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Vos  Peter C.  de Wolf  Hein 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):297-306
Diatoms are valuable indicators of palaeosedimentary environments in coastal wetlands. In this paper, the utilization of diatoms in coastal reconstructions will be demonstrated in a case study, the Poortvliet boring (southwest Netherlands). Diatoms supply valuable information about palaeosalinity gradients and palaeotide levels in addition to the existing geological data set, obtained from sediment cores.The ecological data of taxa are usually gathered from diatom studies in recent coastal environments. The study of the Poortvliet boring shows that information can also be obtained from the past (the past as key to the past) by comparing the trends of the relative abundances of species of which the ecology is well-known to those of which the ecology is unknown. It is argued both on recent and fossil data that Cymatosira belgica and Rhaphoneis minutissima have a tychoplanktonic life form.  相似文献   

The North Sea is seriously threatened by a variety of pollution sources. Terrestrially derived effluents are causing extensive environmental damage and changes to ecosystems of both the offshore and coastal waters. Coastal and estuarine communities are being lost to reclamation projects, and there is the future threat of rising sea level associaed with global warming. The spatial and temporal extent of recent anthropogenic changes are largely unknown due to the paucity of background information. The possible role of palaeoecological methodology in providing ‘reference levels’ against which current status can be compared, and their importance for restoration and policy decisions, are presented. The usefulness of diatoms as environmental indicators is illustrated. The extent of natural and anthropogenic changes on coastal habitats are demonstrated by reference to the Holocene evolution of the coastline of The Netherlands. Possible profitable areas for further research are outlined,e.g. a diatom nutrient calibration data set for shallow marine embayments.  相似文献   

滨海湿地生态系统服务及其价值评估研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程敏  张丽云  崔丽娟  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2016,36(23):7509-7518
滨海湿地是介于海陆之间的过渡地带,具有丰富的生物多样性和很高的生产力,能为人类提供诸多生态系统服务,但它又是对人类活动极为敏感的生态脆弱区。沿海经济的发展使湿地资源的有限性与人类需求的无限性之间的矛盾日益突出,导致湿地多样性丧失、服务功能退化等。在阐述滨海湿地特征及其服务产生机理的基础上,介绍了运用经济学方法对生态系统服务进行评价的进展,分析了各方法的优缺点及应用情况,最后对滨海湿地生态系统服务价值评估中存在的问题进行了总结归纳,评估所面临的困难一方面来自生态系统本身的复杂性;另一方面来自经济学方法的局限性。因此今后的研究应从生态系统服务的形成机制入手,注重生态学及经济学理论的结合,改善评估方法,提高评估结果的有效性和可信度,为湿地资源管理及生态补偿机制制定提供有力支持。  相似文献   

王成  周诗薇  刘红玉  李玉凤 《生态学报》2023,43(22):9193-9205
作为新设立的世界自然遗产地,盐城滨海湿地水鸟栖息地保护受到广泛关注。鉴于该区域在全球生物多样性与水鸟栖息地保护中重要性,针对具有空间隔离特征的水鸟栖息地开展网络稳定性研究,对提高遗产地栖息地保护质量具有重要的示范意义。基于此,利用复杂网络理论、生态踏脚石原理和电流模型,分析了盐城滨海湿地多类群水鸟栖息地网络结构现状及不同情景下网络鲁棒性。研究结果显示,三类水鸟重要生境区主要分布在各栖息地内部以及大丰至条子泥栖息地一带,其中,北部生境区数量为18个,南部生境区6个。北部生境区总面积相当于南部生境区的1/2,而平均面积仅相当于1/6。从踏脚石分布来看,其主要分布在重要生境区附近,不同栖息地存在差异。研究区踏脚石网络由35个重要节点和153个一般节点组成,南北部网络结构要素存在差异。最佳保护情景下,网络鲁棒性表现较好,中心度值大的节点对整个网络连通性的支撑作用良好。提出了栖息地网络优化方案。  相似文献   

中国大陆沿海湿地是东亚-澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙的重要停歇地,自然湿地丧失与退化已经严重威胁到水鸟生物多样性的稳定性,急需开展物种及其栖息地的保护工作。识别中国大陆沿海水鸟保护优先区,针对保护优先区进行保护优先等级划分,确定目前尚存的保护空缺,是针对性开展水鸟栖息地保护的前提。以中国大陆沿海11省、自治区、直辖市沿岸湿地为研究区,整合鸟类网站、水鸟调查报告和文献中的水鸟调查数据,采用热点分析方法,确定水鸟保护优先区,将每个地块上满足水鸟保护优先区识别标准的物种数量占所有地块中满足标准的物种数量最大值的比例划分成0.5≤Pi≤1、 0.25≤Pi<0.5、0i<0.25三个区间,确定对应的I类、II类和III类水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级;结合国家自然保护地名录,确定水鸟保护优先区保护空缺。结果显示:共有65块中国大陆沿海水鸟保护优先区,记录到满足热点分析标准的水鸟物种共76种,其中受胁物种18种。水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级属于I、II、III类的分别有8块、10块、47块,且水鸟保护优先区保护优先等级属于I...  相似文献   

Simulation modeling with uncertainty analysis was applied to the question of nonpoint source pollution control through extensive wetland restoration. The model was applied to the Quanicassee River basin, a tributary stream to Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron in northeastern Michigan, USA. An estimate of the role of the existing 695 ha of riverside and lake-side wetlands in the lower Quanicassee River basin suggests that they retain 1.2 metric tons of phosphorus per year (mt P/yr), or 2.5% of the total phosphorus load from the basin. A simple Vollenweider-type model of phosphorus retention by created wetlands, calibrated with 3-years of data from two wetland sites in Midwestern USA, was used to estimate the effect of major wetland restoration in the basin. For a wetland restoration project involving 15% of the Quanicassee River basin or 3,120 ha of wetlands, an estimated 33 mt P/yr could be retained, assuming a proper hydrologic connection between the wetlands and the river. This would represent a reduction of two-thirds of the existing phosphorus load to the Bay from the Quanicassee River basin. Large-scale wetland restoration appears to be a viable management practice for controlling phosphorus and other nonpoint source pollution from entering Saginaw Bay. It is an alternative that meets two major resource goals – developing wetland habitat and controlling pollution to the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

A major challenge in ecology is to understand broadscale trends in the impact of environmental change. We provide the first integrative analysis of the effects of eutrophication on plants, herbivores, and their interactions in coastal wetlands across latitudes. We show that fertilisation strongly increases herbivory in salt marshes, but not in mangroves, and that this effect increases with increasing latitude in salt marshes. We further show that stronger nutrient effects on plant nitrogen concentration at higher latitudes is the mechanism likely underlying this pattern. This biogeographic variation in nutrient effects on plant–herbivore interactions has consequences for vegetation, with those at higher latitudes being more vulnerable to consumer pressure fuelled by eutrophication. Our work provides a novel, mechanistic understanding of how eutrophication affects plant–herbivore systems predictably across broad latitudinal gradients, and highlights the power of incorporating biogeography into understanding large‐scale variability in the impacts of environmental change.  相似文献   

This study focuses on diatom assemblages occurring in cores of Late-glacial and Holocene deposits retrieved from the mouth of the lower Rega River valley, of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Sediment samples from four cores were the subject of the present study. Diatom-inferred environmental characteristics, e.g., water level; water salinity (conductivity), trophic status and pH, within each core are presented. Diatom assemblage zones (DAZ) were distinguished, based on differences in the distribution of particular ecological groups. Each DAZ appears to be related to environmental changes during the deposition of a given sediment interval. The Late-glacial (Allerød) sediments originated in a shallow lake with increasing concentrations of solutes and nutrients. The Holocene record begins in the early Atlantic Chronozone and the diatoms point to weakly brackish-water sediments deposited in a shallow water environment. During the period of 8,500–5,800 cal year BP sedimentation took place in a shallow embayment and/or lagoon. From ca. 5,800 cal year BP onwards sedimentation took place in a peat bog environment alternating with Aeolian deposition. Changes in diatom community structure imply a close relationship with the climate-controlled eustatic rise of the ocean level and its consequence Littorina transgression. As with other southern Baltic Sea localities, brackish-water diatoms appear in the sediments, signaling the onset of marine transgression somewhat earlier than previously accepted. Differences and similarities in diatom assemblages and the palaeogeographic development of nearby regions within the Baltic Sea basin and lagoons (coastal areas) from different geographic regions, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the ancestral characteristics of species is a major goal in evolutionary and comparative biology. Unfortunately, fossils are not always available and sufficiently informative, and phylogenetic methods based on models of character evolution can be unsatisfactory. Genomic data offer a new opportunity to estimate ancestral character states, through (i) the correlation between DNA evolutionary processes and species life‐history traits and (ii) available reliable methods for ancestral sequence inference. Here, we assess the relevance of mitochondrial DNA – the most popular molecular marker in animals – as a predictor of ancestral life‐history traits in mammals, using the order of Cetartiodactyla as a benchmark. Using the complete set of 13 mitochondrial protein‐coding genes, we show that the lineage‐specific nonsynonymous over synonymous substitution rate ratio (dN/dS) is closely correlated with the species body mass, longevity and age of sexual maturity in Cetartiodactyla and can be used as a marker of ancestral traits provided that the noise introduced by short branches is appropriately dealt with. Based on ancestral dN/dS estimates, we predict that the first cetartiodactyls were relatively small animals (around 20 kg). This finding is in accordance with Cope's rule and the fossil record but could not be recovered via continuous character evolution methods.  相似文献   

In order to test the use of lectins as a tool for the differentiation of harmful algal species, 13 species and 23 strains of algae were tested with 14 fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated lectins, and the results examined using flow cytometry (FCM), epifluorescence microscopy (EFM) and spectrofluorometry (SFM). The lectin probes SBA, WGA, GSL I, DBA and PHA-E could distinguish between morphologically similar Gymnodinium-like species, such as Karenia mikimotoi (GMDH01), Takayama pulchellum (TPXM01) and Gymnodinium sp. (GspXM01), by their different binding activities. With the precise quantitative measurements of binding obtained using SFM and FCM, lectins appeared to be useful in distinguishing different strains of the same species. The results also showed that PHA-E could differentiate Alexandrium tamarense (ATDH04) from other strains of this species, and SJA could distinguish A. tamarense (ATMJ02) from other strains of this species (including ATMJ01). Similarly, PNA could identify A. tamarense (ATDH01, 02, 03); UEA I could recognize A. tamarense (ATCI01-JN, ATCI01); and RCA120 could differentiate Alexandrium sp (AspGX01) from strain AspGX02, which was shown to produce different levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin. Lectin probes could also bind these target cells in mixed algal samples. Positive cells identified by FCM were clearer than negative cells thus, in EFM, both GspXM01 and TPXM01 labeled with a WGA lectin probe could be distinguished from target cells of K. mikimotoi, Prorocentrum donghaiense and P. minimum (PMDH01, PMXM01) in mixed algal samples. FCM, EFM and SFM analysis could clearly distinguish lectin-probe-bound cells from negative cells in culture.  相似文献   

基于突变理论建立了“海水水质-沉积物-生物体”三相一体、“富营养化-重金属-有机污染”3种类型的近岸海域生态风险综合评价指标体系和递级突变模型,综合相关质量标准,建立了近岸海域生态风险4级评判标准(无、低、中、高),采用2007和2009年监测数据对罗源湾进行生态风险综合评价.结果表明: 2007-2009年,罗源湾生态风险空间变化特征表现为从湾顶到湾口呈降低趋势;2009年罗源湾生态风险等级总体小于2007年;罗源湾关键生态风险因素为富营养化.本文所建方法能够识别近岸海域生态风险的时空变化特征,能较好地反映出关键风险因素,为近岸海域生态风险有效预测预警提供了基础方法.  相似文献   

In Sweden one forestry method, the clear-cutting method, has been used all over the country despite differences in climate, topography etc. At present there is a growing interest in using alternative methods such as selective felling, which to a larger extent mimic natural disturbances. In this study we compare virgin forests with stands which have been cut with old selective felling (dimension felling), new selective felling (single tree selection felling), and clear-cutting with respect to frequency of characters important to biodiversity (mainly dead wood). The frequency of different types of dead wood decreases with increasing intensity of the cutting method in the following order: old selective felling, new selective felling, and clear-cutting. New selective felling had higher amounts and quality of dead wood compared to clear-cutting. New selective felling also showed less differences compared to virgin forests than clear-cutting. Dead wood in new selective felling compared to clear-cutting may offer substrate for different types of faunas because of the environment surrounding the dead wood. Even if the new selective felling method seems to provide higher amounts of dead wood compared to the clear-cutting method, further studies of organisms utilising the dead wood are needed. New selective felling does not seem to solve the problem of decreasing availability of dead wood in managed forests and there is still a need to preserve unmanaged forest patches in a landscape perspective in order to offer habitats with a high amount of dead wood.  相似文献   

Quantitative reconstructions of terrestrial climate are highly sought after but rare, particularly in Australia. Carbon isotope discrimination in plant leaves (Δleaf) is an established indicator of past hydroclimate because the fractionation of carbon isotopes during photosynthesis is strongly influenced by water stress. Leaves of the evergreen tree Melaleuca quinquenervia have been recovered from the sediments of some perched lakes on North Stradbroke and Fraser Islands, south‐east Queensland, eastern Australia. Here, we examine the potential for using M. quinquenervia ?leaf as a tracer of past rainfall by analysing carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) of modern leaves. We firstly assess Δleaf variation at the leaf and stand scale and find no systematic pattern within leaves or between leaves due to their position on the tree. We then examine the relationships between climate and Δleaf for a 11‐year time series of leaves collected in a litter tray. M. quinquenervia retains its leaves for 1–4 years; thus, cumulative average climate data are used. There is a significant relationship between annual mean ?leaf and mean annual rainfall of the hydrological year for 1–4 years (i.e. 365–1460 days) prior to leaf fall (r2 = 0.64, = 0.003, = 11). This relationship is marginally improved by accounting for the effect of pCO2 on discrimination (r2 = 0.67, = 0.002, = 11). The correlation between rainfall and Δleaf, and the natural distribution of Melaleuca quinquenervia around wetlands of eastern Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia offers significant potential to infer past rainfall on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

The coastal marine environment is currently under threat from many anthropogenic pressures that were identified by the MARES project. Indicators of ecosystem health are needed so that targets can be set to guide protection and restoration efforts. Species of birds that are dependent on coastal habitats are ubiquitous along the coasts of southern Florida. Generally referred to as waterbirds, these species, although not all taxonomically related, share a common dependency on the marine environment for food, nesting habitat, or both. A suite of waterbirds was selected based on their perceived sensitivity to pressures in multiple coastal habitat types. The list of species was refined on the basis of a review of life history for characteristics that might make the species particularly vulnerable. Each selected species was then evaluated for sensitivity to the identified pressures using a hierarchical assessment that took into account the sensitivity, severity, and the temporal and spatial scales of the indicator to the given pressures. The selected suite of indicators was collectively sensitive to all the pressures except one.  相似文献   

Littoral cartography is a valuable tool which uses shallow water macroalgal communities for monitoring ecosystem health and water quality. Cartography of littoral rocky-shore communities (CARLIT) is a European Union Water Framework Directive-compliant monitoring method widely used in the Western Mediterranean Sea. This non-destructive method is based on a visual observation of the type and length of coast occupied by rocky-shore communities in the upper-sublittoral zone. Here we present the first wide-scale application of CARLIT in the Adriatic Sea. The reference values calculated specifically for the Croatian coast (Eastern Adriatic Sea) ensure accurate calculation of the ecological status. The measured ecological quality ratio values (EQR) show a good linear relation with the Land Uses Simplified Index (LUSI) and appropriately reflect an increase in nutrient concentrations. The results suggest that this method can be used as a reliable biomonitoring tool in the Eastern Adriatic Sea. This study highlighted that Cystoseira forests thrive in 39% of the surveyed coastline and 23% of the coastline seems to be subjected to overgrazing by sea urchins. Our results provide a spatially accurate information on the abundance of different upper-sublittoral communities and the associated ecological status, which can be used in future management plans for improving water quality.  相似文献   

Data from a large‐scale restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐Seq) study of nine butterflyfish species in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea provided a means to test the utility of a recently published draft genome (Chaetodon austriacus) and assess apparent bias in this method of isolating nuclear loci. We here processed double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing data to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and their associated function with and without our reference genome to see whether it improves the quality of RAD‐Seq. Our analyses indicate (i) a modest gap between the number of nonannotated versus annotated SNPs across all species, (ii) an advantage of using genomic resources for closely related but not distantly related butterflyfish species based on the ability to assign putative gene function to SNPs and (iii) an enrichment of genes among sister butterflyfish taxa related to calcium transmembrane transport and binding. The latter result highlights the potential for this approach to reveal insights into adaptive mechanisms in populations inhabiting challenging coral reef environments such as the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Arabian Gulf with further study.  相似文献   

Full genome sequencing of organisms with large and complex genomes is intractable and cost ineffective under most research budgets. Cycads (Cycadales) represent one of the oldest lineages of the extant seed plants and, partly due to their age, have incredibly large genomes up to ~60 Gbp. Restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) offers an approach to find genome‐wide informative markers and has proven to be effective with both model and nonmodel organisms. We tested the application of RADseq using ezRAD across all 10 genera of the Cycadales including an example data set of Cycas calcicola representing 72 samples from natural populations. Using previously available plastid and mitochondrial genomes as references, reads were mapped recovering plastid and mitochondrial genome regions and nuclear markers for all of the genera. De novo assembly generated up to 138,407 high‐depth clusters and up to 1,705 phylogenetically informative loci for the genera, and 4,421 loci for the example assembly of C. calcicola. The number of loci recovered by de novo assembly was lower than previous RADseq studies, yet still sufficient for downstream analysis. However, the number of markers could be increased by relaxing our assembly parameters, especially for the C. calcicola data set. Our results demonstrate the successful application of RADseq across the Cycadales to generate a large number of markers for all genomic compartments, despite the large number of plastids present in a typical plant cell. Our modified protocol was adapted to be applied to cycads and other organisms with large genomes to yield many informative genome‐wide markers.  相似文献   

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