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In vitro maturation of a 16 S RNA precursor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
F Hayes  M Vasseur 《FEBS letters》1974,46(1):364-367

Bacteria from the genus Bacillus have evolved complicated regulatory networks to be protected from various environmental stresses, including sudden increase in salinity. Among these regulatory mechanisms is the DegS-DegU signal transduction system, which controls degradative enzyme synthesis and is involved in sensing salt stress in Bacillus subtilis. We report the study of biosynthesis regulation of Bacillus intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase under salt stress conditions. Salt stress during growth in medium containing 1-2.5 M NaCl, KCl or disodium succinate leads to the induction of glutamyl endopeptidase. Analysis of the regulatory region of the gene for B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase revealed the presence of a tentative target sequence for DegU control, AGATN10TTGAG. For the expression of the glutamyl endopeptidase gene, functional DegU protein is required. Thus, we suggest that expression of the gene for B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase may be controlled by a regulatory system analogous to DegS-DegU two-component system in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a glutamate-specific endopeptidase (GSE) from Bacillus licheniformis (BL) has been cloned in Escherichia coli cells. The recombinant protein was expressed as cytoplasmic insoluble inclusion bodies. Immobilized metal affinity chromatography was employed to purify the protein, and then a 27-kDa GSE intermediate was obtained by gradient urea dialysis. The remaining pro-peptide was completely removed by treatment with trypsin to obtain mature GSE-BL with a molecular weight of 26 kD at a final yield of up to 140.9 mg/L. With Z (benzyloxycarbomyl)-Phe-Leu-Glu-pNA (p-nitroanilide) as the substrate, the optimal temperature and pH conditions for the enzyme were 37 °C and 8.5, respectively, K(m) was 1.495 ± 0.034 mM, and V(max) was 50.237 μmol/mg min. The presence of calcium and ferrous ions enhanced the catalytic activity of GSE-BL. These results suggest that the recombinant protein is a relatively stable specific proteinase that could be effectively utilized in protein structure analysis, peptide synthesis, and the food industry.  相似文献   

A nutrient medium was elaborated for the efficient production of glutamyl endopeptidase by the recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain AJ73 bearing the Bacillus intermedius 3-19 glutamyl endopeptidase gene within a multicopy plasmid. Optimal concentrations of the main nutrients, peptone and inorganic phosphate, were found using a multifactor approach. To provide for active growth and efficient glutamyl endopeptidase production, the cultivation medium of the recombinant strain should be enriched in phosphorus, organic and inorganic nitrogen sources, and yeast extract. Complex protein substrates, such as casein and gelatin, enhanced the biosynthesis of glutamyl endopeptidase. At the same time, easily metabolizable carbon sources suppressed it. The production of glutamyl endopeptidase was stimulated by the bivalent cations Ca2+, Mg2+, and Co2+.  相似文献   

The growth of the recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain AJ73 carrying the Bacillus intermedius 3-19 glutamyl endopeptidase gene on a multicopy plasmid and the effect of some nutrients on the efficiency of extracellular glutamyl endopeptidase production in the stationary growth phase were studied. In this phase, the concentration of glutamyl endopeptidase in the culture liquid peaked at the 48th and 78th h of cultivation and depended on the composition of the cultivation medium. Unlike the synthesis of glutamyl endopeptidase in the trophophase (i.e., during vegetative growth), which was suppressed by glucose, the synthesis of this enzyme during sporulation was resistant to glucose present in the cultivation medium. A multifactorial experimental design allowed optimal proportions between the concentrations of major nutrients (peptone and inorganic phosphate) to be determined. Inorganic phosphate and ammonium ions augmented the production of glutamyl endopeptidase by 30-150%, and complex organic substrates, such as casein and gelatin, enhanced the production of glutamyl endopeptidase by 50-100%. During sporulation, the production of glutamyl endopeptidase was stimulated by some bivalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, and Co2+) and inhibited by others (Zn2+, Fe2+, and Cu2+). The inference is drawn that the regulatory mechanisms of glutamyl endopeptidase synthesis during vegetative growth and sporulation are different.  相似文献   

We studied the biosynthesis of Bacillus intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase in the recombinant Bacillus subtilis strain AJ73 delta58.21 during the stationary growth phase. We optimized the composition of the culture medium to favor effective enzyme production during the stationary growth phase, and found that the nutritional requirements for glutamyl endopeptidase synthesis were different in the stationary phase and growth retardation phase. Proteinase accumulation was activated by complex organic substrates (casein and gelatin). During final stages of the culture growth, the enzyme production was stimulated by Ca2+, Mn2+, and Co2+ and inhibited by Zn2+, Fe2+, and Cu2+. The synthesis of glutamyl endopeptidase in the late stationary phase was not inhibited by glucose, unlike that in the trophophase during proliferation. We conclude that the regulatory mechanisms of proteinase synthesis during vegetative growth and sporulation are different.  相似文献   

The extracellular serine endopeptidase GluSE (EC is considered to be one of the virulence factors of Staphylococcus epidermidis. The present study investigated maturation processing of native GluSE and that heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. In addition to the 28-kDa mature protease, small amounts of proenzymes with molecular masses of 32, 30, and 29 kDa were identified in the extracellular and cell wall-associated fractions. We defined the pre (M1-A27)- and pro (K28-S66)-segments, and found that processing at the E32-S33 and D48-I49 bonds was responsible for production of the 30- and 29-kDa intermediates, respectively. The full-length form of C-terminally His-tagged GluSE was purified as three proenzymes equivalent to the native ones. These molecules possessing an entire or a part of the pro-segment were proteolytically latent and converted to a mature 28-kDa form by thermolysin cleavage at the S66-V67 bond. Mutation of the essential amino acid S235 suggested auto-proteolytic production of the 30- and 29-kDa intermediates. Furthermore, an undecapeptide (I56-S66) of the truncated pro-segment not only functions as an inhibitor of the protease but also facilitates thermolysin processing. These findings could offer clues to the molecular mechanism involved in the regulation of proteolytic activity of pathogenic proteases secreted from S. epidermidis.  相似文献   

Extracellular glutamyl endopeptidase from Bacillus intermedius (BIEP) is a chymotrypsin-like serine protease which cleaves the peptide bond on the carboxyl side of glutamic acid. Its three-dimensional structure was determined for C222(1) and C2 crystal forms of BIEP to 1.5 and 1.75 A resolution, respectively. The topology of BIEP diverges from the most common chymotrypsin architecture, because one of the domains consists of a beta-sandwich consisting of two antiparallel beta-sheets and two helices. In the C2 crystals, a 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD) molecule was found in the substrate binding site, mimicking a glutamic acid. This enabled the identification of the residues involved in the substrate recognition. The presence of the MPD molecule causes a change in the active site; the interaction between two catalytic residues (His47 and Ser171) is disrupted. The N-terminal end of the enzyme is involved in the formation of the substrate binding pocket. This indicates a direct relation between zymogen activation and substrate charge compensation.  相似文献   

The pLF1311 natural plasmid from Lactobacillus fermentum 1311 was used to construct a single-replicon vector suitable for rapid cloning in a wide range of gram-positive hosts and Escherichia coli. The new vector is capable of conjugative mobilization from E. coli to various hosts by conjugal transfer. The final vector (3.4 kb) showed a high segregational and structural stability and a high copy number. Glutamyl endopeptidase genes from Bacillus licheniformis (gseBL) and B. intermedius (gseBI) were cloned in both pLF9 and pLF14 vectors and introduced to B. subtilis. The yield of enzymes in the pLF-derived producers was 6- to 30-fold more than in the natural producers and reached 100-150 mg/L of mature protease.  相似文献   

Expression of the gene of glutamyl endopeptidase from Bacillus intermedius (gseBi) cloned on the plasmid pV has been studied in Bacillus subtilis recombinant strains with mutations of the regulatory proteins involved in sporogenesis and spore germination. It has been established that inactivation of the regulatory protein Spo0A involved in sporulation initiation resulted in a decrease in the expression of the gseBi gene by 65% on average. A mutation in the gene of the sensor histidine kinase kinA had no effect on the biosynthesis of the enzyme. Inactivation of Ger proteins regulating bacterial spore germination resulted in a 1.5-5-fold decrease in glutamyl endopeptidase activity. It has been concluded that expression of the B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase gene from plasmid pV in recombinant cells of B. subtilis is under impaired control by the regulatory system of Spo0F/Spo0A phosphorelay, which participates in sporulation initiation. The regulatory Ger proteins responsible for spore germination also affect expression of the gene of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The recombinant strain of Bacillus subtilis bearing B. intermedius glutamyl endopeptidase gene in multicopy plasmid delta58.21 secretes the enzyme to the medium at the phase of slowing of growth and the stationary growth phase with accumulation maxima at 24 and 48 h. Enzyme samples were isolated from the culture liquid after 24 and 48 h of culturing of and were purified up to homogeneity by ion exchange chromatography on carboxymethyl cellulose and HPLC on a MonoS column. The molecular weight of the corresponding proteins was 29 kDa. Both preparations had identical structure, but differed in affinity to the specific substrate Z-Glu-pNA. The effects of Ca+ ions and specific low-molecular and protein inhibitors on the activity of the enzyme corresponding to various growth phases has been studied.  相似文献   

The glutamyl endopeptidase gene of Bacillus intermedius was cloned from a genomic library expressed in Bacillus subtilis and sequenced (EMBL accession number Y15136). The encoded preproenzyme contains 303 amino acid residues; the mature 23-kDa enzyme consists of 215 residues. The mature enzyme reveals 38% of identical residues when aligned with the glutamyl endopeptidase from Bacillus licheniformis, whereas only five invariant residues were found among all known glutamyl endopeptidases. The amino acid residues that form the catalytic triad (H47, D98, and S171) as well as H186 participating in the binding of the substrate carboxyl group were identified. It seems that the structural elements responsible for the function of glutamyl endopeptidases from various sources are highly variable.  相似文献   

Bacillus Q, which is closely related to B. subtilis, contains at least six different precursors of 5S rRNA. The complete nucleotide sequences of four of these precursors, as well as the major part of the sequence of a fifth one, have been determined. They all contain the same 5'-terminal non-conserved segment which is to a large degree homologous with the corresponding segment of the B. subtilis p5S RNAs (Sogin, M.L., Pace, N.R., Rosenberg, M., Weissman, S.M. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 3480-3488). On the other hand the 3'-terminal non-conserved sequences of the various Bacillus Q precursors show considerable differences both in length and in nucleotide sequence, while there is also little or no homology with the 3'-terminal non-conserved sequence of the B. subtilis precursors. Bacillus Q p5S RNAs do not possess tetranucleotide repeats around the sites which are cleaved during maturation, as does B. subtilis p5S RNA. Like in B. subtilis, however, the cleavage sites are contained within a double-helical region of the precursor molecules. Crude RNAse M5 isolated from various Bacillus strains can maturate the Bacillus Q p5S RNAs with high efficiency. Despite considerable differences in primary structure between the precursors from the various strains, each RNAs M5 preparation can maturate all these precursors with about the same efficiency.  相似文献   

The effect of some components of cultivation medium on the growth of the streptomycin-resistant Bacillus intermedius strain 3-19 and on the production of glutamyl endopeptidase was investigated using factorial experimental design, which allowed the concentrations of peptone and inorganic phosphate to be optimized for the maximum production of the enzyme. Experiments with different peptones and casamino acids showed that the enzyme production is maximum with peptone 3 of plant origin. The addition of casamino acids or amino acids to the peptone-containing cultivation medium inhibited the production of glutamyl endopeptidase.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase is isolated and purified from the culture liquid of the thermophilic strain of Bacillus licheniformis. The aminopeptidase predominantly splits off N-terminal leucin in short peptides and hydrolyzes leucinamide as well. The molecular weight of the enzyme is about 60 kDa. The enzyme is able to form aggregates. Optimum of aminopeptidase activity was demonstrated at pH 8.0-8.3 and temperature of 85 degrees C. The enzyme is inactivated by metal-binding reagents and reducing substances, and is activated by cobalt and PCMB ions. The EDTA-inactivated enzyme activity is reduced by cobalt and zinc ions, however the latter has no activating action. The enzyme under study is characterized by high thermostability: in the presence of the substrate at the temperature of 90 degrees C the reaction linearity is retained for not less than 2 h and without the substrate the half-life of the aminopeptidase at 90 degrees C is 145 min. Extracellular aminopeptidase of the thermophilic strain of B. licheniformis is a new enzyme differing from the aminopeptidases described by the present in high thermostability, induced, evidently, by the presence of one or several disulphide bonds in the enzyme molecule.  相似文献   

The action of a sporulation-specific seryl protease on antibiotic-free extracts of Bacillus licheniformis cells yields a peptide that is identified as bacitracin by its biological activity, its spectral properties, and its comigration with genuine bacitracin in both paper and thin-layer chromatography. During proteolysis, a chemical structure is generated with the spectral properties of a delta-2 thiazoline ring. The yield in vitro, 4 microgram of bacitracin per mg of protein, is less than the maximal yield from sporulating cells, 75 microgram of bacitracin per mg of cell protein, but is a linear function of the amount of protein in the reaction system. Approximately 30% of the protein yielding the antibiotic is ribosomal associated, and only 25% of that amount can be removed by washing with 1 M NH4Cl. The substrate protein is a constant fraction of the cell protein throughout exponential growth and very early sporulation stages of culture development.  相似文献   

An industrial enzyme, alkaline serine endopeptidase, was immobilized on surface modified SBA-15 and MCF materials by amide bond formation using carbodiimide as a coupling agent. The specific activities of free enzyme and enzyme immobilized on SBA-15 and MCF were studied using casein (soluble milk protein) as a substrate. The highest activity of free enzyme was obtained at pH 9.5 while this value shifted to pH 10 for SBA-15 and MCF immobilized enzyme. The highest activity of immobilized enzymes was obtained at higher temperature (60 °C) than that of the free enzyme (55 °C). Kinetic parameters, Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) and maximum reaction velocity (Vmax), were calculated as Km = 13.375, 11.956, and 8.698 × 10?4 mg/ml and Vmax = 0.156, 0.163 and 0.17 × 10?3 U/mg for the free enzyme and enzyme immobilized on SBA-15 and MCF, respectively. The reusability of immobilized enzyme showed 80% of the activity retained even after 15 cycles. Large pore sized MCF immobilized enzyme was found to be more promising than the SBA-15 immobilized enzyme due to the availability of larger pores of MCF, which offer facile diffusion of substrate and product molecules.  相似文献   

From Bacillus licheniformis a site-specific restriction endonuclease, named BliI, has been purified and characterized. BliI was able to digest lambda DNA at pH 9.1 over a wide temperature range (25-65 degrees C). Digestion of lambda and psi X174 DNAs with BliI produced banding patterns identical to those seen with HaeIII. Therefore, BliI and HaeIII endonculeases are isoschizomers.  相似文献   

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