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L. Packer 《Insectes Sociaux》1994,41(3):309-313
Summary Nine nests ofLasioglossum (Dialictus) tenax were excavated near Calgary, Alberta, Canada over a time period encompassing the entire brood production period in 1988. Each nest contained a maximum of one active adult female, nest productivity peaked in mid July, protandry was noted and no significant size difference between foundresses and the earlier emerging females was detected. These data suggest that this species is solitary. These results are compared with data for the sympatrically nesting eusocial speciesL. (D.) laevissimum.  相似文献   

Zayed A  Packer L 《Heredity》2007,99(4):397-405
Strong evidence exists for global declines in pollinator populations. Data on the population genetics of solitary bees, especially diet specialists, are generally lacking. We studied the population genetics of the oligolectic bee Lasioglossum oenotherae, a specialist on the pollen of evening primrose (Onagraceae), by genotyping 455 females from 15 populations across the bee's North American range at six hyper-variable microsatellite loci. We found significant levels of genetic differentiation between populations, even at small geographic scales, as well as significant patterns of isolation by distance. However, using multilocus genotype assignment tests, we detected 11 first-generation migrants indicating that L. oenotherae's sub-populations are experiencing ongoing gene flow. Southern populations of L. oenotherae were significantly more likely to deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and from genotypic equilibrium, suggesting regional differences in gene flow and/or drift and inbreeding. Short-term N(e) estimated using temporal changes in allele frequencies in several populations ranged from approximately 223 to 960. We discuss our findings in terms of the conservation genetics of specialist pollinators, a group of considerable ecological importance.  相似文献   

Summary The changes in ovarian activity in the life cycle of the eusocial halictine beeLasioglossum (Evylaeus) duplex (Dalla Torre) was studied in both queens and workers by examining the stages of the terminal follicle in each of the six ovarioles. By this method, ovarian activities of both queens and workers were more quantitatively determined than by observation of gross ovarian features as usually conducted. Queen ovaries clearly exhibited two active periods, corresponding to the spring solitary phase and the summer eusocial phase, with distinctly greater activity in the latter. In ovaries of overwintering queens oosorption of young follicle was observed. Worker ovaries were found more active in orphan than in queenright colonies. The order of ovarian activity obtained from pooled data, summer queens>spring queens>orphan workers>queenright workers, was also recognized by comparison of individual females. Bionomics of the eusocial halictine beeLasioglossum duplex IX. Contribution No. 3107 from the Inst. Low Temp. Sci.  相似文献   

Summary Ontogenetic patterns of volatile compounds identified in Dufour's gland extracts from queens and workers of the primitively eusocial sweat beeLasioglossum malachurum (K.) were compared. Only young unmated queens showed high proportions of isopentenyl esters, while macrocyclic lactones were dominant in old breeding queens, spring queens, and workers. In young queens the relative and absolute amounts of volatiles changed one day after mating. A discriminant analysis revealed significant differences in odor patterns of unmated and mated young queens. The fat body was the largest in young females, while eggs could be recorded only in breeding queens. Possible functions of different odor components in the investigated female groups are discussed.  相似文献   

In the venom of eusocial bee Lasioglossum laticeps, we identified a novel unique antimicrobial peptide named lasiocepsin consisting of 27 amino acid residues and two disulfide bridges. After identifying its primary structure, we synthesized lasiocepsin by solid-phase peptide synthesis using two different approaches for oxidative folding. The oxidative folding of fully deprotected linear peptide resulted in a mixture of three products differing in the pattern of disulfide bridges. Regioselective disulfide bond formation significantly improved the yield of desired product. The synthetic lasiocepsin possessed antimicrobial activity against both Gram-positive and -negative bacteria, antifungal activity against Candida albicans, and no hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes. We synthesized two lasiocepsin analogs cyclized through one native disulfide bridge in different positions and having the remaining two cysteines substituted by alanines. The analog cyclized through a Cys8-Cys25 disulfide bridge showed reduced antimicrobial activity compared to the native peptide while the second one (Cys17-Cys27) was almost inactive. Linear lasiocepsin having all four cysteine residues substituted by alanines or alkylated was also inactive. That was in contrast to the linear lasiocepsin with all four cysteine residues non-paired, which exhibited remarkable antimicrobial activity. The shortening of lasiocepsin by several amino acid residues either from the N- or C-terminal resulted in significant loss of antimicrobial activity. Study of Bacillus subtilis cells treated by lasiocepsin using transmission electron microscopy showed leakage of bacterial content mainly from the holes localized at the ends of the bacterial cells.  相似文献   

The bee genus Lasioglossum Curtis is a model taxon for studying the evolutionary origins of and reversals in eusociality. This paper presents a phylogenetic analysis of Lasioglossum species and subgenera based on a data set consisting of 1240 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene for seventy-seven taxa (sixty-six ingroup and eleven outgroup taxa). Maximum parsimony was used to analyse the data set (using paup *4.0) by a variety of weighting methods, including equal weights, a priori weighting and a posteriori weighting. All methods yielded roughly congruent results. Michener’s Hemihalictus series was found to be monophyletic in all analyses but one, while his Lasioglossum series formed a basal, paraphyletic assemblage in all analyses but one. Chilalictus was consistently found to be a basal taxon of Lasioglossum sensu lato and Lasioglossum sensu stricto was found to be monophyletic. Within the Hemihalictus series, major lineages included Dialictus + Paralictus, the acarinate Evylaeus + Hemihalictus + Sudila and the carinate Evylaeus + Sphecodogastra. Relationships within the Hemihalictus series were highly stable to altered weighting schemes, while relationships among the basal subgenera in the Lasioglossum series (Lasioglossum s.s., Chilalictus, Parasphecodes and Ctenonomia) were unclear. The social parasite of Dialictus, Paralictus, is consistently and unambiguously placed well within Dialictus, thus rendering Dialictus paraphyletic. The implications of this for understanding the origins of social parasitism are discussed.  相似文献   

Paralictus asteris Mitchell is a socially parasitic sweat bee that invades nests and becomes the dominant reproductive in colonies of a phylogenetically related host, Lasioglossum (Dialictus) imitatum (Smith). The parasite has a greatly enlarged quadrate head, with elongate scythe-like mandibles, and other morphological modifications apparently associated with a parasitic lifestyle. Nevertheless, the parasite did not forcefully enter nests. Host guards adopted a defensive posture at the nest entrance when they contacted a dead, frozen parasite, suggesting that they recognized the intruders as parasites. Living parasites, however, only sometimes induced this guarding response, while in other cases parasites entered host nests without obvious signs of aggression from the guard. Guards also responded aggressively to both frozen and living conspecifics from other nests, but were not aggressive to living or frozen nest-resident conspecifics, suggesting that the cues used for recognition of both unrelated conspecifics and parasites are chemical ones. More than one parasite can invade and occupy a nest, and successful invasion was not influenced by whether a parasitic female was mated or had developed ovaries.  相似文献   

Summary Proximate control of colony dynamics was studied in the primitively eusocial halictine beeLasioglossum (Dialictus) zephyrum using allozyme markers. The results indicate that workers produce on average 15% of the male brood (range=0–50%) in small laboratory colonies made up of unrelated, single-generation, uninseminated females. This proportion is not influenced by colony size, but is influenced by the relative size of the queen. Large queens are more successful in dominating their workers than are small queens, the queen being defined as the female that is the mother of most of the brood produced in the colony. Older and larger females tend to become queens. Thus, while small differences in age (up to 4 days) influence which female becomes a queen, her ability to control her workers is primarily influenced by her relative size. The proportion of reproduction that is co-opted by the queen is negatively correlated with colony reproductivity (the number of males/day/female). Colony reproductivity is also negatively correlated with the standard deviation in size among females.  相似文献   

Summary The life cycle and social behaviour of the sweat bee Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) baleicum (Cockerell) was investigated in two geographically separate populations in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Colonies were excavated throughout the brood rearing season from an aggregation in Nishioka forest park, Sapporo, and near Kawakita in eastern Hokkaido during 2000 and 2001. The Nishioka population produced two discrete broods during the year and was weakly eusocial; 57% of workers were mated and 28% exhibited some ovarian development, 12–16% of the first brood was male, and workers were on average 4.5% smaller than their respective queen. In contrast, the population at Kawakita was solitary, and produced a single brood per year with an unbiased sex ratio. In addition however, there were some solitary colonies in the Nishioka population and evidence of a partial second brood in some colonies at Kawakita, suggesting differences between the populations are not fixed and that this species is truly socially polymorphic. L. (E.) baleicum is a member of the fulvicorne species group, which includes other examples of social polymorphic species as well as solitary and eusocial species, though this is the only species of this group so far known to exhibit a solitary/non-delayed eusocial polymorphism. Recent studies suggest that social polymorphism has both genetic and environmental influences, raising questions as to the relative import of each.  相似文献   

The mason bee Osmia (Helicosmia) latreillei Spinola is one of the dominant species of bees throughout Egypt, and can be found commonly in the Suez Canal Region. The species visits numerous plant species of the family Asteraceae and is considered the most important pollinator of certain crops such as sunflower. This species and some other solitary cavity nesting bees are threatened by fragmentation of their nesting habitats. Several attempts were made to establish and propagate O. latreillei, and success was achieved for re-nesting it in various artificial materials such as wood and polystyrene with rolled paper straws. These artificial nests were established at the conservation area of the Bee Research Centre, Suez Canal University, in order to study the nesting behavior and biology of O. latreillei under artificial conditions and to document their natural enemies. Biologically, there was no significance difference between the life cycle of O. latreillei under natural and artificial nesting conditions. This solitary bee was univoltine, individuals active only during Spring, and attacked by diverse enemies, with Stelis (Stelis) murina Pérez and chrysidid wasps considered the two most major pests of this wild bee species.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were isolated from two solitary sweat bees: the polylectic Lasioglossum leucozonium (10 loci) and the oligolectic Lasioglossum oenotherae (9 loci) (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). All loci were polymorphic with high observed heterozygosities (0.07–0.75 for L. leucozonium; 0.06–0.92 for L. oenotherae). These loci will be used to study the consequences of diet specialization on the population and conservation genetics of bees.  相似文献   

Cuckoo bees and velvet ants use different resources of their shared host bees, the former laying eggs on the host pollen stores and the latter on immature stages. We studied the activity patterns of the cuckoo bee Sphecodes monilicornis and the velvet ant Myrmilla capitata at two nesting sites of their host, the social digger bee Lasioglossum malachurum , over a 3 year period. Due to the difference in host exploitation, we expected different temporal patterns of the two natural enemies as well as a positive spatial association with host nest density for both species. At a daily level, S. monilicornis was more abundant between 10.00 and 15.00 h, while M. capitata was most active in the early morning and late afternoon; both species activities were independent from host provisioning activity. The activity of cuckoo bees was in general positively correlated with the density of open host nests (but not with the total number of nests), while that of velvet ants was rarely correlated with this factor. Sphecodes monilicornis was seen both attacking the guard bees and directly entering into the host nests or digging close to nest entrances, while M. capitata only gained access to host nests through digging. We conclude that the temporal and spatial segregation between the two species may be, at least partially, explained both by the different resources exploited and by the different dynamics of host interactions.  相似文献   

The construction of nests to rear offspring is restricted to vertebrates and few insect taxa, such as termites, wasps, and bees. Among bees, species of the family Megachilidae are characterized by a particularly high diversity in nest construction behaviour. Many megachilid bees nest in excavated burrows in the ground, others place their brood cells in a variety of above‐ground cavities or attach them to the surface of a substrate, and yet others have adopted a kleptoparasitic habit. Evolutionary transitions between the different nesting sites and between conventional nesting and kleptoparasitism in bees are poorly understood. In the present study, we traced the evolution of nesting site selection and kleptoparasitism in the Annosmia–Hoplitis group (Osmiini), which displays an exceptionally high diversity in nesting behaviour. We found that the evolution of nesting behaviour proceeded unidirectionally from nesting in excavated burrows in the ground to nesting in rock depressions and cavities, followed by the colonization of snail shells and insect borings in dead wood or hollow stems. Kleptoparasitism evolved once and the kleptoparasitic species have derived from the same lineage as their hosts. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 108 , 349–360.  相似文献   

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