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The sedimentation coefficients (s020, w) of the two sedimenting nucleoprotein components of broad bean stain virus (BBSV) were 92 S and 113 S, and of Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus (EAMV) were 93 S and 114 S. Particles from each of these sedimenting components contained a single RNA species and two polypeptides. Estimates of the molecular weights of these constituents obtained by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels were: 42000 and 22200 (BBSV) and 41400 and 21800 (EAMV) for the polypeptides; and 2–64 and 1·62 × 106 (BBSV) and 271 and 175 × 106 (EAMV) for the RNAs. In mixtures, the protein and RNA components of BBSV and EAMV were indistinguishable from those obtained from particles of the yellow strain of cowpea mosaic virus. In freshly made virus preparations each of the sedimenting components of BBSV contained two, and those of EAMV contained three electrophoretic components. After storage for 7–10 days, BBSV preparations contained only the component migrating fastest towards the anode. Both BBSV and EAMV are distantly related serologically to cowpea mosaic but, whereas BBSV reacted only with antiserum to the severe strain, EAMV reacted only with antiserum to the yellow strain.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Vergleich der Detailerkennbarkeit zwischen der Projektion eines Scheibchentestbildes mit einer Gleichlichtquelle und einer Pulslichtquelle durchgeführt. Die Pulslichtquelle ist so dimensioniert, daß die periodische kurzzeitige Lichteinwirkung etwa dem Lichtreiz beim Betrachten eines Fernsehschirmes entspricht. Ein Unterschied zwischen beiden Projektionsarten ergibt sich nicht.Gekürzte Diplomarbeit des Instituts für Angewandte Physik der Universität Hamburg.  相似文献   

Walter Haas 《Planta》1969,87(1-2):95-101
Summary The amino acid contents of sun and shade leaves of the copper beech are significantly different. On the basis of dry matter, the concentration of the majority of amino acids is higher in shade leaves. Only the concentrations of proline, valine, histidine and arginine are about 30% lower compared with those of the other amino acids. Calculated on the basis of crude protein, the concentrations of lysine, histidine, arginine, valine, isoleucine and proline are considerably lower in shade leaves than in sun leaves. On the other hand, shade leaves contain more tyrosine, phenylalanine, and methionine.A hypothesis interpreting the different morphogenesis of sun and shade leaves in connection with the high proline content of sun leaves is discussed.  相似文献   

The calculation and scale-up of fermentation processes need kLa as one of the most important engineering data. There are two methods to determine kLa depending on power input, aeration rate and the properties of the fermentation broth: static with a balance between air supply and exit, dynamic gassing out with following the changes of dissolved oxygen concentration during periods of air off and a following air on. Within early intervals of fermentation time the data from both methods agree well, while for later time intervals the dynamic method always gives much lower values for kLa than static. The only explanations for this phenomenon are quick changes in the oxygen metabolism or an enzymatic storage of oxygen. For both gassing out and saturation period it is possible to calculate the same absolute amounts of this additional oxygen.  相似文献   

In eastern Scotland seed-borne infection with broad bean stain virus (BBSV) and/or Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus (EAMV) was detected in five of 39 seed lots of field bean in 1975 and in four of 21 commercial crops of field bean or broad bean sampled in 1975 or 1976. Tests failed to detect the main weevil vector of these viruses, Apion vorax, in 1975 and 1976 but Sitona weevils were found in most crops and were numerous in many, reaching maximum numbers in August. No spread of BBSV and EAMV was detected in commercial crops containing seed-borne infection. In experimental field bean crops containing plants manually inoculated with virus, no virus spread was detected in 1975, and only 0–015% uninoculated plants became infected with EAMV in 1976. Sitona, therefore, was an inefficient vector. The percentage of virus infection in seed harvested from field bean plants manually inoculated 3, 5, 7 and 11 wk after emergence in the field was 1–5, 2–7, 0–4 and 0–06 for BBSV and 0–5, 2-1, 0–6 and 0 for EAMV respectively. Seed harvested from unrogued and rogued plots of field bean grown from seed containing 3–4% seed-borne infection produced 0–05% and no infected plants, respectively. Yield losses in field bean plants manually inoculated with virus before flowering were up to 20% but were much greater in plants infected through the seed. Loss in yield was largely caused by a decrease in number of seeds per pod. The absence of A. vorax, the late arrival of Sitona weevils in the crop and their inefficiency as vectors, and the smaller effects of BBSV and EAMV on crop yield than in southern England appear to make eastern Scotland very suitable for the production of bean seed free from BBSV and EAMV.  相似文献   

Growth effect of auxin-amino acid-conjugates in some test tissues.— Three different amino acid conjugates of the auxin naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA)-naphthaleue-1-acetyl-L-aspartic acid, naphlhalene-1-acetyl-D-aspartic acid, and naphthalene-1-acetyl-L-glutamic acid — have been prepared and tested for growth stimulation in tobacco callus tissues, sunflower hypocotyls, and wheat coleoptiles. All conjugates show less auxin activities than NAA. The ratios of concentrations for more or less the same growth stimulation are 1:25 to 1:100 and less. Each test tissue grows the least on the D-aspartic acid conjugate. These results lend to the conclusion that growth stimulation by these conjugates has lo be an indirect one, probably due to their hydrolysis generating free auxins. It is unknown whether the hydrolysis takes place inside or outside the cells.  相似文献   

SCHULZ (1976) gave formulas for the approximate computation of the percentage points needed for the comparison of sample means by the Maximum-Modulus-Test resp. by the DUNNETT-Test. Our investigation shows that these formulas are also practicable if the number of the mean differences k is greater than 20. The maximum difference between the exact values and the approximate values of the percentage points amounts to 0,05 in the case of the Maximum-Modulus-Test with k >20 and degrees of freedom v > k for a level of error a = 0,05 resp. a = 0,01. In the case of the DUNNETT-Test this maximum difference amounts to 0,02 for 20 < k < 50 and a = 0,05. Besides it can be here supposed that the approximate percentage points are also practicable for both k >50, a = 0,05 and k >20, a = 0,01.  相似文献   

Experimental kinetic data (initial rate and high conversion) on the hydrolysis of cellobiose by 1,4-β-glucosidace (Gliocladium sp.) have been analysed and a competitive inhibition by glucose has been proposed. The determination of kinetic parameters from integral data is based upon algorithms for non-linear optimization and numerical integration. The values of kinetic constants \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$(v_{\max } = 1.02\frac{{\mu {\rm M}_{{\rm glucose}} }}{{{\rm mg}_{{\rm protein}} \cdot \min }},K_M = 2.6{\rm mM/l, and }K_P = 1.2{\rm mM/l)}$\end{document} agree well with the initialrate results. An important distinction is the confidence limit of parameters. Linear regression analysis shows a virtual accuracy and can lead to wrong conclusions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eier von Sperbern aus Brandenburg und aus Nordhrein-Westfalen wurden auf ihren Gehalt an PCB, DDT, HCH, HCB und die Schwermetalle Blei und Cadmium untersucht. Bei den PCB und beim DDT und seinen Abbauprodukten traten signifikante Unterschiede in der Belastung der beiden Populationen auf, während die anderen untersuchten Stoffe in den Eiern beider Untersuchungsgebiete nur in geringen Mengen nachzuweisen waren. Dabei waren in den Proben aus der ehemaligen DDR die DDT-Konzentrationen deutlich höher als in den Eiern aus dem westfälischen Münsterland. Bei den PCB-Konzentrationen ergab sich ein genau umgekehrtes Ergebnis, im Münsterland waren diese erheblich höher. Die Ergebnisse stehen im klaren Zusammenhang mit der unterschiedlichen Anwendung und dem zeitlich unterschiedlich erfolgtem Verbot der untersuchten Schadstoffe in den beiden ehemaligen deutschen Staaten. Trotz der Belastungsunterschiede bezüglich der PCB ist das PCB-Muster in den Eiern aus den Untersuchungsgebieten aufgrund des artspezifischen Metabolismus nahezu identisch.
Comparison between the burden of xenobiotics in eggs of the Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) from Brandenburg and North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Summary Eggs from Sparrowhawks from Brandenburg (former GDR) and North-Rhine-Westphalia (former FRG) were examined for their burden of PCB, DDT, HCH, HCB and the heavy metals lead and cadmium. Significant differences emerged in the cases of PCB and DDT and its metabolites between the populations of the two regions. The other examined xenobiotics were detectable only in low concentrations. The DDT concentrations were distinctly higher in the samples from the former GDR, while PCB concentrations were higher in the eggs from North-Rhine-Westphalia. The results reflect clearly the different use and prohibition of the examined xenobiotics in the two former german states. In spite of the differences in the PCB burden, the PCB pattern in the eggs of the different regions is nearly identical. Eggshell indices correlate negatively with DDT burden in both sample areas.

Zusammenfassung Bei Phosphatmangelzellen von C. utilis wurde der aerobe Umsatz von zugesetztem KH2PO4 mit und ohne Zucker verglichen. Bereits die grobe Unterteilung der Zellphosphate läßt erkennen, daß in beiden Fällen der Hauptteil des aufgenommenen P unlöslich in kalter TES ist und durch heiße HClO4 extrahiert werden kann. Die Zunahme der UV-absorbierenden Substanzen ist in dieser Hauptfraktion gering. Deshalb wird der Anstieg dieser Fraktion vorwiegend auf die Bildung hochmolekularer anorganischer Polyphosphate zurückgeführt.In den ersten zwei Minuten wird bei P-Mangelzellen sowohl mit als auch ohne Zucker das gegebene Phosphat vorzugsweise als Orthophosphat der Zelle wiedergefunden. Die Sättigung der Zellen wird sehr rasch erreicht, danach ist jede weitere P-Aufnahme unabdingbar an endergone Kondensationsreaktionen gebunden.In vivo binden die Polyphosphate sehr viel weniger Kalium, als der Formel (KPO3)n entsprechen würde. Die Art der Bindung erscheint als unspezifische Austauschadsorption.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungIst auch als Sonderausgabe erschienen.  相似文献   

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