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向日葵螟对不同向日葵品种的寄主选择性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间选择性试验结合室内黑色素鉴定,研究向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermüller对35个不同向日葵品种的寄主选择性。向日葵螟对不同供试向日葵品种的选择性存在显著差异,选择性最强的是大黑片,其次是S47,再则是5135和RH316,选择性较弱的有T25和天葵503等18个品种,对TO12244和GT110等13个品种无选择性。寄主选择性可以用开花盛期的花盘被害率、每盘可见幼虫数、每盘虫粪指数与籽粒成熟期的籽粒被害率、籽粒被害虫情指数5个指标中的任何一个来评价。相关性分析表明,向日葵螟的寄主选择性与向日葵花盘直径呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

向日葵螟幼虫的空间分布型及抽样技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧洲向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermüller是向日葵上的主要害虫,本文利用6种聚集指标对向日葵螟幼虫的空间分布型进行了测定,结果表明其呈现聚集分布。样本平均数(m)与方差(S2)的对数值的关系式为:lgS2=lg0.2130+0.5639lgm,显示向日葵螟幼虫的空间分布随密度的升高而趋向均匀分布。Iwao的m*-m回归方程为:m*=8.1177+0.1447m,显示该虫在田间分布的基本成分是个体群,个体间相互吸引,个体群的空间分布型为均匀分布。对聚集原因进行分析,得出λ<2,表明向日葵螟幼虫的聚集是由于环境作用所引起的。用Iwao的理论抽样数模型计算出向日葵螟幼虫的理论抽样数模型为:D=0.1时,n=911.77/m-85.53,D=0.2时,n=227.94/m-21.38。采用m*-m关系的序贯抽样模型制定出食葵田间的序贯抽样模型为:T1(n),T0(n)=7.40n±4.54n,油葵田间的序贯抽样模型为:T1(n),T0(n)=10.05n±2.29n。  相似文献   

内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的种群动态与生活史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了制定科学、有效的向日葵螟Homoeosoma nebulellum Denis et Schiffermüller(鳞翅目:螟蛾科)测报和防治对策,通过野外调查和室内饲养观察对内蒙古巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的发生为害规律及生活史进行了研究。结果表明:当地向日葵螟的寄主有菊科的向日葵Helianthus annuus L.、茼蒿Chrysanthemum coronarium Mill.、刺儿菜Cephalanoplos segetum(Beg.) Kitam和苣荬菜Sonchus brachyotus DC.,其中苣荬菜作为向日葵螟的寄主在我国是首次报道。应用性信息素监测结合田间调查的结果表明,当地向日葵螟一年发生2代,其中越冬幼虫4月下旬开始化蛹,5月中旬开始羽化,但此时羽化的成虫由于缺乏开花寄主而无法产卵为害。第1代幼虫在6月末为害茼蒿、7月下旬开始为害开花的向日葵。第1代幼虫于7月下旬开始羽化产卵形成第2代,其中有9.2%的老熟幼虫直接滞育越冬。第2代幼虫自8月中旬起为害晚开花的向日葵,9月中旬老熟后陆续入土越冬,至10月上旬收获时仍有30.0%的幼虫未老熟而随收获的葵花盘转至筛选出的杂质中越冬。在24℃,RH 70%和L16∶D8光照条件下测定第2代向日葵螟卵、幼虫和蛹的发育历期分别为4.2、15.9和11.1 d,雌、雄蛾寿命分别为14.9 d和15.1 d.综合观察结果,绘制了巴彦淖尔地区向日葵螟的生活史表。  相似文献   

The secretion of sesquiterpene lactones (STL) in capitate glandular trichomes from the anther appendages of Helianthus annuus L. (Asteraceae) was observed by light and fluorescence microscopy and HPLC analysis. Disk flowers within the sunflower capitulum showed the known ontogenetic progression from the centre to the margin. During development of the florets, the trichomes in the anther appendages secreted their metabolites into the subcuticular secretion storage space in front of the two apical cells. All stages of forming the cuticular globe, from the pre-secretory to the post-secretory phase, could be observed microscopically and secretory activity was simultaneously monitored. Six germacrolides and heliangolides of known structure were selected for quantitative analysis. The increase in STL content during extension of the subcuticular space was monitored by HPLC analysis. Thereby, the start and termination of STL biosynthesis was defined in relation to other developmental stages of floret ontogenesis, particularly, the pollen formation. Part of the secreted material showed autofluorescence which could be attributed to a hydroxy-trimethoxy-flavone, as determined by NMR and mass spectroscopy. The anther trichomes were cytologically and chemically similar to foliar glandular trichomes of sunflower and represent the multicellular capitate glandular trichome type common to many Asteraceae. The ease with which anther trichomes of H. annuus can be harvested and analyzed suggests that they can provide a valuable model system for investigation of STL and flavonoid metabolism in Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Abstract  Trichome-based host plant resistance of Lycopersicon species to potato moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), was examined in a laboratory bioassay. Neonate P. operculella were placed on the foliage of accessions of L. hirsutum , L. hirsutum f. glabratum , L. pennellii , L. cheesmanii f. minor and L. esculentum for 48 h . At the end of this period, larval mortality, the numbers of larvae emigrating from, and mining into, the leaf surface were recorded as were leaf area and the densities of trichomes. Analysis by categorical logistic regression found accessions differed in levels of resistance to P. operculella ( P  < 0.001). Further analysis using generalised linear models showed mortality was associated with high densities of type VI and low densities of type V trichomes; emigration from the leaf was associated with high densities of type I and type VII trichomes; and the numbers of mines associated with low densities of type I and type VI trichomes and increased leaf area. Although results indicate that certain accessions of L. hirsutum and L. hirsutum f. glabratum may be most appropriate for inclusion in a breeding program aimed at introducing trichome-based host plant resistance of wild Lycopersicon species into the tomato, further research is necessary to fully understand the mechanisms.  相似文献   

The acceptor specificities of bacterial nucleoside phosphotransferase were further investigated by phosphorylating various kinds of nucleoside analogues. The bacteria belonging to A group(5′-nucleotide former) specifically phosphorylated the primary alcohol at 5′-position of nucleosides and their analogues, such as adenine xyloside, psicofuranine and pseudouridine, while the others belonging to B group (3′(2′)-nucleotide former) the secondary alcohol at 3′(2′)-position. The phosphorylation at 5′-primary alcohol with the bacteria belonging to A group, however, was prohibited mainly by phosphoryl-or amino-radical at 3′-position, as observed in the case of 3′-nucleotide or amino-nucleoside (or puromycin), depending on the steric conformation around the 3′-position of acceptor. Besides, both types of nucleoside phosphotransferases were also able to phosphorylate nucleoside having a C-C-linkage between base and sugar moieties.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Crop domestication has been a largely overlooked factor that may explain why insect herbivores tend to be more abundant and less attacked in agricultural habitats than in native habitats. This study explores how domestication of the sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., affects the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), and its parasitoids.
2. Common garden experiments were used to assess the effect of domestication on larval abundance in an agricultural and a native habitat. The effect of domestication on parasitism was determined using two studies: one study that manipulated nitrogen according to levels found in agricultural and native habitats, and a second common garden study in the native habitat.
3. At peak infestation in the agricultural common garden, larval abundance was 10 times higher on agricultural plants than on wild plants. In contrast, larval abundance did not differ between plant genotypes in the native habitat.
4. Larvae were four times more likely to be parasitised on wild sunflowers than on agricultural sunflowers, and three times more likely to be parasitised on low nitrogen plants than on high nitrogen plants. Parasitism did not differ between agricultural and wild plants in the native habitat, where flowers were more similar in size.
5. Sunflower domestication has increased larval abundance, accelerated larval development, and lowered parasitism. The magnitude of the effect appears to depend upon nutrient availability. Thus, domestication can disrupt tritrophic interactions, and may help explain why some insect pests are more abundant and less attacked in agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

A simple, reliable and rapid reversed-phase HPLC-PAD procedure for the characterisation and quantitative determination of the anti-diabetic sesquiterpene lactone enhydrin (1) from Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacón) has been evaluated and validated. The approach focused on the analysis of various leaf rinse extracts, as well as the glandular trichomes of intact leaves, in which 1 was the major compound detected. The best sample preparation of a rinse extract yielded 0.67 mg/mL of 1, whilst a rapid rinse of a small piece of one dried leaf gave 0.09 mg/mL of 1; the highest concentration obtained from a glandular extract was 0.07 mg/mL. The dried leaves of S. sonchifolius were found to contain a total of 0.97% of 1.  相似文献   

Females of the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum, laid a total of 242.3±27.4 (X±SE) eggs when provided oviposition sites of wax paper dusted with pollen from cultivated sunflowers. Fecundity was influenced by the age at which mating occurred but not by the duration of mating. Eggs were laid during both the light and dark portions of a 16L:8D photoperiodic cycle, with an evident peak occurring shortly after the onset of the scotophase.The fecundity of females provided oviposition sites with a 1 mg equivalent of an ethanolic pollen extract daily (124.2±22.8) did not differ significantly from that of females provided 1 mg of pollen (172.2±28.0). Furthermore, the females showed the same positive dose dependent oviposition response where sites contained different concentrations of either pollen or pollen extract. However, when different oviposition substrates were provided simultaneously, females preferred pollen > reconstituted pollen (extract + pollen residue following extraction) = pollen extract > pollen residue = wax paper control. These data confirm the presence of an oviposition stimulant for H. electellum in the sunflower pollen.Antennectomised females laid as many eggs on sites with pollen residue as on sites with pollen, indicating that the majority of sensillae for detecting the oviposition stimulant are located on the antennae.The importance of pollen load as an indicator of a suitable host plant, given that previous laid eggs do not inhibit subsequent oviposition, is discussed with respect to larval survival.
Résumé Les femelles de la pyrale du tournesol, Homoeosoma electellum ont pondu un total de 242.3±27.4 (X±SE) oeufs sur des sites de ponte faits de papier ciré et saupoudrés de pollen de tournesol cultivé. La fécondité a été significativement affectée par l'âge des individus au moment de l'accouplement, cependant la durée de l'accouplement n'a pas influencé la fécondité. Sous une cycle de 16L:8D, la ponte a eu lieu aussi bien en phase de lumière que de noirceur mais le pic de la ponte a eu lieu peu après le début de la scotophase.La fécondité des femelles à qui on a offert à chaque jour des sites de ponte traités avec un extrait de pollen à base d'éthanol à une concentration de 1 mg de pollen (124.2±22.8) n'a pas été significativement différente de celle obtenue sur des sites traités avec 1 mg de pollen (172.2±28.0). De plus, le nombre d'oeufs pondu a augmenté en fonction des différentes concentrations de pollen ou de l'extrait de pollen offertes simultanément. Cependant, lorsque différents sites de ponte ont été offerts simultanément, les femelles ont préféré le pollen > le pollen reconstitué (extrait + pollen résiduel après l'extraction) = extrait de pollen > pollen résiduel = papier ciré non traité (témoin). Ces données confirment que le pollen de tournesol contient des substances qui stimulent la ponte de H. electellum.Les femelles antennectomisées ont pondu autant d'oeufs sur des sites traités avec le pollen résiduel que sur ceux traités avec le pollen, ce qui indique que la plupart des sensilles impliquées dans la détection du stimulant de ponte se trouvent au niveau des antennes.Etant donné que la présence des oeufs déjà pondus n'inhibent pas les pontes subséquentes, l'importance de la charge de pollen, comme indice de la bonne qualité de la plante-hôte, est discutée en relation avec la survie des larves.

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