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Profiles of subsurface soil CO2 concentration, soil temperature, and soil moisture, and throughfall were measured continuously during the years 2005 and 2006 in 16 locations at the free air CO2 enrichment facility situated within a temperate loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stand. Sampling at these locations followed a 4 by 4 replicated experimental design comprised of two atmospheric CO2 concentration levels (ambient [CO2]a, ambient + 200 ppmv, [CO2]e) and two soil nitrogen (N) deposition levels (ambient, ambient + fertilization at 11.2 gN m−2 year−1). The combination of these measurements permitted indirect estimation of belowground CO2 production and flux profiles in the mineral soil. Adjacent to the soil CO2 profiles, direct (chamber-based) measurements of CO2 fluxes from the soil–litter complex were simultaneously conducted using the automated carbon efflux system. Based on the measured soil CO2 profiles, neither [CO2]e nor N fertilization had a statistically significant effect on seasonal soil CO2, CO2 production, and effluxes from the mineral soil over the study period. Soil moisture and temperature had different effects on CO2 concentration depending on the depth. Variations in CO2 were mostly explained by soil temperature at deeper soil layers, while water content was an important driver at the surface (within the first 10 cm), where CO2 pulses were induced by rainfall events. The soil effluxes were equal to the CO2 production for most of the time, suggesting that the site reached near steady-state conditions. The fluxes estimated from the CO2 profiles were highly correlated to the direct measurements when the soil was neither very dry nor very wet. This suggests that a better parameterization of the soil CO2 diffusivity is required for these soil moisture extremes.  相似文献   

Holtum JA  Winter K 《Planta》2003,218(1):152-158
Do short-term fluctuations in CO2 concentrations at elevated CO2 levels affect net CO2 uptake rates of plants? When exposed to 600 μl CO2 l?1, net CO2 uptake rates in shoots or leaves of seedlings of two tropical C3 tree species, teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) and barrigon [Pseudobombax septenatum (Jacq.) Dug.], increased by 28 and 52% respectively. In the presence of oscillations with half-cycles of 20 s, amplitude of ca. 170 μl CO2 l?1 and mean of 600 μl CO2 l?1, the stimulation in net CO2 uptake by the two species was reduced to 19 and 36%, respectively, i.e. the CO2 stimulation in photosynthesis associated with a change in exposure from 370 to 600 μl CO2 l?1 was reduced by a third in both species. Similar reductions in CO2-stimulated net CO2 uptake were observed in T. grandis exposed to 40-s oscillations. Rates of CO2 efflux in the dark by whole shoots of T. grandis decreased by 4.8% upon exposure of plants grown at 370 μl CO2 l?1 to 600 μl CO2 l?1. The potential implications of the observations on CO2 oscillations and dark respiration are discussed in the context of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) systems in which short-term fluctuations of CO2 concentration are a common feature.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2)-, ozone (O3)-, and genotype-mediated changes in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) chemistry on performance of the forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) and its dipteran parasitoid (Compsilura concinnata) at the Aspen Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) site. Parasitized and non-parasitized forest tent caterpillars were reared on two aspen genotypes under elevated levels of CO2 and O3, alone and in combination. Foliage was collected for determination of the chemical composition of leaves fed upon by forest tent caterpillars during the period of endoparasitoid larval development. Elevated CO2 decreased nitrogen levels but had no effect on concentrations of carbon-based compounds. In contrast, elevated O3 decreased nitrogen and phenolic glycoside levels, but increased concentrations of starch and condensed tannins. Foliar chemistry also differed between aspen genotypes. CO2, O3, genotype, and their interactions altered forest tent caterpillar performance, and differentially so between sexes. In general, enriched CO2 had little effect on forest tent caterpillar performance under ambient O3, but reduced performance (for insects on one aspen genotype) under elevated O3. Conversely, elevated O3 improved forest tent caterpillar performance under ambient, but not elevated, CO2. Parasitoid larval survivorship decreased under elevated O3, depending upon levels of CO2 and aspen genotype. Additionally, larval performance and masses of mature female parasitoids differed between aspen genotypes. These results suggest that host-parasitoid interactions in forest systems may be altered by atmospheric conditions anticipated for the future, and that the degree of change may be influenced by plant genotype.  相似文献   

We describe the long-term effects of a CO2 exhalation, created more than 70 years ago, on a natural C4 dominated sub-tropical grassland in terms of ecosystem structure and functioning. We tested whether long-term CO2 enrichment changes the competitive balance between plants with C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways and how CO2 enrichment has affected species composition, plant growth responses, leaf properties and soil nutrient, carbon and water dynamics. Long-term effects of elevated CO2 on plant community composition and system processes in this sub-tropical grassland indicate very subtle changes in ecosystem functioning and no changes in species composition and dominance which could be ascribed to elevated CO2 alone. Species compositional data and soil δ13C isotopic evidence suggest no detectable effect of CO2 enrichment on C3:C4 plant mixtures and individual species dominance. Contrary to many general predictions C3 grasses did not become more abundant and C3 shrubs and trees did not invade the site. No season length stimulation of plant growth was found even after 5 years of exposure to CO2 concentrations averaging 610 μmol mol−1. Leaf properties such as total N decreased in the C3 but not C4 grass under elevated CO2 while total non-structural carbohydrate accumulation was not affected. Elevated CO2 possibly lead to increased end-of-season soil water contents and this result agrees with earlier studies despite the topographic water gradient being a confounding problem at our research site. Long-term CO2 enrichment also had little effect on soil carbon storage with no detectable changes in soil organic matter found. There were indications that potential soil respiration and N mineralization rates could be higher in soils close to the CO2 source. The conservative response of this grassland suggests that many of the reported effects of elevated CO2 on similar ecosystems could be short duration experimental artefacts that disappear under long-term elevated CO2 conditions.  相似文献   

CO<Subscript>2</Subscript> bio-mitigation using microalgae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Microalgae are a group of unicellular or simple multicellular photosynthetic microorganisms that can fix CO(2) efficiently from different sources, including the atmosphere, industrial exhaust gases, and soluble carbonate salts. Combination of CO(2) fixation, biofuel production, and wastewater treatment may provide a very promising alternative to current CO(2) mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

A controlled environment experiment was conducted to determine the impact of enhanced carbon dioxide and temperature on competition between the C3 grasses Austrodanthonia eriantha and Vulpia myuros. Plants were grown in mixtures and monocultures to compare the responses both with and without an interspecific competitor. Temperature and CO2 were set at current levels (350 ppm CO2; 20 °C day and 10 °C night temperature), in factorial combination with enhanced levels (700 ppm CO2; 23 °C day and 13 °C night temperature). To examine the potential impact of initial seedling size on competition under elevated CO2 and temperature, the two species were combined in mixtures of differing initial sizes. Above-ground growth of all plants was enhanced by increased CO2 and temperature alone, however the combined temperature and CO2 treatment showed a sub-additive effect, where growth was less than expected based on the responses to each factor independently. Austrodanthonia in mixture with Vulpia plants of the same initial size experienced a 27 reduction in growth. Austrodanthonia grown in the presence of an initially larger Vulpia plant experienced a 58 reduction in growth. When the Vulpia plant was initially smaller than Austrodanthonia, growth of the Austrodanthonia was reduced by 16%. The growth of Vulpia appeared to be largely unaffected by the presence of Austrodanthonia. Variation in the CO2 and temperature environment did not affect the pattern of these interspecific interactions, although there was some evidence to suggest that the degree of suppression of Austrodanthonia by Vulpia was less under elevated CO2. These results do not support the initial advantage hypothesis, as Vulpia was always able to suppress Austrodanthonia, regardless of the initial relative sizes of the competitors. Furthermore, the lack of an effect of changing the CO2 or temperature environment on the direction of interspecific competition suggests that the competitiveness of the invasive Vulpia will be minimally affected by changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration or temperature.  相似文献   

Cech PG  Pepin S  Körner C 《Oecologia》2003,137(2):258-268
We enriched in CO2 the canopy of 14 broad-leaved trees in a species-rich, ca. 30-m-tall forest in NW Switzerland to test whether elevated CO2 reduces water use in mature forest trees. Measurements of sap flux density (JS) were made prior to CO2 enrichment (summer 2000) and throughout the first whole growing season of CO2 exposure (2001) using the constant heat-flow technique. The short-term responses of sap flux to brief (1.5–3 h) interruptions of CO2 enrichment were also examined. There were no significant a priori differences in morphological and physiological traits between trees which were later exposed to elevated CO2 (n=14) and trees later used as controls (n=19). Over the entire growing season, CO2 enrichment resulted in an average 10.7% reduction in mean daily JS across all species compared to control trees. Responses were most pronounced in Carpinus, Acer, Prunus and Tilia, smaller in Quercus and close to zero in Fagus trees. The JS of treated trees significantly increased by 7% upon transient exposure to ambient CO2 concentrations at noon. Hence, responses of the different species were, in the short term, similar in magnitude to those observed over the whole season (though opposite because of the reversed treatment). The reductions in mean JS of CO2-enriched trees were high (22%) under conditions of low evaporative demand (vapour pressure deficit, VPD <5 hPa) and small (2%) when mean daily VPD was greater than 10 hPa. During a relatively dry period, the effect of elevated CO2 on JS even appeared to be reversed. These results suggest that daily water savings by CO2-enriched trees may have accumulated to a significantly improved water status by the time when control trees were short of soil moisture. Our data indicate that the magnitude of CO2 effects on stand transpiration will depend on rainfall regimes and the relative abundance of the different species, being more pronounced under humid conditions and in stands dominated by species such as Carpinus and negligible in mono-specific Fagus forests.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic responses of the tropical tree species Acacia nigrescens Oliv. grown at different atmospheric CO2 concentrations—from sub-ambient to super-ambient—have been studied. Light-saturated rates of net photosynthesis (A sat) in A. nigrescens, measured after 120 days exposure, increased significantly from sub-ambient (196 μL L−1) to current ambient (386 μL L−1) CO2 growth conditions but did not increase any further as [CO2] became super-ambient (597 μL L−1). Examination of photosynthetic CO2 response curves, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf thickness showed that this acclimation was most likely caused by reduction in Rubisco activity and a shift towards ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration-limited photosynthesis, but not a consequence of changes in mesophyll conductance. Also, measurements of the maximum efficiency of PSII and the carotenoid to chlorophyll ratio of leaves indicated that it was unlikely that the pattern of A sat seen was a consequence of growth [CO2] induced stress. Many of the photosynthetic responses examined were not linear with respect to the concentration of CO2 but could be explained by current models of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

CO2 fixation by microalgae has emerged as a promising option for CO2 mitigation. Intensive research work has been carried out to develop a feasible system for removing CO2 from industrial exhaust gases. However, there are still several challenging points to overcome in order to make the process more practical. In this paper, recent research activities on three key technologies of biological CO2 fixation, an identification of a suitable algal strain, development of high efficient photobioreactor and utilization of algal cells produced, are described. Finally the barriers, progress, and prospects of commercially developing a biological CO2 fixation process are summarized.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 enhances carbon uptake of a plant stand, but the magnitude of the increase varies among growth stages. We studied the relative contribution of structural and physiological factors to the CO2 effect on the carbon balance during stand development. Stands of an annual herb Chenopodium album were established in open-top chambers at ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations (370 and 700 μmol mol−1). Plant biomass growth, canopy structural traits (leaf area, leaf nitrogen distribution, and light gradient in the canopy), and physiological characteristics (leaf photosynthesis and respiration of organs) were studied through the growing season. CO2 exchange of the stand was estimated with a canopy photosynthesis model. Rates of light-saturated photosynthesis and dark respiration of leaves as related with nitrogen content per unit leaf area and time-dependent reduction in specific respiration rates of stems and roots were incorporated into the model. Daily canopy carbon balance, calculated as an integration of leaf photosynthesis minus stem and root respiration, well explained biomass growth determined by harvests (r 2 = 0.98). The increase of canopy photosynthesis with elevated CO2 was 80% at an early stage and decreased to 55% at flowering. Sensitivity analyses suggested that an alteration in leaf photosynthetic traits enhanced canopy photosynthesis by 40–60% throughout the experiment period, whereas altered canopy structure contributed to the increase at the early stage only. Thus, both physiological and structural factors are involved in the increase of carbon balance and growth rate of C. album stands at elevated CO2. However, their contributions were not constant, but changed with stand development.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown improved soil stability under elevated atmospheric CO2 caused by increased plant and microbial biomass. These studies have not quantified the mechanisms responsible for soil stabilisation or the effect on water relations. The objective of this study was to assess changes in water repellency under elevated CO2. We hypothesised that increased plant biomass will drive an increase in water repellency, either directly or through secondary microbial processes. Barley plants were grown at ambient (360 ppm) and elevated (720 ppm) CO2 concentrations in controlled chambers. Each plant was grown in a separate tube of 1.2 m length constructed from 22 mm depth × 47 mm width plastic conduit trunk and packed with sieved arable soil to 55% porosity. After 10 weeks growth the soil was dried at 40°C before measuring water sorptivity, ethanol sorptivity and repellency at many depths with a 0.14 mm radius microinfiltrometer. This provided a microscale measure of the capacity of soil to rewet after severe drying. At testing roots extended throughout the depth of the soil in the tube. The depth of the measurement had no effect on sorptivity or repellency. A rise in CO2 resulted in a decrease in water sorptivity from 1.13 ± 0.06 (s.e) mm s−1/2 to 1.00 ± 0.05 mm s−1/2 (P < 0.05) and an increase in water repellency from 1.80 ± 0.09 to 2.07 ± 0.08 (P < 0.05). Ethanol sorptivity was not affected by CO2 concentration, suggesting a similar pore structure. Repellency was therefore the primary cause of decreased water sorptivity. The implications will be both positive and negative, with repellency potentially increasing soil stability but also causing patchier wetting of the root-zone.  相似文献   

Plant communities around natural CO2 springs have been exposed to elevated CO2 levels over many generations and give us a unique opportunity to investigate the effects of long-term elevated CO2 levels on wild plants. We searched for natural CO2 springs in cool temperate climate regions in Japan and found three springs that were suitable for studying long-term responses of plants to elevated levels of CO2: Ryuzin-numa, Yuno-kawa and Nyuu. At these CO2 springs, the surrounding air was at high CO2 concentration with no toxic gas emissions throughout the growth season, and there was natural vegetation around the springs. At each site, high-CO2 (HC) and low-CO2 (LC) plots were established, and three dominant species at the shrub layers were used for physiological analyses. Although the microenvironments were different among the springs, dicotyledonous species growing at the HC plots tended to have more starch and less nitrogen per unit dry mass in the leaves than those growing at the LC plots. In contrast, monocotyledonous species growing in the HC and LC plots had similar starch and nitrogen concentrations. Photosynthetic rates at the mean growth CO2 concentration were higher in HC plants than LC plants, but photosynthetic rates at a common CO2 concentration were lower in HC plants. Efficiency of water and nitrogen use of leaves at growth CO2 concentration was greatly increased in HC plants. These results suggest that natural plants growing in elevated CO2 levels under cool temperate climate conditions have down-regulated their photosynthetic capacity but that they increased photosynthetic rates and resource use efficiencies due to the direct effect of elevated CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The clinical significance of exogenous hCG treatment is to stimulate steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis in the testis. However, the pathogenesis of detrimental effects on the testis arising out of chronic hCG treatment is yet to be clearly ascertained. In the present study we have shown that hCG treatment (100 IU/day) to rats for 30 days raises testicular oxidative stress leading to germ cell apoptosis and impairment of spermatogenesis. The treatment raises testicular H2O2 levels along with increase in lipid peroxidation and concomitant decrease in the enzymatic antioxidant activities like superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione-s-transferase. The rise in the number of apoptotic germ cells was associated with up regulation of Fas protein expression and caspase-3 activity in the testis. However, serum testosterone which was elevated by 15 days of hCG treatment declined to pretreatment levels by 30 days. No significant alteration in serum gonadotropins was observed. The above findings indicate that the pathogenesis of deleterious effects following chronic hCG treatment is due to increase in testicular oxidative stress with high H2O2 availability leading to apoptosis among germ cells.  相似文献   

Ros Barceló A 《Planta》2005,220(5):747-756
Lignification in Zinnia elegans L. stems is characterized by a burst in the production of H2O2, the apparent fate of which is to be used by xylem peroxidases for the polymerization of p-hydroxycinnamyl alcohols into lignins. A search for the sites of H2O2 production in the differentiating xylem of Z. elegans stems by the simultaneous use of optical (bright field, polarized light and epi-polarization) and electron-microscope tools revealed that H2O2 is produced on the outer-face of the plasma membrane of both differentiating (living) thin-walled xylem cells and particular (non-lignifying) xylem parenchyma cells. From the production sites it diffuses to the differentiating (secondary cell wall-forming) and differentiated lignifying xylem vessels. H2O2 diffusion occurs mainly through the continuous cell wall space. Both the experimental data and the theoretical calculations suggest that H2O2 diffusion from the sites of production might not limit the rate of xylem cell wall lignification. It can be concluded that H2O2 is produced at the plasma membrane in differentiating (living) thin-walled xylem cells and xylem parenchyma cells associated to xylem vessels, and that it diffuses to adjacent secondary lignifying xylem vessels. The results strongly indicate that non-lignifying xylem parenchyma cells are the source of the H2O2 necessary for the polymerization of cinnamyl alcohols in the secondary cell wall of lignifying xylem vessels.  相似文献   

In sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown under controlled conditions and subjected to drought by withholding watering, net photosynthetic rate (P N) and stomatal conductance (g s) of attached leaves decreased as leaf water potential (Ψw) declined from −0.3 to −2.9 MPa. Although g s decreased over the whole range of Ψw, nearly constant values in the intercellular CO2 concentrations (C i) were observed as Ψw decreased to −1.8 MPa, but C i increased as Ψw decreased further. Relative quantum yield, photochemical quenching, and the apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis decreased with water deficit, whereas non-photochemical quenching (qNP) increased progressively. A highly significant negative relationship between qNP and ATP content was observed. Water deficit did not alter the pyridine nucleotide concentration but decreased ATP content suggesting metabolic impairment. At a photon flux density of 550 μmol m−2 s−1, the allocation of electrons from photosystem (PS) 2 to O2 reduction was increased by 51 %, while the allocation to CO2 assimilation was diminished by 32 %, as Ψw declined from −0.3 to −2.9 MPa. A significant linear relationship between mean P N and the rate of total linear electron transport was observed in well watered plants, the correlation becoming curvilinear when water deficit increased. The maximum quantum yield of PS2 was not affected by water deficit, whereas qP declined only at very severe stress and the excess photon energy was dissipated by increasing qNP indicating that a greater proportion of the energy was thermally dissipated. This accounted for the apparent down-regulation of PS2 and supported the protective role of qNP against photoinhibition in sunflower.  相似文献   

With a new approach we assessed the relative contribution of stored and current carbon compounds to new shoot growth in alpine treeline conifers. Within a free air CO2 enrichment experiment at the alpine treeline in Switzerland, 13C-depleted fossil CO2 was used to trace new carbon in the two tree species Larix decidua L. and Pinus uncinata Ramond over two subsequent years. The deciduous L. decidua was found to supply new shoot growth (structural woody part) by 46% from storage. Surprisingly, the evergreen P. uncinata, assumed to use current-year photosynthates, also utilized a considerable fraction of storage (42%) for new wood growth. In contrast, the needles of P. uncinata were built up almost completely from current-year photosynthates. The isotopic composition of different wood carbon fractions revealed a similar relative allocation of current and stored assimilates to various carbon fractions. Elevated CO2 influenced the composition of woody tissue in a species-specific way, e.g. the water soluble fraction decreased in pine in 2001 but increased in larch in 2002 compared to ambient CO2. Heavy defoliation applied as an additional treatment factor in the second year of the experiment decreased the lipophilic fraction in current-year wood in both species compared to undefoliated trees. We conclude that storage may play an important role for new shoot growth in these treeline conifers and that altered carbon availability (elevated CO2, defoliation) results in significant changes in the relative amount of mobile carbon fractions in woody tissue. In particular, stored carbon seems to be of greater importance in the evergreen P. uncinata than has been previously thought.  相似文献   

Leaf area index (LAI) and its seasonal dynamics are key determinants of terrestrial productivity and, therefore, of the response of ecosystems to a rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. Despite the central importance of LAI, there is very little evidence from which to assess how forest LAI will respond to increasing [CO2]. We assessed LAI and related leaf indices of a closed-canopy deciduous forest for 4 years in 25-m-diameter plots that were exposed to ambient or elevated CO2 (542 ppm) in a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment. LAI of this Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) stand was about 6 and was relatively constant year-to-year, including the 2 years prior to the onset of CO2 treatment. LAI throughout the 1999–2002 growing seasons was assessed through a combination of data on photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) transmittance, mass of litter collected in traps, and leaf mass per unit area (LMA). There was no effect of [CO2] on any expression of leaf area, including peak LAI, average LAI, or leaf area duration. Canopy mass and LMA, however, were significantly increased by CO2 enrichment. The hypothesized connection between light compensation point (LCP) and LAI was rejected because LCP was reduced by [CO2] enrichment only in leaves under full sun, but not in shaded leaves. Data on PAR interception also permitted calculation of absorbed PAR (APAR) and light use efficiency (LUE), which are key parameters connecting satellite assessments of terrestrial productivity with ecosystem models of future productivity. There was no effect of [CO2] on APAR, and the observed increase in net primary productivity in elevated [CO2] was ascribed to an increase in LUE, which ranged from 1.4 to 2.4 g MJ–1. The current evidence seems convincing that LAI of non-expanding forest stands will not be different in a future CO2-enriched atmosphere and that increases in LUE and productivity in elevated [CO2] are driven primarily by functional responses rather than by structural changes. Ecosystem or regional models that incorporate feedbacks on resource use through LAI should not assume that LAI will increase with CO2 enrichment of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Although arsenic is an infamous carcinogen, it has been effectively used to treat acute promyelocytic leukemia, and can induce cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in human solid tumors. Previously, we had demonstrated that opposing effects of ERK1/2 and JNK on p21 expression in response to arsenic trioxide (As2O3) are mediated through the Sp1 responsive elements of the p21 promoter in A431 cells. Presently, we demonstrate that Sp1, and c-Jun functionally cooperate to activate p21 promoter expression through Sp1 binding sites (−84/−64) by using DNA affinity binding, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and promoter assays. Surprisingly, As2O3-induced c-Jun(Ser63/73) phosphorylation can recruit TGIF/HDAC1 to the Sp1 binding sites and then suppress p21 promoter activation. We suggest that, after As2O3 treatment, the N-terminal domain of c-Jun phosphorylation by JNK recruits TGIF/HDAC1 to the Sp1 sites and then represses p21 expression. That is, TGIF is involved in As2O3-inhibited p21 expression, and then blocks the cell cycle arrest.  相似文献   

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