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昆虫通过信息交流感受内外坏境的变化,影响着昆虫定位、搜索食物源、寻找产卵地点和选择配偶等行为。在昆虫中,触角分布着较多的嗅觉感受器,可以感知挥发性分子、气味和激素,是昆虫重要的嗅觉器官,参与信息交流。综述和展望昆虫触角转录组的研究进展,有利于促进害虫管理、害虫防治和社会性昆虫级型分化与劳动分工的研究,也能为昆虫触角后续研究和昆虫触角仿生的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

触角感器是昆虫对环境变化产生行为响应的重要基本结构单元,作为昆虫内部神经系统与外部环境进行信息交流的关键接口,受到广泛关注。由于不同环境压力的作用,长期适应性进化使昆虫触角上着生有不同类型的感器,且执行着差异化的生物学功能。触角感器在昆虫识别寄主、寻找配偶、躲避天敌等行为变化中具有重要作用,若深入理解昆虫行为变化的内在机理,则有必要清晰认识昆虫触角感器类型与潜在功能。本文对已有研究结果进行系统性综述与总结。截止目前,共发现有61种昆虫触角感器类型,且触角感器存在种内与种间特征差异。同时针对12种常见的触角感器功能进行梳理,提出昆虫触角感器未来可深入开展的研究方向。本文全面了解各昆虫触角感器类型特征和功能,为从形态结构方面进行昆虫分类研究提供新视角,也为今后从化学生态学角度深入开展昆虫行为对环境改变的适应性等研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

大袋蛾雄虫触角的细微结构   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
随着应用合成昆虫信息素控制害虫研究的逐步深入,有关昆虫触角形态学、组织学及超微结构方面的报道日渐增多。Schneider(1964),Seabrook(1978),Zacharuk(1980)等从不同方面对这些研究进行了评述。 大袋蛾Clania variegata Snellen属鳞翅目,袋蛾科(Psychidae),是我国重要的食叶害虫之一。为了有效地控制害虫的危害,寻求新的防治,测报方法,我们对大袋蛾性信息索进行了研究。根据我们的试  相似文献   

寄生蜂是寄生在寄主体内或体外的一类重要天敌昆虫,在农林害虫生物防治中具有重要作用.寄生蜂对寄主的确定主要依靠触角敲打和产卵器刺探共同完成,作为寄生蜂的重要感觉器官,触角和产卵器上着生有不同种类的感受器,在其寄主搜寻和产卵识别等过程中起着感受外界信息的关键作用.本文综述了国内外有关寄生蜂触角和产卵器上感受器的研究进展,包括感受器的类群划分、超微结构和生理功能等方面,并对该领域中尚待解决的问题和研究展望进行了探讨,以期为深入研究寄生蜂的寄生行为,揭示其对外界信息的感受机制以及将来利用寄生蜂进行害虫的生物防治提供理论基础.  相似文献   

昆虫化学感受蛋白研究进展   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
昆虫化学感受蛋白(chemosensory proteins)是在长期进化过程中形成的一类低分子量酸性可溶性蛋白,广泛分布于昆虫触角、跗节等各种化学感受器中,蛋白质序列具有较高的保守性,种内种间同源性一般为30%~90%。其主要功能是感受、识别、转运、传导环境化学因子刺激信息,参与调节生理节律和生长发育。该文从昆虫化学感受蛋白的生态进化意义、分布表达部位、生化特性、分子结构、生理功能和研究方法等角度,较详细地综述了近年来国内外昆虫化学感受蛋白的研究进展,指出昆虫化学感受蛋白的深入研究,对于阐明昆虫与环境化学信息联系规律、昆虫行为反应本质原因,探索害虫综合治理和益虫利用效率新途径,开辟创制昆虫行为控制剂新领域等具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

【目的】悬铃木方翅网蝽Corythucha ciliata是专性危害悬铃木属Platanus植物的外来入侵害虫,本研究旨在获得该害虫触角中气味结合蛋白(OBPs)基因信息,以期寻求有效控制害虫的嗅觉分子靶标。【方法】利用Illumina HiSeq~(TM) 4000高通量测序技术对悬铃木方翅网蝽雌雄成虫触角进行转录组测序并对测序结果进行生物信息学分析;通过实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)方法,分析OBP基因在悬铃木方翅网蝽雌雄成虫触角中的表达模式。【结果】对悬铃木方翅网蝽雌雄成虫触角6个样品的转录组测序,共获得40.87 Gb clean reads,各样品的序列长度均达到6.31 Gb。转录组数据分析共鉴定出26个推测的悬铃木方翅网蝽OBP基因,其编码蛋白中24个(CcilOBP1-24)属于Classic OBPs,CcilOBP25/26属于Plus-C OBPs;与半翅目其他昆虫相关OBPs系统发育分析表明,大部分CcilOBPs形成独立一簇,少数与其他半翅目昆虫OBPs直系同源。qPCR分析显示,有11个OBP基因在雌雄成虫触角中表达量差异显著,其中有9个OBP基因(CcilOBP5/6/9/10/17/18/21/24/25)在雄成虫触角中显著高表达,有2个OBP基因(CcilOBP14/16)在雌成虫触角中显著高表达。【结论】本研究获得了悬铃木方翅网蝽成虫触角气味结合蛋白基因信息,研究结果为生物控制该害虫提供了重要基础数据和候选分子靶标。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们已经知道昆虫是借助于头部的一对触角来辨别生境中的各种化学信息。有关昆虫嗅觉方面的研究可追溯到1837年莱费伯首先发现昆虫雌雄间的通信联系依赖于雌蛾腹部释放出来的化学气味。一个多世纪以来,嗅觉机理的研究主要局限于阐述触角是嗅觉的主要感觉器宫,描述触角的形态以及化学分子和嗅觉器官间的相互关系。自从1957年舒奈德采用电生理方法将氯化银电极插入雄性家蚕触角两端,成功地记录了触角电位后,许多研究者广泛采用触角电  相似文献   

转录组是细胞在特定发育阶段或生理条件下的全部转录本及其数量总和,并能揭示特定状态下的基因表达模式及分子机理。象甲科昆虫拥有动物界中最多的物种种类,该科许多昆虫也是我国粮食仓储和农林产业上的重大害虫。通过研究象甲科昆虫转录组,从分子水平揭示其生命过程中相关的基因及其功能,对寻找害虫防治的新方法具有重要意义。本文对象甲科昆虫转录组研究现状进行了浅析,涉及象甲科不同发育阶段基因差异、昆虫触角、与植物互作、防治、免疫机制、进化、基因沉默7个方面的分析,可在理论上丰富对象甲科昆虫遗传发育、免疫、潜在RNA干扰靶点筛选等方面的理解,并在此基础上提出了象甲科转录组今后的研究热点与应用前景,为害虫防控提供理论指导。  相似文献   

张广学 《昆虫学报》1999,42(-1):1-5
人类的发展面临着许多问题,其中包括环境污染与害虫暴发失控等, 对策应是人类谋求与自然协调共存。人类必须学会既要和众多的非生命物又要和数千万种生物包括100多万种昆虫协调共存。天敌昆虫是大害虫的克星; 人类赖以生存的经济植物是由昆虫传播花粉的; 昆虫是人类的美味佳肴和医病良药; 有些昆虫是重要工业原料。所以人类要锐意合理利用昆虫资源。对于农林害虫要尽可能谋求自然控制; 提倡利用植物的抗害性、利用害虫的天敌、利用昆虫生长调节剂、种间信息物质、昆虫辐射不育技术控制害虫。尽量利用植物性杀虫剂控制害虫。尽量采用不杀伤或少杀伤天敌、不污染环境的化学杀虫剂或方法防治害虫。我国创造了很多行之有效的利用农业技术防治害虫的方法。  相似文献   

昆虫触角电位(EAG)及其与气谱联用(GC-EAD)技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
昆虫触角电位(EAG)和气相色谱-触角电位(GC-EAD)是昆虫化学生态学中最重要的电生理技术,在研究昆虫对信息化学物质的感受机理、筛选活性信息素成分或植物次生物质等方面发挥关键作用。本文介绍这两种技术的基本原理、操作步骤和应用实例等,并对使用中应该注意的事项进行了详尽讨论。  相似文献   

Insects carry a pair of actively movable feelers that supply the animal with a range of multimodal information. The antennae of the stick insect Carausius morosus are straight and of nearly the same length as the legs, making them ideal probes for near-range exploration. Indeed, stick insects, like many other insects, use antennal contact information for the adaptive control of locomotion, for example, in climbing. Moreover, the active exploratory movement pattern of the antennae is context-dependent. The first objective of the present study is to reveal the significance of antennal contact information for the efficient initiation of climbing. This is done by means of kinematic analysis of freely walking animals as they undergo a tactually elicited transition from walking to climbing. The main findings are that fast, tactually elicited re-targeting movements may occur during an ongoing swing movement, and that the height of the last antennal contact prior to leg contact largely predicts the height of the first leg contact. The second objective is to understand the context-dependent adaptation of the antennal movement pattern in response to tactile contact. We show that the cycle frequency of both antennal joints increases after obstacle contact. Furthermore, inter-joint coupling switches distinctly upon tactile contact, revealing a simple mechanism for context-dependent adaptation.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci is an important agricultural pest with worldwide distribution and host preference. Therefore, understanding the biology of this pest is important to devise specific pest control strategies. The antennae of herbivorous insects play an important role in the identification of hosts using plant volatiles. To understand the features of antennae in B. tabaci MEAM 1(formerly known as biotype ‘B’) and MED (formerly known as biotype ‘Q’), the morphology and distribution of the antennal sensilla were examined using scanning electron micrographs. The results showed that the average antennae length in MEAM 1 was longer than MED. No differences were observed in the number and distribution of antennal sensilla in MEAM 1 and MED antennae; each antenna had nine different types of sensilla. Both cryptic species possessed Microtrichia, Grooved surface trichodea sensilla, Chaetae sensilla, Coeloconic sensillaⅠandⅡ, Basiconic sensilla Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ and Finger-like sensilla. This is the first report of Grooved surface trichodea sensilla and Basiconic sensilla Ⅱ on B. tabaci flies. The numbers of Chaetae sensilla were different in the females and males of MEAM 1 and MED, which females having 5 and males containing 7. The surface structure of Basiconic sensilla Ⅰ was different with MEAM 1 showing a multiple-pitted linen surface and MED showing a multiple-pitted pocking surface. Basiconic sensillaⅡ were double in one socket with the longer one having a multiple-pitted surface and the shorter one with a smooth surface. Basiconic Ⅲ and Finger-like sensillae were longer in MEAM 1 antennae than in MED antennae. Our results are expected to further the studies that link morphological characteristics to insect behavior and help devise strategies to control insect pests.  相似文献   

Hexapods most likely derived from an aquatic ancestor, which they shared with crustaceans. During the transition from water to land, their sensory systems had to face the new physiological demands that terrestrial conditions impose. This process also concerns the sense of smell and, more specifically, detection of volatile, air-borne chemicals. In insects, olfaction plays an important role in orientation, mating choice, and food and host finding behavior. The first integration center of odor information in the insect brain is the antennal lobe, which is targeted by the afferents from olfactory sensory neurons on the antennae. Within the antennal lobe of most pterygote insects, spherical substructures called olfactory glomeruli are present. In order to gain insights into the evolution of the structure of the central olfactory pathway in insects, we analyzed a representative of the wingless Archaeognatha or jumping bristletails, using immunocytochemistry, antennal backfills and histological section series combined with 3D reconstruction. In the deutocerebrum of Lepismachilis y-signata, we found three different neuropil regions. Two of them show a glomerular organization, but these glomeruli differ in their shape from those in all other insect groups. The connection of the glomerular neuropils to higher brain centers remains unclear and mushroom bodies are absent as reported from other archaeognathan species. We discuss the evolutionary implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Abstract. The antennal morphology of Psylliodes chrysocephala L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), an important pest of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ), was studied. Two types of tricellular, integumentary glands were found. The common antennal glands are distributed under all sensilla-bearing parts of male and female antennae. The male-specific antennal glands are only located under a glabrous area found on antennomeres 6–10 of male beetles. The common antennal glands are synthetically active in both pre- and post-diapause adults, but the male specific antennal glands are only active in post-diapause (reproductively active) males. During studies of mating behaviour, the antennae of the males were highly active at the beginning and end of copulation, and in response to increased female activity. The male specific antennal glands may secrete a sex pheromone, and the glabrous area on the male antennae could be the release site for such a pheromone.  相似文献   

Plant volatiles play an important role in plant-insect interactions. Herbivorous insects use plant volatiles, known as kairomones, to locate their host plant. When a host plant is an important agronomic commodity feeding damage by insect pests can inflict serious economic losses to growers. Accordingly, kairomones can be used as attractants to lure or confuse these insects and, thus, offer an environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides for insect control. Unfortunately, plants can emit a vast number volatiles with varying compositions and ratios of emissions dependent upon the phenology of the commodity or the time of day. This makes identification of biologically active components or blends of volatile components an arduous process. To help identify the bioactive components of host plant volatile emissions we employ the laboratory-based screening bioassay electroantennography (EAG). EAG is an effective tool to evaluate and record electrophysiologically the olfactory responses of an insect via their antennal receptors. The EAG screening process can help reduce the number of volatiles tested to identify promising bioactive components. However, EAG bioassays only provide information about activation of receptors. It does not provide information about the type of insect behavior the compound elicits; which could be as an attractant, repellent or other type of behavioral response. Volatiles eliciting a significant response by EAG, relative to an appropriate positive control, are typically taken on to further testing of behavioral responses of the insect pest. The experimental design presented will detail the methodology employed to screen almond-based host plant volatiles by measurement of the electrophysiological antennal responses of an adult insect pest navel orangeworm (Amyelois transitella) to single components and simple blends of components via EAG bioassay. The method utilizes two excised antennae placed across a "fork" electrode holder. The protocol demonstrated here presents a rapid, high-throughput standardized method for screening volatiles. Each volatile is at a set, constant amount as to standardize the stimulus level and thus allow antennal responses to be indicative of the relative chemoreceptivity. The negative control helps eliminate the electrophysiological response to both residual solvent and mechanical force of the puff. The positive control (in this instance acetophenone) is a single compound that has elicited a consistent response from male and female navel orangeworm (NOW) moth. An additional semiochemical standard that provides consistent response and is used for bioassay studies with the male NOW moth is (Z,Z)-11,13-hexdecadienal, an aldehyde component from the female-produced sex pheromone.  相似文献   

Molecular studies on odorant receptors (ORs), odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) and the functioning of the receptor and pheromone signal transduction in fruit fly Bactrocera species have expanded exponentially during the past few decades. OBPs contribute to the sensing of the olfactory system (OS) via the transduction of odorants through the sensillum lymph. However, ORs, a family of G-protein-coupled receptors in Bactrocera and various other species, exhibit heightened responsiveness to multiple chemical odours such as hormones, sensory stimuli and neurotransmitters. The apparent mechanism involves a combinatorial code encompassing both peripheral and antennal lobe processing, facilitating the reception of sexual pheromones and environmental cues. The OS is specifically designed to recognize and process information from volatile chemical signals, and these chemical signals play an important function in various flies. Insects rely on these chemicals to navigate and comprehend their surroundings. A mature insect OS is composed of two pairs of sensillae-covered palps, antennae and two primary pairs of olfactory appendages on the anterior head. It has been shown that chemosensory gene families contribute in odour perception. These include various neuroreceptor families, such as OBPs, chemosensory proteins and sensory neuron membrane proteins. Additionally, there are three divergent chemoreceptors, namely ORs, ionotropic receptors and gustatory receptors. Methods based on systematic biology, molecular biology and bioinformatics tools have rapidly emerged to investigate the insect communication systems and provide new insights for the management of many agricultural pest. Several aromatic compounds, including semiochemicals and pheromones, have been employed to defend crops and animals from destructive fruit flies and other invasive and frugivorous species. To promote the expansion of the cropping system, the utilization of phytochemical lures can be convenient for sustainable agriculture production and enhance food security. Hence, this review examined the state of the art in chemical communication of insects with a focus on fruit fly pest species to identify OS and their semiochemical receptors, protein receptors and chemosensory receptors (CSRs), as well as their practical applications for biological control and integrated pest management are highlighted.  相似文献   

昆虫触角叶的结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵新成  翟卿  王桂荣 《昆虫学报》2015,58(2):190-209
触角叶是昆虫脑内初级嗅觉中心,通过触角神经与触角联系。触角叶主要由嗅觉受体神经元、局域中间神经元、投射神经元和远心神经元构成。这些神经元的形态多样,其形态变化与其功能和昆虫嗅觉行为相关。这些神经元在触角叶内交织形成神经纤维网,在突触联系紧密的地方形成纤维球,纤维球通常排列在触角叶外周。通常,昆虫触角叶内纤维球的数量、大小和位置相对固定,并且几乎每个小球都可以被识别和命名。不同种类、性别和品级的昆虫中,纤维球的数量、大小和排列方式各不相同。触角叶结构神经元组成和纤维球的多样性,与各种昆虫嗅觉行为的特异性相对应。  相似文献   

The nut weevil, Curculio nucum (Linnaeus, 1758), is the main pest in hazelnut orchards (Corylus avellana L.). Semiochemicals are interesting bio control tools that could be used to manipulate the pest behaviour and to control pest populations. The study of the sensorial equipment of the insect antennae provides information on the importance of olfaction in the adult life for host plants and mate findings as well as on the putative other senses. Before electrophysiological investigation, the knowledge of antennae equipment is also necessary. The aim of this study is to determine the types, number and location of sensilla on the antennae of male and female adult C. nucum in order to determine their implication in seeking a sexual partner and a host plant. The 12-segmented antenna comprises a scape, a 7-segmented funicle and a 4-segmented club. Out of the nine sensillum types listed, three are present on the scape and the funicle and seven types on the club which gathers 71–73% of the total of sensilla. Tactile aporous sensilla chaetica C1, gustatory uniporous sensilla chaetica C2, olfactory multiporous sensilla basiconica B1 and B2 are found on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the club in both sexes. Thermo-hygroreceptive dome-shaped sensilla D, olfactory multiporous sensilla basiconica B3 and olfactory multiporous fluted sensilla basiconica F are found exclusively on the ventral surface of the club, suggesting that these sensilla are utilized in host plant acceptance during antennal tapping. The sexual dimorphism concerns only the numbers of sensilla chaetica C1 and sensilla basiconica B2.  相似文献   

The structure and postembryonic development of antennae and deutocerebrum in various insect orders are reviewed. First, the number and/or size of system components, i.e. antennal sensilla, neuroreceptors, deutocerebral neurons and synaptic complexes (glomeruli), are compared in adult insects. Second, the neuronal organization of the system is examined. Evidence of projection of the neuroreceptors from the 2 basal antennal segments (scape and pedicel) in the antennal mechanosensory and motor center and from the distal segments (flagellum) in the antennal lobe is discussed. Third, the types of cerebral neurons found in the antennal lobe are described. Fourth, all synaptic contacts between neurons in the antennal lobe take place in discrete glomeruli whose ultrastructure and neurotransmitters are examined. Evidence of individual identifiability of glomeruli is given. Fifth, various sexual dimorphisms present in the antenna and antennal lobe, related or not to sex pheromone perception, are described at sensillar, neuronal, and glomerular levels. Sixth, the postembryonic development of neurons and glomeruli is analyzed in holo- and hemimetabolous insects. In conclusion, the columnar organization of the system is emphasized, alternative models of antennal-neuron projection into glomeruli are considered, and the functional significance of identified glomeruli is discussed.  相似文献   

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