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Summary Previous immunochemical investigations have demonstrated various opioid peptides in the pancreas. However, controversies exist related to the cellular localization of these peptides in the endocrine pancreas. Therefore, the guinea pig endocrine pancreas was immunohistochemically investigated for the presence of opioid peptides derived from pro-dynorphin, pro-enkephalin or pro-opiomelanocortin. Immunoreactivities were demonstrated on serial semithin sections by the peroxidase anti-peroxidase technique. In routinely immunostained sections, immunoreactivities for dynorphin A and -neo-endorphin were localized in pancreatic enterochromaffin cells, but not in islet cells. Immunoreactivity for Met-enkephalin was confined exclusively to B-cells and was localized only in some secretory granules. However, pre-treatment of semi-thin sections with trypsin and carboxypeptidase B led to a marked increase of Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity in B-cells. In addition, immunoreactivities for Met-enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu and bovine adrenal medulla dodecapeptide could be demonstrated in B-and A-cells, and -endorphin immunoreactivity was localized in A-cells. In no case, however, were immunoreactivities detected for bovine adrenal medulla docosapeptide, peptide F, corticotropin, melanotropin or dynorphin 1–32. The immunohistochemical findings indicate that opioids of different peptide families are present in the guinea pig endocrine pancreas. Since several opioid peptides of the corresponding pro-hormones could be demonstrated in the reference organs but not in the pancreas, it is concluded that the biosynthetic pathways of the respective precursors are different from those in the adrenal medulla or in the pituitary.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of enterochromaffin (EC) cells in the human fundic mucosa was investigated at the lightmicroscopic level by means of the unlabeled peroxidase anti-peroxidase method, with the use of a highly specific anti-serotonin serum.EC-cells in the human fundic mucosa were sparsely distributed below the neck portion of the gland, but were found to be rather numerous in its lower half. Immunohistochemistry revealed marked pleomorphic and seemingly polynuclear EC-cells or cells with long, sometimes multipolar cytoplasmic processes. In addition, luminal contacts and contiguity between EC-cells, or interglandular connections were also encountered.The present immunohistochemical procedure permits, for the first time, a clear-cut morphological visualization of the entire population of EC-cells, and reveals the distinctive morphological features of these cells in the human fundic mucosa. These morphological findings imply that EC-cells in the fundic mucosa may be crucial in gastric function.  相似文献   

Summary Intranuclear filamentous inclusions were found in the normal endocrine cells of the avian stomach and pancreas. These inclusions were composed of a bundle of closely packed filaments (6–8 nm in diameter), being ultrastructurally similar to those found in the nucleus of various neurons. Most of them appeared as single rod- or spindle-shaped bodies; aggregations of two or more inclusions were rarely seen within a single nucleus. Cells with an intranuclear inclusion often contained a cytoplasmic fibrillar bundle similar to the intranuclear inclusion.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) and related acidic proteins are widely distributed in the organism. They are also present in entero-endocrine cells and in other members of the paraneuron family. Therefore, CgA has been claimed as an universal marker of this cellular community. To yield precise data about the distribution of CgA in entero-endocrine cells, all segments of the gastro-intestinal tract of five mammalian species (man, cattle, pig, cat, guinea-pig) were investigated immunohistochemically for CgA. In serial semithin plastic sections, all CgA-immunoreactive endocrine cells were identified for resident amines or peptides. CgA could be found in ten hormonally identified endocrine cell types and in two or three other endocrine cell types. Entero-endocrine cells containing amines (histamine, serotonin) regularly exhibited CgA-immunoreactivities. In contrast, peptide-containing endocrine cells were largely heterogeneous: Their CgA-immunoreactivities varies among the species, among the gastro-intestinal segments, and even among the members of the same cell population. Hence, seen histochemically, CgA is no universal marker for entero-endocrine cells. Seen biochemically, the observed heterogeneities of CgA-immunoreactivities theoretically can be attributed to various factors (species-specificities of CgA, subclasses of chromogranins, processing of CgA or its pro-protein). Most probably, these heterogeneities are caused by species- or cell-specific differences in the extent of processing of CgA. In addition, some findings point to certain interrelations between the processing or storage of CgA and resident peptides in the secretion granules of enteroendocrine cells.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CgA) in the gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) endocrine system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Chromogranin A (CgA) and related acidic proteins are widely distributed in the organism. They are also present in entero-endocrine cells and in other members of the paraneuron family. Therefore, CgA has been claimed as an universal marker of this cellular community. To yield precise data about the distribution of CgA in entero-endocrine cells, all segments of the gastro-intestinal tract of five mammalian species (man, cattle, pig, cat, guinea-pig) were investigated immunohistochemically for CgA. In serial semithin plastic sections, all CgA-immunoreactive endocrine cells were identified for resident amines or peptides. CgA could be found in ten hormonally identified endocrine cell types and in two or three other endocrine cell types. Entero-endocrine cells containing amines (histamine, serotonin) regularly exhibited CgA-immunoreactivities. In contrast, peptide-containing endocrine cells were largely heterogeneous: Their CgA-immunoreactivities varied among the species, among the gastro-intestinal segments, and even among the members of the same cell population. Hence, seen histochemically, CgA is no universal marker for entero-endocrine cells. Seen biochemically, the observed heterogeneities of CgA-immunoreactivities theoretically can be attributed to various factors (species-specificities of CgA, subclasses of chromogranins, processing of CgA or its proprotein). Most probably, these heterogeneities are caused by species- or cell-specific differences in the extent of processing of CgA. In addition, some findings point to certain interrelations between the processing or storage of CgA and resisdent peptides in the secretion granules of entero-endocrine cells.The results were partly presented at the 7th Workshop of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, Würzburg (FRG), 1988 (see Cetin and Grube 1989)  相似文献   

Summary Chromogranin A (CGA), a protein at first detected in the adrenal medulla, has recently been found also in other organs, e.g. the endocrine pancreas. However, immunohistochemical findings concerning the cellular source of pancreatic CGA were controversial. Therefore, the endocrine pancreas of 10 mammalian species (man, tupaia, mole, cat, dog, pig, guinea pig, rabbit, rat) was investigated immunohistochemically for CGA-like immunoreactivities on serial semithin plastic sections using a high-titer polyclonal antiserum against bovine CGA. The results show that basically all pancreatic endocrine cell types are CGA-immunoreactive; however, every species has its own pattern of CGA-immunoreactive cell types. Other findings of the present studies indicate that the physiological function of CGA in pancreatic endocrine cells is related to the storage mechanisms of peptide hormones. Finally, a methodological approach is given to obtain not only qualitative but also semiquantitative data during immunohistochemical investigations.  相似文献   

The distribution and frequency of gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) endocrine cells were studied in vampire bats by immunocytochemistry. Moderate numbers of somatostatin- and a few 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)- and glucagon-immunoreactive cells were seen in the fundic cecum of the stomach. Numerous gastrin- and moderate numbers of somatostatin- and 5-HT-immunoreactive cells were found in the pyloric region. Moderate numbers of 5-HT-, somatostatin-, and gastrin-immunoreactive cells also were found in BRUNNER's glands. In addition to the above-mentioned 4 immunoreactive cell types, cells immunoreactive for glicentin, secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK), gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), and neurotensin were found in the intestine. Numerous insulin-, moderate numbers of somatostatin- and glucagon-, and a few 5-HT-immunoreactive cells were detected in the pancreatic islets with lesser numbers scattered within the exocrine pancreas. Motilin- and pancreatic polypeptide-immunoreactive cells were not observed in this study.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), serotonin (5-HT), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and calcitonin (CT) immunoreactivity was evaluated in small-granule endocrine cells of hamster laryngotracheal epithelium from fetal day 11 to adulthood. Two centrifugal (proximal-to-distal) patterns of differentiation occur. The first pattern begins during fetal life. Endocrine cells, single and clustered in groups (presumptive-or protoneuroepithelial bodies, pNEBs), initially colocalize immunostaining for PGP 9.5, 5-HT, and CGRP in the larynx and proximal 2/3 of the trachea on day 12 and spread to the caudal trachea on day 13.5-HT disappears fleetingly during the 24 h preceding birth; other-wise immunoreactivity for all three substances persists into adulthood. The clusters of endocrine cells survive beyond birth but are so diluted by expansion of the nonendocrine epithelium as to become inconspicuous. Since innervation was not actually observed, these clusters may persist as pNEBs, without developing connections to afferent or efferent nerve fibers. The second pattern concerns single small-granule cells stainable for CGRP but not for 5-HT. These cells first appear in the larynx and cartilaginous part of the cranial trachea on postnatal day 3, and in the middle and caudal trachea, on day 5. The cells increase in number on day 7. In adults, they predominate among endocrine cells of the cartilaginous region. A subset of these cells begins to co-express CT proximally on postnatal day 10, reaching the caudal end of the trachea by 3 weeks. A few elements of the older 5-HT-positive population may also become immunoreactive for CT in juvenile hamsters.  相似文献   

Summary The epithelium of the airways is rich in endocrine cells containing serotonin and/or a wide variety of regulatory peptides. These cells usually occur in clusters in the lungs but are also found scattered in the larynx and trachea. In the present study, endocrine cells in the airways of mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig, pig, sheep and squirrel monkey were examined for the presence of serotonin, helodermin-like peptides and other regulatory peptides using immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay. In addition, we looked for the protein gene product 9.5 (PGP), which occurs in many peptide hormone-producing endocrine cells in the body. Both clustered and scattered endocrine cells in the airways were found to display coexistence of serotonin and peptides, such as a helodermin-like peptide, calcitonin and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). The PGP-immunoreactive cells were numerous and included elements containing serotonin and/or regulatory peptides. An additional PGP-immunoreactive endocrine cell population lacked serotonin and regulatory peptides. Helodermin-immunoreactive material was demonstrated in endocrine cells of the airways in the mouse and hamster but not in any of the other species studied. Serotonin was an endocrine cell constituent in all the species studied. Calcitonin and CGRP could be demonstrated by immunocytochemistry in the mouse, rat, and hamster, but not in the guinea pig, sheep, pig and monkey. In the hamster airways double immunostaining indicated that the helodermin-like peptide occurred in a subpopulation of the CGRP- and serotonin-containing cells. Most of the CGRP-containing cells stored serotonin; some of them also contained calcitonin. The chemical coding of these cells resembled that of the thyroid C cells.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptophysin, a major membrane glycoprotein of small presynaptic vesicles in neurons, has also been found in microvesicles of endocrine cells, e.g., of the endocrine pancreas. In the present study, the endocrine pancreas in 9 mammalian species (man, dog, mink, bovine, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, mouse, gerbil) has been investigated immunohistochemically for synaptophysin immunoreactivity. Synaptophysin-positive cells have been identified and localized on semithin plastic sections. Our study demonstrates that, in all species examined, all pancreatic endocrine cell types are consistently synaptophysin-positive independent of their location within the tissue, or the conditions of tissue processing. In addition, a few cells that cannot be hormonally identified show synaptophysin immunoreactivity. Hence, synaptophysin appears to be a regular constituent of all pancreatic endocrine cells in mammals. In several species, a subpopulation of endocrine cells, consisting of glucagon-containing and/or pancreatic-polypeptide-containing cells, exhibits a significantly higher degree of synaptophysin immunoreactivity. In the gerbil, this heterogeneity can readily be detected from the day of birth onwards. Our findings indicate that closely related endocrine cell types may differ with respect to the content of synaptophysin.  相似文献   

Bipolarity of duodenal enterochromaffin cells in the rat   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Enterochromaffin cells of the rat duodenum have been studied immunocytochemically by use of a specific antiserum to serotonin. At the light-microscopic level serotonin immunoreactivity was observed in enterochromaffin cells located in the epithelium of the duodenal mucosa. Most of the serotonin-immunoreactive material was localized to the basal portion of the enterochromaffin cells, but small amounts of immunoreactive material were regularly observed in the apical portion. At the electron-microscopic level serotonin immunoreactivity in enterochromaffin cells was found to be concentrated over the dense cores of the cytoplasmic granules. The majority of these granules was located in the basal cytoplasm of the enterochromaffin cells, but serotonin-immunoreactive granules were also observed in the apical cytoplasm immediately beneath the microvilli. These observations indicate that duodenal enterochromaffin cells are bipolar and that they secrete serotonin both basally, to the circulation, and apically, to the gut lumen. Rat duodenal enterochromaffin cells thus appear to have an exocrine as well as an endocrine function.  相似文献   

A large number of antisera mainly raised against mammalian hormones are tested immunocytochemically on the GEP-endocrine system of mouse and fish (Barbus conchonius). The endocrine pancreas of mouse and fish appeared to contain the same four endocrine cell types; insulin-, glucagon-, PP- and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells. In mouse about 13 GEP endocrine cell types are distinguished: 1. insulin-, 2. somatostatin-, 3. glucagon-, 4. PP-, 5. (entero)glucagon-/PP-like, 6. CCK-like, 7. substance P-, 8. neurotensin-, 9. VIP-, 10. gastrin-, 11. secretin-, 12. beta-endorphin-, 13. serotonin-immunoreactive cells. Based on this and a previous study at least 13 GEP endocrine cell types seems to be present in stomachless fish: 1-9 as described for mouse, 10. (entero)glucagon-like, 11. met-enkephalin, 12. VIP-like, 13. unspecific immunoreactive endocrine cells. Coexistence of glucagon and PP-like peptides is found in the gut and pancreas of mice and in the gut of B. conchonius. In mouse pancreas and fish gut, endocrine cells showing only PP- or glucagon-like immunoreactivity are found too. In mouse stomach some endocrine cells showing only PP-immunoreactivity are demonstrated. In the same region coexistence of C-t-gastrin- and FMRF-amide-immunoreactivity is found in endocrine cells. The importance of these phenomena are discussed. Enteric nerves immunoreactive with antisera raised against substance P and GRP are found in mouse, against somatostatin and met-enkephalin in both mouse and fish and against VIP in fish.  相似文献   

Changes in distribution density,morphology and secretory content of endocrine cells in the gastro-entero-pancreatic system of black-spotted frogs Rana nigromaculata before and after fasting were investigated using immunohistochemistry and antisera to six gut hormones.Six types of endocrine cells were detected in the digestive tract of Rana nigromaculata,including 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT),gastrin(GAS),somatostatin(SOM),glucagon(GLU),pancreatic polypeptide(PP)and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide(VIP)cells.A...  相似文献   

Summary A large number of antisera mainly raised against mammalian hormones are tested immunocytochemically on the GEP-endocrine system of mouse and fish (Barbus conchonius). The endocrine pancreas of mouse and fish appeared to contain the same four endocrine cell types; insulin-, glucagon-, PP- and somatostatin-immunoreactive cells.In mouse about 13 GEP endocrine cell types are distinguished 1. insulin-, 2. somatostatin-, 3. glucagon-, 4. PP-, 5. (entero)glucagon-/PP-like, 6. CCK-like, 7. substance P-, 8. neurotensin-, 9. VIP-, 10. gastrin-, 11. secretin-, 12. -endorphin-, 13. serotonin-immunoreactive cells.Based on this and a previous study at least 13 GEP endocrine cell types seems to be present in stomachless fish: 1–9 as described for mouse, 10. (entero)glucagon-like, 11. met-enkephalin, 12. VIP-like, 13. unspecific immunoreactive endocrine cells.Coexistence of glucagon and PP-like peptides is found in the gut and pancreas of mice and in the gut of B. conchonlus. In mouse pancreas and fish gut, endocrine cells showing only PP-or glucagon-like immunoreactivity are found too. In mouse stomach some endocrine cells, showing only PP-immunoreactivity are demonstrated. In the same region coexistence of C-1-gastrin-and FMRF-amide-immunoreactivity is found in endocrine cells. The importance of these phenomena are discussed.Enteric nerves immunoreactive with antisera raised against substance P and GRP are found in mouse, against somatostatin and met-enkephalin in both mouse and fish and against VIP in fish.In honour of Prof. P. van Duijn  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to identify duodenal endocrine cells emitting formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF), chicken duodena were studied by combined fluorescence, ultrastructural, silver impregnation and immunohistochemical methods in the same or consecutive sections. Our results show that: (1) Almost all the cells emitting yellow fluorescence by both the Falck-Hillarp and the Furness methods exhibit an immunohistochemical reaction with serotonin (5-HT) antiserum. (2) Almost all cells radiating yellow fluorescence by the Furness method stain with toluidine blue in Epon-embedded sections but, by high-voltage electron microscopy, can be subdivided into two types of cell containing either small round or polymorphous types of granules. (3) In the sections from which resin had been removed, all the cells emitting yellow FIF show argentaffinity by the Singh method, but not all cells display argyrophilia with the Grimelius method. (4) Cells exhibiting both argyrophil and argentaffin reactions in deresined serial sections are also separated into two types of cell, containing either small spherical or polymorphous types of granules by conventional electron microscopy in thin sections. Therefore, chicken enterochromaffin cells emit yellow FIF, store 5-HT, show both argentaffinity and argyrophilia, but are ultrastructurally classified into two types of granule-containing cells which may be related to polypeptides coexisting with 5-HT.  相似文献   

M El-Salhy 《Histochemistry》1984,80(2):193-205
The pancreas and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of adults and of an embryonic stage of 11 cm long (about half the length of newborn fish) of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, were investigated immunocytochemically for the occurrence of the gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) neurohormonal peptides. In the pancreas of adult forms 5 endocrine cell types were seen, namely insulin-, somatostatin-, glucagon-, pancreatic polypeptide (PP)- and gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)-immunoreactive cells. These cell types form scattered islets and were seen sometimes to surround small ducts. GIP-immunoreactivity cells did not occur in glucagon-containing cells. In the mucosa of GIT of adults 18 endocrine cell types were observed, viz. insulin-, somatostatin-, glucagon-, glicentin, PP-, polypeptide YY (PYY)-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-, GIP-, gastrin C-terminus, CCK-, neurotensin N-terminus-, bombesin/gastrin releasing peptide (GRP)-, substance P-, enkephalin-, alpha-endorphin, beta-endorphin-, serotonin- and calcitonin immunoreactive cells. These cells occurred mostly in the intestine. All these cell types were of the open type, except glucagon- and glicentin-immunoreactive cells in the stomach, which seemed to be of the closed type. In the muscle layers and the submucosa, VIP and substance P- immunoreactive nerves and neurons were observed. In the pancreas of the dogfish embryo only 3 endocrine cell types could be demonstrated, namely insulin-, somatostatin- and glucagon-immunoreactive cells. In the mucosa of the GIT of the embryos studied 12 endocrine cell types were detected, viz. insulin-, somatostatin-, glucagon-, PP-, PYY-, VIP, GIP, gastrin C-terminus-, CCK-, neurotensin N-terminus-, enkephalin- and serotonin immunoreactive cells. The number of these cells, except that of PYY-immunoreactive cells, was lower than that of adults and in some cases their distribution did not correspond with that of adults.  相似文献   

Summary The midgut of Blaberus craniifer is principally made up of columnar epithelial cells which are derived from small regenerative cells found grouped in nidi. Between them, small sparsely granulated cells with clear cytoplasm can be observed lying on the basal lamina. Mainly based on the size, shape and texture of their secretory granules, at least ten types of such endocrine cells have been identified. Five cell types contain a uniform population of dense granules: (1) medium-sized, round to oval granules; (2) small elongated granules; (3) large irregular granules; (4) oval granules with a highly osmiophilic core; (5) oval, haloed granules. Five others are characterized by a heterogeneous population of granules: (6) small, round to oval, variably electron-dense granules; (7) oval medium-sized granules of variable electron density; (8) large irregular granules of variable electron density; (9) small dense granules and large vesicles with filamentous material; (10) small dense granules and very large pale vesicles.In addition, near the regenerative cells, large cells characterized by very large, irregular, dense granules (up to 4 m), lack contact with the lumen, and reach the basal lamina only by slender cytoplasmic processes.Several antisera raised against mammalian peptides and amine were used to reveal axonal fibers and endocrine cells. Serotonin-like immunoreactivity is localized in a profuse innervation of the muscle layers that surround the epithelium, whereas cholecystokinin and methionine-enkephalin antisera stain a more moderate number of axonal fibers. Cholecystokinin-, methionine-enkephalin-, substance P-, vasoactive intestinal peptide-, somatoliberin-, and gonadoliberin-like immunoreactivities were detected in endocrine cells of the epithelium. While most of the cells appear pyramidal, oval, fusiform or bowl-shaped, and seem to lack contact with the lumen, cells reaching it have been detected reacting with antisera to cholecystokinin, substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide, somatoliberin and gonadoliberin.  相似文献   

The endocrine cells of the starfish digestive tract are spindle-shaped, contacting both the lumen and the basiepithelial plexus. Silver impregnation labels the basiepithelial and subcoelomic plexuses as well as these cells. Twenty antisera have been tested using the avidinbiotin method, in order to identify the regulatory substances involved in this system. Endocrine cells and nerves immunoreactive to GFNSALMFamide- (S1), FMRFamide-, peptide tyrosine-tyrosine-(PYY), pancreatic polypeptide- (PP), melanocyte stimulating hormone- (MSH) and peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase- (PAM) specific antisera have been found in the epithelium. The antibodies against S1, a peptide isolated from the nervous system of a starfish, and MSH, stain both the basiepithelial plexus and the subcoelomic plexus, but the others react only with nerves in the basiepithelial plexus. Absorption controls show that antibodies for S1 and FMRFamide totally crossreact recognizing the same molecule, possibly S1. The other antibodies do not show cross-reactivity to any of the rest, and thus we conclude that these regulatory peptides are present in starfish. This is the first report of the presence of FMRFamide, PYY, MSH and PAM in the Echinodermata. Under the electron microscope the endocrine cells exhibit secretory granules, microtubules and mitochondria. Direct contact with the subcoelomic plexus can be observed.  相似文献   

Summary A novel endocrine cell type has been identified in the guinea-pig gastric mucosa which preferentially occurs in the oxyntic area. Cells of this type exhibit immunoreactivities for bovine adrenal medulla dodecapeptide (BAM-12P) and in many cases for Met-enkephalin and are thus presumed to contain a pro-enkephalin-like precursor protein. Systematic immunohistochemical investigations show that these cells do not contain immunoreactivities for various enteric hormones, neuropeptides and biogenic amines (serotonin, histamine). However, they do contain immunoreactivity for chromogranin A, an acidic glycoprotein which is common to the majority of entero-endocrine cells. Using silver impregnation techniques BAM-12P immunoreactive cells prove to be argyrophil, but fail to react argentaffin. On the electron microscopical level, these cells contain a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus and numerous polymorphous secretion granules which measure about 290 nm in diameter. The secretion granules are ovoid or pear-shaped but largely plump compared to those of enterochromaffin cells. Light and electron microscopical findings indicate that BAM-12P immunoreactive cells constitute an endocrine cell population of the gastric epithelium in addition to the established endocrine cells hitherto known in this location.This study was supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (EN 65/15-2)For this work the author was awarded the Wolfgang-Bargmann-Price 1990 of the Anatomische Gesellschaft  相似文献   

Derivatives of peptides of the TIPP (Tyr-Tic-Phe-Phe; Tic = 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid) family containing a guanidino (Guan) function in place of the N-terminal amino group were synthesized in an effort to improve their blood–brain barrier permeability. Unexpectedly, N-terminal amidination significantly altered the in vitro opioid activity profiles. Guan-analogues of TIPP-related δ opioid antagonists showed δ partial agonist or mixed δ partial agonist/μ partial agonist activity. Guanidinylation of the mixed μ agonist/δ antagonists H-Dmt-Tic-Phe-Phe-NH2 (DIPP-NH2) and H-Dmt-TicΨ[CH2NH]Phe-Phe-NH2 (DIPP-NH2[Ψ]) converted them to mixed μ agonist/δ agonists. A docking study revealed distinct positioning of DIPP-NH2 and Guan-DIPP-NH2 in the δ receptor binding site. Lys3-analogues of DIPP-NH2 and DIPP-NH2[Ψ] (guanidinylated or non-guanidinylated) turned out to be mixed μ/κ agonists with δ antagonist-, δ partial agonist- or δ full agonist activity. Compounds with some of the observed mixed opioid activity profiles have therapeutic potential as analgesics with reduced side effects or for treatment of cocaine addiction.  相似文献   

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