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Spatiotemporal characteristics of terrestrial foraging were studied in two ant species, Manica yessensis and Formica lemani, in a volcanic desert on the southeast slope of Mount Fuji, Gotenba, Japan. Both ants are common in this habitat, and they construct underground nests in this dry area with sparse vegetation. Nests of M. yessensis have multiple nest-openings on the surface, whereas nests of F. lemani have very few openings, but their nesting and foraging areas overlap completely. A “mark-and-observe” method applied to M. yessensis demonstrated that worker ants of this species move between openings more than 3 m away. A study plot (6 m × 12 m quadrat) was set up, in which all nest-openings of both species were mapped. Day-long observations on numbers of foragers in this plot revealed that foraging M. yessensis are active in morning and evening, while F. lemani continues foraging all day, but both species cease activity at night. Associations between locations of foragers and nest-openings differed significantly between the two species, that is, surface foraging of M. yessensis workers was largely confined to the vicinity of their nest-openings, whereas foragers of F. lemani travelled far from their nest-openings. The function of multiple nest-openings in M. yessensis is discussed.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition is a key feature of social insects, as it preserves colony integrity. However, discrimination of non‐nestmates and nestmate recognition mechanisms are highly variable according to species and social systems. Here, we investigated the intraspecific level of aggression in the facultative polygynous and polydomous ant, Ectatomma tuberculatum Olivier (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ectatomminae), in a population with a strong genetic structure. We found that the intraspecific level of aggression was generally low in this population of E. tuberculatum. However, the level of aggression was significantly correlated with the geographical distance, suggesting that both genetic and environmental cues could be involved in nestmate recognition and discrimination mechanisms. Moreover, polydomy was confirmed by the absence of aggression between workers from nests at a distance of 3 m, while the level of aggression was significantly higher between workers from nests separated by a distance of 10 or 1300 m. Field experiments showed that the low level of aggression between neighbouring colonies was associated with shared foraging areas, which could suggest that familiarization processes may occur in this species. We propose that the particular social organization of this species, with secondary polygyny, polydomy, and budding, may have favoured a high acceptance threshold, because of the low probability of interactions with unrelated conspecifics, the high cost of erroneously rejecting nestmates, and the low cost of accepting non‐nestmate workers. The resulting open recognition system can thus allow privileged relationships between neighbouring colonies and promote the ecological dominance of E. tuberculatum in the mosaic of arboreal ants.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant Linepithema humile (Mayr) invaded the Hiroshima Prefecture in south‐west Japan some time before 1990. In this report, we describe the distribution of this exotic ant species and assess its impact on indigenous ant communities in urban areas. L. humile is now widely distributed mainly in urban areas and surrounding secondary vegetation of the cities Hatsukaichi and Hiroshima. The impact assessment suggested that L. humile reduced species diversity of local, indigenous ant communities. There was differential sensitivity of indigenous ant species to the invasion of L. humile. Some ant species disappeared in parks infested with L. humile; for example, Pheidole noda, Pheidole indica and Lasius japonicus. L. humile seemed to be superior to these ant species in certain traits and habits, such as mobility, recruitment ability, aggressiveness and omnivory. In contrast, Paratrechina sakurae and Camponotus vitiosus were less affected by L. humile infestation. The mechanisms allowing such coexistence seemed to be small body size (P. sakurae) and arboreal nesting habits (C. vitiosus).  相似文献   

Summary An ethological test was designed to investigate nestmate recognition in adult ants. Contrary to classic dyadic tests, it consisted of a choice situation where a tested-worker was faced with nestmate and non-nestmate workers. These were kept alive, tied down, and thus immobilised in the neutral arena to record the tested-worker's reactions independently of the behaviour of the others. Such tests, applied to the ponerine ant,Ectatomma tuberculatum, enabled us to record various measures of discrimination and to limit aggressive behaviours between alien ants, which often leads to serious injury in dyadic tests. They also demonstrated the influence of age on discrimination behaviour in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Workers of a tropical ponerine ant, Ectatomma ruidum (Roger), exhibit a system of intercolonial thievery for food; thief ants enter conspecific colonies, intercept food, and carry it to their own colony. We analysed thief ants, ants from the thief's colony, and ants from the colony being robbed to determine if changes in cuticular profiles could facilitate entry by thieves into a target colony. Thief ants have significantly lower total quantities of dichloromethane-soluble cuticular compounds than non-thieves. The reduction in cuticular compounds on thieves suggests that thievery is facilitated by inhibition of either synthesis or acquisition of its home colony's recognition cues. Five of the fifteen compounds differed significantly in their relative proportion among colonies. Principal components analysis lends support to the hypothesis that both inhibition of a thief's home colony cues and acquisition of its target colony's cues play a role in successful thievery.  相似文献   

In social organisms, the breeding system corresponds to the number of breeders in a group, their genetic relationships, and the distribution of reproduction among them. Recent, genetically based studies suggest an amazing array of breeding system and reproductive strategies in desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis. Using highly polymorphic DNA microsatellites, we performed a detailed analysis of the breeding system and population genetic structure of two Cataglyphis species belonging to the same phylogenetic group: C. niger and C. savignyi. Our results show that both species present very different breeding systems. C. savignyi colonies are headed by a single queen and populations are multicolonial. Remarkably, queens show one of the highest mating frequency reported in ants (Mp = 9.25). Workers can reproduce by both arrhenotokous and thelytokous parthenogenesis. By contrast, colonies of C. niger are headed by several, multiply mated queens (Mp = 5.17), and they are organized in supercolonial populations made of numerous interconnected nests. Workers lay arrhenotokous eggs only. These results illustrate the high variability in the socio‐genetic organization that evolved in desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 866–876.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure was studied in two types of populations in the ants Formica exsecta and F. pressilabris: populations consisting of single-nest colonies (monodomy) and populations consisting of multi-nest colonies (polydomy). These characteristics seem to be associated with the number of egg-laying females (gynes) in a nest, mating structure of the population, sex ratio and male size variation. The monodomous populations are characterized by single-gyne nests, the population sex ratio is either I:1 or female-biased, males are mainly large-sized, and there is slight inbreeding in the population. The polydomous populations have multi-gyne nests with gynes related to each other, sex ratio is strongly male-biased, most males are small-sized, and there is slight genetic microdifferentiation within the populations. Diploid males found in a polydomous F. pressilabris population suggest that the population is inbred and isolated. Habitat localization is presented as a plausible explanation for the evolution of the polygynous and polydomous population structure.  相似文献   

Invasive species are capable of causing considerable damage to natural ecosystems, agriculture and economies throughout the World. Samsum ant, Brachyponera (Pachycondyla) sennaarensis has been a reason for medical implication and social nuisance through its poisonous and severely painful sting causing anaphylactic shock in many cases. We surveyed for the presence of the samsum ant in various provinces of Saudi Arabia. B. sennaarensis was the abundant Ponerinae species in human settlements. In the Eastern provinces, however, few samples were collected, and none were found in the Northern and Western provinces. Infestations of B. sennaarensis were particularly severe in the spring and summer seasons, when the ants make nests in moist areas and in cracks in cemented structures, whereas the extent of infestation reduced in winter seasons.  相似文献   

We studied the external and internal pretarsus structure of the ants Brachyponera sennaarensis and Daceton armigerum in relation to their very different climbing ability. B. sennaarensis is a ground-dwelling species that is not able to climb vertical smooth walls. They have a pair of straight pretarsal claws with an average claw tip angle of 56 degrees, while the ventral tarsal surface lacks fine hairs that touch the substrate. They have no adhesive pad on the vestigial arolium, while the arolium gland is very small. D. armigerum, on the other hand, is an arboreal and thus well-climbing species with a very strong grip on the substrate. Their pretarsal claws are very hooked, with a claw tip angle around 75 degrees. They have dense arrays of fine hairs on the ventral tarsal surface, a well-developed arolium and arolium gland. These clearly different morphological characteristics are in line with the opposite climbing performance of both species.  相似文献   

All social insects live in highly organized societies. However, different social insect species display striking variation in social structure. This variation can significantly affect the genetic structure within populations and, consequently, the divergence between species. The purpose of this study was to determine if variation in social structure was associated with species diversification in the Camponotus festinatus desert carpenter ant species complex. We used polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers to dissect the breeding system of these ants and to determine if distinct C. festinatus forms hybridized in their natural range. Our analysis of single-queen colonies established in the laboratory revealed that queens typically mated with only a single male. The genotypes of workers sampled from a field population suggested that multiple, related queens occasionally reproduced within colonies and that colonies inhabited multiple nests. Camponotus festinatus workers derived from colonies of the same form originating at different locales were strongly differentiated, suggesting that gene flow was geographically restricted. Overall, our data indicate that C. festinatus populations are highly structured. Distinct C. festinatus forms possess similar social systems but are genetically isolated. Consequently, our data suggest that diversification in the C. festinatus species complex is not necessarily associated with a shift in social structure.  相似文献   

Native to Argentina and Brazil, the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species that has become established on six continents and many oceanic islands. In several parts of its introduced range, including the western United States, southern Europe and Chile, the Argentine ant is unicolonial, forming extensive supercolonies. We examined population genetic structure and intercolony aggression in two regions of the introduced range of this species in the United States: California and the southeastern United States. Our results show that the southeastern L. humile population has high genotypic variability and strong intercolony aggression relative to the California population. In the California population, intercolony aggression was absent and 23 alleles were found across seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. However, in the Southeast, aggression between colonies was high and 47 alleles were present across the same seven loci in an equal number of colonies. We suggest that distinctly different colonization patterns for California and the Southeast may be responsible for the striking disparity in the genetic diversity of introduced populations. Southeastern colonies may have descended from multiple, independent introductions from the native range, undergoing a bottleneck at each introduction. In contrast, the California supercolony may have originated from one or more colonies inhabiting the southeastern United States, thus experiencing a double bottleneck. The differences in present-day distribution patterns between California and the Southeast may be due to the combined effect of two factors: lower winter temperatures in the Southeast and/or competition with another successful and widely distributed ant invader, the fire ant Solenopsis invicta.  相似文献   

The facultatively polygynous ant Camponotus yamaokai shows various degrees of internest hostility. We examined the relationship between aggressiveness and possible factors that affect the level of hostility, such as internest distance, numbers of queens and workers, and brood size. We found that the aggression level did not significantly correlate with these factors. Our study suggests that information on the colony genetic structure is important in understanding variation in the aggressiveness of polygynous colonies.  相似文献   

Leaf‐cutting ants often avoid contact with their waste because it harbors microorganisms that are dangerous to the ants and their symbiotic fungus. Therefore, the use of ant waste (i.e., refuse dumps) has been proposed as a deterrent method against leafcutter attack. We tested experimentally whether the age of the refuse dump (fresh vs. old) affects the herbivory‐deterrent effect against the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Refuse placed around seedlings significantly delayed the initiation attacks of leaf‐cutting ants, and this deterrent effect decreased gradually over a period of 30 days. The initial strength of this decrease was the same for newly‐discarded ( ‘new’) refuse and refuse from the bottom of the ants’ waste pile (‘old’ refuse). However, the loss of deterrent effect over time was more rapid for new than old refuse. A further experimental manipulation, replacement of refuse every 3 days, had no effect on the deterrent effect for old refuse, but increased this effect for new refuse, although the amount of this increase gradually weakened over the course of the 30‐day experiment. We speculate on the possible causes of these effects, their consequences for the hygienic behavior of leaf‐cutting ants, and on the use of ant debris as short‐term control method against leaf‐cutting ants.  相似文献   

Understanding how social groups function requires studies on how individuals move across the landscape and interact with each other. Ant supercolonies are extreme cooperative units that may consist of thousands of interconnected nests, and their individuals cooperate over large spatial scales. However, the inner structure of suggested supercolonial (or unicolonial) societies has rarely been extensively studied using both genetic and behavioral analyses. We describe a dense supercolony‐like aggregation of more than 1,300 nests of the ant Formica (Coptoformica) pressilabris. We performed aggression assays and found that, while aggression levels were generally low, there was some aggression within the assumed supercolony. The occurrence of aggression increased with distance from the focal nest, in accordance with the genetically viscous population structure we observe by using 10 DNA microsatellite markers. However, the aggressive interactions do not follow any clear pattern that would allow specifying colony borders within the area. The genetic data indicate limited gene flow within and away from the supercolony. Our results show that a Formica supercolony is not necessarily a single unit but can be a more fluid mosaic of aggressive and amicable interactions instead, highlighting the need to study internest interactions in detail when describing supercolonies.  相似文献   

We examined the nestmate discrimination ability of Diacamma sp., an ant that reproduces by colony budding. We also tested for a relationship between internest distance and hostility. Hostility toward non‐nestmates was significantly stronger than that toward nestmates, suggesting that Diacamma sp. discriminates between nestmates and non‐nestmates. There was no significant correlation between internest hostility and internest distance, which indicates the absence of a “dear enemy” phenomenon in this species.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic banding patterns of eight enzyme systems in Solenopsis xyloni, S. germinata and their hybrid were studied. Repression of paternal alleles was found in aldehyde oxidase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, leucine amino peptidase and malic enzyme.  相似文献   

The density and distributions of nests of the subterranean ants were studied by excavation of thirty 1‐m2 quadrats in an evergreen broadleaf forest in central Japan. A total of 20 ant species were collected and the densities of Amblyopone silvestrii and Paratrechina flavipes were highest (both 0.83 nests/m2). The distribution patterns were analyzed by the Standardized Morisita Index (Ip) for the five species that had mean densities of more than 0.5 nests/m2. Of them, A. silvestrii and Hypoponera sauteri showed random distributions, while nests of Paratrechina flavipes were significantly overdispersed and those of Carebara yamatonis and Myrmecina nipponica were weakly clumped. These distributional patterns were discussed in connection with the ecology of the ants. In particular, the social organization of A. silvestrii was investigated based on the distributional pattern and the composition of collected colonies.  相似文献   

The distribution of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, was investigated in 65 cities or towns along the Seto Inland Sea, western Japan in 2003–2005. Our results include all available information of their distribution in Japan until 2005. Argentine ants have invaded Aichi Prefecture (Tahara‐shi), Hyogo Prefecture (Kobe‐shi), Hiroshima Prefecture (Hiroshima‐shi, Fuchu‐cho, Hatsukaichi‐shi, Ono‐cho and Otake‐shi), and Yamaguchi Prefecture (Iwakuni‐shi and Yanai‐shi). The most widespread distribution was found around Hatsukaichi‐shi including the westernmost part of Hiroshima‐shi and the easternmost of Ono‐cho.  相似文献   

Hybridization in ants can have consequences different from those observed in most other species, with many of the potential deleterious effects being mitigated due to haplodiploidy and eusociality. In some species where colonies are either headed by multiple queens or single queens that mate with many males, hybridization is associated with genetic caste determination, where hybrids develop into workers and purebred individuals develop into queens. A previous study suggested that hybridization occurs between two Dorylus army ant species with multiply mated queens. However, the extent and exact pattern of hybridization have remained unclear, and its possible effect on caste determination has not been investigated. In this study, we aimed to determine the extent and direction of hybridization by measuring how frequently hybrids occur in colonies of both species, and to investigate the possibility of genetic caste determination. We show that hybridization is bidirectional and occurs at equal rates in both species. Hybrid workers make up only 1–2% of the population, and successful interspecific matings represent approximately 2% of all matings in both species. This shows that, although interspecific matings that give rise to worker offspring occur regularly, they are much rarer than intraspecific mating. Finally, we find no evidence of an association between hybridization and genetic caste determination in this population. This means that genetic caste determination is not a necessary outcome of hybridization in ants, even in species where queens mate with multiple males.  相似文献   

Significant variation in aggressiveness and kin discrimination ability occurs between different laboratory colonies of the ant Rhytidoponera confusa.Different colonies show consistently high (or low) levels of aggression toward nonnestmates over 4–19 weeks. Earlier studies excluded colony size and the natural presence or absence of the queen in colonies and differences in hunger as possible sources of variation. The present study excluded the number of larvae in colonies and the time of the light period of the light cycle when recognition tests were carried out. Highly significant variation occurs between the kin discrimination ability of individual workers in any particular colony. Approximately 28% of the workers in colonies of R. confusashowed very poor kin discrimination. Much of the colony's kin discrimination is carried out by a small number of highly aggressive workers.  相似文献   

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