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Many insects use the polarization pattern of the sky for obtaining compass information during orientation or navigation. E-vector information is collected by a specialized area in the dorsal-most part of the compound eye, the dorsal rim area (DRA). We tested honeybees' capability of learning certain e-vector orientations by using a classical conditioning paradigm with the proboscis extension reflex. When one e-vector orientation (CS+) was associated with sugar water, while another orientation (CS-) was not rewarded, the honeybees could discriminate CS+ from CS-. Bees whose DRA was inactivated by painting did not learn CS+. When ultraviolet (UV) polarized light (350 nm) was used for CS, the bees discriminated CS+ from CS-, but no discrimination was observed in blue (442 nm) or green light (546 nm). Our data indicate that honeybees can learn and discriminate between different e-vector orientations, sensed by the UV receptors of the DRA, suggesting that bees can determine their flight direction from polarized UV skylight during foraging. Fixing the bees' heads during the experiments did not prevent learning, indicating that they use an 'instantaneous' algorithm of e-vector detection; that is, the bees do not need to actively scan the sky with their DRAs ('sequential' method) to determine e-vector orientation.  相似文献   

正In the winter of 2015,the first dengue vaccine(Dengvaxia)was approved for clinical use.Dengue virus is the most prevalent mosquito-transmitted viral pathogen in humans(Qin and Shi,2014).Even though the approved Dengvaxia has its weaknesses(e.g.,low protection against serotype-2virus),it has been recently licensed to Mexico,Philippines,  相似文献   

Major tree species are declining in many temperate forests due to changing disturbance regimes, including invasive pests and pathogens. We examined the interaction of secondary succession and Dutch elm disease in the Swedish temperate forest reserve Dalby Söderskog, based on five tree surveys made between 1909 and 2011. The forest is characterized by the coexistence of four major European tree species: wych elm (Ulmus glabra), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur). After protection of the forest in 1918, lack of disturbance mainly favoured elm, while the oak population declined due to mortality of old oaks and lack of regeneration. Dutch elm disease has caused high and continuous elm mortality since 1988. As a result, increased light availability at the forest floor favoured abundant regeneration of ash, beech, and lately also oak. The recent arrival of an invasive fungal pathogen causing ash dieback may once again change the course of succession. Open space emerging from loss of elm and ash in forest reserves may be used by reserve managers to favour oak regeneration and biodiversity of semi-open woodlands once lost during succession to closed forest. We conclude that winners and losers change places as an effect of invasive pathogens, resulting in unexpected successions and both losses and gains in valuable ecological niches and habitat structures in temperate broadleaf forests.  相似文献   

Although Drosophila melanogaster is a paradigm eukaryote for biology, relationships of this species and the other 174 species in the melanogaster species group are poorly explored and ambiguous. Gene regions of Cytochrome oxidase II (mt:CoII ), Alcohol dehydrogenase ( Adh ) and hunchback ( hb ) were sequenced and analysed phylogenetically to test prior hypotheses of relationships for the group based on chromosomes, morphology, and 28S rRNA gene sequences. A simultaneous cladistic analysis of the three newly sequenced gene regions produced a single well-resolved phylogeny for 49 exemplar species representing eight subgroups. Monophyly of each of the ananassae , melanogaster , montium , and takahashii subgroups is supported; the suzukii subgroup is polyphyletic. This phylogeny is consistent with variation in significant morphological structures, such as the male sex comb on the fore tarsus. The broad range of morphological variation among these species is interpreted and the applicability to evolution and developmental investigations is discussed. This phylogeny facilitates comparative investigations, such as gene family evolution, transposable element transmission, and evolution of morphological structures. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 21–37.  相似文献   

The question of Kurdish language rights has been a central issue in the Turkish–Kurdish conflict. The current study examined endorsement of Kurdish language rights in relation to intergroup factors (i.e. group identifications, cross-group friendships, perceived discrimination, and perceived out-group beliefs about state unity) among self-identified Turkish and Kurdish participants. The results indicate that Turks were much less in favour of these rights than the Kurds. In addition, for the Turks, higher national and ethnic identification were associated with lower support for Kurdish language rights, while cross-group friendship, perceived discrimination of Kurds and the belief that Kurds endorse national unity were associated with more support for rights. For the Kurdish participants, stronger national identification seems to undermine the mobilizing meaning that Kurdish group identification has for language rights support. Furthermore, friendship with Turks can undermine the support for rights because it strengthens national identification and reduces ethnic identification.  相似文献   

Bernard J. Mezon  Andrus J. Voitk 《CMAJ》1976,114(12):1128-1129,1132
Sites of insertion of peripheral intravenous catheters remain an important but often overlooked source of hospital-acquired septicemia and the most important source of staphylococcal septicemia. Septic superficial thrombophlebitis is characterized by severe local pain and is readily evident clinically. Care of the intravenous line can prevent this complication. To be diagnosed, it must be suspected. Treatment consists of removal of the intravenous line and administration of heparin and antibiotics effective against penicillinase-producing organisms. Occasionally the vein must be ligated or, preferably, removed.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis chemotaxis: a deviation from the Escherichia coli paradigm   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In Escherichia coli, chemotactic sensory transduction is believed to involve phosphoryl transfer for excitation, and changes in receptor methylation for adaptation. In Bacillus subtilis, changes in degree of receptor methylation do not bring about adaptation. Novel methylation reactions are believed to be involved in excitation in B. subtilis. The main chemotaxis proteins of E. coli--CheA, CheB, CheR, CheW and CheY--are present in B. subtilis but play somewhat different roles in the two organisms. Several unique chemotaxis proteins are also present in B. subtilis. Some of the properties of B. subtilis chemotaxis are also seen in Halobacterium halobium, suggesting that there may be a similar underlying mechanism that predates the evolutionary separation of the bacteria from the archaea and eucarya.  相似文献   

C. Waddell 《Cytopathology》2004,15(4):177-180
For the cytologist and clinician alike, glandular lesions pose possibly the greatest challenge in cervical screening. Worldwide, with increasing confidence in cytological prediction, terminology is evolving. In the UK, with the adoption of liquid based methods, the technical aspects of cervical cytology are being addressed, it is now time to standardise our terminology in glandular reporting. Consideration of the cytological complexity, clinical needs and international protocols is essential in this endeavour.  相似文献   

The systematics of the Saguinus oedipus group within the bare-face tamarins remains open to question. Hershkovitz (Living New World Monkeys (Platyrrhini), Vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977) places the cotton-top and rufus-naped tamarins as subspecies of Saguinus oedipus (S. o. oedipus and S. o. geoffroyi, respectively). In contrast, several other authors have argued that these two taxa should be considered separate species (S. oedipus and S. geoffroyi). Phylogenetic relationships within the group are also disputed. Resolving these different interpretations has been difficult in part because no study of this group has included an objective measure of expected levels of specific vs. subspecific variation. We used facial measurements from 179 adult crania to address the systematics of this group and included a related species that is known to include multiple subspecies. Our sample included three taxa from the S. oedipus group of the bare-face tamarins (S. oedipus, S. geoffroyi, and S. leucopus) and six subspecies from the related hairy-face tamarin species S. fuscicollis. Comparisons to S. leucopus provided a relative measure of species-level differences. Analyses that included S. fuscicollis provided a measure of subspecific variation. There was no evidence of facial sexual dimorphism in any of these taxa. A variety of multivariate statistical analyses including discriminant function and cluster analysis suggest that S. oedipus and S. geoffroyi differ morphologically at a level consistent with species-level distinctions. The extent of differences between these taxa is large. The differences in their facial morphology was on the order of differences between S. oedipus or S. geoffroyi and S. leucopus rather than the extent of variation among S. fuscicollis subspecies. Furthermore, a comparison of collecting localities revealed that the variation we observed among S. oedipus and S. geoffroyi was not clinal but presented a large morphological discontinuity at the boundary between taxa. Our analyses also suggested that S. leucopus is more similar to S. oedipus than is either to S. geoffroyi. Finally, it may be that there are some distinct species within the S. fuscicollis group. However, this hypothesis, along with other phylogenetic relationships suggested by this study, will require more data and further study. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies with substrate analogues and the pH optimum indicated the involvement of carboxyl group in the active site of goat carboxypeptidase A. Chemical modification of the enzyme with 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl) carbodiimide methoI -p-toluene sulphonate, a carboxyl specific reagent, led to loss of both esterase and peptidase activities. Protection studies showed that this carboxyl group was in the active site and was protected by Βp-phenylpropionic acid and glycyl-L-tyrosine. Kinetic studies also confirmed the involvement of carboxylic group because the enzyme modification with water soluble carbodiimide was a two step reaction which excluded the possibility of tyrosine or lysine which are known to give a one step reaction with this reagent  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of facial cues on leadership emergence. Using evolutionary social psychology, we expand upon implicit and contingent theories of leadership and propose that different types of intergroup relations elicit different implicit cognitive leadership prototypes. It is argued that a biologically based hormonal connection between behavior and corresponding facial characteristics interacts with evolutionarily consistent social dynamics to influence leadership emergence. We predict that masculine-looking leaders are selected during intergroup conflict (war) and feminine-looking leaders during intergroup cooperation (peace). Across two experiments we show that a general categorization of leader versus nonleader is an initial implicit requirement for emergence, and at a context-specific level facial cues of masculinity and femininity contingently affect war versus peace leadership emergence in the predicted direction. In addition, we replicate our findings in Experiment 1 across culture using Western and East Asian samples. In Experiment 2, we also show that masculine-feminine facial cues are better predictors of leadership than male-female cues. Collectively, our results indicate a multi-level classification of context-specific leadership based on visual cues imbedded in the human face and challenge traditional distinctions of male and female leadership.  相似文献   

Understanding diversity patterns requires accounting for the roles of both historical and contemporary factors in the assembly of communities. Here, we compared diversity patterns of two moth assemblages sampled from Taihang and Yanshan mountains in Northern China and performed ancestral range reconstructions using the Multi‐State Speciation and Extinction model, to track the origins of these patterns. Further, we estimated diversification rates of the two moth assemblages and explored the effects of contemporary ecological factors. From 7,788 specimens we identified 835 species belonging to 23 families, using both DNA barcode analysis and morphology. Moths in Yanshan mountains showed higher species diversity than in Taihang mountains. Ancestral range analysis indicated Yanshan as the origin, with significant historical dispersals from Yanshan to Taihang. Asymmetrical diversification, population expansion, along with frequent and considerable gene flow were detected between communities. Moreover, dispersal limitation or the joint effect of environment filtering and dispersal limitation were inferred as main driving forces shaping current diversity patterns. In summary, we demonstrate that a multiscale (community, population and species level) analysis incorporating both historical and contemporary factors can be useful in delineating factors contributing to community assembly and patterning in diversity.  相似文献   

In some primate species, females interact affinitively withmany related and unrelated females, whereas in other speciesfemales interact with only a small subset of available partners.One explanation for high rates of affinitive interactions amongfemale members of the same group is that they function to maintainthe group's cohesion in competition for resources against othergroups. Here, I attempt to determine if grooming is more "egalitarian"or diverse in groups that compete aggressively with their neighborsthan in groups in which females rarely take an active role inbetween-group competition. Three types of data are considered.The first concerns grooming and intergroup encounters in onepopulation of free-ranging vervet monkeys. The second concernsgrooming interactions in a captive population of vervets beforeand after females in adjacent cages began to respond aggressivelyto one another. The third involves a literature survey of avariety of species. When only female-bonded species are considered,there is no relation between the diversity of grooming withingroups and female participationin intergroup encounters. Therealso appears to be no clear relation between the strength ofthe female dominance hierarchy and the diversity of groomingamong females. Female-bonded groups are apparently composedof subgroups allied in a loose confederation against other groups.Female members of the same group may compete against other groupsas a cohesive unit, but their grooming relationships are oftensharply differentiated.  相似文献   



To test predictions of ecosystem theory for changes in P cycling over primary succession, we determined soil phosphorus (P) in labile, primary mineral, organic, and occluded forms along a chronosequence of five wave cut terraces known as the “Ecological Staircase”. The Ecological Staircase terraces (T1-T5) transition naturally from fertile native coastal forests in California, USA, to diminutive pygmy vegetation over the span of?>?500,000 years of pedogenesis.


Soil P fractions were quantified to a depth of 40 cm on T1-T5 using a modified Hedley P fractionation procedure.


Overall results confirmed the Walker and Syers Model of Phosphorus Transformations During Pedogenesis: total P declined from youngest (194 mg/kg P) to oldest (127 mg/kg P) sites; primary-mineral P decreased sharply from T1 to older sites; and occluded P dominated P pools at the oldest pygmy sites (T3-T5). In addition, foliar P concentrations declined markedly in the pygmy forest, and N/P of vegetation (T1: 6.03, T5: 14.4) and N/Porganic of mineral soils (T1: 6.10, T5: 25.3) increased significantly over time.


Results point to P as the primary limiting nutrient in the pygmy forest, exemplifying the terminal steady-state of ecosystem retrogression that underlies the persistence of this unique ecosystem.  相似文献   

First described over 80 years ago, ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) was defined as a clinical entity 50 years ago. Although not encountered by most clinicians, it is a paradigm for cancer predisposition and neurodegenerative disorders and has a central role in our understanding of the DNA-damage response, signal transduction and cell-cycle control. The discovery of the protein A-T mutated (ATM) that is deficient in A-T paved the way for rapid progress on understanding how ATM functions with a host of other proteins to protect against genome instability and reduce the risk of cancer and other pathologies.  相似文献   

Veterinary use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac on domesticated ungulates caused populations of resident Gyps vultures in the Indian sub-continent to collapse. The birds died when they fed on carrion from treated animals. Veterinary diclofenac was banned in 2006 and meloxicam was advocated as a ‘vulture-safe’ alternative. We examine the effectiveness of the 2006 ban, whether meloxicam has replaced diclofenac, and the impact of these changes on vultures. Drug residue data from liver samples collected from ungulate carcasses in India since 2004 demonstrate that the prevalence of diclofenac in carcasses in 2009 was half of that before the ban and meloxicam prevalence increased by 44%. The expected vulture death rate from diclofenac per meal in 2009 was one-third of that before the ban. Surveys at veterinary clinics show that diclofenac use in India began in 1994, coinciding with the onset of rapid Gyps declines ascertained from measured rates of declines. Our study shows that one pharmaceutical product has had a devastating impact on Asia''s vultures. Large-scale research and survey were needed to detect, diagnose and quantify the problem and measure the response to remedial actions. Given these difficulties, other effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment may remain undetected.  相似文献   

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