomyelitis in the Mbeya region a rehabilitation service would seem to be justified. If poliomyelitis surveys are required for rehabilitation purposes they must include all age groups. In this survey, had only school children been considered, as recommended by the World Health Organisation, two thirds of the cases would have been excluded, thereby hardly justifying a rehabilitation service.  相似文献   

Using meta-ethnographic methods, we conducted a systematic review of qualitative research to understand gender-related reasons at individual, family, community and health facility levels why millions of children in low and middle income countries are still not reached by routine vaccination programmes. A systematic search of Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, ERIC, Anthropological Lit, CSA databases, IBSS, ISI Web of Knowledge, JSTOR, Soc Index and Sociological Abstracts was conducted. Key words were built around the themes of immunization, vaccines, health services, health behaviour, and developing countries. Only papers, which reported on in-depth qualitative data, were retained. Twenty-five qualitative studies, which investigated barriers to routine immunisation, were included in the review. These studies were conducted between 1982 and 2012; eighteen were published after 2000. The studies represent a wide range of low- to middle income countries including some that have well known coverage challenges. We found that women''s low social status manifests on every level as a barrier to accessing vaccinations: access to education, income, as well as autonomous decision-making about time and resource allocation were evident barriers. Indirectly, women''s lower status made them vulnerable to blame and shame in case of childhood illness, partly reinforcing access problems, but partly increasing women''s motivation to use every means to keep their children healthy. Yet in settings where gender discrimination exists most strongly, increasing availability and information may not be enough to reach the under immunised. Programmes must actively be designed to include mitigation measures to facilitate women''s access to immunisation services if we hope to improve immunisation coverage. Gender inequality needs to be addressed on structural, community and household levels if the number of unvaccinated children is to substantially decrease.  相似文献   

Five children who had been in close contact with highly infectious tuberculous individuals presented recently to the tuberculosis service of The Montreal Children''s Hospital. Four had developed serious pulmonary tuberculosis and one tuberculous meningitis, all within the three months which followed a post-contact negative tuberculin test.The management of tuberculin-negative children recently exposed to active infectious tuberculosis by repeated skin tests and chest radiography alone is inadequate for their protection. These children are at high risk of developing disease by the time their tuberculin sensitivity has become evident. It is inadvisable to vaccinate them with BCG until three months after their last exposure to the disease. A plea is made for preventive chemotherapy in these cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the occurrence of adverse reactions to measles vaccine given as a single dose to children with egg allergy, and to determine if the administration of single dose to children with a positive result in an intradermal skin prick test with the vaccine is associated with adverse reactions. DESIGN--Review of results of immunisation and prospective study of 96 consecutively presenting children given intradermal skin testing with the vaccine. SETTING--Children''s allergy centre. SUBJECTS--410 children sensitive to egg referred to the allergy unit for advice about measles immunisation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Nature and severity of reactions associated with the administration of measles vaccine. RESULTS--All children had a positive result in a skin prick test with egg white, and five had a positive result in a skin prick test with vaccine. Of 96 consecutive children, 46 had a positive result in an intradermal test with vaccine. After immunisation with a full dose (0.5 ml) of vaccine adverse reactions were associated with a mild reaction in four children, none of whom required treatment. Only one of the 46 children with a positive result in an intradermal vaccine skin test had a reaction associated with vaccine administration. None of the children with a positive result in a skin prick test with measles vaccine reacted to the vaccine. The rate of minor reactions to the vaccine not requiring treatment was 0.98% (95% confidence interval 0.27% to 2.48%) and serious reactions requiring treatment was 0% (0% to 0.9%). CONCLUSION--Children with IgE mediated allergic reactions to egg protein should be investigated and managed by practitioners with special knowledge in this subject. Measles immunisation should be performed in a setting where any adverse reactions can be dealt with appropriately. Skin tests and measles vaccine and desensitisation are not necessary.  相似文献   

The ratio of benefit to harm from an imaginary, modest immunisation programme in a developing country and the numbers of lives likely to be saved and severe handicaps prevented have been estimated. Immunisation is much more likely to benefit children than to harm them, and health workers can be confidently encouraged not to withhold the benefits of immunisation from most children.  相似文献   

We observed 55 inpatients with "do-not-resuscitate" (DNR) orders to determine what happened to their DNR status after hospital discharge. All were admitted to the medical service of a Department of Veterans Affairs hospital. Of the 55 patients, 16 died in the hospital, 10 were discharged to inpatient hospice units, and 1 was transferred to an acute care hospital. An additional 19 patients were discharged to nursing homes. The other 9 patients (16% of the total) survived their hospital stays; 6 successful contacts were made with patients'' spouses. In 1 case the spouse thought a DNR order was no longer desirable. In the other 5 cases the spouse said the DNR status was "probably" or "definitely" still warranted, but only 1 spouse had a written DNR order at home. We contacted 9 of the 14 house officers who had cared for the patients in hospital. Only 2 had ever written a DNR order after hospital discharge. Two house officers said they routinely discussed with family members a patient''s expected dying process at home. Unwanted resuscitation is as undesirable at home as in the hospital. Physicians should discuss future resuscitation procedures with patients who have DNR orders at the time of hospital discharge. Physicians, paramedic service directors, and policymakers also should develop protocols and standardized home DNR orders so that paramedics can honor the wishes of patients in the prehospital setting.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of the 165 children born in 1980 in a population served by a health centre showed that 42 were not immunised against measles. The reasons for non-immunisation included 18 refusals (usually on the grounds of incorrect contraindications) and 19 defaulters (where the children were not brought for immunisation). Twenty of the children had contracted measles by March 1984. Among the 19 defaulters 12 had been registered with the health centre since age six months or under. Their average number of consultations a year was four. None of the 42 children had Department of Health and Social Security recommended contraindications to measles immunisation.  相似文献   

Because of an increasing work load at the hospital diabetic clinic in Poole general practitioners were asked to help in a community care service for diabetics. In this, general practitioners typically care for non-ketotic patients with maturity onset diabetes who are well controlled on diet or diet and oral hypoglycaemic agents, while the clinic concentrates on more difficult cases and screens patients for long-term complications. The hospital laboratory''s work load has been eased because patients may attend for two-hour interval blood sugar estimations when they like; most patients appreciate this flexibility and prefer being looked after by their own doctor. The service has not increased the general practitioners'' work load unduly, but it has heightened their awareness of diabetes in the community, thus allowing the diabetic consultant to deal with the problems for which he has been trained. The service has thus provided improved care for all diabetics in the Poole area.  相似文献   

Infant mortality in Hungary was higher than in other European countries; however, the reported incidence of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been lower than those for Western Europe and the United States. Childhood immunisation has been reported to be a protective factor for SIDS. In Britain, the change to an earlier immunisation schedule for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus appeared to be associated with a shift in the age distribution of SIDS. In 1999, immunisation for Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) was introduced for Hungarian infants at the age of 2 months. Data for total infant mortality and SIDS in Hungary were analysed between 1990 and 2002. Infection was the major cause of death among Hungarian infants followed by SIDS. Following introduction of Hib immunisation, there was a decrease in deaths due to meningitis from an average of 3.5% of all infant deaths between 1990 and 1998 to an average of 1% of all infant deaths between 1999 and 2002 (p=0.00). There was also a significant decrease in the proportion of SIDS in the age range > or =2 months from 48% in the earlier period to 39% after introduction of the vaccine (p=0.03). The decrease in SIDS might be due in part to decrease in unrecognised Hib infections or to induction of antibodies by the tetanus toxoid to which the Hib polysaccharide is conjugated that are cross reactive with bacterial toxins implicated in SIDS.  相似文献   



HPV immunisation of adolescent girls is expected to have a significant impact in the reduction of cervical cancer. UK The HPV immunisation programme is primarily delivered by school nurses. We examine the role of school nurses in delivering the HPV immunisation programme and their impact on minimising health inequalities in vaccine uptake.

Methods and Findings

A rapid evidence assessment (REA) and semi-structured interviews with health professionals were conducted and analysed using thematic analysis. 80 health professionals from across the UK are interviewed, primarily school nurses and HPV immunisation programme coordinators. The REA identified 2,795 articles and after analysis and hand searches, 34 relevant articles were identified and analysed. Interviews revealed that health inequalities in HPV vaccination uptake were mainly related to income and other social factors in contrast to published research which emphasises potential inequalities related to ethnicity and/or religion. Most school nurses interviewed understood local health inequalities and made particular efforts to target girls who did not attend or missed doses. Interviews also revealed maintaining accurate and consistent records influenced both school nurses'' understanding and efforts to target inequalities in HPV vaccination uptake.


Despite high uptake in the UK, some girls remain at risk of not being vaccinated with all three doses. School nurses played a key role in reducing health inequalities in the delivery of the HPV programme. Other studies identified religious beliefs and ethnicity as potentially influencing HPV vaccination uptake but interviews for this research found this appeared not to have occurred. Instead school nurses stated girls who were more likely to be missed were those not in education. Improving understanding of the delivery processes of immunisation programmes and this impact on health inequalities can help to inform solutions to increase uptake and address health inequalities in childhood and adolescent vaccination programmes.  相似文献   

Circulating antibodies to poliovirus were estimated in a group of 300 British and 84 foreign first year students who registered at the health centre of Nottingham University in 1984. Detectable antibodies to all three poliovirus serotypes were found in 212 (71%) of the British students but in only 47 (56%) of those from abroad. Most of the British students (280; 93%) had been born in 1965 or 1966, when uptake of poliomyelitis vaccine was declining. Immunisation histories showed that 10 British and 29 foreign students (3% and 35%) had no record of any immunisation; only five British and two foreign students, however, were negative for all three poliovirus serotypes. These findings provide evidence that a high proportion of British born people aged 18-29 have adequate circulating poliovirus antibodies despite incomplete immunisation schedules. Though this is reassuring, the absence of antibodies in some students and the lack of previous immunisation against poliomyelitis in 39 suggest that reinforcing doses of vaccine at the time of leaving school or beginning further education are still warranted, particularly for students from other countries. The findings also emphasise the need for accurate immunisation records.  相似文献   

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