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1.  While collecting nectar in hovering flight the European hawk moth Macroglossum stellatarum efficiently regulates its distance relative to flowers that are shaken by wind. This can be demonstrated in laboratory experiments by moving dummy flowers (blue cardboard disks) towards and away from the feeding animal (Fig. 1).
2.  Distance regulation is predominantly mediated by visual cues. Mechanoreceptors on the proboscis appear to contribute little to the response.
3.  Movements of dummy flowers can be simulated by expanding and contracting a pattern projected onto a screen. With this technique we investigated the dynamical properties of the servo mechanism underlying distance regulation. The system behaves as a bandpass filter with corner frequencies of 0.15 and 5 Hz (Figs.2,3).
4.  When a high-speed ramp-like movement of the flower is simulated, there is an asymmetry in the response. During simulated approach the reaction is phasic-tonic with a pronounced overshoot at the beginning, during simulated retraction it remains tonic (Fig.5B,C).
5.  During distance regulation the animals compensate for the speed of the edge of the projected pattern. Distance regulation improves substantially when the number of stimulated elementary movement detectors is increased through increasing the number of contour lines by projecting concentric rings instead of a homogeneous disk (Figs.7, 8).

Optomotor responses of freely flying hawk moths, Macroglossum stellatarum, were characterized while the animals were hovering in front of and feeding on a dummy flower. Compensatory translational and rotational movements of the hawk moth were elicited by vertical grating patterns moving horizontally, mimicking imposed rotational and translational displacements of the animal in the horizontal plane. Oscillatory translational and rotational pattern motion leads to compensatory responses that peak in the frequency range between 2 Hz and 4 Hz. The control systems mediating the translational and rotational components of the optomotor response do not seem to influence each other. The system mediating translational responses is more sensitive in the fronto-lateral part of the visual field than in the lateral part; the opposite is true for the rotational system. The sensitivity of the translational system does not change along the vertical, whereas the rotational system is much more sensitive to motion in the dorsal than in the ventral part of the visual field. These sensitivity gradients may reflect an adaptation to the specific requirements of position stabilization in front of flowers during feeding. Accepted: 13 August 1997  相似文献   

Response properties of neurons in the cervical connectives of the hummingbird hawk moth, Macroglossum stellatarum L., were determined. All neurons described in this account respond directionally selectively to motion in large parts of the visual field of either eye. They respond maximally to bilateral stimulation, preferring either motion as induced on the eyes during translatory movements of the animal or when it turns around one of its body axes. Cells most sensitive to rotational motion either respond best to rotation of the patterns around the vertical axis of the animal or around its longitudinal body axis. Neurons most sensitive to translational pattern motion respond best to either simulated translations of the animal along its vertical or along an oblique axis. Most types of neurons respond tonically and do not habituate. The sensitivity to motion stimuli is not evenly distributed within the receptive field of any investigated neuron. Part of these neurons might play a role in visual position and course stabilization. Accepted: 13 August 1997  相似文献   

Although nectar feeding in insects has long been studied, the knowledge of the effect of nectar energy content on the ingestion dynamics separately from the viscosity of the fluid is very limited. To determine the effects of both factors on the feeding behavior of the hovering hawk moth Macroglossum stellatarum, we developed a method to independently manipulate sucrose concentrations and viscosity. The intake rate was analyzed as a function of sucrose concentration, the concentration at constant viscosity (kept constant by adding tylose, an inert polysaccharide), and of the different viscosities of a 30% weight/weight (w/w) sucrose solution (by adding different amounts of tylose). By increasing the concentration, and thus its viscosity, the solution intake rate (in microl s (-1)) decreased beyond a 20% w/w sucrose solution. For a 30% sucrose solution, the intake rate decreased with increasing viscosity. At constant viscosity, the solution intake rate decreased beyond a 30% w/w sucrose solution. However, if we considered the quantity of sucrose ingested per unit time (sucrose intake rate), the same fitted maximum was attained for both series in which the sucrose concentration changed (33.6% w/w). Results suggest that the gustatory input affects the dynamics of fluid ingestion separately from the viscosity.  相似文献   

To determine the preference of the hovering hawk mothMacroglossum stellatarum for different sugar concentrations, the foraging behavior of adults were analyzed under laboratory conditions. Six sucrose concentrations (range, 10–60%, w/w) were simultaneously offered in six artificial ab libitum feeders. The number of feeding bouts and the duration of each visit were automatically recorded and stored in a computer. Results showed that the frequency of visits to the feeders did not vary among the different solutions offered, but the gathered volume by the group attained a maximum at between 20 and 50% (w/w). Moths invested more time in front of the feeder with the more concentrated sugar solutions. It was assumed that factors different from maximizing energy intake, such as water balance and viscosity of concentrated nectars, have to be considered in order to understand the observed patterns of nectar choice.  相似文献   

Defence responses to approaching objects were observed in the mantis Tenodera aridifolia. The mantis showed three kinds of behaviour, fixation, evasion and cryptic reaction. The cryptic reaction consisted of rapid retraction of the forelegs under the prothorax or rapid extending of the forelegs in the forward direction. Obstructing the mantis’ sight decreased its response rates, suggesting that the visual stimuli generated by an approaching object elicited the cryptic reaction. The response rate of the cryptic reactions was highest for objects that approached on a direct collision course. Deviation in a horizontal direction from the direct collision course resulted in a reduced response. The response rate of the cryptic reaction increased as the approaching velocity of the object increased, and the rate decreased as the object ceased its approach at a greater distance from the mantis. These results suggest that the function of the observed cryptic reactions is defence against impending collisions. The possible role of the looming-sensitive neuron in the cryptic reaction is also discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Vibrations of the thorax and electrical activity (EMG) of gypsy moth flight muscles were recorded during wing fanning following pheromone stimulation. The percentage of positive responses and durations of bursts of flight muscle activity increased with the logarithm of pheromone dose, whereas latency decreased. The results correlated well with wing fanning responses of freely moving gypsy moths exposed to nearly identical stimulus conditions. Typical dose-response curves in the range of 0.04-400ng disparlure were obtained in both types of experiments. These methods provide an electrical analogue of wing fanning behaviour.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Male oriental fruit moths, Grapholitha molesta (Busck) (Tortricidae), flew at lower overall and net ground velocities when they flew toward higher concentration pheromone sources. Turning frequency was greater with increased pheromone concentration, while the distance of turns from the plume axis back towards the axis decreased. Turning magnitude and inter-reversal track angles remained constant at all concentrations tested. Concomitant with the changes in ground velocity but constant inter-reversal angles, were decreases in airspeed, decreases in the moths' course angles and increases in their drift angles. The significance of these changes is discussed in relation to their possible role in a longitudinal chemoklinotactic programme of turning operating in conjunction with anemotaxis to allow location of a pheromone source in wind.  相似文献   


The potato tuber moth (PTM) Phthorimaea operculella is a critical potato pest. Larvae infest both foliage and tubers and mature larvae pupate in the soil or other safe places. Cordyceps tenuipes, an entomopathogenic fungus, infect lepidopteran pupae. To determine the effectiveness of this fungus as a biocontrol agent for PTM, we evaluated the time-concentration-mortality (TCM) response of PTM pupae to C. tenuipes using the following bioassays: (1) direct immersion in conidial suspensions, (2) incubation in sterilised or (3) unsterilised soilpremixed with conidia, and (4) incubation in unsterilised soil drenched with conidial suspensions to simulate field conditions. Fungal infection caused 100%, 83.3%, 73.3%, and 85.0% mortality of PTM pupae in assays 1–4, respectively. At 108 conidia/mL or conidia/g concentration, assays 1 and 4 had short lethal times (LT50) of 2.2 and 2.6 days compared with 3.7 and 4.8 days for assays 2 and 3, respectively. On day 7 after inoculation, assays 1 and 4 also had low lethal concentrations (LC50) of 1.69 × 103 conidia/mL and 1.10 × 105 conidia/g compared with those of assays 2 and 3, which showed low virulence, with LC50 of 3.50 × 105 and 3.60 × 106 conidia/mL, respectively. Our results demonstrate that C. tenuipes is a promising candidate for PTM biocontrol at the pupal stage. Drenching the soil surface with conidial suspensions may be the most effective method of field application.  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是重要的蛀果类害虫之一,目前性信息素广泛应用于梨小食心虫防治,为明确性信息素陷阱诱捕器的诱捕效果,针对开口方式设计四面开口和两面开口两种处理的陷阱诱捕器;针对口径的大小下设计2、3、4、5、6 cm的5种口径的对口瓶陷阱式诱捕器,分别在桃园对梨小食心虫进行诱捕试验,诱捕结果显示两面开口的诱捕器诱捕效果比四面开口的诱捕器效果显著,口径为2 cm和3 cm的陷井式诱捕器诱捕效果最佳,诱捕量显著高于5 cm和6 cm,诱捕量达34.6头/日和20.4头/日。通过试验明确了陷阱诱捕器的最佳诱捕效果的参数,同时为测报及田间大量诱杀的诱捕器使用提供依据,为防控梨小食心虫性信息素诱捕器提供标准化参数。  相似文献   

Melanic polymorphism in B. betularia has been extensively studied. Correlations between high melanic frequency and high levels of air pollution have been demonstrated. Kettlewell and others have shown that differential bird predation has an important effect on the maintenance of the polymorphism, and coefficients of visual selection have been obtained on the assumption that the moth habitually rests on tree trunks. Computer models based on these selective coefficients show that they are not sufficient accurately to explain observed melanic frequencies. Other non-visual selective factors and weak frequency-dependent selection have been invoked to improve fits. Analysis of the resting positions of moths recorded in the wild demonstrates that B. betularia does not usually rest in exposed positions on tree trunks, but rather rests on the underside of branches, on trunks in shaded positions just below major branch joints or on foliate twigs. The results of a pilot selection experiment, while agreeing qualitatively with Kettlewell's results, suggest that fitness estimates that assume trunk-resting are quantitively incorrect. The error is greatest for melanic moths in rural areas. It is suggested that visual selective coefficients based on a true assessment of the resting behaviour of the moths may considerably improve the fit between computer predictions and observed phenotype frequency distributions.  相似文献   

Migration of adult males is one of the important variables involved in the mathematical models of industrial melanism in Biston betularia. Values for this variable are based on data from a capture-recapture performed by Bishop (1972) using both local and bred moths which were at least one night old at release. We carried out an experiment to compare the rate of recapture close to the point of release for moths allowed to fly away immediately after their emergence around dusk and those which were at least one night old at release. Unheld moths were less likely to be recaptured suggesting that males have an initial dispersal phase on their first night which results in a higher rate of emigration than on subsequent nights. Such a phase would have been largely missed in Bishop's experiment. The implications of this type of behaviour pattern for the models of spatial variation based on a selection-migration balance are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The wing-fanning activation response of male Oriental fruit moths (OFM), Grapholita molesta (Busck), in the field to the three-component pheromone containing the female-produced ratio of components (Z8-12:OAc + 6% E8-12:OAc + 3% Z8-12:OH) was compared with the response to blends containing 2,10 and 20% E with 3% OH, and the 6% E blend containing 30 and 100% OH. Comparisons were made over three temperature ranges: 15–17, 20–21 and 26–28oC. Both the maximum response distance and male response specificity were significantly altered by changes in odour quality as well as temperature. For blends containing different Z/E ratios the maximum response distance increased significantly with temperature. Response specificity was most pronounced at the 20–21oC range, with males displaying a lower threshold for the natural 6% E ratio, evidenced by the fact that fewer males responded and at closer distances to the source with off-ratios. At 26–28oC response specificity for the Z/E ratios was much reduced, primarily due to more males activating to off-ratios. With blends containing different proportions of Z8-12:OH in the 6% E blend, increasing temperature increased the maximum response distance for all treatments, but in addition increasing the proportion of OH alone from 3% to 30% significantly increased the maximum response distance over the three temperature ranges tested. This increase occurred without affecting the proportion of responders or the distribution of response distances around the mean value. However, with 100% OH added to the blend, whereas male response was high at 20–21oC, the distribution of response distances was significantly more variable than with 3% or 30%, and male response was eliminated or very low at 15–17oC and 26–28oC. Our results support previous studies showing that peak response levels in this species are dependent on male perception of the natural blend of components, and that males have a high degree of specificity for the qualitative properties of the pheromone. However, the present results also extend those of previous flight tunnel tests in which response specificity was most pronounced in the upwind flight phase of the sequence, by showing that male OFM also display a  相似文献   

In addition to photoperiod, thermoperiod (or thermocycle) might be an important Zeitgeber for entraining the circadian oscillator controlling adult eclosion rhythm in the Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). This is confirmed by exposing larvae receiving diapause‐preventing treatments to various thermocycles with different means and amplitudes of temperature. The thermocycles investigated in the present study are TC 8 : 16 h, TC 12 : 12 h, TC 16 : 8 h and TC 20 : 4 h, where T and C represent thermophase (30 °C) and cryophase (20 °C), respectively. For all thermocycles, the peak of adult eclosion rhythm occurs at around the mid‐thermophase. This indicates that the larvae use both ‘temperature‐rise’ and ‘temperature‐fall’ signals to adjust the eclosion phase in each thermocycle. The absence (DD) or presence (LL) of light affects this time‐keeping system slightly under the given thermocycle. The rhythmic adult eclosion noted after exposure of larvae to 30 °C DD for 14 days is recorded in the thermocycles (TC 12 : 12 h, DD; mean temperature = 25 °C) with different amplitudes of 27.5/22.5 °C, 26.5/23.5 °C and 25.5/24.5 °C. The peak in adult eclosion advances in time as the amplitude of the temperature cycle decreases. In the temperature cycle of 25.5/24.5 °C, a peak occurs at the end of the cryophase, 2 h before the temperature‐rise. The adult eclosion rhythm is also observed under various thermocycles (TC 12 : 12 h, DD) consisting of different temperature levels (30 to 20 °C) with different amplitudes. It is found that the temporal position of the peak advances significantly when the amplitude of the thermocycle becomes lower.  相似文献   

The lipid peroxidation process in hemocytes, activities of phenoloxidase and key enzymatic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, glutathione‐S‐transferase, catalase) and nonenzymatic antioxidants (thiols, ascorbate) in hemolymph of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were studied during the encapsulation process of nylon implants. It has been established that as soon as 15 min after piercing a cuticle with the implant, a capsule is formed on its surface. Active melanization of the capsule has been shown to last for 4 h. During the first hours after incorporating the implant, an increase in phenoloxidase activity and lipid peroxidation in the insect hemocytes has been revealed. Adhesion and degranulation on the surface of foreign object lead to the depletion of total hemocytes count (THC). Our results indicated that thiols and ascorbate molecules take part in the immediate antioxidant response, during later stages of encapsulation process hemolymph glutathione‐S‐transferase detoxifies and protects insect organism thereby restoring the internal redox balance. We suggest that nonenzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants of hemolymph plasma play a key role in the maintenance of redox balance during encapsulation of foreign targets.  相似文献   

1. Chemical espionage in nature may occur when predators or parasitoids home in on animal or plant communication signals. Parasitoid wasps are known to use pheromones emitted by adults hosts to locate host eggs, larvae or pupae. The response of Trichogramma egg parasitoids to a synthetic sex pheromone blend of moths has been shown in a number of studies over the past 40 years. 2. Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) is a tiny parasitic wasp, attacking the eggs of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). This study investigated whether T. pretiosum homes in on the sex pheromone of H. virescens at close range. The arrestment response of the wasps to sex pheromone gland extracts of two types of female moths, so‐called high and low females, was also tested, referring to two selected extreme pheromone types of H. virescens. The study also investigated whether the wasps would mount females, possibly to hitchhike with them. 3. The wasps were arrested by the common, ‘low’ pheromone, but not by the rare, ‘high’ pheromone or by extracts from male hairpencils. The wasps did not show a preference for separate sex pheromone compounds, but when pre‐exposed to the major sex pheromone component of H. virescens before the tests together with H. virescens eggs, they did show a preference, indicating learning behaviour. In the mounting experiments, mated females were mounted significantly more than virgin females or males, suggesting that hitchhiking is a strategy used by these wasps to locate moth eggs. 4. This represents the first study to show a differential response of parasitoid wasps to two different sex pheromone types in a single host species. The results warrant further investigations into the potential role of parasitic wasps in the evolution of sexual communication in moths.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The periodicity of calling by female Platyptilia carduidactyla (Riley) is influenced by temperature and photoperiod. Both diurnal and nocturnal temperature changes shift the period of nocturnal calling, but in fundamentally different ways; lower daytime temperatures delay activity, while lower night temperatures result in earlier activity. Lengthening photoperiods result in activity earlier in the scotophase, but the period of activity does not maintain a constant phase relationship with either lights-on or lights-off. The periodicity of the behavioural response of males parallels that of calling by females, resulting in coordination of reproductive activities in the field. The result of these responses to environmental stimuli is that mating activity can occur throughout the year in coastal California.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies demonstrated that neonate larvae of the pea moth, Cydia nigricana, are susceptible to infection with a granulosis virus (CpGV) isolated from the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Comparative LC50 values for C. nigricana and C. pomonella are 1.90 × 105 and 1.54 × 104 capsules/ml of diet, respectively. The virus extracted from CpGV-infected pea moth larvae is serologically related, and probably identical, to CpGV.  相似文献   

The potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella is a serious pest of potato both in the field and storage that makes great problem in storage. Farmers routinely rely on chemical insecticides that could be hazardous for human health and environment. Insecticide resistance of P. operculella has been reported all over the world, so botanical origin materials may serve as proper alternative materials for controlling the pest. Natural products are generally preferred because of they are less harmful to non-target organisms, eco-friendly and biodegradable. In the present study, ovicidal activity of essential oils (EOs) of basil, European pennyroyal, lavender, mint, oregano and savoury and oviposition-deterrent activity of methanolic extracts of fumitory, lavender, licorice and oregano were investigated on P. operculella. Probit analysis showed that EOs of Lavandula angustifolia revealed the highest activity (LC50 value 0.4 μL/L air). Fumitory extract elicited the highest reduction in percentage of laying eggs. The results indicated that these medicinal plants could be effective for declining damage of P. operculella in storages.  相似文献   

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