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Summary Primary and secondary spore clones were analyzed from two- and three-factor crosses involving the mitochondrial markers conferring resistance to antimycin (A R ), chloramphenicol (C R ), and erythromycin (E R ). As in zygote clones (Seitz-Mayr et al., 1978), transmission of markers is higher in two-factor trans-crosses than in cis-crosses. Except transmission of C R in the cross A R C R E R xA S C S E S , no significant differences between cis- and trans-configuration were observed in three-factor crosses. In contrast to zygote clones, in spore clones transmission rates of the two or three markers in a given cross are roughly equal. 18 out of 20 secondary spore clones of different mitochondrial phenotypes appeared to be homoplasmic, whereas 2 still continued to segregate. One of these spore isolates was analyzed, and segregation was found to continue for more than 150 generations after spore germination. Whereas up to more than 80% of zygote clones in certain crosses were uniform, only 2 out of 91 tetrads were uniform, i.e. all four spores were homoplasmic for the same mitochondrial genotype. Presence or absence of recombinant mitochondrial phenytypes among secondary spore clones from tetrads indicated, whether, cytoplasmic mixing had occurred in the original zygote or not. Within an ascus, the number of spores containing recombinant genotype(s) is a direct measure for the extent of cytoplasmic mixing in the zygote. In 82 tetrads analyzed, the number of tetrads with 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 spores containing recombinant genotype(s) were 25, 37, 14, 5, and 1, respectively. In conclusion, the extent of cytoplasmic mixing at the cell stage before forespore membrane formation is highly variable.  相似文献   

Cdc2, a cyclin-dependent kinase, controls cell cycle progression in fission yeast. New details of Cdc2 regulation and function have been uncovered in recent studies. These studies involve cyclins that associate with Cdc2 in G1-phase and the proteins that regulate inhibitory phosphorylation of Cdc2 during S-phase and G2-phase. Recent investigations have also provided a better understanding of proteins that regulate DNA replication and that are directly or indirectly controlled by Cdc2.  相似文献   

Changes in phosphoprotein pattern in Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A variety of evidence suggests that protein phosphorylation (pp) may be important in cell-cycle control. Phosphorylated proteins from S. pombe have been examined for phosphorylation changes under several conditions: known triggers of the division control (low nitrogen, low phosphate), cell size mutants (WEE1 and CDC2 alleles) and cell cycle mutants (CDC2, CDC10, CDC17, CDC25 alleles). Three major phosphorylated proteins (pp38, pp45 and pp54) showed the greatest response to nutritional shifts. The changes in the phosphorylated states of these proteins correlated with growth rate. Some phosphorylations (e.g. pp53) occurred transiently following a stimulus to cell division suggesting a possible involvement with the division mechanism. An allele-specific alteration of charge was noted for pp45 suggesting that this protein is the product of the CDC2 gene. The wee1-6 phosphoprotein pattern is similar to wild-type indicating that this mutant cell line accurately senses its nutritional environment and that the mutation likely affects the transfer of this information to the division control. Cells blocked by various temperature-sensitive cell cycle mutants did not show an alteration of phosphoprotein pattern.  相似文献   

 New prp (pre-mRNA processing) mutants of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe were isolated from a bank of 700 mutants that were either temperature sensitive (ts-) or cold sensitive (cs-) for growth. The bank was screened by Northern blot analysis with probes complementary to S. pombe U6 small nuclear RNA (sn RNA), the gene for which has a splicesomal (mRNA-type) intron. We identified 12 prp mutants that accumulated the U6 snRNA precursor at the nonpermissive temperature. All such mutants were also found to have defects in an early step of TFIID pre-mRNA splicing at the nonpermissive temperature. Complementation analyses showed that seven of the mutants belong to six new complementation groups designated as prp8 and prp10-prp14, whereas the five other mutants were classified into the known complementation groups prp1, prp2 and prp3. Interestingly, some of the isolated prp mutants produced elongated cells at the nonpermissive temperature, which is a phenotype typical of cell division cycle (cdc) mutants. Based on these findings, we propose that some of the wild-type products from these prp + genes play important roles in the cellular processes of pre-mRNA splicing and cell cycle progression. Received: 15 April 1996/Accepted: 9 July 1996  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1993,330(3):279-282
Human MDR1 cDNA was introduced into the human cultured cells KB-3-1 and Schizosaccharomyces pombe pmdI null mutant KN3. The drug sensitivity of KB-G2 and KN3/pgp, expressing human P-glycoprotein, was examined. KB-G2 was resistant to the peptide antibiotics valinomycin and gramicidin D as well as having a typical multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype. KN3/pgp was resistant to valinomycin and actinomycin D, but not to adriamycin. The ATP-hydrolysis-deficient mutant did not confer KN3 resistance to these antibiotics. Human P-glycoprotein expressed in S. pombe seemed to lack N-glycosylation. The N-glycosylation-deficient mutant, however, conferred a typical MDR phenotype on KB-3-1. These results suggest that human P-glycoprotein functions as an efflux pump of valinomycin and actinomycin D in the membrane of S. pombe.  相似文献   

Summary Organ-specific and constitutive expression of the Arabidosis HSP18.2 gene under normal growth conditions (22° C) was observed in transgenic A. thaliana, which carried a fusion gene composed of the promoter region of HSP18.2, one of the genes for low molecular weight heat-shock proteins in Arabidopsis, and the gene for -glucuronidase (GUS) from Escherichia coli. In order to clarify the organ-specific nature of promoter expression, various mutations that affect flower morphology were introduced into the transgenic Arabidopsis line, AHS9. The results show that the pattern of expression observed in sepals, filaments, and styles is regulated in a structure-dependent manner, and suggest that the HSP18.2 gene might have an important role in the process of differentiation of flower buds, as do several other stress-related genes.  相似文献   

Spores from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (H90 strain) were separated from residual vegetative cells into distinct size classes by zonal density centrifugation. Spores were sized photographically and with a Coulter counter. The kinetics of germination were followed by time-lapse photomicrography. The duration of the pre-germination interval was size dependent. Large spores (˜50 μm3) germinated as early as 5 h after resuspension in nutrient media, smaller ones (˜20 μm3) did so at 11 h. The first cell division occurred 4–5 h later regardless of spore size. The large spores divided more synchronously as shown by the occurrence of peaks in the cell plate index at approximately one doubling time intervals.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants resistant to the antimitotic compounds thiabendazole and methyl-2-benzimidazolecarbamate were isolated and analyzed genetically in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. They comprised three groups in terms of genetic linkage. Mutants in one linkage group (ben1) differed phenotypically from those in the other two (ben2 and ben3). The former were resistant to the compounds at any physiological temperature tested, whereas the latter exhibited temperature dependent resistance. Through tetrad analysis, ben1 was mapped at the rightmost part of chromosome II, and ben2 was mapped near the centromere of the same chromosome. Haploidization experiments revealed the location of ben3 on chromosome II. By analogy with Aspergillus nidulans, it is suggested that one of these ben genes may code for tubulin.  相似文献   

Summary In the petite positive yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, cycloheximide selectively inhibits protein synthesis on cytoplasmic ribosomes, and, as a consequence, nuclear DNA synthesis. Mitochondrial DNA, however, is synthesized for 4–6 h after cessation of protein synthesis. In this paper we show that in contrast to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, synthesis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA is tightly coordinated in the petite negative yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, since inhibition of cytoplasmic protein synthesis leads immediately to cessation of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA synthesis.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. F. Kaudewitz on occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Mutants of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe which are sensitive to UV and/or γ-irradiation have been assigned to 23 complementation groups, which can be assigned to three phenotypic groups. We have cloned genes which correct the deficiency in mutants corresponding to 12 of the complementation groups. Three genes in the excision-repair pathway have a high degree of sequence conservation with excision-repair genes from the evolutionarily distant budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast, those genes in the recombination repair pathway which have been characterised so far, show little homology with any previously characterised genes.  相似文献   

For S. pombe cells mutations in the wee1 regulatory gene have been shown previously to allow cells to be smaller than normal at cell division, to endow the cell with a significantly long G1 cell cycle interval, and to alter the timing in the cell cycle of certain mutationally-defined cell cycle steps in G2. We show here that situations which lengthen S phase in proliferating wee1 mutant cells 'suppress' to varying degrees these wee1-mediated cell cycle alterations. Conditions chosen to protract S phase were use of cdc22.M45 mutant cells at semipermissive temperatures, and the presence of sub-arresting concentrations of the S phase inhibitors hydroxyurea or deoxyadenosine. Proliferation in the presence of each of these inhibitors was shown directly to result in protracted S phase. Residual cell division measurements were used to measure the cell cycle timing of G1 and G2 cell-cycle steps. The indirect suppression of the wee1 phenotype shown here can be understood in terms of the proposed role of the wee1+ gene product in coordinating cell division with cellular growth.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of methionine-and lysine-requiring h- mutants isolated from the L972 h- strain of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were fused. The protoplasts were obtained from the cells with enzymes produced by Trichoderma viride. When a mixture of the protoplasts was treated with 30% PEG 4000 solution containing 10 mM CaCl2, cell fusion and complementation was attained with a frequency of 0.17%. Both fusion partners were recovered among the spores after crossing of the fusion products with the strain M210 ade6 h+. Cytological and haploidization examinations showed that the fusion cells are not heterokaryons, and that the increased amount of genetic material is situated in one nucleus.  相似文献   

Amiloride, an inhibitor of various sodium transporters, is toxic to Schizosaccharomyces pombe at low concentration in minimal but not in rich media. Amiloride-resistant mutants were isolated and shown to represent a new locus (car1 for changed amiloride resistance) on chromosome I. The carl gene was cloned and sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame of 526 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 58 545 Da. It has 52% hydrophobic residues and belongs to the class of 12-transmembrane-domain transport proteins. Gene disruption of carl results in increased amiloride resistance. earl has sequence similarity to proteins from Candida associated with resistance to benomyl, methotrexate and cycloheximide. No single physiologically identifiable component of sodium transport appeared to be lost. We propose that earl serves an uptake function, perhaps as a symport with an unknown substrate and this carrier may transport amiloride into the cell. Further, we suggest that amiloride toxicity at low concentrations is not due to its effect on sodium transport but, rather, depends on intracellular interference with an unknown biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The ligase-defective cdc17-L16 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe var. pombe was tested for genetic recombination and mating-type switching. Mitotic recombination was studied in both haploid and heteroallelic diploid cells. Cells carrying a heteroallelic ade6 duplication constructed by Schuchert and Kohli were tested for ectopic genetic recombination. We have found that cdc17-L16 is a mitotic hyper-rec mutant, as it increases the instability of the duplication by a factor of about 6 even at the permissive temperature of 23° C. In diploid cells, the enhancement of recombination rates detected was to that of cdc17 + cells. The temperature-sensitive cell cycle defect is also associated with a reduced level of mating and sporulation but does not significantly affect mating-type switching and intragenic meiotic recombination. It is supposed that the mitotic hyper-rec phenotype is a secondary result of insufficient repair of DNA breaks, while the lack of influence of the reduced ligase activity on the latter two processes might be attributed to their peculiar initiation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Suppressor mutants of mei1–102, a mutation in one of the mating type cassette genes (mat2-P) which blocks the progression into meiosis, were isolated and characterized in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. These suppressor mutations conferred either temperature-sensitivity or cold-sensitivity. The growth of these strains is halted and sporulation initiated at the restrictive temperatures, regardless of other conditions usually required for the initiation of meiosis i.e. they sporulate in the presence of a nitrogen source and mating type homozygosity. Their most striking feature is that they can sporulate from the haploid state. The haploidy of these mutants was confirmed by genetical analysis and by measurement of the DNA content of the cells. The mutants are all recessive and define a single gene pat1. The pat1 gene maps very close to the centromere of chromosome II. A meiosis defective mutation in mei5 can suppress the temperature-sensitivity caused by pat1, indicating some interaction between them. Spores produced from a haploid cell have poor viability and appear to contain only 1/2C DNA on average.  相似文献   

Summary We screened a Schizosaccharomyces pombe genomic library using the ribosomal protein gene SI0 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a probe. Hybrid-selected translation of the positive clones revealed a ribosomal protein of S. pombe which is probably equivalent to the ribosomal protein SI0 from S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we report the precise excision of the group I intron aI2b from the cox1 gene and of the group II intron bI from the cob gene fo the Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain 50. We present evidence that DNA excision of both intron DNA sequences is under nuclear control. Attempts to remove the first cox1 intron (aI1) have failed so far, but a deletion of approximately 200 bp in the open intronic reading frame demonstrates that it is not essential for normal cellular functions.Abbreviations cox1, cox2, cox3 genes encoding subunits 1, 2 and 3 of cytochrome c oxidase - cob gene encoding apocytochrome b - rns and rnl genes encoding the small and large ribosomal RNA - atp6, atp8 and atp9 genes encoding subunits 6, 8, and 9 of the ATP synthase complex - urfa unassigned reading frame a - aI1, aI2a, aI2b, aI3 introns in the cox 1 gene of S. pombe - bI intron in the cob gene - del-aI2b and del-bI respiratory competent strains in which the respective introns have been deleted by DNA splicing  相似文献   

Pulse treatments with methoxyflurane in synchronous cultures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe produced an increasing division delay as they were applied later in the cycle, up to a transition point at 0.65 of the cycle. Pulse treatments with ether produced a delay when applied early in the cycle but an acceleration when applied between 0.3 and 0.65 of the cycle.  相似文献   

Summary The higher-order organization of rRNA genes was investigated in the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) in combination with frequent cutter endonucleases having no recognition sites within rDNA repeating units to characterize tandem arrays of ribosomal genes in these two species. Large variations in rDNA cluster length were detected in various S. cerevisiae and S. pombe strains commonly used as PFGE molecular weight markers. This wide range of variability implies that the sizes currently assessed for chromosomes bearing rRNA genes in these organisms are unreliable since they may vary within strains by several hundreds of kilobase pairs, depending on the size of the tandem arrays of rRNA genes. Consequently, there is now a lack of reliable PFGE size standards between 1.6 Mb and 4.5 Mb, even when established yeast strains with calibrated chromosomes are used.  相似文献   

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