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黄粉虫营养成分的分析研究   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
谢保令 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):175-176
为解决饲养广西特产经济动物蛤蚧的饲料难题,我们从北京动物园引进黄粉虫TenebriomolitorL.繁殖饲养蛤蚧获得成功。经多年试验证明,用黄粉虫喂养蛤蚧生长快,个体肥,特别秋末春初更为突出,一般每条蛤蚧月增重1.7~18.8g,比用灯光诱虫或用蝗虫、蝇蛆喂养的效果好[1]。目前许多单位利用黄粉虫喂养蝎子、蛤蚧、龟、鸟、蜈蚣、牛娃等经济动物效果很好,为了进一步开发利用这一优良昆虫饲料,对它的营养成分进行测定分析,测定结果如下。1材料与方法采用继代繁殖后的成熟幼虫、蛹、成虫进行测定分析。饲养堂为4×6m2的平房。一般温度在1…  相似文献   

用做饲料的昆虫资源   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
马惠钦  裴素俭 《昆虫知识》1999,36(5):303-306
昆虫食物简单,繁殖快,数量大,属于可持续利用资源。科学研究和营养分析表明,大部分昆虫的蛋白质含量占干重的40%以上,有的甚至接近或超过优质鱼粉的含量,并且各种营养成分及生物生长发育所必需的微量元素和维生素也比较全面,开发潜力大,是用其它方法生产动物性蛋白所无法比拟的,因此有计划地开发昆虫蛋白资源是解决动物性蛋白饲料的有效途径。像蝇蛆、黄粉虫、蝗虫、蚕蛹、蝼蛄、蝉等昆虫作为优质蛋白饲料饲养畜禽已被世人公认,许多科学工作者都把人工饲养昆虫作为解决动物性蛋白饲料来源的主攻方向。现就目前已开发的饲用昆虫…  相似文献   

黄粉虫幼虫营养成分分析和保健功能的实验研究   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
杨兆芬  吴小楠 《昆虫知识》1999,36(2):97-100,94
对黄粉虫幼虫干粉的营养成分分析显示,其蛋白质和氨基酸含量分别占干重的59.70%和59.59%;不饱和脂肪酸占总脂肪酸含量的77.05%,其中仅亚油酸就占总脂肪酸含量的41.70%。有饰物 含量均低于国家标准。有机硒含量高达34μg/100g。维生素A和E含量分别为337和898μg/100g。实验表明,干粉液无毒性。具有较好的抗疲劳,延缓衰老和降低血清胆固醇的功能,并能提高小鼠外周淋巴细胞转化率  相似文献   

墨西哥食用昆虫的营养成分   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文礼章 《昆虫知识》1998,35(1):58-61
墨西哥国立自治大学(UNAM)以胡列塔·拉姆斯·E.(JulietaRamosE.)女博士为首的食用昆虫研究课题组,自60年代以来,一直致力于食用昆虫的研究,特别是在营养成分分析方面,已引起世界注目。到目前为止,他们对100多种民间食用昆虫的3大营养要素,即能值、蛋白质、脂肪以及矿物质、粗纤维、游离氮素,蛋白质中的氨基酸组分等进行了测定和分析,结果表明,许多昆虫种类不仅蛋白质含量高于鸡、鱼、蛋和猪肉等高等动物的蛋白质含量,而且蛋白质中的氨基酸组分分布比例非常合理,接近于联合国粮农组织(FAO)制订的蛋白质中氨基酸比例…  相似文献   

三种蜂花粉主要营养成分的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三种蜂花粉含有18种水解后的氨基酸、17种游离氨基酸、12种微量元素和8种脂肪酸。在荞麦和向日葵花粉中,山嵛酸是主要成分,分别为61.162、64.289%。南瓜花粉主要是不饱和脂肪酸(77.073%)。它们有1个由阿拉伯糖、葡萄糖和半乳糖组成的杂多糖。还有葡萄糖,果糖及蔗糖等可溶性糖。  相似文献   

洋虫营养成分分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
周蕊  陈力 《昆虫知识》2006,43(5):684-687
分析洋虫Palembus dermestoides(Fairmaire)成、幼虫体内的营养成分,并对氨基酸的质量进行了评价。结果表明:洋虫成虫和幼虫都具有丰富的营养,其中粗蛋白48.31%和54.94%、粗脂肪17.64%和18.24%、粗灰分3.0%和2.8%、总糖31.05%和24.08%,TAA为39.03 g/100 g和47.4 g/100 g、EAA/TAA为46.29%和47.14%,含有丰富的矿物质和微量元素,尤其是Zn的含量达到101.00 mg/kg和186.00 mg/kg,且不含有对人体有害的Cd,Hg,Pb。对幼虫进行氨基酸评价,其必需氨基酸指数为114.71。与目前常见的蛋白源相比较,洋虫是一种高蛋白、低脂肪、氨基酸含量较全面且富含矿物质和微量元素的昆虫资源。  相似文献   

腌制蔬菜营养成分的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了腌制蔬菜中的泡菜 ,盐浸渍菜中所含的主要营养成分的种类及其相对含量。结果显示 :泡菜和盐浸渍菜中水分、灰分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和粗纤维的含量分别为 4 6 1% ,15 95 % ,10 2 8% ,2 19% ,2 3 2 9%和 3 11% ,2 6 49% ,15 19% ,2 42 % ,2 0 0 5 %。其氨基酸总量为 74 5 0 45mg/g ,6 6 4876mg/g ,其中必需氨基酸占 37 46 39%和43 6 76 1%。  相似文献   

以辣木籽为研究对象,对其主要营养成分含量进行测定,结果表明:辣木籽粗脂肪含量为40.12%、蛋白质含量为37.8%、总糖含量为9.75%;辣木籽含有17种氨基酸,氨基酸总量为32.53%;辣木籽中大量元素P、K、Mg、Ca和Na含量分别为1 262、1 026、495、106、143mg/kg,且K、P的含量远高于Ca、Mg、Na;辣木籽中微量元素Zn、Fe、Mn、Cr和Se含量分别为69.5、30.8、29.6、8.25、0.395mg/kg,且Fe、Mn、Zn的含量远高于Se;辣木籽As、Pb、Hg和Cd等重金属含量非常低。  相似文献   

紫皮石斛(Dendrobium devonianum)是云南省一种重要的经济作物,在其人工栽培中产生了大量的紫皮石斛花,测定紫皮石斛花的营养成分,可为其开发提供理论依据.采用分光光度法、硫酸蒽酮比色法、苯酚硫酸法、茚三酮比色法、高效液相色谱法、气相色谱-质谱法、液相色谱串联质谱法和电感耦合等离子体-质谱法测定发现,紫皮...  相似文献   

黄粉虫资源研究利用现状与进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文对我国黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor(L.)资源的研究利用现状与进展进行了综述,包括以下几个方面:①基础生物学;②经济资源价值;③饲养方式及人工高效生产养殖的关键技术;④应用领域;⑤抗菌物质的研究及利用前景;⑥有关检测技术及质量保证。并讨论了进一步开展研究和应用的方向。  相似文献   

不同家禽蛋类营养成分的比较   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
蛋类是人们生活中的重要食品 ,本实验通过比较土洋鸡蛋及鸭蛋中的几种主要营养物质蛋白质、胆固醇、卵磷脂的含量 ,得到如下结果 :鸡蛋中蛋白质在种类及含量上都多于鸭蛋 ,而土鸡蛋中的蛋白质含量又多于洋鸡蛋 ;卵磷脂含量最高的为鸭蛋 ,然后依次为土鸡蛋和洋鸡蛋 ;土鸡蛋中含有最高量的胆固醇 ,洋鸡蛋次之 ,最低的为鸭蛋  相似文献   

Two post-proline cleaving peptidases PPCP1 and PPCP2 with molecular masses of 101 and 63 kDa, respectively, hydrolyzing Z-AlaAlaPro-pNA were isolated for the first time from the larval midgut of the yellow mealworm Tenebrio molitor and characterized. PPCP1 was active only in acidic media, with a maximum at pH 5.6, whereas PPCP2, both in acidic and alkaline media with a maximum at pH 7.9. Using inhibitory analysis, both PPCP1 and PPCP2 were shown to belong to serine peptidases. The data obtained indicate that a Cys residue is located close to the PPCP2 substrate binding site. Z-Pro-prolinal, a specific inhibitor of prolyl oligopeptidases, completely inhibited PPCP2 and partially PPCP1. The substrate specificities of the isolated enzymes were studied. Z-Ala-Ala-Pro-pNA was the best substrate for PPCP1, and Z-Ala-Pro-pNA, for PPCP2. The combination of the properties allows characterization of PPCP2 as a proplyl oligopeptidase.  相似文献   

The contents of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, and silicates were measured in pore waters of subtidal sands in Vostok Bay, the Sea of Japan. The exchange of nutrients between sand and pore waters was studied in the laboratory using a running-water system while percolating the ground with seawater. The composition of pore waters depended on the method and length of time spent sampling, and also on the distance from the ground surface. Statistical analysis did not reveal stable profiles of nutrient concentrations in sand. The velocities of the release and consumption of nutrients in the experiments were rather low and depended on temperature, length of time spent sampling, duration of measurements, and distance from the sand surface. Release and consumption were connected with absorption and desorption, and were not due solely to the biological process of mineralization of organic matter. Analysis of the data obtained is complicated by the canalization of the water flow in the sand and by the consolidation of the sediment during the measurements. The comparison of pore and near-bottom waters makes it possible to hypothesize that the mineralization of organic matter and the release of nutrients into the pore waters occur throughout the whole column of sediment. The mixing of the seawater and groundwater occurs as a result of advection processes, the most important of which is wave percolation.  相似文献   

The nutrient distribution in relation to environmental characteristics of the Saronikos Gulf was studied at two stations for the period 1973–1976. The distribution of measured values and their spatiotemporal variations were compared with previous data for the same area. Winter convection resulted in a very weak gradient of temperature, salinity, oxygen and nutrients. Stratification started to develop in May and persisted. for about six months. Little seasonal variation of nutrients appeared to occur, with higher values generally in winter. It was found that the station in the vicinity of the outfall contained more phosphate and ammonia than the station in the source water. Their levels of nutrients were similar in both years, except in the case of phosphate and nitrite, which were double at the station near the outfall in 1975. Of the nutrients controlling productivity in the photic layer of the examined stations in the Saronikos Gulf, phosphate had a stronger limiting effect on plant growth than inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Permethrin resistance in the Learn-PyR strain of house fly was examined in four genetically derived substrains, each being homozygous for a different resistant autosome of the Learn-PyR strain. The resistance of these derivative strains was characterized toxicologically and biochemically. The relative levels of resistance to permethrin conferred by each autosome were 5>3>1>2. Three factors were associated with resistance: (1) increased mixed-function oxidase (MFO) activity associated with elevated levels of cytochrome P-450, cytochrome b5, and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase (P-450 reductase) activity; (2) target-site insensitivity (kdr); and (3) decreased cuticular penetration. Permethrin resistance factors on chromosome 1 consisted of a piperonyl butoxide (PB)-suppressible mechanism correlated with increased levels of cytochromes P-450 and b5; on chromosome 2, a PB-suppressible mechanism associated with elevated amounts of cytochrome P-450; on chromosome 3, decreased cuticular penetration, kdr, and increased amounts of P-450 reductase activity; and on chromosome 5, a largely PB-suppressible mechanism correlated with elevated levels of cytochrome P-450 and P-450 reductase activity.  相似文献   

Resistance to the organophosphate insecticide tetrachlorvinphos was examined in a house fly (Musca domestica L.) strain with an altered acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of decreased sensitivity to inhibition by the insecticide. Genetic tests showed that both resistance and the altered AChE were controlled by semidominant gene(s) on chromosome II. The gene for resistance was five crossover units from the mutant marker stubby wing (stw). A house fly strain was prepared in which resistance was introduced in to a susceptible stw strain by recombination. Biochemical assays revealed that the altered AChE was introduced along with resistance. Assays of the AChE of resistant and susceptible stw strains by two independent methods showed that the enzyme from resistant flies was 30 times more slowly inhibited by tetrachlorvinphos than the enzyme from susceptible flies.This work was supported in part by NIH Grant ES 00901.Technical Article 13340, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variations in lactate dehydrogenase from adult whole body homogenates are described for three laboratory strains of house fly, Musca domestica. Several crosses between different electrophoretic forms provided evidence that the observed variations are due to segregation of alleles at two distinct loci (designated as A and B loci) and that the LDH isozymes of house flies are dimers formed by a random association of subunits controlled by the two loci.  相似文献   

Utilization of Energy Nutrients by Cerebellar Slices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We performed an ontogenetic study about the utilization of glycine, glutamine, -hydroxybutyrate and glycerol as energy nutrients by rat cerebellum slices. Production of CO2 from glycerol and glutamine increased with the animals' age and glutamine was the most used nutrient for CO2 production. In adult age, glutamine oxidation to CO2 was 15 to 35 times higher than all other nutrients studied. CO2 production from glycine decreased markedly with age and 10 day-old rats showed an oxidation 7.5 times higher than that of adult rats. At fetal age and at 10 postnatal days, glycine oxidation to CO2 was only 2 times lower than glutamine oxidation to CO2. Lipid synthesis from -hydroxybutyrate was highest in adult rats. We did not observe any difference in the utilization of -hydroxybutyrate between slices of cerebral cortex and cerebellum at the ages of 10 days and adult. The main nutrients used for lipid synthesis were glycerol and -hydroxybutyrate.  相似文献   

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