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A hypothesis is presented that most pteridophytes arrived in New Zealand relatively recently, by long-distance dispersal. The flora comprises 194 native species, of which 89 (46%) are endemic and 105 (54%) are widespread. Of the latter, 90% are shared with temperate Australasia, 53% with tropical regions, 14% with temperate southern Africa and 13% with the circum-Antarctic islands and South America. New Zealand has undergone such dramatic changes in location, land area, and topography since initial separation from Gondwana 85 Ma that it seems improbable that the 95 species shared with temperate Australasia could have remained conspecific throughout that time. Modern fossil and molecular evidence strongly suggest that many families of ferns had not even evolved prior to separation, and palynological evidence from New Zealand indicates that 78% of pteridophyte genera first appeared there only after separation from Gondwana. Present-day distributions in New Zealand suggest that ferns have greater dispersal potential than flowering plants, and that pteridophyte distributions are more heavily influenced by temperature, rainfall, and geothermal activity than by geological history. Most endemic pteridophyte species have a predominantly southern distribution pattern and are characteristic of cool, lowland to montane forest. Pteridophytes in the northern part of New Zealand show a lower level of endemism than elsewhere and tend to be widespread species that have arrived from temperate Australasian and tropical regions. There is also evidence that at least some pteridophytes have migrated from New Zealand to Australia. It is suggested that the hypothesis of long-distance dispersal of pteridophytes across the Tasman Sea could be tested by molecular techniques.  相似文献   

Fleshy-fruitedness in the New Zealand flora   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Aim It has been claimed that the New Zealand flora has an unusually high frequency of fleshy-fruitedness. This paper tests whether fleshy-fruitedness is indeed more common in New Zealand than in other temperate floras, then examines the distribution of fleshy-fruitedness among taxa and floristic elements to determine whether the flora conforms to predictions for a continental island with a relictual floristic element. Lastly, I test the extent to which fleshy-fruitedness has influenced colonization success and subsequent speciation within New Zealand. Methods Information on fruit characteristics for all indigenous seed plants was extracted from the Flora of New Zealand series and analysed with χ2 tests. Results Contrary to previous claims fleshy-fruitedness was not unusually common in the New Zealand flora as a whole, when compared with other temperate floras. It is only more common in alpine communities and among trees. I also found no evidence for selective immigration; fleshy-fruited New Zealand genera were not more likely, than dry-fruited genera, to also occur in Australia. Furthermore there is no evidence that the New Zealand environment has favoured fleshy-fruited taxa; there has been no autochthonous evolution of fleshy-fruitedness in New Zealand, fleshy-fruitedness has had no significant effect on speciation within New Zealand, and endemic genera are no more likely to be fleshy-fruited than nonendemic genera. Fleshy-fruitedness in New Zealand is, however, strongly related to floristic elements of the flora. New Zealand is a continental island and therefore, theoretically, those elements of the flora dating from a time when the landmass was less isolated, should show a more balanced representation of dispersal modes. Contrary to this, fleshy-fruitedness is more common among species in Gondwanan taxa or in taxa with pollen records dating to before the Miocene. Main conclusions Fleshy-fruitedness in New Zealand conforms to neither the expectations for an isolated landmasses, namely a disharmonic range of dispersal modes, nor expectations for a continental island. I suggest that this pattern may be a product of selective survival of highly vagile taxa in the low-lying archipelago that was New Zealand during the late Cretaceous to mid-Cenozoic, followed by an invasion by taxa with a broader range of dispersal modes facilitated by the establishment of the circumpolar current.  相似文献   

Many tropical tree species occupy continental expanses of rainforest and flank dispersal barriers such as oceans and mountains. The role of long-distance dispersal in establishing the range of such species is poorly understood. In this study, we test vicariance hypotheses for range disjunctions in the rainforest tree Ceiba pentandra, which is naturally widespread across equatorial Africa and the Neotropics. Approximate molecular clocks were applied to nuclear ribosomal [ITS (internal transcribed spacer)] and chloroplast (psbB-psbF) spacer DNA sampled from 12 Neotropical and five West African populations. The ITS (N=5) and psbB-psbF (N=2) haplotypes exhibited few nucleotide differences, and ITS and psbB-psbF haplotypes were shared by populations on both continents. The low levels of nucleotide divergence falsify vicariance explanations for transatlantic and cross-Andean range disjunctions. The study shows how extreme long-distance dispersal, via wind or marine currents, creates taxonomic similarities in the plant communities of Africa and the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the geological evolution and biogeographical implications of low mountain passes. In particular, we question the common biogeographical belief that major mountain belts form impervious physical barriers to biological dispersal, and that related taxa found on opposites sides of mountains are necessarily a result of vicariant tectonic processes. Location The Southern Alps of New Zealand form a long (500 km) narrow mountain belt at the oblique collisional Pacific–Australian tectonic plate boundary. High mountains were uplifted during the Pliocene (2–5 Ma) and uplift has continued to the present day. Methods We integrate previous work from several disciplines to obtain an overview of inter‐relationships between plate tectonic processes, geomorphology and biogeography along the main mountain barrier in New Zealand, and then extend this approach to other major mountain belts. Results The Southern Alps initially formed a barrier to at least some biological dispersal, including vicariant formation of separate species of freshwater non‐migratory galaxiid fish on either side. However, the high mountain barrier was breached in several places when passive transport of topography occurred, from the low‐erosion rain shadow on the eastern side towards the high‐erosion, high‐rainfall western side. This tectonic transport resulted in the capture of eastern rivers by west‐draining rivers, leaving low passes at the topographic divide. These low‐elevation corridors permitted biological dispersal across the mountains, although continued uplift raises these passes. A new set of passes has formed in the northern part of the mountains where younger faults are cutting across the older mountain topography. These potential dispersal corridors are becoming lower with continued erosion, and more common as the defining structures migrate southwards. Main conclusions Biological dispersal across the Southern Alps may be facilitated by numerous mountain passes, especially via the new passes formed by cross‐cutting faults. More low‐lying corridors existed than is readily apparent now, as old river capture‐related passes have been blocked by ongoing uplift. The dynamic mountain‐building and erosional environment typified by the Southern Alps occurs in all the world’s collisional mountain belts, such as the Andes, Himalayas, European Alps and North American Cordillera. Sister taxa occurring across mountain belts are not necessarily a result of vicariance driven by the rise of the mountains, as numerous passes may have permitted intermittent dispersal. The evolution of low passes may have been more prevalent than is currently appreciated, suggesting that topographically complex mountain ranges might be more effectively viewed as dynamic filters within a probability landscape rather than as static and impervious high‐altitude barriers to all but the rarest of biological dispersal events. In some cases, the biological disjunctions observed across mountains may more directly reflect habitat differentiation driven by orographic mountain development that has limited the probability of trans‐alpine dispersal success.  相似文献   

Aim  To describe New Zealand's historical terrestrial biogeography and place this history in a wider Southern Hemisphere context.
Location  New Zealand.
Methods  The analysis is based primarily on literature on the distributions and relationships of New Zealand's terrestrial flora and fauna.
Results  New Zealand is shown to have a biota that has broad relationships, primarily around the cool Southern Hemisphere, as well as with New Caledonia to the north. There are hints of ancient Gondwanan taxa, although the long-argued predominance of taxa derived by vicariant processes, driven by plate tectonics and the fragmentation of Gondwana, is no longer accepted as a principal explanation of the biota's origins and relationships.
Main conclusions  Most of the terrestrial New Zealand flora and fauna has clearly arrived in New Zealand much more recently than the postulated separation of New Zealand from Gondwana, dated at c. 80 Ma. There is a view that New Zealand may have disappeared completely beneath the sea in the early Cenozoic, and acceptance of this would mean derivation of the entire biota by transoceanic dispersal. However, there are elements in the biota that seem to have broad distributions that date back to Gondwanan times, and also some that are thought unlikely to have been able to disperse to New Zealand across ocean gaps, especially freshwater organisms. Very strong connections to the biota of Australia, rather than to South America, are inconsistent with the timing of New Zealand's ancient and early separation from Gondwana and seem likely to have resulted from dispersal.  相似文献   

Restriction site mutations and trnL(UAA)-trnF(GAA) intergenic spacer length variants in the chloroplast genome were used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among 53 Australian and New Zealand Microseris populations and to assess their position within their primarily North American genus. The study was performed to enhance understanding of evolutionary processes within this unique example of intercontinental dispersal and subsequent adaptive radiation. A southern blot method using four-base restriction enzymes and fragment separation on polyacryamide gels resulted in 55 mutations of which 30 were potentially phylogenetically informative. Most mutations were small indels of <162 bp, 80% of which were <20 bp. The small indels were useful for phylogenetic reconstruction of Australasian Microseris as judged by the high consistency indexes. The results confirmed the monophyly of the Australian and New Zealand Microseris. The occurrence of “hard” basal polytomies in the most parsimonious trees indicated that rapid radiation has occurred early in the history of the taxon. The monophyly of M. lanceolata, which includes the self-incompatible ecotypes of the Australian mainland, was confirmed. Within this species three clades were found that reflect more geographic distribution than morphological entities, suggesting that migration and possibly introgression between different ecotypes, or parallel evolution of similar adaptations, has occurred. One of the three clades was supported by a 162-bp deletion in the trnL-trnF spacer, while a subgroup of this exhibited also a tandemly repeated trnF exon. The data were inconclusive about the monophyly of the second Australasian species, M. scapigera, which comprises the New Zealand, Tasmanian, and autofertile ecotypes of Australia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Recently, attention has been directed toward the application of cladistic techniques to reconstruct the history of areas from species distribution data. In this study, hypotheses of area relationships for southern New Zealand are generated from lepidopteran distribution data analysed at two taxonomic levels. Data are shown to possess cladistic structure and area relationships presented here are consistent with the geological history of the southern region of New Zealand. Our results suggest a recolonization of inland lowland regions from the south following a period of extinction during the early Pliocene. Analysis of selected data including only flightless or locally endemic species resulted in little resolution of area relationships but topologies were significantly congruent with a total species dataset. Hypotheses generated from this study are open to testing with congruence analysis using independent species phylogenies.  相似文献   

The avifauna of New Zealand is taxonomically and ecologically distinctive, as is typical of island biotas. However, the potential for an old geological age of New Zealand has encouraged a popular notion of a ‘Moa’s ark’ based on the idea that much of the fauna was isolated when Zealandia broke from Gondwana c. 83 million years ago. Molecular phylogenetics has proved useful for exploring the relative importance of different biogeographical processes, revealing for example that ‘tramp’ species (widely dispersing taxa) have arrived in New Zealand even in the last few hundred years, and that some avian taxa have close phylogenetic relatives overseas (predominantly Australian), indicating their recent ancestors were tramps, too. Distinctive taxa with deep phylogenetic ancestry might be ‘vicars’ that owe their presence to vicariance, but lack of close morphological, taxonomic and phylogenetic affinity provides only tenuous evidence for this. Disproving the alternative possibility that apparent vicars are descended from tramps that dispersed in earlier times remains challenging, but molecular analyses have yielded startling insights. Among New Zealand’s iconic taxa, the world’s largest eagle shared a Pleistocene ancestor with a small Australian eagle, and giant, flightless moa are phylogenetic sisters of the much smaller, flying tinamous of South America. The New Zealand avifauna is neither isolated nor stable, but demonstrative of prolonged and ongoing colonization, speciation and extinction.  相似文献   

Aim Determine the geographical and temporal origins of New Zealand cicadas. Location New Zealand, eastern Australia and New Caledonia. Methods DNA sequences from 14 species of cicadas from New Zealand, Australia, and New Caledonia were examined. A total of 4628 bp were analysed from whole genome extraction of four mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II, and ribosomal 12S and 16S subunits) and one nuclear gene (elongation factor‐1 alpha). These DNA sequences were aligned and analysed using standard phylogenetic methods based primarily on the maximum likelihood optimality criterion. Dates of divergences between clades were determined using several molecular clock methods. Results New Zealand cicadas form two well‐defined clades. One clade groups with Australian taxa, the other with New Caledonian taxa. The molecular clock analyses indicate that New Zealand genera diverged from the Australian and New Caledonian genera within the last 11.6 Myr. Main conclusions New Zealand was likely colonized by two or more invasions. One NZ lineage has its closest relatives in Australia and the other in New Caledonia. These invasions occurred well after New Zealand became isolated from other land masses, therefore cicadas must have crossed large bodies of water to reach New Zealand.  相似文献   

Aim The role of dispersal versus vicariance for plant distribution patterns has long been disputed. We study the temporal and spatial diversification of Ranunculeae, an almost cosmopolitan tribe comprising 19 genera, to understand the processes that have resulted in the present inter‐continental disjunctions. Location All continents (except Antarctica). Methods Based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences for 18 genera and 89 species, we develop a temporal–spatial framework for the reconstruction of the biogeographical history of Ranunculeae. To estimate divergence dates, Bayesian uncorrelated rates analyses and four calibration points derived from geological, fossil and external molecular information were applied. Parsimony‐based methods for dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva and Mesquite ) and a maximum likelihood‐based method (Lagrange ) were used for reconstructing ancestral areas. Six areas corresponding to continents were delimited. Results The reconstruction of ancestral areas is congruent in the diva and maximum likelihood‐based analyses for most nodes, but Mesquite reveals equivocal results at deep nodes. Our study suggests a Northern Hemisphere origin for the Ranunculeae in the Eocene and a weakly supported vicariance event between North America and Eurasia. The Eurasian clade diversified between the early Oligocene and the late Miocene, with at least three independent migrations to the Southern Hemisphere. The North American clade diversified in the Miocene and dispersed later to Eurasia, South America and Africa. Main conclusions Ranunculeae diversified between the late Eocene and the late Miocene. During this time period, the main oceanic barriers already existed between continents and thus dispersal is the most likely explanation for the current distribution of the tribe. In the Southern Hemisphere, a vicariance model related to the break‐up of Gondwana is clearly rejected. Dispersals between continents could have occurred via migration over land bridges, such as the Bering Land Bridge, or via long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Abstract Many bryophyte species have distributions that span multiple continents. The hypotheses historically advanced to explain such distributions rely on either long-distance spore dispersal or slow rates of morphological evolution following ancient continental vicariance events. We use phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence variation at three chloroplast loci ( atpB-rbcL spacer, rps4 gene, and trnL intron and 3'spacer) to examine these two hypotheses in the trans-Antarctic moss Pyrrhobryum mnioides. We find: (1) reciprocal monophyly of Australasian and South American populations, indicating a lack of intercontinental dispersal; (2) shared haplotypes between Australia and New Zealand, suggesting recent or ongoing migration across the Tasman Sea; and (3) reciprocal monophyly among Patagonian and neotropical populations, suggesting no recent migration along the Andes. These results corroborate experimental work suggesting that spore features may be critical determinants of species range. We use the mid-Miocene development of the Atacama Desert, 14 million years ago, to calibrate a molecular clock for the tree. The age of the trans-Antarctic disjunction is estimated to be 80 million years ago, consistent with Gondwanan vicariance, making it among the most ancient documented cases of cryptic speciation. These data are in accord with niche conservatism, but whether the morphological stasis is a product of stabilizing selection or phylogenetic constraint is unknown.  相似文献   

Aim The distribution of Onychophora across the southern continents has long been considered the result of vicariance events. However, it has recently been hypothesized that New Zealand was completely inundated during the late Oligocene (25–22 Ma) and therefore that the entire biota is the result of long-distance dispersal. We tested this assumption using phylogenetic and molecular dating of DNA sequence data from Onychophora. Location New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Chile (South America). Methods We obtained DNA sequence data from the nuclear genes 28S and 18S rRNA to reconstruct relationships among species of Peripatopsidae (Onychophora). We performed molecular dating under a Bayesian relaxed clock model with a range of prior distributions using the rifting of South America and South Africa as a calibration. Results Our phylogenetic trees revealed that the New Zealand genera Ooperipatellus and Peripatoides, together with selected Australian genera (Euperipatoides, Phallocephale and an undescribed genus from Tasmania), form a monophyletic group that is the sister group to genera from Chile (Metaperipatus) and South Africa (Peripatopsis and Opisthopatus). The relaxed clock dating analyses yielded mean divergence times from 71.3 to 78.9 Ma for the split of the New Zealand Peripatoides from their Australian sister taxa. The 0.95 Bayesian posterior intervals were very broad and ranged from 24.5 to 137.6 Ma depending on the prior assumptions. The mean divergence of the New Zealand species of Ooperipatellus from the Australian species Ooperipatellus insignis was estimated at between 39.9 and 46.2 Ma, with posterior intervals ranging from 9.5 to 91.6 Ma. Main conclusions The age of Peripatoides is consistent with long-term survival in New Zealand and implies that New Zealand was not completely submerged during the Oligocene. Ooperipatellus is less informative on the question of continuous land in the New Zealand region because we cannot exclude a post-Oligocene divergence. The great age of Peripatoides is consistent with a vicariant origin of this genus resulting from the rifting of New Zealand from the eastern margin of Gondwana and supports the assumptions of previous authors who considered the Onychophora to be a relict component of the New Zealand biota.  相似文献   

Aim Determine the phylogeny and dispersal patterns of the cicada genus Kikihia in New Zealand and the origin of the Norfolk, Kermadec, and Chatham Island cicadas. Location New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Kermadec Islands and Chatham Island. Methods DNA sequences from 16 species and four soon to be described species of cicadas from New Zealand and Norfolk Island (Australia) were examined. A total of 1401 base pairs were analysed from whole genome extraction of three mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunit II, ATPase6 and ATPase8). These DNA sequences were aligned and analysed using standard likelihood approaches to phylogenetic analysis. Dates of divergences between clades were determined using a molecular clock based on Bayesian statistics. Results Most species in the genus Kikihia diverged between 3 and 5 million years ago (Ma) coincident with a period of rapid mountain building in New Zealand. Cicada species on the Kermadec and Norfolk Islands invaded recently from New Zealand and are closely related to the New Zealand North Island species Kikihia cutora. Main conclusions Speciation in the genus Kikihia was likely due in large part to the appearance of new habitats associated with the rise of the Southern Alps, starting c. 5 Ma. Dispersal of Kikihia species within mainland New Zealand probably occurred gradually rather than through long‐distance jumps. However, invasion of Norfolk, the Kermadecs and Chatham Islands had to have occurred through long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Aim The aim is to use DNA sequence data to test between vicariance and long range dispersal (by floating seed-pods) explanations for the origin and range of the Edwardsia species of Sophora (Sophoreae: Papilionoideae: Leguminosae). Location This group is widely distributed around the South Pacific and into the South Atlantic on both continental fragments and oceanic islands. Methods DNA sequences from an intergene region (atpB-rbcL) of the chloroplast were determined for twelve taxa (including outgroups) and used to test these hypotheses. Sophora fossils were used to calibrate the evolutionary tree. Results The Edwardsia group of Sophora appears monophyletic and is well differentiated from other Sophora. However, the genetic difference between species within the South Pacific and to the South Atlantic is very low. Main conclusionsThe results eliminate vicariance explanations for this section of Sophora and strongly support an origin from other (non-Edwardsia) Sophora in the north-west Pacific. Dispersal appears initially to be to Tuvalu, Lord Howe Island, New Zealand, and subsequently across the South Pacific, probably within the last 2–5 million years. Dispersal of buoyant Sophora seeds to oceanic islands is the most likely explanation of its distributions. Fossil pollen dates in New Zealand are consistent with the conclusion.  相似文献   

Aim We test hypotheses regarding the origin of diversity and patterns of species richness in and around the New Zealand Southern Alps with 25 species of Chionochloa (Poaceae, Danthonioideae). Location New Zealand. Methods We inferred a well‐resolved and mostly robustly supported chloroplast phylogeny based on multiple DNA sequence markers (trnT–L–F, rpl16, trnD–psbM, atpB–rbcL, matK and ndhF), sampling 92% of the recognized species and 82% of the subspecific taxa. Nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer sequences were also sampled, but proved uninformative. Biogeographic reconstruction and character optimization were done using both parsimony and likelihood approaches, and molecular dating used relaxed clock approaches. Results Most of the species diversity in Chionochloa stemmed from a common ancestor in the southern South Island with subsequent dispersal between areas. One clade of apparently cryptic taxa diversified within the central South Island ‘endemism gap’, persisting there throughout at least the latter half of the Pleistocene. Exclusively alpine and other habitat specialist species originated independently, the former relatively recently (between 7.6 Ma and the present). Main conclusions The phylogeny of Chionochloa and other published phylogenies of New Zealand plant groups demonstrate that the higher degree of endemism in the north and south of the New Zealand South Island relative to a central endemism gap cannot be explained by Alpine Fault displacement. Furthermore, our results suggest that if extinctions resulting from glaciations played a role in the origin of the central endemism gap, their impact was less than might be presumed on the basis of the distribution of taxa as they are currently defined. The diversification of Chionochloa and a number of New Zealand plant groups, such as Ranunculus, was contemporaneous with the initiation of the uplift of the Southern Alps. In contrast to patterns of diversifications within the alpine regions typical of the hyperdiverse Andes, exclusively alpine species in New Zealand arose independently from ancestors distributed in more lowland areas. Similarly, habitat specialists in Chionochloa arose independently from more generalist ancestors. Thus, although diversification in these groups may have been stimulated by mountain building and Pleistocene climatic oscillations, cladogenesis did not occur within the high alpine habitat itself.  相似文献   

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