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A special issue on plant cell biology is long overdue for JIPB! In the last two decades or so, the plant biology community has been thrilled by explosive discoveries regarding the molecular and genetic basis of plant growth, development, and responses to the environment, largely owing to recent maturation of model systems like Arabidopsis thaliana and the rice Oryza sativa, as well as the rapid development of high throughput technologies associated with qenomics and proteomics.  相似文献   

The B Lymphocyte Stimulator (BLyS) family of ligands and receptors regulates humoral immunity by controlling B lymphocyte survival and differentiation. Herein, we review the ligands and receptors of this family, their biological functions, and the biochemical processes through which they operate. Pre-immune B lymphocytes rely on BLyS signaling for their survival, whereas antigen experienced B lymphocytes generally interact more avidly with a homologous cytokine, A Proliferation Inducing Ligand (APRIL). The molecular basis for signaling via the three BLyS family receptors reveals complex interplay with other B lymphocyte signaling systems, affording the integration of selective and homeostatic processes. As our understanding of this system advances, molecular targets for manipulating humoral immunity in both health and disease should be revealed.  相似文献   

A collection of 130 new plant cell wall glycan-directed monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was generated with the aim of facilitating in-depth analysis of cell wall glycans. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based screen against a diverse panel of 54 plant polysaccharides was used to characterize the binding patterns of these new mAbs, together with 50 other previously generated mAbs, against plant cell wall glycans. Hierarchical clustering analysis was used to group these mAbs based on the polysaccharide recognition patterns observed. The mAb groupings in the resulting cladogram were further verified by immunolocalization studies in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) stems. The mAbs could be resolved into 19 clades of antibodies that recognize distinct epitopes present on all major classes of plant cell wall glycans, including arabinogalactans (both protein- and polysaccharide-linked), pectins (homogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan I), xyloglucans, xylans, mannans, and glucans. In most cases, multiple subclades of antibodies were observed to bind to each glycan class, suggesting that the mAbs in these subgroups recognize distinct epitopes present on the cell wall glycans. The epitopes recognized by many of the mAbs in the toolkit, particularly those recognizing arabinose- and/or galactose-containing structures, are present on more than one glycan class, consistent with the known structural diversity and complexity of plant cell wall glycans. Thus, these cell wall glycan-directed mAbs should be viewed and utilized as epitope-specific, rather than polymer-specific, probes. The current world-wide toolkit of approximately 180 glycan-directed antibodies from various laboratories provides a large and diverse set of probes for studies of plant cell wall structure, function, dynamics, and biosynthesis.Cell walls play important roles in the structure, physiology, growth, and development of plants (Carpita and Gibeaut, 1993). Plant cell wall materials are also important sources of human and animal nutrition, natural textile fibers, paper and wood products, and raw materials for biofuel production (Somerville, 2007). Many genes thought to be responsible for plant wall biosynthesis and modification have been identified (Burton et al., 2005; Lerouxel et al., 2006; Mohnen et al., 2008), and 15% of the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) genome is likely devoted to these functions (Carpita et al., 2001). However, phenotypic analysis in plants carrying cell wall-related mutations has proven particularly difficult. First, cell wall-related genes are often expressed differentially and at low levels between cells of different tissues (Sarria et al., 2001). Also, plants have compensatory mechanisms to maintain wall function in the absence of a particular gene (Somerville et al., 2004). Thus, novel tools and approaches are needed to characterize wall structures and the genes responsible for their synthesis and modification.Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) developed against cell wall polymers have emerged as an important tool for the study of plant cell wall structure and function (Knox, 2008). Previous studies have utilized mAbs that bind epitopes present on rhamnogalacturonan I (RG-I; Freshour et al., 1996; Jones et al., 1997; Willats et al., 1998; McCartney et al., 2000; Clausen et al., 2004; Altaner et al., 2007), homogalacturonan (Willats et al., 2001; Clausen et al., 2003), xylogalacturonan (Willats et al., 2004), xylans and arabinoxylans (McCartney et al., 2005), xyloglucan (Freshour et al., 1996, 2003; Marcus et al., 2008), arabinogalactan(protein) (Pennell et al., 1991; Puhlmann et al., 1994; Dolan et al., 1995; Smallwood et al., 1996), and extensins (Smallwood et al., 1995) to localize these epitopes in plant cells and tissues. In addition, mAbs have been used to characterize plants carrying mutations in genes thought to be associated with cell wall biosynthesis and metabolism (Orfila et al., 2001; Seifert, 2004; Persson et al., 2007; Cavalier et al., 2008; Zabotina et al., 2008). Despite their utility, the available set of mAbs against carbohydrate structures is relatively small given the structural complexity of wall polymers (Ridley et al., 2001; O''Neill and York, 2003), and knowledge of their epitope specificity is limited. Thus, additional mAbs specific to diverse epitope structures and methods for rapid epitope characterization are needed (Somerville et al., 2004).Here, we report the generation of 130 new mAbs that bind to diverse epitopes present on a broad spectrum of plant cell wall glycans. In addition, approximately 50 previously reported or generated mAbs were included in the ELISA-based screens used to group the antibodies according to their binding patterns against a diverse panel of 54 polysaccharides. The resulting ELISA data were analyzed by hierarchical clustering to illustrate the relationships between the available mAbs. Nineteen groups of mAbs were identified from the clustering analysis. Some initial information regarding possible epitopes recognized by some of these antibodies could be inferred from the clustering analysis.  相似文献   

The particle matter, particularly the suspended particle matter (PM ≤ 2.5) in the air is not only a risk factor for human health, but also affects the survival and physiological features of plants. Plants show advantages in the adsorption of particle matter, while the factors, such as the leaf shape, leaf distribution density and leaf surface microstructure, such as grooves, folds, stomata, flocculent projections, micro-roughness, long fuzz, short pubescence, wax and secretory products, appeared to play an important role determing their absorption capacity. In this paper, the research progress on the capture or adsorption of atmospheric particles was summarized, and the forest vegetation and woody plants were discuessed. In addition, special attentions were paid to the effect of haze-fog weather on greenhouse plant, the different responses of plant leaves to dust particles and suspended particles, as well as the effect of suspended particles on morphological change of plants. In the future, research should focus on the mechanism of the influence of particulate matter on plants. More advanced effective and convenient research methods like spectral detection method also need to be developed. This paper may provide reference for future studies on plants’ response to haze and particle matter.  相似文献   


A large number of studies have during the last several decades shown that astrocytes play a significant role in brain energy metabolism accounting for a considerable part of the oxygen uptake and the corresponding oxidative metabolism of glucose and lactate. Interestingly, it has become clear that in addition to these two major energy substrates, glutamate may be considered as an important alternative energy substrate and this is tightly coupled to its role as an excitatory neurotransmitter. Hence, this short review will link these events and provide an account of the role that Vittorio Gallo came to play as he coauthored a publication which demonstrated the usefulness of cultured cerebellar granule cells for studies of glutamate neurotransmission. Just by chance this study was published the same year that my own group published a similar study of glutamate uptake and release in a corresponding preparation of cultured neurons and astrocytes from cerebellum and cerebral cortex. Thus, it is a pleasure to dedicate this account of the role of astrocytes in glutamate neurotransmission to Vittorio Gallo whom I have had the pleasure of knowing for more than three decades.


在人类,65%的骨髓产生的B细胞是自身反应性的,它们大部分在骨髓中被克隆删除了。但有些B细胞通过免疫无力的方式逃脱了这种克隆删除到达外周,产生抗自身的抗体。研究表明,在鼠和人类中,B细胞存活时间过长是引发自身性免疫病的原因之一。B细胞的过度活化将导致自身反应性B细胞的产生和破坏自身免疫耐受,引起自身免疫性疾病或肿瘤;但B细胞的活化不足将使B细胞数量大大减少,抗原应答能力降低,从而使适应性免疫应答失衡。细胞因子和其他信号分子对B细胞稳态的调节是十分严密的,它们或调节B细胞的发育、成熟和分化,或调节B细胞向外周的迁移,或通过调节B细胞周期而使B细胞停留在特定时期,从而使B细胞避免凋亡,或通过调节抗凋亡蛋白或凋亡蛋白而决定B细胞的生存或死亡。本文就细胞因子、转录因子、蛋白激酶等信号分子对B细胞稳态的调节做一综述。  相似文献   

Many aspects of plant development are associated with changing concentrations of the phytohormone auxin. Several stages of root formation exhibit extreme sensitivities to exogenous auxin and are correlated with shifts in endogenous auxin concentration. In an effort to elucidate mechanisms regulating development of adventitious roots, an ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized M2 population of Arabidopsis was screened for mutants altered in this process. A recessive nuclear mutant, rooty (rty), displayed extreme proliferation of roots, inhibition of shoot growth, and other alterations suggesting elevated responses to auxin or ethylene. Wild-type Arabidopsis seedlings grown on auxin-containing media phenocopied rty, whereas rty seedlings were partially rescued on cytokinin-containing media. Analysis by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring-mass spectrometry showed endogenous indole-3-acetic acid concentrations to be two to 17 times higher in rty than in the wild type. Dose-response assays with exogenous indole-3-acetic acid indicated equal sensitivities to auxin in tissues of the wild type and rty. Combining rty with mutations conferring resistance to auxin (axr1-3) or ethylene (etr1-1) suggested that root proliferation and restricted shoot growth are auxin effects, whereas other phenotypic alterations are due to ethylene. Four mutant alleles from independently mutagenized populations were identified, and the locus was mapped using morphological and restriction fragment length polymorphism markers to 3.9 centimorgans distal to marker m605 on chromosome 2. The wild-type RTY gene product may serve a critical role in regulating auxin concentrations and thereby facilitating normal plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Successful maintenance of cellular lineages critically depends on the fate decision dynamics of stem cells (SCs) upon division. There are three possible strategies with respect to SC fate decision symmetry: (a) asymmetric mode, when each and every SC division produces one SC and one non-SC progeny; (b) symmetric mode, when 50% of all divisions produce two SCs and another 50%—two non-SC progeny; (c) mixed mode, when both the asymmetric and two types of symmetric SC divisions co-exist and are partitioned so that long-term net balance of the lineage output stays constant. Theoretically, either of these strategies can achieve lineage homeostasis. However, it remains unclear which strategy(s) are more advantageous and under what specific circumstances, and what minimal control mechanisms are required to operate them. Here we used stochastic modeling to analyze and quantify the ability of different types of divisions to maintain long-term lineage homeostasis, in the context of different control networks. Using the example of a two-component lineage, consisting of SCs and one type of non-SC progeny, we show that its tight homeostatic control is not necessarily associated with purely asymmetric divisions. Through stochastic analysis and simulations we show that asymmetric divisions can either stabilize or destabilize the lineage system, depending on the underlying control network. We further apply our computational model to biological observations in the context of a two-component lineage of mouse epidermis, where autonomous lineage control has been proposed and notable regional differences, in terms of symmetric division ratio, have been noted—higher in thickened epidermis of the paw skin as compared to ear and tail skin. By using our model we propose a possible explanation for the regional differences in epidermal lineage control strategies. We demonstrate how symmetric divisions can work to stabilize paw epidermis lineage, which experiences high level of micro-injuries and a lack of hair follicles as a back-up source of SCs.  相似文献   

Actin Cytoskeleton and the Shape of the Plant Cell (A Review)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Recent advances in the study of the cytoskeleton, actin cytoskeleton mainly, its involvement in plant-cell growth of various types, the creation of their specific shape, and also the pathways of intra- and extracellular signal transduction to the actin cytoskeleton are briefly considered. More detail information and the review of earlier publications may be found in numerous comprehensive reviews [1–6] and many others.  相似文献   

植物程序性细胞死亡检测技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程序性细胞死亡(PCD)是细胞死亡的方式之一,在植物发育及逆境响应等方面起着重要作用。主要介绍检测植物PCD的细胞学、生物化学、分子生物学及生理学方法,以及流式细胞仪在植物PCD检测中的应用。 Abstract:Programmed cell death (PCD) is an active way for plant cells marching to death,which plays an important role in plant development and stress responses.Cytological,biochemical,molecular and physiological methods for measuring plant PCD were reviewed.Application of flow cytometer to plant PCD research was also covered.  相似文献   

植物竞争研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
竞争系指两个以上有机体或物种间阻碍或制约的相互关系。它是塑造植物形态、生活史的主要动力之一;并对植物群落的结构和动态具有深刻的影响。因其在生态学的中心地位,生态学家已从不同的侧面研究了这一复杂的生态学现象;生态学也因此而得到了发展。然而,人们对竞争的理解不尽一致,因而导致了概念上的混乱,平行研究相对缺乏、不同研究间的比较困难,从而阻碍了学科的发展。本文试就植物竞争的概念、竞争理论、竞争研究的实验方法、影响竞争能力的主要因素、种内和种间竞争对种群和群落的影响,如竞争与物种共存等进行综述;我们在总结研究成就的同时,亦指出了现有研究的局限性。  相似文献   

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