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Cyclic nucleotides play a central role in the modulation of ion channels in a variety of tissues, including the heart. In order to determine the possible role of cyclic GMP (cGMP) in the regulation of the background K channel activity of cardiac cells, the effect of 8-Br-cGMP on the inwardly-rectifying K channels of cultured ventricular myocytes from embryonic chick hearts was examined. 8-Br-cGMP (10(-4) to 10(-3) M) inhibited these single channel currents within 3 to 10 min. Spontaneous recovery of the currents occurred with prolonged (greater than or equal to 15 min) exposure to 8-Br-cGMP, but this recovery was accompanied by altered channel behavior. Thus, a new long-lasting open state of the channel appeared, in addition to the open state observed prior to 8-Br-cGMP addition. Superfusion of the cells with the muscarinic agonist carbamylcholine (10(-5) M) also resulted in inhibition of the currents, which suggests that the cGMP-mediated inhibition of these channels may occur under physiological conditions. Thus, it appears that cGMP may be an important modulator of the background K conductance (and excitability) of cardiac cells.  相似文献   

Physiologically, nitric oxide (NO) signal transduction occurs through soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC), which catalyses cyclic GMP (cGMP) formation. Knowledge of the kinetics of NO-evoked cGMP signals is therefore critical for understanding how NO signals are decoded. Studies on cerebellar astrocytes showed that sGC undergoes a desensitizing profile of activity, which, in league with phosphodiesterases (PDEs), was hypothesized to diversify cGMP responses in different cells. The hypothesis was tested by examining the kinetics of cGMP in rat striatal cells, in which cGMP accumulated in neurones in response to NO. Based on the effects of selective PDE inhibitors, cGMP hydrolysis following exposure to NO was attributed to a cGMP-stimulated PDE (PDE 2). Analysis of NO-induced cGMP accumulation in the presence of a PDE inhibitor indicated that sGC underwent marked desensitization. However, the desensitization kinetics determined under these conditions described poorly the cGMP profile observed in the absence of the PDE inhibitor. An explanation shown plausible theoretically was that cGMP determines the level of sGC desensitization. In support, tests in cerebellar astrocytes indicated an inverse relationship between cGMP level and recovery of sGC from its desensitized state. We suggest that the degree of sGC desensitization is related to the cGMP concentration and that this effect is not mediated by (de)phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel of retinal rod photoreceptor cells is an allosteric protein whose activation is coupled to a conformational change in the ligand-binding site. The bovine rod CNG channel can be activated by a number of different agonists, including cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. These agonists span three orders of magnitude in their equilibrium constants for the allosteric transition. We recorded single-channel currents at saturating cyclic nucleotide concentrations from the bovine rod CNG channel expressed in Xenopus oocytes as homomultimers of alpha subunits. The median open probability was 0.93 for cGMP, 0.47 for cIMP, and 0.01 for cAMP. The channels opened to a single conductance level of 26-30 pS at +80 mV. Using signal processing methods based on hidden Markov models, we determined that two closed and one open states are required to explain the gating at saturating ligand concentrations. We determined the maximum likelihood rate constants for two gating schemes containing two closed (denoted C) and one open (denoted O) states. For the C left and right arrow C left and right arrow O scheme, all rate constants were dependent on cyclic nucleotide. For the C left and right arrow O left and right arrow C scheme, the rate constants for only one of the transitions were cyclic nucleotide dependent. The opening rate constant was fastest for cGMP, intermediate for cIMP, and slowest for cAMP, while the closing rate constant was fastest for cAMP, intermediate for cIMP, and slowest for cGMP. We propose that interactions between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide and the binding domain are partially formed at the time of the transition state for the allosteric transition and serve to reduce the transition state energy and stabilize the activated conformation of the channel. When 1 microM Ni2+ was applied in addition to cyclic nucleotide, the open time increased markedly, and the closed time decreased slightly. The interactions between H420 and Ni2+ occur primarily after the transition state for the allosteric transition.  相似文献   

Activation of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels involves a conformational change in the channel protein referred to as the allosteric transition. The amino terminal region and the carboxyl terminal cyclic nucleotide-binding domain of CNG channels have been shown to be involved in the allosteric transition, but the sequence of molecular events occurring during the allosteric transition is unknown. We recorded single-channel currents from bovine rod CNG channels in which mutations had been introduced in the binding domain at position 604 and/or the rat olfactory CNG channel amino terminal region had been substituted for the bovine rod amino terminal region. Using a hidden Markov modeling approach, we analyzed the kinetics of these channels activated by saturating concentrations of cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP. We used thermodynamic mutant cycles to reveal an interaction during the allosteric transition between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotides and the amino acid at position 604 in the binding site. We found that mutations at position 604 in the binding domain alter both the opening and closing rate constants for the allosteric transition, indicating that the interactions between the cyclic nucleotide and this amino acid are partially formed at the time of the transition state. In contrast, the amino terminal region affects primarily the closing rate constant for the allosteric transition, suggesting that the state-dependent stabilizing interactions between amino and carboxyl terminal regions are not formed at the time of the transition state for the allosteric transition. We propose that the sequence of events that occurs during the allosteric transition involves the formation of stabilizing interactions between the purine ring of the cyclic nucleotide and the amino acid at position 604 in the binding domain followed by the formation of stabilizing interdomain interactions.  相似文献   

It is well-known that micromolar to millimolar concentrations of cardiac glycosides inhibit Na/K pump activity, however, some early reports suggested nanomolar concentrations of these glycosides stimulate activity. These early reports were based on indirect measurements in multicellular preparations, hence, there was some uncertainty whether ion accumulation/depletion rather than pump stimulation caused the observations. Here, we utilize the whole-cell patch-clamp technique on isolated cardiac myocytes to directly measure Na/K pump current (I(P)) in conditions that minimize the possibility of ion accumulation/depletion causing the observed effects. In guinea pig ventricular myocytes, nanomolar concentrations of dihydro-ouabain (DHO) caused an outward current that appeared to be due to stimulation of I(P) because of the following: (1) it was absent in 0 mM [K(+)](o), as was I(P); (2) it was absent in 0 mM [Na(+)](i), as was I(P); (3) at reduced [Na(+)](i), the outward current was reduced in proportion to the reduction in I(P); (4) it was eliminated by intracellular vanadate, as was I(P). Our previous work suggested guinea pig ventricular myocytes coexpress the alpha(1)- and alpha(2)-isoforms of the Na/K pumps. The stimulation of I(P) appears to be through stimulation of the high glycoside affinity alpha(2)-isoform and not the alpha(1)-isoform because of the following: (1) regulatory signals that specifically increased activity of the alpha(2)-isoform increased the amplitude of the stimulation; (2) regulatory signals that specifically altered the activity of the alpha(1)-isoform did not affect the stimulation; (3) changes in [K(+)](o) that affected activity of the alpha(1)-isoform, but not the alpha(2)-isoform, did not affect the stimulation; (4) myocytes from one group of guinea pigs expressed the alpha(1)-isoform but not the alpha(2)-isoform, and these myocytes did not show the stimulation. At 10 nM DHO, total I(P) increased by 35 +/- 10% (mean +/- SD, n = 18). If one accepts the hypothesis that this increase is due to stimulation of just the alpha(2)-isoform, then activity of the alpha(2)-isoform increased by 107 +/- 30%. In the guinea pig myocytes, nanomolar ouabain as well as DHO stimulated the alpha(2)-isoform, but both the stimulatory and inhibitory concentrations of ouabain were approximately 10-fold lower than those for DHO. Stimulation of I(P) by nanomolar DHO was observed in canine atrial and ventricular myocytes, which express the alpha(1)- and alpha(3)-isoforms of the Na/K pumps, suggesting the other high glycoside affinity isoform (the alpha(3)-isoform) also was stimulated by nanomolar concentrations of DHO. Human atrial and ventricular myocytes express all three isoforms, but isoform affinity for glycosides is too similar to separate their activity. Nevertheless, nanomolar DHO caused a stimulation of I(P) that was very similar to that seen in other species. Thus, in all species studied, nanomolar DHO caused stimulation of I(P), and where the contributions of the high glycoside affinity alpha(2)- and alpha(3)-isoforms could be separated from that of the alpha(1)-isoform, it was only the high glycoside affinity isoform that was stimulated. These observations support early reports that nanomolar concentrations of glycosides stimulate Na/K pump activity, and suggest a novel mechanism of isoform-specific regulation of I(P) in heart by nanomolar concentrations of endogenous ouabain-like molecules.  相似文献   

In the rat, the effects of cold acclimation on the content of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP were studied in various tissues concerned with increased heat production: brown and white adipose tissue, liver, heart, diaphragm, lungs, adrenals, thyroid. Significant cold-induced variations were observed only in those tissues in which the lipid metabolism is enhanced by cold (adipose tissues and liver). In these tissues, decrease in the cAMP/cGMP ratio indicates a role of cGMP in the regulation of the increased lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent slow channels in the myocardial cell membrane are the major pathway by which Ca2+ ions enter the cell during excitation for initiation and regulation of the force of contraction of cardiac muscle. The slow channels have some special properties, including functional dependence on metabolic energy, selective blockade by acidosis, and regulation by the intracellular cyclic nucleotide levels. Because of these special properties of the slow channels, Ca2+ influx into the myocardial cell can be controlled by extrinsic factors (such as autonomic nerve stimulation or circulating hormones) and by intrinsic factors (such as cellular pH or ATP level). The slow Ca2+ channels of the heart are regulated by cAMP in a stimulatory fashion. Elevation of cAMP produces a very rapid increase in number of slow channels available for voltage activation during excitation. The probability of a slow channel opening and the mean open time of the channel are increased. Therefore, any agent that increases the cAMP level of the myocardial cell will tend to potentiate Isi, Ca2+ influx, and contraction. The myocardial slow Ca2+ channels are also regulated by cGMP, in a manner that is opposite to that of CAMP. The effect of cGMP is presumably mediated by means of phosphorylation of a protein, as for example, a regulatory protein (inhibitory-type) associated with the slow channel. Preliminary data suggest that calmodulin also may play a role in regulation of the myocardial slow Ca2+ channels, possibly mediated by the Ca2+-calmodulin-protein kinase and phosphorylation of some regulatory-type of protein. Thus, it appears that the slow Ca2+ channel is a complex structure, including perhaps several associated regulatory proteins, which can be regulated by a number of extrinsic and intrinsic factors.VSM cells contain two types of Ca2+ channels: slow (L-type) Ca2+ channels and fast (T-type) Ca2+ channels. Although regulation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ slow channels of VSM cells have not been fully clarified yet, we have made some progress towards answering this question. Slow (L-type, high-threshold) Ca2+ channels may be modified by phosphorylation of the channel protein or an associated regulatory protein. In contrast to cardiac muscle where cAMP and cGMP have antagonistic effects on Ca2+ slow channel activity, in VSM, cAMP and cGMP have similar effects, namely inhibition of the Ca2+ slow channels. Thus, any agent that elevates cAMP or cGMP will inhibit Ca2+ influx, and thereby act to produce vasodilation. The Ca2+ slow channels require ATP for activity, with a K0.5 of about 0.3 mM. C-kinase may stimulate the Ca2+ slow channels by phosphorylation. G-protein may have a direct action on the Ca2+ channels, and may mediate the effects of activation of some receptors. These mechanisms of Ca2+ channel regulation may be invoked during exposure to agonists or drugs, which change second messenger levels, thereby controlling vascular tone.  相似文献   

We irradiated cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels in situ with ultraviolet light to probe the role of aromatic residues in ion channel function. UV light reduced the current through excised membrane patches from Xenopus oocytes expressing the alpha subunit of bovine retinal cyclic nucleotide-gated channels irreversibly, a result consistent with permanent covalent modification of channel amino acids by UV light. The magnitude of the current reduction depended only on the total photon dose delivered to the patches, and not on the intensity of the exciting light, indicating that the functionally important photochemical modification(s) occurred from an excited state reached by a one-photon absorption process. The wavelength dependence of the channels' UV light sensitivity (the action spectrum) was quantitatively consistent with the absorption spectrum of tryptophan, with a small component at long wavelengths, possibly due to cystine absorption. This spectral analysis suggests that UV light reduced the currents at most wavelengths studied by modifying one or more "target" tryptophans in the channels. Comparison of the channels' action spectrum to the absorption spectrum of tryptophan in various solvents suggests that the UV light targets are in a water-like chemical environment. Experiments on mutant channels indicated that the UV light sensitivity of wild-type channels was not conferred exclusively by any one of the 10 tryptophan residues in a subunit. The similarity in the dose dependences of channel current reduction and tryptophan photolysis in solution suggests that photochemical modification of a small number of tryptophan targets in the channels is sufficient to decrease the currents.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) increases cyclic GMP levels in immature rat cerebellar slices incubated in magnesium-containing Krebs buffer in vitro. This effect is blocked by 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate and by D-alpha-aminoadipate, but not by glutamic acid diethyl ester or gamma-D-glutamylaminomethylsulfonic acid, indicating specific involvement of the NMDA receptor. The response produced by NMDA is abolished by removal of calcium from the medium, proportional to the concentration of extracellular calcium, and blocked by a number of inorganic (Ni2+, Co2+, Cd2+, La3+, Mn2+) calcium antagonists. The responses to NMDA are not blocked by barium or strontium and persist when these ions are substituted for calcium in the incubation medium. The effects of NMDA are blocked by, but are not particularly sensitive to, the organic voltage-dependent calcium channel antagonists. Nifedipine (10 microM) produces partial inhibition of the effects of NMDA, which are also antagonized by high (greater than 200 microM) concentrations of diltiazem and verapamil. The effects of NMDA are tetrodotoxin insensitive but are abolished by omission of sodium from the medium and inhibited by a tetrodotoxin-insensitive sodium channel blocker, Zn2+. The results suggest that calcium channel opening is a consequence of NMDA receptor activation in this model. However, the sodium dependence of the response argues against the use of receptor-operated calcium channels, whereas the weak activity of the organic voltage-sensitive calcium channel antagonists argues either against the use of voltage-dependent calcium channels, or that those implicated in the effects of NMDA are insensitive to these agents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Currents through single cardiac sodium channels have been measured in inside-out patches from guinea pig ventricular cells. To abolish the fast inactivation, Na channels were modified by DPI 201–106. In symmetrical Na solutions, a diminution of outward sodium currents can be observed that depends on the intracellular magnesium concentration and the membrane potential. Inward currents were not altered by the concentrations of magnesium used (between 0 and 22.5 mmol/1). In Mg free solutions a linear current-voltage relation can also be measured in the range of outward Na currents. At +60 mV (symmetrical Na solutions, single channel conductance 24 pS) a half maximal block of cardiac Na channels by intracellular magnesium was found at 2.1 mmol/l. From the analysis of single channel current-voltage relationships the concentration and voltage-dependent block by intracellular magnesium of cardiac sodium channels could be described as binding of Mg at one site with a K d value of 5.1 mmol/1 at 0 mV. The site is located at an electrical distance of 0.18 from the inside. Offprint requests to: B. Nilius  相似文献   

The second messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) plays many roles during nervous system development. Consequently, cGMP production shows complex patterns of regulation throughout early development. Elevated glutamate levels are known to increase cGMP levels in the mature nervous system. A number of clinical conditions including ischemia and perinatal asphyxia can result in elevated glutamate levels in the developing brain. To investigate the effects of elevated glutamate levels on cGMP in the developing cortex we exposed mouse brain slices to glutamate or N‐methyl D ‐aspartate (NMDA). We find that at early postnatal stages when the endogenous production of cGMP is high, glutamate or NMDA exposure results in a significant lowering of the overall production of cGMP in the cortex, unlike the situation in the mature brain. However, this response pattern is complex with regional and cell‐type specific exceptions to the overall lowered cGMP production. These data emphasize that the response of the developing brain to physiological disturbances can be different from that of the mature brain, and must be considered in the context of the developmental events occurring at the time of disturbance. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

Heterotrimeic G proteins are thought to couple receptors to ionic channels via cytoplasmic mediators such as cGMP in the case of retinal rods, cAMP in the case of olfactory cells, and the cAMP cascade in the case of cardiac myocytes. G protein-mediated second messenger effects on K+ channels are dealt with elsewhere in this series. Recently, membrane-delimited pathways have been uncovered and an hypothesis proposed in which the subunits of G proteins directly couple receptors to ionic channels, particularly K+ channels. While direct coupling has not been proven, the membrane-delimited nature has been established for specific G proteins and their specific K+ channel effectors.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cyclic GMP (cGMP), carbachol and diltiazem on a potassium-selective, delayed-rectifier current in freshly dissociated rabbit corneal epithelial cells were studied using a modified perforated-patch-clamp technique. The current was stimulated by both 500 m cGMP (2.3–4.5-fold, mean = 2.9) and 250 nm carbachol, a muscarinic agonist (1.12–7.04-fold, mean = 3.8), and the stimulated current was totally blocked by diltiazem (10 m). The effects of cGMP appeared to be, at least in part, different from those of carbachol as they required the presence of external calcium. Single-channel data suggest that cGMP and carbachol activate the potassium current by increasing the open probability of the channel via a second-messenger system and that the action of diltiazem is probably through a direct blocking effect on the open channel.We are grateful to Erika Wohlfiel for secretarial help, Helen Hendrickson for cell preparation, and Joan Rae for software development. The work was supported by NIH grants EY06005 and EY03282 and an unrestricted award from Research to Prevent Blindness.  相似文献   

The action of interferential current (IFC), an amplitude-modulated 4000 kHz current used in therapeutic applications, upon intracellular calcium, adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), and guanosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) was investigated. Human promyelocytes (HL-60) were differentiated to granulocytes by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) treatment and exposed for 5 min at 25, 250, and 2500 μA/cm2 current density. No significant changes in cytosolic free calcium were detected as a function of modulation frequency of the IFC. However, intracellular cAMP reacted in a complex way to modulation frequency, resulting in stimulations and depressions within the range of frequencies studied (0–125 Hz). The “windows” of modulation frequency, where statistically significant increases or decreases in cAMP were noted, coincided with those published earlier for mouse fibroblasts. Cellular cGMP content was always lowered by IFC treatment. Furthermore, no significant influence of IFC current density upon the three second messengers was noted. These results, which also include data relating to treatment with sinusoidal 50 Hz current, contribute to a more detailed understanding of the primary biophysical mechanisms of signal transduction by time-varying electric fields. Bioelectromagnetics 19:452–458, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary In inside-out patches from cultured neonatal rat heart cells, single Na+ channel currents were analyzed under the influence of the cardiotonic compound DPI 201-106 (DPI), a putative novel channel modifier. In absence of DPI, normal cardiac single Na+ channels studied at –30 mV have one open state which is rapidly left with a rate constant of 826.5 sec–1 at 20°C during sustained depolarization., Reconstructed macroscopic currents relax completely with 7 to 10 msec. The current decay fits a single exponential. A considerable percentage of openings may occur during relaxation of the macroscopic current. In patches treated with 3×10–6 m DPI in the pipette solution, stepping to –30 mV results in drastically prolonged and usually repetitive openings. This channel activity mostly persists over the whole depolarization (usually 160 msec in duration) but is abruptly terminated on clamping back the patch to the holding potential. Besides these modified events, apparently normal openings occur. The open time distribution of DPI-treated Na+ channels is the sum of two exponentials characterized by time constants of 0.85 msec (which is close to the time constant found in the control patches, 1.21 msec) and 12 msec. Moreover, DPI-modified Na+ channels exhibit a sustained high, time-independent open probability. Similar to normal Na+ channels, the mean number of open DPI-modified Na+ channels is voltage-dependent and increases on shifting the holding potential in the hyperpolarizing direction. These kinetic changes suggest an elimination of Na+ channel inactivation as it may follow from an interaction of DPI with Na+ channels.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous second messenger cyclic GMP (cGMP) is synthesized by soluble guanylate cyclases in response to nitric oxide (NO) and degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDE). We studied the homeostasis of cGMP in living thalamic neurons by using the genetically encoded fluorescence resonance energy transfer sensor Cygnet, expressed in brain slices through viral gene transfer. Natriuretic peptides had no effect on cGMP. Basal cGMP levels decreased upon inhibition of NO synthases or soluble guanylate cyclases and increased when PDEs were inhibited. Single cell RT-PCR analysis showed that thalamic neurons express PDE1, PDE2, PDE9, and PDE10. Basal cGMP levels were increased by the PDE2 inhibitors erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (EHNA) and BAY60-7550 but were unaffected by PDE1 or PDE10 inhibitors. We conclude that PDE2 regulates the basal cGMP concentration in thalamic neurons. In addition, in the presence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), cGMP still decreased after application of a NO donor. Probenecid, a blocker of cGMP transporters, had no effect on this decrease, leaving PDE9 as a possible candidate for decreasing cGMP concentration. Basal cGMP level is poised at an intermediate level from which it can be up or down-regulated according to the cyclase and PDE activities.  相似文献   

The slow Ca2+ channels (L-type) of the heart are stimulated by cAMP. Elevation of cAMP produces a very rapid increase in number of slow channels available for voltage activation during excitation. The probability of a Ca2+ channel opening and the mean open time of the channel are increased. Therefore, any agent that increases the cAMP level of the myocardial cell will tend to potentiate ICa, Ca2+ influx, and contraction. The action of cAMP is mediated by PK-A and phosphorylation of the slow Ca2+ channel protein or an associated regulatory protein (stimulatory type). The myocardial slow Ca2+ channels are also rogulated by cGMP, in a manner that is opposite orantagonistic to that of cAMP. We have demonstrated this at both the macroscople level (whole-cell voltage clamp) and the single-channel level. The effect of cGMP is mediated by PK-G and phosphorylation of a protein, as for example, a regulatory protein (inhibitory-type) associated with the Ca2+ channel. Introduction of PK-G intracellularly causes a relatively rapid inhibition of ICa(L) in both chick and rat heart cells. Such inhibition occurs for both the basal and stimulated ICa(L). In addition, the cGMP/PK-G system was reported to stimulate a phosphatase that dephosphorylates the Ca2+ channel. In addition to the slower indirect pathway—exerted via cAMP/PK-A—there is a faster more-direct pathway for ICa(L) stimulation by the -adrenergic receptor. This latter pathway involves direct modulation of the channel activity by the alpha subunit (s*) of the Gs-protein. In vascular smooth muscle cells the two pathways (direct and indirect) also appear to be present, although the indirect pathway producesinhibition of ICa(L). PK-C and calmodulin-PK also may play roles in regulation of the myocardial slow Ca2+ channels. Both of these protein kinases stimulate the activity of these channels. Thus, it appears that the slow Ca2+ channel is a complex structure, including perhaps several associated regulatory proteins, which can be regulated by a number of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to the cell, and thereby control can be exercised over the force of contraction of the heart.This review-type article was prepared by modifying an article published in a book by Sperelakiset al., 1994.  相似文献   

Whole-cell patch clamp recordings were done on giant protoplasts of Escherichia coli. The pressure sensitivity of the protoplasts was studied. Two different unit conductance mechanosensitive channels, 1100 ± 25 pS and 350 ± 14 pS in 400 mm symmetric KCl solution, were observed upon either applying positive pressure to the interior of the cells or down shocking the cells osmotically. The 1100 pS conductance channel discriminated poorly among the monovalent ions tested and it was permeable to Ca2+ and glutamate?. Both of the two channels were sensitive to the osmotic gradient across the membrane; the unit conductances of the channels remained constant while the mean current of the cell was increased by increasing the osmotic gradient. Both of the channels were voltage sensitive. Voltage-ramp results showed that the pressure sensitivity of protoplasts was voltage dependent: there were more channels active upon depolarization than hyperpolarization. The mech anosensitive channels were reversibly blocked by gadolinium ion. Also they could reversibly be inhibited by protons. Mutations in two of the potassium efflux systems, KefB and KefC, did not affect the channel activity, while a null mutation in the gene for KefA changed the channel activity significantly. This indicates a potential modulation of these channels by KefA.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for Ca2+ and cyclic GMP being involved in signal transduction between the cell surface cyclic AMP receptors and cytoskeletal myosin II involved in chemotactic cell movement. Ca2+ is shown to be required for chemotactic aggregation of amoebae. The evidence for uptake and/or eflux of this ion being regulated by the nucleotide cyclic GMP is discussed. The connection between Ca2+, cyclic GMP and chemotactic cell movement has been explored using “streamer F” mutants. The primary defect in these mutants is in the structural gene for the cyclic GMP-specific phosphodiesterase which results in the mutants producing an abnormally prolonged peak of accumulation of cyclic GMP in response to stimulation with the chernoattractant cyclic AMP. While events associated with production and relay of cyclic AMP signals are normal, certain events associated with movement are (like the cyclic GMP response) abnormally prolonged in the mutants. These events include Ca2+ uptake, myosin II association with the cytoskeleton and inhibition of myosin heavy and light chain phosphorylation. These changes can be correlated with the amoebae becoming elongated and transiently decreasing their locomotive speed after chemotactic stimulation. Other mutants studied in which the accumulation of cyclic GMP in response to cyclic AMP stimulation was absent produced no myosin II responses. Models are described in which cyclic GMP (directly or indirectly via Ca2+) regulates accumulation of myosin II on the cytoskeleton by inhibiting phosphorylation of the myosin heavy and light chain kinases.  相似文献   

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