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Summary Permanent, drug-induced antigenic alterations, not detectable in parental cells and transmissible after the withdrawal of treatment with the drug, have been obtained in mouse lymphoma. Viable L1210/DTIC cells, because they are rejected by syngeneic animals and carry L1210-associated TAA, can elicit host resistance to a subsequent inoculum of parental L1210. Mice challenged with viable L1210/DTIC cells, following rejection, were more resistant than mice immunized with inactivated parental cells. Resistance was specific and related to the immunogenicity of the TAA of the original tumor line employed.Active immunization was potentiated by adoptive transfer of immune lymphocytes, as evidenced by marked improvement in animal survival. Also, the treatment of tumor-bearing animals with anticancer compounds in conjunction with immunological alteration may result in an improved therapeutic response. BCNU administered to immunized animals 6 days after challenge with parental tumor cells resulted in augmented host survival, possibly attributable to partial resistance of a secondary immune response to the drug and a late nadir of immunosuppression, occurring after the completion of therapeutic action. Cyclophosphamide given before immunization enhanced host survival to a subsequent challenge of L1210 leukemia, conceivably as the result of preferential inhibition of T suppressor cells.  相似文献   

Mice of the DBA strain were inoculated with 4.5 x 10(6) L1210 ascites cells and the time response of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial complex was studied. The amount of neurosecretory material was determined in the neuroendocrine cells of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, throughout the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial tract and in the neural lobe of the hypophysis. Three methods of response evaluation were employed: the amoount of neurosecretory material was estimated according to an arbitrary scale, by cytophotometry while for the hypothalamic cell-nuclei the karyometric method was used. The existence of a functional interrelation between the presence of leukemic cells and the activity of the hormonogenic sites in the hypothalamus is suggested. A clear response to the tumor inoculation was established both in the amount of stainable substance and in the nuclear volume of the secretory neurones. It is suggested that an accelerated synthesis and release of neurosecretory material in tumor recipient mice reduces renal excretion in order to compensate a dehydration caused by the production of ascitic fluid.  相似文献   

The transfer of lymphocytes from NIH mice infected with Leishmania tropica major to nonimmune syngeneic mice, which had received 600 rad irradiation, markedly altered the course of subsequent Leishmania mexicana and L.t. major infections in these animals, when compared with infections in irradiated mice reconstituted with lymphocytes from uninfected animals. Some resistance to L. mexicana could be transferred with unfractionated lymphocytes, mixed nylon wool adherent, and nonadherent lymphocytes and to a lesser extent by nylon wool nonadherent cells alone but not by the adherent population. When the recipients of “immune” lymphocytes were infected with L.t. major the resulting lesions were either small and did not ulcerate, or grew rapidly, ulcerated, and healed. The course of L.t. major in the recipients depended on whether the donor of “immune” lymphocytes had a healed or a healing lesion. Immunity to L.t. major was largely associated with the nylon wool nonadherent population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Two serotypes of autonomously replicating parvoviruses infect laboratory mice. Genome regions coding for the nonstructural proteins of minute virus of mice [MVM] and mouse parvovirus [MPV] are almost identical, whereas capsid-coding sequences are divergent. We addressed these questions: Does humoral immunity confer protection from acute infection after challenge with homotypic or heterotypic parvovirus, and if it confers protection against acute MPV infection, does it also protect against persistent MPV infection? METHODS: Infant mice without maternal antibody or antibody to MVM or MPV and young adult mice given normal mouse serum or antibody to MVM or MPV were challenged with homotypic or heterotypic virus. In situ hybridization with target tissues was the indicator of infection. RESULTS: Humoral immunity failed to confer protection against acute heterotypic parvovirus infection. In passive transfer studies, MPV DNA was observed occasionally in lymph nodes, intestine, or the spleen of MPV-challenged mice given homotypic antibody and kept for 6 or 28 days. Variable proportions of mice given MPV antibody and homotypic challenge had viral DNA in lymphoid tissues 56 days after virus inoculation. CONCLUSION: A mouse or colony that has sustained infection with MVM or MPV is probably fully susceptible to infection with the heterotypic virus.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to extend our previous findings as to the role of murine NK cells in host protection to a challenge infection with virulent Salmonella typhimurium SR-11. B6D2F1 mice were depleted of NK cells with anti-asialo GM1 or a monoclonal antibody, anti-NK 1.1, followed by a salmonellae challenge. Significantly decreased numbers of splenic bacteria (P less than 0.005) in the NK cell-depleted mice were note at 12, 24, and 48 hr postchallenging, compared to the sham-injected control animals. When Percoll gradient-enriched large granular lymphocytes (NK cells) were adoptively transferred to NK cell-depleted mice followed by challenging, the splenic bacterial numbers were comparable to those present in NK cell-intact, control mice. These data indicate that large granular lymphocytes (NK cells) are responsible for the down-regulation of the protective host response in mice challenged with the facultative intracellular parasite. S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

Summary L1210 leukemia cells were treated in vitro with 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and reovirus to determine their interactive effects on rejection of these tumor cells by mice. The cells were treated with BCNU at concentrations of 0, 3, or 10 M, incubated for 48 h, then treated with reovirus at a multiplicity of infection of 0, 10, 30, or 100 for 2, 6, or 12 h. The survival of mice injected with cells treated with any amount of reovirus, regardless of BCNU treatment, was greater than that of mice injected with untreated cells. Exposure of the cells to reovirus for 6 or 12 h increased the survival of mice injected with these cells as compared with that of mice injected with cells exposed to reovirus for 2 h. Of the survivors, 76% were resistant to subsequent challenge with untreated L1210 cells. These results suggest that activities associated with reovirus replication may cause modifications of L1210 cells that enable them to induce an immune response, thus facilitating their rejection. A lack of correlation between differences in DNA synthesis (measured by 3H-thymidine uptake) by treated cells and the ability of those cells to kill recipient mice indicates that rejection of cells treated with reovirus or BCNU is not due to a decrease in their ability to proliferate or, presumably, to generate lethal tumors. The survival of mice injected with treated L1210 cell preparations containing as few as 2.9% reovirus-infected cells was enhanced to the same degree as that of mice injected with those containing as many as 14.6% infected cells, indicating that modification of only a minor component of the tumor cell population is sufficient to alter the ability of the cells to generate a lethal tumor.This work was supported by a research grant from the Miami University Faculty Research Committee and a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research  相似文献   

During the course of immunization of (C3H × DBA/2)F1 mice (genotype H-2k/b) with L cell (H-2k/k)/L1210 leukemia cell (H-2d/d) hybrids and L1210 leukemia cells, some of them produced a good titer of anti-self-H-2 (H-2d) antibodies. Antigens recognized by this anti-self-H-2 antiserum were shown to be controlled by the H-2K-IA-IB-IJ-IE subregions of the H-2d but not H-2k nor H-2b haplotypes of parental as well as F1 origins and to have a tissue distribution identical to that of class 1 H-2 (H-2K/D) antigens.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of neuraminidase-treated, drug-resistant L1210 sublines in active immunotherapy of L1210 leukemia was evaluated. Optimal conditions for the establishment of in vitro, drug-resistant cells included (a) proper drug concentration, (b) the use of logarithmic-phase cultures in fresh medium, containing 5 or 10% serum, and (c) continual exposure to drug. Active immunotherapy, after tumor burden was reduced with chemotherapy, with neuraminidase-treated cells alone was either effective or deleterious, depending upon the drug-resistant subline used for immunization. The combination of BCG and neuraminidase-treated cells was superior to treatment with chemotherapy only. Optimal response was observed with the use of parental L1210 cells, combined with BCG, in immunotherapy of parental L1210 tumor. The results emphasize that an important prerequisite to successful immunotherapy is that tumor vaccines must elicit immunologic products which are cytotoxic for residual tumor.Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Masters of Science Degree, University of Oklahoma  相似文献   

Antigen-specific syngeneic noncytolytic helper T lymphocyte clones were investigated for their ability to mediate successful adoptive chemoimmunotherapy (ACIT) of mice with established RBL5 tumors. Clone B10, specific for the viral coat m.w. 70,000 glycoprotein, could be rapidly activated in situ after local transfer with intact tumor cells in syngeneic hosts to produce a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. For ACIT, mice bearing 5-day-old tumors received cyclophosphamide followed by transfer of resting helper T lymphocyte clones with or without exogenous interleukin 2 (rIL-2). A single injection of clone B10 was effective in ACIT when followed by a short course of exogenous rIL-2. Alternatively, repeated injections of resting clone were also effective without exogenous rIL-2, suggesting that the major role for rIL-2 was prolongation of clone survival in vivo rather than activation of other effector cells. Clone F12, specific for a component of fetal calf serum, was not effective in ACIT either with or without rIL-2, even when administered under conditions known to result in clone activation. Thus, antigen-specific helper T lymphocyte clones are capable of activation and promotion of antitumor responses after adoptive transfer.  相似文献   

Summary BDF1 mice bearing L1210 leukemia were treated with chemotherapy or in combination with neuraminidase-treated cells and BCG. Histological evaluation was done on these mice at various intervals after therapy in order to determine the rate and extent of metastatic involvement in various tissues and organs. Results were compared to tumor-bearing mice which were not treated. In all animals, tissues were classed as having minimal involvement, moderate involvement or maximal involvement based on a scale of 0 through 4. Results indicated that: (a) mice which were long term survivors did not completely reject their tumor for weeks after treatment with chemotherapy and immunotherapy; (b) complete tumor rejection did not indicate a restoration of normal tissue integrity; and (c) failure of chemotherapy-immunotherapy had no consistent pathology, but was probably due to tumor distribution rather then tumor burden per se.This study was supported, in part, by Contract No. NO1-CB-43864 and Grant No. CA 14460 from the National Cancer InstituteThe Abbreviations used are: BCNU; 1,3-bis-(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitros-ourea; Saline: 0.9% NaCl solution; BCG: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin; C. parvum: Corynebacterium parvum; pfu: plaque-forming units  相似文献   

A circadian stage-dependent anti-tumor effect of cyclosporine was tested on 268 female DBA mice, 9-10 weeks of age. The mice were kept in 6 different environmental chambers on regimens of 12h of light alternating with 12h of darkness, staggered by 4h: they were inoculated intraperitoneally with 2 X 10(5) L1210 cells at one of 6 different circadian stages. At the same circadian stage, starting 48h after inoculation, for 4 days, each mouse received the vehicle, a fixed dose of cyclosporine (15 mg/kg b.w.), a varying dose of cyclosporine 5, 10, 20 and 25 mg/kg b.w.) or no treatment. Cyclosporine prolonged survival time in a circadian stage dependent fashion (p less than 0.01), as shown by an analysis of variance and by cosinor analysis (mesor = 8.45h; amplitude = 5.45h; acrophase = 12 HALO). Cyclosporine thus acts, in a feed-sideward, as a chronomodulator of the interaction between the tumor and its host.  相似文献   

Summary The serum of mice hyperimmune to L1210 leukemia was cytotoxic to L1210 cells and, to a much lesser extent, to P388 cells in the presence of complement. However, it did not suppress in vitro growth of L1210 cells, nor did it endow a recipient mouse with immunity to inoculated L1210 cells. This indicates that the serum did not play a significant role, if any, in immune protection of hyperimmune mice.Spleen and peritoneal exudate cells of hyperimmune mice suppressed the in vitro growth of L1210 but not of P388 cells. This is consistent with the fact that hyperimmune mice did not survive the inoculation of P388 cells. The immunocytes failed to suppress the in vitro growth of L1210 cells when preincubated with anti-Thy-1.2 antisera and complement. This, together with the finding that cell populations not adherent to a plastic dish suppressed in vitro growth of L1210 cells, indicates that T cells of immune spleen and peritoneal exudate cell populations were the effectors that suppressed in vitro growth of L1210 cells. Hyperimmune mice lost their immune protection in vivo following the administration of anti-thymocyte antisera, but not with carrageenan or silica, which resulted in the lethal growth of the inoculated L1210 cells. This indicates that T cells were in vivo effectors in immune protection.Hyperimmune spleen T cells endowed a recipient with immunity to L1210 leukemia when transferred in vivo. This confirmed the above results and suggests the applicability of immune cells in an adoptive immunotherapy approach.  相似文献   

Spleen and lymph node cells taken from strain 2 and strain 13 guinea pigs at the peak of their primary immune response to cutaneous syphilitic infection could transfer partial protection to symptomatic disease to normal syngeneic recipients challenged with the Nichols strain of Treponema pallidum. These recipients of immune cells had significantly fewer treponemes disseminating to the regional lymph nodes and developed fewer and less severe cutaneous lesions that resolved faster than those in guinea pigs that had been infused with normal lymphoid cells. Immune donor cells also had the capacity to transfer specific delayed-type hypersensitivity responses for T. pallidum antigens. Both T and B cells were effective in conferring anti-syphilis immunity which was associated with the almost immediate development and persistence of substantially elevated levels of circulating anti-treponemal antibody in the protected recipients. Our findings in this adoptive transfer system provide the first direct experimental evidence implicating both cellular and humoral components of the immune response as important effector mechanisms in host resistance to the pathogenic spirochete causing venereal syphilis.  相似文献   

Passive transfer of immune serum alone did not confer protection to recipient mice irrespective of the routes of serum transfer or cercarial challenge of Schistosoma mansoni. Mice that received both sensitized cells and immune serum were protected against challenge by subcutaneous injection of cercariae but not by percutaneous exposure. The immune serum could be transferred as late as 8 days after subcutaneous challenge, suggesting that the protection was afforded in part by a late parasite killing mechanism which functions after the schistosomula have migrated through the lungs.  相似文献   

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