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Among the isozymes of carbonic anhydrase, isozyme III is the least efficient in the catalysis of the hydration of CO2 and was previously thought to be unaffected by proton transfer from buffers to the active site. We report that buffers of small size, especially imidazole, increase the rate of catalysis by human carbonic anhydrase III (HCA III) of (1) 18O exchange between HCO3- and water measured by membrane-inlet mass spectrometry and (2) the dehydration of HCO3- measured by stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Imidazole enhanced the rate of release of 18O-labeled water from the active site of wild-type carbonic anhydrase III and caused a much greater enhancement, up to 20-fold, for the K64H, R67H, and R67N mutants of this isozyme. Imidazole had no effect on the rate of interconversion of CO2 and HCO3- at chemical equilibrium. Steady-state measurements showed that the addition of imidazole resulted in increases in the turnover number (kcat) for the hydration of CO2 catalyzed by HCA III and for the dehydration of HCO3- catalyzed by R67N HCA III. These results are consistent with the transfer of a proton from the imidazolium cation to the zinc-bound hydroxide at the active site, a step required to regenerate the active form of enzyme in the catalytic cycle. Like isozyme II of carbonic anhydrase, isozyme III can be enhanced in catalytic rate by the presence of small molecule buffers in solution.  相似文献   

We report here a theoretical study on the formation of long-range proton transfer pathways in proteins due to side chain conformational fluctuations of amino acid residues and reorganization of interior hydration positions. The proton transfer pathways in such systems may be modeled as fluctuating hydrogen-bonded networks with both short- and long-lived connections between the networked nodes, the latter being formed by polar protein atoms and water molecules. It is known that these fluctuations may extend over several decades of time ranging from a few femtoseconds to a few milliseconds. We have shown in this article how the use of a variety of theoretical methods may be utilized to detect a generic set of pathways and assess the feasibility of forming one or more transient connections. We demonstrate the application of these methods to the enzyme human carbonic anhydrase II and its mutants. Our results reveal several alternative pathways in addition to the one mediated by His-64. We also probe at length the mechanism of key conformational fluctuations contributing to the formation of the detected pathways.  相似文献   

In the site-specific mutant of human carbonic anhydrase in which the proton shuttle His64 is replaced with alanine, H64A HCA II, catalysis can be activated in a saturable manner by the proton donor 4-methylimidazole (4-MI). From 1H NMR relaxivities, we found 4-MI bound as a second-shell ligand of the tetrahedrally coordinated cobalt in Co(II)-substituted H64A HCA II, with 4-MI located about 4.5 A from the metal. Binding constants of 4-MI to H64A HCA II were estimated from: (1) NMR relaxation of the protons of 4-MI by Co(II)-H64A HCA II, (2) the visible absorption spectrum of Co(II)-H64A HCA II in the presence of 4-MI, (3) the inhibition by 4-MI of the catalytic hydration of CO2, and (4) from the catalyzed exchange of 18O between CO2 and water. These experiments along with previously reported crystallographic and catalytic data help identify a range of distances at which proton transfer is efficient in carbonic anhydrase II.  相似文献   

The maximal velocity in the hydration of CO(2) catalyzed by the carbonic anhydrases in well-buffered solutions is limited by an intramolecular proton transfer from zinc-bound water to acceptor groups of the enzyme and hence to buffer in solution. Stopped-flow spectrophotometry was used to accumulate evidence that this maximal velocity is affected by residues of basic pK(a), near 8 to above 9, in catalysis of the hydration of CO(2) by carbonic anhydrases III, IV, V, and VII. A mutant of carbonic anhydrase II containing the replacement His-64-->Ala, which removes the prominent histidine proton shuttle (with pK(a) near 7), allows better observation of these basic groups. We suggest this feature of catalysis is general for the human and animal carbonic anhydrases and is due to residues of basic pK(a), predominantly lysines and tyrosines more distant from the zinc than His-64, that act as proton acceptors. These groups supplement the well-studied proton transfer from zinc-bound water to His-64 in the most efficient of the carbonic anhydrases, isozymes II, IV, and VII.  相似文献   

The undisputed role of His64 in proton transfer during catalysis by carbonic anhydrases in the α class has raised questions concerning the details of its mechanism. The highly conserved residues Tyr7, Asn62, and Asn67 in the active-site cavity function to fine tune the properties of proton transfer by human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II). For example, hydrophobic residues at these positions favor an inward orientation of His64 and a low pKa for its imidazole side chain. It appears that the predominant manner in which this fine tuning is achieved in rate constants for proton transfer is through the difference in pKa between His64 and the zinc-bound solvent molecule. Other properties of the active-site cavity, such as inward and outward conformers of His64, appear associated with the change in ΔpKa; however, there is no strong evidence to date that the inward and outward orientations of His64 are in themselves requirements for facile proton transfer in carbonic anhydrase.  相似文献   

The imidazole (15)N signals of histidine 64 (His(64)), involved in the catalytic function of human carbonic anhydrase II (hCAII), were assigned unambiguously. This was accomplished by incorporating the labeled histidine as probes for solution NMR analysis, with (15)N at ring-N(delta1) and N(epsilon2), (13)Cat ring-Cepsilon1, (13)C and (15)N at all carbon and nitrogen, or (15)N at the amide nitrogen and the labeled glycine with (13)C at the carbonyl carbon. Using the pH dependence of ring-(15)N signals and a comparison between experimental and simulated curves, we determined that the tautomeric equilibrium constant (K(T)) of His(64) is 1.0, which differs from that of other histidine residues. This unique value characterizes the imidazole nitrogen atoms of His(64) as both a general acid (a) and base (b): its epsilon2-nitrogen as (a) releases one proton into the bulk, whereas its delta1-nitrogen as (b) extracts another proton from a water molecule within the water bridge coupling to the zinc-bound water inside the cave. This accelerates the generation of zinc-bound hydroxide to react with the carbon dioxide. Releasing the productive bicarbonate ion from the inside separates the water bridge pathway, in which the next water molecules move into beside zinc ion. A new water molecule is supplied from the bulk to near the delta1-nitrogen of His(64). These reconstitute the water bridge. Based on these features, we suggest here a catalytic mechanism for hCAII: the tautomerization of His(64) can mediate the transfers of both protons and water molecules at a neutral pH with high efficiency, requiring no time- or energy-consuming processes.  相似文献   

In the catalysis of the hydration of carbon dioxide and dehydration of bicarbonate by human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II), a histidine residue (His64) shuttles protons between the zinc-bound solvent molecule and the bulk solution. To evaluate the effect of the position of the shuttle histidine and pH on proton shuttling, we have examined the catalysis and crystal structures of wild-type HCA II and two double mutants: H64A/N62H and H64A/N67H HCA II. His62 and His67 both have their side chains extending into the active-site cavity with distances from the zinc approximately equivalent to that of His64. Crystal structures were determined at pH 5.1-10.0, and the catalysis of the exchange of (18)O between CO(2) and water was assessed by mass spectrometry. Efficient proton shuttle exceeding a rate of 10(5) s(-)(1) was observed for histidine at positions 64 and 67; in contrast, relatively inefficient proton transfer at a rate near 10(3) s(-)(1) was observed for His62. The observation, in the crystal structures, of a completed hydrogen-bonded water chain between the histidine shuttle residue and the zinc-bound solvent does not appear to be required for efficient proton transfer. The data suggest that the number of intervening water molecules between the donor and acceptor supporting efficient proton transfer in HCA II is important, and furthermore suggest that a water bridge consisting of two intervening water molecules is consistent with efficient proton transfer.  相似文献   

The residue phenylalanine 198 (Phe 198) is a prominent cause of the lower activity of human carbonic anhydrase III (HCA III) compared with HCA II and other isozymes which have leucine at this site. We report the crystal structures of HCA III and the site-directed mutant F198L HCA III, both at 2.1 A resolution, and the enhancement of catalytic activity by exogenous proton donors containing imidazole rings. Both enzymes had a hexahistidine extension at the carboxy-terminal end, used to aid in purification, that was ordered in the crystal structures bound in the active site cavity of an adjacent symmetry-related enzyme. This observation allowed us to comment on a number of possible binding sites for imidazole and derivatives as exogenous proton donors/acceptors in catalysis by HCA III. Kinetic and structural evidence indicates that the phenyl side chain of Phe 198 in HCA III, about 5 A from the zinc, is a steric constriction in the active site, may cause altered interactions at the zinc-bound solvent, and is a binding site for the activation of catalysis by histidylhistidine. This suggests that sites of activation of the proton-transfer pathway in carbonic anhydrase are closer to the zinc than considered in previous studies.  相似文献   

Four amino acid residues, His64, Asn67, Leu198 and Val207, in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II, have been replaced by Lys64, Arg67, Phe198 and Ile207, which are characteristic for the muscle-specific, low-activity isoenzyme form, carbonic anhydrase III. The aim of the investigation has been to test if any of these residues, or a combination of them, is important for the low CO2 hydration activity, low esterase activity, low pKa for the pH/rate profile and low affinity for sulfonamide inhibitors characterizing carbonic anhydrases III. However, no evidence for such critical roles was found. A combination of Lys64 and Arg67 appears to result in a decrease in CO2 hydration activity, but even the quadruple mutant having all four changes is only eight times less active (kcat/Km) than unmodified isoenzyme II, in contrast to isoenzyme III which is nearly 300 times less active than isoenzyme II. The 4-nitrophenyl acetate hydrolase activity of the quadruple mutant is sevenfold lower than that of unmodified isoenzyme II, while the active site of isoenzyme III hardly catalyzes the hydrolysis of this ester at all. The pKa controlling the esterase activity of the quadruple mutant is 6.2, which should be compared to a value of 6.8 for unmodified isoenzyme II, and about 5 for isoenzyme III. While isoenzyme III binds sulfonamide inhibitors 10(3)-10(4) times less strongly than isoenzyme II, only [Asn-67----Arg]isoenzyme II shows a weaker binding of the investigated sulfonamide, dansylamide, but only by a factor of two. Some of the other mutants show enhanced affinities, up to nearly fourfold for the double mutant with Phe198 and Ile207. It is speculated that additional differences between the active sites of isoenzyme II and III might be important for the precise orientations and interactions of the side chains of isoenzyme-III-specific amino acid residues.  相似文献   

J Y Liang  W N Lipscomb 《Biochemistry》1988,27(23):8676-8682
The energy barrier for the intramolecular proton transfer between zinc-bound water and His 64 in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) has been studied at the partial retention of diatomic differential overlap (PRDDO) level. The most important stabilizing factor for the intramolecular proton transfer is the zinc ion, which lowers the pKa of zinc-bound water and electrostatically repels the proton. The energy barrier of 127.5 kcal/mol for proton transfer between a water dimer is completely removed in the presence of the zinc ion. The zinc ligands, which donate electrons to the zinc ion, raise the barrier slightly to 34 kcal/mol for a 4-coordinated zinc complex including three imidazole ligands from His 94, His 96, and His 119 and to 54 kcal/mol for the 5-coordinated zinc complex including the fifth water ligand. A few model calculations indicate that these energy barriers are expected to be reduced to within experimental range (approximately 10 kcal/mol) when large basis set, correlation energies, and molecular dynamics are considered. The proton-transfer group, which functions as proton receiver in the intramolecular proton transfer, helps to attract the proton; and the partially ordered active site water molecules are important for proton relay function.  相似文献   

The binding of bovine oxyhemoglobin to bovine carbonic anhydrase with a dissociation constant between 10(-5) and 10(-7) M has been determined by countercurrent distribution using aqueous, biphasic polymer systems. This result provides an explanation for the very efficient proton transfer between hemoglobin and carbonic anhydrase, a transfer which enhances the catalytic activity of carbonic anhydrase as measured by 18O exchange between bicarbonate and water at chemical equilibrium (Silverman, D. N., Tu, C. K., and Wynns, G. C. (1978) J. Biol. Chem, 253, 2563-2567). Two rate constants describing 18O exchange activity of carbonic anhydrase at pH 7.5 show saturation behavior when plotted against hemoglobin concentration consistent with a dissociation constant of 2.5 X 10(-6) M between bovine hemoglobin and carbonic anhydrase. Interpretation of these rate constants in terms of a two-step model for 18O exchange indicates that hemoglobin enhances the rate of exchange from carbonic anhydrase of water containing the oxygen abstracted from bicarbonate, but does not affect the catalytic interconversion of CO2 and HCO3- at chemical equilibrium.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficiency of glutamic acid 64 and aspartic acid 64 as proton donors to the zinc-bound hydroxide in a series of site-specific mutants of human carbonic anhydrase III (HCA III). Rate constants for this intramolecular proton transfer, a step in the catalyzed dehydration of bicarbonate, were determined from the proton-transfer-dependent rates of release of H2 18O from the enzyme measured by mass spectrometry. The free energy plots representing these rate constants could be fit by the Marcus rate theory, resulting in an intrinsic barrier for the proton transfer of deltaG0++ = 2.2 +/- 0.5 kcal/mol, and a work function or thermodynamic contribution to the free energy of reaction wr = 10.8 +/- 0.1 kcal/mol. These values are very similar in magnitude to the Marcus parameters describing intramolecular proton transfer from His64 and His67 to the zinc-bound hydroxide in mutants of HCA III. That result and the equivalent efficiency of Glu64 and Asp64 as proton donors in the catalysis by CA III demonstrate a lack of specificity in proton transfer from these sites, which is indirect evidence of a number of proton conduction pathways through different structures of intervening water chains. The dominance of the thermodynamic contribution or work function for all of these proton transfers is consistent with the view that formation and breaking of hydrogen bonds in such water chains is a limiting factor for proton translocation.  相似文献   

The initial water proteolysis step in the proton transfer "half-reaction" of human carbonic anhydrase I is simulated using the empirical valence bond method in combination with free energy perturbation molecular dynamics calculations. A free energy profile for the enzyme catalysed reaction and the corresponding pKa associated with ionization of the zinc-bound water is calculated. The obtained pKa value of 7 to 8 appears to be in good agreement with experimental observations and the calculated rate constant for this step is also compatible with kinetic data. The simulations clearly emphasize the important electrostatic effect associated with the catalytic zinc ion.  相似文献   

We present molecular modeling of the structure and possible proton transfer pathways from the surface of the protein to the zinc-bound water molecule in the active site of the mutant His-107–Tyr of human carbonic anhydrase II (HCAII). No high-resolution structure or crystal structure is available till now for this particular mutant due to its lack of stability at physiological temperature. Our analysis utilizes as starting point a series of structures derived from high-resolution crystal structure of the wild type protein. While many of the structures investigated do not reveal a complete path between the zinc bound water and His-64, several others do indicate the presence of a transient connection even when His-64 is present in its outward conformation. Mutation at the residue 107 also reveals the formation of a new path into the active site. Competing contributions from His-64 sidechain rotation from its outward conformation are also evaluated in terms of optimal path analysis. No indication of a lower catalytic efficiency of the mutant is evident from our results under the condition of thermal stability of the mutant.  相似文献   

Human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) has a histidine at position 64 (His64) that donates a proton to the zinc-bound hydroxide in catalysis of the dehydration of bicarbonate. To examine the effect of the histidine location on proton shuttling, His64 was replaced with Ala and Thr200 replaced with histidine (H64A-T200H HCAII), effectively relocating the proton shuttle residue 2 A closer to the zinc-bound hydroxide compared to wild type HCA II. The crystal structure of H64A-T200H HCA II at 1.8 A resolution shows the side chain of His200 directly hydrogen-bonded with the zinc-bound solvent. Different proton transfer processes were observed at pH 6 and at pH 8 during the catalytic hydration-dehydration cycle, measured by mass spectrometry as the depletion of 18O from C18O2 by H64A-T200H HCA II. The process at pH 6.0 is attributed to proton transfer between the side chain of His200 and the zinc-bound hydroxide, in analogy with proton transfer involving His64 in wild-type HCA II. At pH 8.0 it is attributed to proton transfer between bicarbonate and the zinc-bound hydroxide, as supported by the dependence of the rate of proton transfer on bicarbonate concentration and on solvent hydrogen isotope effects. This study establishes that a histidine directly hydrogen-bonded to the zinc-bound hydroxide, can adopt the correct distance geometry to support proton transfer  相似文献   

Human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) is a zinc-metalloenzyme that catalyzes the reversible interconversion of CO2 and HCO3-. The rate-limiting step of this catalysis is the transfer of a proton between the Zn-bound solvent molecule and residue His64. In order to fully characterize the active site structural features implicated in the proton transfer mechanism, the refined X-ray crystal structure of uncomplexed wild type HCA II to 1.05 A resolution with an Rcryst value of 12.0% and an Rfree value of 15.1% has been elucidated. This structure provides strong clues as to the pathway of the intramolecular proton transfer between the Zn-bound solvent and His64. The structure emphasizes the role of the solvent network, the unique positioning of solvent molecule W2, and the significance of the dual conformation of His64 in the active site. The structure is compared with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation calculations of the Zn-bound hydroxyl/His64+ (charged) and the Zn-bound water/His64 (uncharged) HCA II states. A comparison of the crystallographic anisotropic atomic thermal parameters and MD simulation root-mean-square fluctuation values show excellent agreement in the atomic motion observed between the two methods. It is also interesting that the observed active site solvent positions in the crystal structure are also the most probable positions of the solvent during the MD simulations. On the basis of the comparative study of the MD simulation results, the HCA II crystal structure observed is most likely in the Zn-bound water/His64 state. This conclusion is based on the following observations: His64 is mainly (80%) orientated in an inward conformation; electron density omit maps infer that His64 is not charged in an either inward or outward conformation; and the Zn-bound solvent is most likely a water molecule.  相似文献   

The tryptophan residue Trp5, highly conserved in the α class of carbonic anhydrases including human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II), is positioned at the entrance of the active site cavity and forms a π-stacking interaction with the imidazole ring of the proton shuttle His64 in its outward orientation. We have observed that replacement of Trp5 in HCA II caused significant structural changes, as determined by X-ray diffraction, in the conformation of 11 residues at the N-terminus and in the orientation of the proton shuttle residue His64. Most significantly, two variants W5H and W5E HCA II had His64 predominantly outward in orientation, while W5F and wild type showed the superposition of both outward and inward orientations in crystal structures. Although Trp5 influences the orientation of the proton shuttle His64, this orientation had no significant effect on the rate constant for proton transfer near 1 μs−1, determined by exchange of 18O between CO2 and water measured by mass spectrometry. The apparent values of the pKa of the zinc-bound water and the proton shuttle residue suggest that different active-site conformations influence the two stages of catalysis, the proton transfer stage and the interconversion of CO2 and bicarbonate.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is a ubiquitous enzyme catalyzing the equilibration of carbon dioxide, protons, and bicarbonate. For several acid/base-coupled membrane carriers it has been shown that the catalytic activity of CA supports transport activity, an interaction coined "transport metabolon." We have reported that CA isoform II (CAII) enhances lactate transport activity of the monocarboxylate transporter isoform I (MCT1) expressed in Xenopus oocytes, which does not require CAII catalytic activity (Becker, H. M., Fecher-Trost, C., Hirnet, D., Sültemeyer, D., and Deitmer, J. W. (2005) J. Biol. Chem. 280, 39882-39889 ). Coexpression of MCT1 with either wild type CAII or the catalytically inactive mutant CAII-V143Y similarly enhanced MCT1 activity, although injection of CAI or coexpression of an N-terminal mutant of CAII had no effect on MCT1 transport activity, demonstrating a specific, nonenzymatic action of CAII on lactate transport via MCT1. If the H(+) gradient was set to dominate the rate of lactate transport by applying low concentrations of lactate at a high H(+) concentration, the effect of CAII was largest. We tested the hypothesis of whether CAII helps to shuttle H(+) along the inner face of the cell membrane by measuring the pH change with fluorescent dye in different areas of interest during focal lactate application. Intracellular pH shifts decayed from the focus of lactate application to more distant sites much less when CAII had been injected. We present a hypothetical model in which the effective movement of H(+) into the bulk cytosol is increased by CAII, thus slowing the dissipation of the H(+) gradient across the cell membrane, which drives MCT1 activity.  相似文献   

We report the X-ray crystal structures and rate constants for proton transfer in site-specific mutants of human carbonic anhydrase III (HCA III) that place a histidine residue in the active-site cavity: K64H, R67H, and K64H-R67N HCA III. Prior evidence from the exchange of 18O between CO2 and water measured by mass spectrometry shows each mutant to have enhanced proton transfer in catalysis compared with wild-type HCA III. However, His64 in K64H and K64H-R67N HCA III have at most a capacity for proton transfer that is only 13% that of His64 in HCA II. This reduced rate in mutants of HCA III is associated with a constrained side-chain conformation of His64, which is oriented outward, away from the active-site zinc in the crystal structures. This conformation appears stabilized by a prominent pi stacking interaction of the imidazole ring of His64 with the indole ring of Trp5 in mutants of HCA III. This single orientation of His64 in K64H HCA III predominates also in a double mutant K64H-R67N HCA III, indicating that the positive charge of Arg67 does not influence the observed conformation of His64 in the crystal structure. Hence, the structures and catalytic activity of these mutants of HCA III containing His64 account only in small part for the lower activity of this isozyme compared with HCA II. His67 in R67H HCA III was also shown to be a proton shuttle residue, having a capacity for proton transfer that was approximately four times that of His64 in K64H HCA III. This is most likely due to its proximity and orientation inward towards the zinc-bound solvent. These results emphasize the significance of side chain orientation and range of available conformational states as characteristics of an efficient proton shuttle in carbonic anhydrase.  相似文献   

Roy A  Taraphder S 《Biopolymers》2006,82(6):623-630
We have investigated the possible proton transfer pathways from the surface of the protein to the zinc-bound water molecule in the mutant His-64-Ala of human carbonic anhydrase II. Starting with an input of known crystallographic structures of the mutant, we model the proton pathways as hydrogen-bonded networks of proton conducting groups and bound solvent molecules. No proton path is detected in the mutant, in close agreement with the experimental observation of a 20-fold decrease in its catalytic efficiency compared to the wild-type enzyme. We also investigate in detail changes in hydration structure at the active site of the mutant and the resulting proton paths in the presence of an exogenous proton donor 4-methylimidazole (4-MI). The proton transfer pathways thus detected are correlated to the observed chemical rescue of catalytic activity by 4-MI.  相似文献   

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