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Liposomal cytarabine, DepoCyt, is a chemotherapy agent which is used in cancer treatment. This form of cytarabine has more efficacy and fewer side effects relative to the other forms. Since DepoCyt contains the cytarabine encapsulated within phosphatidylcholine and the sterol molecules, we modeled dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC)/cholesterol bilayer membrane as a carrier for cytarabine to study drug–bilayer interactions. For this purpose, we performed a series of united-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for 25?ns to investigate the interactions between cytarabine and cholesterol-containing DOPC lipid bilayers. Only the uncharged form of cytarabine molecule was investigated. In this study, different levels of the cholesterol content (0, 20, and 40%) were used. MD simulations allowed us to determine dynamical and structural properties of the bilayer membrane and to estimate the preferred location and orientation of the cytarabine molecule inside the bilayer membrane. Properties such as membrane thickness, area per lipid, diffusion coefficient, mass density, bilayer packing, order parameters, and intermolecular interactions were examined. The results show that by increasing the cholesterol concentration in the lipid bilayers, the bilayer thickness increases and area per lipid decreases. Moreover, in accordance with the experiments, our calculations show that cholesterol molecules have ordering effect on the hydrocarbon acyl chains. Furthermore, the cytarabine molecule preferentially occupies the polar region of the lipid head groups to form specific interactions (hydrogen bonds). Our results fully support the experimental data. Our finding about drug–bilayer interaction is crucial for the liposomal drug design.  相似文献   

Detailed molecular dynamics simulations performed to study the nature of lipid raft domains that appear in model membranes are reviewed in this paper. The described simulations were performed on hydrated bilayers containing binary mixtures of cholesterol with phospholipids and also on ternary mixtures containing cholesterol, a phospholipid with a high main transition temperature Tm, and a phospholipid with a low transition temperature Tm. These simulations provide qualitative and semi-quantitative information about cholesterol-lipid interactions and also a testing ground for major assumptions made to explain the nature of lipid rafts in model membranes.  相似文献   

Woo HJ  Liu Y  Sousa R 《Proteins》2008,73(4):1021-1036
Translocation in the single subunit T7 RNA polymerase elongation complex was studied by molecular dynamics simulations using the posttranslocated crystal structure with the fingers domain open, an intermediate stable in the absence of pyrophosphate, magnesium ions, and nucleotide substrate. Unconstrained and umbrella sampling simulations were performed to examine the energetics of translocations. The extent of translocation was quantified using reaction coordinates representing the average and individual displacements of the RNA-DNA hybrid base pairs with respect to a reference structure. In addition, an unconstrained simulation was also performed for the product complex with the fingers domain closed, but with the pyrophosphate and magnesium removed, in order to examine the local stability of the pretranslocated closed state after the pyrophosphate release. The average spatial movement of the entire hybrid was found to be energetically costly in the post- to pretranslocated direction in the open state, while the pretranslocated state was stable in the closed complex, supporting the notion that the conformational state dictates the global stability of translocation states. However, spatial fluctuations of the RNA 3'-end in the open conformation were extensive, with the typical range reaching 3-4 A. Our results suggest that thermal fluctuations play more important roles in the translocation of individual nucleotides than in the movement of large sections of nucleotide strands: RNA 3'-end can move into and out of the active site within a single conformational state, while a global movement of the hybrid may be thermodynamically unfavorable without the conformational change.  相似文献   

A series of cholesterol (Chol) probes with NBD and Dansyl fluorophores attached to the 3-hydroxyl position via carbamate linkers has been designed and synthesized and their ability to mimic the behavior of natural cholesterol in bilayer membranes has been examined. Fluorescence spectroscopy data indicate that the NBD-labeled lipids are located in the polar headgroup region of the bilayer with their position varying with the method of fluorophore attachment and the linker length. The partitioning of the Chol probes between liquid-ordered (Lo) and liquid-disordered (Lo) phases in supported bilayers prepared from ternary lipid mixtures of DOPC, Chol and either egg sphingomyelin or DPPC was examined by fluorescence microscopy. The carbamate-linked NBD-Chols show a stronger preference for partitioning into Lo domains than does a structurally similar probe with an ester linkage, indicating the importance of careful optimization of probe and linker to provide the best Chol mimic. Comparison of the partitioning of NBD probes to literature data for native Chol indicates that the probes reproduce well the modest enrichment of Chol in Lo domains as well as the ceramide-induced displacement of Chol. One NBD probe was used to follow the dynamic redistribution of Chol in phase separated membranes in response to in situ ceramide generation. This provides the first direct optical visualization of Chol redistribution during enzymatic ceramide generation and allows the assignment of new bilayer regions that exclude dye and have high lateral adhesion to ceramide-rich regions.  相似文献   

A model membrane with a polypeptide alpha-helix inserted has been simulated by molecular dynamics at a temperature well above the gel/liquid crystalline phase transition temperature. Order parameters of the lipids and other equilibrium and dynamic quantities have been calculated. Three systems, polyglycine constrained into an alphahelical configuration, glycophorin with similarly conformationally constrained backbone and finally glycophorin free to change its backbone conformation, have been studied. In all cases there was an ordering of the chains close to the helix. This effect was, however, much smaller for glycophorin with its rather bulky side chains than for polyglycine. The dynamics of the lipids were affected by the neighbouring helix, not drastically however. Lateral diffusion and reorientational time correlations of lipids close to the helix were slower than for the bulk ones, but not more than two or three times. Thus, we did not find any evidence of bound or frozen boundary lipids.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol interactions in model membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various phosphatidylcholines differing either in the stereochemistry around their chiral center or in the position of a cis double bond along the acyl chains were synthesized in order to study critical contact regions in the phospholipid molecule with adjacent cholesterol in model membranes. Microviscosities calculated from fluorescence depolarization of diphenylhexatriene and chain order from spin label studies were measured to monitor physical membrane properties. The enhancing effect of cholesterol on the microviscosity of membranes containing phosphatidylcholines with comparable acyl chain length was largest when the two acyl chains were saturated and smallest when both were unsaturated. Membranes prepared from phosphatidylcholines having a single cis double bond at different positions along the sn-2 acyl chain showed roughly the same changes of microviscosity or chain order upon incorporation of cholesterol. No discrimination was evident in the interaction between cholesterol and enantiomeric phosphatidylcholines or between the enantiomeric phosphatidylcholine molecules themselves. We conclude that the rigidifying effect of cholesterol in membranes does not depend on specific sites of interaction and that with respect to physical membrane properties phosphatidylcholine behaves as an achiral molecule.  相似文献   

Phase-transition properties of glycerol-1-monopalmitate (GMP) bilayers are investigated using explicit-solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, initiated from structures appropriate for the gel (GL) or liquid crystal (LC) phases, and carried out at different hydration levels and temperatures. Building up on a previous study and based on 600 ns simulations, the influence of the system size and of the force field on the equilibrium thermodynamic and dynamic parameters of the bilayers in the GL and LC phases, as well as on the temperature Tm and properties of the GL ? LC phase transition, are analysed. Qualitatively speaking, the results agree with the available experimental data for the area per lipid in the two phases and for the phase-transition temperatures at the three hydration levels irrespective of the selected model parameters. They also suggest that the total number of hydrogen bonds formed between a lipid headgroup and its environment is essentially constant, amounting to about four in both the LC and the GL phases. Quantitatively speaking, the dependence of Tm on the hydration level is found to be non-systematic across the different combinations of model parameters. This results in part from a sensitivity of the results on the system size and force-field parameters but also from the limited accuracy of the bracketing approach employed here to estimate Tm. Finally, a simple kinetic model is proposed to account for the timescales of the transitions. This model involves enthalpy and entropy increases of about 26 kJ mol? 1 and 83 J mol? 1 K? 1 per lipid, upon going from the GL to the LC phase. The transition state is associated with activation parameters corresponding to 13% and 11%, respectively, of these values along the GL → LC transition, resulting in an activation free energy of about 0.3 kJ mol? 1 per lipid at Tm.  相似文献   

Hojin Kang 《Molecular simulation》2015,41(10-12):948-954
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is one of the important components of biological membranes, but there is a paucity of experimental data to test the accuracy of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This work consists of testing the accuracy of the CHARMM36 (C36) lipid force field on 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPG) lipid bilayers. MD simulations of POPG lipid bilayers are compared to recently available X-ray and neutron scattering and deuterium NMR measurements. Overall, the C36 lipid force field accurately represents the X-ray and neutron form factors, bilayer and hydrocarbon thicknesses and chain deuterium order parameters. The surface area per lipid from MD simulations with C36 (67.7 ± 0.2 Å2) is in excellent agreement with the experimentally determined value of 66.0 ± 1.3 Å2. C36 outperforms the lipid force field developed by Berger et al. [15] and suggests that past studies with this force field may result in lateral areas that are too small. Moreover, our studies give some insight into the structural model used in experiments and suggest that the functional form for the head group may not be Gaussian-like. Based on our simulations, the POPG lipid in the C36 lipid force field is well parameterised and can be used for other PG lipids and membrane models with mixed lipids.  相似文献   

Jang S  Kim E  Pak Y 《Proteins》2006,62(3):663-671
Designed miniproteins with a betabetaalpha motif, such as BBA5, 1FSD, and 1PSV can serve as a benchmark set to test the validity of all-atom force fields with computer simulation, because they contain all the basic structural elements in protein folding. Unfortunately, it was found that the standard all-atom force fields with the generalized Born (GB) implicit solvation model tend to produce distorted free energy surfaces for the betabetaalpha proteins, not only because energetically those proteins need to be described by more balanced weights of the alpha- and beta-strands, but also because the GB implicit solvation model suffers from overestimated salt bridge effects. In an attempt to resolve these problems, we have modified one of the standard all-atom force fields in conjunction with the GB model, such that each native state of the betabetaalpha proteins is in its free energy minimum state with reasonable energy barriers separating local minima. With this modified energy model, the free energy contour map in each protein was constructed from the replica exchange molecular dynamics REMD simulation. The resulting free energy surfaces are significantly improved in comparison with previous simulation results and consistent with general views on small protein folding behaviors with realistic topology and energetics of all three proteins.  相似文献   


In order to study the interaction of the anticancer agent Doxorubicin with the single-walled carbon nanotubes with different diameters as drug delivery systems, the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used. Also, for design and development of intracellular Doxorubicin drug delivery systems, a series of steered MD simulations are applied to explore the possibility of encapsulated Doxorubicin–carbon nanotube penetration through a lipid bilayer in presence and absence of Nicotine molecules at different pulling rates. Our simulation results showed that in spite of the adsorption of drug molecules on the outer sidewall of the nanotubes, the spontaneous localization of one Doxorubicin molecule into the cavity of the nanovectors with larger diameters is observed. It is found that the presence of Nicotine molecules in extracellular medium increases the required force for pulling nanotube-encapsulated drug as well as the required time for penetration process, especially at higher velocity. Also, the entering process of the Nicotine molecules into the carbon nanotube causes that the encapsulated drug molecule is fully released in the hydrophobic phase of the lipid bilayer.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Biochemical and cell-biological experiments have identified cholesterol as an important component of lipid ‘rafts’ and related structures (e.g., caveolae) in mammalian cell membranes, and membrane cholesterol levels as a key factor in determining raft stability and organization. Studies using cholesterol-containing bilayers as model systems have provided important insights into the roles that cholesterol plays in determining lipid raft behavior. This review will discuss recent progress in understanding two aspects of lipid-cholesterol interactions that are particularly relevant to understanding the formation and properties of lipid rafts. First, we will consider evidence that cholesterol interacts differentially with different membrane lipids, associating particularly strongly with saturated, high-melting phospho- and sphingolipids and particularly weakly with highly unsaturated lipid species. Second, we will review recent progress in reconstituting and directly observing segregated raft-like (liquid-ordered) domains in model membranes that mimic the lipid compositions of natural membranes incorporating raft domains.  相似文献   

The neurohypophyseal hormone oxytocin (CYIQNCPLG-NH(2), OT) is involved in the control of labor, secretion of milk and many social and behavioral functions via interaction with its receptors (OTR) located in the uterus, mammary glands and peripheral tissues, respectively. In this paper we propose the interactions responsible for OT binding and selectivity to OTR versus vasopressin ([F3,R8]OT, AVP) receptors: V1aR and V2R, all three belonging to the Class A G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Three-dimensional models of the activated receptors were constructed using a multiple sequence alignment and the activated rhodopsin-transducin (MII-Gt) prototype [Slusarz and Ciarkowski, 2004] as a template. The 1 ns unconstrained molecular dynamics (MD) of three pairs of receptor-OT complexes (two complexes per each receptor) immersed in the fully hydrated 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) lipid bilayer was conducted in the AMBER 7.0 force field. The relaxed models of ligand-receptor complexes were used to identify the putative binding sites of OT. The stabilizing interactions with conserved Gln residues in all complexes were identified. The nonconserved hydrophobic residues were proposed as responsible for OTR-OT selectivity and ligand recognition. These results provide guidelines for experimental site-directed mutagenesis and if confirmed, they may be helpful in designing new selective OT analogs with both agonistic or antagonistic properties.  相似文献   

Piscidin 1 (Pis‐1) has a high broad‐spectrum activity against bacteria, fungi, and viruses but it also has a moderate hemolytic activities. To improve the antibacterial activity and to reduce toxicity, mutants Pis‐1AA (G8A/G13A double mutant) and Pis‐1PG (G8P mutant) have been designed based on the crystal structure of Pis‐1. Eighteen independent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Pis‐1 and its mutants with membranes are conducted in this article. Furthermore, 60 independent MD simulations of three peptides in water box have also been discussed for comparison. The results indicate that the unfolding process starts at the middle of the peptide. Pis‐1 disrupts easily in the region of Val10‐Lys14. Pis‐1PG has a flexible N‐terminal region, and the interaction between N‐terminal and C‐terminal is very weak. Pis‐1AA has the most stable helical structure. In addition, percentage of native contacts and hydrogen bonds analysis are also performed. Lipid‐peptide interaction analysis suggests that Pis‐1 and Pis‐1AA has a stronger interaction with the zwitterionic dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) lipid bilayer than Pis‐1PG. When compared with the results of peptide with membrane, peptides are unstable and unfolding quickly in water solution. Our results are applicable in examining diversities on hemolytic, antibacterial, and selectivity of antimicrobial peptides. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97:998–1009, 2012.  相似文献   

The organization of the plasma membrane is regulated by the dynamic equilibrium between the liquid ordered (Lo) and liquid disordered (Ld) phases. The abundance of the Lo phase is assumed to be a consequence of the interaction between cholesterol and the other lipids, which are otherwise in either the Ld or gel (So) phase. The characteristic lipid packing in these phases results in significant differences in their respective lateral dynamics. In this study, imaging total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (ITIR-FCS) is applied to monitor the diffusion within supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) as functions of temperature and composition. We show that the temperature dependence of membrane lateral diffusion, which is parameterized by the Arrhenius activation energy (EArr), can resolve the sub-resolution phase behavior of lipid mixtures. The FCS diffusion law, a novel membrane heterogeneity ruler implemented in ITIR-FCS, is applied to show that the domains in the So–Ld phase are static and large while they are small and dynamic in the Lo–Ld phase. Diffusion measurements and the subsequent FCS diffusion law analyses at different temperatures show that the modulation in membrane dynamics at high temperature (313 K) is a cumulative effect of domain melting and rigidity relaxation. Finally, we extend these studies to the plasma membranes of commonly used neuroblastoma, HeLa and fibroblast cells. The temperature dependence of membrane dynamics for neuroblastoma cells is significantly different from that of HeLa or fibroblast cells as the different cell types exhibit a high level of compositional heterogeneity.  相似文献   


Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) or tubercule bacillus, and H37Rv is the most studied clinical strain. The recent development of resistance to existing drugs is a global health-care challenge to control and cure TB. Hence, there is a critical need to discover new drug targets in M.tb. The members of peptidoglycan biosynthesis pathway are attractive target proteins for antibacterial drug development. We have performed in silico analysis of M.tb MraY (Rv2156c) integral membrane protein and constructed the three-dimensional (3D) structure model of M.tb MraY based on homology modeling method. The validated model was complexed with antibiotic muraymycin D2 (MD2) and was used to generate structure-based pharmacophore model (e-pharmacophore). High-throughput virtual screening (HTVS) of Asinex database and molecular docking of hits was performed to identify the potential inhibitors based on their mode of interactions with the key residues involved in M.tb MraY–MD2 binding. The validation of these molecules was performed using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for two best identified hit molecules complexed with M.tb MraY in the lipid bilayer, dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-choline (DPPC) membrane. The results indicated the stability of the complexes formed and retained non-bonding interactions similar to MD2. These findings may help in the design of new inhibitors to M.tb MraY involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

An increasing number of ion channel structures are being determined. This generates a need for computational tools to enable functional annotation of channel structures. However, several studies of ion channel and model pores have indicated that the physical dimensions of a pore are not always a reliable indicator of its conductive status. This is due to the unusual behavior of water within nano-confined spaces, resulting in a phenomenon referred to as “hydrophobic gating”. We have recently demonstrated how simulating the behavior of water within an ion channel pore can be used to predict its conductive status. In this addendum to our study, we apply this method to compare the recently solved structure of a mutant of the bestrophin chloride channel BEST1 with that of the wild-type channel. Our results support the hypothesis of a hydrophobic gate within the narrow neck of BEST1. This provides further validation that this simulation approach provides the basis for an accurate and computationally efficient tool for the functional annotation of ion channel structures.  相似文献   

Without any exaggeration, cholesterol is one of the most important lipid species in eukaryotic cells. Its effects on cellular membranes and functions range from purely mechanistic to complex metabolic ones, besides which it is also a precursor of the sex hormones (steroids) and several vitamins. In this review, we discuss the biophysical effects of cholesterol on the lipid bilayer, in particular the ordering and condensing effects, concentrating on the molecular level or inter-atomic interactions perspective, starting from two-component systems and proceeding to many-component ones e.g., modeling lipid rafts. Particular attention is paid to the roles of the methyl groups in the cholesterol ring system, and their possible biological function. Although our main research methodology is computer modeling, in this review we make extensive comparisons between experiments and different modeling approaches.  相似文献   


Recent developments in the understanding of molecular diffusion phenomena in membranes are reviewed. Both model bilayers and biological membranes are considered in respect of lateral diffusion, rotational diffusion and transverse diffusion (flip-flop). For model systems, particular attention is paid to recent data obtained using surface-specific techniques such as sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy on supported lipid bilayers, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy on giant unilamellar vesicles, both of which have yielded new insights into the intrinsic rates of diffusion and the energetic barriers to processes such as lipid flip-flop. Advances in single-molecule and many-molecule fluorescence methodologies have enabled the observation of processes such as anomalous diffusion for some membrane species in biological membranes. These are discussed in terms of new models for the role of membrane interactions with the cytoskeleton, the effects of molecular crowding in membranes, and the formation of lipid rafts. The diffusion of peptides, proteins and lipids is considered, particularly in relation to the means by which antimicrobial peptide activity may be rationalized in terms of membrane poration and lipid flip-flop.  相似文献   

Although the functional significance of caveolae/lipid rafts in cellular signaling and cholesterol transfer is increasingly recognized, almost nothing is known regarding the lipids, cholesterol dynamics, and factors regulating these properties in caveolae/lipid rafts as opposed to nonlipid raft domains of the plasma membrane. The present findings demonstrate the utility of con-A affinity chromatography for simultaneous isolation of caveolae/lipid raft and nonlipid raft domains from plasma membranes of L-cell fibroblasts. These domains differed markedly in both protein and lipid constituents. Although caveolae/lipid rafts were enriched in total lipid, cholesterol, and phospholipid as well as other markers for these domains, the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio of caveolae/lipid rafts did not differ from that of nonlipid rafts. Nevertheless, spontaneous sterol transfer was 7-12-fold faster from caveolae/lipid raft than nonlipid raft domains of the plasma membrane. This was largely due to the near absence of exchangeable sterol in the nonlipid rafts. SCP-2 dramatically and selectively enhanced sterol transfer from caveolae/lipid rafts, but not from nonlipid rafts. Finally, overexpression of SCP-2 significantly altered the sterol dynamics of caveolae/lipid rafts to facilitate retention of cholesterol within the cell. These results established for the first time that (i) caveolae/lipid rafts, rather than the nonlipid raft domains, contain significant levels of rapidly transferable sterol, consistent with their role in spontaneous sterol transfer from and through the plasma membrane, and (ii) SCP-2 selectively regulates how caveolae/lipid rafts, but not nonlipid raft domains, mediate cholesterol trafficking through the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the calculation of the enantioselectivity of chymotrypsin catalysed hydrolytic reactions using molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics. Nine different ester substrates, which are hydrolysed by the enzyme over a wide range of reaction rates have been studied. Models of the transition state of the ester hydrolysis were built using computer aided molecular modelling. The energies of the transition state models were calculated by molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics methods. The point charges of the substrates were modelled from known force field parameters and by semiempirical methods. The difference in free energy of activation between the enantiomers of each substrate were compared with experimental values. The calculations approximated the experimental results. The calculated structure of the transition state model of the chymotrypsin catalysed hydrolysis of acetyl-phenylalanine ester was virtually the same as the published crystal structure of a chymotrypsin-trifluoromethyl ketone inhibitor complex (Brady et al., Biochemistry 29: 7600-7607, 1990).  相似文献   

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