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In the study of the drying kinetics of nerve fibres, at least five "phases" of water evaporation can be distinguished. A consideration of the accompanying changes in low-angle x-ray diffraction patterns permits a tentative identification of the "phases" and a quantitative interpretation of the data in terms of the water distribution in nerve fibres. These results suggest that the myelin sheath of frog sciatic nerve contains 40 to 50 per cent water, and it is suggested further that the greater part of this water is "organised" in relation to the hydrophilic groups of the lipide and protein components.  相似文献   

—Gangliosides have been isolated from myelin obtained from three types of peripheral nerve: bovine spinal roots, bovine sciatic nerve and human sciatic nerve. Yields in most cases were 218–287 μg of lipid-bound sialic acid per g myelin, less than half that previously obtained from CNS myelin. Myelin accounted for approx 60% of total ganglioside present in whole spinal root. The human sample contained only N-acetylneuraminic acid but the two bovine preparations contained that as well as N-glycolylneuraminic acid; N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine were both present in all three preparations. Sphingosine was the major long-chain base in each preparation while 4-eicosasphingenine (d20:1) comprised about 14% in the two bovine samples and 3% in the human sample. The major fatty acids in all preparations were 16:0, 18:0, 22:0, 24:0 and 24:1. Sialosylgalactosyl ceramide (G7), a ganglioside characteristic of CNS myelin, was not detected in any of the PNS samples. The majority of gangliosides in bovine spinal root myelin were monosialo species, although the structures differed in some respects from those of CNS myelin. The molar concentration of lipid-bound sialic acid in PNS myelin is roughly equivalent to that of the P1 basic protein.  相似文献   

The distribution of diphosphoinositide kinase activity in homogenates and myelin of rabbit nerve was determined by measuring the synthesis of labelled triphosphoinositide. Evidence is presented to show that the biosynthesis of triphosphoinositide in peripheral myelin involves a membrane-bound diphosphoinositide kinase.  相似文献   

Abstract— (1) Two myelin fractions of bovine peripheral nerve and spinal cord have been studied comparatively. Cholesterol as well as cerebroside content per mg of protein in the peripheral nerve myelin was less than that in the spinal cord myelin, while no significant difference in the total phospholipid content was noted.
(2) The basic proteins in myelin fractions were quantitatively estimated by disc gel electrophoresis. Around one-fourth of the total myelin protein in the bovine peripheral nerve was a basic protein with a mobility of 1.07 relative to lysozyme by Reisfeld's disc gel electrophoresis.
(3) The myelin proteins in the peripheral nerve were less completely solubilized than those of the spinal cord by treatment with deoxycholate as well as by Triton-salt solution. The protein fractions obtained from the peripheral nerve myelin by techniques similar to that for obtaining the proteolipids from the spinal cord myelin, contained different types of protein.
(4) 2',3'-Cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase activity in the peripheral nerve myelin was only one tenth of that in the spinal cord myelin. The Triton-salt insoluble fraction showed remarkable high activity among subfractions of the spinal cord myelin.
(5) By immunological studies, it may be concluded that an antigenic substance for experimental allergic neuritis was localized in the peripheral nerve myelin, but not in its basic protein.  相似文献   

The dehydration of rat optic nerve has been studied by allowing specimens to become partially or fully dried before fixation and preparation for electron microscopy. A correlation is established between electron micrographs of the myelin sheath and corresponding small-angle x-ray diffraction patterns. The modifications of the optic nerve myelin layers during drying were very similar to those described in more detail for the myelin of frog sciatic nerve. The most striking difference was that the system of fine layers characteristic of the fully dried myelin was much more extensive in the case of the optic nerve, and the layer thickness was significantly greater than the corresponding layer in the frog sciatic nerve preparation. The significance of these correlations is discussed.  相似文献   

The dehydration of frog sciatic nerve has been studied by allowing specimens to become partially or fully dried before fixation and preparation for electron microscopy. Low magnification electron micrographs of OsO4-fixed preparations showed marked tissue shrinkage which could be correlated quantitatively with the loss of water during the preliminary drying. KMnO4-fixation appeared to cause a rehydration of the dried tissue. Higher magnification electron micrographs of the OsO4-fixed preparations showed a sequence of modifications of the myelin layers which could be correlated with changes in the small-angle x-ray diffraction data which were recorded during drying. An intermediate stage of drying was characterised by a partial collapse of layers and a disappearance of the intraperiod dense line in some regions of the myelin sheath. Continuity between collapsed and non-collapsed layers was maintained throughout the sheath. The fully dried preparation showed two main modifications of the myelin layers. In many regions the layers (principal layers) resembled those of normal preparations, but showed an intensification and frequently a doubling of the intraperiod dense line. In addition, there was a very extensive system of fine (40 A periodicity) dense layers, some of which could be demonstrated to be continuous with the principal layers. In such cases it was observed that two of the fine layers were related to each principal layer. The correlation between diffraction data and electron microscope data is discussed, and some speculations are made concerning the molecular significance of the observations.  相似文献   

Abstract— Myelin fragments were isolated from bovine optic nerves and then exposed to solutions of NaCl, CaCl2, LaCl3 or to water. Measurements of the water content of myelin pellets and the hydrophobicity of myelin fragments indicated an apparent isoelectric point at about pH 4.0 which increased with increasing membrane counterion valence. The exposure of myelin to CaCl2 and LaCl3 solutions for 1 hr removed relatively more cholesterol and galactolipid than protein or phospholipid. The same changes were observed after 12 days of storage in all four solutions. Myelin ultrastructure was evaluated by electron microscopy after positive and negative staining. No pronounced changes in myelin ultra-structure were seen after exposure to any of these solutions although extensive beading of the lamellae was observed and the magnitude of the major period was greater than that reported for native myelin. While differences in the physical properties of myelin after exposure to Na+, Ca++, or La+++ ions could be explained by considering the fixed charge shielding capabilities of these cations, changes of state of the membrane infrastructure could not be ruled out. At pH values above 4.0 myelin fragments behaved like a cation exchange system.  相似文献   

This radioautographic study was designed to localize the cytological sites involved in the incorporation of a lipid precursor into the myelin and the myelin-related cell of the peripheral nervous system. Both myelinating and fully myelinated cultures of rat dorsal root ganglia were exposed to a 30-min pulse of tritiated choline and either fixed immediately or allowed 6 or 48 hr of chase incubation before fixation. After Epon embedding, light and electron microscopic radioautograms were prepared with Ilford L-4 emulsion. Analysis of the pattern of choline incorporation into myelinating cultures indicated that radioactivity appeared all along the length of the internode, without there being a preferential site of initial incorporation. Light microscopic radioautograms of cultures at varying states of maturity were compared in order to determine the relative degree of myelin labeling. This analysis indicated that the myelin-Schwann cell unit in the fully myelinated cultures incorporated choline as actively as did this unit in the myelinating cultures. Because of technical difficulties, it was not possible to determine the precise localization of the incorporated radioactivity within the compact myelin. These data are related to recent biochemical studies indicating that the mature myelin of the central nervous system does incorporate a significant amount of lipid precursor under the appropriate experimental conditions. These observations support the concept that a significant amount of myelin-related metabolic activity occurs in mature tissue; this activity is considered part of an essential and continuous process of myelin maintenance and repair.  相似文献   

Abstract— Myelin from the peripheral nervous system has been shown to contain two basic protein components and an electrophoretically slower-moving major protein, the 'J' band. The 'J' band protein cannot be selectively removed by aqueous or organic solvents and does not correspond to proteolipid or acidic protein. Histochemical stains applied to peripheral nervous systems myelin proteins separated by polyacrylamide electrophoresis indicate that 'J' band protein is analogous with the neurokeratin of the nerve sheath. Trypanophilia observed histochemically in unfixed myelin is principally due to basic proteins. With prolonged tryptic digestion 'J' band protein is degraded. Thus, previous classifications of myelin proteins based on trypsin sensitivity have been modified. All peripheral nervous system myelin proteins should be regarded as trypsin-sensitive, the basic protein being relatively more and the 'J' band protein relatively less susceptible.  相似文献   

Abstract— Antiserum to BF protein isolated from bovine spinal roots has been used to study the distribution of the protein in other species and tissues.
Significant amounts of protein could be demonstrated in bovine, pig and rabbit peripheral nerve myelin. It was, however, scarcely detectable in guinea pig peripheral nerve myelin. There was BF protein in rabbit spinal cord as well as in peripheral nerve, but little or no BF protein in the liver, kidney, muscle or brain. BF protein in bovine spinal cord was localized in the myelin. The ratio of the BF protein to the encephalitogenic protein in the spinal cord myelin was around 0.15:1.0. BF protein was extractable from peripheral nerve myelin by saline as well as by acid solutions.
The circular dichroism spectrum of the BF protein in aqueous solution suggested that this protein contained a very large amount of β-structure. This structure was not considered to be the result of acid denaturation because the protein purified from the saline extract of peripheral nerve also showed a similar spectrum.  相似文献   

The eighth cranial nerve ganglion consists of bipolar nerve cell bodies each occupying part of an internodal segment. The perikaryal sheaths range from a single layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm on the smallest cells to typical thick compact myelin on the largest. On most perikarya, the sheath displays an intermediate form, consisting of multiple layers of Schwann cell cytoplasm (loose myelin), or of loose and compact myelin continuous with each other. Internodes beyond the one containing the cell body bear only compact myelin. In loose myelin the thickness of each layer of Schwann cell cytoplasm is about 100 A. It may be much greater (~ 3000 A) particularly in the outermost layers of the sheath, or the cytoplasm may thin and even disappear with formation of a major dense line. The cytoplasmic layers are separated from each other by a light zone, 40 to 200 A wide, which in its broader portions may contain an intermediate line. Desmosomes sometimes occur between lamellae. In addition to the usual organelles, the perikaryal cytoplasm contains granular and membranous inclusions. Large cells covered by compact myelin have a consistently higher concentration of neurofilaments, and some of the largest cells, in addition, show a reduced concentration of ribosomes. The functional significance and possible origins of perikaryal myelin sheaths are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Myelin was purified from the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of several species. The protein composition of these preparations was examined by discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium lauryl sulphate. Proteins characteristic of all samples include, in order of increasing mobility: a series of high molecular weight proteins, the major peripheral nerve protein (P0), two uncharacterized proteins, and two basic proteins (P1 and P2). Quantitative results, obtained by densitometry of gels stained with Fast Green showed differences in protein distribution, both between species, and from different types of nerves obtained from the same animal. The relative amounts of P1 and P2 proteins were the most variable; e.g. myelin from guinea-pig sciatic nerve had little or no P2 protein, whereas 15 per cent of the myelin protein of beef posterior intradural root was Pz protein. P0, P1 and P2 proteins from rabbit sciatic nerve and P0 and P2 proteins from beef dorsal and ventral intradural roots were purified and their amino acid compositions were determined. Our results indicated that the P1 protein is very similar in size and amino acid composition to the basic protein of central nervous system myelin, whereas the P0 and P2 proteins are unique to the PNS.  相似文献   

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