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An olfactory stimulator delivering six calibrated concentrationsof the substance under investigation and a single concentrationof a reference substance has been built for studying the insectelectroantennogram (E.A.G.). The vapour flow rates which reachthe preparation remain constant before, during and after theodorous stimulation, thus allowing the obtainment of purelyolfactory electrical responses, without any mechanical or thermicinterference. *Presented at the IIIrd Congress of ECRO (European ChemoreceptionResearch Organization) Pavia, September 11–13, 1978.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel pumpless perfusion cell culture cap, the gravity‐driven flow rate of which is kept constant by the height difference of two parallel channel layers. Previous pumpless perfusion cell culture systems create a gravity‐driven flow by means of the hydraulic head difference (Δh) between the source reservoir and the drain reservoir. As more media passes from the source reservoir to the drain reservoir, the source media level decreases and the drain media level increases. Thus, previous works based on a gravity‐driven flow were unable to supply a constant flow rate for the perfusion cell culture. However, the proposed perfusion cell culture cap can supply a constant flow rate, because the media level remains unchanged as the media moves laterally through each channel having same media level. In experiments, using the different fluidic resistances, the perfusion cap generated constant flow rates of 871 ± 27 μL h?1 and 446 ± 11 μL h?1. The 871 and 446 μL h?1 flow rates replace the whole 20 mL medium in the petridish with a fresh medium for days 1 and 2, respectively. In the perfusion cell (A549 cell line) culture with the 871 μL h?1 flow rate, the proposed cap can maintain a lactate concentration of about 2200 nmol mL?1 and an ammonia concentration of about 3200 nmol mL?1. Moreover, although the static cell culture maintains cell viability for 5 days, the perfusion cell culture with the 871 μL h?1 flow rate can maintain cell viability for 9 days. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

The main problems associated with the delivery of a square waveodour pulse to the olfactory receptors are adsorption withinthe delivery system and partition within the olfactory epithelium.The instrument described here can overcome the problems of adsorptionand thus extend the range of usable stimuli. The principle involvedis simple. A nozzle through which odorized air continually flowsis moved rapidly to within a few millimetres of the olfactoryepithelium. Since there is no instrumental surface in contactwith a changing odour concentration, the problems of adsorptionare eliminated. Artifacts caused by the movement of the nozzleand changes in air flow experienced by the preparation are minimal.  相似文献   

In several studies, viscogenic osmolytes have been suggested to decrease the folding rate constant of polypeptides by slowing their motion through the solvent. Here, we show that osmolytes may slow protein folding by prematurely collapsing the coil. At low or moderate concentrations of osmolytes (<30%), folding of the two-state protein CI2 becomes faster with increasing osmolyte concentrations, suggesting that the kinetics are governed by protein stability. However, at higher concentrations of osmolyte, the coil collapses in the dead-time of the refolding experiment, causing a dramatic drop in the folding rate. The collapsed state is non-native and appears to be different for different osmolytes.  相似文献   

一种体内恒速持续给药的方法—微量渗透泵   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用微量渗透泵给药是一种崭新的动物实验性持续给药方法。泵体由3个同心层(由内向外)—贮药池、渗透性套筒及控制渗透泵药物释放速度的半透膜组成。泵在被水激活后,因水可按渗透梯度渗入渗透性套筒部分,压迫泵体以恒定速度持续释放药物几天至若干星期,其渗透速度与被释放药物的理化性质无关,因而适用于多种药物  相似文献   

A new method is presented to determine (1) the rate constant for the main reaction, (2) the rate constant for deactivation, (3) the effective diffusivity, and (4) the active enzyme distribution within a porous solid support by utilizing data of bulk substrate concentration versus time in a continuous stirred basket reactor. The method relies on an assumption of parallel deactivation mechanism with strong pore diffusional resistance with respect to substrate species. The data of hydrogen peroxide-immobilized catalase published in the literature are used to demonstrate the theory. A parameter determination procedure is also presented.  相似文献   

Continuous precipitation is a new unit operation for the continuous capture of antibodies. The capture step is based on continuous precipitation with PEG6000 and Zn++ in a tubular reactor integrated with a two-stage continuous tangential flow filtration unit. The precipitate cannot be separated with centrifugation, because a highly compressed sediment results in poor resolubilization. We developed a new two-stage tangential flow microfiltration method, where part of the concentrated retentate of the first stage was directly fed to the second stage, together with the wash buffer. Thus, the precipitate was concentrated and washed in a continuous process. We obtained 97% antibody purity, a 95% process yield during continuous operation, and a fivefold reduction in pre-existing high-molecular-weight impurities. For other unit operations, surge tanks are often required, due to interruptions in the product mass flow out of the unit operation (e.g., the bind/elute mode in periodic counter-current chromatography). Our setup required no surge tanks; thus, it provided a truly continuous antibody capture operation with uninterrupted product mass flow. Continuous virus inactivation and other flow-through unit operations can be readily integrated downstream of the capture step to create truly continuous, integrated, downstream antibody processing without the need for hold tanks.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed that enables measurement of rapid variations in calf blood flow during voluntary rhythmic contraction of the calf muscles in supine, sitting, and standing positions. During the exercise, maximum blood velocity is measured by Doppler ultrasound equipment in the popliteal artery. The Doppler signals are calibrated by plethysmography to enable calculation of blood flow during exercise in ml.100 ml-1.min-1. Knowledge of the cross-sectional area of the vessel and the angle of insonation is not required in this procedure. Evaluation of the calibration method with 10 healthy volunteers showed that for each subject a new calibration was necessary after a change in posture; the relationship between the blood flow and the maximum Doppler frequency averaged over one heart cycle was linear for each calibration.  相似文献   

An enhanced sampling method-biased Brownian dynamics-is developed for the calculation of diffusion-limited biomolecular association reaction rates with high energy or entropy barriers. Biased Brownian dynamics introduces a biasing force in addition to the electrostatic force between the reactants, and it associates a probability weight with each trajectory. A simulation loses weight when movement is along the biasing force and gains weight when movement is against the biasing force. The sampling of trajectories is then biased, but the sampling is unbiased when the trajectory outcomes are multiplied by their weights. With a suitable choice of the biasing force, more reacted trajectories are sampled. As a consequence, the variance of the estimate is reduced. In our test case, biased Brownian dynamics gives a sevenfold improvement in central processing unit (CPU) time with the choice of a simple centripetal biasing force.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Behavioural assays to study insect attraction to specific odours are tedious, time consuming and often require large numbers of replications. Olfactometer and flight tunnel tests can usually only be conducted with one or two odour sources at a time. Moreover, chemical information on the odour sources has to be obtained in separate analytical studies. An olfactometer was developed in which six odours can be tested simultaneously for their relative attractiveness while during the assays, part of each test odour can be trapped for further analyses. The effectiveness of this six-arm olfactometer was tested by observing the responses of the solitary endoparasitoid Cotesia marginiventris (Cresson) to host-induced odours from young maize plants. For statistical analyses, we used log-linear models were adapted to account for overdispersion and possible positional biases. Female wasps responded extremely well in tests where they were offered a single odour source, as well as in tests with multiple choices. The responses of wasps released in groups were the same as those released individually and it was found that females did not attract or repel each other, but males preferred arms in which females had been released. Dose–response tests with varying numbers of plants or host larvae on plants revealed that the wasps responded in a dose-related manner, thus showing that the system is well suited to measure relative preference. The clear choices of the insects amongst six possibilities provided substantial statistical power. Gas chromatographic analyses of sampled air revealed clean and effective odour trapping, which largely facilitates the comparison of results from behavioural assays with the actual blends of volatiles that were emitted by the various odour sources. Advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods are discussed.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, secretory proteins (preproteins) are translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane by the Sec system composed of a protein-conducting channel, SecYEG, and an ATP-dependent motor protein, SecA. After binding of the preprotein to SecYEG-bound SecA, cycles of ATP binding and hydrolysis by SecA are thought to drive the stepwise translocation of the preprotein across the membrane. To address how the length of a preprotein substrate affects the SecA-driven translocation process, we constructed derivatives of the precursor of the outer membrane protein A (proOmpA) with 2, 4, 6, and 8 in-tandem repeats of the periplasmic domain. With increasing polypeptide length, an increasing delay in the time before full-length translocation was observed, but the translocation rate expressed as amino acid translocation per minute remained constant. These data indicate that in the ATP-dependent reaction, SecA drives a constant rate of preprotein translocation consistent with a stepping mechanism of translocation.  相似文献   

Zou G  Skeel RD 《Biophysical journal》2003,85(4):2147-2157
A reaction probability is required to calculate the rate constant of a diffusion-dominated reaction. Due to the complicated geometry and potentially high dimension of the reaction probability problem, it is usually solved by a Brownian dynamics simulation, also known as a random walk or path integral method, instead of solving the equivalent partial differential equation by a discretization method. Building on earlier work, this article completes the development of a robust importance sampling algorithm for Brownian dynamics-i.e., biased Brownian dynamics with weight control-to overcome the high energy and entropy barriers in biomolecular association reactions. The biased Brownian dynamics steers sampling by a bias force, and the weight control algorithm controls sampling by a target weight. This algorithm is optimal if the bias force and the target weight are constructed from the solution of the reaction probability problem. In reality, an approximate reaction probability has to be used to construct the bias force and the target weight. Thus, the performance of the algorithm depends on the quality of the approximation. Given here is a method to calculate a good approximation, which is based on the selection of a reaction coordinate and the variational formulation of the reaction probability problem. The numerically approximated reaction probability is shown by computer experiments to give a factor-of-two speedup over the use of a purely heuristic approximation. Also, the fully developed method is compared to unbiased Brownian dynamics. The tests for human superoxide dismutase, Escherichia coli superoxide dismutase, and antisweetener antibody NC6.8, show speedups of 17, 35, and 39, respectively. The test for reactions between two model proteins with orientations shows speedups of 2578 for one set of configurations and 3341 for another set of configurations.  相似文献   

For a respiratory system with constant compliance and resistance a constant flow can occur during part or all of inspiration in two situations: when the flow is constrained to be constant throughout inspiration, such as is the case with some mechanical ventilators, and when the applied pressure is a ramp (i.e., increasing constantly with time), which may occur during mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing. After initial transients in pressure and flow, respectively, have decayed away both situations result in linear volume-time and pressure-time relationships. The slope of the corresponding pressure-volume line then yields an estimate of the total compliance of the respiratory system, and the intercept, divided by the constant flow, provides the total resistance. We have shown theoretically that, for a model composed of two compartments in parallel, the total compliance is the same as the static compliance and equals the sum of the compliances of the two compartments. Furthermore, this compliance is independent of the breathing frequency. However, the total resistance is, in general, a function of both the resistances and the compliances. When the time constants of the two compartments are equal the total resistance assumes its minimum value and becomes independent of the compliances. This minimum value of resistance can be obtained, regardless of the time constants, by dividing the immediate drop in airway opening pressure, obtained after occluding during steady state inspiration, by the inspiratory flow.  相似文献   

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