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The effect of simulated rainfall frequency on the pathogenicity of Pratylenchus zeae and P. brachyurus was studied in four greenhouse experiments. Corn and grain sorghum were watered at different intervals during predetermined cycles to create a gradient of water-stressed plants. Each experiment included nematode and uninoculated treatments. Growth reaction of plants to different frequencies of watering was significant but was not affected by the presence of nematodes. Pratylenchus zeae numbers differed among watering regimens on corn but not on sorghum. Numbers of P. brachyurus did not differ among watering regimens on corn or sorghum. Both lesion nematode species were harmful to corn, but sorghum increased plant growth in response to P. brachyurus. It is concluded that water stress is not the only environmental factor that influences the pathogenicity of these two species on corn and sorghum.  相似文献   

Identification of genomic regions affecting plant height in sorghum and maize   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The objective of this study was to use restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to determine the genetic location and effects of genomic regions controlling plant height in sorghum. F2 plants (152) from the cross CK60 x PI229828 were used. Genomic and cDNA clones (106) identified 111 loci distributed among ten linkage groups covering 1299 cM. Interval mapping identified four regions, each in a separate linkage group. These regions may correspond to loci (dw) previously identified by alleles with qualitative effects. Also, these regions identified in sorghum may be orthologous to those previously reported for plant height in maize. Gene effects and gene action varied among genomic regions. In each region, PI229828 alleles resulted in increased plant height. Each region accounted for 9.2–28.7% of the phenotypic variation. Positive, additive effects ranged from 15 to 32cm. Tallness was dominant or overdominant and conferred by alleles from PI229828 for three quantitative trait loci (QTL). At the fourth QTL, PI229828 contributed to increased plant height, but short stature was partially dominant. One digenic interaction was significant. The presence of a PI229828 allele at one region diminished the effects of the other region. A multiple model indicated that these four regions collectively accounted for 63.4% of the total phenotypic variation. The utility of this information for germplasm conversion through backcross breeding is discussed.Journal Paper No. J. 15649 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economic Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project No. 3134  相似文献   

Three O-methyltransferases (BX10a, b, c) catalyze the conversion of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside (DIMBOA-Glc) to 2-hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside (HDMBOA-Glc) in maize (Zea mays). Variation in benzoxazinoid accumulation and resistance to Rhopalosiphum maidis (corn leaf aphid) was attributed to a natural CACTA family transposon insertion that inactivates Bx10c. Whereas maize inbred line B73 has this transposon insertion, line CML277 does not. To characterize the phenotypic effects of DIMBOA-Glc methyltransferase activity, we created near-isogenic lines derived from B73 and CML277 that do or do not contain the transposon insertion. Bx10c inactivation causes high DIMBOA-Glc, low HDMBOA-Glc, and decreased aphid reproduction relative to near-isogenic lines that have a functional Bx10c gene. These results confirm the importance of this locus in maize aphid resistance. The availability of Bx10c near-isogenic lines will facilitate further research on the function of different benzoxazinoids and DIMBOA-Glc methyltransferase activity in maize defense against herbivores and pathogens.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The phenotypes of grasses show differences depending on growth conditions and ontogenetic stage. Understanding these responses and finding suitable mathematical formalizations are an essential part of the development of plant and crop models. Usually, a marked change in architecture between juvenile and adult plants is observed, where dimension and shape of leaves are likely to change. In this paper, the plasticity of leaf shape is analysed according to growth conditions and ontogeny.


Leaf shape of Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vulgare and Zea mays cultivars grown under varying conditions was measured using digital image processing. An empirical leaf shape model was fitted to measured shape data of single leaves. Obtained values of model parameters were used to analyse the patterns in leaf shape.

Key Results

The model was able to delineate leaf shape of all studied species. The model error was small. Differences in leaf shape between juvenile and adult leaves in T. aestivum and H. vulgare were observed. Varying growth conditions impacted leaf dimensions but did not impact leaf shape of the respective species.


Leaf shape of the studied T. aestivum and H. vulgare cultivars was remarkably stable for a comparable ontogenetic stage (leaf rank), but differed between stages. Along with other aspects of grass architecture, leaf shape changed during the transition from juvenile to adult growth phase. Model-based analysis of leaf shape is a method to investigate these differences. Presented results can be integrated into architectural models of plant development to delineate leaf shape for different species, cultivars and environmental conditions.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Water limitations can inhibit photosynthesis and change gene expression in ways that diminish or prevent reproductive development in plants. Sucrose fed to the plants can reverse the effects. To test whether the reversal acts generally by replacing the losses from photosynthesis, sucrose was fed to the stems of shaded maize plants (Zea mays) during reproductive development.


Shading was adjusted to mimic the inhibition of photosynthesis around the time of pollination in water-limited plants. Glucose and starch were imaged and quantified in the female florets. Sucrose was infused into the stems to vary the sugar flux to the ovaries.

Key Results

Ovaries normally grew rapidly and contained large amounts of glucose and starch, with a glucose gradient favouring glucose movement into the developing ovary. Shade inhibited photosynthesis and diminished ovary and kernel size, weight, and glucose and starch contents compared with controls. The glucose gradient became small. Sucrose fed to the stem reversed these losses, and kernels were as large as the controls.


Despite similar inhibition of photosynthesis, the depletion of ovary glucose and starch was not as severe in shade as during a comparable water deficit. Ovary abortion prevalent during water deficits did not occur in the shade. It is suggested that this difference may have been caused by more translocation in shade than during the water deficit, which prevented low sugar contents necessary to trigger an up-regulation of senescence genes known to be involved in abortion. Nevertheless, sucrose feeding reversed kernel size losses and it is concluded that feeding acted generally to replace diminished photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Root cortical burden influences drought tolerance in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background and Aims

Root cortical aerenchyma (RCA) increases water and nutrient acquisition by reducing the metabolic costs of soil exploration. In this study the hypothesis was tested that living cortical area (LCA; transversal root cortical area minus aerenchyma area and intercellular air space) is a better predictor of root respiration, soil exploration and, therefore, drought tolerance than RCA formation or root diameter.


RCA, LCA, root respiration, root length and biomass loss in response to drought were evaluated in maize (Zea mays) recombinant inbred lines grown with adequate and suboptimal irrigation in soil mesocosms.

Key Results

Root respiration was highly correlated with LCA. LCA was a better predictor of root respiration than either RCA or root diameter. RCA reduced respiration of large-diameter roots. Since RCA and LCA varied in different parts of the root system, the effects of RCA and LCA on root length were complex. Greater crown-root LCA was associated with reduced crown-root length relative to total root length. Reduced LCA was associated with improved drought tolerance.


The results are consistent with the hypothesis that LCA is a driver of root metabolic costs and may therefore have adaptive significance for water acquisition in drying soil.  相似文献   

Auxin transport in maize roots in response to localized nitrate supply   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Liu J  An X  Cheng L  Chen F  Bao J  Yuan L  Zhang F  Mi G 《Annals of botany》2010,106(6):1019-1026

Background and Aims

Roots typically respond to localized nitrate by enhancing lateral-root growth. Polar auxin transport has important roles in lateral-root formation and growth; however, it is a matter of debate whether or how auxin plays a role in the localized response of lateral roots to nitrate.


Treating maize (Zea mays) in a split-root system, auxin levels were quantified directly and polar transport was assayed by the movement of [3H]IAA. The effects of exogenous auxin and polar auxin transport inhibitors were also examined.

Key Results

Auxin levels in roots decreased more in the nitrate-fed compartment than in the nitrate-free compartment and nitrate treatment appeared to inhibit shoot-to-root auxin transport. However, exogenous application of IAA only partially reduced the stimulatory effect of localized nitrate, and auxin level in the roots was similarly reduced by local applications of ammonium that did not stimulate lateral-root growth.


It is concluded that local applications of nitrate reduced shoot-to-root auxin transport and decreased auxin concentration in roots to a level more suitable for lateral-root growth. However, alteration of root auxin level alone is not sufficient to stimulate lateral-root growth.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The maize lrt1 (lateral rootless1) mutant is impaired in its development of lateral roots during early post-embryonic development. The aim of this study was to characterize, in detail, the influences that the mutation exerts on lateral root initiation and the subsequent developments, as well as to describe the behaviour of the entire plant under variable environmental conditions.


Mutant lrt1 plants were cultivated under different conditions of hydroponics, and in between sheets of moist paper. Cleared whole mounts and anatomical sections were used in combination with both selected staining procedures and histochemical tests to follow root development. Root surface permeability tests and the biochemical quantification of lignin were performed to complement the structural data.

Key Results

The data presented suggest a redefinition of lrt1 function in lateral roots as a promoter of later development; however, neither the complete absence of lateral roots nor the frequency of their initiation is linked to lrt1 function. The developmental effects of lrt1 are under strong environmental influences. Mutant primordia are affected in structure, growth and emergence; and the majority of primordia terminate their growth during this last step, or shortly thereafter. The lateral roots are impaired in the maintenance of the root apical meristem. The primary root shows disturbances in the organization of both epidermal and subepidermal layers. The lrt1-related cell-wall modifications include: lignification in peripheral layers, the deposition of polyphenolic substances and a higher activity of peroxidase.


The present study provides novel insights into the function of the lrt1 gene in root system development. The lrt1 gene participates in the spatial distribution of initiation, but not in its frequency. Later, the development of lateral roots is strongly affected. The effect of the lrt1 mutation is not as obvious in the primary root, with no influences observed on the root apical meristem structure and maintenance; however, development of the epidermis and cortex are impaired.  相似文献   

A replicated field study was conducted from 1972 to 1980 involving soybeans grown in 2-, 3-, and 4-year rotations with maize in soil infested with Meloidogyne incognita. Monocultured soybeans were maintained as controls. Cropping regimes involved root-knot nematode susceptible and resistant soybean cultivars and soybeans treated and not treated with nematicides. Yields of susceptible cultivars declined with reduced length of rotation. Nematicide treatment significantly increased yields of susceptible cultivars when monocultured, but bad little influence on yield when susceptible cultivars were grown in rotation. Yields of monocultured resistant cultivars were significantly lower than yields of resistant cultivars grown in rotation. However, yields of resistant cultivars grown in rotation were not influenced by the length of the rotation. Nematicide treatment significantly increased yields of monocultured resistant cultivars over the latter years of the study.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Photosynthesis is one of the processes most susceptible to low-temperature inhibition in maize, a tropical C4 crop not yet fully adapted to a temperate climate. C4 photosynthesis relies on symplasmic exchange of large amounts of photosynthetic intermediates between Kranz mesophyll (KMS) and bundle sheath (BS) cells. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the slowing of maize photosynthesis at low temperature is related to ultrastructural changes in the plasmodesmata between KM and BS as well as BS and vascular parenchyma (VP) cells.


Chilling-tolerant (CT) KW 1074 and chilling-sensitive (CS) CM 109 maize (Zea mays) lines were studied. The effect of moderate chilling (14 °C) on the rate of photosynthesis, photosynthate transport kinetics, and the ultrastructure of plasmodesmata linking the KMS, BS and VP cells were analysed. Additionally, the accumulation of callose and calreticulin was studied by the immunogold method.

Key Results

Chilling inhibited photosynthesis, photosynthate transfer to the phloem and photosynthate export from leaves in both lines. This inhibition was reversible upon cessation of chilling in the CT line but irreversible in the CS line. Simultaneously to physiological changes, chilling induced swelling of the sphincters of plasmodesmata linking KMS and BS cells and a decreased lumen of the cytoplasmic sleeve of plasmodesmata at the BS/VP interface in the CS line but not in the CT line. Accumulation of calreticulin, which occurred near the neck region of the closed plasmodesmata was observed after just 4 h of chilling and over-accumulation of callose at the KMS/BS and BS/VP interfaces occurred after 28 h of chilling.


Stronger chilling sensitivity of the CM 109 maize line compared with the KW 1074 line, shown by decreased photosynthesis and assimilate export from a leaf, is related to changes in the ultrastructure of leaf plasmodesmata at low temperature. The chain of reactions to chilling is likely to include calreticulin action resulting in rapid and efficient closure of the plasmodesmata at both KMS/BS and BS/VP interfaces. Callose deposition in a leaf was a secondary effect of chilling.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays) is an important food crop in the foothills of the Nepal Himalaya Mountains. Surveys have found that maize in Nepal is contaminated withFusarium species, mainlyF. verticillioides andF. proliferatum, which produce fumonisins, andF. graminearum, which produces trichothecenes, mainly nivalenol and 4-deoxynivalenol. Maize from smallholder farms and markets is often contaminated with fumonisins and trichothecenes above 1000 ng/g, a level of concern for human health. These mycotoxins were not eliminated by traditional fermentation for producing maize beer, but Nepalese women were able to detoxify contaminated maize by hand-sorting visibly disease kernels. An integrated approach to reduce mycotoxins risks in maize in Nepal and other developing countries should include plant breeding to produce ear rot resistant cultivars, along with education in mycotoxins risks and in agricultural and grain storage practices to reduce mycotoxin contamination. Presented at the EU-USA Bilateral Workshop on Toxigenic Fungi & Mycotoxins, New Orleans, USA, July 5–7, 2005  相似文献   

The effects of nematicide treatments and corn-peanut cropping sequences on the population development of Criconemella ornata, and C. sphaerocephala and the related impact on crop yields were investigated at two North Carolina locations. Criconemella ornata and C. sphaerocephala were present at the Norman Perry farm, Bertie County (BERTIE); however, only C. ornata was found at the Central Crops Research Station, Johnston County (CCRS). An untreated control was compared to aldicarb 15G, carbofuran 15G, ethoprop 10G, and terbufos 15G granular formulations applied at a rate of 2.2 kg a.i./ha. The cropping sequences were monocuhured corn (C-C-C); monocultured peanut (P-P-P); and two corn-peanut (C-P-C; P-C-P) rotations. Nematicides were inconsistent in controlling C. sphaerocephala and C. ornata. Nematicide treatments enhanced corn yields in the monoculture-cropping cycle in the final year of the experiment at CCRS. Peanut yields were greater in the rotated cropping sequence than under monoculture at BERTIE, but rotation had less effect on peanut yields at CCRS. Declining yields were correlated with an increase in numbers of nematodes. Corn was an intermediate host for C. sphaerocephala and a moderate to poor host for C. ornata. Peanut was an excellent host for C. ornata and a poor host for C. sphaerocephala.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cytokinins are a major group of plant hormones and are associated with various developmental processes. Developing caryopses of maize have high levels of cytokinins, but little is known about their spatial and temporal distribution. The localization and quantification of cytokinins was investigated in maize (Zea mays) caryopsis from 0 to 28 d after pollination together with the expression and localization of isopentenyltransferase ZmIPT1 involved in cytokinin biosynthesis and ZmCNGT, the gene putatively involved in N9-glucosylation.


Biochemical, cellular and molecular approaches resolved the overall cytokinin profiles, and several gene expression assays were used for two critical genes to assess cytokinin cell-specific biosynthesis and conversion to the biologically inactive form. Cytokinins were immunolocalized for the first time in maize caryopses.

Key Results

During the period 0–28 d after pollination (DAP): (1) large quantities of cytokinins were detected in the maternal pedicel region relative to the filial tissues during the early stages after fertilization; (2) unpollinated ovules did not accumulate cytokinins; (3) the maternal nucellar region showed little or no cytokinin signal; (4) the highest cytokinin concentrations in filial endosperm and embryo were detected at 12 DAP, predominantly zeatin riboside and zeatin-9-glucoside, respectively; and (5) a strong cytokinin immuno-signal was detected in specific cell types in the pedicel, endosperm and embryo.


The cytokinins of developing maize caryopsis may originate from both local syntheses as well as by transport. High levels of fertilization-dependent cytokinins in the pedicel suggest filial control on metabolism in the maternal tissue; they may also trigger developmental programmed cell death in the pedicel.  相似文献   

Microplot experiments were established in 1992, 1993, and 1994 to investigate the relationships among Macrophomina phaseolina, Criconemella xenoplax, mad Tylenchorhynchus annulatus on grain sorghum in Louisiana. A factorial treatment arrangement of two grain sorghum hybrids (De Kalb DK 50 and Pioneer hybrid 8333), three levels of M. phaseolina (0, 10, and 100 colony-forming units (CFU)/g soil), and three nematode inoculum levels (0, 1x, and 2x) were used. Nematode inocula at 1x levels were 929, 1,139, and 1,445 C. xenoplax and T. annulatus/microplot in 1992, 1993, and 1994, respectively. Plants were harvested after 90-105 days. In all 3 years, grain sorghum root and head dry weights were suppressed as nematode inoculum level increased. These reductions were detected both in the absence and in the presence of M. phaseolina at 10 CFU/g. Reproduction of both nematode species was suppressed by M. phaseolina. Interactions between M. phaseolina and nematodes were antagonistic with regard to plant dry weights, yield, and nematode reproduction, so that combined effects were less than the sum of the effect of each pathogen alone.  相似文献   

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