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A 26 kDa endochitinase from barley seeds was enzymatically characterized exclusively by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). At first, oligosaccharide hydrolysis catalyzed by the barley chitinase was monitored in real-time by ESI-MS. The reaction time-course obtained by ESI-MS monitoring was found to be consistent with the data obtained earlier by HPLC, and the quantitative profile was successfully simulated by kinetic modeling of the enzymatic hydrolysis. It is obvious that the real-time monitoring method by ESI-MS allows a faster and cheaper determination of the chitinase activity with unlabeled substrate. Further, the enzymatic activity of the E67Q mutant of the barley chitinase was analyzed and the role of Glu67 was discussed comparing the mass spectra of enzyme protein obtained in native and in denatured conditions. Then it was determined that the observed loss of the enzymatic activity in E67Q is definitely caused by a point mutation of Glu67 but not due to partial unfolding of the mutated enzyme. Finally, association constants of enzyme–oligosaccharide complexes were calculated from Scatchard plots obtained by mass spectra. The binding free energy values obtained for E67Q were found to be comparable to those previously obtained in liquid phase, but less dependent upon the chain length of the oligosaccharides. To our knowledge, this study is the first enzymatic characterization of chitinase exclusively by such an innovative ESI-MS system.  相似文献   

Higher plants contain several constitutively expressed proteins for protection against infections by viruses, bacteria and fungi. Here we report the crystallization of a polypeptide with antifungal activity, a 26,000 dalton endochitinase from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seeds, in a form suitable for high-resolution X-ray analysis. Crystals were grown by vapor diffusion under several different conditions. The best crystals, obtained with ammonium sulfate as the precipitant, belong to the tetragonal space group P4(1)2(1)2 (P4(3)2(1)2), with cell dimensions a = b = 62.9 A and c = 96.0 A. The cell dimensions are consistent with one endochitinase molecule per asymmetric unit, and the crystals diffract to at least 2.0 A resolution.  相似文献   

(Glucurono)arabinoxylans were extracted from barley husks and degraded with endo-beta-xylanase or subjected to periodate oxidation. The released oligosaccharide fragments were separated and isolated on Biogel-P2, and their structures were determined by NMR spectroscopy. The oligosaccharides identified consisted of beta-d-(1-->4)-linked xylopyranosyl residues, of which some were substituted at O-3 with alpha-l-arabinofuranosyl groups or at O-2 with 4-O-methylglucuronic acid. In addition to these substituents, a disaccharide side chain, 2-O-beta-d-xylopyranosyl-alpha-l-arabinofuranose, attached at position O-3 of the main chain, was proved to exist in arabinoxylan from barley husks. The compound was fully characterized with NMR, and all (1)H and (13)C NMR signals were assigned. The arabinose to xylose ratio was low (approximately 0.2) and no 2,3-disubstitution existed. No blocks of substituted xylose residues could be observed along the main chain.  相似文献   

The Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitor from barley seeds (BBBI) consists of 125 amino acid residues with two inhibitory loops. Its crystal structure in the free state has been determined by the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) method and has been refined to a crystallographic R-value of 19.1 % for 8.0-1.9 A data. This is the first report on the structure of a 16 kDa double-headed Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI) from monocotyledonous plants and provides the highest resolution picture of a BBI to date. The BBBI structure consists of 11 beta-strands and the loops connecting these beta-strands but it lacks alpha-helices. BBBI folds into two compact domains of similar tertiary structure. Each domain shares the same overall fold with 8 kDa dicotyledonous BBIs. The five disulfide bridges in each domain are a subset of the seven disulfide bridges in 8 kDa dicotyledonous BBIs. Two buried water molecules form hydrogen bonds to backbone atoms in the core of each domain. One interesting feature of this two-domain inhibitor structure is that the two P1 residues (Arg17 and Arg76) are approximately 40 A apart, allowing the two reactive-site loops to bind to and to inhibit two trypsin molecules simultaneously and independently. The conformations of the reactive-site loops of BBBI are highly similar to those of other substrate-like inhibitors. This structure provides the framework for modeling of the 1:2 complex between BBBI and trypsin.  相似文献   

The glycoproteins of the cell walls of Chlamydomonas are lysed during the reproductive cycle by proteases (autolysins) which are specific for their substrates. The autolysin which digests the wall of sporangia to liberate the zoospore daughter cells in the vegetative life cycle is a collagenase-like enzyme which attacks only selected domains in its wall substrates containing (hydroxy)-proline clusters. Cell-wall fractions obtained by salt-extraction (NaClO4) and oxidizing agents (NaClO2) and the insoluble residue were tested as substrates. The most-crosslinked insoluble inner part of the wall is the best substrate for the sporangia autolysin. Oligosaccharides obtained from the insoluble cell-wall fraction of sporangia by hydrolysis with Ba(OH)2 inhibit autolysin action. We conclude that the oligosaccharide side chains of wall substrates are essential for forming the reactive enzyme-substrate complex.Abbreviations CSW chlorite-soluble cell-wall fraction - ICW insoluble cell-wall fraction - PSW salt-soluble fraction - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The incorporation of 14C by etiolated maize and barley shoots exposed to light of 14CO2 and [2-14C]mevalonic acid into phylloquinone, plastoquinone, ubiquinone, α-tocopherolquinone and α-tocopherol was examined. In maize (the principal tissue studied) it was demonstrated that 14C from [2-14C]mevalonic acid is incorporated into phylloquinone, plastoquinone and ubiquinone. α-Tocopherol and α-tocopherolquinone, although undoubtedly labelled from this substrate, were not purified completely. As expected, 14C from 14CO2 was incorporated into all components examined. Ozonolytic degradation studies showed that 14C from [2-14C]mevalonic acid was incorporated specifically into the prenyl side chains of plastoquinone and ubiquinone, and from this it was inferred that mevalonic acid can be regarded as the specific distal precursor to the prenyl portions of all terpenoid quinones occurring in plant tissues. From a comparison of the relative incorporation of 14C from 14CO2 and [2-14C]mevalonic acid into the intra- and extra-chloroplastidic terpenoids evidence was obtained consistent with the tenet that the prenyl portions of the chloroplastidic quinones phylloquinone and plastoquinone, along with β-carotene, are biosynthesized within the confines of the chloroplast, the side chain of the extraplastidic ubiquinone and phytosterols being synthesized elsewhere within the cell. The results obtained for the incorporation of 14C from 14CO2 and [2-14C]mevalonic acid into α-tocopherol and α-tocopherolquinone were not readily interpretable with regard to the site of synthesis of these compounds.  相似文献   

Fragments of 32, 26 and 17 kDa of the porcine estradiol receptor were prepared, all of which contain the ligand-binding site. While dimers of the 32 and 26 kDa fragments like those of intact receptor can be dissociated by protonation, the dimer of the 17 kDa fragment obtained by trypsination of the 26 kDa fragment is resistant to lowering the pH from 7.0 to 6.5 and below. Its dissociation can be achieved by 0.5 M MgCl2 at pH 7.0. All fragments are recognized by the MAB 13H2 in Western blots. The antibody also reacts with native receptor and the three fragments, both in their monomer and dimer states. The combining ratios of antibody with receptor, or its fragments, in the monomer and dimer states and the weakening of the estradiol-receptor bond by antibody attachment support the back to back and head to toe model of receptor dimers.  相似文献   

Experimental data and homology modeling suggest a structure for the exofacial configuration of the Glut1 glucose transporter in which 8 transmembrane helices form an aqueous cavity in the bilayer that is stabilized by four outer helices. The role of transmembrane segment 6, predicted to be an outer helix in this model, was examined by cysteine-scanning mutagenesis and the substituted cysteine accessibility method using the membrane-impermeant, sulfhydryl-specific reagent, p-chloromercuribenzene-sulfonate (pCMBS). A fully functional Glut1 molecule lacking all 6 native cysteine residues was used as a template to produce a series of 21 Glut1 point mutants in which each residue along helix 6 was individually changed to cysteine. These mutants were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and their expression levels, functional activities, and sensitivities to inhibition by pCMBS were determined. Cysteine substitutions at Leu(204) and Pro(205) abolished transport activity, whereas substitutions at Ile(192), Pro(196), Gln(200), and Gly(201) resulted in inhibition of activity that ranged from approximately 35 to approximately 80%. Cysteine substitutions at Leu(188), Ser(191), and Leu(199) moderately augmented specific transport activity relative to the control. These results were dramatically different from those previously reported for helix 12, the structural cognate of helix 6 in the pseudo-symmetrical structural model, for which none of the 21 single-cysteine mutants exhibited reduced activity. Only the substitution at Leu(188) conferred inhibition by pCMBS, suggesting that most of helix 6 is not exposed to the external solvent, consistent with its proposed role as an outer helix. These data suggest that helix 6 contains amino acid side chains that are critical for transport activity and that structurally analogous outer helices may play distinct roles in the function of membrane transporters.  相似文献   

Parkia platycephala lectin 2 was purified from Parkia platycephala (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) seeds by affinity chromatography and RP-HPLC. Equilibrium sedimentation and MS showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is a nonglycosylated monomeric protein of molecular mass 29 407+/-15 Da, which contains six cysteine residues engaged in the formation of three intramolecular disulfide bonds. Parkia platycephala lectin 2 agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes, and this activity was specifically inhibited by N-acetylglucosamine. In addition, Parkia platycephala lectin 2 hydrolyzed beta(1-4) glycosidic bonds linking 2-acetoamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose units in chitin. The full-length amino acid sequence of Parkia platycephala lectin 2, determined by N-terminal sequencing and cDNA cloning, and its three-dimensional structure, established by X-ray crystallography at 1.75 A resolution, showed that Parkia platycephala lectin 2 is homologous to endochitinases of the glycosyl hydrolase family 18, which share the (betaalpha)8 barrel topology harboring the catalytic residues Asp125, Glu127, and Tyr182.  相似文献   

Bowers KE  Fierke CA 《Biochemistry》2004,43(18):5256-5265
Protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) requires both Zn(2+) and Mg(2+) for efficient catalysis of the formation of a thioether bond between carbon-1 of farnesyldiphosphate (FPP) and the cysteine thiolate contained in the carboxy-terminal CaaX sequence of target proteins. Millimolar concentrations of Mg(2+) accelerate catalysis by as much as 700-fold in FTase. Although FTase lacks a typical DDXXD Mg(2+) binding site found in other enzymes that use Mg(2+) for diphosphate stabilization, D352beta in FTase has been implicated in binding Mg(2+) (Pickett et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 51243). Structural studies demonstrate that the diphosphate (PPi) group of FPP resides in a binding pocket made up of highly positively charged side chains, including residues R291beta and K294beta, prior to formation of an active conformation. Analysis of the Mg(2+) dependence of FTase mutants demonstrates that these positively charged residues decrease the Mg(2+) affinity up to 40-fold. In addition, these residues enhance the farnesylation rate constant by almost 80-fold in the presence of Mg(2+), indicating that these residues are not simply displaced by Mg(2+) during the reaction. Mutations at R291beta increase the pK(a) observed in the magnesium affinity, suggesting that this arginine stabilizes the deprotonated form of the PPi leaving group. Furthermore, binding and catalysis data using farnesylmonophosphate (FMP) as a substrate indicate that the side chains of R291beta and K294beta interact mainly with the beta-phosphate of FPP during the chemical reaction. These results allow refinement of the model of the Mg(2+) binding site and demonstrate that positive charge stabilizes the developing charge on the diphosphate leaving group.  相似文献   

Pyrimidoacridinetriones (PATs) are a new group of highly active antitumor compounds. It seems reasonable to assume that, like for some other acridine derivatives, intercalation into DNA is a necessary, however not a sufficient condition for antitumor activity of these compounds. Rational design of new compounds of this chemotype requires knowledge about the structure of the intercalation complex, as well as about interactions responsible for its stability. Computer simulation techniques such as molecular dynamics (MD) may provide valuable information about these problems. The results of MD simulations performed for three rationally selected PATs are presented in this paper. The compounds differ in the number and position of side chains. Each of the compounds was simulated in two systems: i) in water, and ii) in the intercalation complex with the dodecamer duplex d(GCGCGCGCGCGC)2. The orientation of the side chain in relation to the ring system is determined by the position of its attachment. Orientation of the ring system inside the intercalation cavity depends on the number and position of side chain(s). The conformations of the side chain(s) of all PATs studied in the intercalation complex were found to be very similar to those observed in water.  相似文献   

A series of four biscationic diphenylfuran derivatives was used to investigate drug binding to the transactivation response element (TAR) RNA. The drugs, which are active against the Pneumocystis carinii pathogen (PCP), differ by the nature of the terminal basic side chains. Furimidazoline (DB60) is more potent at inhibiting binding of the Tat protein to TAR than furamidine (DB75) and the amidine-substituted analogues DB244 and DB226. In vivo studies using the fusion-induced gene stimulation (FIGS) assay entirely agree with the in vitro gel mobility shift data. The capacity of the drugs to antagonize Tat binding correlates with their RNA binding properties determined by melting temperature and RNase protection experiments. Footprinting studies indicate that the bulge region of TAR provides the identity element for the diphenylfurans. Access of the drugs to the major groove cavity at the pyrimidine bulge depends on the bulk of the alkylamine substituents. Experiments using TAR mutants show that the bulge of TAR is critical for drug binding but also reveal that the fit of the drugs into the major groove cavity of TAR does not involve specific contacts with the highly conserved residue U23 or the C x G26-39 base pair. The binding essentially involves shape recognition. The results are also discussed with respect to the known activity of the drug against PCP which is the major cause of mortality in AIDS patients. This study provides guidelines for future development of TAR-targeted anti-HIV-1 drugs.  相似文献   

An undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase fraction, which was free of other prenyltransferases and was active without the addition of detergent or phospholipid, was obtained by Sephadex G-100 chromatography of cell-free extracts of Micrococcus luteus B-P 26 cells. The addition of small amounts of Triton X-100 to this fraction caused a marked loss of the enzyme activity, but the activity was gradually restored as further detergent was added. When the enzyme fraction was chromatographed on DEAE-cellulose, the synthase was partially purified, but the activity was not detected unless assayed with addition of the detergent or a lipid fraction of this bacterium. Among the three phospholipids isolated from this bacterium, cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol had a marked effect in activating lipid-depleted undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase, but O-lysylphosphatidylglycerol, which occurs prominently in this bacterium, had little effect.  相似文献   

The targeting of proteolytic substrates is accomplished by a family of ubiquitin-conjugating (E2) enzymes and a diverse set of substrate recognition (E3) factors. The ligation of a multiubiquitin chain to a substrate can promote its degradation by the proteasome. However, the mechanism that facilitates the translocation of a substrate to the proteasome in vivo is poorly understood. We have discovered that E2 proteins, including Ubc1, Ubc2, Ubc4, and Ubc5, can interact with the 26S proteasome. Significantly, the interaction between Ubc4 and the proteasome is strongly induced by heat stress, consistent with the requirement for this E2 for efficient stress tolerance. A catalytically inactive derivative of Ubc4 (Ubc4(C86A)), which causes toxicity in yeast cells, can also bind the proteasome. Purified proteasomes can ligate ubiquitin to a test substrate without the addition of exogenous E2 protein, suggesting that the ubiquitylation of some proteolytic substrates might be directly coupled to degradation by the proteasome.  相似文献   

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