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Colony-forming heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from several locations in coastal waters of Primorye that differ in the extent and character of heavy metal pollution. Statistically significant differences in the minimum inhibitory concentrations of some metals were found for bacteria isolated from the environments with different levels of pollution. Bacterial strains that were highly tolerant of several heavy metals also showed resistance to a wide spectrum of antibiotics, and some strains bore plasmids of varying numbers and sizes. Bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae and the genus Pseudomonas were the dominant metal-resistant bacterial forms in the polluted coastal wasters of Primorye. No strict correlation was found between metal resistance and taxonomic identity of bacteria.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Bezverbnaya, Buzoleva, Khristoforova.  相似文献   

Virus production in oxic surface sediments and virioplankton sorption to suspended particles was estimated across three stations in the Southern California region (33.4°N, 118.6°W). Viriobenthos production was estimated using a sterile sediment and filtered porewater dilution technique that targeted production from both attached bacteria and bacteria living free in the porewater, and attached bacteria alone. Potential virus production rates by bacteria free in the porewater ranged from 1.7 to 4.6 × 108 VLP cm–3 h–1, while attached bacteria had slower potential production rates of between 0.4 and 1.1 × 108 VLP cm–3 h–1, suggesting turnover rates of viruses in sediments (1–5 h) which are significantly higher than those of virioplankton (~24–48 h). Virioplankton adsorbed to small (<150 µm) suspended sediments at stations with high ambient suspended solid concentrations. Virioplankton scavenging rates combined with published sedimentation rates demonstrate that this mechanism of virus arrival could only account for 0.01% of daily benthic virus production. Calculated mortality rates of benthic bacteria (4–14% h–1) suggest viruses may play an important role in sediment carbon cycling.  相似文献   

The abundance and heterotrophic activity of attached and free-living bacteria were examined seasonally in coastal water. Heterotrophic activity was determined by the uptake of [14C]glucose. The density of attached bacteria was always minor, not showing a seasonal variation, whereas the free-living bacteria were more numerous and showed a marked seasonal variation, their density being higher under warmer conditions. The contribution of the attached bacteria to the total assimilation of [14C]glucose (from 10 to 38%) was lower than that of the free-living bacteria, neither of them showing a seasonal variation. On a cellular basis, attached bacteria were more active, since they assimilated more [14C]glucose and showed, under warmer conditions, a higher cellular volume (0.102 versus 0.047 μm3). We consider that the factors responsible for these observations were the amount and quality of the particulate material, the different availability of organic matter for the two types of bacteria, and in a fundamental way, the variation in water temperature.  相似文献   

Bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) is an index of organic carbon passing through bacteria in an aquatic system. BGE values of natural bacterioplankton assemblages were measured in tropical estuarine and adjacent coastal waters in Goa along the southwest coast of India. The BGE values for estuarine and coastal waters were 18 (±7.84%) and 11 (±4.19%), respectively. BGE in these waters were at the lower end of what is usually found in productive systems. This may be due to the high respiration rates. Further, it was observed that grazers also influenced BGE. As BGE was positively correlated with bacterial productivity, the observed variation in BGE was attributed to bacterial productivity. BGE was inversely related to C:N ratio, indicating a close coupling between the nature of the substrates and BGE. Being system-dependent, the variations in BGE at the two locations were dynamic and were regulated by the quality of the substrates. Therefore, a constant value for BGE would lead to error in carbon budgets in these waters.  相似文献   

A cross-transplant experiment between estuarine water and seawater was conducted to examine the response of bacterial metabolic activity to riverine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) input under virus-rich and virus-free conditions, as well as to exogenous viruses. Riverine DOC input increased bacterial production significantly, but not bacterial respiration (BR) because of its high lability. The bioavailable riverine DOC influenced bulk bacterial respiration in two contrasting ways; it enhanced the bulk BR by stimulating bacterial growth, but simultaneously reduced the cell-specific BR due to its high lability. As a result, there was little stimulation of the bulk BR by riverine DOC. This might be partly responsible for lower CO2 degassing fluxes in estuaries receiving high sewage-DOC that is highly labile. Viruses restricted microbial decomposition of riverine DOC dramatically by repressing the growth of metabolically active bacteria. Bacterial carbon demand in the presence of viruses only accounted for 7–12% of that in the absence of viruses. Consequently, a large fraction of riverine DOC was likely transported offshore to the shelf. In addition, marine bacteria and estuarine bacteria responded distinctly to exogenous viruses. Marine viruses were able to infect estuarine bacteria, but not as efficiently as estuarine viruses, while estuarine viruses infected marine bacteria as efficiently as marine viruses. We speculate that the rapid changes in the viral community due to freshwater input destroyed the existing bacteria-virus relationship, which would change the bacterial community composition and affect the bacterial metabolic activity and carbon cycling in this estuary.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance, biomass (biovolume) and taxonomic compositionwere studied within an annual cycle (August 1995–October1996) in the Bay of Blanes (northwest Mediterranean). Weeklyzooplankton sampling included oblique tows made with a 200 µmJuday–Bogorov net, and vertical tows made with a 53 µmnet, to adequately sample both mesoplankton and the smallerzooplankton fractions. Total zooplankton abundance showed highvariability, lacking any clear seasonal pattern. However, thedifferent species within the zooplankton community displayeda clear succession throughout the year. In general, cyclopoidcopepods (Oithona spp.) and cladocerans (Peniliaavirostris)dominated the summer and autumn communities, whereas in winterand spring, calanoid copepods (Clausocalanus spp., Paracalanussp. and Centropages typicus) were predominant. The zooplanktonannual cycle in the Bay of Blanes does not resemble those ofother Mediterraneanlittoral areas, probably due to the inherentparticularity and variability associated with open coastal environments.On average, the abundance of organisms estimated with a traditional200 µm Juday–Bogorov net was 8.1 times lower thanthe values obtained with a 53 µm net. Even if only organisms>200 µm collected in the 53 µm tows were considered,the total abundance within the 53 µm net was still 4.4times higher than the estimates from the Juday–Bogorovnet. These results suggest the need for accurate samplings ofthe entire zooplankton assemblage when characterizing the structureand dynamics of zooplanktonic communities.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic flagellates (HFs) are important members of the aquatic microbial food web. However, information on their spatial patterns in relation to eutrophication is limited. Here, we examined the composition and spatial distributions of HFs (<3 μm) in subtropical coastal waters of different trophic status by re-analyzing two previously published small subunit rDNA pyrosequence datasets using information from the newly launched Protist Ribosomal Reference database (PR2). Whereas the contributions of different major clades composing the Marine Stramenopiles (MASTs), picobiliphytes and Chrysophyceae were found relatively comparable between the stations, contrasting compositions of the Marine Alveolates (MALV) groups I and II were observed. The high and relatively stable contribution of MAST-1, -3 and -7 among the MASTs in both stations suggest their importance as bacterial grazers in coastal waters, irrespective of trophic status. By contrast, the dominance of clades 3, 5 and 14 of MALV II in the eutrophic station implies their importance in regulating the dinoflagellate population at the site. Our study provides insights into the ecological importance of different HF groups in eutrophic coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the phylogenetic composition of Synechococcus assemblages in estuarine and coastal waters of Hong Kong was examined through pyrosequencing of the rpoC1 gene. Sixteen samples were collected in 2009 from two stations representing estuarine and ocean-influenced coastal waters, respectively. Synechococcus abundance in coastal waters gradually increased from 3.6 × 103 cells ml−1 in March, reaching a peak value of 5.7 × 105 cells ml−1 in July, and then gradually decreased to 9.3 × 103 cells ml−1 in December. The changes in Synechococcus abundance in estuarine waters followed a pattern similar to that in coastal waters, whereas its composition shifted from being dominated by phycoerythrin-rich (PE-type) strains in winter to phycocyanin-only (PC-type) strains in summer owing to the increase in freshwater discharge from the Pearl River and higher water temperature. The high abundance of PC-type Synechococcus was composed of subcluster 5.2 marine Synechococcus, freshwater Synechococcus (F-PC), and Cyanobium. The Synechococcus assemblage in the coastal waters, on the other hand, was dominated by marine PE-type Synechococcus, with subcluster 5.1 clades II and VI as the major lineages from April to September, when the summer monsoon prevailed. Besides these two clades, clade III cooccurred with clade V at relatively high abundance in summer. During winter, the Synechococcus assemblage compositions at the two sites were similar and were dominated by subcluster 5.1 clades II and IX and an undescribed clade (represented by Synechococcus sp. strain miyav). Clade IX Synechococcus was a relatively ubiquitous PE-type Synechococcus found at both sites, and our study demonstrates that some strains of the clade have the ability to deal with large variation of salinity in subtropical estuarine environments. Our study suggests that changes in seawater temperature and salinity caused by the seasonal variation of monsoonal forcing are two major determinants of the community composition and abundance of Synechococcus assemblages in Hong Kong waters.  相似文献   

By using differential light-scattering measurements of single cells suspended in a laser beam, an effective cell radius has been determined for 141 individual bacteria from suspensions of Staphylococcus epidermidis. The accumulation of these measurements has provided the size distribution for the sampling.  相似文献   

It is now possible to obtain accurate total counts of the bacteria of natural waters with the use of acridine orange staining and epifluorescence microscopy. This approach can be coupled to highly sensitive measurements of heterotrophic activity using radioisotopes. To accomplish this, three variations of a “specific activity index” are suggested, based on different approaches to measuring heterotrophic activity with radiolabeled organic solutes. The denominator of each index is the direct count of bacteria from a given natural sample. Three numerators are presented, each of which has been shown to vary directly with heterotrophic bacterial activity: Vmax, turnover rate, and direct uptake (at high substrate concentrations). Each approach is illustrated with data from estuarine and coastal waters of northeastern Massachusetts. The data show major differences in specific activity that accompany such habitat differences as distances within or offshore from an estuary and vertical location in the water column. These and other data suggest that specific activity is a valid indicator of the physiological state and metabolic role of the bacteria. Some evidence is presented in support of the hypothesis that the natural bacteria are adapted to conditions of nutrient starvation by becoming “dormant,” existing for an unknown period of time in a reversible physiological state that reflects the availability of organic nutrients.  相似文献   

We investigated the temporal variation of bacterial production, respiration, and growth efficiency in the tropical coastal waters of Peninsular Malaysia. We selected five stations including two estuaries and three coastal water stations. The temperature was relatively stable (averaging around 29.5°C), whereas salinity was more variable in the estuaries. We also measured dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen (DOC and DON, respectively) concentrations. DOC generally ranged from 100 to 900 μM, whereas DON ranged from 0 to 32 μM. Bacterial respiration ranged from 0.5 to 3.2 μM O2 h−1, whereas bacterial production ranged from 0.05 to 0.51 μM C h−1. Bacterial growth efficiency was calculated as bacterial production/(bacterial production + respiration), and ranged from 0.02 to 0.40. Multiple correlation analyses revealed that bacterial production was dependent upon primary production (r2 = 0.169, df = 31, and P < 0.02) whereas bacterial respiration was dependent upon both substrate quality (i.e., DOC/DON ratio) (r2 = 0.137, df = 32, and P = 0.03) and temperature (r2 = 0.113, df = 36, and P = 0.04). Substrate quality was the most important factor (r2 = 0.119, df = 33, and P = 0.04) for the regulation of bacterial growth efficiency. Using bacterial growth efficiency values, the average bacterial carbon demand calculated was from 5.30 to 11.28 μM C h−1. When the bacterial carbon demand was compared with primary productivity, we found that net heterotrophy was established at only two stations. The ratio of bacterial carbon demand to net primary production correlated significantly with bacterial growth efficiency (r2 = 0.341, df = 35, and P < 0.001). From nonlinear regression analysis, we found that net heterotrophy was established when bacterial growth efficiency was <0.08. Our study showed the extent of net heterotrophy in these waters and illustrated the importance of heterotrophic microbial processes in coastal aquatic food webs.As our understanding of the marine food web evolves, we recognize the importance of microorganisms in aquatic ecosystems. Bacteria are the main respirers and recycle a large pool of dissolved organic matter to higher trophic levels (6, 13). Therefore, bacterial production is a key process in dissolved organic matter flux. However, the transfer of dissolved organic matter to bacteria is more accurately reflected by bacterial carbon demand (BCD) or carbon consumption (23). One way to obtain BCD from bacterial production is through bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) or growth yield. BGE is an important parameter to evaluate the fate of organic carbon inputs and to determine whether bacteria act as a link (recyclers) or sink (mineralizers). Therefore, understanding the patterns of variation in BGE is fundamental for our knowledge of carbon cycling (14).BGE is essentially the ratio of carbon converted to biomass relative to all the carbon consumed, where carbon consumption is either measured as the sum of bacterial production and respiration (5, 24), dissolved organic matter utilization (3), or both (12). Although bacterial production is frequently measured, bacterial respiration measurements are still scarce (23) and are often derived from production rates assuming constant growth efficiency (7, 30). The use of a constant growth efficiency is, however, not valid in some situations as studies have shown that BGE varies over both time and space (8, 27, 28, 32).From cross-system compilations (15, 38, 49) and a comprehensive study in a temperate salt marsh estuary (4, 5), we begin to understand the factors that affect bacterial growth efficiency. Although substrate quantity and quality affect growth efficiency (4, 15), temperature is also an important factor (49). However, the effect of temperature differs for both bacterial production and bacterial respiration (5) and is distorted by substrate limitation (38).Most of the above studies are from temperate regions where there is marked seasonality in temperature. In temperate regions, the effects of temperature are usually more apparent (5, 32) and can sometimes distort the effects of other factors (4). Although temperature plays a major role in controlling heterotrophic activity in temperate regions, it plays a lesser role in the tropics, where temperatures are more stable and relatively higher. Tropical oceans cover about 40% of the global ocean (37), and yet knowledge of the structure and function of this ecosystem remains limited, especially in the region of Southeast Asia (29). Only a few related studies are available, and those are from tropical coastal waters in Goa, India (45), and mangrove and estuarine waters in Peninsular Malaysia (27, 28). Substrate quality is often suggested as a more important factor than temperature (27, 28, 45).In this paper, we addressed the following question: What is the effect of substrate quality and temperature toward BGE in tropical coastal waters? We measured bacterial respiration, production, and growth efficiency in tropical coastal waters and related their variation to changes in temperature and dissolved organic nutrient concentrations. Here, we show that although both temperature and substrate quality affected respiration, BGE was related to substrate quality only.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of natural sunlight on heterotrophic marine bacterioplankton in short-term experiments. We used a single-cell level approach involving flow cytometry combined with physiological probes and microautoradiography to determine sunlight effects on the activity and integrity of the cells. After 4 h of sunlight exposure, most bacterial cells maintained membrane integrity and viability as assessed by the simultaneous staining with propidium iodide and SYBR green I. In contrast, a significant inhibition of heterotrophic bacterial activity was detected, measured by 5-cyano-2,3 ditolyl tetrazolium chloride reduction and leucine incorporation. We applied microautoradiography combined with catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization to test the sensitivity of the different bacterial groups naturally occurring in the Northwestern Mediterranean to sunlight. Members of the Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes groups appeared to be highly resistant to solar radiation, with small changes in activity after exposure. On the contrary, Alphaproteobacteria bacteria were more sensitive to radiation as measured by the cell-specific incorporation of labeled amino acids, leucine, and ATP. Within Alphaproteobacteria, bacteria belonging to the Roseobacter group showed higher resistance than members of the SAR11 cluster. The activity of Roseobacter was stimulated by exposure to photosynthetic available radiation compared to the dark treatment. Our results suggest that UV radiation can significantly affect the in situ single-cell activity of bacterioplankton and that naturally dominating phylogenetic bacterial groups have different sensitivity to natural levels of incident solar radiation.  相似文献   

The association of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with suspended particles can alter the oocysts' effective physical properties and influence their transport in aquatic systems. To assess this behavior, C. parvum oocysts were mixed with various suspended sediments under a variety of water chemical conditions, and the resulting settling of the oocysts was observed. Direct microscopic observations showed that oocysts attached to suspended sediments. Settling column and batch experiments demonstrated that oocysts are removed from suspension at a much higher rate when associated with sediments. The rate of oocyst sedimentation depended primarily on the type of sediment with which the oocysts were mixed. Changes in background water conditions had a relatively small impact on the extent of oocyst-particle association and the resulting oocyst deposition. We believe that the ubiquitous association of C. parvum oocysts with suspended particles enhances the sedimentation of oocysts in natural waters and that this interaction should generally be considered when predicting the migration of pathogens in the environment.  相似文献   

The building and foraging activities of termites are known to modify soil characteristics such as the heterogeneity. In tropical savannas the impact of the activity of soil-feeding termites (Cubitermes niokoloensis) has been shown to affect the properties of the soil at the aggregate level by creating new soil microenvironments (aggregate size fractions) [13]. These changes were investigated in greater depth by looking at the microbial density (AODC) and the genetic structure (automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis: ARISA) of the communities in the different aggregate size fractions (i.e., coarse sand, fine sand, coarse silt, fine silt, and dispersible clays) separated from compartments (internal and external wall) of three Cubitermes niokoloensis mounds. The bacterial density of the mounds was significantly higher (1.5 to 3 times) than that of the surrounding soil. Within the aggregate size fractions, the termite building activity resulted in a significant increase in bacterial density within the coarser fractions (>20 m). Multivariate analysis of the ARISA profiles revealed that the bacterial genetic structures of unfractionated soil and soil aggregate size fractions of the three mounds was noticeably different from the savanna soil used as a reference. Moreover, the microbial community associated with the different microenvironments in the three termite mounds revealed three distinct clusters formed by the aggregate size fractions of each mound. Except for the 2–20 m fraction, these results suggest that the mound microbial genetic structure is more dependent upon microbial pool affiliation (the termite mound) than on the soil location (aggregate size fraction). The causes of the specificity of the microbial community structure of termite mound aggregate size fractions are discussed.This revised version was published online in November 2004 with corrections to Volume 48.  相似文献   

With a microculture technique and time-lapse, phase-contrast photomicrography, it was possible to follow the division of individual cells and the development of microcolonies of bacteria in freshly collected marine water samples. A certain number of marine bacteria, upon inoculation onto a nutrient rich agar surface, displayed an increase in size as well as a high growth rate. Other bacteria were identified as very small marine bacteria (ultramicrobacteria). These had a very slow growth rate when inoculated onto a nutrient-rich agar surface. These latter cells formed very small microcolonies (ultramicrocolonies), and cell size did not increase significantly. These two types of marine heterotrophs could be described in terms of zymogenous and autochthonous bacteria, a concept used by Winogradsky for describing soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

The ice conditions at the Ob–Yenisey estuarine coastal waters with relatively diffuse ice cover have been described using the data obtained in the Kara Sea survey aboard the nuclear icebreaker Yamal in January 22–March 6, 2003. The data on the capacity and rate of enzymatic degradation of various forms of organic matter and on the associated ecological factors in the region of active sea water/continental water interaction are given. We analyzed spatial distribution of the main types of water bodies as well as the cascade structure formed by some biogeochemical barriers near the Ob–Yenisey flaw polynya. We also analyzed the correlations between the indices of extracellular biochemical activity in water and the main abiotic and biotic factors during the organotrophic phase. The processes determining the level of biochemical activity in winter water and the rates of potential degradation of various organic compounds are considered.  相似文献   

Bacteria are recognized as important drivers of biogeochemical processes in all aquatic ecosystems. Temporal and geographical patterns in ocean bacterial communities have been observed in many studies, but the temporal and spatial patterns in the bacterial communities from the South China Sea remained unexplored. To determine the spatiotemporal patterns, we generated 16S rRNA datasets for 15 samples collected from the five regularly distributed sites of the South China Sea in three seasons (spring, summer, winter). A total of 491 representative sequences were analyzed by MOTHUR, yielding 282 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) grouped at 97% stringency. Significant temporal variations of bacterial diversity were observed. Richness and diversity indices indicated that summer samples were the most diverse. The main bacterial group in spring and summer samples was Alphaproteobacteria, followed by Cyanobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, whereas Cyanobacteria dominated the winter samples. Spatial patterns in the samples were observed that samples collected from the coastal (D151, D221) waters and offshore (D157, D1512, D224) waters clustered separately, the coastal samples harbored more diverse bacterial communities. However, the temporal pattern of the coastal site D151 was contrary to that of the coastal site D221. The LIBSHUFF statistics revealed noticeable differences among the spring, summer and winter libraries collected at five sites. The UPGMA tree showed there were temporal and spatial heterogeneity of bacterial community composition in coastal waters of the South China Sea. The water salinity (P=0.001) contributed significantly to the bacteria-environment relationship. Our results revealed that bacterial community structures were influenced by environmental factors and community-level changes in 16S-based diversity were better explained by spatial patterns than by temporal patterns.  相似文献   

Kornyeyev  D.Y. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(2):269-272
The antenna sizes of QB-reducing photosystem 2 (PS2) complexes in two different fractions of the subchloroplast particles were compared by measuring time corresponding to the second maximum of the first derivative from induction curve of chlorophyll fluorescence as a function of actinic irradiance. The QB-reducing PS2 complexes in the fraction of particles that originated from inner parts of grana thylakoids had smaller antennae than those in the fraction from non-appressed regions of thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

We describe a method for microscopic identification of DNA-synthesizing cells in bacterioplankton samples. After incubation with the halogenated thymidine analogue bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), environmental bacteria were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-linked oligonucleotide probes. Tyramide signal amplification was used to preserve the FISH staining during the subsequent immunocytochemical detection of BrdU incorporation. DNA-synthesizing cells were visualized by means of an HRP-labeled antibody Fab fragment and a second tyramide signal amplification step. We applied our protocol to samples of prefiltered (pore size, 1.2 μm) North Sea surface water collected during early autumn. After 4 h of incubation, BrdU incorporation was detected in 3% of all bacterial cells. Within 20 h the detectable DNA-synthesizing fraction increased to >14%. During this period, the cell numbers of members of the Roseobacter lineage remained constant, but the fraction of BrdU-incorporating Roseobacter sp. cells doubled, from 24 to 42%. In Alteromonas sp. high BrdU labeling rates after 4 to 8 h were followed by a 10-fold increase in abundance. Rapid BrdU incorporation was also observed in members of the SAR86 lineage. After 4 h of incubation, cells affiliated with this clade constituted 8% of the total bacteria but almost 50% of the visibly DNA-synthesizing bacterial fraction. Thus, this clade might be an important contributor to total bacterioplankton activity in coastal North Sea water during periods of low phytoplankton primary production. The small size and low ribosome content of SAR86 cells are probably not indications of inactivity or dormancy.  相似文献   

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