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The wide diversity of the T and B Ag receptor repertoires becomes even more extensive postneonatally due to the activity of TdT, which adds nontemplated N nucleotides to Ig and TCR coding ends during V(D)J recombination. In addition, complementarity-determining region 3 sequences formed in the absence of TdT are more uniform due to the use of short sequence homologies between the V, D, and J genes. Thus, the action of TdT produces an adult repertoire that is both different from, and much larger than, the repertoire of the neonate. We have generated TdT-deficient nonobese diabetic (NOD) and MRL-Fas(lpr) mice, and observed a decrease in the incidence of autoimmune disease, including absence of diabetes and decreased pancreatic infiltration in NOD TdT(-/-) mice, and reduced glomerulonephritis and increased life span in MRL-Fas(lpr) TdT(-/-) mice. Using tetramer staining, TdT(-/-) and TdT(+/+) NOD mice showed similar frequencies of the diabetogenic BDC 2.5 CD4(+) T cells. We found no increase in CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells in NOD TdT(-/-) mice. Thus, TdT deficiency ameliorates the severity of disease in both lupus and diabetes, two very disparate autoimmune diseases that affect different organs, with damage conducted by different effector cell types. The neonatal repertoire appears to be deficient in autoreactive T and/or B cells with high enough affinities to induce end-stage disease. We suggest that the paucity of autoreactive specificities created in the N region-lacking repertoire, and the resultant protection afforded to the newborn, may be the reason that TdT expression is delayed in ontogeny.  相似文献   

IL-12 is secreted by kidney tubular epithelial cells in autoimmune MRL-Fas(lpr) mice before renal injury and increases with advancing disease. Because IL-12 is a potent inducer of IFN-gamma, the purpose of this study was to determine whether local provision of IL-12 elicits IFN-gamma-secreting T cells within the kidney, which, in turn, incites injury in MRL-Fas(lpr) mice. We used an ex vivo retroviral gene transfer strategy to construct IL-12-secreting MRL-Fas(lpr) tubular epithelial cells (IL-12 "carrier cells"), which were implanted under the kidney capsule of MRL-Fas(lpr) mice before renal disease for a sustained period (28 days). IL-12 "carrier cells" generated intrarenal and systemic IL-12. IL-12 fostered a marked, well-demarcated accumulation of CD4, CD8, and double negative (CD4-CD8- B220+) T cells adjacent to the implant site. We detected more IFN-gamma-producing T cells (CD4 > CD8 > CD4-CD8- B220+) at 28 days (73 +/- 14%) as compared with 7 days (20 +/- 8%) after implanting the IL-12 "carrier cells;" the majority of these cells were proliferating (60-70%). By comparison, an increase in systemic IL-12 resulted in a diffuse acceleration of pathology in the contralateral (unimplanted) kidney. IFN-gamma was required for IL-12-incited renal injury, because IL-12 "carrier cells" failed to elicit injury in MRL-Fas(lpr) kidneys genetically deficient in IFN-gamma receptors. Furthermore, IFN-gamma "carrier cells" elicited kidney injury in wild-type MRL-Fas(lpr) mice. Taken together, IL-12 elicits autoimmune injury by fostering the accumulation of IFN-gamma-secreting CD4, CD8, and CD4-CD8- B220+ T cells within the kidney, which, in turn, promote a cascade of events culminating in autoimmune kidney disease in MRL-Fas(lpr) mice.  相似文献   

Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity is normal in the bone marrow of congenitally athymic nude mice, regardless of whether transferase activity is calculated on the basis of cell number, DNA content, or activity per femur. This suggests that terminal transferase containing cells of marrow do not originate in thymus.  相似文献   

A DNA polymerase lacking template direction for base selection has been partially purified from human brain. The molecular size, optimum reaction conditions, initiator preferences and chemical inhibitors of the brain enzyme were similar to calf thymus terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). TdT has been found only in the thymus, and now in brain. The possibility exists that its function is related to biological property unique to these two organs.  相似文献   

Inflammation in the kidney and other tissues (lung, and salivary and lacrimal glands) is characteristic of MRL-Fas(lpr) mice with features of lupus. Macrophages (Mphi) are prominent in these tissues. Given that 1) Mphi survival, recruitment, proliferation, and activation during inflammation is dependent on CSF-1, 2) Mphi mediate renal resident cell apoptosis, and 3) CSF-1 is up-regulated in MRL-Fas(lpr) mice before, and during nephritis, we hypothesized that CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) mice would be protected from Mphi-mediated nephritis, and the systemic illness. To test this hypothesis, we compared CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) with wild-type strains. Renal pathology is suppressed and function improved in CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) mice. There are far fewer intrarenal Mphi and T cells in CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) vs wild-type kidneys. This leukocytic reduction results from suppressed infiltration, and intrarenal proliferation, but not enhanced apoptosis. The CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) kidneys remain preserved as indicated by greatly reduced indices of injury (nephritogenic cytokines, tubular apoptosis, and proliferation). The renal protective mechanism in CSF-1-deficient mice is not limited to reduced intrarenal leukocytes; circulating Igs and autoantibodies, and renal Ig deposits are decreased. This may result from enhanced B cell apoptosis and fewer B cells in CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) mice. Furthermore, the systemic illness including, skin, lung, and lacrimal and salivary glands pathology, lymphadenopathy, and splenomegaly are dramatically suppressed in CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) as compared with wild-type mice. These results indicate that CSF-1 is an attractive therapeutic target to combat Mphi-, T cell-, and B cell-mediated autoimmune lupus.  相似文献   

TdT activities were determined on 29 specimens of mononuclear blood, bone marrow or lymph node cells from 18 patients with non Hodgkin's Lymphomas, 2 Hodgkin's patients and 3 patients with non neoplastic lymph nodes. The neoplastic cells were typed using tests detecting membrane markers (E, Em, SIg), and monoclonal antibodies (MoAb). In a group of 15 patients with Low Grade Malignant Lymphoma (L. lymphocytic, centrocytic and lymphoplasmocytic) 14 cases belonged to B cell phenotype lymphoma, with 3 cases among them with a moderate TdT activity. In one case of lymphocytic lymphoma the cells had the non T, non B, TdT+ characteristics. High TdT activity was observed in both examined patients with lymphoblastic lymphoma and in cells obtained from the lymph node of one Hodgkin's lymphoma case. Although our group was of heterogenic character, our investigations confirm the value of TdT as biochemical marker of immature lymphocytes and its usefulness for differential diagnosis of malignant lymphomas.  相似文献   

Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) catalyzes the condensation of deoxyribonucleotides on 3'-hydroxyl ends of DNA strands in a template-independent manner and adds N-regions to gene segment junctions during V(D)J recombination. Although TdT is able to incorporate a few ribonucleotides in vitro, TdT discrimination between ribo- and deoxyribonucleotides has never been studied. We found that TdT shows only a minor preference for incorporation of deoxyribonucleotides over ribonucleotides on DNA strands. However, incorporation of ribonucleotides alone or in the presence of deoxyribonucleotides generally leads to premature chain termination, reflecting an impeded accommodation of ribo- or mixed ribo/deoxyribonucleic acid substrates by TdT. An essential catalytic aspartate in TdT was identified, which is a first step toward understanding the apparent lack of sugar discrimination by TdT.  相似文献   

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease leading to inflammatory tissue damage in multiple organs (e.g., lupus nephritis). Current treatments including steroids, antimalarials, and immunosuppressive drugs have significant side effects. Activated protein C is a natural protein with anticoagulant and immunomodulatory effects, and its recombinant version has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat severe sepsis. Given the similarities between overshooting immune activation in sepsis and autoimmunity, we hypothesized that recombinant activated protein C would also suppress SLE and lupus nephritis. To test this concept, autoimmune female MRL-Fas(lpr) mice were injected with either vehicle or recombinant human activated protein C from week 14-18 of age. Activated protein C treatment significantly suppressed lupus nephritis as evidenced by decrease in activity index, glomerular IgG and complement C3 deposits, macrophage counts, as well as intrarenal IL-12 expression. Further, activated protein C attenuated cutaneous lupus and lung disease as compared with vehicle-treated MRL-Fas(lpr) mice. In addition, parameters of systemic autoimmunity, such as plasma cytokine levels of IL-12p40, IL-6, and CCL2/MCP-1, and numbers of B cells and plasma cells in spleen were suppressed by activated protein C. The latter was associated with lower total plasma IgM and IgG levels as well as lower titers of anti-dsDNA IgG and rheumatoid factor. Together, recombinant activated protein C suppresses the abnormal systemic immune activation in SLE of MRL-Fas(lpr) mice, which prevents subsequent kidney, lung, and skin disease. These results implicate that recombinant activated protein C might be useful for the treatment of human SLE.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at characterizing terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) levels in populations of normal human and murine lymphocytes and toward correlating TdT enzyme levels with the biological process of aging. A newly developed method that utilizes a small number of cells was employed to determine TdT levels in bone marrow and thymus cells following cell fractionation at unit gravity sedimentation. By these methods, cell fractions with high TdT activity were found to comprise only 5–10% of the parent cell pools. In the human bone marrow, we show here that TdT-positive cell fractions are largely depleted of HTLA, E-rosette forming, and mitogen-responsive cells, whereas TdT-positive human thymocyte fractions contain a high percentage of HTLA and E-rosette-positive cells. Our observations in the murine model confirm the earlier observations that TdT activity decreases with age. We further show here that the age-associated decline of TdT in the bone marrow preceded that in the thymus. As is true for the mouse, TdT activity in human bone marrow and thymus was also found to decrease with advancing age. The decline in TdT was not associated with a change in cell distribution profiles after unit gravity sedimentation of bone marrow or thymus cells. From these data, the age-associated loss of TdT cannot be attributed to a loss of a particular subpopulation of cells.  相似文献   

Sunlight (UVB) triggers cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) and systemic lupus through an unknown mechanism. We tested the hypothesis that UVB triggers CLE through a CSF-1-dependent, macrophage (M?)-mediated mechanism in MRL-Fas(lpr) mice. By constructing mutant MRL-Fas(lpr) strains expressing varying levels of CSF-1 (high, intermediate, none), and use of an ex vivo gene transfer to deliver CSF-1 intradermally, we determined that CSF-1 induces CLE in lupus-susceptible MRL-Fas(lpr) mice, but not in lupus-resistant BALB/c mice. UVB incites an increase in M?s, apoptosis in the skin, and CLE in MRL-Fas(lpr), but not in CSF-1-deficient MRL-Fas(lpr) mice. Furthermore, UVB did not induce CLE in BALB/c mice. Probing further, UVB stimulates CSF-1 expression by keratinocytes leading to recruitment and activation of M?s that, in turn, release mediators, which induce apoptosis in keratinocytes. Thus, sunlight triggers a CSF-1-dependent, M?-mediated destructive inflammation in the skin leading to CLE in lupus-susceptible MRL-Fas(lpr) but not lupus-resistant BALB/c mice. Taken together, CSF-1 is envisioned as the match and lupus susceptibility as the tinder leading to CLE.  相似文献   

The apoptosis-defective lpr (fas) mutation in MRL mice causes the early onset of a lupus-like autoimmune disease with concomitant inflammation. In order to analyse the consequences of the impaired Fas-dependent apoptosis on inflammation, the susceptibility to apoptosis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), obtained from MRL lpr/lpr mice, has been studied. Peritoneal PMN from lpr/lpr and control (+/+) mice were recruited with a mild inflammatory stimulus. The number of cells collected from the peritoneal cavity of young lpr/lpr mice was comparable to that obtained from age-matched control mice, indicating that PMN homeostasis is maintained regardless of the loss-of-function Fas mutation. Recruited neutrophils were exposed in culture to apoptosis-inducing stimuli. Treatment with agonist anti-Fas antibody increased apoptosis of +/+ PMN, but did not affect lpr/lpr PMN which do not express Fas on their surface. However, lpr/lpr PMN could undergo both spontaneous and stimulus-induced apoptosis in a fashion comparable to or higher than that of control +/+ mice. Analysis of mRNA expression revealed that lpr/lpr PMN have reduced expression of IL-18, whereas IL-1beta, IFNgamma, caspase 1 and caspase 3 are expressed at levels comparable to those of +/+ cells. However, caspase-3-like activity was higher in PMN from lpr/lpr mice than in +/+ cells, and correlated with enhanced apoptosis. It could be concluded that in young, uncompromised lpr/lpr mice, PMN homeostasis is still fully regulated through the involvement of Fas-independent, compensatory, apoptotic mechanisms. This could include an increased participation of caspase 3 in the apoptotic pathway, consequent to enhanced activation of the enzyme and to the decreased production of IL-18, which acts as a competitive caspase 3 substrate.  相似文献   

G-CSF not only functions as an endogenous hemopoietic growth factor for neutrophils, but also displays pro-Th2 and antiinflammatory properties that could be of therapeutic benefit in autoimmune settings. We evaluated the effect of treatment with G-CSF in a murine model of spontaneous systemic lupus erythematosus, a disease in which G-CSF is already administered to patients to alleviate neutropenia, a common complication. Chronic treatment of lupus-prone MRL-lpr/lpr mice with low doses (10 microg/kg) of recombinant human G-CSF, despite the induction of a shift toward the Th2 phenotype of the autoimmune response, increased glomerular deposition of Igs and accelerated lupus disease. Conversely, high-dose (200 microg/kg) treatment with G-CSF induced substantial protection, prolonging survival by >2 mo. In the animals treated with these high doses of G-CSF, neither the Th1/Th2 profile nor the serum levels of TNF-alpha and IL-10 were modified. Despite the presence of immune complexes in their kidney glomeruli, no inflammation ensued, and serum IL-12 and soluble TNF receptors remained at pre-disease levels. This uncoupling of immune complex deposition and kidney damage resulted from a local down-modulation of FcgammaRIII (CD16) expression within the glomeruli by G-CSF. Our results demonstrate a beneficial effect of high doses of G-CSF in the prevention of lupus nephritis that may hold promise for future clinical applications, provided caution is taken in dose adjustment.  相似文献   

MRL mice bearing the lpr (Fas) or gld (Fas ligand) mutation, MRL-Fas(lpr) or MRL-FasL(gld), respectively, develop arthritis similar to rheumatoid arthritis, but C3H and C57BL/6 mice bearing such mutations do not. In MRL-Fas(lpr) mice, agalactosylated oligosaccharides in serum IgG increase significantly in comparison to MRL-+/+ mice without arthritis. In this study, an increased level of agalactosylation in IgG, as compared to MRL-+/+, was found in both MRL-Fas(lpr) and MRL-FasL(gld) mice. In contrast, the incidence of IgG without galactose was comparable among C3H-Fas(lpr), C3H-FasL(gld), and C3H-+/+ mice as well as between C57BL/6-Fas(lpr) and C57BL/6-+/+ mice. These results suggest that the increase in agalactosylated IgG and the development of arthritis in MRL-Fas(lpr) and MRL-FasL(gld) mice are controlled by the MRL genetic background.  相似文献   

The activity of purified bovine thymus terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase was markedly inhibited when the enzyme was incubated in a poly(ADP-ribose)-synthesizing system containing purified bovine thymus poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, NAD+, Mg2+ and DNA. All of these four components were indispensable for the inhibition. The inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase counteracted the observed inhibition of the transferase. Under a Mg2+-depleted and acceptor-dependent ADP-ribosylating reaction condition [Tanaka, Y., Hashida, T., Yoshihara, H. and Yoshihara, K. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 12433-12438], the addition of terminal transferase to the reaction mixture stimulated the enzyme reaction in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that the transferase is functioning as an acceptor for ADP-ribose. Electrophoretic analyses of the reaction products clearly indicated that the transferase molecule itself was oligo (ADP-ribosyl)ated. When the product was further incubated in the Mg2+-fortified reaction mixture, the activity of terminal transferase markedly decreased with increase in the apparent molecular size of the enzyme, indicating that an extensive elongation of poly(ADP-ribose) bound to the transferase is essential for the observed inhibition. Free poly(ADP-ribose) and the polymer bound to poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase were ineffective on the activity of the transferase. All of these results indicate that the observed inhibition of terminal transferase is caused by the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of the transferase itself.  相似文献   

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