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A purulent laryngeal air sac infection was diagnosed in a free-ranging adult male mountain gorilla (Gorilla gorilla beringei) in Central Africa. Successful treatment included the administration of antibiotics via blow dart and surgical drainage in the field. This case occurred during an outbreak of respiratory disease of undetermined etiology in this and other gorillas in the population.  相似文献   

A rhesus monkey model of respiratory syncytial virus infection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of lower respiratory tract disease in infants and young children worldwide. To date, there is no single animal model that adequately reproduces all human disease states. Here, we have developed a model of experimental infection with human RSV in infant Rhesus macaques. Infected animals demonstrated mild clinical disease including increased respiratory rates, fever and adventitious lung sounds. While more severe disease was not observed, preliminary virological and histopathological findings are promising. It is anticipated that with further optimization, this model will provide a useful system with which to study disease due to RSV infection and evaluate candidate vaccines.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old rhesus macaque presented a cervical swelling associated with sudden deterioration of its condition. This mass was surgically removed, and its histopathological examination revealed a stratified squamous epithelium. This appearance has been reported in some case of air sacculitis in others non‐human primate species.  相似文献   

Desiccation provides a novel spermatozoal preservation technique because it eliminates the need to store spermatozoa in liquid nitrogen, resulting in decreased opportunities for cross-contamination of samples and lower costs of spermatozoal banking, storage, and shipping. The objective of this study was to desiccate rhesus macaque spermatozoa and to evaluate the fertility following storage. Semen from four male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) were collected using electroejaculation, washed through a Percoll gradient, and resuspended to 100 × 106 spermatozoa/mL in a simple vacuum drying buffer containing the disaccharide trehalose (10 mM HEPES, 5 mM KCl, 65 mMNaCl, 150 mMtrehalose, 5.7% bovine serum albumin, BSA). Cells were desiccated in 50 μl drops under vacuum (22 inHg) at ambient temperature until the water content was less than 1 g H2O/g dry weight. Initial motility was high (90–70%) and was reduced by desiccation (0%). Membrane integrity was investigated using the two fluorochromes, SYBR 14 and propidium iodide (PI, Molecular Probes, Inc.), with flow cytometry. After desiccation, 100% of the spermatozoa were stained red with PI indicating plasma membrane compromise. Samples were stored in air-tight polyvinyl plastic bags purged with N2 gas for 10 s and vacuum sealed. The samples were protected from light and either stored at room temperature (treatment 1) or at −80 °C (treatment 2). Samples were rehydrated 7–10 days post desiccation in 150 μl BWW containing 0.5% BSA and used for intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection (ICSI) to compare fertilization and embryo development to freshly collected samples. For control embryos, one freshly ejaculated motile sperm with normal morphology was immobilized by scoring a small incision in the plasma membrane over the sperm tail before injecting into an oocyte. For the dried sperm treatments, one sperm with normal morphology was selected and scored before injecting into an oocyte. After injection, the embryos were individually cultured in CMRL medium with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) media on pre-plated buffalo rat liver (BRL) cells at 37 °C and 5% CO2. Fertilization was assessed at 14, 16, 22, and 24 h. Embryo development was evaluated daily from day 3 to day 11. The fertilization rate was 68%, 73%, and 45% for the control, treatment 1, and treatment 2 groups, respectively. The blastocyst rate was 40%, 5%, and 0% for control, treatments 1, and 2, respectively. Treatment group 1 had comparable fertilization rates with control group (73% vs. 68%) and was not significantly different (P < 0.05), but as development progressed, fewer embryos developed beyond the morula stage. Treatment 2 had a lower fertilization rate than control (45% vs. 68%), although not significantly different, and embryos did not develop past the morula stage. This study demonstrates that while the vacuum dried spermatozoa were immotile and had compromised plasma membrane integrity, they were capable of fertilization using ICSI and could support embryo development to the morula stage.  相似文献   

Behavioral economics is useful for understanding the influence of environmental manipulation on a variety of behaviors, including drug self-administration, food intake, and stock behavior. The present study employed behavioral economics to investigate the psychologically satisfying amount of water intake in a laboratory rhesus macaque. Our institutional guidelines set a minimum amount of daily water intake. However, no study to date has determined whether that minimum amount is psychologically sufficient. In the present experiment, a monkey lived in an individual cage in which the only water available was delivered by chain pulling. A fixed number of responses was required for water delivery. This fixed ratio (FR) of responses per water delivery was progressively increased from FR 2 to FR 10. The study findings showed that during the FR 2 condition, demand for water was saturated at 131.3 ml/kg body weight (BW) (ranging from 95.1 to 211.2). The monkeys daily intake of water decreased as FR size incrementally increased, approaching an asymptote under the FR 8 and FR 10 conditions. During the FR 8 and FR 10 conditions, responding ceased when this monkey earned 53.5 ml/kg-BW (ranging from 32.7 to 74.9) of water. Therefore, the amount of water obtained under these conditions might provide a psychologically satisfying amount. Although these values were obtained from the behavioral study of one monkey, they were almost equivalent to values in our institutional guidelines that were determined by veterinary observations. These findings imply that behavioral economics is useful for studying the welfare of laboratory animals.  相似文献   

A feasibility study of neural transplantation in adult rhesus monkey was undertaken. Fresh and preserved neocortex containing multiplying and maturing neurons obtained from 55–70 gestation days were transplanted into the striatum, cerebellum and cerebral cortex of adult monkeys. Tissues were preserved for 4 days either at subzero temperature in the freezer compartment of the ordinary refrigerator in Ringer lactate or incubated in culture medium. While 2 monkeys out of 5 injected with preserved tissue had successful transplants after 4 months, all the 10 monkeys injected with fresh tissue had no transplants. The size of the two surviving transplants was small. The neurons in the transplants were mainly in clusters. Many of the cells were immature and some showed early degenerative changes. Neuronal processes were restricted to the transplants and thus showed lack of morphological integration with the host tissue. Further studies are in progress to define the nature of the embryonic tissue of primate which can grow and survive and also the role of neural grafts in functional recovery following experimental lesions of the brain regions.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) results of brain white matter in rhesus macaques(Macaca mulatta) with four different parameter settings and found that the sequence A(b=1 000 s/mm2, spatial resolution=1.25 mm×1.25 mm× 1.25 mm, numbers of direction=33, NSA=3) and B(b=800 s/mm2, spatial resolution=1.25 mm×1.25 mm×1.25 mm, numbers of direction=33, NSA=3) could accurately track coarse fibers. The fractional anisotropy(FA) derived from sequence C(b=1 000s/mm2, spatial resolution=0.55 mm×0.55 mm×2.5 mm, direction number=33, NSA=3) was too fuzzy to be used in tracking white matter fibers. By comparison, the high resolution and the FA with high contrast of gray matter and white matter derived from sequence D(b=800 s/mm2, spatial resolution=1.0 mm×1.0 mm ×1.0 mm, numbers of direction=33, NSA=3) qualified in its application in tracking both thick and thin fibers, making it an optimal DTI setting for rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

Coxsackievirus A10 (CV-A10) is one of the etiological agents associated with hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) and also causes a variety of illnesses in humans, including pneumonia, and myocarditis. Different people, particularly young children, may have different immunological responses to infection. Current CV-A10 infection animal models provide only a rudimentary understanding of the pathogenesis and effects of this virus. The characteristics of CV-A10 infection, replication, and shedding in humans remain unknown. In this study, rhesus macaques were infected by CV-A10 via respiratory or digestive route to mimic the HFMD in humans. The clinical symptoms, viral shedding, inflammatory response and pathologic changes were investigated in acute infection (1–11 day post infection) and recovery period (12–180 day post infection). All infected rhesus macaques during acute infection showed obvious viremia and clinical symptoms which were comparable to those observed in humans. Substantial inflammatory pathological damages were observed in multi-organs, including the lung, heart, liver, and kidney. During the acute period, all rhesus macaques displayed clinical signs, viral shedding, normalization of serum cytokines, and increased serum neutralizing antibodies, whereas inflammatory factors caused some animals to develop severe hyperglycemia during the recovery period. In addition, there were no significant differences between respiratory and digestive tract infected animals. Overall, all data presented suggest that the rhesus macaques provide the first non-human primate animal model for investigating CV-A10 pathophysiology and assessing the development of potential human therapies.  相似文献   

Conjoined twinning is an extremely rare occurrence among human and nonhuman primates. The current report describes a case of minimally conjoined omphalopagus rhesus monkey twins that were observed in the breeding colony at the California Regional Primate Research Center. The full-term nonviable male twins were morphologically normal and united in the umbilical region, involving the liver, xiphoid, umbilicus, body wall, and skin. The umbilical cords were separate, but closely aligned, within an ensheathing amnion; each cord contained two arteries and a vein. The closely associated cords were centrally inserted on a large bidiscoid placenta. There were no gross or histologic abnormalities in the viscera, with the exception of enlargement of the left central liver lobes, which constituted the area of attachment. The cause of death was attributed to asphyxia and trauma experienced during parturition.  相似文献   

The rhesus macaque is similar to humans both anatomically and physiologically as a primate, and has therefore been used extensively in medical and biological research, including reproductive physiology. Despite sequencing of the macaque genome, limited postgenomic studies have been performed to date. In studies aimed at characterizing spermatogenesis, we successfully identified 9078 macaque testis proteins corresponding to 8662 genes, using advanced MS and an optimized proteomics platform, indicative of complex protein compositions during macaque spermatogenesis. Immunohistochemistry analysis further revealed the presence of proteins from different types of testicular cells, including Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and various stages of germ cells. Our data provide expression evidence at protein level of 3010 protein‐coding genes in 8662 identified testis genes for the first time. We further identified 421 homologous genes from the proteome already known to be essential for male infertility in mouse. Comparative analysis of the proteome showed high similarity with the published human testis proteome, implying that macaque and human may use similar proteins to regulate spermatogenesis. Our in‐depth analysis of macaque spermatogenesis provides a rich resource for further studies, and supports the utility of macaque as a suitable model for the study of human reproduction.  相似文献   

目的调查恒河猴离乳幼猴BV感染的动态变化,探讨早期控制的可能。方法采用BV全病毒为抗原的ELISA试剂盒,对两批离乳后群养的54只恒河猴幼猴每月采血检测BV感染情况,连续检测13个月。结果随月龄的增加,BV感染率上升,其中12月、1月、2月、3月、4月BV阳性猴数量相对增加较明显。结论幼猴性成熟期之前BV感染率超过70%且呈现出一定的变化规律,春、冬季BV的感染率相对较高,应早期加强BV的有效预防控制,降低BV的感染,提高猴群质量。  相似文献   

The effect of role relations on social interaction in small groups of rhesus monkeys was examined quantitatively, through use of an interval scale of social behavior. Concurrent pair interactions were tabulated for all possible combinations in 24 triad groups: Six groups containing three males; six groups containing three females; six groups of one male, two females; and six groups of two males and one female. A specific behavior which involves participation of all three animals at once, the incitement interaction, was found to quantitatively alter each monkey's reaction to other social behaviors displayed at the same time. The interaction demonstrates the monkeys' attention to and manipulation of role relations. In all triad types one could quantitatively document the fact that the most subordinate monkey established a role with the most dominant monkey which allowed it some freedom to behave less submissively when interacting with the middle ranking monkey. This general phenomenon in role relations may contribute to group cohesiveness.  相似文献   

Weiler A  May GE  Qi Y  Wilson N  Watkins DI 《Immunogenetics》2006,58(12):1003-1009
Polymorphisms in several host genes in HIV-infected individuals facilitate slow progression to AIDS. We have identified several SIV-infected Indian rhesus macaques that naturally control viral replication. We investigated whether spontaneous control of SIV in any of these animals could be explained by mutations in host genes. Such variables could confound studies of associations between MHC class I alleles and control of viral replication. We searched for polymorphisms in CCR5, CXCR6, GPR15, RANTES, IL-10, APOBEC3G, TNF-α, and TSG101 and looked for associations with decreased viral replication. We did not detect any correlations between plasma viral concentration and polymorphisms in host genes examined in this study. In addition, we did not find the polymorphisms present in humans in any of our macaques.Nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under accession numbers DQ890030–DQ890063, DQ887987–DQ888038, DQ902356–DQ902543, and DQ913647–DQ913733.  相似文献   

A rhesus monkey fetus was examined by ultrasound at 110, 111, and 113 gestational days (GD) and showed features suggestive of Amniotic Band Syndrome (ABS). These included an unusual craniofacial configuration, cortical distortion, asymmetrical hydrocephalus, a right occipital porencephalic cyst, and hydropic membranes with several free strands attached to the fetal head, neck, and scapular regions. The fetus remained fixed in the same position with the head retroflexed during each consecutive exam. A hysterotomy was performed and ABS was confirmed.  相似文献   

The behavior of 8 nursery/peer-reared and 16 mother-only reared rhesus macaques was observed between birth and 5 months of age, with follow-up studies conducted when the animals were 10–21 months old and living in large social groups. Nursery-reared neonates were more awake, active, and irritable than mother-only reared monkeys. From 1 to 5 months of age the nursery/peer-reared animals exhibited a greater variety of behaviors than the mother-only reared infants, which spent the majority of the time in ventral contact with mothers. As juveniles the groups were indistinguishable with the exception of more self-directed behaviors observed in the nursery/peer-reared monkeys. Both rearing conditions, by virtue of their atypicality, imposed restrictions on social development. The behavioral similarity of the juveniles while in the large social group may be a function of maturation or due to the rehabilitative effect of the large social group.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of parity and age on female rhesus macaque attention toward infants, and assessed whether the faces of neonates are more attractive than those of older infants. Six nulliparous and six multiparous females were shown digitized images of neonates’ and 5- to 6-month-old infants’ faces. Attention and preferences for images were measured by gaze duration and other picture-directed behaviors, including lip smacking, approaches, and presentations. As predicted, nulliparous females displayed significantly longer gaze durations for images than did multiparous females. There were no significant differences in gaze duration for faces of neonates and those of infants, but images of infants were approached more frequently than images of neonates. This difference is tentatively explained on the basis of differences in female familiarity with neonates’ and infants’ faces and differences in opportunities for allomothering with neonates and infants.  相似文献   

Alopecia areata in a rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: A 14-year-old female rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) of Chinese origin has been suffering from alopecia universalis since childhood. METHODS: Recently, the health status of the animal was recorded comprehensively by detailed clinical examination including hematology and serology supplemented by histological and immunohistochemical investigations of skin biopsies and molecular biological techniques to clarify the causes of the persistent hair loss. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The hairless gene (hr) nonsense mutation was ruled out by polymerase chain reaction and by sequencing of the corresponding gene. Histological examinations revealed a prominent chronic lymphocytic perifolliculitis and folliculitis affecting anagen stage hair follicles as well as miniaturized hair follicles. Immunohistochemistry using the antibodies CD3, CD20 and CD4 confirmed the diagnosis of a T-cell-mediated autoimmune disease resembling alopecia areata universalis in humans.  相似文献   

The utility of the rhesus macaque as an animal model in both HIV vaccine development and pathogenesis studies necessitates the development of accurate and efficient major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotyping technologies. In this paper, we describe the development and application of allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification for the simultaneous detection of eight MHC class I alleles from the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) of Indian descent. These alleles were selected, as they have been implicated in the restriction of CD8(+) T cell epitopes of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). Molecular typing of Mamu-A 01, Mamu-A 02, Mamu-A 08, Mamu-A 11, Mamu-B 01, Mamu-B 03, Mamu-B 04, and Mamu-B 17 was conducted in a high throughput fashion using genomic DNA. Our amplification strategy included a conserved internal control target to minimize false negative results and can be completed in less than 5 h. We have genotyped over 4,000 animals to establish allele frequencies from colonies all over the western hemisphere. The ability to identify MHC-defined rhesus macaques will greatly enhance investigation of the immune responses, which are responsible for the control of viral replication. Furthermore, application of this technically simple and accurate typing method should facilitate selection, utilization, and breeding of rhesus macaques for AIDS virus pathogenesis and vaccine studies.  相似文献   

Summary Adult female rhesus monkeys were given cyproterone acetate orally in doses of 0.04, 0.4, 4 and 40mg per kg per day for 12 weeks. Its effects were assessed on serum prolactin (PRL) concentration, the morphology of the PRL cells, and the development of the mammary glands. Serum PRL was relatively unchanged in the control animals from the fourth through the twelfth weeks of the study. In contrast, PRL was significantly elevated in each group of drug-treated animals during the same time periods. There was no development of the mammary glands nor was there any evidence of milk secretion in the control animals; however, in the monkeys given cyproterone acetate the mammary glands had extensive lobuloalveolar growth and milk-like secretion that could be expressed as early as the fourth or fifth week of the study. By immunocytochemistry and differential light microscopic staining techniques, the PRL cells in the pituitary glands of the experimental animals were found to be more numerous and much larger than those present in the controls. They displayed a well developed Golgi complex and had an abundance of cytoplasmic RNA. These data suggest that PRL secretion is markedly enhanced by cyproterone acetate.Supported in part by USPHS Grant AM12583  相似文献   

An SIV-infected rhesus macaque presented with anemia, hypercalcemia, and hyperglobulinemia. Neoplastic round cells with plasma cell morphology infiltrated multiple organs and stained immunohistochemically positive for CD45, MUM1/IRF4, CD138, VS38C, and Kappa light chain and variably positive for CD20 and CD79a, consistent with a B-cell neoplasm with plasma cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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