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库布其沙漠及其毗邻地区鼠类群落的结构分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
武晓东  刘勇 《兽类学报》1994,14(1):43-50
根据库布其沙漠及其毗邻地区生境和鼠类分布的差异,应用系统聚类法,将该地区的鼠类划分为5个群落:(1)沙漠鼠类群落;(2)半荒漠区沙地鼠类群落;(3)荒漠鼠类群落;(4)荒漠化草原鼠类群落;(5)干草原鼠类群落。5个群落可聚为3个群落组。(1)沙地群落组;(2)半荒漠和荒漠群落组;(3)干草原群落组。同时对鼠类群落的多样性、均匀度等进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地啮齿动物群落多样性与物种变化的分析   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
对准噶尔盆地的抽样调查,经聚类分析,该地区的鼠类可划分为4种群落:(1)以灰仓鼠(Cricetulus migratourius)+小家鼠(Mus musculus)为主的农田鼠类群落;(2)以红尾沙鼠(Meriones erythrourus)+灰仓鼠为主的砾石荒漠鼠类群落;(3)以褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)+小家鼠为主的城镇居民点鼠类群落;(4)以子午沙鼠(M.meridianus)+三趾跳鼠(Dipus sagitta)为主的梭梭荒漠鼠类群落。其群落多样性指数以群落(4)为最高(1.671),群落(3)最低(0.979)。随着人类经济活动的增长,荒漠被大量开垦为农田,以及新兴市镇的涌现,使得原来以沙鼠属(Meriones)和跳鼠科(Dipodidae)为主要成分的荒漠鼠类群落逐渐被喜潮湿的灰仓鼠和小家鼠所替代,有些地区还出现了以褐家鼠为主的新格局。  相似文献   

新疆莫索湾垦区啮齿动物群落分布与生境类型关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探索沙漠开垦为绿洲后,啮齿动物群落的生态分布格局及变迁规律,2004年6~8月对莫索湾垦区150团场啮齿动物进行了调查.结果表明:荒漠开垦为林地,红尾沙鼠占据主导地位;开垦为农田,鼠类群落表现出较大差异:棉田中柽柳沙鼠占主导地位,麦田中小家鼠为优势鼠种,苜蓿地则以小林姬鼠为主,白菜地中灰仓鼠占据优势地位;城镇居民区“伴人”鼠种褐家鼠居于绝对优势.结论:在荒漠开垦为林地、农田和变为居民区的过程中,鼠类群落也相应地由荒漠鼠类向人工景观鼠类演变.然而对于从沙漠腹地开垦出来的绿洲,虽然人类已开垦经营了半个世纪,但啮齿动物群落的原始荒漠特征仍较完善地保存着,这与当地极端的地理特征相一致.  相似文献   

荒漠生态系统鼠类对土壤和植被的扰动效应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
干扰形成的斑块对荒漠生态系统时空异质性的维系和发展具有重要意义。鼠类作为生物干扰的重要代表,是荒漠生态系统斑块形成的主要来源,它们已从生理、形态、行为进化出一系列特点适应了荒漠生态系统的严酷环境,同时其挖掘、采食行为也深刻影响着荒漠生态系统的环境。本文主要从鼠类活动对土壤(包括土壤发生过程、土壤斑块的形成、土壤理化性质)和植物群落(包括物种多样性、生产力、植物种子)的扰动效应做了归纳总结,旨在阐明鼠类在荒漠生态系统中的作用。  相似文献   

莫索湾垦区啮齿动物群落结构与物种多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
2004年6~8月对莫索湾垦区啮齿动物调查,按不同生境共抽取18个样地,采用铗日法进行鼠类密度调查,共置10400个铗日,捕获啮齿动物446只,分属3科9属11种。经聚类分析,该垦区鼠类群落可划分为6种群落类型:(1)以大沙鼠(Rhombomys opimus)+子午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)为主的荒漠型;(2)以红尾沙鼠(Meriones erythrourus)+小五趾跳鼠(Allactaga elater)为主的半荒漠灌丛型;(3)以柽柳沙鼠(Meriones tamariscinus)+小林姬鼠(Apodemus sylvaticus)为主的林地型;(4)以小家鼠(Mus musculus)+小林姬鼠为主的农田型;(5)以灰仓鼠(Cricetulus migratorius)+子午沙鼠为主的弃耕地型;(6)以褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)为主的城镇型。从原始荒漠到城镇居民区的环境梯度变化中,鼠类群落多样性指数呈上升趋势(1.1053~1.2744),到农田达到最大,农田到居民区则略有下降;均匀性随各群落生境类型不同,变化无规律性(0.6423≤J≤0.9207);优势度则呈下降趋势(0.4176~0.3368)。生境差异、植被盖度和人为干扰强度对鼠类群落多样性均有一定影响。  相似文献   

三种犬科动物春季洞穴特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张洪海  窦华山  翟红昌  吴牧仁 《生态学报》2006,26(12):3980-3988
2004年4月-2005年6月在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区对20个狼穴、27个赤狐洞穴、33个沙狐洞穴进行测量调查,结果如下:3种犬科动物洞穴的洞口朝向无显著差异,赤狐和沙狐洞穴在洞口倾角、洞口直径、第一洞道长度3个特征上无显著差异,洞口直径可作为判别狼穴与其它两者洞穴的依据。影响狼春季洞穴选择的前3位主要因子是隐蔽、人为干扰和水源。影响赤狐春季洞穴选择的前3位主要因子是地形、水源、和人为干扰。影响沙狐春季洞穴选择的前3位主要因子是微气候、人为干扰和食物。通过对3种犬科动物春季洞穴生境选择的比较发现:3种动物洞穴都有远离人为干扰,提高隐蔽性的趋势;不同的是赤狐和狼的洞址都靠近水源,沙狐洞址则远离水源;3种动物在地形及坡位选择上也存在差异,赤狐和狼的洞穴多位于平地。而沙狐洞穴多位于坡地的坡顶,且洞穴周围啮齿类数量显著大于赤狐洞穴和狼穴。柳灌丛、干旱苇塘、高草坡地分别是赤狐、狼、沙狐偏爱的生境类型。3种犬科动物中洞穴生态位宽度最大的是狼(0.5051),其次为赤狐(0.4292),最小为沙狐(0.2591)。其中狼与赤狐洞穴空间生态位重叠指数较高,达到了0.4692,沙狐与赤狐洞穴空间生态位重叠指数最低,只有0.2356。  相似文献   

内蒙古达茂旗腾格淖尔地区大沙鼠种群繁殖习性的调查   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
鼠类繁殖生态学的研究是其种群生态学研究的一个重要方面 ,它不但为研究鼠类种群数量变动规律对种群数量进行预测预报提供重要的生态学基础资料 ,也为控制鼠害措施的制定提供依据 ,同时也具有重要的流行病学意义。大沙鼠 (Rhombmysopimus)广泛分布于中亚细亚、哈萨克斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗和蒙古国等地 ,在我国主要分布于内蒙古西部、甘肃北部和新疆 ,是荒漠—半荒漠地区的重要害鼠。我国对其生态学方面多注重于种群分布格局的研究[1~ 5] ,在繁殖方面的研究甚少[6] 。 1 979~1 980年和 1 995~ 1 996年对内蒙古包头市达尔罕茂…  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)是荒漠草原的典型鼠种,但它的分布十分广泛。在内蒙古除呼伦贝尔盟大兴安岭林区、兴安盟和阿拉善盟沙漠地区外,几乎到处都有分布,其中尤以西部荒漠草原和大青山以南的农业区数量最多。它除了危害农牧业外,并是动物源疾病的重要的疫源动物之一。革螨在各种鼠类的鼠体  相似文献   

内蒙古东部草原沙狐春季洞穴选择   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对内蒙古东部草原64个沙狐洞穴的观测,采用主成分分析法,对沙狐洞穴选择作了初步的定量研究。分析结果表明:影响沙狐春季洞穴选择的主要生态因子有7种,依次为:坡位因子(随坡度,坡高的变化而变化),水源因子,植被因子,微气候因子,食物因子,人为干扰因子和微生境因子,而坡向,洞口朝向及洞道口倾角等影响不明显。  相似文献   

库姆塔格沙漠南缘荒漠植物群落多样性分析   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
 根据20个样地的调查资料,应用重要值计算多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数 、优势度指数,对库姆塔格沙漠南缘荒漠植物群落物种多样性进行分析。结果表明: 1)荒漠植物群落分布随其生境地貌不同而不同,山前戈壁上分布有合头草(Sympegma regelii)群落,冲积河道低地分布有荒漠林胡杨(Populus euphratica)、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)、胀果甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflata)群落,戈壁沙漠过渡带为梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)群落,低海拔的沙山上分布有沙拐枣(Calligonum mongolicum)群落、膜果麻黄(Ephedra rzewalskii)群落和梭梭群落。2)荒漠植物群落物种多样性水平较低,群落结构简单,物种组成单一。群落Shannon_Wiener物种多样性水平表现为合头草群落最高(1.706),具有草原化荒漠植被类型的成分;梭梭群落、膜果麻黄群落居中(0.875~0.890),荒漠植被类型特征明显;沙拐枣群落、胡杨群落、多枝 柽柳群落、胀果甘草群落较低(0.079~0.495),荒漠林、盐地沙生灌丛及盐化草甸植被均有零星分布。3)荒漠植物群落结构层次中,灌木层占居主导地位,群落灌木层物种多样性水平(0.769~1.451)远远大于草本层(0.193~0.254),且草本层物种多样性受灌木层影响较大。4)荒漠植物群落物种多样性分布格局表现为经向、纬向和海拔梯度的变化,经向、纬向变化为物种多样性水平较高的草原化植物合头草群落(1.706)向物种多样性水平较低的荒漠植物梭梭群落(1.379)和盐化植物多枝柽柳群落(0.376)的过渡,海拔梯度则 呈现低水平的沙拐枣群落(0.819)到高水平的膜果麻黄群落(0.890)向低水平的梭梭群落 (0.645)变化。荒漠植物群落过渡地带一般具有较高的物种多样性和较低的生态优势度。  相似文献   

穴居性动物的洞穴对其生存有着重要的影响。为了解喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmota himalayana)利用洞穴特征及其生态意义,于2017年5月至10月以及2018年4月至5月在四川省阿坝州若尔盖县班佑乡多玛村对30对喜马拉雅旱獭繁殖对所利用的洞穴进行了定量研究。按照当年被频繁利用的洞穴(夜宿洞与繁殖洞)与临时利用的洞穴1∶2的比例取样,共测量了90个洞穴的7个物理特征参数,比较了不同类型洞穴的物理特征差异。结果表明:(1)当地喜马拉雅旱獭利用洞穴外径的长轴和短轴分别为59.3 ± 21.9 (16~100) 和45.8 ± 20.5 (18~100) cm,内径内横径和内竖径分别为24.4 ± 4.0 (16~39) 和19.7 ± 3.5 (15~39) cm;(2)洞道首段长为127.3 ± 43.3 (60~240) cm;(3)洞道首段倾斜角度为45.7° ± 9.5° (20°~72°);(4)洞口朝向角度为195.8° ± 96.2° (3°~356°)。除了夜宿洞与繁殖洞临时洞的内竖径有显著性差异,其它不同洞穴类型之间的物理特征基本一致。喜马拉雅旱獭利用洞穴物理特征参数表明其洞穴具有躲避天敌、抵御不良天气、良好的排水性能以及维持洞穴小气候稳定的功能。大部分洞穴之间的物理特征基本一致结合行为观察,说明喜马拉雅旱獭存在年际间的换洞行为。  相似文献   

The occurrence of the Corsac Fox, Vulpes corsac, is replete with ambiguity and uncertainty in the literature. We present the first confirmed record of the species from Iran. In the course of a survey, we found two Corsac Fox furs in Tehran Market in 2013 and separately recorded one adult and a group of three young in semi-arid steppes in central Turkmen Sahra, Golestan Province, in June 2014. Great Gerbil (Rhomobomys opimus), Libyan Jird (Meriones libycus), and Long-eared Hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) are among prey items. The Corsac Fox has a limited range in Iran and is threatened by habitat fragmentation and road kill.  相似文献   

This investigation was conducted to test whether an upper hive entrance may result in reduced Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) population buildup in newly established honey bee, Apis mellifera L., colonies over an 8-mo period. The upper hive entrance consisted of a 3.5-cm-i.d. polyvinyl chloride pipe positioned 20 cm above the hive bottom. Sixteen bee colonies were established using five-frame nucleus hives with a 0.9-kg (2-1b) package of bees with queen. Eight colonies were placed in each apiary, and each colony received one of two treatments: 1) conventional hive lower entrance and 2) modified upper hive entrance. This investigation was conducted in two distant apiaries where A. tumida had been a major problem to local beekeepers for a minimum of 2 yr. Results showed no overall differences between treatment effects on A. tumida counts over the test period, but there was a reduction in bee brood measured in colonies having an upper hive entrance. We conclude that the upper pipe entrance is not recommended in areas where A. tumida are well established and have become problematic. The expected reduction of brood in colonies as a result of using an upper hive entrance will lead to less productive units for honey production and pollination activities. Other control measures will be necessary to maintain tolerable levels of A. tumida in honey bee colonies at high pest densities.  相似文献   

A simple method of sequential sampling is developed which would make it automatically possible to secure, without excess sampling, a predetermined level of precision for a series of population estimates being required. It appears to have wide application to sampling field populations under various situations since it is simply based upon the relationship of variance to mean for which a comprehensive formula deduced for biological populations from the linearity in the regression of mean crowding on mean density could be adopted. Some problems that may arise in practical application of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   

中华竹鼠的洞穴结构及其生境利用特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用徒步不定宽样线法对片口自然保护区中华竹鼠(Rhizomys sinensis)的生境选择和洞穴特征进行了研究.共设置4条样线148个20 m×20 m样方,并对61个有中华竹鼠新鲜土堆的洞穴进行了解剖观察与测量,采用Vanderloeg和Scaiva选择指数对生境选择进行分析.结果表明,其洞系结构由土丘、洞口、取食道、避难所、窝及厕所组成,每个结构都与中华竹鼠的习性及生存活动相适应;中华竹鼠喜欢选择东南坡向、坡度适中(25~45°)、上层乔木郁闭度大于25%的常绿落叶阔叶混交林或落叶阔叶林、竹子密度适中(20~40株/m~2)、竹子较粗(基径大于10 mm)、距水源较近且远离人为活动干扰的箭竹林中筑巢.  相似文献   

Plant LTP1 are small helical proteins stabilized by four disulfide bridges and are characterized by the presence of an internal cavity, in which various hydrophobic ligands can be inserted. Recently, we have determined the solution structure of the recombinant tobacco LTP1_1. Unexpectedly, despite a global fold very similar to the structures already known for cereal seed LTP1, its binding properties are different: Tobacco LTP1_1 is able to bind only one monoacylated lipid, whereas cereal LTP1 can bind either one or two. The 3D structure of tobacco LTP1_1 revealed the presence of a hydrophobic cluster, not observed on cereal LTP1 structures, which may hinder one of the two entrances of the cavity defined for wheat LTP1. To better understand the mechanism of lipid entrance for tobacco LTP1_1 and to define the regions of the protein monitoring the accessibility of the cavity, we have complemented our structural data by the study of the internal dynamics of tobacco LTP1_1, using (15)N magnetic relaxation rate data and MD simulations at room and high temperatures. This work allowed us to define two regions of the protein experiencing the largest motions. These two regions delineate a portal that opens up during the simulation constituting a unique entrance of the hydrophobic cavity, in contrast with wheat LTP1 where two routes were detected. The hydrophobic interactions resulting from a few point mutations are strong enough to completely block the second portal so that the accessibility of the cavity is restricted to one entrance, explaining why this particular LTP1 binds only one lipid molecule.  相似文献   

Tsai FC  Yang JY  Mardini S  Chuang SS  Wei FC 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2004,113(1):185-93; discussion 194-5
With recent advances in free-tissue transfer, microsurgical techniques have been used more frequently for the reconstruction of postburn contracture defects. Traditional methods, including full-thickness skin grafts and local flaps, often result in a good outcome; however, multiple operative procedures, long periods of splinting, and physical rehabilitation are often required. Free split-cutaneous perforator flaps, consisting of one large cutaneous paddle with two perforating vessels split into two separate skin regions, were used for two kinds of postburn contractures: rectangular and spatially separate defects. From September of 2000 to October of 2002, seven patients underwent this method of reconstruction at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan. A three-dimensional flap harvest method, in which the skin paddle is circumferentially elevated early in the harvest, was used. Postburn scar contractures had resulted from flame burns in six cases and an electric burn in one case. The reconstructive regions included the neck in two patients, the breast in one patient, and the hand in four patients. There were six male patients and one female patient, with a mean age of 34.8 years (range, 25 to 49 years). The size of the excised scar ranged from 120 cm2 to 308 cm2 (mean, 162.3 cm2). The size of the unsplit flaps ranged from 144 cm2 to 337.5 cm2 (mean, 192.1 cm2). The average time for flap harvest using this three-dimensional harvest technique was 39.1 minutes. The average total operative time was 4.3 hours. The average total hospital stay was 7.3 days (range, 6 to 11 days). All flaps survived without major complications. The donor site was closed primarily in all cases. At a mean follow-up time of 9 months, the functional and aesthetic outcomes showed significant improvement as compared with the preoperative condition. In this study, a new method of flap harvest using a three-dimensional technique is introduced, and its application in the reconstruction of postburn contractures is evaluated.  相似文献   

The tail gland of canids is a hepatoid glandular organ surrounded and penetrated by powerful hair erector muscles squeezing out its lipoprotein secretion onto the skin surface. The gland is most developed in solitary species (Arctic, red, and corsac foxes) where it is represented by powerful glandular layer with large secretion containers—cisterns. It is less developed in the jackal; there are cisterns but glandular lobes do not merge into a layer. In the raccoon dog, wolf, and domestic dog the gland is composed of small lobes without cisterns. Hepatoid glands of the tail gland are represented by two histological variants distinguished by the presence or absence of hydrophobic lipids in the secretory cells. The excretory ducts are formed by lipid transformation of the cellular bands.  相似文献   

This paper proposes some guidelines to compute complexity index in those mangroves where either seasonal or strong disturbances have occurred. We surveyed 31 mangrove localities in Buenaventura Bay, Central Pacific Coast of Colombia, where structural parameters were measured within a 0.1 ha plot. Also, most likely disturbances were noted for each plot. Complexity index was calculated in its classical form using the arithmetic mean of the three tallest trees(maximal mean) and alternatively using: a) the total mean: the height average of all trees recorded in each plot; and b) the mode: the most frequent tree height class (10 cm intervals) within each plot. Afterwards, we compared the three computations and discussed there liability of each one according to the current state by plot. In addition, all structural parameters were sorted in two diameter at breast height (dbh) cohorts (2.5–10 cm and ≥ 10 cm) to figure out which contributes more to the forest structure. We conclude the following: (a) The mean of the three tallest trees is not a good estimator of forest development when seasonal or strong disturbances occur since complexity index based in it always overestimates forest structure. (b) Seasonal disturbances and recruitment produce mosaic forests. The best estimator of this condition is the mean height which encompasses both central tendency and variability. (c) The modal height is also helpful to establish the dominant cohort when forests show two or more storied-canopies, or intermediate cohorts are missing. It also applies when a new stock of recruits is entering in a mature forest (the modal or maximal heights can be used interchangeably in this case). (d) Maximal height is the best estimator for uniformly developed forests with closed canopies and/or a single dominant tall-cohort. (e) If one is not confident about which height type to include to compute the complexity index, we recommend to sort out structure data by dbh-cohorts and calculate indices for both of them. This will show which cohort is contributing most to forest complexity. Finally, we suggest to exclude non-mangrove species from the complexity index computation since they mostly do not contribute significantly to forest basal area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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