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The diet of Lapwing Vanellus vanellus chicks on Scottish farmland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
H. GALBRAITH 《Ibis》1989,131(1):80-84
The feeding ecology of Lapwing chicks was studied in two agricultural study areas in central Scotland. Chicks probably fed opportunistically rather than selectively and their diet was varied but comprised mainly Coleoptera, leatherjackets (Tipulidae) and earthworms.  相似文献   

The Lapwing Vanellus vanellus has traditionally been regarded as a monogamous, single brooded species, defending a single territory. Recent studies involving individually recognizable Lapwings have begun to challenge the ubiquity of these statements, with high frequencies of polygyny and the production of second broods being reported. Breeding Lapwings were studied in Upper Teesdale, County Durham, U.K., between 1993 and 1995, where both adults and chicks had been individually colour-ringed since 1990. A total of 90 territorial males and 64 females were intensively studied during the 3 years. Overall, 30% of territorial males had more than one mate in any year, with 19% more adult males than yearling males mating polygynously. On two occasions, polygynous males simultaneously defended two territories. Five females attempted to produce second broods, and one was polyandrous.  相似文献   

Capsule Fuel load is correlated with fuel deposition rate; stopover duration is affected by arrival fuel load.

Aims To determine the stopover duration, fuel management and flight ranges at departure of Blackcaps stopping over in northern Spain.

Methods Systematic mist-netting and ringing allowed the use of mark–recapture Cormack–Jolly–Seber models for the estimation of stopover duration. Trapped birds were measured and weighed in order to estimate mass gain. FLIGHT software was used to estimate flight ranges.

Results Stopover duration ranged from 3.6 to 13.6 days, and was negatively correlated with arrival body mass (assessed by body mass at the first capture event). On average, arrival body mass was 18.4 g, whilst body mass at departure was 19.8 g. No significant differences in arrival body mass and departure body mass were observed between age or sex classes. Mass deposition rate did not differ between age or sex classes (mean = 0.20 g/day). Birds recaptured one day after the first capture event lost mass, whilst recaptures from the second day onwards had a mean gain of mass; mass was observed to increase linearly with the stopover duration. Mass deposition rate was positively correlated with departure body mass. Finally, with a mean departure body mass of 19.8 g, a Blackcap stopping over in northern Spain should be able to fly up to 1100 km.

Conclusions Stopover duration assessed by Cormack–Jolly–Seber models was longer than that observed in birds recaptured more than once (‘minimum stopover duration’). Stopover was longer for birds arriving with less fuel. The positive relationship between departure body mass and mass deposition rate suggests a time-minimizing strategy. The lack of difference in fuel deposition rate between age and sex classes suggests a relatively abundant food supply at the study site, but other explanations might also account for the lack of age and sex differences, for example if competition for food was not determined by social hierarchies but by scramble competition. Departing fuel load would allow these birds to arrive at their wintering areas in southern Spain under still-air conditions, without needing to refuel.  相似文献   

András Liker  Tamás Székely 《Ibis》1999,141(4):608-614
Parental behaviour of monogamous and polygynous Lapwings was studied during incubation and brood care. Both parents attended the nest in 86% of monogamous pairs ( n = 29 pairs). In 14% of pairs, only the male parent continued incubation until the eggs hatched, whereas the female deserted the clutch before or at the end of incubation. There was a clear division of parental roles during incubation. Females spent more time incubating (64% of time) than their mates (27%), whereas males spent more time defending the nest (3%) than females (>1%). Time spent incubating did not differ between monogamous and polygynous males. However, polygynous females spent more time incubating (primary females: 95%; secondary females: 97%) than monogamous females. Biparental care was the most common pattern of post-hatching care, although in some broods either the male or the female parent deserted before the chicks fledged. Division of sex roles was less pronounced in brood care than during incubation. Females spent more time brooding (21%) than males (3%), and females attended their chicks more closely than males. Nevertheless, males and females spent similar amounts of time defending the brood from predators and conspecifics. We suggest that the apparent division of parental roles may be explained by sexual selection, i.e. the remating opportunities for male Lapwings might be reduced if they increase their share in incubation. However, the different efficiency of care provision, for example in ability to defend offspring, may also influence the roles of the sexes in parental care.  相似文献   

Capsule: Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus avoid nesting close to small woodland patches but nest predation rates do not vary with distance to woodland patches, either because risky areas are avoided or perceived nest predation risk does not reflect actual risk.

Aims: To explore the effects of woodland patches in wet grassland landscapes on nest distribution and success of Lapwings.

Methods: We quantified the effect of woodland patches on the distribution and outcome of Lapwing nests across four wet grassland sites by mapping nest distribution and monitoring nest outcomes.

Results: Lapwing nested significantly further from woods than expected by chance. Neither nest predation rates nor the probability of predation occurring at night (thus primarily mammalian predators) or day (primarily avian predators) varied in relation to distance from woodland patches.

Conclusions: High levels of nest and chick predation in wet grassland landscapes limit the capacity for breeding wader populations to be self-sustaining. Consequently, identifying manageable landscape features that influence predation rates is an important focus of conservation research. Lapwing avoid breeding close to woodland but, as nest predation rates do not vary with distance from woodland patches, their removal may increase the area of suitable nesting habitat but is unlikely to substantially influence productivity.  相似文献   

Capsule A long-term decline on this habitat is shown to be associated with the intensification of agricultural management, particularly the occurrence of field drainage.

Aims To assess long-term trends in the number of breeding Lapwing and determine the relationship between these trends and changes in agricultural management on an upland study area.

Methods Breeding Lapwing were counted along two road transects in nine years between 1980 and 2002, and on one extensive plot in 1980, 1990 and 2000. Counts along the road transects were made from a vehicle and the fields used for nesting were recorded. Changes in field management along the transects were monitored annually between 1980 and 1990, and habitat composition assessed in 1980, 1985, 1990 and 2000.

Results During the first 20 years of study the number of breeding Lapwing declined substantially on all three count areas and by 77% overall, with further declines on both transects in 2002. The area of unimproved grassland and arable on these transects also declined substantially due to conversion to improved grass. Fields that comprised either unimproved grassland or arable were most likely to hold nesting Lapwing, while the chance of a field losing its nesting Lapwing was positively associated with the occurrence of drainage. Drainage and conversion to improved grass were closely linked.

Conclusions Agricultural intensification is a probable cause of decline in the number of breeding Lapwing in upland areas. Such declines may have been widespread in upland areas following increased agricultural intensification in recent decades.  相似文献   

2006~2009年在黑龙江省牡丹江地区对凤头麦鸡Vanellus vanellus繁殖生态习性进行了观察.凤头麦鸡在牡丹江属夏侯鸟,每年3月末4月初迁来,9月下旬迁走,居留期约6个月;4月底开始筑巢,繁殖期间的配偶关系为一雄一雌,营巢于沼泽草甸,也有个体将巢筑于田边或荒地中,个别将巢直接筑在农田的垄上.巢比较简单,在1~2 d内完成.巢筑成后的7~10 d开始产卵.每窝4枚,平均卵重25.2 g,最后一枚卵产出后即开始孵卵,孵化期为24~29 d, 孵化率50%~100%;幼鸟为早成鸟,育雏期30 d左右.  相似文献   

Breeding Lapwings Vanellus vanellus were studied in the Eden Valley (Cumbria) and in Teesdale (County Durham) between 1990 and 1992. A total of 300 adult Lapwings and 801 near-fledged young were uniquely colour-ringed. Breeding adults were highly site-faithful, almost always nesting in the same or an adjacent field in successive years. Second-year birds were less site-faithful, with more birds nesting in adjacent and other fields and fewer in the same field in successive years. In Teesdale, 74% of colour-ringed young Lapwings returned in their first or second year of life to within 5 km from where they hatched. In contrast, in the Eden Valley only 37% of young birds in their first or second year of life returned to within 5 km from where they hatched. From an analysis of British ringing recoveries in April and May, 61% of Lapwings were recovered within 10 km from where they were ringed as chicks. A further 11% were recovered more than 100 km from where they were ringed. Young Lapwings were highly philopatric, with 45% of males and 52% of females breeding in the same field or a field adjacent to where they hatched. The majority of Lapwings (67%) began breeding at 1 year old. Of the remaining birds, 27% bred for the first time when 2 years old and 6% for the first time in their third year of life. There was no difference between the sexes. Chicks hatching and subsequently fledging late in the season returned less frequently to the study areas in subsequent years than did chicks hatching earlier in the season.  相似文献   

Many farmland‐breeding wader species have declined across Europe, probably due to reductions in reproductive output caused by high nest losses as a result of agriculture or predation, or low chick survival between hatching and fledging. Most studies have focused on nest failures, and the factors affecting post‐hatching survival of chicks are poorly known. In an experimental approach, we fenced parts of the arable foraging areas of Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus families to quantify chick survival simultaneously in the presence and absence of ground predators. Lapwing chicks were radiotagged to estimate survival probabilities by daily locations, applying multistate capture–recapture models. During the night, chick survival was considerably lower outside fenced plots than within. During the day, chick survival was higher than at night and did not differ between protected and unprotected plots. This suggests that nocturnal ground predators such as Red Foxes Vulpes vulpes were responsible for a significant proportion of chick mortality. Cumulative survival probability from hatching to fledging was 0.24 in chicks within fenced plots, but virtually zero in chicks outside fenced plots. In farmland, temporary electric fences can be effective in minimizing the impact of ground predators and offer a promising short‐term method to increase fledging success of precocial birds.  相似文献   

The breeding performance of individually colour-ringed Lapwings Vanellus vanellus was studied on marginal grassland in Upper Teesdale, County Durham (UK), from 1992 to 1995. Contrary to many studies of birds, female age had only a minor effect on breeding performance: yearling females produced eggs on average 5% smaller than those of adults. In contrast, the average productivity of male Lapwings was estimated to increase by around 40% between one and two years of age, and by a further 10% between two and three years of age. This was because of a 40% increase in the proportion of males that bred between one and two years of age, and of an increase in mating success with age coupled with a higher breeding success for polygynous males. The likelihood of breeding for male Lapwings was affected by year of hatching. More than half of those males that hatched in 1990, and which were present in both 1993 and 1994, did not breed. It was suggested that this was due to environmental effects experienced by these males as chicks, resulting in reduced success in securing a breeding territory later in life. Individual female Lapwings showed a high degree of consistency between years in both laying date and egg size, and those that raised up to two young in 1993 raised approximately the same number in 1994. However, females producing more than two young in 1993 raised significantly fewer in 1994, perhaps suggesting a cost of reproduction.  相似文献   

Capsule The winter distribution of Golden Plover and Lapwing has shifted east since the mid-1980s, perhaps in response to climate change.

Aims To combine analyses of winter trends on wetlands and flocks on farmland to assess the current status of Golden Plover and Lapwing in one of their main wintering regions.

Methods Winter trends were derived from monthly counts on estuaries and wetlands for the period 1974–2002 (the Wetland Bird Survey). Winter distribution on farmland was assessed using casual records of large flocks and surveys of a stratified random sample of 1-km squares (the Winter Farmland Bird Survey).

Results Regional trends showed a pronounced increase in numbers of both species since 1974 on the east coast, with a smaller increase on the south coast. Numbers in the west and north tended to decline. Flocks on farmland were concentrated in eastern Britain unlike the situation in the 1980s.

Conclusions The winter distribution of Golden Plover and Lapwing has shifted to the east, resulting in large numbers on the east coast and in the arable east of Britain. The implications of this shift, especially in relation to known habitat associations, are discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing agricultural intensification has put farmland bird populations under great stress. Although organically managed farms tend to have higher densities of farmland birds than conventionally managed holdings, differences in crop management may also lead to differences in breeding success. With the use of agrochemicals prohibited on organic farms, weeds are controlled using mechanical methods that may pose a threat to ground-nesting birds. This study compares the territory densities and nesting success of the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus on organic and conventional arable farms in the Netherlands. Territory densities were generally higher on organic farms, although in one year nesting success was lower on organic than on conventional farms. This was caused by higher nest loss resulting from farming activities on organic farms. There were no differences in predation rates. The results of this study show that breeding Lapwings may face potential threats on organic farms. To sustain or enhance Lapwing populations on these farms, additional conservation measures should be implemented.  相似文献   

Capsule Even at very low stocking densities, livestock reduce breeding densities of adult Lapwings and increase the risk of nest loss due to predation.

Aims To assess the effects of livestock on Lapwings breeding on coastal grazing marshes.

Methods Densities of breeding adults, clutch sizes, laying dates, incubation schedules, clutch and chick survival were compared between marshes grazed at low stocking densities (0.2–0.51 livestock units/ha) and marshes where livestock had been excluded. Repeated measurements of sward heights were also made.

Results. Breeding densities in 1995 and 1997, but not 1996, were negatively correlated with the presence of livestock. Though few nests were trampled, livestock disrupted incubation schedules and increased the risk of nest predation. Clutches were smaller on grazed marshes than on ungrazed marshes, while more clutches were also laid later on grazed marshes. Grazed swards remained shorter, and more suitable for nesting, longer than ungrazed swards but clutches laid later in the season were more likely to be predated.

Conclusion The exclusion of livestock from selected areas to increase the nesting success of lapwings is a desirable option on coastal grazing marshes where the rate of grass growth is slow in spring. Grazing regimes are suggested that would maintain relatively short swards, provide refuge to Lapwings from livestock during the peak nesting period, and allow grazers to exploit all of their marshes.  相似文献   

Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria and Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus winter in large numbers on Britain's farmland. Previous studies in mixed farming areas showed pronounced preferences for permanent pasture, but increasing numbers of plovers winter in eastern Britain where arable farmland dominates. We show that an area of intensive arable farmland supported significant numbers of both species from October to February in the absence of large areas of pasture. Habitat use varied seasonally as the habitats present changed. Throughout winter, use of cereal crops matched their availability: plovers selected harrow in early winter, sugar beet stubbles in midwinter and other crops in late winter. Pastures were rarely used at any time of the year. Flocks occupied only a fraction of the available fields, concentrating most in large fields with open boundaries and where manure had been applied. Daytime feeding was more likely during cold days after nights with a new moon, short duration of moonlight or low-intensity moonlight. These results show that plovers are currently able to utilize intensive arable farmland but future changes in management, such as cessation of manure applications and reductions in sugar beet cropping, could have detrimental effects.  相似文献   

Capsule Lapwing nest predation was negatively correlated to nest density, while Lapwing alarm duration in response to foxes was positively correlated with the number of Lapwing broods present.

Aims To identify factors affecting Lapwing nest predation and Red Fox search effort.

Methods Lapwing nest success was monitored at four sites in 1996, seven sites in 1997 and six sites in 1998. In 1997 we mapped the position of all Lapwing nests in order to determine distances between nests, and the proximity of linear features and potential avian predator perches to each nest. From April to June 1998 we carried out 199 hours of nocturnal observations at six Lapwing nesting sites using night vision equipment.

Results The risk of nest predation was significantly higher for more isolated nests. Nocturnal observations showed that of all the nocturnal predators, foxes were the most active at Lapwing nesting sites. However, fox search effort in Lapwing colonies was relatively low, averaging 57 s/ha per visit. Foxes spent significantly longer foraging near breeding Lapwings (measured as duration of alarm calls) when more broods were present. Fox search effort (s/ha per hour of observation) tended to be greater in areas of high waterbird density.

Conclusion The lack of positive density-dependent nest predation, the relatively low search effort of foxes near Lapwing nesting sites and the high nest success sometimes achieved in areas with foxes all suggest that Lapwing nest predation by foxes is ‘incidental’. Lapwing chicks are probably more vulnerable to predation by foxes than clutches.  相似文献   

正2017年10月8日15:36时,在重庆市渝北区江北机场飞行区(29°44′24″N,106°40′48″E,海拔415 m)一拦鸟网上发现1只中型涉禽,经形态鉴定为鸻形目(Charadriiformes)鸻科(Charadiidae)的肉垂麦鸡(Vanellus indicus)。该鸟随后被异地放飞。发现其位置的小生境为杂草坪,以狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)等  相似文献   

Habitat associations of farmland birds are well studied, yet few have considered relationships between species distribution and soil properties. Charadriiform waders (shorebirds) depend upon penetrable soils, rich in invertebrate prey. Many species, such as the Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, have undergone severe declines across Europe, despite being targeted by agri‐environment measures. This study assessed whether there were additive effects of soil variables (depth, pH and organic matter content) in explaining Lapwing distribution, after controlling for known habitat relationships, at 89 farmland sites across Scotland. The addition of these soil variables and their association with elevation improved model fit by 55%, in comparison with models containing only previously established habitat relationships. Lapwing density was greatest at sites at higher elevation, but only those with less peaty and less acidic soil. Lapwing distribution is being constrained between intensively managed lowland farmland with favourable soil conditions and upland sites where lower management intensity favours Lapwings but edaphic conditions limit their distribution. Trials of soil amendments such as liming are needed on higher elevation grassland sites to test whether they could contribute to conservation management for breeding Lapwings and other species of conservation concern that depend upon soil‐dwelling invertebrates in grassland soils, such as Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata, Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris and Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus. Results from such trials could support improvement and targeting of agri‐environment schemes and other conservation measures in upland grassland systems.  相似文献   

Clutches of ground‐nesting farmland birds are often destroyed by farming operations, resulting in insufficient reproductive success and subsequently declining populations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether volunteer nest protection can enhance nest success of ground‐nesting birds. The study compared nest success of protected and unprotected Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests over 2 years on arable farms in the Netherlands. Because of different crop management, nest success of ground‐breeding birds might differ between organic and conventional arable farms. The effectiveness of volunteer nest protection was therefore investigated on both farm types. Although nest protection significantly reduced nest loss due to farming operations, there were no significant differences in total clutch survival of protected and unprotected nests. However, sample sizes of unprotected nests, and protected nests on organic farms, were relatively small, which may have reduced statistical power. There were indications that protected nests were predated or deserted more often. We recommend exploring different ways to improve the effectiveness of volunteer nest protection through a further reduction of nest loss due to farming operations and predation.  相似文献   

T. P. MILSOM 《Ibis》1990,132(2):218-231
Habitat selection by Lapwings Vanellus vanellus varies seasonally, with aerodromes comprising a preferred habitat in late summer and again in late autumn and winter. The presence of flocks of Lapwings on aerodromes poses a flight safety problem but management of the aerodrome habitat, especially the grass areas, combined with scaring, can minimize the hazard. The consequences of displacing large numbers of Lapwings from aerodromes to other habitats are reviewed in relation to the declines in breeding populations that have occurred as a result of changes in agricultural practices.  相似文献   

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