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Superoxide dismutases (SODs) are a group of important antioxidant defense enzymes. In this study, a putative extracellular Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (ecCuZnSOD) complementary DNA was cloned and characterized from the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that the expression level of Bt‐ecCuZnSOD was more than 10‐fold higher in the invasive Middle East Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) than in the native Asia II 3 species of the B. tabaci species complex. After exposure to low temperature (4 °C), the expression of Bt‐ecCuZnSOD gene was significantly up‐regulated in MEAM1 but not in Asia II 3. Furthermore, the expression level of B. tabaci intracellular CuZnSOD (Bt‐icCuZnSOD), Bt‐ecCuZnSOD and mitochondrial MnSOD (Bt‐mMnSOD) was compared after transferring MEAM1 and Asia II 3 whiteflies from favorable (cotton) to unfavorable host plants (tobacco). On cotton, both CuZnSOD genes were expressed at a higher level in MEAM1 compared with Asia II 3. Interestingly, after transferring onto tobacco, the expression of Bt‐ecCuZnSOD was significantly induced in Asia II 3 but not in MEAM1. On the other hand, while Bt‐mMnSOD was expressed equally in both species on cotton, Bt‐mMnSOD messenger RNA was up‐regulated in MEAM1 on tobacco. Consistently, enzymatic activity assays of CuZnSOD and MnSOD demonstrated that CuZnSOD might play an important protective role against oxidative stress in Asia II 3, whereas MnSOD activation was critical for MEAM1 whiteflies during host adaptation. Taken together, our results suggest that the successful invasion of MEAM1 is correlated with its constitutive high activity of CuZnSOD and inducible expression of MnSOD under stress conditions.  相似文献   

More than 110 mutations in dimeric, Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) have been linked to the fatal neurodegenerative disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In both human patients and mouse model studies, protein misfolding has been implicated in disease pathogenesis. A central step in understanding the misfolding/aggregation mechanism of this protein is the elucidation of the folding pathway of SOD. Here we report a systematic analyses of unfolding and folding kinetics using single- and double-jump experiments as well as measurements as a function of guanidium chloride, protein, and metal concentration for fully metallated (holo) pseudo wild-type and ALS-associated mutant (E100G, G93R, G93A, and metal binding mutants G85R and H46R) SODs. The kinetic mechanism for holo SODs involves native dimer, monomer intermediate, and unfolded monomer, with variable metal dissociation from the monomeric states depending on solution conditions. The effects of the ALS mutations on the kinetics of the holoproteins in guanidium chloride are markedly different from those observed previously for acid-induced unfolding and for the unmetallated (apo) forms of the proteins. The mutations decrease the stability of holo SOD mainly by increasing unfolding rates, which is particularly pronounced for the metal-binding mutants, and have relatively smaller effects on the observed folding kinetics. Mutations also seem to favour increased formation of a Zn-free monomer intermediate, which has been implicated in the formation of toxic aggregates. The results reveal the kinetic basis for the extremely high stability of wild-type holo SOD and the possible consequences of kinetic changes for disease.  相似文献   

The folding and thermodynamic properties of metal free (apo) superoxide dismutases (SODs) are systematically analyzed using equilibrium guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) curves and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Chemically and structurally diverse amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)-associated mutations (G85R, G93R, E100G, I113T) are introduced into a pseudo-wild-type background that has no free cysteines, resulting in highly reversible unfolding. Analysis of the protein concentration dependence of GdmCl curves reveals formation of a monomer intermediate in equilibrium with native dimer and unfolded monomer. Global fitting of the data enables quantitative measurement of free energy changes for both dimer dissociation and monomer intermediate stability. All the mutations decrease protein stability, mainly by destabilizing the monomer intermediate, but also by tending to weaken dimerization, even for mutations far from the dimer interface. Thus, the effects of mutations seem to propagate through the apo protein, and result in increased population of both intermediate and unfolded monomers. This may underlie increased formation of toxic aggregates by mutants in ALS. Analysis of DSC data for apo SODs is consistent with stability measurements from GdmCl curves and provides further evidence for increased aggregation by mutant proteins through increased ratios of van't Hoff to calorimetric enthalpies of unfolding.  相似文献   

Mutations in human copper zinc superoxide dismutase (hSOD) that are associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have been proposed to destabilize the protein and thereby enhance toxic protein aggregation. In previous studies, denaturation of metallated (holo) hSODs was found to be irreversible, and complicated by the formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds. Here, ALS-associated mutations (E100G, G93A, G85R and A4V) are introduced into a pseudo wild-type background containing no free cysteine residues. The guanidinium chloride-induced denaturation of the holo proteins is generally found to be highly reversible (except for A4V, which tended to aggregate), enabling quantitative analysis of the effects of the mutations on protein stability. Denaturation and renaturation curves were monitored by tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism, enzyme activity, chemical cross-linking and analytical sedimentation, as a function of equilibration time and protein concentration. There is strong kinetic hysteresis, with curves requiring exceptionally long times (many days for pseudo wild-type) to reach equilibrium, and evidence for the formation of kinetic and equilibrium intermediate(s), which are more highly populated at lower protein concentrations. The effects of metal dissociation were included in the data fitting. The full protein concentration dependence is best described using a three-state model involving metallated native dimer, metallated monomeric intermediate and unfolded monomers with no bound metals; however, at high protein concentrations the unfolding approaches a two-state transition with metal binding to both the native dimers and unfolded monomers. We show that the E100G, G93A and G85R mutations decrease overall protein stability, largely by decreasing monomer stability with little effect on dimer dissociation. Comparison of the chemical denaturation data with ALS disease characteristics suggests that aggregation of some mutant hSOD may occur through increased population of partially folded states that are less stable than the monomeric intermediate and accessed from the destabilized holo protein.  相似文献   

FALS-associated missense mutations of SOD1 exhibit a toxic gain of function that leads to the death of motor neurons. The explanations for this toxicity fall into two broad categories. One involves a gain of some oxidative activity, while the second involves a gain of protein: protein interactions. Among the postulated oxidative activities are the following: (i) peroxidase action; (ii) superoxide reductase action; and, (iii) the enhancement of production of O2- by partial reversal of the normal SOD activity, which then leads to increased formation of ONOO(-). We will herein concentrate on evaluating the relative merits of these oxidative hypotheses and consider whether the experiments with transgenic animals that purport to disprove these oxidative explanations really do so.  相似文献   

This study assesses whether the phylogenetic relationships between SODs from different organisms could assist in elucidating the functional relationships among these enzymes from evolutionarily distinct species. Phylogenetic trees and intron positions were compared to determine the relationships among these enzymes. Alignment of Cu/ZnSOD amino acid sequences indicates high homology among plant sequences, with some features that distinguish chloroplastic from cytosolic Cu/ZnSODs. Among eukaryotes, the plant SODs group together. Alignment of the Mn and FeSOD amino acid sequences indicates a higher degree of homology within the group of MnSODs (>70%) than within FeSODs (approximately 60%). Tree topologies are similar and reflect the taxonomic classification of the corresponding species. Intron number and position in the Cu/Zn Sod genes are highly conserved in plants. Genes encoding cytosolic SODs have seven introns and genes encoding chloroplastic SODs have eight introns, except the chloroplastic maize Sod1, which has seven. In Mn Sod genes the number and position of introns are highly conserved among plant species, but not among nonplant species. The link between the phylogenetic relationships and SOD functions remains unclear. Our findings suggest that the 5' region of these genes played a pivotal role in the evolution of function of these enzymes. Nevertheless, the system of SODs is highly structured and it is critical to understand the physiological differences between the SODs in response to different stresses in order to compare their functions and evolutionary history.  相似文献   

M Sette  M Paci  A Desideri  G Rotilio 《Biochemistry》1992,31(49):12410-12415
The binding of formate to bovine Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase has been studied by NMR spectroscopy. The distance between the copper ion and the proton covalently bound to formate has been evaluated from the broadening of the resonance of such proton. The effect on the copper-coordinated water molecule was evaluated from the bulk water relaxation effect by pulsed low-resolution NMR. The broadening of the resonance due to the formate carboxyl in the 13C NMR spectrum gave further indications about the carbon-copper distance thus providing information about the orientation of the formate ion. Changes of isotropically shifted resonances of the Cu,Co enzyme, where cobalt substitutes the native zinc, indicate that rearrangements of imidazoles of the liganding histidines occur upon binding. Transient NOE experiments gave indication of the proximity of the formate proton to resonance H of the NMR spectrum assigned to the imidazole proton of the copper-liganding His 118 of the active site. 2D NMR NOESY experiments made clear that no important rearrangement of the liganding histidines occurred in the presence of a saturating amount of formate. The absence of relevant changes of the intensity of NOE cross-peaks which are sensitive to interatomic distances in the active site revealed that only slight changes have occurred. Molecular graphics representation on the basis of all the information obtained allowed us to locate the formate in the proximity of the active site. The formate binding occurs via hydrogen bonds through the carboxylate ion and the NH groups of the side chains of Arg 141 which is external to the copper coordination sphere and faces the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Kim HJ  Kato N  Kim S  Triplett B 《Planta》2008,228(2):281-292
Hydrogen peroxide and other reactive oxygen species are important signaling molecules in diverse physiological processes. Previously, we discovered superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in extracellular protein preparations from fiber-bearing cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seeds. We show here, based on immunoreactivity, that the enzyme is a Cu/Zn-SOD (CSD). Immunogold localization shows that CSD localizes to secondary cell walls of developing cotton fibers. Five cotton CSD cDNAs were cloned from cotton fiber and classified into three subfamilies (Group 1: GhCSD1; Group 2: GhCSD2a and GhCSD2b; Group 3: GhCSD3 and GhCSD3s). Members of Group 1 and 2 are expressed throughout fiber development, but predominant during the elongation stage. Group 3 CSDs are also expressed throughout fiber development, but transiently increase in abundance at the transition period between cell elongation and secondary cell wall synthesis. Each of the three GhCSDs also has distinct patterns of expression in tissues other than fiber. Overexpression of cotton CSDs fused to green fluorescent protein in transgenic Arabidopsis demonstrated that GhCSD1 localizes to the cytosol, GhCSD2a localizes to plastids, and GhCSD3 is translocated to the cell wall. Subcellular fractionation of proteins from transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings confirmed that only c-myc epitope-tagged GhCSD3 co-purifies with cell wall proteins. Extracellular CSDs have been suggested to be involved in lignin formation in secondary cell walls of other plants. Since cotton fibers are not lignified, we suggest that extracellular CSDs may be involved in other plant cell wall growth and development processes.  相似文献   

The influence of the constitutive metal ions on the equilibrium properties of dimeric Photobacterium leiognathi Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase has been studied for the wild-type and for two mutant protein forms bearing a negative charge in the amino acid clusters at the dimer association interface. Depletion of copper and zinc dissociates the two mutant proteins into monomers, which reassemble toward the dimeric state upon addition of stoichiometric amounts of zinc. Pressure-dependent dissociation is observed for the copper-depleted wild-type and mutated enzymes, as monitored by the fluorescence shift of a unique tryptophan residue located at the subunit association interface. The spectral shift occurs slowly, reaching a plateau after 15-20 minutes, and is fully reversible. The recovery of the original fluorescence properties, after decompression, is fast (less than four minutes), suggesting that the isolated subunit has a relatively stable structure, and excluding the presence of stable intermediates during the dimer-monomer transition. The dimer dissociation process is still incomplete at 6.5 kbar for the copper-depleted wild-type and mutated enzymes, at variance with what is generally observed for oligomeric proteins that dissociate below 3 kbar. Measurement of the degree of dissociation, at two different protein concentrations, allows us to calculate the standard volume variation upon association, Delta V, and the dissociation constant K(d0), at atmospheric pressure, (25 ml/mol and 3 x 10(-7)M, respectively). The holoprotein is fully dimeric even at 6.5 kbar, which allows us to evaluate a lower Delta G degrees limit of 11.5 kcal/mol, corresponding to a dissociation constant K(d0)<10(-9)M.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC is an important metal-containing antioxidant enzyme that provides the first line of defense against toxic superoxide radicals by catalyzing their dismutation to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide. SOD is classified into four metalloprotein isoforms, namely, Cu/Zn SOD, Mn SOD, Ni SOD and Fe SOD. The structural models of soybean SOD isoforms have not yet been solved. In this study, we describe structural models for soybean Cu/Zn SOD, Mn SOD and Fe SOD and provide insights into the molecular function of this metal-binding enzyme in improving tolerance to oxidative stress in plants.  相似文献   

The Cu,Zn superoxide dismutases from bovine liver, yeast, Caulobacter crescentus, and Photobacter leiognathi were compared for their susceptibilities to inhibition by cyanide and to inactivation by hydrogen peroxide and phenylglyoxal. All of these enzymes were affected by these reagents, albeit with some differences in sensitivity. The yeast and the bacterial enzymes were thus more sensitive to cyanide than was the bovine enzyme, while the bovine and the yeast enzymes were inactivated more rapidly by hydrogen peroxide and less rapidly by phenylglyoxal than were their bacterial counterparts. The qualitative similarities in the behavior of all of these enzymes suggest overriding similarities in their active site regions. However, a quantitative comparison of the data suggests that the bacterial enzymes are more like each other than they are like the eucaryotic enzymes, and furthermore, are more like the yeast enzyme than the bovine enzyme.  相似文献   

Aggregate formation in Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase-related proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aggregation of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) protein is a pathologic hallmark of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis linked to mutations in the SOD1 gene, although the structural motifs within mutant SOD1 that are responsible for its aggregation are unknown. Copper chaperone for SOD1 (CCS) and extracellular Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD3) have some sequence identity with SOD1, particularly in the regions of metal binding, but play no significant role in mutant SOD1-induced disease. We hypothesized that it would be possible to form CCS- or SOD3-positive aggregates by making these molecules resemble mutant SOD1 via the introduction of point mutations in codons homologous to a disease causing G85R SOD1 mutation. Using an in vitro assay system, we found that expression of wild type human CCS or a modified intracellular wild type SOD3 does not result in significant aggregate formation. In contrast, expression of G168R CCS or G146R SOD3 produced aggregates as evidenced by the presence of high molecular weight protein complexes on Western gels or inclusion bodies on immunofluorescence. CCS- and SOD3-positive inclusions appear to be ubiquitinated and localized to aggresomes. These results suggest that proteins sharing structural similarities to mutant SOD1 are also at risk for aggregate formation.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutants of human Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD) have been prepared in which the active-site arginine at position 143 (i.e., SODR143) has been replaced by either lysine (SODK143) or isoleucine (SODI143). As reported previously (W.F. Beyer, Jr., et al. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11182-11187), SODK143 and SODI143 have 43 and 11%, respectively, of the catalytic activity of SODR143. H2O2, at low concentrations, acts as an affinity reagent for the inactivation of SODR143. At pH 9.0 and 25 degrees C, the process is characterized by a half-saturation constant for H2O2, K50, of 5.1 mM and a maximum pseudo-first-order rate constant for inactivation, Kmax, of 0.53 min-1. At pH 11.5, the corresponding values are 0.63 mM and 1.23 min-1. The active species in the inactivation is likely HO2-, as previously found with yeast and bovine Cu,ZnSODs (see C.L. Borders, Jr., and I. Fridovich (1985) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 241, 472-476). SODK143 is also inactivated by HO2- by an affinity mechanism, i.e., one where reversible binding of H2O2 (HO2-) is a prerequisite for inactivation. At pH values of 9.0 and 11.5, the kmax values are 0.92 and 1.08 min-1, respectively; however, the corresponding K50 values increase to 42.5 and 15.8 mM, respectively. SODI143 is also inactivated by H2O2, but no evidence for an affinity mechanism was found; instead, a second-order kinetic mechanism was observed. Inactivation of each of the three enzymes is accompanied by the loss of one histidine per subunit. At elevated concentrations of H2O2, a second nonaffinity mechanism of inactivation of both SODR143 and SODK143 was found, in which a second equivalent of H2O2 reacts with the Cu,ZnSOD.HO2- complex to give a competing second-order inactivation. It appears that the positive charge of arginine-143 plays a role in the binding of HO2- at the active site of human Cu,ZnSOD, and that replacement of the arginine by lysine gives an enzyme with a similar affinity mechanism of inactivation, but with a greatly reduced affinity for HO2-. However, replacement with isoleucine causes an entirely different mechanism of inactivation; this raises the possibility that the mechanism of enzyme catalysis of superoxide dismutation by SODI143 is also different.  相似文献   

The known action of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (holo SOD) that converts O2 to O2 and H2O2 plays a crucial role in protecting cells from toxicity of oxidative stress. However, the overproduction of holo SOD does not result in increased protection but rather creates a variety of unfavorable effects, suggesting that too much holo SOD may be injurious to the cells. In the in vitro study, we report a finding that the holo SOD from bovine erythrocytes and its apo form possess a divalent-metal-dependent nucleolytic activity, which was confirmed by UV–vis absorption titration of calf thymus DNA (ctDNA) with the holo SOD, quenching of holo SOD intrinsic fluorescence by ctDNA, and by gel electrophoresis monitoring conversion of DNA from the supercoiled DNA to nicked and linear forms, and fragmentation of a linear λDNA. Moreover, the DNA cleavage activity was examined in detail under certain reaction conditions. The steady-state study indicates that DNA cleavage supported by both forms of SOD obeys Michaelis–Menten kinetics. On the other hand, the assays with some other proteins indicate that this new function is specific to some proteins including the holo SOD. Therefore, this study reveals that the divalent-metal-dependent DNA cleavage activity is an intrinsic property of the holo SOD, which is independent of its natural metal (copper and zinc) sites, and may provide an alternative insight into the link between SOD enzymes and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

1. Copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu,Zn SOD) has been purified to homogeneity from chicken erythrocytes by anion-exchange, immobilized metal affinity and size exclusion chromatography. 2. Molecular properties (amino acid composition, molecular mass, subunit composition and spec. act.) of the chicken enzyme are similar to those of a bovine erythrocyte Cu,Zn SOD. 3. The chicken and bovine enzymes are immunologically similar since antisera raised against each enzyme are cross-reactive.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe the purification and molecular characterization of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) from Trematomus bernacchii, a teleost widely distributed in many areas of Antarctica, that plays a pivotal role in the Antarctic food chain. The amino acid and cDNA sequences have been obtained using both biochemical and molecular biology approaches and are compared with Cu,Zn SODs from other fishes. Assessment of the primary sequences highlights that the catalytically important residues are fully conserved in Cu,Zn SOD from T. bernacchii. Phylogenetic analyses performed on Cu,Zn SOD amino acid sequences permit speculation regarding the evolution of this protein. In particular, the data confirms the erratic differentiation of these proteins and concurs with the theory of the "unclock-like" behaviour of Cu,Zn SOD evolution.  相似文献   

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