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高嘉卉  南志标 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2531-2546
综述了国内外近20a以来在禾草内生真菌生物碱方面的研究进展。目前,已发现至少4大类10余种生物碱与内生真菌有关。各类生物碱中典型代表物的分子结构已完全清楚,部分内生真菌在离体条件下可产生除黑麦草碱外的生物碱,但产碱量较其在植物体中所产生的低很多,可相差150余倍之多。随着生物技术的发展,美国、新西兰等国在波胺、麦角碱和loline的生物合成途径方面已有了初步的进展,对个别具有重要功能基因以及其所编码的酶已有了深入研究。各种生物碱的致毒机理尚未完全清楚,除饱和吡咯化合物为新陈代谢类毒素和神经性毒素外,其余3类生物碱均为神经性毒素。生物碱可增加禾草对40余种害虫的抗性,并可增加对某些线虫和病害的抗性。诸多因素均可影响寄主植株中生物碱的种类和浓度,包括寄主植株:种群和生态型,植物品种和基因型,植株的部位和生长期;环境:气候因素,土壤养分,季节和年度变化;内生真菌菌株和草地管理利用方式等。用于生物碱检测的主要方法为预分离检测法和直接检测法,其中高效液相色谱法以其分离能力强、选择性高、测定灵敏度高,操作简单,可在室温下进行,应用范围极广的优点而广泛应用。目前,国际关于禾草内生真菌生物碱研究的重点包括创造不含对家畜有毒素的有益禾草-内生真菌共生体,开展基因工程研究以及合理利用生物碱,使其成为新一代的“生物农药”。  相似文献   

禾草内生真菌在宿主植物的茎叶等地上组织中普遍存在,不仅能够提高禾草对生物与非生物逆境的抗性,而且能够对周围环境中的不同微生物类群产生影响。主要总结了禾草Neotyphodium/Epichlo内生真菌对病原真菌、丛枝菌根真菌和土壤微生物的影响及其作用机理。发现禾草内生真菌普遍存在对病原真菌的抑制作用,而对丛枝菌根真菌存在不对称的竞争作用,且因种类而异。禾草内生真菌对土壤微生物群落的作用则会随着土壤类型和时间等外界因素发生变化。禾草内生真菌对不同类群微生物的影响机制主要包括:通过生态位竞争、抑菌物质分泌、诱导抗病性等对病原真菌造成影响;通过根系化学物质释放、营养元素调节、侵染条件差异等对丛枝菌根真菌造成影响;通过根际沉积物和凋落物等对土壤微生物群落造成影响。禾草内生真菌产生的生物碱能提高宿主植物对包括昆虫在内草食动物采食的抗性,影响病原菌的侵入、定殖和扩展;根组织分泌物中包含次生代谢产物能够抑制菌根真菌、土传病原真菌及其它土壤微生物的侵染与群落组成;也可能通过次生代谢物影响禾草的其它抗性。因此,禾草内生真菌在植物-微生物系统中的作用应该给予更多的关注和深入研究。  相似文献   

禾草类内生真菌的研究进展*   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任安芝  高玉葆   《微生物学通报》2004,31(2):130-133
感染内生真菌的禾草在牧草和草坪业上具有重要的生态和经济意义。关于禾草和内生真菌的互利共生作用已有大量报道,中就近年来有关禾草类内生真菌的起源和进化、内生真菌的生物和生态学作用以及内生真菌的应用前景方面的研究进展作一综述,以期更好地利用内生真菌造福人类。  相似文献   

 近百年的禾草内生真菌研究历经了由浅入深的过程,从最初的家畜中毒事件认识到是一种共生内生真菌存在的缘故,到如今利用分子生物学技术揭示其共生机制,人类发现这类植物内生真菌并非想象中的对生态系统无足轻重。Epichloë及其无性型Neotyphodium与禾本科植物是系统发生的互利共生关系,尤其是Neotyphodium可提高宿主抵抗环境胁迫的能力和抵御动物的取食,增强植物的竞争力。禾草内生真菌有3种生活史:有性生活史、无性生活史和兼性生活史,后者表明真菌在不同的宿主及环境下既能营有性生殖也可营无性繁殖,是一种更灵活而有效的生活史对策。对内生真菌分子系统学、生活史以及与宿主禾草协同进化的研究发现,Neotyphodium起源于禾草致病真菌Epichloë的某些种,或是Epichloë与Neotyphodium的种间杂交后代。植物和内生真菌各异的生活史策略,真菌的种间杂交,两者的协同进化亦或种群间基因流的差异,都促成了共生体多样化的基因组合(Genetic combination ),也是其共生关系多样化的根源。内生真菌对宿主的有益作用只在特定基因型真菌、宿主和一定环境条件下才起作用,自然生态系统的共生关系要比农业系统复杂得多,是一个从互利共生至寄生关系的连续系统。未来对于更多共生体的遗传背景和基因与环境相互作用的阐明将有助于对禾草内生真菌共生关系本质更加深入的认识。  相似文献   

早熟禾亚科多种禾草可与Neotyphodium内生真菌形成禾草-内生真菌共生体, 这种植物-微生物共生体性状较为稳定, 且在自然界中广泛存在。禾草-内生真菌共生体稳定的互利共生关系不但保证了内生真菌所需的全部营养物质, 而且共生体产生的次生代谢物又可显著提高宿主禾草对生物胁迫的抗逆性。众多研究表明, 内生真菌的侵染可显著提高宿主禾草对虫害、病害及伴生植物等多种生物胁迫的抗性。据不完全统计, 禾草内生真菌对蛛形纲、线虫纲、昆虫纲3个纲至少79个种的害虫表现出较明显的抗性, 对至少22个种的病原真菌表现出明显的抗性。尽管利用内生真菌进行禾草品种选育及其品质改良的技术日趋成熟, 但是内生真菌在不同宿主禾草之间高效的替代转化技术, 及其在宿主体内遗传的稳定性仍有待于进一步深入探索。研究者把禾草内生真菌作为生防手段, 在未来的应用过程中不应只考虑其与宿主禾草之间的共生特异性, 而应更全面地分析禾草-内生真菌-生态环境之间的相互关系, 让内生真菌更好地为人类服务。  相似文献   

内生真菌对草坪植物病原真菌抑制作用的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
分别从野生牧草羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum (L.) Keng)、栽培种高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)(品种Millennium)、栽培种黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.) (品种Justus)中分离出内生真菌Neotyphodium sp.、N. coenophialum和N. lolli,通过体外培养法比较了这3种内生真菌对草坪植物病原真菌的抑制作用.结果表明,从羽茅中分离的内生真菌Neotyphodium sp.在两菌相交前对所有供试的病原真菌都有一定的抑制作用,其中对枝孢霉属(Cladosporium sp.)、弯孢霉属(Curvularia sp.)和拟茎点属(Phomopsis sp.)病原真菌的抑制效果尤为显著,对峙培养3d后的抑菌率分别达70.1%、52.3%和30.9%,营养竞争作用、重寄生作用是其主要的拮抗机制;从高羊茅中分离的内生真菌N. coenophialum对枝孢霉属病原真菌存在一定的抑制作用;而从黑麦草中分离的内生真菌N. lolli与病原真菌对峙培养时,病原真菌菌落慢慢侵占整个营养空间,内生真菌停止生长并逐渐褐变死亡.体外培养结果说明Neotyphodium sp.对供试病原真菌的拮抗效果优于N. coenophialum和N. lolli,由此推测Neotyphodium sp.与宿主植物羽茅的共生可能有利于宿主植物抵抗病原真菌的侵扰.  相似文献   

环境因子对乌桕内生真菌生长及脂肪酸的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
为探讨内生菌和植物的生态关系,以生物量和脂肪酸组分作为主要指标,研究了乌桕韧皮部分离获得的5种内生真菌(丝核菌、小菌核菌、小单头孢、毛壳菌、拟盘多毛孢)在不同环境因子下的生长.与合成培养基相比,在液体马铃薯培养基上发酵,生物量较高,脂肪酸不饱和指数较低;其脂肪酸主要为棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸.与未添加乌桕汁的合成培养基相比,添加乌桕浸汁对小菌核菌生长有促进作用,对其余4种菌有抑制作用;脂肪酸不饱和指数均进一步增加.在合成培养基中添加NaCl培养小菌核菌,生物量均无显著差异;在0~0.5mol·L-1 NaCl时,脂肪酸不饱和指数无显著差异;在0.6~1.0mol·L-1 NaCl时随着盐浓度增加,脂肪酸不饱和指数却下降;表明该菌有较强的耐盐能力.添加植物油对小菌核菌菌丝生长有促进作用,其中在添加1.5%的植物油时,生物量最大;其脂肪酸随添加植物油而改变.以上特点均和二者的共生关系有关.  相似文献   

 以含有内生真菌的黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)种子为材料,采用4 ℃冰箱内和20 ℃培养箱内保存18个月的方式分别构建内生真菌侵染(EI)和内生真菌非侵染(EF)的黑麦草种群,通过比较EI和EF种群在正常条件下(对照)和渗透胁迫条件下种子发芽、幼苗生长等方面的差异,探讨内生真菌对其宿主植物的直接和间接影响。结果表明:在对照和胁迫条件下,EI种子的发芽势及发芽率均明显高于EF种子,而在重度胁迫下EI植株的叶延伸速率、根系总长度高于EF植株。内生真菌对宿主植物分蘖数和生物量的变化没有促进作用,但  相似文献   

以含有内生真菌的黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)种子为材料,采用4 ℃冰箱内和20 ℃培养箱内保存18个月的方式分别构建内生真菌侵染(EI)和内生真菌非侵染(EF)的黑麦草种群,通过比较EI和EF种群在正常条件下(对照)和渗透胁迫条件下种子发芽、幼苗生长等方面的差异,探讨内生真菌对其宿主植物的直接和间接影响。结果表明:在对照和胁迫条件下,EI种子的发芽势及发芽率均明显高于EF种子,而在重度胁迫下EI植株的叶延伸速率、根系总长度高于EF植株。内生真菌对宿主植物分蘖数和生物量的变化没有促进作用,但  相似文献   

禾草-内生真菌共生体在草地农业系统中的作用   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
南志标  李春杰 《生态学报》2004,24(3):605-616
综述了国内外近年对禾草 -内生真菌 (N eotyphodium)的研究进展。全世界现已报道 14种禾草内生真菌 ,与 2 3个属的禾草形成共生体 ,我国已在 13属 2 5种天然草地禾草中发现内生真菌 ,其中发草属 (Descampsia)、大麦属 (H ord eum)和赖草属(L eymus)以往在国际文献中未曾报道。内生真菌在禾草体内产生的生物碱 ,致使采食带菌禾草的马、牛、羊、鹿等家畜产生中毒症状 ,每年给美国、新西兰等国造成的经济损失达 6.4亿美元之多 ,对其毒理研究取得了进展。已发现我国醉马草 (Achnatheruminebrians)对家畜的毒性与内生真菌的侵染有关。内生真菌侵染增加可使禾草对 42种害虫的抗性 ,并可增加对某些线虫和病害的抗性。与不带菌禾草相比 ,带菌禾草的另一特点是抗逆性强 ,牧草产量高。国际在该领域的研究主要集中在多年生黑麦草(L olium p erenne)和高羊茅 (Festuca arundinacea)。我国的研究发现 ,带菌布顿大麦草 (H ordeum bodg anii)和圆柱披碱草(Elymus cylind ricus)的牧草产量分别增加 3 3 .3 %和 2 78.8% ,分孽数分别增加 13 6.8%和 84.5%。目前 ,国际研究的重点包括大规模开展内生真菌生物学与生态学特性的研究 ,创造不含对家畜有害毒素的有益禾草 -内生真菌共生体 ,培育带内生真菌的草坪草品种 ,培育抗毒  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Achnatherum inebrians(Hance)Keng(drunken horse grass,DHG)is a toxic perennial bunchgrass,which is so-named because it is associated with the narcosis of livestock which graze on native grasslands in the northwest of China[1].DHG is distributed mainly throughout the harsh conditions of alpine or sub-alpine grasslands,and this species is usually infected by the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium gan-  相似文献   

丁布对小麦赤霉病菌和玉米小斑病菌的抑制作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用菌丝生长速率法和孢子萌发试验法检测了抗菌化合物丁布对小麦赤霉病菌和玉米小斑病菌的抑菌作用。结果表明,丁布在PDA培养基中浓度为0.2-1.0 mg/ml时对两种供试病菌的菌丝生长无抑制作用;丁布浓度为0.4-1.0 mg/ml时对两种供试病菌孢子悬浮液中孢子的萌发具有显著抑制作用;1.0 mg/ml丁布药液中培育15h的小麦赤霉病菌和培育5h的玉米小斑病菌的孢子萌发抑制率分别达到100%和83.6%。  相似文献   

Presence of Neotyphodium-like endophytes in European grasses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to improve knowledge of Neotyphodium‐likc fungi in European grasses, microscopic detection of endophytic mycelium was achieved in living grasses and in seeds. Samples of grasses were gathered near permanent pastures or along paths in France (93 samples, 13 genera, 22 species). Typical convoluted mycelium was found inside leaf sheaths of four genera, especially in Festuca and Lolium spp. The results suggest that endophytes were present most often in the southern regions where plants may suffer from summer drought. Endophytes were looked for in 489 seed samples (63 genera, 237 species) received from 24 European botanical gardens. Neotyphodium was found in seeds of only six genera (22 species), especially in Festuca (15 species) and Lolium (three species). No endophytic mycelium was found in the other 215 species, although other work had demonstrated the presence of the fungus in 39 of the species analysed. Neotyphodium‐likc mycelium was detected for the first time in Festuca juncifolia, F. trachyphylla, F. vaginata, F. pseudodalmatica, F. rupicaprina, F. arenaria, Vulpia ciliata and Micropyrum tenellum. Further studies are needed for the correct identification of the Neotyphodium species observed.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1), Bacillus subtilis (Bs1) are the major potential biocontrol agents against foliar pathogens. MPf1 and MBs1 were found to be the most effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of Alternaria helianthi. These biocontrol agents have the maximum capacity in controlling the spore germination, and data showing the growth-promoting effect of biocontrol agents and inhibition of seed-borne fungi are available. Seed-borne infections of A. helianthi are controlled by seed treatment with P. fluorescens, which showed least seed infection. The root length and shoot length has also been increased.  相似文献   

The inhibitory activity of five plant extracts viz. Artemisia absinthium L., Rumex obtusifolius L., Taraxacum officinale Weber ex Wiggers, Plantago lanceolata L. and Malva sylvestris L. were evaluated against the mycelial growth of three fungi Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, Penicillium expansum Link ex Thom. and Mucor piriformis Fisher that cause rot diseases in fruits and vegetables resulting in low yield and quality of fruits and vegetables. Results revealed that all the concentrations of plant extracts brought about significant inhibition in the mycelial growth of these pathogenic fungi. However, the highest concentration caused maximum inhibition in the mycelial growth followed by lower concentrations of plant extracts. The extract of A. absinthium leaves at highest concentration (S) proved highly effective in inhibiting the mycelial growth of all these pathogenic fungi followed by other plant extracts. These plants thus may have potential as the new natural fungicide for management of fungal rot diseases.  相似文献   

A new group of endophytes in European grasses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poaceae of subfamily Festucoideae frequently harbour endophytic, symbiotic fungi in their aerial parts. Isolations were made from 21 different species of Poaceae, belonging mainly to the genera Lolium and Festuca. Pure cultures of 45 fungal isolates were obtained. Morphology, isozyme and molecular analysis showed the presence of three groups of endophytes. Most of the isolates could be accommodated with the previously described species of Neotyphodium and Epichloë (the e endophytes). Two new endophytes isolated from Koeleria cristata and Melica ciliata were shown to belong to this group. Gliocladium like and Phialophora like isolates were obtained from Lolium perenne and Festuca gigantea respectively (the p endophytes). Nine isolates especially those from annual Lolium produced rod like conidia. These isolates belong to Acremonium sensu stricto and are morphologically similar to Acremonium chilense.  相似文献   

管鹏 《植物医学》2020,(2):37-41
纳米氧化镁(MgO NP)因其自身卓越的物理化学性质,尤其是较高的比表面积,使其在光学、电学、材料学和生物医学等各个领域都表现出重要的应用前景.MgO NP对细菌表现出良好的抗菌性,而对真菌的抗菌性研究较少.本文研究了MgO NP对柑橘炭疽病菌胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)的抗菌作用,测定了其对胶孢炭疽菌的菌丝生长和菌丝形态的影响,以及对孢子萌发的抑制作用,并测定了MgO NP对柑橘炭疽病的防控效果.研究结果表明,100~800μg/mL的MgO NP都能较好抑制胶孢炭疽菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发,其中400μg/mL和800μg/mL剂量效果最明显;同时提前施用400μg/mL的MgO NP表现出较好的柑橘炭疽病防治效果,说明MgO NP具有作为植物保护剂的潜力.  相似文献   

Epichloë endophytes are fungal symbionts of grasses that span a continuum including asexual mutualists that are vertically transmitted, obligately sexual pathogens that are horizontally transmitted, and mixed‐strategy symbionts with both mutualistic and pathogenic capabilities. Here we show that processes of genome evolution differ markedly for the different symbiont types. Genetic and phylogenetic analysis was conducted of a broad taxonomic, ecological and geographical sample of sexual and asexual isolates, in which were identified and sequenced alleles of genes for β‐tubulin (tub2) and translation elongation factor 1‐α (tef1), and microsatellite alleles were identified by length polymorphisms. The majority of asexual isolates had two or three alleles of most loci, but every sexual isolate had only single alleles for each locus. Phylogenetic analysis of tub2 and tef1 indicated that in all instances of multiple alleles in an isolate, the alleles were derived from different sexual species. It is concluded that, whereas horizontally transmissible species had haploid genomes and speciation occurred cladistically, most of the strictly seedborne mutualists were interspecific hybrids with heteroploid (aneuploid or polyploid) genomes. Furthermore, the phylogenetic evidence indicated that, in at least some instances, hybridization followed rather than caused evolution of the strictly seedborne habit. Therefore, the abundance of hybrid species among grass endophytes, and their prevalence in many host populations suggests a selective advantage of hybridization for the mutualistic endophytes.  相似文献   

Neotyphodium endophytes in introduced agronomic grasses are well known to increase resistance to herbivores, but little is known of interactions between Neotyphodium endophytes and herbivores in native grass populations. We investigated whether endophytes mediate plant-herbivore interactions in a native grass species, Festuca arizonica in the southwestern United States, in two ways. First, to test the prediction that the presence and frequency of endophyte-infected (E+) plants should increase with increasing herbivory, we determined endophyte frequencies over a 4-year period in six natural Arizona fescue populations. We compared Neotyphodium frequency among plants growing inside and outside long-term vertebrate grazing exclosures. Second, we experimentally tested the effects of Neotyphodium infection, plant clone, and soil nutrients on plant resistance to the native grasshopper Xanthippus corallipes. Contrary to predictions based upon the hypothesis that endophytes increase herbivore resistance, levels of infection did not increase in plants subjected to grazing outside of exclosures relative to ungrazed plants within exclosures. Instead, endophyte frequencies tended to be greater inside the exclosures, where long-term vertebrate grazing was reduced. The grasshopper bioassay experiment corroborated these long-term patterns. Survival of grasshoppers did not differ between infected (E+) and uninfected (E–) plants. Instead, mean relative growth rate of grasshoppers was higher on E+ grasses than on E– ones. Growth performance of newly hatched grasshopper nymphs varied among host plant clones, although two of six clones accounted for most of this variation. Our results suggest that Neotyphodium-grass-herbivore interactions may be much more variable in natural communities than predicted by studies of agronomically important Neotyphodium-grass associations, and herbivory is not always the driving selective force in endophyte-grass ecology and evolution. Thus, alternative hypotheses are necessary to explain the wide distribution and variable frequencies of endophytes in natural plant populations. Received: 15 February 1999 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

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