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确立重组人戊型肝炎疫苗原液的细菌内毒素检查方法。供试品参照《中华人民共和国药典》(2005年版三部)热原检查法进行热原检查,结果符合规定。该供试品同时参照《中华人民共和国药典》(2005年版三部)细菌内毒素检查法要求进行试验。供试品溶液在40μg/m l浓度下,确定内毒素限值为40EU/m l。供试品在该内毒素限值下干扰试验有效,且细菌内毒素检查法符合规定。该疫苗用内毒素检查法代替热原检查法,方法可行。  相似文献   

2020年云南发现了首例人感染G4基因型欧亚类禽H1N1(EA H1N1)猪流感病毒,针对分离到的A/YunnanMengzi/1462/2020(H1N1v)病毒分析其血凝素(HA)和神经氨酸酶(NA)氨基酸变异位点、生物学耐药、受体亲和力及抗原性变异特征,并对2020-2021年度季节性流感疫苗对该病毒的交叉保护效果进行评价。结果显示,EA H1N1猪流感病毒A/Yunnan-Mengzi/1462/2020(H1N1v)与世界卫生组织推荐的疫苗株A/Hunan/42443/2015(H1N1v)HA和NA氨基酸位点同源性分别为97.9%和97.4%;A/Yunnan-Mengzi/1462/2020(H1N1v)病毒对神经氨酸酶抑制剂敏感,以结合人流感病毒唾液酸受体α2,6为主,与疫苗株抗原性存在8倍以上差异。接种季节性流感疫苗的儿童、成人和老年组人群针对季节性流感疫苗株A/Guangdong-Maonan/SWL1536/2019(H1N1pdm)抗体滴度≥40者占比分别为80.0%、76.7%和63.3%;而对A/Yunnan-Mengzi/1462/2020(H1N1v)抗...  相似文献   

目的:对比重组人促红细胞生成素在《欧洲药典》(第5版)和《中国药典》(2005年版)中标准的不同点,为国内研发机构对基因重组蛋白产品的研发及国内企业对该产品的进出口提供参考。方法:按2部药典要求,对进口产品或国产产品实样进行部分关键指标的对比分析。结果:2部药典对该产品的标准描述上存在具体内容的区别。结论:在现代药物的研发和生产中,对药品的国际及国内标准要进行综合分析而拟定。  相似文献   

干扰素注射剂是历版《中国药典》收载的最主要的一类重组技术制品。对于生物制品而言,生产过程与制品,制品的规范生产与其安全性、有效性密切相关。剖析了重组人干扰素注射剂规程中对制品制造的要求,包括基本要求以及菌种库建立、原液制备、半成品制备、成品制备等环节;历版药典对制造要求的演变过程,并与《欧洲药典》、《美国药典》进行了对比。介绍了2015年版《中国药典》拟增订的"重组技术制品总论",该总论对于已上市品种的规范生产、新品种研发都具有指导意义。"重组技术制品总论"是对该类制品生产检定提出的一般原则性要求,相关各论的起草均应以此为基础,并与之相互呼应协调。  相似文献   

目的以经典重配技术制备高产H1N1流感疫苗病毒株。方法以野生型A1/云南昆明/03/2009(H1N1)作为HA及NA基因的供体株,以WHO疫苗株A/Perth/16/2009(H3N2)作为高产基因供体株,共同感染SPF鸡胚,经抗H3及抗N2血清中和筛选法及终末稀释法筛选高产重配H1N1病毒。结果获得一株重配H1N1流感病毒株,病毒血凝滴度为1∶4 096,病毒滴度为7.8 lg EID50/mL,显示为鸡胚高产病毒株;血凝抑制结果为1∶1 024,单向免疫扩散试验结果为阳性,证明抗原性与野生株一致;基因测序结果表明重配株的HA及NA基因序列与野生株序列一致。结论构建了高产重配H1H1流感疫苗病毒株,并应用经典重配技术建立了制备高产流感疫苗病毒株的技术平台。  相似文献   

将C群脑膜炎球菌粗多糖的纯化改进为用1:1容量冷酚提取的生产工艺。结果表明,改进后的方法去除蛋白质效果同样能够达到《中国药典》2005版(三部)的要求,总体结果优于改进前。同时能扩大处理量而降低了生产成本,适合规模化生产。  相似文献   

以生色底物法测定抗凝血酶活性,比浊法测定抗血小板聚集活性,还原型SDS-PAGE测定分子量,SDS-PAGE和反相高效液相色谱测定纯度,毛细管电泳法测定等电点,胰蛋白酶酶切后进行肽图分析,其余检测项目按《中国药典》2005版三部规定进行。结果显示,用建立的方法对原液和成品进行了检定,各项指标均符合《人用重组DNA制品质量控制技术指导原则》和《中国药典》2005版三部的要求。建立的质控方法和质量标准具有保证产品安全、有效、质量可控的特点,可用于重组双功能水蛭素产品的常规检定。  相似文献   

目的建立狂犬病病毒固定毒CTN-1V株在人二倍体细胞Walvax-2株上的传代适应株。方法用狂犬病病毒固定毒CTN-1V株经昆明小鼠鼠脑回传后的病毒接种Walvax-2细胞,连续传代,检测各代次病毒的滴度及免疫原性。结果 CTN-1V株能较好地适应Walvax-2细胞,通过连续带毒传代至第7代,病毒滴度可达6.78 lg LD50/mL,并在第10~15代内滴度维持在7.0 lg LD50/mL以上,15~30代滴度稳定在7.0 lg LD50/mL左右。以15代适应毒株CTN-1V-HDC P15制备的疫苗原液,各项指标均符合《中华人民共和国药典》三部(2010版)的要求,疫苗效力在6.0IU/剂以上。结论所获人胚肺二倍体细胞Walvax-2株传代适应狂犬病毒固定毒株CTN-1V-HDC可用于人用狂犬病疫苗的生产开发。  相似文献   

自1982年全球第一个生物技术药物“基因重组人胰岛素”、1989年中国批准第一个生物技术药物“重组人干扰素α1b”上市以来,生物技术药物已成为制药业中发展最快、活力最强和技术含量最高的领域。药品的规范生产与质量控制与其安全有效性密切相关,欧美药典中均设有对此类药品质量控制的总体要求。《中国药典》2010版三部已收录包括12类共计34个品种的重组DNA技术产品各论,在进一步保障药品安全、提高质量控制水平的编制指导思想下,《中国药典》2015版拟纳入对重组DNA技术产品的总体要求,本文就相关起草工作从产品涉及范畴、制造与产品检定等方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

目的评价甲型H1N1流感病毒裂解疫苗(简称甲型H1N1流感疫苗)的免疫原性和安全性。方法按照随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的原则,采用0、21天免疫程序,选择3岁及3岁以上健康者1 202人。分组为3~11岁、12~17岁、≥60岁组,按照人数基本为1∶1的比例随机分别接种7.5μg和15.0μg甲型H1N1流感疫苗;18~59岁组按照人数基本为1∶1∶1的比例随机分别接种7.5μg、15.0μg甲型H1N1流感疫苗和安慰剂对照。观察各组接种后的不良反应率以及免疫前后血凝抑制(HI)抗体阳转率、保护率、GMT水平和平均增长倍数。结果受试对象的安全性结果显示7.5μg和15.0μg组不良反应发生率分别为8.74%(48/549)和13.88%(74/533),其中Ⅱ级反应率分别为0.36%(2/549)和1.13%(6/533),未观察到Ⅲ级及以上不良反应和其他异常反应及严重不良事件。2剂接种未见不良反应叠加现象。7.5μg或15.0μg试验疫苗首剂免疫后,血清抗体阳性率分别为85.13%(395/464)和90.77%(413/455),保护率分别为85.56%(397/464)和91.43%(416/455),抗体GMT较免疫前分别增长36.1倍和52.6倍。2剂免疫后,血清抗体阳性率分别是97.84%(454/464)和99.12%(451/455),保护率分别是98.06%(455/464)和9 9.56%(453/455),抗体GMT较免疫前分别增长63.3倍和96.0倍。4个年龄组(3~11岁、12~17岁、18~59岁及≥60岁年龄组)7.5μg和15.0μg组HI抗体阳性率和保护率均大于70%,GMT较免疫前均增长2.5倍以上,结果显示7.5μg和15.0μg甲型H1N1流感疫苗接种1剂后抗体水平已达到研究方案中设定的预期标准,免疫2剂后抗体阳性率和抗体水平明显提高。结论临床试验表明甲型H1N1流感疫苗具有良好的安全性和免疫原性,且接种1剂15.0μg甲型H1N1流感疫苗,即可在3岁和3岁以上人群中产生良好的免疫效果。  相似文献   

Virus growth during influenza vaccine manufacture can lead to mutations that alter antigenic properties of the virus, and thus may affect protective potency of the vaccine. Different reassortants of pandemic "swine" H1N1 influenza A vaccine (121XP, X-179A and X-181) viruses as well as wild type A/California/07/2009(H1N1) and A/PR/8/34 strains were propagated in embryonated eggs and used for DNA/RNA Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq sequencing. The RNA sequences of these viruses published in NCBI were used as references for alignment of the sequencing reads generated in this study. Consensus sequences of these viruses differed from the NCBI-deposited sequences at several nucleotides. 121XP stock derived by reverse genetics was more heterogeneous than X-179A and X-181 stocks prepared by conventional reassortant technology. Passaged 121XP virus contained four non-synonymous mutations in the HA gene. One of these mutations (Lys226Glu) was located in the Ca antigenic site of HA (present in 18% of the population). Two non-synonymous mutations were present in HA of viruses derived from X-179A: Pro314Gln (18%) and Asn146Asp (78%). The latter mutation located in the Sa antigenic site was also detected at a low level (11%) in the wild-type A/California/07/2009(H1N1) virus, and was present as a complete substitution in X-181 viruses derived from X-179A virus. In the passaged X-181 viruses, two mutations emerged in HA: a silent mutation A1398G (31%) in one batch and G756T (Glu252Asp, 47%) in another batch. The latter mutation was located in the conservative region of the antigenic site Ca. The protocol for RNA sequencing was found to be robust, reproducible, and suitable for monitoring genetic consistency of influenza vaccine seed stocks.  相似文献   

Ha JW  Schwahn AB  Downard KM 《PloS one》2011,6(1):e15771
The application of a rapid and direct proteotyping approach with which to identify the gene origin of viral antigens in a reassortant influenza strain is demonstrated. The reassortant strain, constructed for a vaccine against type A 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza, contains genes derived from a wild-type pandemic strain (A/California/7/2009) and an egg adapted high-growth strain (denoted NYMC X-157) derived from an earlier A/Puerto Rico/8/34 strain. The proteotyping approach employs modern proteomics methods and high resolution mass spectrometry to correctly establish that the genes of the surface antigens, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, are derived from the A/California/7/2009 strain while those for nucleoprotein and matrix protein M1 antigens are derived from the NYMC X-157 strain. This is achieved for both gel-separated antigens and those from a whole vaccine digest. Furthermore, signature peptides detected in the mass spectra of the digested antigens enable the engineered reassortant strain to be identified as a type A virus of the H1N1 subtype in accord with earlier studies. The results demonstrate that proteotyping approach provides a more direct and rapid approach over RT-PCR with which to characterize reassortant strains of the influenza virus at the molecular protein level. Given that these strains pose the greatest risk to human and animal health and have been responsible for all human pandemics of the 20th and 21st centuries, there is a vital need for the origins and evolutionary history of these strains to be rapidly established.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) viruses, A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) — like virus, has gone into the post-pandemic period on August 10, 2010. People still have some concerns the virus would likely mutate and become a new pandemic virus in the future. Here, we use MUSCLE program and graphic mapping method to look into the evolutionary characteristics of the 6219 hemagglutinin and 4860 neuraminidase full-length sequences from March 2009 to April 2012. The graphic and statistical analyses showed that the novel pandemic isolates, A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) — like virus, experienced several different times. During the early-pandemic period (03/2009-08/2009), the viruses have spread globally in several clusters and deviated slightly from the recommended vaccine strain, A/California/07/2009. During the pandemic period (09/2009-08/2010), new clusters began to emerge from Asia and North America, and further deviated from the recommended vaccine strain. During the postpandemic period (09/2010-08/2011) and the recent period (09/2011-04/2012), the original cluster with the recommended vaccine isolate, A/California/07/2009, has nearly disappeared. The deviation degree between the new clusters and the vaccine isolate became larger and larger. However, the deviation degree and the deviation speed were low. The WHO did not choose a new vaccine isolate instead of the original vaccine isolate, A/California/07/2009. Even so, it is necessary to monitor continuously the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) viruses.  相似文献   

To study genetic evolution of Moroccan influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus strains, we conducted a molecular characterization of the hemagglutinin gene subunit 1 (HA1) of 36 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus strains. The stains were collected from patients in Rabat and Casablanca during two influenza seasons 2009–2010 and 2010–2011. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of 14 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus strains from 2009 to 2010 were ~97 and 99 %, respectively, similar to the reference strain A/California/07/2009 (H1N1). Phylogenetic analysis of 22 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus strains from 2010 to 2011 revealed a co-circulation of three well-described different genetic groups. Most important, none of the identified groups showed significant changes at the antigenic site of the virus HA1 subunit which may alter the efficacy of California/07/2009 (H1N1) vaccine.  相似文献   

【目的】为了解中国地区2009?2015年甲型H1N1流感病毒流行态势,分析血凝素(Hemagglutinin,HA)基因的变异情况及其遗传进化特征。【方法】汇集国家流感中心2009?2015年流感周报的流感流行数据,分析甲型H1N1流感的流行病学特征;从全球共享禽流感数据倡议组织数据库及美国国家生物技术中心数据库下载甲型H1N1流感病毒HA基因序列,采用生物学软件进行系统进化和遗传特性的分析。【结果】2009?2015年全国共发生4次甲型H1N1流感的流行高峰。2009?2015年毒株与参考毒株A/California/07/2009(H1N1)的HA基因同源性逐年降低。遗传进化分析显示同一年份的毒株在系统进化树上基本呈现集中分布,2011年的毒株独立形成2个分支。分子特征表现为HA基因的4个抗原决定簇氨基酸位点均有变异,其中Ca区的203位、Sa区的163位和Sb区的185位氨基酸位点逐渐替换为新的氨基酸。除2010年与2012年,其他年份的毒株通过不同模型均得到正向压力选择HA氨基酸位点240。【结论】甲型H1N1流感在中国地区成为主要流行的亚型之一。HA基因与其编码的氨基酸逐年变异,未来进一步的流感监测能力还需加强。  相似文献   

目的 甲型H1N1流感病毒A/California/7/2009分别与A/Brisbane/10/07和A/ShenZhen/406H/06共感染小型香猪,预测甲流病毒在与季流H3N2病毒/甲流病毒与禽流感病毒共感染时是否会发生变异.方法 分别将A/California/7/2009(CA7)与A/Brisbane/10/07(H3N2),A/California/7/2009与A/Shenzhen/406H/06(H5N1)对5~6月龄小型猪共感染,小型猪经复方氯胺酮0.1 mL/kg麻醉后进行滴鼻感染,感染后第5天安乐死动物,取动物肺组织作病毒测序分析.结果 A/California/7/2009(CA7)与A/Brisbane/10/07(H3N2)共感染后,A/California/7/2009病毒PB1基因993位G→A突变,PA基因1659位G→A突变,没有氨基酸的变异.A/California/7/2009与A/Shenzhen/406H/06(H5N1)共感染后A/California/7/2009病毒PB2基因1711位T→C突变.碱基的突变未引起氨基酸的变异.结论 A/California/7/2009(CA7)与A/Brisbane/10/07(H3N2),A/California/7/2009与A/Shenzhen/406H/06(H5N1)共感染后在猪的体内没有发生病毒重组、变异.  相似文献   

Influenza pandemics can spread quickly and cost millions of lives; the 2009 H1N1 pandemic highlighted the shortfall in the current vaccine strategy and the need for an improved global response in terms of shortening the time required to manufacture the vaccine and increasing production capacity. Here we describe the pre-clinical assessment of a novel 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza vaccine based on the E. coli-produced HA globular head domain covalently linked to virus-like particles derived from the bacteriophage Qβ. When formulated with alum adjuvant and used to immunize mice, dose finding studies found that a 10 µg dose of this vaccine (3.7 µg globular HA content) induced antibody titers comparable to a 1.5 µg dose (0.7 µg globular HA content) of the licensed 2009 H1N1 pandemic vaccine Panvax, and significantly reduced viral titers in the lung following challenge with 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza A/California/07/2009 virus. While Panvax failed to induce marked T cell responses, the novel vaccine stimulated substantial antigen-specific interferon-γ production in splenocytes from immunized mice, alongside enhanced IgG2a antibody production. In ferrets the vaccine elicited neutralizing antibodies, and following challenge with influenza A/California/07/2009 virus reduced morbidity and lowered viral titers in nasal lavages.  相似文献   

Ingavirin was shown to be efficient in inhibition of the pandemic influenza virus strains A/California/04/2009 (H1N1)v, A/California/07/2009 (H1N1)v, A/Moscow/225/2009 (H1N1)v and A/Moscow/226/2009 (H1N1)v. as well as the influenza virus strain A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2) in the lungs of the infected mice. After oral administration of Ingavirin the titers of the influenza virus strains in the lung homogenates lowered.  相似文献   

High in vitro and in vivo efficacy of Ingavirin against the Mexican pandemic influenza virus A/H1N1/2009, strains A/California/04/2009 (H1N1) and A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) vs. the reference drug Arbidol was studied and verified when used therapeutically and prophylactically.  相似文献   

Developing a universal influenza vaccine that induces broad spectrum and longer-term immunity has become an important potentially achievable target in influenza vaccine research and development. Hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) are the two major influenza virus antigens. Although antibody responses against influenza virus are mainly directed toward HA, NA is reported to be more genetically stable; hence NA-based vaccines have the potential to be effective for longer time periods. NA-specific immunity has been shown to limit the spread of influenza virus, thus reducing disease symptoms and providing cross-protection against heterosubtypic viruses in mouse challenge experiments.The production of large quantities of highly pure and stable NA could be beneficial for the development of new antivirals, subunit-based vaccines, and novel diagnostic tools. In this study, recombinant NA (rNA) was produced in mammalian cells at high levels from both swine A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) and avian A/turkey/Turkey/01/2005 (H5N1) influenza viruses. Biochemical, structural, and immunological characterizations revealed that the soluble rNAs produced are tetrameric, enzymatically active and immunogenic, and finally they represent good alternatives to conventionally used sources of NA in the Enzyme-Linked Lectin Assay (ELLA).  相似文献   

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