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In the present study, the costly signaling theory (CST) is used to examine the effect of an offer of charity on social recognition. On behalf of a charitable organization, 186 students enrolled in 16 different courses were asked to offer support to unfamiliar persons in need. In accordance with our predictions, the results show that significantly more subjects are willing to give assistance if they make charity offers in the presence of their group members than when the offers are made in secret. In accordance with CST—but not with the prevailing explanations in social psychology—the likelihood of charity service was strongly influenced by the expected cost of altruistic behavior. Publicly demonstrated altruistic intentions yielded long-term benefits: Subjects who were willing to participate in a particular charity activity gained significantly higher sociometry scores (as a sign of social recognition) than did others. The cost of volunteerism correlated with social recognition in the case of a charity act judged as the most expensive (giving assistance to mentally retarded children), but not for the other categories of charity offer. Our results suggest that public generosity towards strangers as a costly signal may convey reliable information about subjects' personality traits, such as cooperativeness, but our data do not support the hypothesis that the signaling mechanism is related to sexual selection and mate choice.  相似文献   

!Kung San (Bushman) hunter-gatherers have unusually high levels of mother-infant contact and represent one of the environments of human evolutionary adaptedness (EEAs). Studies among the !Kung show that levels of crying—the most basic sign of mammalian infant distress—are low, and response to crying is high, and some suggest that responses are overwhelmingly maternal. We show that although !Kung mothers respond to crying most often, one-third of crying bouts are managed solely by someone else. Mothers responded to all bouts lasting ≥30 s, but in half of these responses they were joined by one or more others. Mothers are the most consistent responders, but multiple caregiving is common. The mother is rarely alone when her baby cries; others often substitute or join her in interventions. This social support may facilitate the high levels of maternal responsiveness characteristic of the !Kung, and of hunter-gatherers generally, but it is also consistent with recent theory emphasizing nonmaternal care (allocare) and cooperative breeding.  相似文献   

Human growth in early life has major implications for fitness. During this period, the mother regulates the growth of her offspring through placental nutrition and lactation. However, parent-offspring conflict theory predicts that offspring are selected to demand more resources than the mother is selected to provide. This general issue has prompted the development of begging theory, which attempts to find the optimal levels of offspring demand and parental provisioning. Several models have been proposed to account for begging behavior, whether by biochemical or behavioral pathways, including: (1) blackmail of parents; (2) scramble competition between multiple offspring; (3) honest signaling of nutritional need; and (4) honest signaling of offspring worth. These models are all supported by data from nonhuman animals, with species varying according to which model is relevant. This paper examines the evidence that human suckling and crying signal nutritional demand, need, and worth to the mother. While suckling provides hormonal stimulation of breast milk production and signals hunger, crying fulfills a different role, with evidence suggesting that it signals both worth and need for resources (nutrition and thermoregulation). The role of signaling in nutritional demand is examined in the context of three common health problems that have traditionally been assumed to have physiological rather than behavioral causes: excess weight gain, failure to thrive, and colic. The value of such an evolutionary approach lies in its potential to enhance behavioral management of these conditions.  相似文献   

“Postnatal depression” denotes the syndrome of dysphoria, debility, and anxiety that follows childbirth in about 10–20% of women (as variously estimated). Its etiology is seen to be lodged in a variety of psychosocial as well as biological factors, among which the isolating and pressured culture of contemporary society (especially for women/mothers) is commonly singled out as a powerful precipitator. This view is extended here through the evolutionary perspective which casts maternal distress as a set of adaptive responses with the function, in ancestral environments, of soliciting support for a mother who feels that her maternal responsiveness may be threatened. As continuous caretaking of the infant is the active expression of evolved maternal responsiveness, departures from this pattern result in anxiety and distress that seek resolution. Manifestations of maternal distress in contemporary society are dysfunctional, however, since the present social structure does not provide spontaneous and immediate support that can spring forth within small, closely knit social units. Furthermore, for present-day mothers distress is self-perpetuating since the ingrained tendency toward continuing responsiveness rarely finds practical expression and is thus converted into anxious vigilance and depression. This view generates the hypothesis that the emotional and cognitive contents of maternal vigilance are associated with the needs of the infant and will therefore be focused on crying and feeding. A number of qualitative studies of women’s experiences during the postpartum bear out this prediction and support the feasibility of the evolutionary hypothesis of “postnatal depression” as a set of adaptive responses, now out of place in a novel environment.  相似文献   

Calcium is a crucial messenger in many growth and developmental processes in plants. The central mechanism governing how plant cells perceive and respond to environmental stimuli is calcium signal transduction, a process through which cellular calcium signals are recognized, decoded, and transmitted to elicit downstream responses. In the initial decoding of calcium signals, Ca2+ sensor proteins that bind Ca2+ and activate downstream signaling components are implicated, thereby regulating specific physiological and biochemical processes. After calcineurin B-like proteins (CBLs) sense these Ca2+ signatures, these proteins interact selectively with CBL-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs), thereby forming CBL/CIPK complexes, which are involved in decoding calcium signals. Therefore, specificity, diversity, and complexity are the main characteristics of the CBL-CIPK signaling system. However, additional CBLs, CIPKs, and CBL/CIPK complexes remain to be identified in plants, and the specific functions of their abiotic and biotic stress signaling will need to be further dissected. Therefore, a much-needed synthesis of recent findings is important to further the study of CBL-CIPK signaling systems. Here, we review the structure of CBLs and CIPKs, discuss the current knowledge of CBL–CIPK pathways that decode calcium signals in Arabidopsis, and link plant responses to a variety of environmental stresses with specific CBL/CIPK complexes. This will provide a foundation for future research on genetically engineered resistant plants with enhanced tolerance to various environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Although Error Management Theory (EMT) can explain male sexual overperception, more advanced Signal Detection Theory (SDT) analyses can identify sensitivity and bias separately. An SDT analysis of perceptions of relatively clear interest/disinterest signals (Study 1) found that sensitivity to sexual interest/disinterest signals drove participants' perceptions, rather than an overall bias to perceive sexual interest. Cues of interest were generally underperceived, while sensitivity and accuracy were uniformly high. EMT analysis also found overall sexual interest underperception, but with men slightly overperceiving interest relative to women. These discrepant results were due to EMT using difference scores, which obscure baseline perceptions for men and women. Individual differences in life history strategy, mating strategy, and mate value did not affect sensitivity or bias. Study 2 largely replicated these results using more ambivalent scenarios, except EMT analyses found men's misperception to be significantly larger than women's, despite being closer to pre-rated communication levels. These results show that sexual communication may be more nuanced than previously thought, and that an SDT analysis is more appropriate for such data.  相似文献   

Wnt genes are often expressed in overlapping patterns, where they affect a wide array of developmental processes. To address the way in which various Wnt signals elicit distinct effects we compared the activities of two Wnt genes in Drosophila, DWnt-4, and wingless. We show that these Wnt signals produce distinct responses in cells of the dorsal embryonic epidermis. Whereas wingless acts independently of hedgehog signaling in these cells, we show that DWnt-4 requires Hh to elicit its effects. We also show that expression of Wg signal transduction components does not mimic expression of DWnt-4, suggesting that DWnt-4 signaling proceeds through a distinct pathway. The dorsal epidermis may therefore be useful in the identification of novel Wnt signaling components. Received: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 19 August 1999  相似文献   

Wnt and Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signals are known to pattern the somite into dermomyotomal, myotomal and sclerotomal cell fates. By employing explants of presomitic mesoderm cultured with constant levels of Wnt3a conditioned medium and increasing levels of Shh, we found that differing levels of Shh signaling elicit differing responses from somitic cells: the lowest level of Shh signaling allows dermomyotomal gene expression, intermediate levels induce loss of dermomyotomal markers and activation of myogenic differentiation, and higher levels induce loss of myotomal markers and activation of sclerotomal gene expression. In addition, we have found that in the presence of high levels of Wnt signaling, instead of inducing sclerotomal markers, Shh signals act to maintain the expression of dermomyotomal and myotomal markers. One of the sclerotomal genes induced by high levels of Shh signaling is Nkx3.2. Forced expression of Nkx3.2 blocks somitic expression of the dermomyotomal marker Pax3 both in vitro and in vivo. Conversely, forced expression of Pax3 in somites can block Shh-mediated induction of sclerotomal gene expression and chondrocyte differentiation in vitro. Thus we propose that varying levels of Shh signaling act in a morphogen-like manner to elicit differing responses from somitic cells, and that Pax3 and Nkx3.2 set up mutually repressing cell fates that promote either dermomyotome/myotome or sclerotome differentiation, respectively.  相似文献   

Viruses typically elicit potent adaptive immune responses, and live-virus-based vaccines are among the most efficient human vaccines known. The mechanisms by which viruses stimulate adaptive immune responses are not fully understood, but activation of innate immune signaling pathways in the early phase of the infection may be of importance. In addition to stimulating immune responses to viral antigens expressed in infected cells, viruses can also provide adjuvant signals to coimmunized protein antigens. Using recombinant Semliki Forest virus (rSFV)-based vaccines, we show that rSFV potently enhanced antibody responses against coimmunized protein antigens in the absence of other exogenously added adjuvants. Elicitation of antibody responses against both virus-encoded antigens and coimmunized protein antigens was independent of the signaling via Toll-like receptors (TLRs) previously implicated in antiviral responses. In contrast, the adjuvant effect of rSFV on coimmunized protein was completely abolished in mice lacking the alpha/beta interferon (IFN-alpha/beta) receptor (IFN-AR1), demonstrating that IFN-alpha/beta signaling was critical for mediating this effect. Antibody responses directed against virus-encoded antigens were intact in IFN-AR1(-/-) mice, suggesting that other signals are sufficient to drive immune responses against virally encoded antigens. These data provide a basis for the adjuvant effect of rSFV and show that different signals are required to stimulate antibody responses to virally encoded antigens and to antigens administered as purified protein vaccines, together with viral particles.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2013,8(11)
The relationship between suicidality and major depression is complex. Socio- demography, clinical features, comorbidity, clinical symptoms, and stressful life events are important factors influencing suicide in major depression, but these are not well defined. Thus, the aim of the present study was to assess the associations between the above-mentioned factors and suicide ideation, suicide plan, and suicide attempt in 6008 Han Chinese women with recurrent major depression (MD). Patients with any suicidality had significantly more MD symptoms, a significantly greater number of stressful life events, a positive family history of MD, a greater number of episodes, a significant experience of melancholia, and earlier age of onset. Comorbidity with dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia, and animal phobia was seen in suicidal patients. The present findings indicate that specific factors act to increase the likelihood of suicide in MD. Our results may help improve the clinical assessment of suicide risk in depressed patients, especially for women.  相似文献   

Recent models of signaling have assumed that the expenditure required to ensure detection of a display is negligible and have concentrated instead on the costs that may be necessary to maintain honesty. Such models predict that individuals who share the same interests are likely to communicate using “conspiratorial whispers,” signals that are cheap and inconspicuous. Here, I present a game-theoretical model of signal detection (in a noisy environment, in the presence of potential eavesdroppers), which demonstrates that the idea of conspiratorial whispers is far too simplistic. It is true that in “cooperative” signaling systems (where signalers attempt to elicit responses that are beneficial for receivers), signal cost is not required to maintain honesty. However, some level of expenditure is still needed to ensure that a signal is reliably detected. Moreover, there exists a conflict of interest between signalers and receivers over the division of this expenditure. To predict the stable level of display in such cases, one needs to know how this conflict of interest will be resolved. The model reveals that the outcome may range from a whisper to a conspicuous and costly (though still conspiratorial) display. The more closely related the receiver is to the signaler, the greater the level of signal exaggeration that is expected—the opposite prediction to that of honest signaling models.  相似文献   

A theory is presented outlining how organisms can function and benefit from multifunctionality of hormones in order to enhance greatly the information-carrying potential of endocrine signaling. Hormones are produced continuously as micropulses, and intermittently as larger pulses. It is generally believed that micropulses generate fluctuating basal hormone concentrations, which may consistently elicit particular responses among diverse variables. Evidence is discussed suggesting that in contrast to the hormone micropulses, the larger endogenous hormone pulses may elicit responses which may differ from one pulse to another and may therefore serve different physiological functions. In this paper we postulate that an endogenous hormone pulse is a specific form of a multisignal message that serves a certain physiological function. Different pulses of a hormone may be signals of diverse multisignal messages that serve different functions. A multisignal message may elicit congruous responses by selectively enhancing some actions and suppressing other actions of the component signals. Various roles of signals of multisignal messages are discussed, as well as processes that may be involved in the diversity and selectivity of actions of different pulses of a hormone. Hormones also are converted into other hormones; we analyze how precursor and derived hormones may function independently of each other, and how precursor hormones may give rise to permissive effects. Mechanisms involved in therapeutic and adverse effects of hormone administrations are analyzed, and a strategy is suggested for developing more selective hormonal therapies.  相似文献   

Hedgehog signaling plays a conserved role in inhibiting fat formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

BACKGROUND: Some research suggests that girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), who are exposed to higher than normal levels of prenatal androgens, perform better on spatial tasks, worse on verbal tasks and have a greater incidence of left-handedness than unaffected controls, all of which suggests the development of a more male-typical cognitive pattern. However, research in all three areas has produced inconsistent findings. OBJECTIVES: To determine if prenatal androgen exposure has an organizing effect on female cognitive development and to what extent. METHODS: 24 women, 21-71 years, with either the salt-losing (SL) or simple virilizing (SV) forms of CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, and 18 controls, 21-73 years, who were unaffected female relatives or women with polycystic ovary syndrome, were assessed with IQ, handedness, executive function, verbal learning and memory, non-verbal learning and memory, perceptual speed, visuospatial processing and visuomotor ability measures. The battery included tests known to elicit sex differences and control measures. RESULTS: The findings did not support the hypothesis that women with CAH develop a more male-typical cognitive pattern. CONCLUSION: This study differs from others in the older age of its participants, grouping by SL/SV diagnosis and assessment of medical treatment and compliance as determined through hormone assays. Our findings provide additional support for the conclusion that, in adult women with CAH, previous prenatal androgen exposure does not enhance spatial abilities, impair verbal abilities nor alter hand preferences in a long-lasting way.  相似文献   

Plants need to respond quickly and appropriately to various types of light signals from the environment to optimize growth and development. The immediate response to shading, reduced photon flux (low light), and changes in spectral quality involves changes in gene regulation. In the case of more persistent shade, the plant shows a dramatic change in the organization of chromatin. Both plant responses are controlled via photoreceptor signaling proteins. Recently, several studies have revealed similar features of chromatin reorganization in response to various abiotic and biotic signals, while others have unveiled intricate molecular networks of light signaling towards gene regulation. This opinion paper briefly describes the chromatin (de)compaction response from a light-signaling perspective to provide a link between chromatin and the molecular network of photoreceptors and E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes.  相似文献   

张蔓丽  卢彦平  李亚里 《遗传》2015,37(3):233-239
初级纤毛是一类以微管为基础结构的细胞器,其来源于细胞的母中心粒,锚定在细胞膜并如“天线”般突出细胞表面。作为细胞感受器,初级纤毛从环境中接受各种信号,传导至细胞内引起细胞反应。近期的研究表明,初级纤毛对与胚胎发育密切相关的Wnt信号通路的传导起重要作用。纤毛的损害可造成Wnt信号通路的异常,并引起胚胎中多类脏器一系列的病理改变,导致初级纤毛相关疾病的发生。文章主要阐述了初级纤毛与Wnt/β-catenin、Wnt/PCP通路及初级纤毛相关疾病之间的关系,并对初级纤毛相关疾病的治疗进行了初步探讨。对初级纤毛与Wnt信号通路关系的深入研究将有助于人们对该类疾病的进一步诊断和治疗。  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9-10):1813-1828
Research interest concerning associations between sleep characteristics and suicidality in psychopathology has been growing. However, possible linkages of suicidality to sleep characteristics in terms of sleep quality and chronotypes among depressive patients have not been well documented. In the current study, the authors investigated the possible effects of sleep quality and chronotype on the severity of depressive symptoms and suicide risk in patients with depressive disorder and healthy controls. The study was conducted on 80 patients clinically diagnosed with major depression and 80 healthy subjects who were demographically matched with the patient group. All participants completed a questionnaire package containing self-report measures, including the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ), and Suicide Ideation Scale (SIS), and subjects were interviewed with the suicidality section of the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). Results are as follows: (a) logistic regression analyses revealed that poor sleep quality and depression symptom severity significantly predicted onset of major depression; (b) morningness-type circadian rhythm may play as a significant relief factor after onset of major depression; (c) sleep variables of chronotype and sleep quality did not significantly predict suicide ideation after controlling for depressive symptoms in the major depression group; and (d) suicide ideation and poor sleep quality were antecedents of depression symptom severity in patients with major depression, and in healthy controls. Findings are discussed under the theoretical assumptions concerning possible relations between chronotype, sleep quality, depression, and suicidality. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Silk JB  Kaldor E  Boyd R 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(2):423-432
Most evolutionary analyses of animal communication suggest that low-cost signals can evolve only when both the signaller and the recipient rank outcomes in the same order. When there is a conflict of interest between sender and receiver, honest signals must be costly. However, recent work suggests that low-cost signals can be evolutionarily stable, even when the sender and the receiver rank outcomes in different orders, as long as the interest in achieving coordination is sufficiently great. In this paper, we extend this body of work by analysing a game theory model that shows that low-cost signals can evolve when there are conflicts of interest and no interest in coordination, as long as individuals interact repeatedly. We also present an empirical example indicating that female rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta, use honest, low-cost, vocal signals to facilitate interactions when conflicts of interest exist. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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